Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Sabrina---Ms Fiore Contest

It was a wondrous feeling having something alive and breathing perched on your shoulder. Sabrina felt exhilarated having Frank grooming on her. She blushed when she was offered a hug from Chris. She looked down, her face bright red, and vigorously shook her head, so much so that Frank took off with an annoyed squawk.

@Isune @Zuka
Valken - Backstage Miss Fiore Contest

Valken saw her bikini clad figure long before he touched it, and when she twisted it his grasp to face him, his hands ran down her hips, a finger coiling around the string at the sides holding the bottom piece in place. He snapped it rather suddenly. "Remind me to take you to the beach more often... " he rumbled.

When she made mention of becoming a model, he only grinned harder. "And have you spread in every poster and every magazine in Fiore... hells yes!"

He could have happily teased her till she was red in the face, and he half wanted to, but he lifted his gaze from her soft face, looking to Maya.

"Have you seen Ferra?" He said to her with a serious look.

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Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

Ren was beginning to get exhausted from all the running around they'd been doing when his prayers were answered. Miraculously, a ribbon that spelled out 'Mezuki 'appeared somewhere not too far away. The beacon appeared to be a couple of blocks down.

"Hey, look Alicia! That must be Mizuki calling out to us! Then again, it's sort of sketchy. They spelled the name wrong..." he said pondering what they should do.

"Oh well, it's our best lead so let's get going." he said with resolve, pointing in the direction of the sign.

Wyatt said:
Vex walked into a building not being able to see anything but darkness. "Horus where are you? I kept walking into things!" The bird didn't answer and Vick was left to fend for himself. "Well I guess we are going to have to do this the hard way. I wish you were magical so I could see you that way." He closed his eyes and began to focus. Bloid began to drip from his nose as his mind was flooded with a black and white view of every thing around him for a mile. It was hard to comprehend what he saw since it had so much more then what a normal person saw. He began to look for his bird and once he had found him he blocked out everything but the way to Horus. It was the least he could do to lessen the pain his head was in. Once he reached the bird he opened his eyes and woke it up. "Horus, sleeping while I am trying to get around! Your my eyes I need you to hekp me." The bird let out a cry and flew on to his shoulder. The bird' beek was inches away feom Vex's ears and it was describing the land to him in great detail. The bird forgot to mention that there were other people and he walked into Ren and Alicia.
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia had saw the 'Mezuki' sign before Ren had even mentioned it. "
Yeah! Come on let's g-" She began, swiftly being interrupted by her running directly into Vex's leg coupled with his running and being knocked down and onto her back. She was dazed and confused for several deconds before she looked up, did she hit a wall or a street pole..? She looked around rubbing her back with tears on the edges of her eyes.

Despite being a semi-powerful mage she
was still a little kid. Falling down hurts, even moreso when you practically get kicked by an adult. It was then she saw her assaulter, she looked at him with a frown, the tears still in the edges of her eyes. "W-why did you kick me." She whined, temporarily forgetting the entire reason she was running in the first place, on the verge of outright crying.
Zuka said:
Valken - Backstage Miss Fiore Contest

Valken saw her bikini clad figure long before he touched it, and when she twisted it his grasp to face him, his hands ran down her hips, a finger coiling around the string at the sides holding the bottom piece in place. He snapped it rather suddenly. "Remind me to take you to the beach more often... " he rumbled.

When she made mention of becoming a model, he only grinned harder. "And have you spread in every poster and every magazine in Fiore... hells yes!"

He could have happily teased her till she was red in the face, and he half wanted to, but he lifted his gaze from her soft face, looking to Maya.

"Have you seen Ferra?" He said to her with a serious look.

(Sorry for the double post...but I forgot to both 1. Announce Cinla and 2. I didn't get a notif for this >_>)

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari


Ferra had been watching each and every performance intently, she stood absolutely no chance. Especially if she was judged against Millie or Tanari. She frowned while looking down at her flat chest and sighed. Walking over to a chair she sat down. She was starving, and she forgot to bring her food with her. If she wasn't called soon she might have to drop out. She really didn't want to risk getting sick over a silly contest.

