Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart(Slowly dragging Kelica home)

Chris was taken aback as not only was his ear grabbed, forcing him to lean down to listen to Kelica, but he had also received a sharp slap on his rear. Chris winced slightly as all of this was done, but still smirked down at Kelica,"I think I may have to pass on that. Right now, Mr.muscles it more concerned about getting you home. Please tell me I'm not going to have to carry you, you look like you can walk, But I'm worried."

@Zuka @PeteTSs

Drakerus said:
Auren Sol - Magnolia Alleyway

"Annoying huh? I can live with that." Ren said casually as he contemplated on how to answer Conway's suggestion. Although some of his guild mates weren't the nicest people in the world he still loved being a part of their community so he couldn't just leave. Not after donning the emblem so recently.

"Sorry but I can't run off with you no matter how charming you are. Oh..." he trailed off as he realized what he'd just said.

Crap! Did i Just say that out loud!? Stupid, stupid, stupid Ren! Get it together! Just play it off...

"U-um anyways, I'm in Sabertooth so I can't just abandon them. But..." he paused as he thought about what he was going to do.Did he have the jurisdiction to do this?

Gilad might like him...or maybe not. It's kind of hard to tell with that man.

"Maybe...you'd like to join me? I-In Sabetooth I mean. We're always in need of more members. We could even make a great team!" he said excitedly despite the nervousness that racked his insides. Conway didn't seem like the type to want to be tied down but hey, it was worth a shot. Even if he refused, Ren hoped to get closer to the sailor in more ways than one. He'd never say that out loud though. Not yet anyways...
Conway may have jumped a little upon hearing that he was charming, but the shock from that was a good one. But that was because he didn't pay attention to Ren not being able to run off. To his despair, the other boy continued to talk about how he couldn't run off because he was so attached to Sabertooth. But then he suggested that Conway should stay and join. Of course, this would be the end of his good ol' travelin' days, and he might have to clean up his act. But that would make way for the training he never got.

"Sabertooth, huh... sounds strong. I might consider joinin', but... Ther's a bit about meself that needs changin' to live with people. But... it sounds a lot bett'r than livin' alone. Show me the way," Conway decided brightly. Now he wasn't even focused completely on Ren, but rather how living in a guild would be like.

Valken - Backstage Miss Fiore Contest

Millie stayed still while Valken practically spilled his heart. It was a weird feeling and one he wasn't sure he even liked. He was all, warm and stuff. She practically begged him to take her back. Even after finding out it had started out as a prank, she'll still wanted to be with him? Why? WHY?! He wasn't romantic, at least not when he wasn't acting gentlemanly.

He still had no words left. He figured and action was as good as any, so he slipping his arms around her once more, drawing her in, close to his warm chest. In the same instant he leaned down and put his lip's to her for a kiss, similar to the one he gave before. But this one only strengthened that warm fuzzy feeling in his chest, heart thundering in his ears. He even slipped a hand up behind her ear, cradling her head.

He lost track how long he kissed her like that. Feeling for any sign in her body language if she was pulling back.

WoodenZebra said:
Momoki shook Vex's hand,"I often go by Momo" She said before Horus landed on her shoulder and started snuggling with her face,"It's okay. I love animals.Ones that fly especially" Momo said."What kind of powers do you have?Does your bird fit into it?"
"Well that is good to hear because it looks like he has taken a liking to you." Vex held his arm and Horus walk onto it and back to his place. "I have power over plants and light. I also have all six of the paths of the fea. If you have ever heard of that." He held his hand over the ground dropping some seeds. They then grew up to his hand. It was a bush of pink blue flowere. "For you my lady." He then continued to answer her questions. "Well one if the six paths allows me to talk to animals and I am blind so Horus tells ne what he sees."
Auren Sol

