Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Zuka said:
Valken - Backstage Miss Fiore Contest
Valken took a deep breath in. This was getting ridiculous and out of hand. He was a man, a real man, a man's man, and he was getting freaked out and spending some time alone with a gorgeous, stunning, sweet, adorable girl.....

His thoughts trailed again. What was happening to him. Since when was he nervous or shy of anything? Shy?!? He couldn't believe he had even said that word in his head, Valken was alot of things, but he most definitely was not shy.

"I know I know... " He said finally. "It's not you at all."

He suddenly wrapped his arms tightly around her, drawing her in close, almost painfully so, his head resting on hers. Like he desperately needed the comfort from her. His eyes closed. "I...need to tell you something..."

He couldn't keep on doing this. Every word he said put him further into chaos and he needed to somehow atone for his sins. He tensed though still kept her close.

"A week ago, when I called you Baby... I was at the bar beside Lysander... you asked Ferra if we had been dating and she told you we had...but you couldn't remember... Ferra tricked you... we hadn't actually been dating at all... I should have told you straight away but... I was scared... I didn't want to hurt you..." Taking another deep breath in. "We have never been dating... it's just a prank gone crazy... it's not Ferra's fault I should have told you..."

He pulled back slightly, but kept his arms around her, head hanging low in shame. He knew tears were a given, but he tensed his face incase she wanted to slap him as well. It would certainly warrant it.

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari (Maya is near them)
Kayzo said:
Millie wrapped his arms around him when Valken pulled her tightly into his body. His head resting on top of hers was very warm and comforting, her soft blue eyes closing while she listened to him speak. "Yes, what is it?" She asked, snuggling up to him. The girl remained silent as he talked, her warm and glowing smile fading to a gloomy frown. It seems that she finally found out why he acted so nervous around her. She couldn't believe that it was all just a prank (bro), and that this whole relationship had been a lie. Did this mean that Valken really didn't love her, even with the tender moments between the two? Millie sniffles loudly as she felt tears welling up in her eyes, taking a small step back. "Does this mean you don't actually love me? Are we done now?" She asked, slipping away and arm and wiping her tears. She didn't know about Valken, but the feelings she felt for him were real.
@LeSoraAmari (by proximity cuz ye)

Ferra: Ms. Fiore Backstage

Ferra was just about to sneak off, that was of course until Valken did the unthinkable. She instead sat there and watched as he started telling Millie what she thought he would. Ferra's main question was why? Why tell her when it was clear they both actually liked each other, especially after Millie entered the contest just for him.

She sighed and frowned slightly as Millie inevitably was on the verge of crying. She wanted to say something, but she'd already made the situation bad enough as it was. It was her fault Millie was sad now, not Valkens'. She'd honestly thought they were happy, but she guessed not. "I'm sorry Millie.." She mumbled in apology while looking at the floor.


@Colt556 @Kayzo @Leo Radomir @LeSoraAmari @PeteTSs @Zuka @Salt Lord

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms Fiore Contest

Apparently Cinla thought a magic bikini contest was another term for a circus act. It was interesting nonetheless, and the crowd seemed to enjoy it. "A wonderful performance by Cinla Agate! Next up is Ophelia Kaiser, Fairy Tail's own Guild Master!" Bob announced.
Kelica - Miss Fiore Contest Bar

Kelica put a hand to her chin as she pondered, and just then the barmaid slide over the three stein's of ale. Kelica wrapped her fingers around one of the cold glasses, watching droplets slide down it's rim. In habit she grasped a coaster and slide it under the glass. Her eyes shot an unreadable look to Arcturus. Lloyd had simply been a distraction? He had broken a leg and would have surely died from that fire dragon's blast simply to bide some time for the battle? She wasn't sure how she felt about that. She lifted her stein suddenly, and rather surprisingly gulped down the whole thing in one go, wiping the corner of her mouth as she did.

"I... arrived late." She said finally. She hadn't spoken of the events of Malina and already she could hear the screams of the trees burning, fingers tightening on the still cold but empty glass. "I was on the edge of the forest... to be honest, I was terrified...but I saw Lloyd had broken his leg, he couldn't move and the fire dragon fired a shot towards him.. I dunno, something snapped. I have forest Guardian Magic you see...I was too late to save the forest..." her voice hitching slightly at that. "But I used what little the forest remained to protect Lloyd. I'm not even sure why..." she added thoughtfully. "I used roots to protect us both, and they held against the blast. But that's all I could muster. I couldn't have given anymore energy if I tried. If only I had been stronger... " she mumbled at the end. It was nice, in a way, to let her all thoughts out.

