Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Alfie - Magnolia Streets

"Incredibly sorry, Mizuki,"
Alfie replied, his voice unaffected by the shadowy hands holding him in the air by the collar, "But it seems you're too... oh." The wizard was put down thanks to the little girl he had accidentally skimmed in the leg. The man who had sent Mizuki to the hospital was apologizing to her, gifting her with a show of beauty, but the dark mage's intolerance had actually irritated Alfie. Working with her was impossible, and to save anyone else from the coldness he once admired, she had to be killed. Slowly, he thought he could feel his positive energy depleting itself, but that couldn't happen. It was stored in the reserve, and right now, Alfie was as weak as he could be. Both types of emotional power were completely balanced and set to zero. But that's where he's been at this whole time, right? He could take on Mizuki like this, and if need be, he could at least take a little power from the reserve... Well, why not now? With that thought, the wizard's magical power had raised itself.

With a smirk and a snap of his fingers, the ribbon covering Mizuki had vanished, leaving her in her swimsuit, and before she had time to react,
zoom! An arrow had struck the dark mage in the back, and not even a second after the hit, a mandala formed around the middle to cause a fairly large explosion. He knew this would not be nearly enough to damage her, so he had a Purification glyph in front of him, ready to diminish whatever shadow she'd try to retaliate with. He had an entirely new goal set in front of him, but it was a little corrupt and not outside the box, and soon enough, the borrowed power had been flying down, inching closer to zero, rendering him less powerful... and if it continued, that would be reversed.

@Kayzo @Drakerus @Mitchs98
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Yuna manages to push through town. She ends up in front of the Miss Fiore Contest.

I actually forgot about this. I wonder if there is stil- opp i think they just announced the winner.

Suddenly she hers an explosion over her music; automatically she places her heads phones around her neck as she races through the crowd towards it.
Mizuki crossed her ribbon laced arms across her stomach and listened to Ren's apology, her look turning from one of anger to her normal resting face, which wasn't much of a difference, though those who knew Mizuki could tell. She didn't say anything in response to his apology besides nodding slightly as a sign that said they were ok. However any more slip ups and he wouldn't be getting off scotch-free like last time. The Dark Mage continued to be silent as Ren performed his spell, watching it while feeling unamused. Sure, it was beautiful and creative and such, but beautiful and creative wasn't really her thing. Maybe if the birds dropped out of the sky dead that'd be something to laugh about, besides the fact that Alicia would see. The little girl herself seemed to find the little spell fascinating, which made Mizuki feel a little better. As long as Alicia was happy, Mizuki was 'happy'.

Just when things began to calm down the ribbons that were wrapped around her body disappeared, leaving the dark Mage out and exposed. However before she could turn around to see what was happening, a sharp pain pierced her back, followed by an explosion that sent Mizuki tumbling forward. Hissing in frustration, she stood up checking to make sure her bikini didn't tear from the explosion. Fortunately due to anime logic it didn't yet, so she was in the clear. "What are you doing Alfie? I let you off easy on my own will and you stab me in the back? Something like that can't go unpunished." She said with a glare, charging up a shadow swipe and casting it at him. Unfortunately the moment it left her hand it disappeared thanks to his purification spell. Once again she swiped at him, but to no prevail. "You're playing dirty. I admire that..."

@Salt Lord
Yuna Run out to where Ren Mizkui and Alicia are and decides to watch the fight on top of a roof to see whats going.

Hmmmm i wonder.... I think i'll sit back and if they need help. If not; i'm sure i can capture some cool sounds for my music.

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Time was beginning not to matter, the random chatter below them from the festival fading into the background slowly to the point of being non-existent. " It certainly was. I'm glad I was able to be of use to everyone in the end. " A small smile tugged at her lips, truly happy by that fact. Helping others and being able to protect others was something she dedicated her powers to, the purpose it gave her was unrivaled. This was already extending towards Lysander, her desire to see him unharmed now that they were acquainted would be another thing that would drive her forward and motivate her. It was pleasantly wonderful to find someone to be able to talk freely with and she certainly hoped he felt the same way, it would seem he did since he hadn't seemed to shy away from any of her questions yet. He was patient and thoughtful, even showing signs of concern... qualities that only seemed to strengthen whatever it was between them. It was becoming quite clear to her the more time that was passing that perhaps this was more than infatuation; it was a genuine feeling of adoration.

