Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kelica - Hustled unexpectedly into an arena

It happened so fast she wasn't sure HOW it even happened. She was hearded with the other contestants into the seperate rings, blinking innocently. She was patting Chris on the back and then, out of no where, she was unceremoniously pushed into a ring with a squeal. "W... wait a minute, I don't think I'm meant to be here!" She wailed to an official that simply sealed her in with her opponent. She looked lost, green eyes curling around with her body to see who she was pitted against...

Was that Chris?...

Her faced paled. He was an A-rank and she was a C-rank...his beast take over crazy strong and what abilities did she have? Well she could use the root shield again, but honestly there were next to no trees or plants in the heart of town, so the only place she could draw her powers from were Petal around her wrist. She'd almost completely forgotten about the falcon on her shoulder, who squarked to get her attention. He was fast, but not particularly strong, his strength in speed and dash attacks.

She was going to be pummeled by her own boyfriend.

She sunk to her knees in a defeatest way. "Alright...let's get this over with..." clenching her eyes closed, preparing to be pretty much KOed in one hit.

@Mr Swiftshots[/URL]

Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail /4th Wizard Saint

Clair looked up when she saw a hand moving in her peripheral vision , what she saw was a rather odd looking fellow whom she assumed must of joined the guild when she was away much like the others. Clair didn't know who he was or what he wanted but she didn't mind the company at all , in fact she preferred it as of current "hey , you here to see the fight?"

While Clair waited for a reply she ordered two tankards of ale , she slid one of the two on to the man with a smile. She almost immediately took to her drink trying to drown out the memories of the day before

@Unknown Falling
Zuka said:
Valken - Tourney Arena

Valken was pretty calm when I came to fighting, his eyes glued to her every subtle movement. He wondered if she would even go first at all, judging by how she was just standing there. When she threw her palms foward with that cry, Valkens reflexes were already on it, launching himself to the side and rolling away, keeping himself low to the ground with his daggers tensed. He got mostly out of the way but a spot or two of blood splashed onto his arm, which he glanced down as it started to burn slightly. Luckily his arms were covered in the black gloves to his elbows, so he quickly put the dagger tip under the edge of his glove and ripped the cloth right to his wrist, shaking the material off. Acidic blood? He wondered if it was literally a physical attack or more of a stamina reduction. Luckily the blood never touched his skin, but he only had one glove left and one more chance to shield it. So his chances we're dwindling. His eyes shot up to the sky, if only it was night time, or even dusk....he used this opportunity to leap up from his crouch, running straight at the arena barrier, launching himself at it, then spinning and launching off the wall, angling at her flank.

In an instance he was behind the girl, a hair's breath away, dagger sliding up and under her chin, pressing the cold tip softly against her neck. "That was an interesting technique you used...luckily I was wearing gloves Eh?" His feet suddenly stepping closer to her so his shoes was plastered on the back of her shadow, his chest practically up against her back.

With his feet on her shadow, she would be unable to move her feet as long as he stood on that shadow. She still had free reign to swing at him, just was unable to run or jump away. He doubted the dagger on her neck would intimidate her but while this close to her he was in his element.
Sera: Tournament Ring

Sera didn't even flinch from having the dagger pressed up against her neck, if anything she continued her amused smirk. She didn't much care if he dodged or not, she knew how fast he was now. Things just got a lot more interesting for her. "
Mmm. I suppose so." She replied. Of course her immediate thought was to move and try to kick him, but she soon found out she couldn't move her feet for some reason.

Interesting. I'll assume I can't move because of you? Oh well." She commented before swiftly bringing her arm forward and her elbow back towards his sternum, he probably saw it coming but hey it was worth a shot right?
Lysander - Competition Grounds

Lysander made no move, keeping his face neutral, an intense look of concentration on his face as he watched his opponent draw out two cards and throw them at him. He could not help but assume that his opponent utilized a form of card magic. He watched calmly as the cards swerved in his direction, waiting for the last possible minute before spinning away, his poncho swirling behind him moments later. The cards passed harmlessly by; slicing deep into the ground. He pressed his hat more firmly atop his head, before pulling one of his guns out of its holster with his right hand.