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Mitchs98 said:
@Kayzo @Leo Radomir @LeSoraAmari @PeteTSs @Zuka @Salt Lord
Contest Announcer Bob: Ms Fiore Contest

Apparently Cinla thought a magic bikini contest was another term for a circus act. It was interesting nonetheless, and the crowd seemed to enjoy it. "A wonderful performance by Cinla Agate! Next up is Ophelia Kaiser, Fairy Tail's own Guild Master!" Bob announced.
Cinla walks in and see the commotion and gently says" Look like trouble in paradise from this atmosphere,why not go somewhere to eat and drink so we can regather our thoughts it would be bad if things got even more out of hand". ,' so this is what it means to have a boyfriend and have a lovers spat, at this stage i'm glad i don't have one but i do understand why many women have boyfriends'.
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

He held a steady gaze on the girl as she explained her experience in Malnia. It made sense why he did not see her in combat if she had been in the forest. As she continued on his expression changed slightly, betraying the interest he now held in the girl. While the red dragon had been nothing compared to the dragons of old it still far surpassed any mage around, including him. Even he had to struggle to negate it's attacks, and yet this girl was able to take the full blast from the one he let slip by. While magic could allow specialized individuals to handle tasks far beyond them, even this was a bit surprising. Given her mention of forest guardian magic and the way she was getting choked up it wasn't difficult to understand what ailed her. He reached out and rested a hand on her shoulder, speaking in a calm steady voice. "Few people would be able to defend against such an attack, let alone come out relatively unscathed. You protected Master Kirby and yourself and while the forest may have suffered it will regrow in time. The impact of man, or dragon, on this world is merely temporary." He gave the girl a reassuring pat before allowing his hand to return to his side.

Valken - Miss Fiore Backstage - Please don't cry Millie

Millie pulled away slightly. That was normal. She was close to tears... that was normal. She didn't slap him... that was, not normal. Though not surprising. But.. did he still love her? He didn't expect that question.

His face was unreadable once more. He thought about her often while away in Crocus with Grace, he had lent her his scarf to disfuse the situation, but then refused to take it back. He had surprised her, kissed her and... that had felt good....he still thought of it when his mind was blank. He had watched the half naked girls on stage, but none had a bar on her in his mind. Did he?

It was a loaded question, he needed time to think but she was right there, watching him, waiting for an answer. He decided for the first time in his life to go with his gut, not his head.

"I don't want you to leave, Millie." He said in a serious tone. "You're the only person who hasn't palmed me off as some arrogant, annoying bug. Truthfully, I talk the talk, not walk the walk. I was always the lonely, funny guy. The people laughed at, the centre of the room but centre of nothing. No one ever took me seriously, just rolled their eyes, pushed me away. I was used to it... but you didn't. Even if it was a prank it was the first time someone wanted to touch me without freaking out about my scares, or my daggers....I work in the shadows, on my own. I lighten the room, then disappear. But you kept me in light... I.. really am sorry Millie."

He said with a sag in his shoulders.

Chris Lengheart(Watching Kelica in awe)

Chris chuckled as he watched Kelica down her ale. He only shook his head as he shouted to her,"That's all the ale you're getting Kelica! I don't want to have to carry you home while you pull my hair or yank on my ears!" Chris then grabbed his own mug of ale and began to slowly sip from it, trying to keep himself from downing the entire thing in one go.

Kelica - Miss Fiore Contest Back Bar

Kelica was lost in her thoughts. Was that really the reason she had been troubled ever since Malina? That her duty was to protect the forest and she was unable to do so. It made sense, though didn't stop the ache in her heart. The hand on her shoulder made her turn her head towards him, eyes lost. What he said....he was right. She couldn't stop the forest being destroyed..his voice was very similar to the one tall tree that was left standing behind them, and it's words had the same meaning. 'We live, we die, we seed, we live once more.'. It rang in her ears like an echo. The tree had imparted his soul within a single seed, which when all was sad and done she had indeed replanted. Using what magic she had left to grow it, nuture it. One lone, but powerful tree, singular in the middle of town. It wasn't the forest but a start.