Strands of his hair had made its way to her cheeks, tickling them quite suddenly, to which she scrunched her nose and flailed her legs about in surprise. An apologizing look was shyly but quickly offered since he had just begun to answer her question regarding the magic. Sora turned to him as he spoke, eyes curiously widening with his answer, extremely fond of learning more about him and his heritage to get an idea of whom she was dealing with. " Well like I said before, the poncho really suites you. " Her smile remained gentle and sincere, hand curling more atop of his. The warmth of his hand was nice beneath hers, though she found it odd that the warmth itself was spreading through her entire body from such a minuscule touch.

" I bet a lot of people wonder why you're not in Fairy Tail with the family history you have behind you. " It was a small assumption but she figured she wasn't too far off, though personally it wasn't something that she questioned. " I think going with where your heart takes you is a much better approach, and if that didn't find you in Fairy Tail, then that only means it brought you to where you were meant to be. " Her voice seemed to drop a few octaves, eyes slipping downward, though it wasn't out of sadness. " I think you're pretty brave, Lysander. " It was completely out of context from the previous conversation, but she mumbled it out nonetheless as it was currently on her mind. Her frame had leaned against him at this point as if reacting to his body language, a soft hitch being caught in her throat from the comfort it instantly brought her, eyes slipping to a close to try to focus on the spiraling emotions.

There was so much she wanted to know, so many layers of answers she wanted revealed, but the time they had didn't feel like it'd be enough. Nami was off somewhere, oddly enough giving the two space which was completely uncharacteristic of her. The feeling of his hair fluttering against the pale skin on her face brought her back into the moment, eyes fluttering open to gaze at the culprit curiously. " C-Can I touch your hair? " And there it was, she couldn't refrain anymore. It looked extremely soft and it was a sincere desire to want to feel the wavy locks that kept invading her personal space. Both cheeks deepened again and she found herself burying her face into his shoulder, trying to wipe the silly look off her face and hide simultaneously. Perhaps it wouldn't be that weird of a request but she doubted he'd ever been asked that before.
Yes, optimistic thoughts Sora! And if he declined, it wouldn't be that detrimental to their friendship... she could always just plummet herself off the roof to escape the embarrassment.

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Kelica - Seating at Miss Fiore Contest

Kelica was between her bestie Sabrina and Chris, it was an interesting view from this angle, the lights floating down from above onto the stage. It had a sense of wonder about it that she quiet enjoyed. Cinla's act involved creatures she seemed to make out of thin air, but they must have been more then illusions because a child rode one! How astonishing! As she left the stage, Kelica turned to look to Chris with her large emerald eyes. She leaned in, putting her mouth right against his ear, her hot breath washing over the side of his face as she did. "I know what will make the time go quicker... how's about some drinks?" Pulling back gently as she stood up then, untangling her fingers from his hand. "I'm going to the bar Sabrina, I'll get you a drink too Nyeh?" She didn't wait for a response, she was too impulsive for that, skirting her way through the crowd with a few excuse me's.

She stepped up to the bar at the very back, gesturing a barmaid as she did. "Three big o'mugs of ale please!" She wasn't sure if Sabrina wanted an ale, but if she didn't it was one extra for Chris. As she was waiting, she looked to her side to see a very stern, older man, simply watching. Something about his stance reminded her of her Father at times, he was a lovely man, but when he was protecting the forest... gees....and more importantly, she could have sworn she saw him somewhere else...

"Hi, my name is Kelica. Have we... met before?" at Gilad Arcturus

@Isune @PeteTSs @Leo Radomir @Colt556
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Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

He gave a quick glance as Auren made a hasty retreat into the crowd. He already had several ideas for punishments floating around his head, both direct and indirect. One thing was for certain, the lad would have a rough time for the remainder of the festival. He turned his attention back to the stage as another girl took to it, utilizing what seemed to be some form of summoning magic in her act. As the girl made her way off stage he couldn't help but feel the competition had been dragging on a bit. So far the highlight of the entire competition had been Alicia taking to the stage, although he was certain she would not win albeit for different reasons than Mizuki.