"Guns Magic: Sniper Aim," he said quietly to himself. He felt a quiet rush of energy, and suddenly the world seemed to have a much sharper focus. It felt as if, with his eyes and his aim in tandem, that he knew just where to aim in order to hit his target. And right now, his target was his opponent who was circling to his right. He was still some distance away, so it was easy enough for Lysander to swirl around to face him, bringing his right arm up straight, aiming slightly in front of his opponent in the direction he was travelling, his index finger on the trigger. "Guns Magic: Mud Shot," he said, and pulled the trigger. A bullet shot out, at an angle that would definitely hit his opponent if he was unable to swerve out of the way in time. And if it hit, it would slam his opponent right into the wall behind him, stuck there covered by sticky mud.

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Bolts said:
Eias Baole - fight She watched as the lights came closer to her. They weren't fast by any means but she wasn't sure what they did exactly. They just came out of the flowers is all. Possibly poison spores or something. She thought to herself as they inched closer. It wasn't a quick process, but she felt strange. Like her body was starting to feel empty. She tried her best to back away from them but they followed suit. She wasn't sure how to get rid of them just yet, but she did run into someone that used similar methods of weakening. She blew two bubbles. One very large, and the other fairly small. The two way mirror was set. She floated the large one into the air as to make sure she could see her surroundings. The worse thing that could happen is getting hit from behind while she tried to get these strength sapping lights away.
Kim stared at the bubbles around her, she couldn't move at this point. ' Crap I can't move from this spot. The amount of flux that the area is making isn't enough to teleport. I'll just have to keep up the ranged attacks.' Kim held out her hand. " Taint beam!" 10 purple balls spawned around Kim, each one flew at Eias. If they managed to hit Eias then they would negate some of her magic.
Wyatt said:
"Good bye," he waved to the others. He theb turned and saw Yuna following him. Hum she probably is going to follow me for some time, maybe she can help me find a place to rest. "Well I tend to play sounds that others have written but when I don't I play what I feel." He got his guitar out again and began to strum it in a soothing way.
""umm isn't that stealing? "She asked.
When he starts to play she silently sings a song.

Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia Bikini contestSlowly Vex and Horus made their way to the contest. Vex was strumming on his guitar singing the trail we blaze. He could hear a tone of people around him even if he couldn't see them. It sounded like everyone was having fun. Hum.. Where should I go, I am sure that there are plenty of people to talk to. He stopped by where the contestants where, still singing the trail we blaze.
Yuna still decides to follow him.

His character interesting enough. A new friend or enemy.... I'm curious to find out.

PeteTSs said:
Sabrina---Streets of Magnolia

Sabrina bolted down the streets of Magnolia, morphed on her wings and took flight. She nearly for got that the tournament starts in five minutes, and literally flew out of bed, bag full of clinking things strapped around right shoulder. She was wearing her leather trench coat that was a size too big for her, and you could also hear the swish of fluids and the clinking of more glass bottles strapped inside. After a not so gentle landing, Sabrina morphed away her wings and bolted through the arenas, arriving just in time to get ushered into one of the arenas with Masaki. "Hi! I'm Sabrina. I guess we're opponents. So, good luck and have fun!" Sabrina said holding out her hand for a handshake towards Masaki.

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98
Masaki Yamada: Magnolia, Tournament.

Preparing for the tournament was easy enough, simple too. After saying goodbye to Grace before she too went off to her designated ring, he became totally calm and quiet, focusing his mind. Masaki knew that this tournament would be the best chance for him to off his magic, his skill, and the strength of Sabertooth. Not only that, but he knew that he'd have to go all out from the start regardless of who his opponent was and lucky for him. His opponent was someone he had never met in his life. First impressions of the girl were polite, kind, and well-mannered. Masaki appreciated that, and thus sent a kind smile her way. Extending a hand of his own to shake her hand, he smiled again and spoke. "Hello Sabrina, the name is Masaki, I'm an S-Class from Sabertooth. It's a pleasure to meet you." He stopped shaking her hand as he walked away, granting distance between the two. "From what I've heard you're from Fairy Tail?" Pausing again, he sent one more smile her way. "Let's have fun with this, but don't forget that I fully intend on winning this match." With that he slammed his hands together as six large orbs of crystal appeared in a crescent shape in the air above Masaki, glowing a bright purple. He decided on letting her have the first move, since she seemed like a very lovely person.

Hibiki Dreyar: Magnolia, Tournament.