His words gave her comfort, and she was grateful for that. She suddenly threw her arms around the old man's neck, hugging close to him. "Thank you..." She mumbled. She wasn't one for being subtle, and she was mostly impulsive. She heard Chris mention something about no more ale, which made her slightly pout.

@Colt556 @Isune
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Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

He was caught off guard by the girl suddenly leaping up and wrapping her arms around his neck. Such forward displays of emotion were hardly commonplace at Sabertooth. He quickly recovered from the initial surprise and gave the girl a gentle pat on the back, the girl didn't seem that much older than Alicia and he knew full well girls her age took great stock in displays of affection. After letting her have her moment he gently pulled her off and set her back to the ground before him. "Let us not dwell entirely on the past. Tell me, Miss Kelica, do you plan on participating in the tournament tomorrow?" As he asked the question his mind rewound slightly. Based on the girl's appearance and actions she couldn't be much older than Alicia yet she just downed an entire mug of ale. Was Fairy Tail truly so lax as to allow someone so young to drink? Given the current and previous guild masters that possibility seemed all too likely. Figuring it best not to dwell on the operations of other guilds he came back to the present, holding his gaze on the girl as he awaited her reply.

Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia StreetsVex could hear someone playing to his music. It made him happy that he play good enough for someone to feel the need to join. With the sudden show that Ren put on, Vex could no longer make out were everyone was, Ren's silver magic was the only thing that he could see. "Really?" He mutter under his breath. He had stopped playing and stood up again. "Horus, now I really need your helo again." Vex might not had been able to see everything but he knew something was wrong. The bird let out a detail screech that told him everything. "Ah I see." Vex replied. He followed the bird's voice until he was behind Alfie. Once he was behind him he lifted his guitar and swung it at the man's head. As he did so he yelled "batters up!" Hopefully he wouldn't be to mad but the man had just started up conflict again.

@Kayzo @Wyatt


Ophelia - Miss Fiore Contest

Still sitting on a bench thinking about whether she'd have or not, Bob's voice startled her, causing her to fall off. Standing up nervously, she walked over to the closed curtains, striking a cute pose for when they opened. That moment came, and when she saw that there were hundreds if not thousands of people staring at her, she froze. It's okay, Ophelia, you did this when the Maria was still sailing... your dad's whole crew were waiting for you to show off your magic... you can do this! Finally, the Guild Master made a little hop, a wave of sparkling water splashing from the foot she landed on. It nearly landed on the crowd before returning back to her in complicated swirls and twines. Ophelia twirled adorably, and the tendrils of water twirled around her in sparkling streams, and with her final and cutest little bunny hop, the water turned into shiny bubbles and hovered over the crowd before dissipating over them, yet somehow not getting wet. She bowed and stumbled purposely, waiting for the curtains to close.

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Mizuki's quick eyes caught sight of the two arrows that were launched at her and Alicia. She couldn't allow the little one to be hurt by this pink man again, or ever, even if it main damage to herself. Hissing in annoyance the Dark Mage attempted to summon a shield of darkness over Alicia, believing that the purification spell would be used up after three of her attacks, but nothing happened. Giving Alfie a dark glare she attempted to stride over to the little girl, her arms wrapping around her shoulders and pulling Alicia back. However before the arrows could connect they suddenly stopped in mid-air and melted into a strange dark color, her attack dropping down on the ground. "Are you ok Little One?" She asked, looking down at Alicia before abruptly leaving her to confront Alfie. The bird guy seemed to get it pretty bad but he wasn't Alicia so Mizuki didn't care. Eventually she found herself standing before Alife, digging her foot into his side. "Get up."

