Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Genon said:
Adrian had been walking around with his group when he heard something shatter nearby, coupled with copious amounts of combat noise, mostly magical in nature. "I might not be able to detect magic like Kim can, but I think that's the disturbance. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to head over there before someone dies." He then used Blink twice to get behind the row of houses, only to see Alfie...who was in a bad spot and seemed to be glowing with shadow energy, a woman he recognized as Mizuki Kohaku, former Grimoire Heart mage, now a member of Sabertooth (he recognized her from the news), some girl, a dude with a guitar...yeah, he was putting a stop to this clusterfuck. And from his point of view, Mizuki was trying to kill Alfie.

Luckily, his Blink had placed him outside of her line of sight, a few feet behind her. Adrian was ready to manifest an arcane dagger, put it to Mizuki's throat, and threaten her to let Alfie go...

But then that happened. Adrian decided he wouldn't take any chances. Mizuki likely didn't understand what that gem was, and if she did something rash, like, say, shatter it, Alfie could die. So he decided he would make sure she gave it to him. To that end, he put his index finger up to the back of her head, so that it brushed against Mizuki's hair, and prepared an Arcane Ray, a ball of purple energy forming at his fingertip. "You better give it to him, Grimoire Heart bitch, because if you do anything with it otherwise, I'll liquefy your brain."
Kayzo said:
Mizuki merely closed her eyes and looked away as the strange gem began to spew black dust into her face. She still had no clue on what this strange crystal was or what purpose it served in Alfie's life. Perhaps it had to do with his God powers, the black smoke representing the negative energy that she was putting off. Maybe it was the essence of his soul? Whatever it was it seemed important. Before she knew it Alfie was awake and in a seemingly calmer mood, tired but alive. When he asked for his crystal back, Mizuki was very hesitant in giving it back. She was afraid he'd use it to attack her or Alicia, but in the end she decided to forgive. "If you pull anything on me, I will not hesitate you kill you."

Suddenly she felt a finger against the back of her head, causing the Dark Mage to tense up. It seemed someone else had joined the little fiasco, someone who was taking Alfie's side. What made matters worse was that she brought up her past with Grimore Heart. She left that terrible place five years ago due to the fact that they killed anyone who disagreed with them. She wished to forget that part of her, and she had been doing a good job until the stranger brought it up. "That was years ago. I've changed." She said sharply, a bit of pain in her voice. Her hand tightened around the gem before she held it out to Alfie. Whoever this was needed to be quite, especially around Alicia.

@Genon @Salt Lord @Mitchs98
@Drakerus @Salt Lord @Arvis90 @Kyuubey

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Everything was going well. The gem was cracked, Alfie returned to Alfie, Horus was healed. Things were finally calming down, that was until someone ELSE came up threatening Mizuki, again. She ignored everything he said other than the fact of trying to kill Mizuki. She said nothing to him, simply offering him the same pissed off expression she gave Alfie.

Barrier Cast: Magic!" She shouted quickly followed by "Shock Collar!". A blue rectangular box covered Mizuki, protecting specifically against magic attacks. It was strong, probably strog enough to fully block Adrian's attack at-least once, or at-least strong enough to weaken it to negligble damage. Her beads once more shot out from her hand and expanded in an effort to wrap around Adrian's neck and shock him into submission. It was abundantly clear Mizuki and Alicia both followed the same principle of the other getting hurt or threatened, it just simply didn't do.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki merely closed her eyes and looked away as the strange gem began to spew black dust into her face. She still had no clue on what this strange crystal was or what purpose it served in Alfie's life. Perhaps it had to do with his God powers, the black smoke representing the negative energy that she was putting off. Maybe it was the essence of his soul? Whatever it was it seemed important. Before she knew it Alfie was awake and in a seemingly calmer mood, tired but alive. When he asked for his crystal back, Mizuki was very hesitant in giving it back. She was afraid he'd use it to attack her or Alicia, but in the end she decided to forgive. "If you pull anything on me, I will not hesitate you kill you."

Suddenly she felt a finger against the back of her head, causing the Dark Mage to tense up. It seemed someone else had joined the little fiasco, someone who was taking Alfie's side. What made matters worse was that she brought up her past with Grimore Heart. She left that terrible place five years ago due to the fact that they killed anyone who disagreed with them. She wished to forget that part of her, and she had been doing a good job until the stranger brought it up. "That was years ago. I've changed." She said sharply, a bit of pain in her voice. Her hand tightened around the gem before she held it out to Alfie. Whoever this was needed to be quite, especially around Alicia.

