Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Bolts said:
Eias BaoleShe walked into the building right after Kim. She was instantly lost in the show. People having a great time playing their hearts out while others listened, danced, and cheered. She had a sparkle in her eye. Music bars were always a soft spot to her. Maybe one day she will run into the Baole band here. Today was not that day though.

She overheard Kim yell out to the manager of the building about playing. Kim wanted to play with her? All she knew was that she had a flute, not if she were any good with it. She was. It was just an interesting thought. Instantly she starting going over rhythms and other types of music to play. Ultimately, she felt she should follow Kim's beat. It was only fair since she invited her. Blowing a bubble, so that Kim could hear her over the crowed. I'm Eais, Eais Baole. Nice to meet you. This place is awesome.

" I'm Kimberly lock dear. I know right!"

Even over the music that played the bar owner noded at Kim. The band on stage finished thier last song.
" Looks like we are up!" She sounded like she was about to explode with excitement.

Hunter - Magnolia streets

Hunter grunted when the kid took out a key. "What's that there kid? Planning on calling out a Celestial Spirit?" Hunter laughed maliciously. "Do you believe a spirit will be able to protect you from a demon?" And with that, Hunter's green eyes turned white white the scleroses of his eyes turned pitch black, along with his magic power beginning to shift towards its demonic nature. That was when Lavender appeared before him, brandishing a sword. "You shouldn't interfere where you're not wanted, girl." Hunter said, his voice taking on a demonic tone. @Britt\-21
Lavender stood her ground "I will not be spoken down to by some wizard! I will have you know I'm a grown woman! And I know how to fight." Both magically and regularly "you may possess different magic but that does not mean that I am afraid of you!" Her tone was serious and had the voice of a leader. Shield in one hand and sword in the other, she was ready to fight and do what it takes to protect those who are in need of help. She couldn't just sit and watch this happen. Lavender knew better than to back down from a fight, no matter who it may be. "Stand down, sir! There is no reason for this nonsense!"

@Arvis90 @purplepanda288 (lack of everything is cause I'm on my phone)

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

The emotions being held back from Lysander made Sora want to wrap her arms around him, simply just to comfort him. He seemed torn and unsure of himself when in reality, he should be anything but that. Perhaps experiences had made him less confident in himself and his abilities. A frown slipped onto her expression as she silently vowed to change that mindset of his, no matter what it took. The petite girl had enough confidence for the both of them and one day he'd stand proudly, she'd see to it personally, regardless if she got to stand by his side or not. As he turned away, Sora sighed softly and gazed out towards the festival, unsure if consoling him would hurt his pride. If he didn't want to be seen teary eyed then she'd respect that, after-all her own tears were not one she allowed to flow freely in the times they had ever dared to spill.

Her fingers idly hovered over the hand present on her shoulder, questioning whether the physical touch would be wanted though in the end she let her hand drop, eyes doing the same. " Maybe. " It was an automatic answer to his statement. Relief coursed through her since he had finally spoken, his reasons for turning away hopefully not entirely her fault but it'd be silly to ask. " Hey Lysander, when you doubt yourself, just remember that someone has faith in you. I hope that's enough to push you through it. " Her voice remained soft and gentle, eyes brimming with their own tears from the sincerity of the emotion behind them. If only she could be enough in the future, if only.

It was only a matter of time before someone approached them and it happened to be no other than Jaymes, another dragon slayer mage. He wasn't exactly quiet with his means of coming within earshot of them and she slid her hues over to peer at him curiously, listening to him calling out. Interrupting? Of course not, she wasn't physically so close to Lysander that if she concentrated she could probably hear his heart fluttering. Not interrupting at all. " Greetings Jaymes. " Her head tilted to the side at his inquiry, hair sliding into her view once again. Teach him her magic? Her thoughts went into a deeper place in her mind, the past flashing before her. Her magic was special, unique, a gift from Wendy. All the memories associated with her own learning of it were intense ones; sad, exhausting, enduring, full of hardship, painful, exciting, thrilling, and even with some loss. To share this with someone else almost seemed like a weird betrayal of the special-ness that it left her with after losing her grandmother. " I.... " Sora choked up, hair fluttering about as the wind picked up. " Just give me some time on my answer, I don't have one right now.. " Her words fell agonizingly slowly from her lips, void of emotion, her eyes almost sharing the emptiness.