"Everyone's probably still at the Fairy Tail guild hall. C'mon it's this way!" he said as he grabbed Conway's hand without thinking. The sailor's was quite a bit rougher than his own. Probably due to the different activities he did from day to day. Ren loved drawing and Conway likely did lots of more...physically challenging activities. The boy didn't mind though, the warmth of Conway's larger hand felt sort of...nice. He didn't dwell on this thought as he led Conway in the direction of the guild hall. He wasn't exactly sure how far away they were but Ren remembered where it was generally so they probably wouldn't get lost.
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Kayzo said:
Mizuki continued to follow Alicia's scent around town, walking fairly quickly to find the girl. Obviously there was something wrong with her seeing as there was no reason for her to just get up and leave. Maybe Alfie had something to do with it? If that pink haired cross dresser did anything to Alicia than he'd never see the light of day again she'd destroy that crystal once and for all.
Her little walk eventually led to a dead end, Alicia curled up at the end of the hallway and began crying. She thought that Mizuki was Alfie, and that she was going to kill her. The Dark Mage said nothing at first, her four shadowy arms picking the girl up and pulling her close, her real arms hugging her tightly. "Alicia, it's me. I'm not here to harm you..."

Alicia: Magnolia Alleyway

At first when she was picked up before she was hugged Alicia tensed up completely, she was sure it was over. She was genuinely surprised yet relieved when she was hugged by Mizuki. She squirmed slightly trying to get away from her, "
No! Let me go! I have to leave, if I don't that guy is going to kill you when he tries to kill me!" She shouted. "I don't want you to get killed because of you trying to protect me...I don't want anyone to. It's better if I go so you'll be safe." She told her.

She didn't want to leave Sabertooth, Mizuki especially, but if it meant keeping her safe she would. Mizuki was practically a sister to her, she'd rather leave knowing she was alive than worry when Alfie would come to kill them.
A figure with black hair and an eye patch was sprinting and dogging though the crowd. He looked back as a few loud mouth drunk men yelled at him for knocking their stocks down. As he did he bumped into hunter. Two of his keys and phone flew out of his pocket as he fell down on to the stone road. " Sorry about that mate."

Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

"Everyone's probably still at the Fairy Tail guild hall. C'mon it's this way!" he said as he grabbed Conway's hand without thinking. The sailor's was quite a bit rougher than his own. Probably due to the different activities he did from day to day. Ren loved drawing and Conway likely did lots of more...physically challenging activities. The boy didn't mind though, the warmth of Conway's larger hand felt sort of...nice. He didn't dwell on this thought as he led Conway in the direction of the guild hall. He wasn't exactly sure how far away they were but Ren remembered where it was generally so they probably wouldn't get lost.
Conway's stomach knotted as Ren grabbed his hand and led him along the roads of Magnolia. The Sabertooth member's hand was actually pretty soft, which didn't surprise the sailor too much, but the fact that the other held his hand while walking along was a little sudden. As far as he knew, guys didn't hold hands at any time. But maybe this was Ren's way of expressing his friendliness, or even something more? After all, most of Conway's life consisted of living on the sea where everyone followed the same rules. And he had only started "traveling" a few months ago. The land had proved to be much different than what he was used to.

"So, uh, Sabertooth. What's'it like there?" Conway finally spoke, hoping to get a premise of what he's be dealing with.

Momoki grabbed the flowers,"Wow Thank you" She said before Vex started talking again,"Cool.I use Magic cards" Momo said,"They are cards with spells atttched to them.You can put more than one card together to make a combination,or just use cards individually.It's up to the eye of the Card Holder." Momo giggled,"See what I did there"

Hunter - Magnolia streets.

Hunter had since returned from the Magnolia outskirts some time ago. Now he had wandered around this legendary town quite a bit, and honestly, he wasn't impressed. Crocus was much better in his opinion. The food was alright, he had eaten his fair share, and was enjoying a pitcher of frothy beer when someone ran smack into him just as he was taking a gulp of his drink. The result was the entire contents of his pitcher not yet drank pouring down his face and drenching his clothing. Hunter snarled and turned to see the kid on the ground. Hunter lifted the pitcher over his head and threw it down, making it shatter on the ground a couple inches from the guy's head. "What the hell is your problem, you little shit?!" Hunter shouted, normally he wouldn't react as such, but he was quite intoxicated and the ordeal of speaking to his inner demon had left him angry. Black and blue lightning began to spark in the air around Hunter. "You just made a big mistake...whoever you are."

