Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Sora Marvell - Magnolia Tournament

Sora tilted her head as she tried to comprehend why he didn't seem the slightest bit angry towards her. She had after-all, picked him up and just deposited him in front of someone else, before taking off with just a few words left behind. Instead, he seemed genuinely concerned which made her smile sheepishly. " The feeling is mutual. " Her smile seemed to spread even more from his words, fists clenching cutely as she mustered up the courage to add more. " And I-I missed you a lot! I'm sorry for just disappearing. I feel a lot better... thanks to you. Whenever a sad thought bubbled up, you'd pop into my thoughts and make it disappear. " It felt like her heart was fluttering about wildly, the beating of it so rapid that she almost felt the need to clutch at her chest just to calm it. Both cheeks flushed deeply, a hand reaching outwards to attempt to grasp his lightly if he'd let her, but that hope was soon crushed as Maya appeared directly in front of her. Sora's eyes went wide as she took a quick step back in means to escape, only to be brought into a cripplingly tight hug from the woman. The scene she caused barging in-between them was terrifying enough without physically feeling like she was being compressed to death.

" A-Auntie! " Sora's voice was muffled by Maya's body, her arms flailing about at her sides to show her distress from being squeezed and publicly humiliated. She clearly wasn't going to get out of this one since Maya would continue to stare at her until her questions were answered. " Sometimes you act like my mother. " Sora grumbled, arms crossing defiantly across her chest as her cheeks puffed out in a silent retort. Both eyes slid to the side to stare off somewhere before she took a deep breath and returned her gaze to the woman's face. " I went home. My emotions were heightened and it kind of just happened.. slipping into Dragonforce is becoming easier and easier, like second nature, I wasn't even trying to. " A sigh was released, that realization kind of scaring her. When had her dragonforce become so easy to slip into? It was practically subconscious that time and that worried her a bit. " One of my guildmates asked me to teach him my magic and my mind went into a dark place from my past when I was being taught it. You know I can't recall the memory, I put it in the memory days book so I'd forget it. I'm sorry.... " She felt like she was being scolded but she kept her eyes locked to Maya's., though she genuinely felt horrid for making Lysander and Maya worry about her. It even appeared that Lysander hadn't been able to sleep which furthered the guilt that she was feeling. She'd have to make it up to him somehow after the tournament.

Maya knew about the incident she had forced herself to discard, it being too painful for her to carry, so hopefully her answer would suffice for now. Sora had scooted closer to Lysander during the interrogation, her hand reaching to grasp his without even really thinking about it as it'd quickly become one of the few things she found immense comfort in. That probably wouldn't escape Maya's gaze and she only hoped that she'd be spared even more public taunting. " I just came to wish Lysander good luck in the tournament since I heard he was in it and I wanted to let him know I'd be cheering him on. No pressure or anything! " Plus she really just wanted to see him and be there in case anything happened and he needed any sort of medical attention. Hopefully that wouldn't be the case and Sora had the utmost confidence in him, whether he won or lost. " Also I get to be right outside the battle area since I need quick access if I'm needed so I get the best view! " She beamed proudly, grinning over at Lysander. Honestly, she wanted to open up to him more and she made a silent vow to work on that the best she could. Opening up wasn't her strongest point but if she was going to learn how to then she was glad she'd chosen to try with someone as wonderful and caring as him.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari
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WoodenZebra said:
Momo stared at Vex for a couple of seconds,"And what is that?" She asked. Momo really liked this guy. He was cute. Funny,but could also be serious. This was basically everything she wanted in a guy. Everything she wanted in...Masaki! Vex reminded Momo so much of Masaki that she didn't notice. But mabye she didn't notice because she didn't care. Vex seemed like a copy of Masaki,but very, very different. 'What's wrong with me?' Momoki thought as she noticed she took to a liking more of Vex than Masaki. Mabye once friends always friends. @Wyatt
Vex grinned at her, "well I can't spoil the surprise, now can I? Where would the fun be in that?" He had a special idea in mind but ge didn't want to share it with her yet, but he would put all of talent into it. "I had another idea though that might benefit you, it would require telepathy, because I can see all around me, or somewhere within a mile that I focus on. If I can show you what I see during a fight it could give you the upper hand." He then spent a second thinking, his mind couldn't hand a mile but at first it was less then that. "If you do want to try and find a way to do that we will need to practice because humans minds are adapted to process that much information."
@femjapanriceball @Wyatt @Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Britt\-21