There was too much scenery flashing in her head and even around her now, daring to pull her under. It happened quite suddenly, strands turning pink along with those empty eyes, attire changing drastically to emphasis the transformation. She looked sad but fierce at the same time as she gazed at Lysander, eyes offering an apology as her arms slipped around his frame and they disappeared from the rooftop in a split second. Sora wasn't teleporting, her movements were just so fast that one wouldn't be able to easily track them, and they soon brought her to stand before Maya. " Please take care of him. " Her arms didn't seem to want to let the man go but she forced herself to release her grip, fingertips lightly brushing against his hand as she disappeared from sight, knowing not to linger when Maya would possibly stop her. " I'll find you tomorrow. " Her words fell upon his ears after she'd left and appeared at home to crash face first onto her bed, the pink fading.

Great, Maya was going to worry, Lysander was going to think she was unstable, and Jaymes probably had no clue why she'd reacted that way to such a simple question. Her small fingers curled about one of the many pillows beside her as she tugged it closer and held onto it tightly. There was something dark in her childhood and remembering it just wasn't something she was capable of, anytime it was even remotely brought up all she could register from it was the emotions that had shaken her. That was her own doing though as she'd deposited the memory into a memory days book so she'd never have to remember that day ever again unless she wanted to. Experiencing so much in a singular day was mentally taxing, exhausting, yet... as she slid her eyes to a close to drift off to sleep, Lysander floated to the front of her thoughts and vanquished the negative ones. Maybe she needed him just as much as it might seem he needed her.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Arvis90
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Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

He again cocked a brow as the young girl randomly blurted out that she was 21 years of age. She certainly did not look the part, but then looks could be deceiving. It would explain why she was able to drink freely. Upon hearing the boy speak up he again turned his attention to the lad, watching as he moved to take the girl home. His mention of 'boyfriend' finally clued him in as to the relationship the two had and explained his possessiveness. He looked back at the girl as realization dawned on her, her jubilant personality fading into one of meekness. It never ceased to amuse him how quick people could change their tune upon learning who he was. "Do not worry, Miss Kelica, nobody expects you to know every Guild Master in Fiore." He took a step back as Chris moved in to fetch the girl, giving him room to move around. "As for tomorrow, I will certainly be there." As Chris pulled the girl from her seat and prepared to leave he turned his focus to the boy. "Make sure she gets home safely." With that he turned his attention back to the contest, allowing the two to freely depart.


Kayzo said:
Mizuki would've smiled right now as Alicia agreed to stay with her, but it was too much work. She continued to hold the little girl close as she began to walk out of the ally. She thought that the best course of action was to return to the Ms. Fiore contest and confront Gilad about what just happened and the situation that the two were in. If anyone knew what to do it would be him. "Do you realize that pain makes me happy? I don't mind taking hit for you, but if you truly want me to, I won't." She said, slowly running a hand through her hair.
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia continued to stay snuggled close to Mizuki as she carried her, she felt safe with her, out of everyone in the guild she and Gilad were the ones she trusted the most. Mizuki's response to her question confused her, she wasn't aware pain made her happy..how could it make anyone happy? "I don't understand what you mean. How does pain make you happy? Doesn't it..well..hurt?" She asked her. "And I really don't, pain is different than dying anyway. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you, especially if it was my fault." She added.

Despite what happened she hoped they got to the contest soon..so long as Alfie wasn't there. She was curious to see how well the both of them did, she kind of wanted Mizuki to win despite her swimsuit still cleary being the best.
Arvis90 said:
Hunter - Magnolia streets
Hunter grunted when the kid took out a key. "What's that there kid? Planning on calling out a Celestial Spirit?" Hunter laughed maliciously. "Do you believe a spirit will be able to protect you from a demon?" And with that, Hunter's green eyes turned white white the scleroses of his eyes turned pitch black, along with his magic power beginning to shift towards its demonic nature. That was when Lavender appeared before him, brandishing a sword. "You shouldn't interfere where you're not wanted, girl." Hunter said, his voice taking on a demonic tone. @Britt-21
Aiden's smiled, lavender had shown up to interfere. This was gonna get interesting. " Hey lady, I'm sorry to disappoint you but this guy seems like he's a bit drunk and won't listen to reason. As for you mate, I'm not a regular celestial wizard you prick!" The four keys in his possession flowed a green pale light in response.