When himself and Lyra arrived at the tournament and went their separate ways to their chosen rings, Hibiki smiled to the girl as he called out. "Make sure you win the match!" And with that, he headed to his own ring. Truth be told he didn't know who he was up against, and he assumed he'd be pitted up against some brute. In actuality he was going to be fighting a red headed girl, and a very hot one at that. Hibiki entered the ring and stood a few feet away from the girl. Her name was Tanari, it said so on the screen outside of the ring at least. "The names Hibiki, and it's a pleasure to meet you." With that he charged electrical energy up in his hands, he didn't plan on going into Satan Soul just yet. "I'll let you have the first move, I guess that's the right thing to do..."


Maya Morne - 5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia.

Upon hearing Sora's explanation Maya sighed before speaking. "All you had to do was tell me, then I wouldn't have worried so much, dear." However, the issue about her subconscious dragon force activation was still on the wizard saints mind. It was quite interesting though. "Judging from what you've told me, it appears that your dragon force state activates when you become subject to deep emotions. Much like what happened yesterday. It's nothing to worry about, emotions tend to have a common factor upon activating a slayers dragon force. It's something that can be prevented giving the right training." She sighed before continuing. "Unfortunately, no one has the experience to give you such training anymore. So you'll have to do it yourself. However." Maya's magical energy began to build up as a very simply question was asked, bluntly so.

"Who's fault is it? Who is the Mage that asked you to teach him magic?"

purplepanda288 said:
Kim stared at the bubbles around her, she couldn't move at this point. ' Crap I can't move from this spot. The amount of flux that the area is making isn't enough to teleport. I'll just have to keep up the ranged attacks.' Kim held out her hand. " Taint beam!" 10 purple balls spawned around Kim, each one flew at Eias. If they managed to hit Eias then they would negate some of her magic.
Eias Baole - fighting area

She placed her eyes on her little bubble to get a view of the land. A sneak attack would be easily seen. She did noticed fast moving lights coming right for her. They were similar to the ones floating near her and making her weak. She couldn't afford to get hit, not if they sap her energy. She jumped out of the way, but not before 3 of the lights hit her leg.

Around half the bubbles surrounding Kim had popped without a sound. The large bubble above still going strong and her little one still connected.

A few strands of sweat driped on her face. She was both magically and physically worse. I hope this works. She thought to herself as she blew bubbles towards the lights making her weak. If all went well, her mini-bomb bubbles would blast them away.
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail /4th Wizard Saint
Clair looked up when she saw a hand moving in her peripheral vision , what she saw was a rather odd looking fellow whom she assumed must of joined the guild when she was away much like the others. Clair didn't know who he was or what he wanted but she didn't mind the company at all , in fact she preferred it as of current "hey , you here to see the fight?"

While Clair waited for a reply she ordered two tankards of ale , she slid one of the two on to the man with a smile. She almost immediately took to her drink trying to drown out the memories of the day before


Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

As the tankard is slid in front of him he speaks, "Well, aren't we a little forward, I haven't even given you my name and your buying me a drink. But, yes I am here too see the fight. The name is Falling, Unknown Falling, and you are?" He takes the tankard given to him and takes a swig. Alcohol doesn't effect him being a corpse and lacking the blood. But even corpses must be polite every once and a while.
YUNA- Lost At the Tornment

Yuna now finds her self at the tornerment she was suppose to be in.

funny how things work out...

After taking the awe of the place, she manages to lose Vex.

Well crap...

Yuna walks around for what seems like hours.

Along the way she find s new magic music gear and buys most of the items. Headphones, armor and more music.

Suddenly a huge crowd comes a sweeps her up her feet and throws into what looks like to be a locker room.

There's a door open with lots of light.

Look it must be the way out.

When she does walk out shes blinded by the sun for a second and finally notices she's accidentally walked into a ring, and as she does the guards lock the gate behind her.

"Well crap... Guess i have to figh-" She notices as her opponent walks out happens to be the girl she fell on earlier.

Yuna has to stifle a snicker. @Kyuubey
[QUOTE="Unknown Falling]

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

As the tankard is slid in front of him he speaks, "Well, aren't we a little forward, I haven't even given you my name and your buying me a drink. But, yes I am here too see the fight. The name is Falling, Unknown Falling, and you are?" He takes the tankard given to him and takes a swig. Alcohol doesn't effect him being a corpse and lacking the blood. But even corpses must be polite every once and a while.

Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th wizard saint

Clair laughed when he mentioned being 'a little forward' , admittedly she was however she could afford to be "Fernandes , Clair Fernandes. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Falling". Clair had half finished her drink by the time unknown had taken his first swig which made her laugh quietly to herself "so Mr. Falling tell me about yourself"
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 8

She only had a few moments to herself before it was time. Officials came to usher her into the arena for her match. As she approached the arena she gently placed a hand atop her chest, able to feel the beat of her own heart clear as day. It had been far too long since she had a decent fight and it was all she could do to contain her excitement. She let her hand drop back down to her side, briefly trailing her fingers over the hilt of her sword before entering the designated arena. She looked across to see her opponent enter, confusion evident on her face as some boy came strolling in. She was suppose to be fighting some Hibiki girl, right? Her confusion was quickly rectified as the boy did indeed introduce himself as Hibiki. The boy clearly had some very mean parents. "Ah well, not like I really care..." She mumbled quietly to herself, watching carefully as the boy sparked with electricity.

She couldn't help but let a cocky grin spread across her lips as he mentioned giving her the first move.
"I was going to take the first move anyways." With that she slammed her fists together, a colossal fireball engulfing her form. The heat from her flames coated the entire arena, causing the air to distort and making it difficult to breathe. To follow this up she extended her arms before her, interlacing her fingers and aiming her balled up hands towards the boy. The massive fireball seemed to begin to shrink, being drawn towards her fists rapidly. As the flames condensed into her fists they began to change color, shifting from the red-orange to a deep blue. Within a few moments all the fire had been absorbed into her fists and she cried out "Eternal Blaze!" The contained fire suddenly exploded forth, rapidly expanding to flood the opponents side of the arena.


Sora Marvell - Magnolia Tournament

Both hands reached out to grasp Maya's softly, giving them a light squeeze. " I need to go watch the fight from outside the barrier, I want to support Lysander. " She quickly blurted out, releasing the grip on her Auntie's hands and blushing immensely. " You can join me if you'd like... " Sora trailed off for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing. " And later I'd like to ask you some questions regarding a certain someone if that's okay. " A warm smile was flashed in her direction before she darted, almost skipped, off to watch Lysander fight. Her entire frame leaned against a pillar she'd found, head using it as a makeshift pillow as her hues glued themselves to the battle at hand.


Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia Tournament

Lyra blinked innocently up at the girl whom stumbled into the arena, her hat coming to a quick halt from its previous spinning upon her lap. " Welcome to the show! " Her hands flew out to her sides, fingers splayed out dramatically. She hadn't come to a stand yet, not finding an urgency in having to do so until it mattered. " You first, I'm preoccupied you see. " Her fingers slid across the bunny ears that adorned her magician hat, tracing them in awe before slipping it back onto her head to fit snugly. And to further show her dis-concern, her body fell back to lay against the ground, eyes sliding to gaze at the sky.

Sora watched Lysander head towards his match, eyes seemingly remaining on his figure until he was out of sight before she turned back to Maya. Her lips scrunched to the side as Maya explained things a bit more clearly for her, a little sigh following them in response. " That's wonderful. I enjoy being an explosive walking destructive bomb of cuteness. " Sora tried to make the best out of this news, twirling as her dress spun in unison to these actions. " I'm sure I can do it though! I'll just have to train even harder. " A nod was given at her own statement, eyes slipping back to meet Maya's at the question at hand on whom triggered that emotional response from her. She felt hesitant to answer, almost like giving a name would be signing the man up for a quick and swift death of some sort. " J-Jaymes, he's another dragon slayer in the guild... " Her voice dropped to a rather inaudible tone since it took everything she had to answer the woman honestly without feeling bad.

