Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

WoodenZebra said:
"Easy.I could probably make you at least five sets of the clothes your wearing in about five minutes." Momoki said grabbing the needle and thread."Wanna race and find out" .Momoki didn't want to sew all the clothes herself so she just made a game about it.Easy enough.
"Thank you... I hope you don't mind but I don't want to stab myself and there is a good chance of that happening." He then removed his scarf and then he slipped out of his shirts. He then set them next to him and slide out of his pants until he was only wearing his underwear. He then picked up his scarf and prepared him self a neddle with red thread. "I will work on the clothes I was wearing while you helo make more. I really appreciate it. If there is anything I can do to help you just let me know." He then began sewing up his scarf. It was one of his favorite pieces and he took care in mending it.
Momoki blushed really hard. He was in his underpants. She turned around and started sewing more clothes. In about three minutes Momo turned around and handed Vex a entire set of his clothes. They looked brand new and somehow shiny,"Put these on while you mend your clothes. " Momoki said hoping Vex would. She really felt uncomfortable with him ninety-five percent naked. No girl would.

Lysander - Battle Tournament Waiting Area

Lysander stepped cautiously into the waiting area, trying not to yawn. He looked as if his mind was in a completely different area altogether, with his eyes downcast, an expression of thoughtful concentration on his face. He also looked like had not slept a wink the night before, going by the dark shadows under his eye. Outwardly though, he looked composed. His clothes were neat, his grey collared shirt tucked into his pants, his poncho about his shoulders again, and his hat back on his head. His hair was bound yet again in a ponytail; it was a good thing he had brought a few hair-ties with him. Kelica's hairband was tucked somewhere within his poncho; he still had to locate her and give it back to her. He had completely forgotten about the hairband until he got back to his rooms the night before, pulled off his poncho and the hairband had fallen on the bed. His mind had been elsewhere that night and probably still elsewhere right now.

The night before, even with Maya, he had been unable to locate Sora. She had pretty much vanished, and by then it was extremely late. But she had said that she would come and find him on the next day, but still, he worried. He would have preferred to have been there in Sora's need but... perhaps she was the kind of person who preferred to be alone when under great stress. In which case he would definitely respect her wishes. He just wished he could have done more. That he had made known to her his concern so that she would know that she was not quite alone, and that he would be there if need be. His face flamed red as he remembered the events of the night before. He had even placed an arm around her. She had run her fingers through his hair. She said she believed in him. And they had just met a few hours prior to this, and already the connection was there. He dearly hoped that he would see her again.

And right now, Lysander was starting to regret signing up for the tournament. A great amount of people would be watching the tournament, going by the amount of viewing lacrima set up all over Magnolia. The thought of having the eyes of that many people on him made him want to throw up the small breakfast of eggs, bread and bacon that he had had before starting out for the tournament. And if he lost, everyone would see him lose, and it was too humiliating to even imagine. He would probably hide somewhere after the tournament because people were sure to recognise him after that. He had just... wanted to do his part for Lamia Scale. Maya, Millie and Ferra along with a few other members that he had yet to meet had participated in the Bikini Competition and Maya had even won it for Lamia Scale. He had wanted to represent Lamia Scale but the flip side was that he might end up embarrassing his guild instead. He would have to do his best today, then.

As per his usual habit, he made his way into a corner to observe out the surroundings. But because his mind was elsewhere, he did not even notice that the corner he was aiming for was already occupied by someone until he walked right into that person. "Sorry," Lysander stuttered, backing a few paces back, only to realise that he had bumped into Valken. It was so fortunate that it was someone he knew. He was getting very clumsy these days. "Oh uh... hello Valken. Sorry."
Chris Lengheart(Contestant seating area)

Chris continued to sit silently, that was until he was basically pounced on by Kelica. He was obviously surprised as he hugged her for a brief moment, but suddenly rose up as he began escorting her to the door,"Listen Kelica, you've gotta get out of here and fast. They're gonna think you're a fighter, I have no idea how you got here but you need to get out of here."