Kayzo said:
Mizuki's quick eyes caught sight of the two arrows that were launched at her and Alicia. She couldn't allow the little one to be hurt by this pink man again, or ever, even if it main damage to herself. Hissing in annoyance the Dark Mage attempted to summon a shield of darkness over Alicia, believing that the purification spell would be used up after three of her attacks, but nothing happened. Giving Alfie a dark glare she attempted to stride over to the little girl, her arms wrapping around her shoulders and pulling Alicia back. However before the arrows could connect they suddenly stopped in mid-air and melted into a strange dark color, her attack dropping down on the ground. "Are you ok Little One?" She asked, looking down at Alicia before abruptly leaving her to confront Alfie. The bird guy seemed to get it pretty bad but he wasn't Alicia so Mizuki didn't care. Eventually she found herself standing before Alife, digging her foot into his side. "Get up."
@Salt Lord @Wyatt
Vex: Magnolia Streets

The fact that so much magic had been used in the area wasn't very helpful for Vex. He might have been able to see the arrows coming and have been avle to avoid them. He only found out they were coming his way when one went clean through his arm and exploded on the ground. He began to swing his guitar around him to defend himself but he still had arrows entering and exploding on him. This didn't last to longer and when it was finished he had several wounds. "Horus! Horus!" He began to cry out when he could no longer hear his bird. "Horus! Horus?!" He was shaking with fear and tears were beginning to form in his eyes. "Horus?" He was no longer yelling, he barely made a sound. He closed his eyes again and once again his nose began to drip blood as he strained his mind to use the sixth sense. He focused on the field and quickly found the bird. It was several feet away from him and it had six puncture wounds in it's wings and chest. Horus was barely breathing, on the verge of dying. Weakly Vex got up and grabbed his guitar. Slowly he walked over to Alfie, "you will pay for that, I am going to kill you!!!" His eyes were still closed and blood was now dripping from them. He held up one of his hands and began to gather pure light energy. In the other hand he was using natural energy, the entire time he was doing this his body was slowly being destroyed.

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra found herself running through the streets, an apparent pout plastered to her face as she avoided slamming into people with a quick dash through the air. Her bare feet hardly touched the ground before she was off again, hair rippling quite rhythmically against the wind flowing through it. " HIBI-KUNNNNNNNNN! HIBIIIII-KUN! " The girl called out, well; it was so hushed it was anything but loud even if it was loud by her own personal standards. " My feet hurt, I require your back! " Lyra spoke as if he was within ears reach, actual annoyance crossing her features when she realized he wasn't just going to appear out of thin air. Her soft purple hues fell upon a scene she had almost ran past, a complete turn of her frame causing her direction to steer her towards it. What a scene.... Too much chaos, too much. She didn't want to get involved but between the boy on the ground, and the other with the bleeding eyes, well, that just wasn't festival scenery for kids.

Lyra appeared behind Vex and placed a delicate hand on his head, leaning in to whisper, " I'm sorry but please sleep. " A soft glow emitted from her hand as the sleep spell enacted itself upon him, not giving him any time to react, her arms lightly wrapping around the boy to catch him as he fell unconscious. " What is going on? " Her tone was velvety smooth, gentle, caring, all the aspects of a non-threatening person. It was then that she noticed it was one of her guildmates on the floor, and he appeared to have ticked off quite a few people from the looks of all their faces. " You all are guests here at the festival we're holding, so if you could, for the sake of the others trying to enjoy it... simply go on your way? Some people here need medical attention. " Her body quickly sunk to the ground, still grasping Vex, to lay his head snugly into her lap. " Someone please help his bird. I understand you're all angry but bloodshed is not necessary. " Diffuse the situation Lyra, just diffuse. Hibiki better show up soon or else she would have his head; on a golden platter. Golden.

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Salt Lord @LeSoraAmari
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Kelica - Miss Fiore Contest Bar

Kelica squeezed him tight one more time, before allowing him to drop her onto her feet. She watched him glance from her, to the empty cup, then leaped back onto the bar stool. She let her eyes drift down to where Chris has taken one of the ales for himself. She spyed him for some time before very sneakily, but not at all, sliding the 3rd to herself. She could always get Sabrina another after all. She lifted the mug and just as quickly downed the second stein. Wiping her mouth once more, she looked to Arcturus when he asked about the tournament.

"Hmm... well, not orginally no, I was in the bikini contest today and to be honest, I have no real offensive powers. Yeah, I can make tree shield's, talk to animals, and nuture plants but physically, one on one, I'm going to get smooshed. I was planning on doing some staff training after this Festival so maybe next year.... what about you?" She smiled happily.