@Genon @Salt Lord @Mitchs98
When Mizuki gave the gem back to Alfie, he let his finger down, the ball of energy receding. "I apologize for that, but I needed to make sure you gave it back. I hear a commotion, teleport to it and see you attacking my guildmate and friend--"

Mitchs98 said:
@Drakerus @Salt Lord @Arvis90 @Kyuubey
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Everything was going well. The gem was cracked, Alfie returned to Alfie, Horus was healed. Things were finally calming down, that was until someone ELSE came up threatening Mizuki, again. She ignored everything he said other than the fact of trying to kill Mizuki. She said nothing to him, simply offering him the same pissed off expression she gave Alfie.

Barrier Cast: Magic!" She shouted quickly followed by "Shock Collar!". A blue rectangular box covered Mizuki, protecting specifically against magic attacks. It was strong, probably strog enough to fully block Adrian's attack at-least once, or at-least strong enough to weaken it to negligble damage. Her beads once more shot out from her hand and expanded in an effort to wrap around Adrian's neck and shock him into submission. It was abundantly clear Mizuki and Alicia both followed the same principle of the other getting hurt or threatened, it just simply didn't do.
Thinking quickly, Adrian cast an Arcane Barrier around himself, protecting him from the shock collar. He just stood there, staring at her with his arms crossed as the beads tried in vain to get around his neck. "Are you done? Because I can stand here all day if you want."
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Smiling as he heard Adrian's voice, he found that Mizuki had previously been associated with Grimoire Heart. That explained everything. As she held out and offered his soul, a weak, faded and severely tattered pink ribbon extended slowly from the ground, curling and picking the gem out of the dark haired mage's hand. As it retracted, it switched sides, dropping it in Alfie's hand and vanishing. Slowly, the wizard stood up and dusted off his gem as it shined brightly, the cracks closing quickly. Dropping it back in his pocket, he sharply turned to Mizuki. "You won't need to hesitate to kill me. I can assure you that we won't cross paths again after this. But if we do," he said coldly as a small, pink contraption of gears and a single wheel appeared before him, "Don't think you'll have the upper hand." The wheel attached to the side of the machine turned a deep purple as it spun counter-clockwise, slowly changing to an awful shade of red-violet before it stopped. The color then suddenly changed to a cream color as Alfie looked at Alicia, who had surrounded Mizuki in a protective barrier while trying to shock Adrian to no avail. "And you," he began, the wheel turning counter clockwise once more as it faded to an unsettling gray, "Next time we meet, don't expect the rest of the arrows to miss. Your head will take the place of your leg if I see you again."

Suddenly, a single ribbon spun around Alfie before disappearing, taking the wizard with it. Again, he had vanished without warning.

@Kayzo @Genon @Drakerus
Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra found herself running through the streets, an apparent pout plastered to her face as she avoided slamming into people with a quick dash through the air. Her bare feet hardly touched the ground before she was off again, hair rippling quite rhythmically against the wind flowing through it. " HIBI-KUNNNNNNNNN! HIBIIIII-KUN! " The girl called out, well; it was so hushed it was anything but loud even if it was loud by her own personal standards. " My feet hurt, I require your back! " Lyra spoke as if he was within ears reach, actual annoyance crossing her features when she realized he wasn't just going to appear out of thin air. Her soft purple hues fell upon a scene she had almost ran past, a complete turn of her frame causing her direction to steer her towards it. What a scene.... Too much chaos, too much. She didn't want to get involved but between the boy on the ground, and the other with the bleeding eyes, well, that just wasn't festival scenery for kids.