He was again broken out of his thoughts by another interruption, this one thankfully far less obnoxious. He turned to face the young girl that approached him and introduced herself as Kelica. He gave her a quick once-over, trying to recall where he might have met such an individual. He had a knack for remembering faces and after a few moments he recalled the events at Malnia and how the girl had been aiding Lloyd. He gave the girl a small nod of acknowledgement before speaking up. "I am Gilad Arcturus, I believe we both were present at Malnia a few weeks back. Although I do not believe we had much of any interaction then." While he recalled seeing her aiding Lloyd in the aftermath he could not recall any memories of her actually participating in any of the combat. She certainly had not been involved in their fight with the red dragon, nor had she been one of those involved with the blue one. The only possible explanations were that she either arrived late or participated in the background somewhere.

Bolts said:
Eias Baole
After finishing a quick little tune she placed her flute down on her lap. She people watched. Small children running and parents trying to follow. It was like an overbooked venue with the Baole band. She had go go see more things in Magnolia. Getting up and stretching, she made her way down various streets, waiting for fate to take her somewhere. Walking down, she heard an enchanting song with guitar and vocals to match. It was so lovely, she just had to play along. She brought up the flute and started matching the beat.

Blowing bubbles, as they popped her own vocals echoed a faint backup. Melodies to her ears. She did not know the location of the other sound. It was fine though, sometimes you must appreciate the simple pleasures.

@Wyatt @Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Salt Lord
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

"I'm saved! Thank the great dragon in the sky!" Ren cheered in relief. He didn't know what he would've done if Mizuki had had her way, speaking of which...

"Mizuki, I want to apologize for what I did. But, you should know that it was an accident. I made a mistake in drawing the Sigil and it...well, you know..." he said as he pulled out the piece of paper he'd used earlier. He unfolded it and made modifications to the symbol.

"This is closer to what was supposed to happen.' he explained as he took out a crystal. He then threw the piece of paper into the air.


With that, it exploded in a bright flash of golden light. What emerged from the explosion was a flock of shimmering doves, spreading out in all directions towards the heavens. Sparkling feathers rained down above them as the illusory birds disappeared into the great vastness of the open sky. Ren then looked back at the four of them, gauging their reactions.

"Cool, right?" he said proudly.

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @Wyatt
@Drakerus[/URL] @Mitchs98
Kayzo said:
Mizuki crossed her ribbon laced arms across her stomach and listened to Ren's apology, her look turning from one of anger to her normal resting face, which wasn't much of a difference, though those who knew Mizuki could tell. She didn't say anything in response to his apology besides nodding slightly as a sign that said they were ok. However any more slip ups and he wouldn't be getting off scotch-free like last time. The Dark Mage continued to be silent as Ren performed his spell, watching it while feeling unamused. Sure, it was beautiful and creative and such, but beautiful and creative wasn't really her thing. Maybe if the birds dropped out of the sky dead that'd be something to laugh about, besides the fact that Alicia would see. The little girl herself seemed to find the little spell fascinating, which made Mizuki feel a little better. As long as Alicia was happy, Mizuki was 'happy'.
Just when things began to calm down the ribbons that were wrapped around her body disappeared, leaving the dark Mage out and exposed. However before she could turn around to see what was happening, a sharp pain pierced her back, followed by an explosion that sent Mizuki tumbling forward. Hissing in frustration, she stood up checking to make sure her bikini didn't tear from the explosion. Fortunately due to anime logic it didn't yet, so she was in the clear. "What are you doing Alfie? I let you off easy on my own will and you stab me in the back? Something like that can't go unpunished." She said with a glare, charging up a shadow swipe and casting it at him. Unfortunately the moment it left her hand it disappeared thanks to his purification spell. Once again she swiped at him, but to no prevail. "You're playing dirty. I admire that..."

@Salt Lord
Vex: Magnolia Streets

Vex could hear someone playing to his music. It made him happy that he play good enough for someone to feel the need to join. With the sudden show that Ren put on, Vex could no longer make out were everyone was, Ren's silver magic was the only thing that he could see. "Really?" He mutter under his breath. He had stopped playing and stood up again. "Horus, now I really need your helo again." Vex might not had been able to see everything but he knew something was wrong. The bird let out a detail screech that told him everything. "Ah I see." Vex replied. He followed the bird's voice until he was behind Alfie. Once he was behind him he lifted his guitar and swung it at the man's head. As he did so he yelled "batters up!" Hopefully he wouldn't be to mad but the man had just started up conflict again.