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Alfie - Streets of Magnolia

The world was spinning in circles for Alfie, his vision going black. What was happening to him? The last thing he could remember was being held in the air by Mizuki's shadowy hands... Mizuki. That's right. He only had one goal now, and that was to eliminate Mizuki from this world, to protect humanity from her intolerance. The wizard tried to get up, but found that he couldn't even try to move a muscle. Was he being pinned down by her, or... with a sudden jolt of realization and fear, Alfie tried to reach for his gem, but found that he couldn't. However, the dark wizard kicked him hardly, turning him over, revealing that his pocket was emanating a dark pink swirl of energy and coming closer to black with every second. Alfie knew what was happening. The case was all too familiar with him, and he knew the cause. "Mizuki." His voice came out as hoarse and completely new, almost sound as though there was a second voice within it, the gem and arrows turning completely black, emitting light no more.

The wizard tried his hardest not to think about how much he hated Mizuki and focused more on what his real goal was. Did he really want a bad ending? This was the only thought that kept him from becoming what he wanted to stop, but he wouldn't stay this way for too much longer. If someone didn't crack his gem and release some of the negative energy soon, he would turn. But Mizuki knew exactly what to do... or rather, he hoped.

@Kayzo @Wyatt
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Jaymes - Magnolia Streets

Jaymes was cruising through the streets, making conversation with a great deal of people whom wanted to talk to him about Fairy Tail. Some even wanted his signature, which was surprising to say the least, but Jaymes didn't argue. After while, the bikini contest began, and he initially watched, rooting for those he knew. But something drew his attention away, and that was when he came across the fight between Alfie and the others. Jaymes didn't get involved, he knew Alfie wouldn't react well to his interference. Finally when the battle was about to get completely out of hand, it ended. He saw Alfie drop to the ground, and his magic power beginning to fade away. Jaymes leapt into action, sprinting for the group that had assembled around the fighters. "Alfie dude, what the hell?" Jaymes called out, kneeling down beside his fellow guildmate.

@all around Alfie
Mizuki stared down at Alfie with an intense look, her hands clenched up tightly while hanging by her sides. It seems that he had been defeated and she didn't even have to hurt him. A little anticlimactic but great nonetheless. His voice was raspy and weak, but different, somewhat scary. It seemed he was begging for mercy or cursing her. "Alfie." Mercy wasn't something she showed often, but she couldn't kill him, not yet. She needed to fight him without the purification spell fair and square. Or she could take away his magic. Her dark eyes drifted down to the gem which was swirling with a dark energy. The Mage decided that this was the source of his powers, and that by destroying it he wouldn't be able to fight back or hurt Alicia. Bending down (lmao lucky view from anyone behind her) Mizuki grabbed the gem and twirled it around. The gem gave off an evil feeling and she was very tempted to keep it to herself. But instead her shadowy appendages sprouted from her back and began to pound it until the gem cracked. "Oh boo hoo, I broke your gem..."

@Salt Lord
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Chris Lengheart(Bar)

Chris only shook his head as Kelica chugged down another mug of ale. He suddenly slid his over to her and muttered,"May as well have mine while you're at it. Just remember that you're walking home because I don't want you messing with my mane." Chris then crossed his arms as he took a seat on a open stool. He knew it, he'd have to be the one who takes drunk Kelica back home. Why did he ask to be her boyfriend again?...maybe it had something to do with her person-looks?...it'd come back to Chris soon enough.

Auren Sol

Ren had backed off from the action as soon as Alfie went berserk. He didn't know how the man usually acted but the unatural darkness that clouded his eyes was obviously unnatural. He wanted to help but he was unsure of what he could do without getting in the way. Luckily, the magical archer's attacks seemed to have stop for the time being so he cautiously approached the group. In the time he had taken cover, Ren had drawn a Sigil that might be useful in this situation. When he got closer, he noticed something in Alfie's pocket. Something that was emitting an evil aura. However, before he could mention it, Mizuki seemed to have figured it out already and proceeded to...punch it repeatedly. Huh. Ren would've taken a less crude approach but that worked to he supposed.

"Is everyone alright" he asked, a little worried that Alfie had done more damage than he appeared to have done.