It was roughly then she'd noticed Valken had came in, she shot him a few nervous glances when he asked where she was, hoping he didn't see her. But in the end it was probably better she talked to him when there were witnesses around. Hopping out of the chair she walked over to him. "Hi Valken! You needed me?" She greeted, grinning childishly up at him. "You both did great by the way guys, I bet it'll be hard for the judges to pick a winner with you two around." She told Millie and Maya.


@Isune @PeteTSs @Zuka @Colt556 @Leo Radomir @anyone in the audience I missed

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

It'd seemed that Tanari had taken up Millie's strategy to win. A very simply strategy delving into swimsuit contests of old: the way of the boob. Regardess, Bob clapped for her just as he had everyone else. "Tanari Vanaros, well done!" He spoke. "Next up is Cinla Agate from Lamia Scale!"
Kelica - Outside Miss Fiore Contest

Kelica had to laugh when Sabrina blushed as hard as she did, wrapping her arm around the girl's shoulder and tugging her in, leading her into the contest once more, her other hand grasping onto Chris's and entwining her fingers with his. She pulled the group into the darkened room, taking a spot with a seat either side of her. Frank, mildly irritated now, fluttered up to the rafters, head swivelling around and eyes on everyone inside.

Once she sat down, she crossed her legs, pulling her blond hair over one shoulder to brush with her fingers. Well, one hand was, the other was still clenching Chris's gently.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Lloyd - Rental Apartment

Lloyd nodded, a sympathetic smile coming to his lips. "I understand. If only there was an alternative way of travel that does not require motion sickness." He thought immediately then, of Lucien Grey's portals, which reminded him also of his true purpose in coming for the festival. It was not to check out women in bikinis, definitely. His smile faded then, as he thought of the people he would need to look for. Arturus, the Fairy Tail Guild Master, his contact, Kelica, not necessarily in that order. Lots of things to be done. He had better get started on his paperwork then.

"We would still need to get something to eat later, I think," he said aloud. "If I'm going to have to be here, I'd like to try the festival food at least once. Unless there is something else you need to do, shall we meet later, in three hours time? I should be done with my paperwork by then, and we'd be able to enjoy the festival properly after that."

Valken - Being sucked into the Black Portal that is Millie's bewbs

Valken's eyebrows lifted as he heard Ferra's small voice, and instantly relaxed. All Guild Members accounted for. Well, except, did that announcer just say Cinla was from Lamia Scale? Did they get more recruits while he was at Crocus with Grace? He had a puzzled look on his face. He turned back to Ferra. "Don't worry I'm not about to ruine your contest chance..." He smirked at her. The day was coming, just not today. "Did Lloyd initiate more recruits while I was away?"

This made his thoughts darken. It was all together possible one of those newbies where a bad guy in disguise....surely Lloyd would not have accepted them if he even half suspected them right? ... Then again the man was up to his eyeballs in paperwork and not as sharp as he used to be....

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Leo Radomir
Vex: Magnolia Streets

Vex was rubbing his leg in pain, "Horus, did you froget to tell me something?" The bird let out a loud Innocent cry as though he didn't do anything wrong. "Well where are they?" Again the bird made a loud cry and Vex held out his hand to the girl. "I am sorry I didn't see you there. What's your name?"

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus
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Zuka said:
Valken - Backstage Miss Fiore Contest

Valken saw her bikini clad figure long before he touched it, and when she twisted it his grasp to face him, his hands ran down her hips, a finger coiling around the string at the sides holding the bottom piece in place. He snapped it rather suddenly. "Remind me to take you to the beach more often... " he rumbled.

When she made mention of becoming a model, he only grinned harder. "And have you spread in every poster and every magazine in Fiore... hells yes!"

He could have happily teased her till she was red in the face, and he half wanted to, but he lifted his gaze from her soft face, looking to Maya.

"Have you seen Ferra?" He said to her with a serious look.