Tournament BEGIN

A little over ten minutes had passed, it was closer to twenty five. Why? The person setting up the arenas fell asleep and they had to get a new one to complete the last two. After that was settled everyone was ushered into their respective arena if they were a contestant, mid-conversation or not. This was only the first round, after all, they needed to keep things moving. They were in such a hurry that they accidentally shoved Kelcia into the arena with Chris, woops.
Momoki Asada: Tournement battle arena.

Momoki looked at Vex before she had to go,"Remember. Rute for meee.." Momo said as she was taken away. When she got to the arena she was in the same one as Grace,'Oh god it's her. Is she going to shove it in my face about Masaki or just pity me' Momoki thought."Hey. So hows you and the boyfriend going. Good huh? Is he worth the effort" Momo said not sounding sarcastic at all. She was pretty serious with this. If someones going to date one of her closest friends and dump them. Off with their heads. She would kick Graces ass if she dumped him. After all if Grace dumped Masaki he would have no one to love. Momo already moved on and was ready to beat Graces ass as a thank you for beating her to Masaki because she was in love with Vex now .

@Wyatt @Kayzo
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Grace happily followed the officials into her own little fighting ring, very excited to fight. It was nice to know that it'd be clean and fair with to threats of dying or bond collars. Thank the Gods for that... What made it even better was that she got to beat up Momoki, who crushed on Masaki. It was finally time to show her that she was the best girl as well as beat a reminder into her to never wink at her man again. The moment she stepped in Momoki was already talking about Masaki, and in her mind she was jealous. "Masaki? He's such a great guy. It's really a shame you didn't win his heart, not." She teased, grinning slightly and stretching.

Millie frowned as Valken was taken away from her arms and into an arena. She didn't even get to kiss him good luck before he went, but it didn't matter. She had something else up her sleeve, or rather her shirt.
"Good luck Valken baby!" She called out, waving to him before going to find somewhere to watch his fight. Hopefully he'd be able to see out of the arena where she was or else her surprise wouldn't work at all.

After giving Alicia a quick good luck hug, she proceeded to her own arena. She didn't know who she was fighting, what magic they were, or what rank they were. What she did know is that she was going to win. Gilad was counting on her to win this tournament for the glory of Sabertooth and that she'd disappoint the man if she didn't. Stepping into the arena, her cold eyes stared at the opposite entrance, curious to find out who she'd be fighting for the first round.
Kayzo said:
Grace happily followed the officials into her own little fighting ring, very excited to fight. It was nice to know that it'd be clean and fair with to threats of dying or bond collars. Thank the Gods for that... What made it even better was that she got to beat up Momoki, who crushed on Masaki. It was finally time to show her that she was the best girl as well as beat a reminder into her to never wink at her man again. The moment she stepped in Momoki was already talking about Masaki, and in her mind she was jealous. "Masaki? He's such a great guy. It's really a shame you didn't win his heart, not." She teased, grinning slightly and stretching.
Millie frowned as Valken was taken away from her arms and into an arena. She didn't even get to kiss him good luck before he went, but it didn't matter. She had something else up her sleeve, or rather her shirt.
"Good luck Valken baby!" She called out, waving to him before going to find somewhere to watch his fight. Hopefully he'd be able to see out of the arena where she was or else her surprise wouldn't work at all.