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She kept playing till it came to a rather strange stop. Maybe a string broke or they had to move. For that, she finished at what she believed to be a good end point. She blew another bubble to herself. Now that is the kinda inspiration I was looking for. Thanks who ever helped. The voice was loud yet soft and pleasing. If she tried to speak herself, no one could possibly hear her.

Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia StreetsVex sat down pulling his guitar off of his back. "Well is that all if your drama? Everything good now?" He slowly began strumming his instrument until he heard a sour note, quickly he fixed it and his guitar was once again in tune. Not waiting for an answer he he began to play a song. Then he began to sign, "why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends." His vocie was angelic and enchanting at least to mucis lovers. He knew that this probably wasn't the place to be playing the song but he wanted to any ways.

@Wyatt @Wyatt
Kayzo said:
Mizuki crossed her ribbon laced arms across her stomach and listened to Ren's apology, her look turning from one of anger to her normal resting face, which wasn't much of a difference, though those who knew Mizuki could tell. She didn't say anything in response to his apology besides nodding slightly as a sign that said they were ok. However any more slip ups and he wouldn't be getting off scotch-free like last time. The Dark Mage continued to be silent as Ren performed his spell, watching it while feeling unamused. Sure, it was beautiful and creative and such, but beautiful and creative wasn't really her thing. Maybe if the birds dropped out of the sky dead that'd be something to laugh about, besides the fact that Alicia would see. The little girl herself seemed to find the little spell fascinating, which made Mizuki feel a little better. As long as Alicia was happy, Mizuki was 'happy'.
Just when things began to calm down the ribbons that were wrapped around her body disappeared, leaving the dark Mage out and exposed. However before she could turn around to see what was happening, a sharp pain pierced her back, followed by an explosion that sent Mizuki tumbling forward. Hissing in frustration, she stood up checking to make sure her bikini didn't tear from the explosion. Fortunately due to anime logic it didn't yet, so she was in the clear. "What are you doing Alfie? I let you off easy on my own will and you stab me in the back? Something like that can't go unpunished." She said with a glare, charging up a shadow swipe and casting it at him. Unfortunately the moment it left her hand it disappeared thanks to his purification spell. Once again she swiped at him, but to no prevail. "You're playing dirty. I admire that..."

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia sighed with relief as Mizuki released Ren. Quickly she'd ran up and hugged Mizuki, "
Thank you Mizuki. Sorry for what I said but I was scared for Ren." She told her. Almost as quick as she'd hugged her however she turned to listen to Vex's singing, and then of course to Ren's magic act. She stared in complete awe of the magic, it was awesome! It might of just been an illusion, but it was still awesome. "Woah, that was cool Ren! Where did you learn to do that?" She asked him. Though, there wasn't much time for answers before Alfie attacked Mizuki.

If there was one thing he could of possibly done to set Alicia off, it was attack Mizuki. She cared for all of her guild mates, sure. But Mizuki was the most important to her, possibly a side effect of a hex..but still even if it was Alicia didn't mind. She didn't really pay attention to Mizuki attacking him, or rather attempting to. Slowly she took her lightning beads from her hair and held them tightly before turning to face Alfie, a legitamate pissed off expression on her face. She would use her fire beads but they were way more destructive.

No one hurts Mizuki you jerk!" She shouted before tossing the beads into the air. They grew in size to be roughly the size of fists before expanding outwards in a circle. "Shock Collar!" She exclaimed, pointing at Alfie. The beads in turn responded and zoomed towards him in an effort to do exactly what the name implied, wrap around his neck and shock him repeatedly.
purplepanda288 said:
" Perhaps, she might mean one of my childhood friends, last I've herd of her he found a form of lost celestial magic. He didn't want to go into details for he said it was something that even he didn't know how to use, but that was three years ago." She desperately wanted to get out of that bed, take out the pump that fed insulin to her bloodstream. She wanted to leave. Kim squirmed uncomfortably where she sat. " I just want out of this hospital now."