Millie let out a little squeak as Valken snapped the string on her bikini bottom, the girl pressing against him even more. She normally hated perverted touches or people, but Valken made her feel good, him being the only known exception. The girl giggled slightly and placed her face into his neck, her hands trailing up his chest. "I would love to go to the beach with you. We'd have so much fun there!" She said innocently, giving his neck a quick peck before bringing her head up.

When Valken made mention of her being a model, she couldn't help but smile. Maybe this was what she was meant to be, a model. She'd actually love to have a job like that and become famous.
"Then I guess I'll become a model. I'm sure you'd love that..."

Alfie - Streets of Magnolia

Alfie returned Mizuki's unpleased look before coming back with his smiling face of care upon hearing that she could sense her partner and the on who had teleported her on top of him. The whole thing may or may not have been good for either of them, but Alfie, who generally looked on the bright side of things, saw it as a good thing. After all, this one was able to keep her mouth shut and enjoyed silence unless talking was required, just like he did, and both preferred to wear as much clothing as they could. Even if one of them didn't care about others and the other did, the two shared a lot of similarities (by Alfie's standards). Except if they would be partners in battle, she'd have to be a lot more tolerant with the world than she was. But that would come later. Finally, the wizard spoke, "When they get here, make sure not to kill him. At least save a few hits for me."


Conway Nile - Streets of Magnolia

Conway was rushing through the streets completely cutting through the crowds of people visiting for the Festival, being chased by a few shop owners. They were meters apart, and as the young sailor's body glowed an orange hue, the shopowners were quickly falling behind--not like they were close to catching him to begin with. Satisfied, the boy glanced at the bunch of lollipops in his hand with an evil grin, but he really should have been watching the road instead. With a sudden crash, the lollipops soared out of Conway's hand as he sat on the ground, rubbing his head, and looking up with his vision blurred, he found that the cause of the pain and the loss of his stolen goods was another person. Before he could even think to stop and get a look at who he collided with and who was with him, the sailor was already on his feet, screaming at the brown-haired boy with an angered expression. "Ey! Watch yer' goddamn step! Ya could'da got us killed!"

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Mizuki's face had a bit of an amused expression on her face (however still no smiling). She hadn't expected someone who looked so cheerful to say something so dark, but she liked it a lot. With the right ribbons and the seemingly dark personality, she might like to have him as an acquaintance. "Of course. I'll choke him, and you'll cut him up." She said, chuckling darkly and rubbing her ribbon wrapped hands together. She hadn't inflicted pain on anyone in such a long time, and she couldn't wait to do it again. "I never thought a man in pink would want to kill..."

@Salt Lord
She was decisive too. Someone to follow? Perfect. "I'm sure the two of us are capable of both at once. Wouldn't it be more fun that way?" Alfie was pleased with the amused look on Mizuki's face, and even if it wasn't a smile, it was less harsh than her general 'I hate your guts and you need to die' expression. It somehow comforted him when she wore a face other than her usual one... but in all honesty, all of her faces suited her well. "I only kill when others want to kill. I'm group dependent more than I am anything else. But if this partnership continues, and you continue to be the strength of it, I can assure you I won't disappoint. As long as you're smart with your choices, that is. Now let's get ready. I think he'll be here soon." Raising his hand into the air like with all of his spells, his bow formed in that hand, and as he lowered it, the magical string was pulled back, a spell ready to be launched.

purplepanda288 said:
Kim looked at Ryu. " She kept telling me riddles, weird thing. Something about another of the stars above the savior below the surface m. Then she demanded me to solve it. "She touched her head, it still felt warn to the touch but that's normal..she hoped.

-Ryu Miyamoto-



"Another of the stars above? It could mean a celestial spirit. That is quite the riddle" He mused. He continued to ponder on the meaning of the words. "Other than that, I'm afraid I don't know very much. Perhaps someone at the guild hall might be able to give us more assistance?" He suggested. "They're sure to know more about this than I do,"

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Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ Roof - Magnolia

The sound of his voice and the expression on his face led her to believe that it was his first time actually flying; or as close to flying as one could get. This thought made her smile even more, happy to have had him experience something so wonderful such as being airborne, as it happened to be one of the few things she found the most pleasure in. Learning how to fly on her own had been a struggle and since it was something she could only do in dragonforce she relied on Nami a lot outside of it. Sure, she could jump extremely high and far, but in comparison it just wasn't the same feeling. " The best way to thank her is with a pastry. " She said matter o' factly, offering Lysander this super secret information, a teasing nudge to his side shortly following.