@Kayzo @Wyatt
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Kayzo said:
Mizuki's quick eyes caught sight of the two arrows that were launched at her and Alicia. She couldn't allow the little one to be hurt by this pink man again, or ever, even if it main damage to herself. Hissing in annoyance the Dark Mage attempted to summon a shield of darkness over Alicia, believing that the purification spell would be used up after three of her attacks, but nothing happened. Giving Alfie a dark glare she attempted to stride over to the little girl, her arms wrapping around her shoulders and pulling Alicia back. However before the arrows could connect they suddenly stopped in mid-air and melted into a strange dark color, her attack dropping down on the ground. "Are you ok Little One?" She asked, looking down at Alicia before abruptly leaving her to confront Alfie. The bird guy seemed to get it pretty bad but he wasn't Alicia so Mizuki didn't care. Eventually she found herself standing before Alife, digging her foot into his side. "Get up."
@Salt Lord @Wyatt
Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia StreetsThe fact that so much magic had been used in the area wasn't very helpful for Vex. He might have been able to see the arrows coming and have been avle to avoid them. He only found out they were coming his way when one went clean through his arm and exploded on the ground. He began to swing his guitar around him to defend himself but he still had arrows entering and exploding on him. This didn't last to longer and when it was finished he had several wounds. "Horus! Horus!" He began to cry out when he could no longer hear his bird. "Horus! Horus?!" He was shaking with fear and tears were beginning to form in his eyes. "Horus?" He was no longer yelling, he barely made a sound. He closed his eyes again and once again his nose began to drip blood as he strained his mind to use the sixth sense. He focused on the field and quickly found the bird. It was several feet away from him and it had six puncture wounds in it's wings and chest. Horus was barely breathing, on the verge of dying. Weakly Vex got up and grabbed his guitar. Slowly he walked over to Alfie, "you will pay for that, I am going to kill you!!!" His eyes were still closed and blood was now dripping from them. He held up one of his hands and began to gather pure light energy. In the other hand he was using natural energy, the entire time he was doing this his body was slowly being destroyed.

@Wyatt @Drakerus @Mitchs98 @Kayzo @Salt Lord @LeSoraAmari
@Bolts[/URL] @Drakerus @Arvis90

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia had seen the weird bubble portal mirror thing, but was otherwise to pre-occupied with the fight do much but stare at it briefly. She watched kind of amusedly as Vex ran up to whack Alfie in the back of the head while her beads shocked him. Though, neither seemed to do much to him at all. The beads flew a few feet once forced away before quickly reforming themselves to their normal size and floating back down beside Alicia.

Before Alicia could react and cast barriers on anyone, including herself, Alfie attacked them. She squeaked in shock as arrows started coming for her. Before she could move out of the way Mizuki moved to shield her with her body. "Mizuki no!" She shouted in fear, not really wanting her to get hurt. Though much to her surprise and relief the arrows stopped for some reason. She nodded when Mizuki asked if she was okay, "I'm fine. I think something is wrong with that guy though." She told her, obviously referring to Alfie whom Mizuki was trampling.

Shortly after that Vex seemed to be mad and trying to kill Alfie for whatever reason, Alicia wasn't sure. Though then someone else came up and put him to sleep. Shortly after that Alfie started moving so Alicia didn't have time to answer her questions, in fear of Alfie attacking again. She watched intently, trying to decipher what was going on.

In the end Mizuki started punching some gem that fell out of Alfie's pocket. Alicia wasn't quite sure why..but eh. Deeming the situation as over Alicia re-fixed the beads back into her hair. She nodded to Ren. "
Yeah. We're fine, mostly..Vex is a little beat up and his bird is dying though." She replied before sighing and turning to Lyra. "Sorry, things just kinda..happened. I think it's over now though." She told her.

At that point she walked over to the mirror thing, seeing a woman on the other side. "
Hai! Can you heal stuff? If you can come here please thanks!" She shouted into the..thing. She then turned to Jaymes who was the newest arrival and watched, clearly he knew who Alfie was. Hopefully he could knock some sense into him.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki stared down at Alfie with an intense look, her hands clenched up tightly while hanging by her sides. It seems that he had been defeated and she didn't even have to hurt him. A little anticlimactic but great nonetheless. His voice was raspy and weak, but different, somewhat scary. It seemed he was begging for mercy or cursing her. "Alfie." Mercy wasn't something she showed often, but she couldn't kill him, not yet. She needed to fight him without the purification spell fair and square. Or she could take away his magic. Her dark eyes drifted down to the gem which was swirling with a dark energy. The Mage decided that this was the source of his powers, and that by destroying it he wouldn't be able to fight back or hurt Alicia. Bending down (lmao lucky view from anyone behind her) Mizuki grabbed the gem and twirled it around. The gem gave off an evil feeling and she was very tempted to keep it to herself. But instead her shadowy appendages sprouted from her back and began to pound it until the gem cracked. "Oh boo hoo, I broke your gem..."