WoodenZebra said:
Momoki grabbed the flowers,"Wow Thank you" She said before Vex started talking again,"Cool.I use Magic cards" Momo said,"They are cards with spells atttched to them.You can put more than one card together to make a combination,or just use cards individually.It's up to the eye of the Card Holder." Momo giggled,"See what I did there"
He frowned, "wow, eye. Punny." He wasn't to thrilled to have her joke about sight but he wasn't going to let that get in the way of anything. "Well... I am trying to find some where to rest. I know we just met but could I perhaps stay the night at your house whike I get settled in?" He grabbed some of the flowers that had grown (not from momo) and gathered seeds from them so that he would still have them.
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Mizuki's six arms tightly held Alicia close to her chest, not allowing the small girl to escape. She found it rather sweet that the girl ran away because she was scared of killing Mizuki, but the dark Mage didn't need protection. "Alicia, you said that you loved me, and I said that I loved you. We need to stick together now. If Alfie comes to kill you, he won't be able to take on both of us. But if we split up we are easy prey." She said, pressing her forehead against hers and staring into Alicia's eyes to get the message across. "You will be safe around me, and I will be safe around you. Please stay with me..."

"Oh I have an idea.I can by you a apartment in my guild apartment building.My parents own it so you could live in the apartment next to mine.So it would be free for you.What do you think" Momoki asked nicely hoping he would say yes,"After all if you need any help I'd be a couple of steps away." @Wyatt
Arvis90 said:
Hunter - Magnolia streets.
Hunter had since returned from the Magnolia outskirts some time ago. Now he had wandered around this legendary town quite a bit, and honestly, he wasn't impressed. Crocus was much better in his opinion. The food was alright, he had eaten his fair share, and was enjoying a pitcher of frothy beer when someone ran smack into him just as he was taking a gulp of his drink. The result was the entire contents of his pitcher not yet drank pouring down his face and drenching his clothing. Hunter snarled and turned to see the kid on the ground. Hunter lifted the pitcher over his head and threw it down, making it shatter on the ground a couple inches from the guy's head. "What the hell is your problem, you little shit?!" Hunter shouted, normally he wouldn't react as such, but he was quite intoxicated and the ordeal of speaking to his inner demon had left him angry. Black and blue lightning began to spark in the air around Hunter. "You just made a big mistake...whoever you are."

Aiden stood up, the electricity around the man didn't faze him at all. " Look mate I'm not here for a fight. Names Aiden if you must know." Aiden lifted him self up from the ground, he grabed the two keys and his phone that fell out of his pocket. This man is dangerous to say the lest he has to be on his toes in case he need to doge.

WoodenZebra said:
"Oh I have an idea.I can by you a apartment in my guild apartment building.My parents own it so you could live in the apartment next to mine.So it would be free for you.What do you think" Momoki asked nicely hoping he would say yes,"After all if you need any help I'd be a couple of steps away." @Wyatt
"Well I don't want you to buy me a home, but I would love to have a place to stay so that would be nice. (Rubs hands together, plotting evilly.) I will take you up on your offer." He held out his hand, "could you lead me?" He did have things that she might be able to helo out with, but he didn't want to ask her.
Hunter - Magnolia Streets

When the kid got up and just brushed him off, that only proved to further piss Hunter off. The lightning was starting to really build in pressure. That was when several guys came over and grabbed Hunter by the arms and shoulders, trying to keep him at bay and calm him down. Hunter threw his arms away from his body, sending the guys holding his arms flying away from him as it they were nothing. One landed in the river/canal close by, the other wasn't so lucky as he literally crashed partially through the wall of the nearby tavern. The others holding onto him released him and backed up, spouting that he was crazy. "You have any idea who I am?" Hunter said, his eyes dark.