@Angeliquie Perry
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th wizard saint
Clair laughed when he mentioned being 'a little forward' , admittedly she was however she could afford to be "Fernandes , Clair Fernandes. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Falling". Clair had half finished her drink by the time unknown had taken his first swig which made her laugh quietly to herself "so Mr. Falling tell me about yourself"


Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"About myself huh?" he turns around on his chair, leaning back on the bar counter, crossing his legs. Raising his hand he counts off what he says with his fingers on one hand, "Well I have dated a fish, I've traveled a lot, I'm a rotting corpse, I like long walks on the beach annnnnd I find drinking tea is nice. Not much else to really say." He shrugs and continues to speak, "I would ask the same but I can't tell if your the type to give your entire life story, so I don't know, thirty words or less would do. If your fine with that of course."
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - fighting area She placed her eyes on her little bubble to get a view of the land. A sneak attack would be easily seen. She did noticed fast moving lights coming right for her. They were similar to the ones floating near her and making her weak. She couldn't afford to get hit, not if they sap her energy. She jumped out of the way, but not before 3 of the lights hit her leg.

Around half the bubbles surrounding Kim had popped without a sound. The large bubble above still going strong and her little one still connected.

A few strands of sweat driped on her face. She was both magically and physically worse. I hope this works. She thought to herself as she blew bubbles towards the lights making her weak. If all went well, her mini-bomb bubbles would blast them away.
Kim lock- fighting area

When the bubbles touched the lights they immediately imploded along with the explosions of the bubbles. Eias strength wouldn't be drained any more. Thank fully none of Kim's attacks cause Eias any pain, just the striping of her magic and physical strength. Thank fully 3 of the balls hit her, making a few of the bubbles around her dispatch. Kim took the opportunity and bolted at Eias. She held out her fist to the side, what looked like a purple light enveloped her hand.
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia Tournament

Sora watched Lysander head towards his match, eyes seemingly remaining on his figure until he was out of sight before she turned back to Maya. Her lips scrunched to the side as Maya explained things a bit more clearly for her, a little sigh following them in response. " That's wonderful. I enjoy being an explosive walking destructive bomb of cuteness. " Sora tried to make the best out of this news, twirling as her dress spun in unison to these actions. " I'm sure I can do it though! I'll just have to train even harder. " A nod was given at her own statement, eyes slipping back to meet Maya's at the question at hand on whom triggered that emotional response from her. She felt hesitant to answer, almost like giving a name would be signing the man up for a quick and swift death of some sort. " J-Jaymes, he's another dragon slayer in the guild... " Her voice dropped to a rather inaudible tone since it took everything she had to answer the woman honestly without feeling bad.

Both hands reached out to grasp Maya's softly, giving them a light squeeze. " I need to go watch the fight from outside the barrier, I want to support Lysander. " She quickly blurted out, releasing the grip on her Auntie's hands and blushing immensely. " You can join me if you'd like... " Sora trailed off for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing. " And later I'd like to ask you some questions regarding a certain someone if that's okay. " A warm smile was flashed in her direction before she darted, almost skipped, off to watch Lysander fight. Her entire frame leaned against a pillar she'd found, head using it as a makeshift pillow as her hues glued themselves to the battle at hand.


Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia Tournament

Lyra blinked innocently up at the girl whom stumbled into the arena, her hat coming to a quick halt from its previous spinning upon her lap. " Welcome to the show! " Her hands flew out to her sides, fingers splayed out dramatically. She hadn't come to a stand yet, not finding an urgency in having to do so until it mattered. " You first, I'm preoccupied you see. " Her fingers slid across the bunny ears that adorned her magician hat, tracing them in awe before slipping it back onto her head to fit snugly. And to further show her dis-concern, her body fell back to lay against the ground, eyes sliding to gaze at the sky.

@Angeliquie Perry
"Ummmm You are.... an ...Odd one." Yuna is kinda thrown off.

Yuna tightens her bag around her waist and not on he shoulder; she she revevs up her magic and doing so her head phones float out of her bag and around her neck.

"Prepare for the concert of a life time..." Yuna smiles.

She points at her oppoent.

"They see you as small and helpless;

They see you as just a child.

Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild.

Prepare for your greatest moments;

Prepare for your finest hour.

The dream that you've always dreamed is suddenly about to flower....."

" She starts to sing the song and the ground vibrates.
Aiden stands across from his opponent. Light purple eyes starring intently at Adrian. He didn't know if he should do the first move or stay back. Aiden's hand held single green key. What he did know for certain is that he need to figure it this guys magic. Though he did feel a large amount of magic come of the man.


Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia Tournament

Lyra scowled as the sound of singing filled her ears, clearly disappointed and quite annoyed. Magic shows were clearly more entertaining than half-assed karaoke. " This is lame... " She mumbled to herself, rolling over onto her stomach and peering at the girl with un-amused eyes. " I'm waiting. " Her arms curled beneath her head to hold it up, head tilting from side to side in a distracting manner, more so for herself. If only someone had informed her this was a talent show, she would've worn something much more fitting, but alas she had been fooled into thinking this was a fight. Lyra's bare feet kicked up behind her, swinging about nonchalantly like an impatient little girl. There was no build up in singing, no awe, no curiosity, no wonder.

@Angeliquie Perry
[QUOTE="Unknown Falling]

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"About myself huh?" he turns around on his chair, leaning back on the bar counter, crossing his legs. Raising his hand he counts off what he says with his fingers on one hand, "Well I have dated a fish, I've traveled a lot, I'm a rotting corpse, I like long walks on the beach annnnnd I find drinking tea is nice. Not much else to really say." He shrugs and continues to speak, "I would ask the same but I can't tell if your the type to give your entire life story, so I don't know, thirty words or less would do. If your fine with that of course."

Clair fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard saint

Clair listened to what the man had to say which in turn lead her to believe that he was crazy , like come on who dates fish? How do you go on long walks with a fish ? And how can you enjoy tea with a fish ? None of his story added up yet he seemed very sure of himself which made Clair laugh uncomfortably "a fish you don't say , haha well everyone goes through a faze like that i'm sure".

After Unknown asked about her past Clair was reluctant to answer but decided to anyway as she really had no solid reason not to "well , i like to collect swords and armour. I enjoy traveling actually i do travel a lot so that's great....." Clair downed the rest of her drink and ordered another one before continuing "ummm, i haven't dated a fish just yet but it's rather high up there on my bucket list. say why did you two break it off?"
purplepanda288 said:
Kim lock- fighting area
When the bubbles touched the lights they immediately imploded along with the explosions of the bubbles. Eias strength wouldn't be drained any more. Thank fully none of Kim's attacks cause Eias any pain, just the striping of her magic and physical strength. Thank fully 3 of the balls hit her, making a few of the bubbles around her dispatch. Kim took the opportunity and bolted at Eias. She held out her fist to the side, what looked like a purple light enveloped her hand.
Eias Baole - fighting area

The blast from the bubbles exploded only to implode just after. She covered her eyes but caught the tail end of the effect. It looked similar to a teleportation spell with how it sucked the blast in. She made a mental note of that. She refocused on her mirror bubble. Only to see Kim running right for her.

Getting up from the ground, she knew running wasn't going to work. It took a lot of energy just to stand now from those lights. All she could do is use offense to hopefully get some form of defense.

Blowing a few mini bomb bubbles towards Kim, Eias felt like she was about to run on empty. She never realized how much magic went into fights like this. Bandits were one thing, but another wizard was much more difficult.

She wasn't sure how much power was packed into those bubbles since she was feeling a little weak. Most likely they would just slow her down. If that was the case, Eais would probably try to get more space between them.
Kyuubey said:

Lyra scowled as the sound of singing filled her ears, clearly disappointed and quite annoyed. Magic shows were clearly more entertaining than half-assed karaoke. " This is lame... " She mumbled to herself, rolling over onto her stomach and peering at the girl with un-amused eyes. " I'm waiting. " Her arms curled beneath her head to hold it up, head tilting from side to side in a distracting manner, more so for herself. If only someone had informed her this was a talent show, she would've worn something much more fitting, but alas she had been fooled into thinking this was a fight. Lyra's bare feet kicked up behind her, swinging about nonchalantly like an impatient little girl. There was no build up in singing, no awe, no curiosity, no wonder.

@Angeliquie Perry
Yuna Marcet- Magnolia Tournament

Yuna's suddenly music stops.

She sucks in a lot of air and she screams.

In doing so it causes the whole stadium to vibrate and the ground to crack some. the speakers in the stadium sqweek making the nosie alot louder. Causing ear damage to her opponent for the next three turns.