Her gaze flickered over to him as she noticed his hair splayed about and the length of it which came to a surprise, not expecting it to be that long. It was yet another attractive quality about him, the locks having a perfect wave to them that made her slightly envious. She silently wondered how it felt to the touch but this wasn't something she wanted to find out through yet another spontaneous action since it might seem odd, so she curled her fingers in a refraining manner. She noticed the hesitation in his voice when he began to speak about the mission that was inquired about, seeing his eyes lower in unison. Sora was about to speak up and tell him it wasn't necessary to talk about it if it wasn't something easy for him to converse about but then his words picked back up and the story filled the air.

It was during this time that she had tilted her head upwards and gazed towards the sky, listening intently but unsure of how to respond. How horrible must it have been to feel helpless like that? She understood that feeling from a memory when she was little. How could it feel to know that one different thing in that scenario could've made things play out so differently? She was thankful for Lloyd in that moment, thoughts sliding back to the Lamia Scale guild master whom had been of so much help back in Malnia, even saving Nami; something she hadn't gotten the chance to thank him for yet. It seemed another thank you was in order after hearing Lysander's tale. The word slavers didn't sit well, especially the idea of Lysander falling into the hands of people like that, making her furious and rather disgusted at even knowing people like that existed. She kept her eyes glued to the sky, not wanting to give any of the emotions storming through her like a hurricane that were probably written all over her face away.

" I'm relieved that mission ended up being successful and that Lloyd happened to be there. " Was all she could muster out after some time in silence, a weird feeling of sadness spreading at not being able to be there to protect him in a time of need, even though it was illogical since she didn't know him back then. A soft sigh escaped her lips, eyes leaving the sky to gaze at him once again, hair framing her cheeks snugly. Her head tilted to the side at the mention of the dragon, Malnia slowly creeping into her thoughts once again. " I did but if it wasn't for Lloyd, Gilad, and Clair supporting me I'm unsure if things would've gone the way they did. It felt odd playing the offensive role in a fight for once, though... it was fun getting to go all out. " A sly grin graced her face, hand moving to rest atop of his, barely holding it, just simply content being there. " My magic is targeted for dragon slaying after-all. " Her free hand bashfully slid to the back of her neck to rub it as she continued. " I ended up suffering from magic deficiency, the final blow I let out took everything I had even though I managed a unison raid with Clair, my teammate. That dragon sure wasn't something to laugh at. " The perpetual red on her cheeks deepened, quite embarrassed when she thought back to how she'd fallen ill after the battle and had to be carried off.

The flashback of Nami being hit by the dragon caused her to shake slightly, almost losing her best friend was the worst memory of that mission that she carried; nightmares having been formed around it that made it hard to sleep at night. " You mentioned shooting before, does that mean you've stayed true to your family magic? " She decided to change the subject, not even realizing that she'd leaned herself against him, head tilted to rest against his as their hair tangled together from the gusts of wind scattering it about. If she moved now it might seem like she was against this closeness when in all honesty it was welcomed. So she simply remained there, staring out into the city, the two silhouetted together atop the building.


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"Yes, I suppose so. The two of us would truly be a terrifying duo. I can't wait to hear him scream." Mizuki said in a playfully dark manner, chuckling some more. Her hands hadn't stopped rubbing against each other since she began, but the dark Mage was careful not to rip the tight ribbons that encased her. She was in her more "playful" stage right now, anxious to get her hands dirty on that poor man. He had embarrassed her and wasted her time, and that couldn't go unpunished. And if Alicia cried, then there would be no end to the torment. When Alfie began to explain that he only killed when others killed, Mizuki still found herself surprised. He seemed too innocent to do something like killing, but who knows what his true nature is like. "I personally dislike killing people. I'd rather destroy their mind and make them insane. It's a much longer lasting solution." The dark Mage explained, watching the ribbons retract into the hand. "I just hope they arrive soon..."