After giving Alicia a quick good luck hug, she proceeded to her own arena. She didn't know who she was fighting, what magic they were, or what rank they were. What she did know is that she was going to win. Gilad was counting on her to win this tournament for the glory of Sabertooth and that she'd disappoint the man if she didn't. Stepping into the arena, her cold eyes stared at the opposite entrance, curious to find out who she'd be fighting for the first round.
Momoki just shook her head,"Masaki's my friend and I don't love him anymore. Just a friend and always will be. Besides. I found a way better guy than Masaki and I think he has a crush on me.So if your going to try to put anger into your fighting it's not gonna work because I'm gonna kick your ass for beating me to Masaki. I couldn't have been happier with the person I like now. Sooo.Oh yeah by the way if you ever see me wink at Masaki it's an inside joke from when we were young. You know. Like five year olds. " Momoki said thinking about it. She couldn't stop laughing about how funny it is in her head.

Sabrina---Streets of Magnolia

Sabrina bolted down the streets of Magnolia, morphed on her wings and took flight. She nearly for got that the tournament starts in five minutes, and literally flew out of bed, bag full of clinking things strapped around right shoulder. She was wearing her leather trench coat that was a size too big for her, and you could also hear the swish of fluids and the clinking of more glass bottles strapped inside. After a not so gentle landing, Sabrina morphed away her wings and bolted through the arenas, arriving just in time to get ushered into one of the arenas with Masaki. "Hi! I'm Sabrina. I guess we're opponents. So, good luck and have fun!" Sabrina said holding out her hand for a handshake towards Masaki.

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98
Kim now on the other side of the area, stood waiting for her opponent to ready them selves. It felt like a knife had stabbed Kim in the heart, Eias was her opponent. Thoughts race though her head, what would see do at this point. She didn't want to hurt her, and she didn't want to quit the fight. One things for certain. The buzzer was gonna ring soon so she had to think fast. ' I'm sorry Eias.' She thought to herself.

Eias Baole - Fighting ring

Eias was tossed into the ring only to find herself across the arena from Kim. This was truly unexpected. Enough so that she was checking the area a little more just in case it was like a 2v2 match up. No such luck though. She was off put by the fact they were fighting each other first. Soon her thoughts changed to a more happy tone. They were friends now and this was just a friendly match. No harm done by the winner or loser. She put up a finger to insinuate 'just a moment'.

Blowing a bubble, she made it loud enough to be heard from the other end of the ring. Just in case Kim would have taken it as an attack. Let's have fun! Good luck and no hard feelings!

Eias took a moment to breath a steady breath. Once she calmed her nerves, she got into a more practical stance with flute at the ready. All she knew of Kim's power was teleportation and skin coloring. She would definitely have to watch out for a sneak attack.

purplepanda288 said:
Kim now on the other side of the area, stood waiting for her opponent to ready them selves. It felt like a knife had stabbed Kim in the heart, Eias was her opponent. Thoughts race though her head, what would see do at this point. She didn't want to hurt her, and she didn't want to quit the fight. One things for certain. The buzzer was gonna ring soon so she had to think fast. ' I'm sorry Eias.' She thought to herself.


Lysander - Competition Grounds

Lysander turned bright red at that. Just thinking of him made the negative thoughts go away? "T-thank you," he managed to stutter out. "I-I'm glad of that." And he truly was. It was a relief to know that he could be of some comfort to her. With this thought in mind, he moved closer to her, and as she slipped her hand into his, he gently grasped it. For about a few seconds before he had to jump back as Maya suddenly appeared between them. The shockwave was so great even the ground was splintering at his feet. What was it with Lamia Scale women suddenly appearing out of nowhere?

Overhearing the conversation between Maya and Sora made him frown again, this time, with worry evident in his eyes. Something extremely dark had happened in Sora's past, dark enough for Sora to willingly forget all about it, and Maya knew what it was. He did not think he had the right to pry into what it was, but this thought dueled in his mind with the desire to comfort Sora and protect here, even though there was probably nothing he could have done because she was stronger than he was in terms of magic. He would need to get stronger then, so that he would be worthy of Sora's time. Perhaps he should take his S-class trials soon...

Sora's hand once again found his, and again he responded by holding her hand gently, enjoying the warmth that this caused him. He did not understand what Sora saw in him but... he truly appreciated her attention and he wanted to prove himself worthy of it. She looked really good in her outfit as well; that was indeed a beautiful dress. "You look beautiful," he managed to whisper to her, before it was time for the competition to start and they were ushered into their respective zones. He was extremely nervous, but he managed a grin in her direction as he was lead away. "Thank you," he called back. "I'll do my best not to disappoint you!"