Lyra appeared behind Vex and placed a delicate hand on his head, leaning in to whisper, " I'm sorry but please sleep. " A soft glow emitted from her hand as the sleep spell enacted itself upon him, not giving him any time to react, her arms lightly wrapping around the boy to catch him as he fell unconscious. " What is going on? " Her tone was velvety smooth, gentle, caring, all the aspects of a non-threatening person. It was then that she noticed it was one of her guildmates on the floor, and he appeared to have ticked off quite a few people from the looks of all their faces. " You all are guests here at the festival we're holding, so if you could, for the sake of the others trying to enjoy it... simply go on your way? Some people here need medical attention. " Her body quickly sunk to the ground, still grasping Vex, to lay his head snugly into her lap. " Someone please help his bird. I understand you're all angry but bloodshed is not necessary. " Diffuse the situation Lyra, just diffuse. Hibiki better show up soon or else she would have his head; on a golden platter. Golden.

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Salt Lord @LeSoraAmari
Vex: Magnolia Streets

Vex was ready to attack, well he was ready until he heard a voice and began to fell sleepy. Well if he was going to go to sleep he might as well get some benefit from it. Silently he whispered, "path of the body." Usually that would require him to focus but being in the state he was about to be in the path didn't need it. He then slipped off into sleep. His body was slowly healing. Once Horus was healed he hopped over and sat on Vex's chest waiting for friend to wake up.

Lyra Maelstre

Lyra stared in disgust at Adrian's actions, unsure of the other things, but she was damn sure she'd asked for the fighting to stop. She gently stroked Vex's cheek before placing his head against the ground as delicately as she could possibly muster, figure coming to a stand. Both fists clenched, the air around her beginning to thin out. " I asked nicely, and you're all being extremely rude. Especially those under Fairy Tail's name. " Her eyes were stone cold set on Adrian, clearly un-amused with his actions and choice of words. " Don't refer to a woman in such a manner. " Her head tilted downwards, eyes sparking with a vortex of mixed emotions. How could she possibly diffuse the situation when more people kept coming in brandishing their swords and flinging out vulgar petty names? " Please stop. " Lyra was practicing her emotional control, trying to use reason rather than brute force and it'd seem she was struggling to do so. Where was Hibiki when she needed him? A mischievous smile soon spread across her face at the notion of Alfie disappearing in a way that pleased her. It seemed like a corny magic trick after-all! Lyra slipped back to the ground and brought Vex's head back onto her lap, brushing loose strands of hair out of his face, concern on her face. " Hello there, glad to see you're alright. " She whispered to the bird.

@Kayzo @Wyatt
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Kelica - Bar at the back of Miss Fiore

She glanced over as Chris slide his mug over to her, she made a noise as if to say, it's fine you keep it. But that golden liquid was calling to her, bubbling gently, the droplets still dripping down the cold glass. She couldn't take it, wrapping her delicate fingers around it and lifting it up to her lip's. She made a happy little murr as it washed over her tongue and down her throat, and once again she finished the entire mug in afew simple gulps. Three down..afew minutes....minute? She made a soft burp, which she covered her mouth with the back of her hand, saying excuse me quietly. Her cheeks were just starting to go rosy, but she held her seat just fine. Ophelia's performance was just as impressive as they all had been and she wondered how the judges could possibly pick. She looked to Arcturus just as he smirked, a shiver running over her spine. "Oh? So you're weak like me? Yeah better let the big boys handle it... C-class represent!" Fist pumping the air.

To be fair, Gilad had yet to tell her his title, his rank, or anything of his powers; it never occured to her he would be far too overpowered for it rather then underpowered.

@Colt556 @Isune
Eias Baole- Magnolia streets

It took her a moment before realizing someone had peered into her bubble. She cast her sight on the person talking through. She didn't have healing magic at all. It was kinda crazy for them to even ask a random person, spying on them, to go to a fight. Perhaps this was just another festive like thing they did. There was talk of a guild that likes to cause a ruckus every now and them. She popped the bubble and headed in the direction the group was at. Peering out from a corner, she saw the group. Eias was somewhat frightened and also intrigued by them. She didn't have the motivation to just walk up and say hello however. With a quivering mouth, she placed her lips on the brass flute. Blowing her regular speech bubbles, she let them gently float to them.

Uh, Hi.

I saw you asked me to come.

I'm... At the corner... Is it safe?

She peaked out from the corner a little so they could see. If there was any danger, she could make a pretty quick get away. With a heavy sigh, she hoped she did the smart thing.

