Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Eias Baole - Magnolia Streets

She walked down streets a little defeated. She missed her traveling band dearly. It has been months since the last time they crossed paths and she had no one to play music with but herself. The atmosphere was nice though. It started filling her with glee again. People were out and about doing merry things. Walking towards her were two people talking. One with purple across her body in very pretty swirls. She blew a bubble from her mouth as they got closer. Poking in with her finger, the bubble spoke to them. I like your body paint.

She was too focused on what to say that she didn't even notice her skin turned back to normal.

@purplepanda288 @Rhodus
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@LeSoraAmari[/URL] @Kyuubey
Vex: Magnolia Streets

"Are you okay?" He asked when he heard her cry of pain. "What about stupid cheap headphones?" he asked when he heard her begin to complain. Vex finally took his head off of Lyra, and he was facing the girl who was still on top of him. "Yea it is, why? And what would your name be?" He made an attempt to sit up without knocking his head into Lyra and with out crushing the girl. He then addressed everyone, "I think I should be going to soon. I need to find a place to settle in. I don't have a place of my own and I have somethings to take care."

@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Genon
"Yeah i'm fine. I'm yuna and my magic stopped working when your music burned them out.."

She wipes away the blood.

"I have to ask where did you get all the sounds for your music?" Yuna begins to follow him.


Lyra Maelstre

Lyra couldn't help but smile once again from the compliment she received, twirling a finger amidst the long strands of hair that draped around her entire body and spooled about the ground. " Horus, you say? At least one of you is super adorable. " She reached over and pet the bird then, ruffling his feathers in an endearing manner. It all happened quite suddenly but she didn't seem surprised as the air changed and Hibiki happened to finally appear beside her. " What took you so long? " She angrily whispered at him, if there even was a way to sound angry while whispering then she was achieving it perfectly. Luckily Vex explained the situation because she truthfully hadn't been there for most of it and had no idea what started it. " Hibiii-kun, I need your back, I'm feeling weak again but no I'm not hurt. " Lyra admitted to him, lowering her eyes; he knew what that meant and he'd probably protest but allow her to crawl on his back. After-all she was somehow holding Vex's head in his lap without breaking a sweat, but being weightless made things more of a chore for her when interacting with others.

It wasn't until Yuna came crashing down from above that her mood really switched. And godddd did she weigh even more than the boy did. If one could truly be considered fat or bearing too much weight then Yuna would've taken the cake; get it? " Get it off, get it off. " She begun to flail, feeling crushed and much too pinned down. Her hands reached for Hibiki desperately before the two finally begun to remove themselves from her lap, eyes slowly taking in the blood on her dress. Oh well, it'll come out... Another hushed thought, another internal annoyance. " It was so lovely meeting you, Vexie. And Horus especially. " She stood then and took the time to paw at her dress, trying to straighten it out to the best of her ability. People were so rude, fighting amidst a festival, jumping on people when being overweight. Lyra turned to Yuna, waving much too enthusiastically. " See you tomorrow! " A wink followed before she jumped on Hibiki's back, arms wrapping around his neck loosely.

@Wyatt @LeSoraAmari @Angeliquie Perry
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia Streets


Ryu smiled softly and shook his head slowly, "No, no, it's quite alright miss Kim." He replied. "Feel free to take as much time as you'd like. I have no more obligations today, that I don't," He said reassuringly. He really didn't mind doing whatever Kim wanted since, as he'd mentioned, he had no further obligations that day. As such, he was free to do as he pleased, which currently was to stay with miss Kim and assist her with whatever she might need, as well as keep an eye out for any further episodes she might have with her flux.

Bolts said:
Eias Baole - Magnolia StreetsShe walked down streets a little defeated. She missed her traveling band dearly. It has been months since the last time they crossed paths and she had no one to play music with but herself. The atmosphere was nice though. It started filling her with glee again. People were out and about doing merry things. Walking towards her were two people talking. One with purple across her body in very pretty swirls. She blew a bubble from her mouth as they got closer. Poking in with her finger, the bubble spoke to them. I like your body paint.