And then he was in front of his opponent. Lysander studied him; he did not look particularly intimidating, but... as was his experience, looks were deceiving. This guy could prove to be more powerful than him. And so he waited, his right hand resting on his gun handle, ready for action if need be. He was going to allow his opponent the first move, just to see what his magic could be. Because it was probably quite obvious to his opponent what his own magic was.

@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Drakerus
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - Fighting ring Eias was tossed into the ring only to find herself across the arena from Kim. This was truly unexpected. Enough so that she was checking the area a little more just in case it was like a 2v2 match up. No such luck though. She was off put by the fact they were fighting each other first. Soon her thoughts changed to a more happy tone. They were friends now and this was just a friendly match. No harm done by the winner or loser. She put up a finger to insinuate 'just a moment'.

Blowing a bubble, she made it loud enough to be heard from the other end of the ring. Just in case Kim would have taken it as an attack. Let's have fun! Good luck and no hard feelings!

Eias took a moment to breath a steady breath. Once she calmed her nerves, she got into a more practical stance with flute at the ready. All she knew of Kim's power was teleportation and skin coloring. She would definitely have to watch out for a sneak attack.

She nodded at Eias. On cue Kim's skin turned purple, her arms the area around her eye were now tinted. " Taint wash!" Kim exclaimed, her voice booming. Suddenly the ground under the two tainted with the same purple hue that Kim had on her. The ground started to crack before large flowers that radiated a soft glow grew around Kim. The Area around the flowers ran dry and cold.
WoodenZebra said:
Momoki just shook her head,"Masaki's my friend and I don't love him anymore. Just a friend and always will be. Besides. I found a way better guy than Masaki and I think he has a crush on me.So if your going to try to put anger into your fighting it's not gonna work because I'm gonna kick your ass for beating me to Masaki. I couldn't have been happier with the person I like now. Sooo.Oh yeah by the way if you ever see me wink at Masaki it's an inside joke from when we were young. You know. Like five year olds. " Momoki said thinking about it. She couldn't stop laughing about how funny it is in her head.
Grace couldn't help but laugh like crazy. Did she really say she found someone better than Masaki? That's literally impossible. There is no man inFiore that could treat her the same way or make her feel so good besides Masaki. Bending down and touching her toes, she rolled her eyes and spoke. "Yeah, I doubt it. There is no one out there better than Masaki. I just think you're jealous!" Standing up straight and and finishing one last stretch, she caught her hand on fire and grinned. "Anyways, let's get this show on the road. Ok?"
HuorSpinks said:
Lysander - Competition Grounds
Lysander turned bright red at that. Just thinking of him made the negative thoughts go away? "T-thank you," he managed to stutter out. "I-I'm glad of that." And he truly was. It was a relief to know that he could be of some comfort to her. With this thought in mind, he moved closer to her, and as she slipped her hand into his, he gently grasped it. For about a few seconds before he had to jump back as Maya suddenly appeared between them. The shockwave was so great even the ground was splintering at his feet. What was it with Lamia Scale women suddenly appearing out of nowhere?

Overhearing the conversation between Maya and Sora made him frown again, this time, with worry evident in his eyes. Something extremely dark had happened in Sora's past, dark enough for Sora to willingly forget all about it, and Maya knew what it was. He did not think he had the right to pry into what it was, but this thought dueled in his mind with the desire to comfort Sora and protect here, even though there was probably nothing he could have done because she was stronger than he was in terms of magic. He would need to get stronger then, so that he would be worthy of Sora's time. Perhaps he should take his S-class trials soon...

Sora's hand once again found his, and again he responded by holding her hand gently, enjoying the warmth that this caused him. He did not understand what Sora saw in him but... he truly appreciated her attention and he wanted to prove himself worthy of it. She looked really good in her outfit as well; that was indeed a beautiful dress. "You look beautiful," he managed to whisper to her, before it was time for the competition to start and they were ushered into their respective zones. He was extremely nervous, but he managed a grin in her direction as he was lead away. "Thank you," he called back. "I'll do my best not to disappoint you!"