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Drakerus @Salt Lord @people, i dont know who to tag...
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Jaymes - Magnolia Streets/Fairy Tail Roof

The situation contained and over, Jaymes left the group. He wasn't in the mood to spend time with people so eager to fight for no reason, which was completely in contrast with how he usually was. Was he nervous about the tournament tomorrow? Nah, but something was nagging at him. But a thought kept slamming around in his head, over and over. He didn't know any other magic but offensive and defensive magic. True, he was a pretty versatile fighter, but what if there was another incident like Malnia, where his friends had been badly hurt. An idea slowly formed in his mind, and so he set off for Fairy Tail. Reaching the guild, he saw that the contest was still underway or winding down close by. Jaymes didn't bother to pay attention to that. Instead he headed into the guild, and there he asked near a dozen people the same question until someone finally gave him an answer.

Making his way to the roof of the guild, Jaymes was able to make out the shapes of Sora, and someone else. He didn't know who it was, but knowing there was someone else there almost made Jaymes turn back. He didn't though. Instead he slowly made his way over to them on the slanted roof. When he was within earshot, Jaymes called out. "Hope I'm not interrupting, but I have a serious question to ask you, Ms. Sora." Jaymes paused. His Ximic magic was as far as he knew, unique to him, and was a closely guarded secret that only 3 other people knew about, and one of them was dead. "This might sound strange, but I was hoping you might be open to teaching me Sky Dragon Slayer magic?" Jaymes said. If he was able to copy that magic, he would be able to use Sky Magic, and thus healing magic....in theory anyway.

Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre

Lyra stared in disgust at Adrian's actions, unsure of the other things, but she was damn sure she'd asked for the fighting to stop. She gently stroked Vex's cheek before placing his head against the ground as delicately as she could possibly muster, figure coming to a stand. Both fists clenched, the air around her beginning to thin out. " I asked nicely, and you're all being extremely rude. Especially those under Fairy Tail's name. " Her eyes were stone cold set on Adrian, clearly un-amused with his actions and choice of words. " Don't refer to a woman in such a manner. " Her head tilted downwards, eyes sparking with a vortex of mixed emotions. How could she possibly diffuse the situation when more people kept coming in brandishing their swords and flinging out vulgar petty names? " Please stop. " Lyra was practicing her emotional control, trying to use reason rather than brute force and it'd seem she was struggling to do so. Where was Hibiki when she needed him? A mischievous smile soon spread across her face at the notion of Alfie disappearing in a way that pleased her. It seemed like a corny magic trick after-all! Lyra slipped back to the ground and brought Vex's head back onto her lap, brushing loose strands of hair out of his face, concern on her face. " Hello there, glad to see you're alright. " She whispered to the bird.

@Kayzo @Wyatt
"Well, for the record, I was bluffing about hurting anybody. I don't kill as part of my policy. That beam I prepared had about enough energy to have maybe given Mizuki a bald spot. And as for my language...that was kind of heat of the moment. I was trying to be intimidating, sorry."

@Salt Lord

Then Alfie vanished after actual threats to kill a child and Mizuki, and Adrian just stood there open-mouthed with shock for a good ten seconds. "I'm having a long chat with him when I find him."
Genon said:
"Well, for the record, I was bluffing about hurting anybody. I don't kill as part of my policy. That beam I prepared had about enough energy to have maybe given Mizuki a bald spot. And as for my language...that was kind of heat of the moment. I was trying to be intimidating, sorry."
@Kayzo @Mitchs98
Chris Lengheart(Regretting current decisions at the bar)

Chris watched as Kelica downed the third mug of ale. The moment he cheeks began to get rosy, Chris knew that she had obviously overindulged. HE knew that chances were he'd have to carry her home. He grabbed the mugs and handed them back to the barmaid as he turned to face Kelica,"Alright, we're cutting you off now. You're obviously getting drunk. Now I'll probably have to carry you home...either that or you can just walk." he said half-jokingly.


Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra looked up at Adrian as he spoke, letting out a soft chiming laugh. " Be intimidating? You're a goofy boy in a silly trench coat. I'm sorry if I can't take you seriously, even if we are in the same guild. Some bluff, only made you seem like an uncultured vulgar asshole, good job! " A shrug befell her shoulders, her lovely ever-so changing persona shining brightly in this situation. Her head leaned down towards Vex's face, hovering there to listen and make sure he was still breathing, white hair having created a curtain around them. " He seems to be okay. Does anyone know this boy? " Raising up to look from person to person, she motioned towards the boy whose head was in her lap. Lyra didn't seem to mind the blood that had stained her white dress, her concern definitely all on the well being of the mysterious stranger she seemed to be coddling.