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"Okay" Momo said taking

Vex's hand,"Lets go.I'm sure my parents will like you" Momoki said starting to walk."So.How do you fight if you can't see anything.It must be interesting" Momo said

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Eais Baole- Music bar

Before she new it, her arm was locked with the other two. It caught her off guard but not as much as the purple that ensued. It felt so strange, like she was being pushed through a space by tendrils. Then, she found herself in front of a building that music could be heard form. She had mixed emotions from both being abruptly teleported and also being in front of such a cool place. Th-thank you

@purplepanda288 @Rhodus
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Conway's stomach knotted as Ren grabbed his hand and led him along the roads of Magnolia. The Sabertooth member's hand was actually pretty soft, which didn't surprise the sailor too much, but the fact that the other held his hand while walking along was a little sudden. As far as he knew, guys didn't hold hands at any time. But maybe this was Ren's way of expressing his friendliness, or even something more? After all, most of Conway's life consisted of living on the sea where everyone followed the same rules. And he had only started "traveling" a few months ago. The land had proved to be much different than what he was used to.
"So, uh, Sabertooth. What's'it like there?" Conway finally spoke, hoping to get a premise of what he's be dealing with.



Auren Sol

Ren hummed thoughtfully as he thought about Conway's question.

"Well, to be honest I haven't been there for long so my answer might not be completely accurate. But, if you want my take I'd say that there are all kinds of people in Sabertooth. Most of them though, they value strength highly and so aiming to be the best has come to be one of the guild's defining qualities. A lot of the members are quite intimidating at first but I'm sure they're not bad people otherwise guildmaster Gilad wouldn't have let them join in the first place. There are some oddballs though like me and Alicia. Me because well, I don't exactly give off the aura that most of my guild mates do and Alicia for the same reason, she's only 10 after all. Strength wise, most of the Guild can give any fairy tail member a run for their money! Me though, not so much." he explained, spitting out hits of his point of view as they came to mind.

"Anyways, it's definitely not a bad place to be if you wanna get stronger. And if you're lucky enough to make friends then you'll probably grow close to them considering it takes a bit of work to actually obtain trust." he said. Ren hadn't made any real friends in the Guild yet but he had set his sights on Mizuki and Alicia after getting to see a bit of who they were today. Of course, putting the shadow mage's terrifying nature aside for her calm, calculating demeanor which Ren admired.
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Arvis90 said:
Hunter - Magnolia Streets
When the kid got up and just brushed him off, that only proved to further piss Hunter off. The lightning was starting to really build in pressure. That was when several guys came over and grabbed Hunter by the arms and shoulders, trying to keep him at bay and calm him down. Hunter threw his arms away from his body, sending the guys holding his arms flying away from him as it they were nothing. One landed in the river/canal close by, the other wasn't so lucky as he literally crashed partially through the wall of the nearby tavern. The others holding onto him released him and backed up, spouting that he was crazy. "You have any idea who I am?" Hunter said, his eyes dark.

Aiden- streets of magnolia

" I honestly don't care mate. Don't you know that I don't care what your rank is, eh." Now when he threw the males, he started to become a bit weary of him. He had a key at ready in his hand at that point. " Calm down mate, we don't want to destroy the city."


Kim smiled at Eias. " No problem dear, let's go inside. " she unhooked her arm from theirs and opened the door to the bar. " Hey Phil! Can we play after the band?!" She obviously knew the bar owner so she could just yell like to was her home.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki's six arms tightly held Alicia close to her chest, not allowing the small girl to escape. She found it rather sweet that the girl ran away because she was scared of killing Mizuki, but the dark Mage didn't need protection. "Alicia, you said that you loved me, and I said that I loved you. We need to stick together now. If Alfie comes to kill you, he won't be able to take on both of us. But if we split up we are easy prey." She said, pressing her forehead against hers and staring into Alicia's eyes to get the message across. "You will be safe around me, and I will be safe around you. Please stay with me..."
Alicia: Magnolia Alleyway

Alicia frowned slightly, what she said was probably right, but she felt she was still putting her in danger regardless. In the end she nodded and sighed, move her head from Mizuki's forehead to her shoulder before hugging her. "You're right, I'll stay. I'm sorry for making you worry.." She replied. She really didn't want to leave her in the first place, it was mostly an impulse thing, but she went along with it anyway.