@Salt Lord

Auren Sol


As they were rushing towards the sign, Ren saw Alicia trip over some guy's leg. He immediately moved to assist her.

"Alicia, are you oka-oof!" he was cut off when something big and fast hit him hard. Ren was sent flying back and unceremoniously hit the ground, a dazed expression on his face. As he recovered he noticed a voice yelling at him. By the sound of it, it was a guy.

"Me? You're the one who-...oh..." he stopped his irritated banter when he got a good look at the guy. He was perhaps, one of the most handsome specimens he'd ever laid eyes on. Realizing that he was starting to stare, Ren shook his head furiously and turned to regard the angry stranger. Alicia had long been forgotten.

"U-um, I'm sorry I got in your way. I guess I should've paid more attention. Today's been a pretty bad day for me so I'm kind of out of it..." he said nervously, avoiding the young man's mesmerizing eyes. To distract himself, Ren moved to pick up the lollipops the guy had dropped and presented them to him sheepishly.

"Here. A-again I'm really sorry. Oh and my name's Ren by the way in case...you wanted to know...yeah" he trailed off realizing he sounded like an idiot.

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord
Valken - Backstage Miss Fiore contest

Valken blinked, when he was talking to Ferra, Millie was pushing her way closer and closer into him, even to the point of running her soft fingers up his chest...his mind was so focused on worrying on Lloyd's new applicates that before he knew it her head and lips where against his neck. He could literally feel the heat from her breath, and that made him shudder.

Apparently his neck was sensitive.... his shoulder trying to close up to disallow her access to his neck... he could feel goosebumps over his skin, and... what was that again? Was that a red blush on his cheeks once more? He made a grunt, turning his head away to try and hide it from Ferra, and Maya.

Big tough old Valken blushing like a school girl? Not today!!

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari
"Then you still have a lot to learn about the mind and the soul. You can't destroy a consciousness, but you can corrupt it. And if someone happens to invent a spell to reverse that effect, you'll have trouble waiting for you. If you kill someone, then you may not destroy their soul, but alone, that soul is powerless," he said with a cold tone, not even bothering to look back at Mizuki. Perhaps her love of pain and torture would get in the way of things. But in all honesty, he couldn't blame her for not knowing things like that. Not everyone had their souls sucked out of their body and materialized by a spell, and not everyone's soul followed different laws of physics because of that. Maybe he shouldn't have retaliated how he did. "I'm sorry for the sudden change in tone, Mizuki," he said in a much softer voice, "It's just that your cruelness may be a problem for us in the near future. Either way, there was no need for me to break out like that. As far as I know, no one has invented such a spell yet. Forgive me for that."


As soon as the roadblock of a stranger got to sat up, Conway's sudden fit of rage was mostly replaced by that familiar feeling he got every time he caught himself near guys, especially ones as cute as this... he looked about the same age too, so the sailor found himself momentarily locked in the other's gaze. That is, until the boy apologized and scrambled to receive Conway's lost lollipops. The lollipops? He had completely forgotten about those until the other presented them to him timidly. With the slightest of a blush, the sailor snatched them out of his hands and returned his name. "I'm Conway! But don't expect ta be seein' me again aft'r this, cabin boy!" Suddenly, without thinking, the sailor grabbed Ren's shoulders, spun him around, and gave him the hardest spank he could. Why? He hadn't the slightest clue! As the young man was running away, he turned his head and shouted, "Nice ass, by th'way!" before disappearing behind an apartment.

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Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia StreetsVex was rubbing his leg in pain, "Horus, did you froget to tell me something?" The bird let out a loud Innocent cry as though he didn't do anything wrong. "Well where are they?" Again the bird made a loud cry and Vex held out his hand to the girl. "I am sorry I didn't see you there. What's your name?"