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Drakerus
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Mizuki turned around when the stranger apologized for threatening her. The Dark Mage gave him an angry look and slammed her fist against the barrier. "Don't ever talk to me again, and don't ever mention that guild again." She growled, making it quite obvious that it was a touchy subject. She wished to cut all ties with Lucian and that guild, and it wasn't exactly easy when people began to say it out loud in public spaces. What made it worse was that Alicia could've potentially heard it. This I of ration might scare the little one away from Mizuki, and then she'd finally be all alone. If such a thing happened Mizuki would leave Sabertooth and disappear from Fiore altogether. Her gaze then whipped around to Alfie as he threatened Alicia. It was somewhat of a shame to see him go, but it really didn't affect the Dark haired woman too much. "If you ever try something like that, you'll rue the day you were born." She threatened, watching as he disappeared from sight. "Alicia, release me from this prison."

@Mitchs98 @Genon
Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra looked up at Adrian as he spoke, letting out a soft chiming laugh. " Be intimidating? You're a goofy boy in a silly trench coat. I'm sorry if I can't take you seriously, even if we are in the same guild. Some bluff, only made you seem like an uncultured vulgar asshole, good job! " A shrug befell her shoulders, her lovely ever-so changing persona shining brightly in this situation. Her head leaned down towards Vex's face, hovering there to listen and make sure he was still breathing, white hair having created a curtain around them. " He seems to be okay. Does anyone know this boy? " Raising up to look from person to person, she motioned towards the boy whose head was in her lap. Lyra didn't seem to mind the blood that had stained her white dress, her concern definitely all on the well being of the mysterious stranger she seemed to be coddling.

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Drakerus
Vex: Magnolia Streets

His body was completely healed and he was slightly stronger then before because he had even gotten some rest. He slowly began to wake not knowing what had happened, all he knew was a strangers face was next to his. Vex pretended to still be hurt, his wounds may have been healed but they were covered in blood hiding his recovery. He blank eyes stared of into the women's, he wished he would see this stranger but he wasn't going to use his sixth sense again after just recovering. "Hello," he said hoarsely as though he was still in pain. Horus was resting his head on Vex.
Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra looked up at Adrian as he spoke, letting out a soft chiming laugh. " Be intimidating? You're a goofy boy in a silly trench coat. I'm sorry if I can't take you seriously, even if we are in the same guild. Some bluff, only made you seem like an uncultured vulgar asshole, good job! " A shrug befell her shoulders, her lovely ever-so changing persona shining brightly in this situation. Her head leaned down towards Vex's face, hovering there to listen and make sure he was still breathing, white hair having created a curtain around them. " He seems to be okay. Does anyone know this boy? " Raising up to look from person to person, she motioned towards the boy whose head was in her lap. Lyra didn't seem to mind the blood that had stained her white dress, her concern definitely all on the well being of the mysterious stranger she seemed to be coddling.

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Drakerus
"I suppose it did. I guess I have to work on that," Adrian said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "And no, I don't know him, unfortunately."