@Britt-21 @Arvis90
Hunter - Streets of Magnolia

Hunter turned his full attention on the woman, his smile that of a psycho. Internally, Hunter was fighting tooth and nail to regain control of his body, but the raw rage of his demon self was proving to be much stronger than he thought. "So the girl thinks to fight me, Eon the Lightning Demon?" Hunter laughed maliciously. He lifted his right hand out before him, and a moment later a burst of black and blue lightning erupted from his hand, taking on the shape of a dual-bladed sword. A common mistake that most people made was thinking this sword was ethereal, incapable of physical damage except for the lightning attribute. They were dead wrong, and often ended up as such. "I think I will call your bluff, girl." Hunter said, and jumped forward, thrusting his blade for her heart. Should she not counter, she would be run through, and should she parrying his attack, the lightning could conduct either through her shield or sword, electrocuting her decently. @Britt-21 @purplepanda288
Lavender was now trying to calculate what this was going to do "sir I suggest you do something soon!" Lavender grabbed the man she was protecting and pulled him away from the lighting sword they were both going to be hit with. She looked at him "if you don't do anything we might be fried. Quite literally." The warrior looked back at the demon man "I swear to you! If you do not back down this instant, I would have no choice but to battle you and personally, I do not wish to fight you." If she had seductress armor like the great Erza had, things might have worked out differently, though lavender hated skimpy stuff like that so maybe it wouldn't have been a good idea anyway

@purplepanda288 @Arvis90
purplepanda288 said:
" I'm Kimberly lock dear. I know right!"
Even over the music that played the bar owner noded at Kim. The band on stage finished thier last song.
" Looks like we are up!" She sounded like she was about to explode with excitement.

Eais Baole

It was so sudden. The crowed had gone silent with anticipation at what would come next. She always played in places like this with her family. Never herself. She gulped down the lump in her throat. She was playing with Kim. It wasn't her alone. With a slap on her own face with both hands, she tried to refocus on what mattered most. She nodded to Kim and held the flute close to her.
Arvis90 said:
Hunter - Streets of Magnolia
Hunter turned his full attention on the woman, his smile that of a psycho. Internally, Hunter was fighting tooth and nail to regain control of his body, but the raw rage of his demon self was proving to be much stronger than he thought. "So the girl thinks to fight me, Eon the Lightning Demon?" Hunter laughed maliciously. He lifted his right hand out before him, and a moment later a burst of black and blue lightning erupted from his hand, taking on the shape of a dual-bladed sword. A common mistake that most people made was thinking this sword was ethereal, incapable of physical damage except for the lightning attribute. They were dead wrong, and often ended up as such. "I think I will call your bluff, girl." Hunter said, and jumped forward, thrusting his blade for her heart. Should she not counter, she would be run through, and should she parrying his attack, the lightning could conduct either through her shield or sword, electrocuting her decently. @Britt-21 @purplepanda288
@purplepanda288[/URL] @Arvis90
As soon as they hit the ground Aiden rolled over to the side and stood up. His eye patch was on the ground. The magic circle shining behind his hair. He held out his key with the snake engraved into it." Open gate of the illusionist, SHEN THE SNAKE!" The bell sound that was expected didn't sound, in its place was the a gong sound. A figure with long green hair stood infront of Aiden.

@Britt-21 @Arvis90
Bolts said:
Eais BaoleIt was so sudden. The crowed had gone silent with anticipation at what would come next. She always played in places like this with her family. Never herself. She gulped down the lump in her throat. She was playing with Kim. It wasn't her alone. With a slap on her own face with both hands, she tried to refocus on what mattered most. She nodded to Kim and held the flute close to her.
Kim's smile expanded. He held Eias hand and lead her to the stage. " You play I'll follow." Kim sat down on the piano beach and sat down. She waited for Eias to start. Her eyes fell on to Ryu, for some reason she blushed when she looked at him.

@Rhodus @Bolts
Hunter - Magnolia Streets

Hunter laughed when the targets dodged, not upset at all. What fun was there in killing someone on the first attack? He turned around and watched the pair climb back to their feet. He didn't respond to the woman, but simply held out his left arm to the side, and another lightning blade erupted into existence. "A girl with a sword and a kid that can only call celestial spirits to his aid. How pathetic!" Demon-Hunter (still in human form) mocked. And with that, and warning whatsoever, he attacked the woman with the sword and shield, coming at her with a cross chop, followed by an upward strike, flowing into a roundhouse strike with his other sword. @Britt-21 @purplepanda288
Bolts said:
Eais BaoleIt was so sudden. The crowed had gone silent with anticipation at what would come next. She always played in places like this with her family. Never herself. She gulped down the lump in her throat. She was playing with Kim. It wasn't her alone. With a slap on her own face with both hands, she tried to refocus on what mattered most. She nodded to Kim and held the flute close to her.
purplepanda288 said:
Kim's smile expanded. He held Eias hand and lead her to the stage. " You play I'll follow." Kim sat down on the piano beach and sat down. She waited for Eias to start. Her eyes fell on to Ryu, for some reason she blushed when she looked at him.