Conway Nile - Streets of Magnolia

Conway was rushing through the streets completely cutting through the crowds of people visiting for the Festival, being chased by a few shop owners. They were meters apart, and as the young sailor's body glowed an orange hue, the shopowners were quickly falling behind--not like they were close to catching him to begin with. Satisfied, the boy glanced at the bunch of lollipops in his hand with an evil grin, but he really should have been watching the road instead. With a sudden crash, the lollipops soared out of Conway's hand as he sat on the ground, rubbing his head, and looking up with his vision blurred, he found that the cause of the pain and the loss of his stolen goods was another person. Before he could even think to stop and get a look at who he collided with and who was with him, the sailor was already on his feet, screaming at the brown-haired boy with an angered expression. "Ey! Watch yer' goddamn step! Ya could'da got us killed!"


As soon as the roadblock of a stranger got to sat up, Conway's sudden fit of rage was mostly replaced by that familiar feeling he got every time he caught himself near guys, especially ones as cute as this... he looked about the same age too, so the sailor found himself momentarily locked in the other's gaze. That is, until the boy apologized and scrambled to receive Conway's lost lollipops. The lollipops? He had completely forgotten about those until the other presented them to him timidly. With the slightest of a blush, the sailor snatched them out of his hands and returned his name. "I'm Conway! But don't expect ta be seein' me again aft'r this, cabin boy!" Suddenly, without thinking, the sailor grabbed Ren's shoulders, spun him around, and gave him the hardest spank he could. Why? He hadn't the slightest clue! As the young man was running away, he turned his head and shouted, "Nice ass, by th'way!" before disappearing behind an apartment.

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia stared at the guy in disbelief momentarily before accepting his hand and pulling herself up. "I'm Alicia..and I guess it was kind of my fault. I'm just in a hurry cause I lost my friend." She replied. Shortly after that a sailor ran down the street and ran directly into Ren, and even blamed Ren for the ordeal. What was with right now? First Mizuki got teleported god knows where, then Alicia got kicked, and now someone trampled Ren.

Alicia had half a mind to tell the guy off, well as good as a ten year old could, but then something interesting happened. She stared heavily confused at both of them, she really didn't understand any of what was going on. Why was Ren getting embarrased and junk? Did he actually know the guy or something?

Even better in the end Conway slapped Ren on the ass. That..kinda made Alicia even more confused following Conways comment. She stared in confusion for a few minutes before turning to Ren, confusion evident on her face. "
What was that all about?..And what did that guy mean when he slapped your butt? Better question..why?" She asked him innocently, genuinely questioning the situation at hand.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
Alicia stared at the guy in disbelief momentarily before accepting his hand and pulling herself up. "I'm Alicia..and I guess it was kind of my fault. I'm just in a hurry cause I lost my friend." She replied. Shortly after that a sailor ran down the street and ran directly into Ren, and even blamed Ren for the ordeal. What was with right now? First Mizuki got teleported god knows where, then Alicia got kicked, and now someone trampled Ren.

Alicia had half a mind to tell the guy off, well as good as a ten year old could, but then something interesting happened. She stared heavily confused at both of them, she really didn't understand any of what was going on. Why was Ren getting embarrased and junk? Did he actually know the guy or something?

Even better in the end Conway slapped Ren on the ass. That..kinda made Alicia even more confused following Conways comment. She stared in confusion for a few minutes before turning to Ren, confusion evident on her face. "
What was that all about?..And what did that guy mean when he slapped your butt? Better question..why?" She asked him innocently, genuinely questioning the situation at hand.
Vex: Magnolia Streets

"Horus what just happened?" The bird nodded his head not wanting to reply. The bird did this in a way that Vex couldn't feel. "Horus?" The bird then let out a screech and flew up into the air. "Horus don't leave me again! I need you, why do you want to leave me blind?" Horus was flying around in circles in the air. Vex then tried to find the direction of the other two. "Can you help me, I am a little lost. I am trying to find a place to get out of the weather."


Auren Sol


Ren was speechless

There was no way to describe the emotions he felt in the 20 seconds it had taken for Conway to introduce himself and turn the corner. The boy just stared in the direction the sailor had left in until Alicia broke him out of his trance. Unfortunately, she only escalated the absurdity of the situation further when she asked him the inevitable questions.