Kayzo said:
Mizuki turned around when the stranger apologized for threatening her. The Dark Mage gave him an angry look and slammed her fist against the barrier. "Don't ever talk to me again, and don't ever mention that guild again." She growled, making it quite obvious that it was a touchy subject. She wished to cut all ties with Lucian and that guild, and it wasn't exactly easy when people began to say it out loud in public spaces. What made it worse was that Alicia could've potentially heard it. This I of ration might scare the little one away from Mizuki, and then she'd finally be all alone. If such a thing happened Mizuki would leave Sabertooth and disappear from Fiore altogether. Her gaze then whipped around to Alfie as he threatened Alicia. It was somewhat of a shame to see him go, but it really didn't affect the Dark haired woman too much. "If you ever try something like that, you'll rue the day you were born." She threatened, watching as he disappeared from sight. "Alicia, release me from this prison."
@Mitchs98 @Genon
"Fine, I won't. But when I showed up, it looked like you were attacking Alfie. And it's not like Alfie to attack others or threaten anyone. What exactly happened here?"
Genon said:
When Mizuki gave the gem back to Alfie, he let his finger down, the ball of energy receding. "I apologize for that, but I needed to make sure you gave it back. I hear a commotion, teleport to it and see you attacking my guildmate and friend--"
Thinking quickly, Adrian cast an Arcane Barrier around himself, protecting him from the shock collar. He just stood there, staring at her with his arms crossed as the beads tried in vain to get around his neck. "Are you done? Because I can stand here all day if you want."
Kayzo said:
Mizuki turned around when the stranger apologized for threatening her. The Dark Mage gave him an angry look and slammed her fist against the barrier. "Don't ever talk to me again, and don't ever mention that guild again." She growled, making it quite obvious that it was a touchy subject. She wished to cut all ties with Lucian and that guild, and it wasn't exactly easy when people began to say it out loud in public spaces. What made it worse was that Alicia could've potentially heard it. This I of ration might scare the little one away from Mizuki, and then she'd finally be all alone. If such a thing happened Mizuki would leave Sabertooth and disappear from Fiore altogether. Her gaze then whipped around to Alfie as he threatened Alicia. It was somewhat of a shame to see him go, but it really didn't affect the Dark haired woman too much. "If you ever try something like that, you'll rue the day you were born." She threatened, watching as he disappeared from sight. "Alicia, release me from this prison."
@Mitchs98 @Genon
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Once again things happened way to quickly. Much to quickly for the young girls mind to properly comprehend. The main reason everything seemed to slow down was her slowly comprehending she'd just recieved a death threat from Alfie. She was only ten, yet he threatened to kill her for simply protecting her friend. No, the main issue was the fact he was threatening to kill her period. It forced her to remember the news of Master Cece's death and the fact that she wasn't much older than she was when she was killed.

She stared in shock and fear as Alfie dissapeared, trembling slightly from the fact of the threat. Slowly the beads stopped their assault and made their way over to her, the barrier around Mizuki also dissapearing. Alicia slowly sat down on the ground and brought her knees to her chest in a mix of exhaustion of pure fear of the man actually coming to kill her. She'd been joking about the topic before and how she'd beat up anyone that tried to kill her, but now that someone had actually threatened her she was scared beyond words.

She just sat there with her chin on her knees and her arms wrapped around her legs, staring at the ground with a horrified expression on her face.
Eais Baole-Magnolia streets

She watched from afar at what happened. She didn't get all the details but someone had vanished. So many things were going on, she just could comprehend exactly what just happened. She clutched her flute. Perhaps a song would help sooth souls? That's what her traveling band family always did during hard and frightening times. With a focused mind, she made a stride towards the chaos. She didn't think of her shyness. Only songs filled her head and that's what kept her on her path.

The song started off slow and quiet. With each step, it grew louder yet calm like a breeze of wind. Small bubbles popped with hums that enhanced the song greatly. This place needed some happiness, not sour tones. Her eyes closed now, she listened to her own song, getting lost in the melody.

@Kayzo @Wyatt
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia StreetsOnce again things happened way to quickly. Much to quickly for the young girls mind to properly comprehend. The main reason everything seemed to slow down was her slowly comprehending she'd just recieved a death threat from Alfie. She was only ten, yet he threatened to kill her for simply protecting her friend. No, the main issue was the fact he was threatening to kill her period. It forced her to remember the news of Master Cece's death and the fact that she wasn't much older than she was when she was killed.

She stared in shock and fear as Alfie dissapeared, trembling slightly from the fact of the threat. Slowly the beads stopped their assault and made their way over to her, the barrier around Mizuki also dissapearing. Alicia slowly sat down on the ground and brought her knees to her chest in a mix of exhaustion of pure fear of the man actually coming to kill her. She'd been joking about the topic before and how she'd beat up anyone that tried to kill her, but now that someone had actually threatened her she was scared beyond words.

She just sat there with her chin on her knees and her arms wrapped around her legs, staring at the ground with a horrified expression on her face.
Oh God, Adrian thought as the young girl sank to her knees before him, looking absolutely terrified. A young girl was never supposed to receive death threats. Adrian dissolved the barrier around himself and went to comfort her. He perched next to her and patted her back, saying "There, there, it's going to be alright. I know that man, there's no way he would do something like that."