@Kayzo @Drakerus @Arvis90
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Auren Sol

"Bird? What do you-Oh!" Ren exclaimed as he realized that Vex's companon had been injured badly. Quickly he ran up to the bird and gently placed him on his lap. Taking the piece of paper he had drawn the Sigil on,he placed it so it was pressed firmly onto Horus' chest. Ren closed his eyes as he focused on using the 'special' Sigil.

"Sigil Art: Solomon's Embrace!"

Immediately, the Sigil and Horus's body began to emit a golden glow. The healing process was usually slow but Ren incorporated some of his own magic power into to enhance the Sigil's effectiveness. After a few minutes, the boy was feeling a bit winded but any moment now Horus would make a near-full recovery. Luckily, the injuries hadn't had too much time to eat away at the poor bird's life force.

@Kayzo @kyuubey @Wyatt @Anyone I forgot :P
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Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora's face had remained glued to her only sheltered means of hiding; Lysander's shoulder. It didn't even occur to her that she was slowly breaking the physical barrier one would politely try to respect, though he didn't seem to bothered by it. If he did then surely she would've been pushed off the ledge they occupied a long time ago, or something less dramatic then that. His stuttering answer led her to lift her head up, eyes slipping to connect with his, just as startled as he seemed to be. He said yes? That wasn't expected and she suddenly felt more embarrassed than she did asking the question to begin with. Her small frame leaned over rather hesitantly, pushing into his slightly, as she raised a hand and watched his expression to see if he was changing his mind at all.

After not sensing any regrets on his answer, her trembling hand slid into the locks of hair amidst the top. Sora held her breath for the longest time, not wanting to make a sound, since it'd most likely be an awkward one. The softness of the strands made her smile and she began to comb his hair with a compassionate touch of her small fingers, blushing as she entwined some of the strands around them. She seemed mesmerized by the new experience of being close enough to someone to brush through their hair in such an intimate manner, but also aware of how close her face had become to his the longer she played with each wavy lock. Those fingers mindlessly continued to do what they were doing before he spoke up, referring to himself as not entirely brave but as something else. Her head shook almost immediately in response, disagreeing completely.

It was then that she brought both hands to rest against his cheeks, the touch from them almost nonexistent, feather-like even. " Being young and angry doesn't make you a coward. As long as you don't hide your face from the world, you'll never be anything less than brave to me. " Her hands remained idle on his face, eyes suddenly flashing with a more loving tone. " I believe in you, okay? " Her smile was so wide that she couldn't help but close her eyes in unison, the childish nature apparent on her expression. She retracted her hands to rest them atop the rooftop once again, her fingers coming into contact with his out of a growing habit. To her surprise, he'd actually brought his hand up to her shoulder and pulled her closer. A mental explosion of thoughts erupted in her mind, eyes widening though they were hidden beneath strands of blue hair, thankfully. Sora's body remained still, yet... comfortable, finding a sense of safe harbor when Lysander was near, let alone holding her.

The sun was starting to set in the sky which only brought out the beauty of the festival below them, the lights beginning to shine like rainbow colored fireflies scattered about the city. Both eyes narrowed to hone in on a weird cloud that had appeared, the shade of it seeming quite unsettling before disappearing. Admittedly, nothing else seemed to matter in this time, it was so peaceful and quiet up on the rooftop with Lysander that she'd begun to forget about everything else. " Do you think everything is okay down there? " Worry etched into her words, a slight drop of guilt also present.