@Britt-21 @Britt-21

*Forces self to post*

Lavender just stood there in silence as she listened the conversation between Ryu and Kim. Her eyes darted from one to the other before Adrian chimed in as well which made the wizard look at him. He was right, what should they do when this happens another time. Her heart rate skyrocketed and she was burning up like the sun! Moving her golden eyes to Kim, she spoke "Adrian has a point. But what worried us is that your skin was burning up and when you got here your heart was racing a mile a minute." she crossed her arms and then turned away "I'll be back. I'll see if they release her." with that, she walked off to find the doctor and asked if she could be discharged.

@Rhodus @purplepanda288 @Genon
Genon said:
"A lost celestial magic, huh?" Adrian replied. "Do you think we could get in contact with him? Do you still have his contact information?"
"And, uh...sorry about the hospital. I hadn't seen you pass out like that before, and I decided to call the paramedics because it looked serious. But if this just happens all the time and it's pretty much harmless..." Adrian trailed off.

"What should we do next time this happens? I'd rather not make you waste a day in the hospital if it's unnecessary."


@Britt-21 @Genon @Rhodus [/font]
Lavender nodded softly "Thank you, Sir." with a slight bow of her head, she then went back to the group "The doctor says that you are free to go, Miss Kim." Lavender said with a gentle voice before she looked at the boys for a brief moment before taking her hands and gently pushing them a bit from the bed "You boys cannot see her undress." she closed the curtain all th way around and layed out Kim's clothes "You may change when you're ready." Lavender then turned her back to Kim so she could get dressed. "Sorry for moving both you, Adrian and Ryu. But men cannot watch a woman undress."

(I think Lavender is a mix of carla and elfman... xD ) @Genon @Rhodus @purplepanda288
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[QUOTE="Britt-21]Lavender nodded softly "Thank you, Sir." with a slight bow of her head, she then went back to the group "The doctor says that you are free to go, Miss Kim." Lavender said with a gentle voice before she looked at the boys for a brief moment before taking her hands and gently pushing them a bit from the bed "You boys cannot see her undress." she closed the curtain all th way around and layed out Kim's clothes "You may change when you're ready." Lavender then turned her back to Kim so she could get dressed. "Sorry for moving both you, Adrian and Ryu. But men cannot watch a woman undress."
(I think Lavender is a mix of carla and elfman... xD ) @Britt\-21 [/font]

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Chris Lengheart(Following Kelica)

Chris followed behind Kelica, knowing that she might not be able to carry three mugs of ale. He then watched as Kelica began to talk to a complete stranger...at least to him. Chris backed off a bit, knowing that it'dd be awkward if he stepped in. He only went to the bar and sat down. He waited for silently for Kelica to finish her little chat so he could grab some ale. Although, chances were Chris would have to tone back a bit. He was worried that he may have to carry both Kelica and Sabrina home...at least that's what Chris pictured happening. With those two, it wouldn't be much of a surprise.

@Zuka @Colt556 ((Only mentioned, no interaction))


Ms. Fiore Audience

Grace let out a relieved yet frustrated sigh as Valken left the area. He ruined a wonderful moment between the two and had put her back into a bad mood. First he takes the bed and now he takes away the kiss. She thought sourly, crossing her arms across her chest and staring down into the contest. "I'm sorry about that Masaki. Valken can be very annoying at times." She said, leaning into the taller boy and resting her head on his arm. This was the most physical touching she felt like doing right now, afraid that he might slip out of the shadows and ruin another moment. "We're pretty lucky though. From the way he was talking earlier it seemed he had more planned for us. I think Millie made him forget though." Although Grace was very angry with Valken at the moment, and rightfully so, she had to be very nice around him. She recalled from the previous night in the train that he'd ask Lloyd to promote her to A-Rank Mage, something she desperately wanted. B-Rank wasn't bad, but in a world of S-Rank wizards it was very embarrassing. "Don't bother chasing after him or Anything...."


Ms. Fiore Back Stage

Millie felt Valken's hands shaking in her own, which led to her giving him a questioning look. She could tell that he was getting nervous about something, presumably her comment about being alone. "Valken baby, I was just teasing. We don't have to do anything like what you're thinking yet, unless you want to. I just don't want to put you in a bad or uncomfortable position." She said with a sigh, giving his sweaty shaky hands a comforting squeeze. Millie didn't quite understand why he was so nervous around her. She had never been this close with a guy before yet she seemed to be doing just fine. All she was doing was giving him her all in hopes of making her man happy, yet Valken always seemed so anxious around her. Maybe he was just nervous about messing up? Or maybe he was having an affair!? No. That couldn't be the case! He's loyal to me, I know it! She thought, looking back up into his eyes. "Am I being to touchy? Should I lay off?"