She was too focused on what to say that she didn't even notice her skin turned back to normal.

@purplepanda288 @Rhodus

Kim lock- streets of magnolia

Kim smiled at Ryu.
" Your a good man. I like that." She gave Kim a quick kiss on his right cheek bone. Once she herd the sound bubble she turned to see who had spoken. Once she did she found the origin of the voice. " Why thank you dear. Though it wasn't paint, it was just. How do I put it, magic." As Kim looked Aias over she saw her flut. " You play the flut. I play the piano. How merry isn't it?"

@Rhodus @Bolts
"Good bye," he waved to the others. He theb turned and saw Yuna following him. Hum she probably is going to follow me for some time, maybe she can help me find a place to rest. "Well I tend to play sounds that others have written but when I don't I play what I feel." He got his guitar out again and began to strum it in a soothing way.
Eias Baole - Magnolia Streets

She blinked twice at the sight of no purple on her body. Once Kim's voice broke her concentration, she nodded in understanding. It was still very pretty. When Kim commented on her flute, she looked down a blushed a little. Blowing another bubble from the flute.

Yes, very merry indeed. I love the sound of the piano. Just the sound reminds me of Chi chi and Ro.

I'm a little new here. Any recommendations on the festival?

First a guitar and now finding someone who can play piano? Music is everywhere, you just have to seek it out. A faint smile rose on Eais's face. Her disappointment was a thing of the past.

@purplepanda288 @Rhodus
Mizuki had been in the bathroom the entire time Alicia was sleeping. She had changed out of her dreaded swimsuit and back into her normal attire, which was still very revealing. However in her mind this was much different than a swimsuit since she wouldn't feel other people against her skin. But this didn't take very long, and she spent the rest of the time contemplating what Alicia said to her. The Little One said that she loved her, which was very strange. Mizuki was 13 years older than Alicia and things like that were definetly frowned upon. The Dark Mage herself didn't even feel that way yet she said that she loved her back. Maybe Alicia meant it in a different way? Surely she had to. Curious about what the little one meant she stepped out of the bathroom to find that Alicia had left. She wasn't in the bed where she left her, and the door was unlocked! Mizuki went into her panic mode and quickly walked out the door, looking around for any sign of Alicia. Eventually she caught her scent and began to follow the trail that led to Alicia.

purplepanda288 said:

Kim lock- streets of magnolia

Kim smiled at Ryu.
" Your a good man. I like that." She gave him a quick kiss on his right cheek bone. Once she herd the sound bubble she turned to see who had spoken. Once she did she found the origin of the voice. " Why thank you dear. Though it wasn't paint, it was just. How do I put it, magic." As Kim looked Aias over she saw her flut. " You play the flut. I play the piano. How merry isn't it?"

@Rhodus @Bolts
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - Magnolia StreetsShe blinked twice at the sight of no purple on her body. Once Kim's voice broke her concentration, she nodded in understanding. It was still very pretty. When Kim commented on her flute, she looked down a blushed a little. Blowing another bubble from the flute.

Yes, very merry indeed. I love the sound of the piano. Just the sound reminds me of Chi chi and Ro.

I'm a little new here. Any recommendations on the festival?

First a guitar and now finding someone who can play piano? Music is everywhere, you just have to seek it out. A faint smile rose on Eais's face. Her disappointment was a thing of the past.

@purplepanda288 @Rhodus

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia Streets


Ryu smiled and blushed lightly as she kissed his cheek. "Thank you miss Kim. I just try to help people that's all." He replied softly. He felt a compulsion to help those he could. It has been instilled in him by his master, and he'd followed it ever since. It just felt right to him.

He looked over at Eias as she walked over and started talking, but stayed silent, deciding to let them have their conversation. He absent-mindedly adjusted his katana as he listened to the pair.