WoodenZebra said:
Momoki blushed really hard. He was in his underpants. She turned around and started sewing more clothes. In about three minutes Momo turned around and handed Vex a entire set of his clothes. They looked brand new and somehow shiny,"Put these on while you mend your clothes. " Momoki said hoping Vex would. She really felt uncomfortable with him ninety-five percent naked. No girl would.
He quickly slipped into the new clothes that Lyra had made for him. He could tell that they well made and he was thankful to have them. He didn't put on the one scarf because the one he was mending was special for him although he wouldn't say why. He said "thank you," before he continue he hard work.
Momoki sighed with relief when Vex put the clothes on. She really didn't want to see anything. Momo started making more clothes,but at a slower rate. She swore if that happened again she would slap the crap out of him and then laugh about it later because she was like that. Momoki never ever ever wanted to see that again.

WoodenZebra said:
Momoki sighed with relief when Vex put the clothes on. She really didn't want to see anything. Momo started making more clothes,but at a slower rate. She swore if that happened again she would slap the crap out of him and then laugh about it later because she was like that. Momoki never ever ever wanted to see that again.
"So was the bikini contest fun? Maybe next time I could join you." He said jokingly. After several minutes he finished mending his scarf, it was his best work. He was going to wrap around himself but decided against it. Instead he wrapped around Lyra's neck. "That scarf is one of the last things I have from my home land. Horus is the only other thing from there." He the put on the scarf she made for him, some how it was softer but not the same. "You don't need to make another scarf, I only need one. Thank you for everything you have done for me so far."
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"Oh.Y-your welcome." Momoki said feeling the scarf. It was soft,but somehow rough. It also felt like it had memories inside of it. Vex was so romantic.' Yes. Finally'. Momo thought. Another boy to crush on after that fail with Masaki."By the way that contest was hell." Momoki began,"Basically everyone there went crazy when they saw my special card that would never work on you or a female unless they were...you know.Anyway it's not like I won so who cares. The polls say I got thirteenth place. I might do it again next year,but who knows" Momo said then she leaned on Vex. An advancement. If he's flirting with her she has to flirt back to make the process go faster. @Wyatt
Millie was just now waking up from her sleep, the Lamia Scale wizard Charles up naked and comfortable under the sheets. Valken and her had quite the night and man was she exhausted. That first her first time doing the do, and she had to admit that it was wonderful. Valken was really good at it in her mind and she was very glad to have shared an experience like that with him. Upon waking up she realized that her man was not in bed and had left the room altogether, presumably down to the fight competition. Speaking of the competition, she had 10 minutes to get dressed and get down there to support Valken. Oh no oh no oh no! If I don't show up I'll never be forgiven! She thought while scrambling to get dressed, eventually setting with the most basic and loose outfit she had.

Bursting out the door she began to run down to the street and towards the Fight Conpetition. There were tears in her eyes yet they never fell. The speed she was running at was absolutely scary, sweeping away people and paper and blowing things all around. Despite how tired she was there was nothing that would stop her. Eventually she reached the location of Valken, screeching to a halt in front of him and falling into his arms. "V-Valken, I'm so sorry! I almost missed the fight competition! I almost missed you!"


Sora Marvell - Magnolia Tournament

It'd appear Sora was already at the tournament area, eyes desperately scanning every face she passed by. Luckily she'd been able to get in some sleep, though it wasn't entirely peaceful, nightmares sending her into waking jolts that took a while to shake off before resting again. The scenario had rinse, wash, and repeated itself through the night, the early notion of the sun finally rising causing her to slip out of bed and get ready for the tournament. The tournament. Right, that's why she was here, mostly. She'd been assigned to medic duty in case some of the fights got a little out of hand and she was the best healer in Magnolia, even knowing potion remedies in case it was something her magic couldn't accomplish. Sora preferred to protect others, not being one to willingly fight others unless it was absolutely necessary, so this role fit her perfectly for the competition.