@Rhodus @Bolts

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ryu smiled softly at Kim as she looked towards him. He found an empty seat and sat down, getting ready to listen to the pair's music. Even though he couldn't play anything himself, he still held a deep appreciation for music.

purplepanda288 said:
Kim's smile expanded. He held Eias hand and lead her to the stage. " You play I'll follow." Kim sat down on the piano beach and sat down. She waited for Eias to start. Her eyes fell on to Ryu, for some reason she blushed when she looked at him.

@Rhodus @Bolts
Eais Baole

She was lead up by Kim and was ready to follow in her tone. That was, till Kim said she would lead. Her heart beat rapidly as Kim took a seat at the piano and the visitors waited with smiles. She was frozen there. Her flute was at her lips but she was just staring at everything. She shut her eyes hard. Feeling the beat inside her chest. It was too fast. Eais had to think of something to play or else it was be a disgrace to the Baole band. Taking a deep breath. She exhaled into the flute. It rang out with a single note for a few seconds. Just like that, her anxiety was gone. The beginning of a song was at hand. Her eyes relaxed but remand shut.

It started off with small notes. Getting the feel of the atmosphere around her. It quickly turned to a more golly tune. Something similar to Pirate themed fun or Irish. Eais was getting into it now.

Bolts said:
Eais BaoleShe was lead up by Kim and was ready to follow in her tone. That was, till Kim said she would lead. Her heart beat rapidly as Kim took a seat at the piano and the visitors waited with smiles. She was frozen there. Her flute was at her lips but she was just staring at everything. She shut her eyes hard. Feeling the beat inside her chest. It was too fast. Eais had to think of something to play or else it was be a disgrace to the Baole band. Taking a deep breath. She exhaled into the flute. It rang out with a single note for a few seconds. Just like that, her anxiety was gone. The beginning of a song was at hand. Her eyes relaxed but remand shut.

It started off with small notes. Getting the feel of the atmosphere around her. It quickly turned to a more golly tune. Something similar to Pirate themed fun or Irish. Eais was getting into it now.

Kim followed with her own matching melody. Her two hands moving against each other, she controlled the keys like she was holding puppet strings. Her eyes shifted off to Ryu, she felt her face grow a deeper shade of red. She continued the play even when she looked at Ryu.

@Bolts @Rhodus [\FONT]
Zuka said:
Valken - Backstage Miss Fiore Contest

Millie stayed still while Valken practically spilled his heart. It was a weird feeling and one he wasn't sure he even liked. He was all, warm and stuff. She practically begged him to take her back. Even after finding out it had started out as a prank, she'll still wanted to be with him? Why? WHY?! He wasn't romantic, at least not when he wasn't acting gentlemanly.

He still had no words left. He figured and action was as good as any, so he slipping his arms around her once more, drawing her in, close to his warm chest. In the same instant he leaned down and put his lip's to her for a kiss, similar to the one he gave before. But this one only strengthened that warm fuzzy feeling in his chest, heart thundering in his ears. He even slipped a hand up behind her ear, cradling her head.

He lost track how long he kissed her like that. Feeling for any sign in her body language if she was pulling back.

Millie stood there in silence as neither one of them spoke. It seemed that the worst might be true, and that he really didn't love her. Sniffling slightly she began to take a step back until Valken took her by surprise and kissed her deeply. She stopped in mid motion before closing her eyes and kissing him back, turning her body to comfortably face him. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pulled herself closer to his warm body, not breaking the kiss despite her lungs screeching for air. After a few more moments she drew her head back and took a deep breath. "Valken, I don't care if you're the most romantic person ever. You make me happy, and that's good enough for me. I hope to do the same with you." She said, smiling warmly before kissing him again, a melting sensation flooding her body.

purplepanda288 said:
Kim followed with her own matching melody. Her two hands moving against each other, she controlled the keys like she was holding puppet strings. Her eyes shifted off to Ryu, she felt her face grow a deeper shade of red. She continued the play even when she looked at Ryu.
@Bolts @Rhodus [\FONT]
Eais Baole


The crowed was getting into it now. Cheer and merry was everywhere. Eais did not notice. She was playing what she felt was right and only focused on that. After a couple of minutes, the song started to fade as it came to an end. Everybody had kept quiet to honor the end of the song. Eais opened her eyes to a crowed staring up at Kim and her. Her face went red and hot. She looked to Kim. Unsure what to do now.
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Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
Alicia continued to stay snuggled close to Mizuki as she carried her, she felt safe with her, out of everyone in the guild she and Gilad were the ones she trusted the most. Mizuki's response to her question confused her, she wasn't aware pain made her happy..how could it make anyone happy? "I don't understand what you mean. How does pain make you happy? Doesn't it..well..hurt?" She asked her. "And I really don't, pain is different than dying anyway. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you, especially if it was my fault." She added.