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Vex: Magnolia Bikini contest

Slowly Vex and Horus made their way to the contest. Vex was strumming on his guitar singing the trail we blaze. He could hear a tone of people around him even if he couldn't see them. It sounded like everyone was having fun. Hum.. Where should I go, I am sure that there are plenty of people to talk to. He stopped by where the contestants where, still singing the trail we blaze.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki had been in the bathroom the entire time Alicia was sleeping. She had changed out of her dreaded swimsuit and back into her normal attire, which was still very revealing. However in her mind this was much different than a swimsuit since she wouldn't feel other people against her skin. But this didn't take very long, and she spent the rest of the time contemplating what Alicia said to her. The Little One said that she loved her, which was very strange. Mizuki was 13 years older than Alicia and things like that were definetly frowned upon. The Dark Mage herself didn't even feel that way yet she said that she loved her back. Maybe Alicia meant it in a different way? Surely she had to. Curious about what the little one meant she stepped out of the bathroom to find that Alicia had left. She wasn't in the bed where she left her, and the door was unlocked! Mizuki went into her panic mode and quickly walked out the door, looking around for any sign of Alicia. Eventually she caught her scent and began to follow the trail that led to Alicia.
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia had gotten lost about halfway to the contest. Normally this wouldn't bother the girl, but with someone wanting her dead it kind of terrified her to be alone and lost. She couldn't go back and bother Mizuki though, she'd already put her in enough danger as it was. Eventually she got the feeling someone was following her, and she really didn't like it nor did she stop to think it was Mizuki.

Eventually she heard the footsteps getting closer to where they sounded almost behind her, which caused her to pick up the pace. Eventually she broke into a run altogether, which was kind of painful considering she didn't have shoes on where she hadn't changed yet. Eventually she ducked down a random alleyway, tripping about halfway down it and skinning up her knees on the cobblestone.

To make matters worse it was a dead end, which she'd figured out by getting up and walking a bit further. At that point she gave up, fully thinking it was Alfie to come make good on his promise to kill her. She shrank down to the ground and curled herself into a protective ball, crying as she did so. "
Please don't kill me..I'm sorry..I was just trying to protect Mizuki." She mumbled.
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - Magnolia StreetsShe blinked twice at the sight of no purple on her body. Once Kim's voice broke her concentration, she nodded in understanding. It was still very pretty. When Kim commented on her flute, she looked down a blushed a little. Blowing another bubble from the flute.

Yes, very merry indeed. I love the sound of the piano. Just the sound reminds me of Chi chi and Ro.

I'm a little new here. Any recommendations on the festival?

First a guitar and now finding someone who can play piano? Music is everywhere, you just have to seek it out. A faint smile rose on Eais's face. Her disappointment was a thing of the past.

@purplepanda288 @Rhodus
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia Streets


Ryu smiled and blushed lightly as she kissed his cheek. "Thank you miss Kim. I just try to help people that's all." He replied softly. He felt a compulsion to help those he could. It has been instilled in him by his master, and he'd followed it ever since. It just felt right to him.

He looked over at Eias as she walked over and started talking, but stayed silent, deciding to let them have their conversation. He absent-mindedly adjusted his katana as he listened to the pair.

" How about we go to the music bar. They let musicians play there. How about it?" She spoke bubbly to them both. She looked really ecstatic. Obviously she ewanted to spend more time with the both of them!

@Rhodus @Bolts
Eias Baole - Magnolia Streets

Eias's face beamed with light at the phrase of a music bar. The atmosphere of them was just amazing in other cities! Without words, she nodded her head rapidly. She had gotten so caught up in all the commotion, she forgot that most places had them. Especially big cities like Magnolia. Her body was ready to go. It could be seen by anyone viewing upon her. She probably looked crazy. With a big smile she said in her own voice. Oh YES YES YES! It was almost impossible to hear her with her soft quiet voice.

@Rhodus @purplepanda288
Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia Streets"Well don't blame yourself, I don't really understand what..." He wasn't able to finish his sentence as someone fell on him. Horus quickly made an escape to make sure he wasn't crushed. She had landed on his stomach and caused him to lose his breath. After he regained his breath he started to speak to the person. "Hello there, have a nice trip?"



@Salt Lord (mentioned)



Adrian was listening to what Vex was saying when a girl tripped and fell on the other wizard. "Uh, I'll let you sort that out. I've got a pink-haired killer to find," Adrian said as he disappeared into a mass of purple light, which then faded from existence. He reappeared in front of Kim and Ryu.