Nami was airborne, looking for Lysander as Sora had requested, which didn't seem to be too much of an issue for her as the exceed finally spotted him and returned to Sora's side. A sly grin spread over the cats face, almost smug, as she began to speak with her tail pointing in Lysander's direction. " I found the boy you're fawning ov-- " Her teasing words were cut off as two hands pushed the exceed out of the air, shoving her downwards, Sora's face reddening immediately. The ears of Nami's hoodie were tugged on, a small sound of defiance being heard as she refused to release her. " Stop picking on me and go find some pastries or something. " At the mention of pastry, Nami squirmed free to fly off, not having to be told twice. The last thing Sora needed was for the exceed to tease her relentlessly in front of Lysander, especially after the stunt she had pulled the previous night.

The shuffling crowds of people filtered in and out, the distance between her and Lysander seeming to grow the longer she stood there unable to move towards him out of fear of rejection. And like that, the young girl remained, minutes dragging on as she built up the courage she'd need to face him. He'd probably noticed her by now, standing there paces away, awkwardly frozen in some sort of conundrum. Sora had kept her word to Maya and worn the white and blue Lolita dress that she had lovingly given to her as a gift, finding it to fit her personality perfectly; Maya knew her so well. But now, she stuck out like a beacon, her attire seeming so drastically eccentric compared to what those were wearing around her. She began taking a few steps in his direction, though they felt heavy and hesitant, but she continued and finally found herself to stand about a foot or two from him. Would he be upset with her? Saddened? Pleased to see her? Sora hoped for the latter as her hues fell to stare at her hands, uncertainty for how he'd react plastered all over her face.

It was even worse that she was wearing a sort of
nurse-like frilly hairband along with a different pair of colored cat ears to actually match her attire, deciding on black and white. It was 'expected' of the medic to have some sort of physical attachment that let others know their role, though she felt this rule had been implemented by someone who enjoyed torture. " Told you I'd find you.. " She managed to mumble out softly, so many other things wanting to push past her lips but she refrained. She wanted to explain, wanted to apologize, wanted to tell him not to blame himself in any way for her behavior, but it was probably written all over her face if he happened to be good at reading her then he'd see it. Sora glanced up and noticed Valken, a faint smile being given since it was all she felt she could muster up. " Hi pervert. " And then her eyes were back down, the weight of not knowing how Lysander was feeling becoming almost unbearable. For some reason his acceptance and feelings towards her impacted her so directly and she only hoped she hadn't pushed them into a negative direction. And now a crying person had appeared, remembering her as Millie from Maya's introductions. The older woman was clearly more upset than Sora seemed to be and she quietly felt relieved that at least she was able to contain herself from acting that openly with her emotions.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Zuka

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra yawned loudly, having snuck over to Hibi's room before the sun set and positioned herself in the corner to surprise him when he woke up, she hadn't slept a single wink just for this. " Surpriseeeeeeee! " She'd jumped up like she was exploding from a cake, confetti being thrown everywhere (almost an endless supply of it) to litter every inch of his room. The silly grin on her face made it hard to be mad at her though and she secretly knew this, always using it to her advantage with him. Her fingers slid to grasp the brim of her magician hat, dipping it quite proudly and twisting it to rest against her chest, bowing in turn regardless if he was amused or not. " Thank you, thank you, you're far too kind! " Her words slid fluidly from her lips, each bow being followed by a wink as she pretended she was entertaining more then just Hibiki. After relishing in the moment for quite some time, she flipped her hat back onto her head and turned to Hibiki. " You're carrying me to the tournament, I need to save my energy. " Lyra's lips turned to form a pout, body weightlessly falling upon him. " Please, please, Hibi-kun. " She whispered out in a begging manner, tears forming. It took practice to be able to cry willingly so well but even if it was a dirty trick for suckers like Hibiki, it was effective and that's all that mattered! " Good, it's settled then! I'll wait over here! " Lyra didn't give him any time to decline her inquiry as she plopped down on the floor which was basically a bed of confetti now and waited eagerly, staring at him the entire time as if to add to the annoyance that might be building up inside of him.