Despite what happened she hoped they got to the contest soon..so long as Alfie wasn't there. She was curious to see how well the both of them did, she kind of wanted Mizuki to win despite her swimsuit still cleary being the best.
"It doesn't necessarily make me happy. I just don't mind it." Mizuki said, continuing the softly pet the girl as they walked. "I've experienced so much pain in my life I've become used to it. Do not worry about my wellbeing." She continued to walk towards the contest area, her eyes intensely flicking around their surroundings. She didn't want anyone sneaking up on them right now or hitting on them. Plus with word about her past resurfacing she was afraid she might run into someone who has beef with her or her former guild. "Do not worry, you will never lose me Alicia. And I will never lose you. I'll make sure of it."

Only a few minutes later the duo arrived back at the contest, her eyes scanning the area for signs of Gilad. Surely he'd be easy to spot, but secretly she hoped he was easy to reach. "I suppose we wait to see who wins..."
Kayzo said:
"It doesn't necessarily make me happy. I just don't mind it." Mizuki said, continuing the softly pet the girl as they walked. "I've experienced so much pain in my life I've become used to it. Do not worry about my wellbeing." She continued to walk towards the contest area, her eyes intensely flicking around their surroundings. She didn't want anyone sneaking up on them right now or hitting on them. Plus with word about her past resurfacing she was afraid she might run into someone who has beef with her or her former guild. "Do not worry, you will never lose me Alicia. And I will never lose you. I'll make sure of it."

Only a few minutes later the duo arrived back at the contest, her eyes scanning the area for signs of Gilad. Surely he'd be easy to spot, but secretly she hoped he was easy to reach. "I suppose we wait to see who wins..."

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

No sooner than they had arrived were the results tallied. Bob stood and cleared his throat in front of the microphone to get everyones attention. "Without further delay, allow me to announce the top ten contestants for the Ms. Fiore contest as well as the new Ms. Fiore!" He spoke. "In first place, and the new Ms. Fiore, Maya Morne from Lamia Scale!" He announced, of course the crowd clapped but he quickly silenced them. "In second place, Mizuki Kohaku! And in third Cinla Agate, fourth Kelcia Zefara, fifth Taylor Fireheart, sixth Kimberly Lock, seventh Alfie Roderick, eigth Bizma, ninth Ophelia Kaiser, and tenth place Alicia Nefaras!" He continued, managing to get all of the names out in one go but otherwise out of breath.

With that he left the stage, the awards for each place would be given at the end of the festival for convience seeing as the event had went on a bit later than anticipated.


Alicia: Ms. Fiore Contest

Well, she guessed that made more sense now. Being tolerable to pain rather than enjoying it, that'd of just been weird otherwise. Though she felt bad when she mentioned experiencing a lot of pain in her life. "
Of course I'm going to worry about you, you're my best friend Mizuki." She told her. Though she smiled at what she said last, it made her feel good to have someone that cared for her so much after her parents died. "Good. It's a promise then." She replied.

No sooner than they arrived did Bob start announcing the winners, so they'd made it just in time. Alicia shifted so she still had one arm around Mizuki but could still see the stage. She frowned slightly when she hadn't won, she thought for sure she would. Oh well, it was just a contest she'd entered for fun. Nothing really lost. Though she smiled excitedly when it was announced that Mizuki had won 2nd. "
You won Mizuki! You got second place! I knew you'd get a good score!" She told her excitedly before giving her a congratulatory hug.