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari
Lysander - On top of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Lysander blinked, a startled look crossing his face, even as he turned his head to stare at the girl currently burrowing her head in his shoulder. That was quite unexpected yet the shock of it did not prevent his face from turning red at the intimacy of the physical contact. It was just hair and yet... ever since he had been a child he had always kept long hair, and he remembered his parents and his grandmother combing his hair for him. They were all dead now, and ever since then he had combed his own hair. To have someone else touch his hair like that in an intimate manner... he was not sure what it would do to him. Yet, it had been so long since someone ran their fingers through his hair. And here was someone who wanted to do just that. His breath caught. "S-sure," he stuttered, turning even redder at the thought.

Brave, She had called him brave. Tears came to his eyes and he had to quickly blink them to get rid of them. He was not really brave. If he was slightly braver, his arm would probably be around her by now. If he was brave... perhaps his life could have changed significantly. Perhaps he would be less of a recluse. Perhaps... "It's not really bravery I suppose," he admitted, with a sheepish smile. "I was young and angry then." He said nothing more than that, not really wanting to go into detail. The deaths of those closest to him had been a sore point for him for all of his life, and it still remained something he was reluctant to discuss. But with Sora...perhaps one day he would. He was not even sure why she had suddenly flailed her legs about like that yet it endured her to him. She was adorable yet... there was a certain strength to her. A strength that he admired. It was not just the dragon. Despite how young and mild and girlish she appeared, there was this aspect of steel about her. It intrigued him; he dearly wanted to get to know her, to just... be around her. Already he could feel himself changing in certain aspects.

He was not even sure what it was. Perhaps it was her calling him brave that galvanized it. Perhaps it was because she seemed to be a very physical person, someone who enjoyed receiving and giving physical affection. But whatever it was, it was enough to get him to work up his courage to do that one thing. She had already been leaning against him to begin with, so this next step felt so natural, yet there was so much gravity. Uncertainty. Fear. But she had called him brave. Very tentatively, he placed a gentle hand on her opposite shoulder, drawing her slightly closer to him. He did not dare do more but... he only hoped that she would not be too angry.

Genon said:
"A lost celestial magic, huh?" Adrian replied. "Do you think we could get in contact with him? Do you still have his contact information?"
"And, uh...sorry about the hospital. I hadn't seen you pass out like that before, and I decided to call the paramedics because it looked serious. But if this just happens all the time and it's pretty much harmless..." Adrian trailed off.

"What should we do next time this happens? I'd rather not make you waste a day in the hospital if it's unnecessary."


purplepanda288 said:

Kim nodded. She stood up from the bed and started to undress. She grabed her blouse and short ripped jeans. She put each on, a light blush appeared on her face.
" Alright I'm rest let's go. " She grabbed her phone before they left. Kim felt a cold wave wash over her. " There's magic being use at an extraordinary large rate."

-Ryu Miyamoto-


Ryu listened silently as the others discussed what to do during Kim's next encounter with whatever affliction she had. Although he'd had experience dealing with flux before, most of the field was still supposition and theory, with very little known for sure. As such, they would be wise to trust Kim's judgment, since she seemed to know quite a bit about flux.

He nodded in agreement when Kim mentioned magic being used. "Indeed. I feel it as well," He said calmly. "We should investigate further if our business here is concluded, that we should," He added. Perhaps the magic was just being used for more sparring in practice for the tournament tomorrow, he thought. Then again, the festival was a big event, and it might attract terrorist like activity as a result.

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Eias Baole

It sounded like a fight was breaking out fairly close to her. Eias wondered if that was the cause for the end of the song. She wasn't sure how she should go through the streets while a fight was going on. The best course of action she felt was to see where and what was going on. Blowing two bubbles the size of her head, she glanced into them both. She could see herself and the area where she was at.

She gently blew one of the bubbles so it would start moving around. Floating over a street, she saw a group getting into a mess with each other. The bubble flew closer so she could get a better look. Anyone peering into the bubble would see a green haired girl with a concerned look on her face.