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Kelica - Tournament Waiting Area

Kelica blinked innocently as he asked why she was there, something about fighting and to leave, she patted his wide shoulder calmingly. "Chris, Chris, you worry to much! Everyone knows I'm not much of a fighter, besides, I didn't even sign up. I just wanted to say I'm rooting for you and go Fairytail!!" reaching up on her tip toes to kiss his cheek, being surprisingly strong in her defense to stay with him.

Valken - Corner of the Tournament Waiting Area, now not alone

Valken may have been looking, but his eyes where not seeing, so when a dazed and half asleep Lysander bumped into him, Valken's look instantly drew down to him, wide grin plastered on his face. He placed a warm, almost brotherly hand on his shoulder.

"Heya my main man, I was wondering when you'd show up... now the girl's have won the Bikini contest, it's time to win the tournament..." Lysander looked concerned about something and looked like he'd had the same amount of sleep Valken had, but for altogether different reasons he was sure.

"Hey Lysander, if I can give you one pointer for the tourney, it's you're the best damn bull's eye around. Your strength is in your range, Keep them away, Blow them away. You're not fast enough reloading for close to close combat, so keep your distance, watch your back." Taking his hand away with a grin. He was proud of the guy, and it showed. If he could only get over that crippling shyness and have some self worth, he would become an unstoppable gun mage.

Valken turned as the blue haired girl arrived, Sora was it?, to see Lysander no doubt. His eyebrow raised with the comment about being a pervert.

"Hey, I'll have you know-" He started that sentence but never finished, because Millie had literally appeared out of thin air, his purple eyes huge, as she basically flung herself at him to catch. And catch he did. Luckily he had wicked reflexes, as he hoisted her up bridal style, curling her into his chest.

"Well, hello there Darlin'..." he said in a different tone to yesterday. She was still a babe to him, but, there was a much more heart felt emotion in this nickname then the last.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Kyuubey
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Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 8

A sigh filled the room as she stood before her mirror, staring intently at herself. Yesterday had gone rather poorly, although the moment they started doing magic acts she knew full well it would. Even so, the shock that someone like that Mizuki girl could place second while she was so close to last left her more than a little disheartened. One way or the other she would have to make it up in today's tournament. She brought her hands up as she looked down, snapping the gauntlets into place and giving herself one last look-over to make sure everything was as it should be. With everything set she let a confidant smirk cross her lips, giving herself an approving nod. "Looks good." She turned to make her way for the door, grabbing her sword and slinging it behind her waist. While she was confidant in her looks, combat was where she shined and she knew she'd be able to put up a good fight no matter who her opponent was.

As she bounded down the stairs she spared a glance at the landlady sitting behind the counter reading a paper. She couldn't help but think the woman seemed particularly irate. With curiosity getting the better of her she deviated slightly to get a look at what was on the paper. She quickly noticed the cause for the woman's irritation as there was a large picture of all the bikini contestants, including her. The blueberry shaped woman turned her full attention on her, giving her a glare that could kill. A shiver ran down her spine and she booked a hasty retreat out the front door, a small sigh of relief slipping past her lips once the door closed behind her. Once outside she looked up and down the street, the bustling activity slightly lessened from yesterday but still very much present. With the tournament starting soon she figured many people were headed there to watch.

Unlike yesterday she did not have enough time to enjoy the sights prior to her match. All she could do was hope she was still in fit enough shape to enjoy the festivities after her match. She hopped up onto a ledge running along the river's bank, balancing atop it as she bypassed the crowds filling the street. She received a few looks at her unorthodox route, some men in a boat pointing out that it was dangerous. She paid them little heed as she put one foot before the other, her arms outstretched to help maintain her balance. As she made her way towards the Fairy Tail guild she couldn't help but spare glances at the various stalls, the temptation to stop and try some of their goods almost overwhelming. Her temptation reached an all-time peak when she came upon the ice cream stand from the day before. It took all her willpower but she finally managed to slap her cheeks and shake her head, regaining her senses and hurrying her pace. If she stopped now to indulge herself she would miss her match, and at the end of the day a good fight was more important than her sundae.