"Guys, we need to find Alfie. Either he's gone nuts, or he's been corrupted somehow. He tried to turn another mage into a pincushion and gave a little girl a death threat. I have a feeling he'll be on the guild roof, as usual. I'm going there to confront him about it. I suggest you come with me."
Genon said:

@Salt Lord (mentioned)



Adrian was listening to what Vex was saying when a girl tripped and fell on the other wizard. "Uh, I'll let you sort that out. I've got a pink-haired killer to find," Adrian said as he disappeared into a mass of purple light, which then faded from existence. He reappeared in front of Kim and Ryu.

"Guys, we need to find Alfie. Either he's gone nuts, or he's been corrupted somehow. He tried to turn another mage into a pincushion and gave a little girl a death threat. I have a feeling he'll be on the guild roof, as usual. I'm going there to confront him about it. I suggest you come with me."
Tagging @purplepanda288
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

Ren was a bit startled at the flash of light but in the end, he found it fascinating rather than scary. After all, he was used to bright lights. The boy then gave a bright smile as he came up with something witty to say.

"Actually, what you said was," he paused to clear his throat,"Don't expect ta be seein' me again aft'r this, cabin boy!" he mimicked, butchering the accent so badly it was hilarious.

"And, i didn't expect to see you again but, here we are. Besides, I have been known to irritate people without trying so...yeah, you're stuck with me I guess." he said gesturing with his arms to the situation.

Conway - Magnolia Alleyway

Conway was at a loss of words when Ren corrected him. What made things worse was that he was right. Stuttering, the sailor tried to come up with some smart remark. "O' yeah? W-well... I..." As cute as this guy was, he got on Conway's nerves, especially because of how horribly he mimicked his accent. But he was clever, and two heads are better than one. Maybe tagging along with him wouldn't be a bad idea.

Conway regained his temper with a sigh and stood in a less offensive stance, and, stopping with the bright light, he said,
"Look here, cabi--" he cut himself off to speak to the other more respectfully, "Look here, Ren. Yer' annoyin'. But yer' clever. An' this doesn't mark the first time we met. I think we ought'a start travelin' together... Unless yer' in a guild." He had never considered Ren to actually be in a guild until now... But maybe settling wouldn't be a bad idea. After all, there's be a whole spectrum of people to train with, training he never received when the Maria still sailed...

Momoki put her clothes back on.She was happy with her performance and took out her card with Lucian in it,"You did something right for once" Momo joked at him,"Because you did this I'll make you a deal.You turn good.I'll let you out. You cross me it's back into the card with you." Momo said putting him back and then bumping into a male whom she thought was cute,"Oh sorry" Momoki said blushing a bit.

Mizuki continued to follow Alicia's scent around town, walking fairly quickly to find the girl. Obviously there was something wrong with her seeing as there was no reason for her to just get up and leave. Maybe Alfie had something to do with it? If that pink haired cross dresser did anything to Alicia than he'd never see the light of day again she'd destroy that crystal once and for all.

Her little walk eventually led to a dead end, Alicia curled up at the end of the hallway and began crying. She thought that Mizuki was Alfie, and that she was going to kill her. The Dark Mage said nothing at first, her four shadowy arms picking the girl up and pulling her close, her real arms hugging her tightly. "Alicia, it's me. I'm not here to harm you..."

WoodenZebra said:
Momoki put her clothes back on.She was happy with her performance and took out her card with Lucian in it,"You did something right for once" Momo joked at him,"Because you did this I'll make you a deal.You turn good.I'll let you out. You cross me it's back into the card with you." Momo said putting him back and then bumping into a male whom she thought was cute,"Oh sorry" Momoki said blushing a bit.
Vex didn't expect to have someone bump into him and was completely caught off guard. "No, it was my faught I should have been more careful." He put his guitar on his back, strapping it into a nearly destroyed loop thingy. It still held his guitar like it was suppose to, but it wouldn't last to much longer. "So who do I have the pleasure of bumping into?" He then spoke into Horus's ear before she could respond. "I thought you were looking out for me, how many tikes have I walked into something today?" The bird flapped its wings and brushed it off not giving Vex a reply.
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"I-I'm Momoki" Momo said.She was almost at a lost for words at how attractive she thought this boy was,"What's your name"

Auren Sol - Magnolia Alleyway

"Annoying huh? I can live with that." Ren said casually as he contemplated on how to answer Conway's suggestion. Although some of his guild mates weren't the nicest people in the world he still loved being a part of their community so he couldn't just leave. Not after donning the emblem so recently.