Then he looked up at Mizuki. "What does she like the most? I want to get her something to calm her down."
Mizuki: Magnolia Streets

Mizuki felt the barrier around her disappear, allowing her to freely roam once again. Being trapped in such a small space was something the dark haired woman did not like one bit, and she was very happy to be free of it. However her trouble were not over yet. Though all of the fighters and threats had disappeared from the area, Alicia wasn't taking the death threat so well. And to make it even worse, the stranger who threatened to melt her brains was trying to comfort her. No one except her or Gilad was able to touch the little one I her mind, and this had to be stopped. "I think she likes it when you aren't touching her." She said in a bit of a hostile tone, walking to Alicia's other side and wrapping all six arms around her. "Do not fear little one, no harm will come your way. I won't let ever let you out of my sight. Even in your sleep. You will be very safe around me..."

@Mitchs98 @Genon
Auren Sol

Ren had gotten up and left once Hous was done recovering. Everything was getting much too crowded and hectic and he knew that he wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. Now he was aimlessly wandering the streets, taking in the sights of the city. After a while, Ren noticed something strange about an alley he passed by. Curious, he moved closer to investigate and was surprised at what, or rather who he found.

"Conway? What are you doing in a place like this?" he asked. a little worried even though he'd only known the guy for about a minute. Luckily, the alley had dim lighting so Ren wouldn't be so easily distracted by the sailor's...features.

@Salt Lord.

Conway - Magnolia Alleyway

Conway had been completely satisfied with the lollipop, wondering what he would steal next, or even where he would go next. But wait! He couldn't leave Magnolia yet! The competition was going on tomorrow, and to watch the fights would be exciting! The sailor had even considering entering, at least until he imagined hurting someone. What always scared him about hitting was that he feared actually killing someone. He didn't have some phobia from his past, but when he though about actually taking a life, that person never doing anything again, it scared him. He was about to go back to thinking happy things until he heard a voice. It was familiar, and when he looked to his side, who it was surprised him. So much so, in fact, that he dropped the candy on a stick and stood up quickly.

"Ey, cabin boy! I could'a sworn I told ya I never want'd ta see you again! Go!"
But in all honesty, Conway wished Ren wouldn't listen to him and stayed instead. Intimidatingly, he activated a spell and cast a light on the other's face. One could say he used the flashlight effect to try and scare Ren, but the real reason he did it was to be able to 'examine' him fully rather than just running away.

purplepanda288 said:
Kim nodded in agreement. " Let's go." She grabed arm. She turned her head as she ran out of the hospital with Ryu in tow. " We'all see you in the guild hall. Alright." She didn't wait for them to answer to her. Kim opened the door to the hospital and went out side. She closed her eyes and then opened them rapidly. " This way."


-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia Streets

Ryu followed behind Kim as she dragged him along. The active expenditure of magic had ceased, but traces still lingered and that worried him. "Can you tell who was using the magic?" He asked Kim. "And do you know if it is a real fight or just sparring?" He hoped it would turn out to be the latter, but he had a sinking suspicion that it wouldn't be so simple.

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Bolts said:
Eais Baole-Magnolia streetsShe watched from afar at what happened. She didn't get all the details but someone had vanished. So many things were going on, she just could comprehend exactly what just happened. She clutched her flute. Perhaps a song would help sooth souls? That's what her traveling band family always did during hard and frightening times. With a focused mind, she made a stride towards the chaos. She didn't think of her shyness. Only songs filled her head and that's what kept her on her path.

The song started off slow and quiet. With each step, it grew louder yet calm like a breeze of wind. Small bubbles popped with hums that enhanced the song greatly. This place needed some happiness, not sour tones. Her eyes closed now, she listened to her own song, getting lost in the melody.

@Kayzo @Wyatt
Genon said:
Oh God, Adrian thought as the young girl sank to her knees before him, looking absolutely terrified. A young girl was never supposed to receive death threats. Adrian dissolved the barrier around himself and went to comfort her. He perched next to her and patted her back, saying "There, there, it's going to be alright. I know that man, there's no way he would do something like that."