With no further interruptions she found herself at her designated arena with a few minutes to spare. She knew nothing of her opponent other than her name, something that left her a little miffed. Due to her participation yesterday this Hibiki girl probably already knew she was a fire user. This would put her at a disadvantage at the start of the match. Well, it wouldn't be the first time she charged in with no prior knowledge and it likely wouldn't be the last. Finding a nearby seat she plopped herself down into it, waiting for the officials to call her forward for her match.
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Genon said:
@Salt Lord
Adrian had been unable to find Alfie the day before, and so he had dedicated most of his time since arriving at the arena to finding that pink-haired bastard. He hadn't known if Alfie had actually signed up for the competition, so he checked rest of the arena first before finally coming across Alfie at the contestant seating area.

"So, Alfie..." Adrian began, his eyes narrowed and his face one of anger and some concern. "What the hell happened to you yesterday? That wasn't like you, and both of us know it. I demand an explanation."
Alfie - Contestant Seating

Alfie looked up at Adrian, a sad smile countering the other's expression of betrayal. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the same gem from before. Unlike its palish pink glow from then, however, an ominous black swirl corrupted its color. "I don't think I'm fit for this battle. The thing about having a gem for a soul is that attacking uses up power. Power that makes up your soul. The more power you use, the less you become you. And there are many other factors at work here. More of them hinder than help me. But I have an idea, Adrian," he continued, forgetting why Adrian confronted him in the first place, "And I can assure you everything will end well." The mist encased in Alfie's gem only became darker as he fumbled to put it back into his vest, his hands twitching as they moved.

WoodenZebra said:
"Oh.Y-your welcome." Momoki said feeling the scarf. It was soft,but somehow rough. It also felt like it had memories inside of it. Vex was so romantic.' Yes. Finally'. Momo thought. Another boy to crush on after that fail with Masaki."By the way that contest was hell." Momoki began,"Basically everyone there went crazy when they saw my special card that would never work on you or a female unless they were...you know.Anyway it's not like I won so who cares. The polls say I got thirteenth place. I might do it again next year,but who knows" Momo said then she leaned on Vex. An advancement. If he's flirting with her she has to flirt back to make the process go faster. @Wyatt
Vex: tournament seating

He hastily finished his other clothing, none of the stitching was nearly as good as the scarf. He close his eyes, with a clear focus and he used his sixth sense. It didn't show him everything for a mile, instead it showed him what he wanted to see. He was able to see Momo. He scooted closer to her, throwing an arm over her shoulders and then with the other one he embraced her. "Thank you Momo!" He rested his head in her shoulder and held her close, holding her like his life depended on it. "It am going to do something very special for, something that might come close to repaying your kindness." She makes me feel weird inside, all mushy and things I don't understand. Why do I feel this way?
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Momo stared at Vex for a couple of seconds,"And what is that?" She asked. Momo really liked this guy. He was cute. Funny,but could also be serious. This was basically everything she wanted in a guy. Everything she wanted in...Masaki! Vex reminded Momo so much of Masaki that she didn't notice. But mabye she didn't notice because she didn't care. Vex seemed like a copy of Masaki,but very, very different. 'What's wrong with me?' Momoki thought as she noticed she took to a liking more of Vex than Masaki. Mabye once friends always friends. @Wyatt
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Lysander - Fighting Tournament Grounds

Lysander looked up at Valken as he spoke, practically drinking in his words. Lysander admired Valken. He saw the man as an older brother and even though the two were only two years apart, it felt as if Valken was far more mature than him and he was the child under his care. Valken eluded so much confidence, and it seemed that he knew Lysander's fighting style so well. The advice he gave was sound, and so true. Lysander's greatest weakness was close-combat fighting; it was from a distance that he fought best. His aim was impeccable and his shots always hit their target, provided the target was not some speedster. It all depended on how much damage his bullets could deal; that was the issue.