And then he was in front of his opponent. Lysander studied him; he did not look particularly intimidating, but... as was his experience, looks were deceiving. This guy could prove to be more powerful than him. And so he waited, his right hand resting on his gun handle, ready for action if need be. He was going to allow his opponent the first move, just to see what his magic could be. Because it was probably quite obvious to his opponent what his own magic was.

@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Drakerus
Auren Sol

"A gun!? That's just my luck... Well, may the best wizard win." he said before pulling out 2 cards from one of his belt pouches. The man in front of him looked quite skilled. Probably a higher rank than himself. Even so, Ren would give it his all lest Gilad punish him for putting in less than maximum effort.

Lysander seemed to be letting him have the first move. This was a good thing for Ren since he had a plan that required setup before being successfully executed. After another moment of idling Ren suddenly threw the cards he was holding at Lysander. If they made contact then they would do moderate cutting damage like that of a shuriken. As he did this, the boy ran to the right to circle around Lysander. He realized that it would be a good idea to keep moving against someone who had to aim at him.
Vex: tournament seating

Now that Momo was away he decided that he could to work on the special gift. He reached into the pockets of his other clothes gathering a variety of seeds. He cupped then in his hand, a green glow fell off of his hands as he began his magic. He was making a unique magical plant that he may never be able to make again. He might never have the power to make such a unique plant again. The seeds were growing in his hand, they were growing into each other. After a while he had a stick that all of the seeds had grown in to. It was twisted and it was easy to see gow the different plants had grown into it, some being trees and some being flowers. The stick didn't last very long, even with his power feeding it's growth. He had to be quick and gather as many seeda as he could from it. Again he cupped them into his hand, feeding his power into thia plant. He could feel his strength being stolen from him. All of the seeds had fused to gether and it would not respond to his power which was telling it to grow. This magical plant was different from anyother plant and when it grew it would be beautiful. It would have a white trunk and pink leafs as soft as silk, the trunk would have a gold sap that would leak from it giving it a royal and rich feeling. It would as grow in a unique way appearing as several plants growing around each other, it would grow to be tweelve feet tall when it stopped. One of the special qualities of the plant is it would never wither, it would act like a battery for magic but it would also produce its own. It would take a long time to grow but it would be well worth it. Vex know felt that the plant need some growth to it so that he could present it to Momo. He veins glowed green as his natural magic flowed from his veins into the seed, after awhile it had a small sprout, a tiny green stem sticking out of it, all he had to do was protect it.
@Kayzo (le mention) @Salt Lord

Alicia: Tournament Ring

Good luck Mizuki, you can do this!" She called out as they were both ushered into their arenas. She'd, of course, noticed Alfie in the stands. She wasn't quiet as scared as originally, but she was still pretty damn scared. She just prayed he didn't see her, or Mizuki. That was the last thing she wanted but as long as they were in the barrier and neither of them were paired against him everything..should..be..fine.

W..what. No! NO! She thought to herself, frantically backing into the corner of her side of the arena as she spotted Alfie in the same arena, her eyes almost bulging out of their sockets in fear. "P-please. I-I didn't know, I swear! I-I..please don't kill me." She begged him, attempting to move further away but failing miserably. "I-I was just trying to protect Mizuki..I'm sorry." She added, visibly trembling with fear at this point. She didn't imagine she'd be seeing him so soon, let alone being matched against him in the tournament.
purplepanda288 said:
She nodded at Eias. On cue Kim's skin turned purple, her arms the area around her eye were now tinted. " Taint wash!" Kim exclaimed, her voice booming. Suddenly the ground under the two tainted with the same purple hue that Kim had on her. The ground started to crack before large flowers that radiated a soft glow grew around Kim. The Area around the flowers ran dry and cold.
Eias Baole - Fighting