Name: Howl

Rank: D

Type: Sound, Offensive


Cooldown: 2 posts

Description: The user sends forward several musical notes that match the pitch of the set sound or music that emit a loud screeching noise from direct sound, causing the opponent great damage to their ears. Mid Ranged and must come from a smaller sound or music coming from caster as as using headphones with loud music coming from them or their voice. The sound must be in direct contact with cast and is only amplifying the sound that which it came from. So if it where a scream , it would be a deafening scream or say music or song, then blaring music causing large vibrations if done at a high ranking.
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Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia Tournament

Lyra's hair changed immediately upon the contact of the magic hitting her, a flinch crossing her features from the impact, rainbow colors taking over each strand to gain a resistance to her sound magic. " Rainbow, I can dig it! " The woman stood then, still admiring her hair with both hands and seeming not to truly care about the damage to her hearing even though small trails of blood had appeared from them. A hand rose to hover midair, flicking to the side as a virus began to spread within Yuna's body, tactfully targeted at her lungs. It was instantaneous, the pain and constricting she'd feel, restricting her lungs to a point of not being able to function correctly. It was a dirty trick but the girl was using sound magic, and it'd seem with her voice, so it was safe to assume that if she couldn't breathe at all then she'd simply not be able to do her fun screaming stuff again. Though the pain coursing through her chest was probably distracting enough, even with the loss of oxygen. It'd be a matter of minutes before the girl passed out and Lyra had no intention of releasing the virus. Unless she had a way of directly healing this severe ailment, then she'd be at Lyra's mercy. She could feel her magic slowly draining as she held the spell, though she knew she'd be able to hold out longer than Yuna could hold her breath.

@Angeliquie Perry
(I'm having milk and cookies lol)

Yuna tried to regain her breath but she can't get a grip on it.

She gives up on her Howl and blares her headphones; this time its a different song.


[/media] (I told you her music list comes up)
Her feet spark off what looks like music notes. Lyra blinks before Yuna in front of her; she blinks again and yunas fist has made contact with Lyra's stomach causing her to fly back into a wall and when she does lyra can hear some sorta of drum.

FUCK YEAH! Dont mess with my sound.

Yuna is in her original spot jumping on her feet with the music notes and some sorta of golden tattoos glowing around Yuna's wrists and ankles. Although energized she still has a hard time breathing.

@Wyatt @Kyuubey
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Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 8

She only had a few moments to herself before it was time. Officials came to usher her into the arena for her match. As she approached the arena she gently placed a hand atop her chest, able to feel the beat of her own heart clear as day. It had been far too long since she had a decent fight and it was all she could do to contain her excitement. She let her hand drop back down to her side, briefly trailing her fingers over the hilt of her sword before entering the designated arena. She looked across to see her opponent enter, confusion evident on her face as some boy came strolling in. She was suppose to be fighting some Hibiki girl, right? Her confusion was quickly rectified as the boy did indeed introduce himself as Hibiki. The boy clearly had some very mean parents. "Ah well, not like I really care..." She mumbled quietly to herself, watching carefully as the boy sparked with electricity.

She couldn't help but let a cocky grin spread across her lips as he mentioned giving her the first move.
"I was going to take the first move anyways." With that she slammed her fists together, a colossal fireball engulfing her form. The heat from her flames coated the entire arena, causing the air to distort and making it difficult to breathe. To follow this up she extended her arms before her, interlacing her fingers and aiming her balled up hands towards the boy. The massive fireball seemed to begin to shrink, being drawn towards her fists rapidly. As the flames condensed into her fists they began to change color, shifting from the red-orange to a deep blue. Within a few moments all the fire had been absorbed into her fists and she cried out "Eternal Blaze!" The contained fire suddenly exploded forth, rapidly expanding to flood the opponents side of the arena.

Hibiki Dreyar: Magnolia, Tournament - Ring 8

Hibiki watched quietly when the girl began her assault, a cocky grin on her face. Fire magic, ay? He thought to himself. The flames that were being sent forth were bullying, the heat was brutal but it wasn't something Hibiki wasn't used to. A grin on his face, the electricity in his hands eventually crackled all over his body and in a flash, he shot away from the flames in one bolt of lightning. "Lightning Body!" And with that, he ran around the ring once in the form of an actual lightning bolt, zigzagging his way around the field. Eventually making his way behind Tanari he went down and brought in a kick from mid air. His kick was charged with high voltage electricity and carried speed more than it did force. Hibiki knew that he wouldn't be able to fight properly unless he went into his Satan Soul, but that wasn't something to be done early into a fight. Unless Tanari managed to pull something spectacular off that actually forced him to do so, he decided to use his lightning magic for now.

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