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Kayzo said:
Mizuki stared down at Alfie with an intense look, her hands clenched up tightly while hanging by her sides. It seems that he had been defeated and she didn't even have to hurt him. A little anticlimactic but great nonetheless. His voice was raspy and weak, but different, somewhat scary. It seemed he was begging for mercy or cursing her. "Alfie." Mercy wasn't something she showed often, but she couldn't kill him, not yet. She needed to fight him without the purification spell fair and square. Or she could take away his magic. Her dark eyes drifted down to the gem which was swirling with a dark energy. The Mage decided that this was the source of his powers, and that by destroying it he wouldn't be able to fight back or hurt Alicia. Bending down (lmao lucky view from anyone behind her) Mizuki grabbed the gem and twirled it around. The gem gave off an evil feeling and she was very tempted to keep it to herself. But instead, she threw it up in the air, quickly summoning her dark beam. A loud noise rang throughout the city of magnolia, followed by a large beam of darkness and shadows and spooky shit, blasting the dark gem to pieces, chuckling as its remains sprinkled the ground. "Oh boo hoo..."


Adrian had been walking around with his group when he heard something shatter nearby, coupled with copious amounts of combat noise, mostly magical in nature. "I might not be able to detect magic like Kim can, but I think that's the disturbance. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to head over there before someone dies." He then used Blink twice to get behind the row of houses, only to see Alfie...who was in a bad spot and seemed to be glowing with shadow energy, a woman he recognized as Mizuki Kohaku, former Grimoire Heart mage, now a member of Sabertooth (he recognized her from the news), some girl, a dude with a guitar...yeah, he was putting a stop to this clusterfuck. And from his point of view, Mizuki was trying to kill Alfie.

Luckily, his Blink had placed him outside of her line of sight, a few feet behind her. Adrian was ready to manifest an arcane dagger, put it to Mizuki's throat, and threaten her to let Alfie go...

@Drakerus[/URL] @Arvis90
But then that happened. Adrian decided he wouldn't take any chances. Mizuki likely didn't understand what that gem was, and if she did something rash, like, say, shatter it, Alfie could die. So he decided he would make sure she gave it to him. To that end, he put his index finger up to the back of her head, so that it brushed against Mizuki's hair, and prepared an Arcane Ray, a ball of purple energy forming at his fingertip. "You better give it to him, Grimoire Heart bitch, because if you do anything with it otherwise, I'll liquefy your brain."
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

His attention was drawn back to the stage Ophelia's name was called. He was the one that pressed her into entering, so the least he could do was actually watch her performance. Like all the other contestants she was utilizing her magic to up her appeal, however she was also playing to her strengths and working the cute angle. Unlike Alicia's natural charm it was clear to him that this was all part of the young Guild Master's act, every last hop and stumble was all intended to make her seem cute. While he doubted the girl would take home the victory he made a mental note of congratulating her later. The young blonde brought his attention back to her as she asked whether or not he'd be participating in the tournament.

He glanced over at a young man who apparently knew the girl, having addressed her twice now. Mild curiosity on their relationship sprung up but was quickly beaten back down as the girl posed her question. A small smirk formed on his lips as he shook his head. "I'm afraid that were I to participate it would be a fairly uneventful tournament. Such things are best reserved for those more able to enjoy them." He wasn't the type that enjoyed needlessly flaunting his power so all that he would be able to do would be to stand on the sidelines and watch as his members achieved victory in his stead.

Mizuki merely closed her eyes and looked away as the strange gem began to spew black dust into her face. She still had no clue on what this strange crystal was or what purpose it served in Alfie's life. Perhaps it had to do with his God powers, the black smoke representing the negative energy that she was putting off. Maybe it was the essence of his soul? Whatever it was it seemed important. Before she knew it Alfie was awake and in a seemingly calmer mood, tired but alive. When he asked for his crystal back, Mizuki was very hesitant in giving it back. She was afraid he'd use it to attack her or Alicia, but in the end she decided to forgive. "If you pull anything on me, I will not hesitate you kill you."

Suddenly she felt a finger against the back of her head, causing the Dark Mage to tense up. It seemed someone else had joined the little fiasco, someone who was taking Alfie's side. What made matters worse was that she brought up her past with Grimore Heart. She left that terrible place five years ago due to the fact that they killed anyone who disagreed with them. She wished to forget that part of her, and she had been doing a good job until the stranger brought it up. "That was years ago. I've changed." She said sharply, a bit of pain in her voice. Her hand tightened around the gem before she held it out to Alfie. Whoever this was needed to be quite, especially around Alicia.

@Genon @Salt Lord @Mitchs98

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