He bowed his head in acknowledgement to Valken's advice. "Thank you, Valken," he said, a genuine smile drifting onto his face. "You know me so well. I will definitely keep your advice in mind when it is my turn to fight." The hand on his shoulder felt comforting, brotherly, and somehow it made him feel slightly more confident. If Valken truly believed he was the best bulls-eye, he did not want to disappoint him.

It was at that time that he look a quick glance around the room, and someone caught his breath. Sora. She was standing right there, dressed in a blue and white lolita dress and a frilly nurse headband, along with a matching set of cat ears. She looked stunning, adorably so, but most importantly, she was there. His first instinct was to run to her but it appeared that she made the first move, hesitantly moving towards him, a look of nervousness on her face. This unnerved him but for the moment, sheer relief showed on his face. He had been so worried about what had happened the day before...

"I'm so glad to see you," he said finally, after her greeting towards Valken. "Are... are you feeling better?" he asked, sounding extremely hesitant. He wanted to convey to her his concern, as well as his desire to be there for her should she need it, only he was not sure how she would take it. Especially if she was so nervous about approaching him. But at least she was there. And in better shape than Millie, who had just appeared as if out of nowhere and was currently wailing in Valken's arms.

Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia Tournament

It'd appear Sora was already at the tournament area, eyes desperately scanning every face she passed by. Luckily she'd been able to get in some sleep, though it wasn't entirely peaceful, nightmares sending her into waking jolts that took a while to shake off before resting again. The scenario had rinse, wash, and repeated itself through the night, the early notion of the sun finally rising causing her to slip out of bed and get ready for the tournament. The tournament. Right, that's why she was here, mostly. She'd been assigned to medic duty in case some of the fights got a little out of hand and she was the best healer in Magnolia, even knowing potion remedies in case it was something her magic couldn't accomplish. Sora preferred to protect others, not being one to willingly fight others unless it was absolutely necessary, so this role fit her perfectly for the competition.

Nami was airborne, looking for Lysander as Sora had requested, which didn't seem to be too much of an issue for her as the exceed finally spotted him and returned to Sora's side. A sly grin spread over the cats face, almost smug, as she began to speak with her tail pointing in Lysander's direction. " I found the boy you're fawning ov-- " Her teasing words were cut off as two hands pushed the exceed out of the air, shoving her downwards, Sora's face reddening immediately. The ears of Nami's hoodie were tugged on, a small sound of defiance being heard as she refused to release her. " Stop picking on me and go find some pastries or something. " At the mention of pastry, Nami squirmed free to fly off, not having to be told twice. The last thing Sora needed was for the exceed to tease her relentlessly in front of Lysander, especially after the stunt she had pulled the previous night.

The shuffling crowds of people filtered in and out, the distance between her and Lysander seeming to grow the longer she stood there unable to move towards him out of fear of rejection. And like that, the young girl remained, minutes dragging on as she built up the courage she'd need to face him. He'd probably noticed her by now, standing there paces away, awkwardly frozen in some sort of conundrum. Sora had kept her word to Maya and worn the white and blue Lolita dress that she had lovingly given to her as a gift, finding it to fit her personality perfectly; Maya knew her so well. But now, she stuck out like a beacon, her attire seeming so drastically eccentric compared to what those were wearing around her. She began taking a few steps in his direction, though they felt heavy and hesitant, but she continued and finally found herself to stand about a foot or two from him. Would he be upset with her? Saddened? Pleased to see her? Sora hoped for the latter as her hues fell to stare at her hands, uncertainty for how he'd react plastered all over her face.