After a while it was soon announced she'd gotten tenth, it was far from first but it was better than last so she was happy with that. "
Awesome! I got tenth!" She spoke, just as enthusiastically as before. Though now, now her exhaustion was catching up to her. She just wanted to change and go to sleep at this point. Yawning she leaned against Mizuki. "Can I sleep with you tonight? I don't want to sleep alone.." She asked her. Which was for two reasons, one being the nightmares and the other being if Alfie went so far as to stalk and attack them in their sleep they'd be together to defend each other.
Kelica - Walking gingerly through Magnolia

What a fun day at the festival, Kelica thought. She'd ridden Chris through the streets, walked the stales, bumped into Lysander... she reached up realising her flower headband was still lost and looking sad over that. Maybe she would find it in the Guild Hall tomorrow? She kept her arm looped around Chris, keeping pace while her head rested on his shoulder. She had done a wonderful dance at the Miss Fiore contest, Sabrina had spoken to her.... suddenly, eyes wide, she looked back to Sabrina almost instantly sobering up. "Sabrina! You... wanted me to come over tonight didn't you?" turning back to look to Chris, hand resting on his shoulder. "Would I be able to stay at Sabrina's for a little while? I can make my way home afterwards I promise!"

@Isune @PeteTSs
Valken - Miss Fiore Backstage - There was a bikini contest on?

Valken slide his arms tighter around Millie, drawing her in, keeping her close, feeling her warmth. She was so much softer then the ground he was used to sleeping, or warmer then the cold night time chill. She was all the opposite of everything he was used to.

Was this what love felt like?

He didn't know the time, or who was around, if it was day time or night time and frankly he didn't care. When she pulled away for a moment to breath, he opened his eyes to gaze to her face. He moved the hand resting at the back of her head, sliding it around to cup her cheek, keeping there gaze steady. He had dark purple eyes, so dark infact they looked black for anyone but as close as she was.

He reached up his other hand, leaving her embrace temporarily, slipping his gloves from his fingers, exposing his bare hands. He placed the gloves on his belt before putting both on his hands on her cheeks. His fingers were incredibly soft, given they were always in gloves, thumb rubbing under one eye gently.

If she took a side look, she might have seen the multiple scars running up and down his arms, looking like a self harmer. But he wasn't, it was just years, actually decades, of training with daggers, and alot of missed wrist flick's.

"I do love you Millie." He finally said, just before she pulled him into another kiss. He hoped she didn't freak out about the scars, because there were more across his back and chest that where covered in the black vest. His powers pushed him into the dark and dangerous field of work, often getting tortured, or kicked around if he wasn't fast or silent enough. He often had to hide, lay low.

It suddenly occured to him his job might put her in danger and he tensed up then, pulling away from her kiss. For the first time he looked terrified. "I can't have anything happen to you because of me... " He barely whispered.

Cinla isn't to happy about losing to the bitch and a little disappointed to lose to maya but it would hurt even more if she wasn't even in third so she sighed and then waving to the crowd. 'The other good thing about it is money can be used for the right reasons maya seems pretty caring in that way'.
Arvis90 said:
Hunter - Magnolia Streets
Hunter laughed when the targets dodged, not upset at all. What fun was there in killing someone on the first attack? He turned around and watched the pair climb back to their feet. He didn't respond to the woman, but simply held out his left arm to the side, and another lightning blade erupted into existence. "A girl with a sword and a kid that can only call celestial spirits to his aid. How pathetic!" Demon-Hunter (still in human form) mocked. And with that, and warning whatsoever, he attacked the woman with the sword and shield, coming at her with a cross chop, followed by an upward strike, flowing into a roundhouse strike with his other sword. @Britt-21 @purplepanda288
Lavender Gray- Magnolia streets

Lavender gritted her teeth as she blocked one attack with her shield and another with her sword. Exposing her torso "You do realize who I am, right?" she asked as she quickly kicked his gut with such force it sent him flying "I did not wish to hurt you but it seems I have no choice but to hurt you." Lavender knew this world was fight now-talk later. But clearly she was trying to change that mentality of people. Before he could regain his footing, Lavender charged at him, her shield ready to block anything and her sword ready to attack. Once she was close enough, she swiped her sword at him, with quick movements. This was no magic, this was just her natrual strength.

@purplepanda288 @Arvis90
Auren Sol

Ren blushed a little when Conway brought up how they met. That was quite an embarrassing situation. Despite this, he chuckled a little.

"Yeah, I suppose that's true. Although I really don't recommend you run into this woman named Mizuki. She won't hesitate to...well, just don't. That's all I can say..."he trailed off, shuddering at the thought of what might have happened if Alicia hadn't come to the rescue. He made a mental note to thank her later.

"We're almost there. The Fairy Tail guild hall is just around that corner" he said whole pointing to it.

"It's getting late so we'll probably have to meet back here tomorrow. We're just here to let master Gilad know you want to join." hee explained.

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