@Wyatt @Kayzo
Kelica - Bar at the back of Miss Fiore

She glanced over as Chris did indeed follow her, you'd be surprised what she was cacaple of carrying when it Stein's. She wasn't one to shy away from a drink mind you. Her gaze returned back to Arcturus with a smile. "Malina huh? Yeah there was a few mages hanging around, I only just joined Fairytail a week earlier can you believe, and that was my first mission! I even meet a Guild Master there, he didn't tell me he was one at first though, Lloyd from Lamia Scale..."

Kelica was pretty oblivious when it came to officials, or guilds for that matter. Her smile brightening. She just had this air of happiness around her. Ditzy, but happy.

@Isune @Colt556
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-


Ryu listened silently as the others discussed what to do during Kim's next encounter with whatever affliction she had. Although he'd had experience dealing with flux before, most of the field was still supposition and theory, with very little known for sure. As such, they would be wise to trust Kim's judgment, since she seemed to know quite a bit about flux.

He nodded in agreement when Kim mentioned magic being used. "Indeed. I feel it as well, that I do." He said calmly. "We should investigate further if our business here is concluded, that we should," He added. Perhaps the magic was just being used for more sparring in practice for the tournament tomorrow, he thought. Then again, the festival was a big event, and it might attract terrorist like activity as a result.

Kim nodded in agreement. " Let's go." She grabed arm. She turned her head as she ran out of the hospital with Ryu in tow. " We'all see you in the guild hall. Alright." She didn't wait for them to answer to her. Kim opened the door to the hospital and went out side. She closed her eyes and then opened them rapidly. " This way."

Valken - Backstage Miss Fiore Contest

Valken took a deep breath in. This was getting ridiculous and out of hand. He was a man, a real man, a man's man, and he was getting freaked out and spending some time alone with a gorgeous, stunning, sweet, adorable girl.....

His thoughts trailed again. What was happening to him. Since when was he nervous or shy of anything? Shy?!? He couldn't believe he had even said that word in his head, Valken was alot of things, but he most definitely was not shy.

"I know I know... " He said finally. "It's not you at all."

He suddenly wrapped his arms tightly around her, drawing her in close, almost painfully so, his head resting on hers. Like he desperately needed the comfort from her. His eyes closed. "I...need to tell you something..."

He couldn't keep on doing this. Every word he said put him further into chaos and he needed to somehow atone for his sins. He tensed though still kept her close.

"A week ago, when I called you Baby... I was at the bar beside Lysander... you asked Ferra if we had been dating and she told you we had...but you couldn't remember... Ferra tricked you... we hadn't actually been dating at all... I should have told you straight away but... I was scared... I didn't want to hurt you..." Taking another deep breath in. "We have never been dating... it's just a prank gone crazy... it's not Ferra's fault I should have told you..."

He pulled back slightly, but kept his arms around her, head hanging low in shame. He knew tears were a given, but he tensed his face incase she wanted to slap him as well. It would certainly warrant it.

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari (Maya is near them)
Millie wrapped his arms around him when Valken pulled her tightly into his body. His head resting on top of hers was very warm and comforting, her soft blue eyes closing while she listened to him speak. "Yes, what is it?" She asked, snuggling up to him. The girl remained silent as he talked, her warm and glowing smile fading to a gloomy frown. It seems that she finally found out why he acted so nervous around her. She couldn't believe that it was all just a prank (bro), and that this whole relationship had been a lie. Did this mean that Valken really didn't love her, even with the tender moments between the two? Millie sniffles loudly as she felt tears welling up in her eyes, taking a small step back. "Does this mean you don't actually love me? Are we done now?" She asked, slipping away and arm and wiping her tears. She didn't know about Valken, but the feelings she felt for him were real.

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Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

The mention of meeting a guild master, confirmed he was right on the girl's identity. She had indeed been the one to aid Lloyd. The fact that it had been her first mission amused him as few mages were thrown into the deep end. Although she had not been present for either of the dragons so she must have been spared the brunt of the fighting. Even so, simply seeing such devastation would send many mages running. "It was fortunate that Master Kirby had been present at the time. He and Miss Fernandes fulfilled their role's as distraction admirably." He gave the girl another quick look-over, curiosity growing within him. Not one to allow a question to go unasked and unanswered he was quick to continue. "Tell me, Miss Kelica, what role did you play in Malnia? I did no see you participate in any of the fighting at the time."

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