Just like in a fight, there was no warning for when someone would make a move. Eias saw the ground change around her. The ground cracking and looking slightly desolate. She instinctively jumped back as to get out of the creepy land. She gazed in awe at the sight of Kim's body parts turning that purple she had commented on just yesterday. It just looked so cool! Placing the flute to her lips, she started making noise bubbles to outline the area effected by this 'taint wash' spell she casted. Any popping of these bubbles would create a loud scream, which she hoped would at least alarm her of movement.
"Oh wait.Forgot.Everyone has a different kind of list of people that they could date.Everyones is different trust me.Masaki is a kind hearted nice guy that a lot of people would like,but he was probably almost at the bottom of my list.I only liked him because he was the only person I knew who fit my discription,so don't hate when I say this.It turned out.Masaki isn't my type.Plus the guy I'm crushing on gave me one of his two only possesions he had left from his hometown.It's not like Masaki did that for you.He's from here so could just go to a novelty shop and by you something.So ending with that and on to the battle" Momoki said breifly showing Grace her new long and lucious scarf before the judge said,"Let the Battle begin!" Momo first decided not to take off her backpack.Yet and waiting for Grace to attack.

The bubbles surprised Kim, not only about them appearing but aswell as the amount of magic that was in them. " Tiant swarm!" With a smiple movement of Kims hand small purple like lights came up from the flowers. Each one going for Eias. As they got closer they would start to drain her physical strength. Kim didn't know anything more about the magic that Eias had, Kim wasn't planning on moving in case those bubble had some type of destructive magic Imbued within them.

Bolts said:
Eias Baole - Fighting Just like in a fight, there was no warning for when someone would make a move. Eias saw the ground change around her. The ground cracking and looking slightly desolate. She instinctively jumped back as to get out of the creepy land. She gazed in awe at the sight of Kim's body parts turning that purple she had commented on just yesterday. It just looked so cool! Placing the flute to her lips, she started making noise bubbles to outline the area effected by this 'taint wash' spell she casted. Any popping of these bubbles would create a loud scream, which she hoped would at least alarm her of movement.
Valken - Waiting area and hustled into his Arena Ring

Valken was quite happy to be holding Millie close like this, but then the officials made it quite clear it was time for the tournament so he placed the girl down on her feet, walking away with a slap on her butt for good measure. "Don't worry Darlin' I'll wreak them... " Winking and then shooting a two finger salute to Lysander. "Remember, keep them at range. You'll be fine."

He straightened his shoulders and strode with an air of confidence about him, like this wasn't the first time he had done this and would no doubt not be the last. He stepped within the ring, situated oddly enough centre stage of all the others. He glanced up as he saw a giant projection of his head on the audience screens, giving the crowd his tell tale grin and wink. Like he had this in the bag.

Once inside the giant magical bubble, he tapped his foot against the ground, judging the surface, before resting his hand on the barrier, feeling it's cold touch. Interesting. Close quarters but that's what Valken was good at. His eyes shot upwards to the sky high in the air... the sun blazing down leaving little to no shade in the arena. This would be slightly more tricky, as he worked best in the dark. He unhooked one dagger, flicking it around his wrist like one might a butterfly knife, with frightening speed. As quick as he started he clasped the hilt, blade side down. The daggers were serrated, barbed and designed to hurt more coming out of flesh then going into it.

He peered across the arena to his opponent, eyeing her up. She had scale like wings, and a giant Scythe. Sera. He had heard enough about Fairytails S-Class from his Intel jobs, but it was more impressive seeing her in the flesh. He took his deep, theatrical bow, spare hand crossed over his chest as he leaned then straightened. "Madam Sera....A pleasure to meet you." It seemed a weird setting to introduce himself like that, but he was always if nothing over the top.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks
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purplepanda288 said:
The bubbles surprised Kim, not only about them appearing but aswell as the amount of magic that was in them. " Tiant swarm!" With a smiple movement of Kims hand small purple like lights came up from the flowers. Each one going for Eias. As they got closer they would start to drain her physical strength. Kim didn't know anything more about the magic that Eias had, Kim wasn't planning on moving in case those bubble had some type of destructive magic Imbued within them.
Eias Baole - fight