"Uh, well, you see, that was...a...um...a secret handshake! People use when they like someone a lot! Y-yeah, that's what it was. Definitely!" He said much too enthusiastically.

"Hey look! I think I see Mizuki over there! Let's go see her like, right now...." he said, desperately trying to change the subject. He'd rather face Mizuki than endure more of Alicia s. ..questioning.

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Conway - Behind an Apartment in Magnolia

Conway leaned with his back to the brick wall of the building, staring into the sky with a blank expression. The sailor was reflecting on his actions and was wishing he was not so impulsive, but now that he thought about it (and he very rarely thought), that was what helped him be so straightforward, and straightforward was good when you came across someone you liked... wait, what was he thinking? He couldn't let a boy get in the way of his future of danger and excitement! But maybe twice the people meant twice the fun... No! A partner would only hold him back! But then again, what if he failed and things weren't the way they were supposed to be? He'd have no one to fall back on. But he didn't need someone to fall back on!

All his thoughts raced to a stop as he realized that during that whole ordeal, there was a little girl watching. His eyes widened and his breaths grew quicker than they already were, but he calmed down when he remembered that he didn't have any class. He stopped worrying about what had just now happened and his mind wandered to other things, and he slowly slid down the wall as he popped one of the lollipops in his mouth. He might be there for a while.

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus
Millie: Absorbing Valken into her Bongleboos

Millie giggled slightly at Valken's uncomfortableness and drew her head back. "Aww, is big boy Valken blushing a little?" She teased, placing her hands on each of his cheeks and turning his head to look at her. Her playful smile quickly faded away into a soft neutral expression and her arms wrapped around them. In the blink of an eye she felt sorry for embarrassing her boyfriend in front of so many other ladies, and she realized how much that might've hurt his reputation. "Valken, I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to embarrass you! Please forgive me." She pleaded, looking up at him with puppy eyes.

Mizuki: Random Magnolia Street

Mizuki's playful look turned into a questioning one as Alfie began to disprove her 'destroy the mind' thing. Some of the things that he mentioned she didn't quite understand, but then again, she wasn't a cross dressing mini god like him. What was even stranger was that he was apologizing for some reason. Mizuki found this strange because he really didn't do anything wrong.
"You didn't offend me or anything, I don't understand why you're apologizing." She said, her eyes never leaving Alfie. "And you never have to apologize to me. It's a waste of words, and I'll never do so to you. Just nod or somethings..."

@Salt Lord @Zuka
"I suppose it is a waste, when you think about it Either way, I won't stop saying it. But I think I see your partner over there, with... the man who teleported you to the hospital. I'll take the first strike," he claimed, releasing the string of his bow and launching a single arrow that split of into countless copies of itself. He hadn't been able to do something like this since Lucian, but he had been stopped by friendly fire. But now there was nothing between him and his enemy... Enemy? What was the purpose of fighting this one man? Was locking him in eternal madness really that just a punishment for something that might have even been an accident? These thoughts didn't cease the arrows, however, and they were still making their way toward the man occupying Mizuki's friend. Alfie still felt the need to express his feelings, saying, "Don't you think this isn't fair? That man may have separated you and your friend, but that's no excuse to send him into eternal pain. Besides, wouldn't that be a waste of energy against someone who can't put up a fight?"

Valken - Oh no she saw the blush - Backstage Miss Fiore Contest

Valken would have cut his own head off to get rid of that damn blush, he felt hot and sweaty and his heart was thundering in his chest. He glanced to the floor, eyeing off the shadows made by there bodies, from the theatre lights high in the roof, and instinct almost made him melt immediately into that shadow, skirt along the floor, and right out that window. Fight...flight.....flight was looking very good right now.

And then, she surprised him, Again. Grasping his cheeks and reefing his head up to stare at her and then... she was apologizing?! Those eyes!! So... Damn...Cute... his legs were going weak...The man capable of escaping any conversation, any situation, any battle and now...

He would make Ferra suffer dearly for this.

"No no no! You didn't embarrass me I just... "

He had no words. The king of charm. Speechless. Out of depth, out of comfort.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
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