It was even worse that she was wearing a sort of
nurse-like frilly hairband along with a different pair of colored cat ears to actually match her attire, deciding on black and white. It was 'expected' of the medic to have some sort of physical attachment that let others know their role, though she felt this rule had been implemented by someone who enjoyed torture. " Told you I'd find you.. " She managed to mumble out softly, so many other things wanting to push past her lips but she refrained. She wanted to explain, wanted to apologize, wanted to tell him not to blame himself in any way for her behavior, but it was probably written all over her face if he happened to be good at reading her then he'd see it. Sora glanced up and noticed Valken, a faint smile being given since it was all she felt she could muster up. " Hi pervert. " And then her eyes were back down, the weight of not knowing how Lysander was feeling becoming almost unbearable. For some reason his acceptance and feelings towards her impacted her so directly and she only hoped she hadn't pushed them into a negative direction. And now a crying person had appeared, remembering her as Millie from Maya's introductions. The older woman was clearly more upset than Sora seemed to be and she quietly felt relieved that at least she was able to contain herself from acting that openly with her emotions.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Zuka
Maya Morne-5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia Tournament

Oh no, Maya had not forgotten about the whole affair yesterday with Sora's sudden disappearance. The girl had entered her dragon force state, something Maya knew all too well, and it most certainly wasn't something she'd use unless under dire circumstances. "Aha! Found you!" She called out and with a large push of her telekinetic she practically launched herself the girls way, landing in between Sora and Lysander at an incredible speed. Upon landing the ground beneath her feet cracked slightly and she turned to face Sora, bringing her into the famous 'Crushing Maya Hug' that Millie had become subject to yesterday. "My dear, you look so beautiful in that gown. Oh I told you!" A smile was on the woman's face which slowly turned into a straight faced expression. "Now. Where on earth did you go yesterday? Why were you in your dragon force state and why were you upset?" The flurry of questions probably took Sora off guard, however Maya was only being her overly protective self. Worry was present on her face and if she didn't get an answer soon, Maya feared the stress would kill her.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo

Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra yawned loudly, having snuck over to Hibi's room before the sun set and positioned herself in the corner to surprise him when he woke up, she hadn't slept a single wink just for this. " Surpriseeeeeeee! " She'd jumped up like she was exploding from a cake, confetti being thrown everywhere (almost an endless supply of it) to litter every inch of his room. The silly grin on her face made it hard to be mad at her though and she secretly knew this, always using it to her advantage with him. Her fingers slid to grasp the brim of her magician hat, dipping it quite proudly and twisting it to rest against her chest, bowing in turn regardless if he was amused or not. " Thank you, thank you, you're far too kind! " Her words slid fluidly from her lips, each bow being followed by a wink as she pretended she was entertaining more then just Hibiki. After relishing in the moment for quite some time, she flipped her hat back onto her head and turned to Hibiki. " You're carrying me to the tournament, I need to save my energy. " Lyra's lips turned to form a pout, body weightlessly falling upon him. " Please, please, Hibi-kun. " She whispered out in a begging manner, tears forming. It took practice to be able to cry willingly so well but even if it was a dirty trick for suckers like Hibiki, it was effective and that's all that mattered! " Good, it's settled then! I'll wait over here! " Lyra didn't give him any time to decline her inquiry as she plopped down on the floor which was basically a bed of confetti now and waited eagerly, staring at him the entire time as if to add to the annoyance that might be building up inside of him.

Hibiki Dreyar - Magnolia, Hibiki's Appartment

Letting out a groan, he rubbed his eyes groggily as he slowly began to wake up. That was, until literally the most horrifying thing EVER in his life had occurred. Truth be told, Hibiki most definitely wasn't expecting to see a wild Lyra in the corner of his room. Was she watching him sleep? Was she there all night? The thoughts sent shivers down the young mans spine. When Lyra revealed herself with a loud yelling Hibiki practically jumped out of his bed and onto the floor, his legs dangling up in the air and his arms sprayed out into a mess. Upon looking up at his ceiling he'd notice a storm of confetti slowly falling all over his room and effectively coating it in a colourful mess. Hibiki clenched his fists and practically jumped up from his spot and in front of Lyra. "Damn it woman, you can't do that to people!" He sighed, not yelling at the girl since he could never bring himself to do that to her. Scratching his head, Hibiki smiled slightly. "Fine, I'll carry you to the tournament." He sighed before continuing. "Just let me get dressed and ready and then we'll go!" With no further ado he practically pushed Lyra out of his room in one fell swoop, closing the door after her and proceeding to get dressed and then getting ready for the day.