She watched as the lights came closer to her. They weren't fast by any means but she wasn't sure what they did exactly. They just came out of the flowers is all. Possibly poison spores or something. She thought to herself as they inched closer. It wasn't a quick process, but she felt strange. Like her body was starting to feel empty. She tried her best to back away from them but they followed suit. She wasn't sure how to get rid of them just yet, but she did run into someone that used similar methods of weakening. She blew two bubbles. One very large, and the other fairly small. The two way mirror was set. She floated the large one into the air as to make sure she could see her surroundings. The worse thing that could happen is getting hit from behind while she tried to get these strength sapping lights away.
Zuka said:
Valken - Waiting area and hustled into his Arena Ring

Valken was quite happy to be holding Millie close like this, but then the officials made it quite clear it was time for the tournament so he placed the girl down on her feet, walking away with a slap on her butt for good measure. "Don't worry Darlin' I'll wreak them... " Winking and then shooting a two finger salute to Lysander. "Remember, keep them at range. You'll be fine."

He straightened his shoulders and strode with an air of confidence about him, like this wasn't the first time he had done this and would no doubt not be the last. He stepped within the ring, situated oddly enough centre stage of all the others. He glanced up as he saw a giant projection of his head on the audience screens, giving the crowd his tell tale grin and wink. Like he had this in the bag.

Once inside the giant magical bubble, he tapped his foot against the ground, judging the surface, before resting his hand on the barrier, feeling it's cold touch. Interesting. Close quarters but that's what Valken was good at. His eyes shot upwards to the sky high in the air... the sun blazing down leaving little to no shade in the arena. This would be slightly more tricky, as he worked best in the dark. He unhooked one dagger, flicking it around his wrist like one might a butterfly knife, with frightening speed. As quick as he started he clasped the hilt, blade side down. The daggers were serrated, barbed and designed to hurt more coming out of flesh then going into it.

He peered across the arena to his opponent, eyeing her up. She had scale like wings, and a giant Scythe. Sera. He had heard enough about Fairytails S-Class from his Intel jobs, but it was more impressive seeing her in the flesh. He took his deep, theatrical bow, spare hand crossed over his chest as he leaned then straightened. "Madam Sera....A pleasure to meet you." It seemed a weird setting to introduce himself like that, but he was always if nothing over the top.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks
Sera: Tournament Ring

Sera hadn't exactly been doing much other than..nothing when she was called into the ring. She was sure to feed earlier that morning in preparation for the match so she didn't really have much else to do other than wait. She got near last place in the competition, not that she cared. She only entered so Clair had a better chance at losing and being freed from her hell.

When her opponent bowed to her and greeted her so formally she arched a brow, a smirk present on her face, her expression clearly reading 'is this guy for real?'. "
Yep, that's me. Can't say I've seen you before though, fancy knifework by the way." She replied. "So...tell me the name of the guy whose ass I'm about to kick, hm?" She asked him while drawing her scythe and placing it in front of her, leaning against it with her smirk ever present on her face.
Valken - Tourney Arena

Valken casually watched her pull the Scythe forward and leaned against it, it was long. Which would mean her range would be quite extensive. As he had to get in and personal, that may become a problem. He was best calculating scenarios; strengths, weaknesses. It was a habit when people always tried to kill you to have a back up plan to get out.

His dark purple almost black eyes held her gaze when he followed suit with his own smirk. "Valken." Grasping his vest and pulling it to the centre, exposing the huge dark Lamia Scale symbol that started from his collarbone and wound down his chest, shoulder and back. Exposing a few nasty scars in the process. "It's a good thing you haven't heard me, afterall I work best in secret.. "

He didn't take her bait when she mentioned kicking his ass. Little did she know. "Well, ladies first... " He offered slowly unhooking his second dagger, keeping them tight in his palm, blade still facing down to the ground. The only difference he made in his position was pushing his heels into the ground, ready to spring at a moments notice.