On one condition..if he's gunna kill us we'll fight together. I don't want you dying shielding me..okay?" She asked her.
Drakerus said:
A confused expression grew on Conway's face as Ren started getting into ten-year-olds and oddballs. Wasn't everyone in a guild supposed to be strong? But as soon as he stopped talking about those things and went on to saying it was a great place to train, he told himself Ren was just modest and payed attention to what else he said about it. Making friends couldn't be that hard. All you need to do is run into people, right? It worked with him and the other boy. They went directly from Conway yelling at him to holding each others' hands.

"All ya've gotta do ta make friends is run into'em an' pray for tha bett'r. Worked wit' me an' you, din't it?" he asked with a hearty laugh before looking back at him, "But really, I can't wait ta get ther'. How far're we, anyway?"

Lavender Gray- Magnolia Streets

Lavender had split from her group and decided she should go home and relax a little bit. She had more than enough days of walking and fighting. Now this warrior needed some rest and a nice hot bath. Walking through the streets she would soon find a few people sent flying and people yelling that someone was crazy. Pulling her sword from her waist (It was sitting in it's case) she then held it tightly as she ran over to see a man discharging electrical currents and he was threatning another man who had been in front of him. Miss Gray was going to need her shield and sword to fight this man. I shall not tolerate such behavior from grown men. If this man keeps doing what he's doing, he could injure innocent people! Lavender waited for the right moment to attack.

Watching the one man try to calm his enemy down was not helping. It seemed to be making it much worse. So before this could go any farther, lavender rushed over and stood in front of the victim and cut the electrical man off from attacking "what in the world are you doing?!" She yelled "there is not any reason that you two should be fighting, especially you!" She pointed her sword at the man who had his electrical currents

@Arvis90 @purplepanda288
Eias Baole

She walked into the building right after Kim. She was instantly lost in the show. People having a great time playing their hearts out while others listened, danced, and cheered. She had a sparkle in her eye. Music bars were always a soft spot to her. Maybe one day she will run into the Baole band here. Today was not that day though.

She overheard Kim yell out to the manager of the building about playing. Kim wanted to play with her? All she knew was that she had a flute, not if she were any good with it. She was. It was just an interesting thought. Instantly she starting going over rhythms and other types of music to play. Ultimately, she felt she should follow Kim's beat. It was only fair since she invited her. Blowing a bubble, so that Kim could hear her over the crowed. I'm Eais, Eais Baole. Nice to meet you. This place is awesome.

purplepanda288 said:
Aiden- streets of magnolia
" I honestly don't care mate. Don't you know that I don't care what your rank is, eh." Now when he threw the males, he started to become a bit weary of him. He had a key at ready in his hand at that point. " Calm down mate, we don't want to destroy the city."


Kim smiled at Eias.
" No problem dear, let's go inside. " she unhooked her arm from theirs and opened the door to the bar. " Hey Phil! Can we play after the band?!" She obviously knew the bar owner so she could just yell like to was her home.


Mizuki would've smiled right now as Alicia agreed to stay with her, but it was too much work. She continued to hold the little girl close as she began to walk out of the ally. She thought that the best course of action was to return to the Ms. Fiore contest and confront Gilad about what just happened and the situation that the two were in. If anyone knew what to do it would be him. "Do you realize that pain makes me happy? I don't mind taking hit for you, but if you truly want me to, I won't." She said, slowly running a hand through her hair.


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