Then he looked up at Mizuki. "What does she like the most? I want to get her something to calm her down."
Kayzo said:
Mizuki: Magnolia Streets

Mizuki felt the barrier around her disappear, allowing her to freely roam once again. Being trapped in such a small space was something the dark haired woman did not like one bit, and she was very happy to be free of it. However her trouble were not over yet. Though all of the fighters and threats had disappeared from the area, Alicia wasn't taking the death threat so well. And to make it even worse, the stranger who threatened to melt her brains was trying to comfort her. No one except her or Gilad was able to touch the little one I her mind, and this had to be stopped. "I think she likes it when you aren't touching her." She said in a bit of a hostile tone, walking to Alicia's other side and wrapping all six arms around her. "Do not fear little one, no harm will come your way. I won't let ever let you out of my sight. Even in your sleep. You will be very safe around me..."

@Mitchs98 @Genon
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia didn't really know what to do. She was just protecting Mizuki and now she had someone that wanted to kill her if he saw her again. It was really too much for her to handle, she was trembling visibly as what he said echoed through her mind. She was honestly on the verge of tears until the music played. It calmed her down somewhat, it was nice..at-least she thought so.

Though she kind of tensed up again as the guy that apparently knew and was friends witj her would-be murderer came over to comfort her, which didn't really comfort her at all coupled with the fact he'd threatened Mizuki. She shrank away from his touch, scooting over slightly but not really moving more than that. When Mizuki came over hugging her she instinctively leaned into her gently and hugged her back.

It wasn't the fact she disliked Adrian..well she did..but still. Even if it were someone she knew she'd almost always favor Mizuki over them. She trusted her the most out of everyone, after all, even Master Gilad. She was still a bit worried, but she'd calmed down a lot. "Thank you Mizuki." She told her. Speaking of sleep, the girl was incredibly tired. The stress coupled with the amount of magic she had to use was taking its toll on her. She shifted slightly so she could wrap her arms around Mizuki better as well as nuzzle her cheek into her.

I love you Mizuki.." She mumbled as she slowly fell asleep in her arms nuzzled against her. She subconciously hoped Mizuki wouldn't get mad at her, but it was possible..oh well not much could be done now unless she woke her up.

Lyra Maestre - Magnolia

Lyra's eyes slipped down at the hoarse greeting from below, blinking quite rapidly. Well that was fast... She thought to herself, a sigh of relief being heard in response, happy to know the stranger was okay. It was her who had put him to sleep but from the looks of the scenario it was probably best that she had taken that course of action. " How're you feeling? " A hand moved to his forehead, remaining there to make sure he wasn't hot or anything. It'd seem nobody really knew who he was and that concerned her as well. He could be some crazed person and she was just sitting there letting him use her lap as a pillow, splendid. Her eyes scanned any visible areas to look for a guild mark but there didn't seem to be one, at least where she could see. " And what's your name? Would be nice to know the identity of the man whose head is on my thighs. " Laughing at her own words, they were laced with a teasing tone, not meant to be serious at all and she hoped he didn't take it that way.

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Mizuki looked surprised as Alicia cuddled up to the dark Mage, her many arms trying to put a little space between them, but failing to do so. There was no way she could push her away at a time like this and risk hurting her feelings. She looked even more surprised and annoyed when she nuzzled her cheek, Mizuki closing both of her eyes and waiting for her to finish up. No ones touched her face like that in such a long time that it felt strange against her soft cheeks. "I'm only looking out for you. No need for thanks." However Alicia wasn't done yet, and what she said next really room the cake. When Alicia told Mizuki that she loved her, the shadowy lady's face grew a look of great surprise. Not like her resting face, but an actual shocked expression, eyes wide and face blushing. Not once in her life has anyone told Mizuki that they loved her, the words foreign to her. Yet it felt extremely nice to know that someone geniunely did care for her in this world. "I...love you too..." She said, cringing as she spoke those words. It seemed that Alicia had fallen asleep and hopefully hadn't heard those words, but no one could tell. Gently picking her up, she used all six arms to comfortably carry her away towards the room she was renting out. Mizuki thought it'd be best for Alicia to sleep in an actual bed, and it would give her a chance to change out of the swimsuit.

The walk wasn't far, only taking a couple of minutes by gliding there. Mizuki used one hand to open the door before walking into the nearly pitch black room, laying Alicia on the bed and covering her up.
"Sleep tight." She said before walking into the bathroom to change into her normal attire.

@Mitchs98 )last post, I'm about to pass out.)

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