After a few minutes he opened his door and grabbed Lyra's hand. Rising her up onto his back he then proceeded to leave his appartment and head towards the opponent. The two probably got weird looks but they were known for doing this, and they didn't actually care. However, one thing was on Hibiki's mind.

And that was....


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Bolts said:
Eais Baole - contestant seating area Watching the other contestants make their way around, it seemed like a few knew one another already. While people watching, she saw a flash of red run by to the sign up sheet. Once they slowed down enough, Eias recognized Kim. She had such a great time last night with her and was happy to see her come and participate in the fight. She blew a bubble towards her.

Hey Kim!

Glad to see you here! I'm gonna cheer you on!

She gave a wave to her trying to catch her attention.
Kim wasn't ready for a conversation, or someone even speaking to her. She jumped at the sound of Eias' amped up voice, honestly it felt like she had a small heart attack. " Greta mother in the sky! Eias you scared me!" As sweet as Eias was, she somehow found a way to scare Kim. Impressive. Kim, being Kim, stood up and skipped to give Eias a hug. " Sorry for getting drunk last night, I had a great time with you!" Kim sat down next to Eias, a smile spreading across her face.

Genon said:
"What are you talking about? Are you saying that because you used up too much magical power, you became corrupted? Bullshit. Using up magical power doesn't make you attack a random stranger and threaten to kill a little girl, gem-soul or not. I only stepped in to help you yesterday because I arrived too late to see the beginning of your fight with Mizuki and thought that she started it, and I feared that she had went back to her old ways. Then I watched you give a little girl a death threat and vanish into thin air. When I asked people who saw the fight what had happened, they told me that you attacked the pair of your own volition. So tell me, what the fuck has gotten into you?! And why has your gem become black?!"


If Alicia and Mizuki were in the contestant seating area, they would notice Adrian interrogating Alfie. However, he wasn't yelling, so depending on proximity they might only hear certain details of their conversation, or even just see that Adrian was clearly very angry with Alfie, likely over what had happened yesterday.
"What I'm saying, Adrian," Alfie replied rather desperately, "Is that Luciana's influence is getting stronger than I thought, and while it may not be hurting you, her power is weighing down on mine. In fact, the only reason Magnolia hasn't been wiped off the map is because..." The wizard paused before pulling the other in by his shirt and whispering, "For the past six years, I've been harvesting positive emotions at events like these. The more magic I use, the closer I am to zero, which is my weakest--but safest--point of energy. But a certain force is putting out tons of negative emotions. You can't sense it, but my gem has no other choice than to take it because of how much there is. Each second, I come closer to descent. But now that I think about it," he continued while releasing Adrian, "This battle may actually give me a chance to put the negative energy onto someone else... See? A happy ending!"

Eias Baole - Arena sitting.

Giving a thumbs up to her as to acknowledge it was fine that she got drunk. Using bubbles, she said. looks like some fights are starting. See anyone you know? Anyone you wanna fight in the final round? Kim sure was a cheerful person. That's just how some people are and Eias was glad. Meting her in Magnolia was probably one of the best things for this festival. She really knew how to get in the spirit of things. I entered my name but don't really know of people. Traveling and all that doesn't cause for much gossip.

purplepanda288 said:
Kim wasn't ready for a conversation, or someone even speaking to her. She jumped at the sound of Eias' amped up voice, honestly it felt like she had a small heart attack. " Greta mother in the sky! Eias you scared me!" As sweet as Eias was, she somehow found a way to scare Kim. Impressive. Kim, being Kim, stood up and skipped to give Eias a hug. " Sorry for getting drunk last night, I had a great time with you!" Kim sat down next to Eias, a smile spreading across her face.

Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th wizard saint

Clair made her way down to the guild hall with the hope of spectating some of the fights that would soon be taking place. Clair of course was forbidden from entering the competition and Sora was on medic duty so Clair had nothing better to do with her time. Clair took a seat at the bar and patiently waited for the fights to start , both official and unofficial.


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