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Zuka said:
Valken - Tourney Arena

Valken casually watched her pull the Scythe forward and leaned against it, it was long. Which would mean her range would be quite extensive. As he had to get in and personal, that may become a problem. He was best calculating scenarios; strengths, weaknesses. It was a habit when people always tried to kill you to have a back up plan to get out.

His dark purple almost black eyes held her gaze when he followed suit with his own smirk. "Valken." Grasping his vest and pulling it to the centre, exposing the huge dark Lamia Scale symbol that started from his collarbone and wound down his chest, shoulder and back. Exposing a few nasty scars in the process. "It's a good thing you haven't heard me, afterall I work best in secret.. "

He didn't take her bait when she mentioned kicking his ass. Little did she know. "Well, ladies first... " He offered slowly unhooking his second dagger, keeping them tight in his palm, blade still facing down to the ground. The only difference he made in his position was pushing his heels into the ground, ready to spring at a moments notice.

Sera: Tournament Arena

Sera grinned and nodded, she had to wonder just how much he knew about her though. He'd known her name, but how much did he know beyond that? Well..as long as he didn't know what little magic she had..or rather the one spell she had and the effects of it she'd be fine. Subtly she cut her palm open with her finger nail and cupped it, allowing blood to pool up. She'd attempt to hit him with her Acidic Blood to gain a small edge before moving to any real fighting, after all the slower he was the better.

Once a suffecient amount was pooled she quickly shot her palm forwards immediately followed by shouting "
Acidic Blood!", the pooled up blood careening for him in small blunt bullet like shapes. She didn't need all of it to hit to do minor damage, only a few drops would have a marginal effect.
Valken - Tourney Arena

Valken was pretty calm when I came to fighting, his eyes glued to her every subtle movement. He wondered if she would even go first at all, judging by how she was just standing there. When she threw her palms foward with that cry, Valkens reflexes were already on it, launching himself to the side and rolling away, keeping himself low to the ground with his daggers tensed. He got mostly out of the way but a spot or two of blood splashed onto his arm, which he glanced down as it started to burn slightly. Luckily his arms were covered in the black gloves to his elbows, so he quickly put the dagger tip under the edge of his glove and ripped the cloth right to his wrist, shaking the material off. Acidic blood? He wondered if it was literally a physical attack or more of a stamina reduction. Luckily the blood never touched his skin, but he only had one glove left and one more chance to shield it. So his chances we're dwindling. His eyes shot up to the sky, if only it was night time, or even dusk....he used this opportunity to leap up from his crouch, running straight at the arena barrier, launching himself at it, then spinning and launching off the wall, angling at her flank.

In an instance he was behind the girl, a hair's breath away, dagger sliding up and under her chin, pressing the cold tip softly against her neck. "That was an interesting technique you used...luckily I was wearing gloves Eh?" His feet suddenly stepping closer to her so his shoes was plastered on the back of her shadow, his chest practically up against her back.

With his feet on her shadow, she would be unable to move her feet as long as he stood on that shadow. She still had free reign to swing at him, just was unable to run or jump away. He doubted the dagger on her neck would intimidate her but while this close to her he was in his element.

Lyra Maelstre

Lyra finally arrived at the tournament waiting area with Hibiki, her feet flailing about as she squirmed off his back and touched down on the ground. " Thanks Hibi-kun, you're the best. " A smirk tugged at her lips, hands quickly reaching up to playfully pinch his cheeks. " Give 'em hell! " And with those words of encouragement, she quickly darted off to her own arena as not to be fashionably late. Her hues slid about to look for her opponent but it'd seem they hadn't arrived yet so she took a seat upon the ground, legs splayed out childishly before her. With a fluid motion, her hat was flopped onto her lap, fingers causing it to spin about for the sheer purpose of killing time. And so she waited, eyes glued to the only amusement she had available until the person she was against kindly showed up, if they even did. Maybe they'd seen they were against her and ran off which made her rather bummed to even consider; surely that'd be much too rude! " Oh, if she doesn't show up, then everyone will be forced to watch a terrible magic show from yours truly instead! " Lyra clapped quite enthusiastically, welcoming this idea.

@Angeliquie Perry

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