"Sorry but I can't run off with you no matter how charming you are. Oh..." he trailed off as he realized what he'd just said.

Crap! Did i Just say that out loud!? Stupid, stupid, stupid Ren! Get it together! Just play it off...

"U-um anyways, I'm in Sabertooth so I can't just abandon them. But..." he paused as he thought about what he was going to do.Did he have the jurisdiction to do this?

Gilad might like him...or maybe not. It's kind of hard to tell with that man.

"Maybe...you'd like to join me? I-In Sabetooth I mean. We're always in need of more members. We could even make a great team!" he said excitedly despite the nervousness that racked his insides. Conway didn't seem like the type to want to be tied down but hey, it was worth a shot. Even if he refused, Ren hoped to get closer to the sailor in more ways than one. He'd never say that out loud though. Not yet anyways...
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WoodenZebra said:
"I-I'm Momoki" Momo said.She was almost at a lost for words at how attractive she thought this boy was,"What's your name"
"Well Momoki, I am VezieVarks Magona. I most often go by Vex." He held out his hand to her. It was hard to gauge what she thought of him but she seemed nervous. Horus hopped from his shoulder to hers. The bird then began to rub its face against the girls showing its affection for her. "Horus?" He said when he felt the bird leave.
Kelica - Getting escorted from the Miss Fiore contest

So normally Kelica could hold her ale, but she had drunk it in a rather fast manner, so..yeah it was going to her head. She was lead away by a Chris around her arms, which she didn't half mind at all. In fact, her eyes half drooped as she leaned a good portion of her body weight against his side, taking a huge breath in of his manly scent. She shuddered and sighed happily. This was probably the first time since they had started dating that she wasn't awkward or nervous around him. She leaned up and pinched his ear, pulling his head down so she could press her mouth against his ear, breathing hotly against it. "So Mr Muscle, you never did tell me... did you like my bikini dance? I can shake my booty again for you, if you want... " pulling away gently and winking heavily, giggling.

Or dear. Poor Sabrina. She was one of those drunks, and gave him a slap on his butt for good measure.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - Magnolia StreetsEias's face beamed with light at the phrase of a music bar. The atmosphere of them was just amazing in other cities! Without words, she nodded her head rapidly. She had gotten so caught up in all the commotion, she forgot that most places had them. Especially big cities like Magnolia. Her body was ready to go. It could be seen by anyone viewing upon her. She probably looked crazy. With a big smile she said in her own voice. Oh YES YES YES! It was almost impossible to hear her with her soft quiet voice.

@Rhodus @purplepanda288
Kim had herd her soft almost silent voice. Even though her voice was so soft there was a lot of passion behind it. This was gonna be fun! " Lets go then." Kim squealed as she took her arms and Locked them with Ryu and Eias. Kims hair floated as her skin went back to the all too familiar purple. A large magic seal appeared below them. " Taint teleportation!" She voiced as they were whisked off to the front door of the music bar.

@Rhodus @Bolts
Wyatt said:
"Well Momoki, I am VezieVarks Magona. I most often go by Vex." He held out his hand to her. It was hard to gauge what she thought of him but she seemed nervous. Horus hopped from his shoulder to hers. The bird then began to rub its face against the girls showing its affection for her. "Horus?" He said when he felt the bird leave.
Momoki shook Vex's hand,"I often go by Momo" She said before Horus landed on her shoulder and started snuggling with her face,"It's okay. I love animals.Ones that fly especially" Momo said."What kind of powers do you have?Does your bird fit into it?"


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