Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie nodded happily as he began to walk toward the exit, but then she began freaking out about something... Her swimsuit? Until she mentioned it, the wizard had no idea she was in one. Her body wasn't his point of focus. "Alrighty. Purple? Yes, I think purple is your color." Without a single blush, he raised his arm and open hand suddenly, a single yet long purple ribbon extended up from the ground and wrapped around the girl's body rather tightly. It covered her completely from the neck down, extending into a gown from the waist. This suit of ribbons left nothing but her head revealed, just like how Mizuki wanted it. "Is that better? Quite honestly, I know how you feel, and if the swimsuit wasn't required of me, I'd have liked to enter the contest with the fanciest dress I could find. Now, let's go." Alfie walked out with longs strides, his hands folded in front of him.

Mizuki stood perfectly still as the ribbons began to wrap themselves around her body again, the comfortable tightness returning without the razors. And it was purple, a nice dark color for a dark Mage. She nodded in thanks but didn't dare speak any words, not wanting to waste her breath on two stupid words. Luckily she was able to move around quite easily with the ribbons and began to follow the stranger towards wherever he was going. He did say to follow, so he couldn't be mad for being followed. "Where are we going?"

(Sorry for the shorter post. I'm a little busy)
"Comfortable? We're leaving the room so the others can't hear us," Alfie informed her without even looking back, opening the door and letting her exit first. When both were in the long corridor and the door was closed, the pink mage looked around to ensure no one else was with them before locking the door shut with a barrier of ribbons. Then, he looked at Mizuki, beginning, "Me entering the contest was nothing more than entry to a lot of people. Now, bikinis and guys generally mean happiness. I harvest emotions and turn them into energy, whether they're negative or positive. I don't want too much negative, because... well, think of integers. When I have a certain amount of positive energy collected, I transcend. It's a fancy term for becoming a miniature god, like... an angel. Too much negative energy will do the same thing, except it isn't particularly good... for anyone. My mind would be clouded with hate and despair, and I would lash out at anything in my way to achieve a set goal. If that were to happen to me, my corrupt self would probably ruin things for humanity." Alfie looked away from Mizuki for a slight second before continuing, "Expect to see me at the other events as well. I need all the positive power I can get so I can help humanity without destroying it."

Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

When Alicia took his hand, Ren brightened u ever so slightly. He didn't show any noticeable sign of fear at her threat. She was a 10 year old girl after all. Although...he couldn't help but notice the slight dark edge to her voice so he made a mental note not to get her angry anyway.

"I'm Auren, Ren is fine though. It's uh, nice to meet you..." he said a little uneasily. The adorable, yet serious look in her eyes was a clear indication that she wasn't in the mood for any dillydallying. As he led her to the exit of the building, he completely neglected to realize she was wearing a swimsuit. He was too focused on attending to the problem at hand.
Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage > FT HQ Exit

"I'm Alicia, you in any of the guilds?" She replied simply, followed by a question. Normally, she was much kinder and more exciteable about meeting new peple. But currently she was far to focused on finding Mizuki, she'd contemplated changing into a normal outfit but chalked it up as a waste of time. Besides, it wasn't like she exactly cared if someone saw her, if she did she wouldn't of entered the contest in the first place.

C'mooon, you're too slow! Mizuki could be hurt somewhere!" She whined, walking up ahead of him and tugging on his arm. She still didn't really trust Ren, and probably would be faster alone, but Mizuki had told her to stay with someone at the festival. Ren counted as a someone, she supposed. Even if he was the one that caused the issue in the first place.
"Quite." She said in response to Alfie, following the pink haired boy into the next room. The ribbons actually kept her nice and warm while she was in the swimsuit, and the slight choking feeling felt good. Perhaps she should become acquaintances with this stranger seeing that the two could be a deadly duo. Thoughts of him, holding down her enemy with the ribbons and slicing into their skin while she inflicted magical damage on the. That was something Alicia couldn't do. What made it even better was when he explained that he could turn into a god. The stranger really was a powerful foe, and she wanted to beat him up badly. "Other events, huh? Will you be dressing up as a female?" This might seem like a joking question, but Mizuki was extremely curious.

@Salt Lord
Through his whole explanation, the girl had been staring at him intently, as if she had been thinking... what could that have been? Well, that didn't matter now. This lady seemed quite powerful, and she might make for a really good teammate in a double battle. But she already had someone to fight with, didn't she? Alfie might not want to interfere with her and her relationships... but then again, exchanging names wouldn't be a bad idea. When he was finally finished with his explanation, she asked a question that seemed out of the blue... but whether it was a joke or not, Alfie answered seriously, "Not unless I need to, but last time I checked, fights and parades don't require crossdressing."

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage > FT HQ Exit
"I'm Alicia, you in any of the guilds?" She replied simply, followed by a question. Normally, she was much kinder and more exciteable about meeting new peple. But currently she was far to focused on finding Mizuki, she'd contemplated changing into a normal outfit but chalked it up as a waste of time. Besides, it wasn't like she exactly cared if someone saw her, if she did she wouldn't of entered the contest in the first place.

C'mooon, you're too slow! Mizuki could be hurt somewhere!" She whined, walking up ahead of him and tugging on his arm. She still didn't really trust Ren, and probably would be faster alone, but Mizuki had told her to stay with someone at the festival. Ren counted as a someone, she supposed. Even if he was the one that caused the issue in the first place.
Auren Sol

Ren let himself be dragged along by Alicia and he couldn't help but smile a little while she wasn't loking. Her behavior was quite endearing. Sshe must have been a generally sweet person when she wasn't...bothered. He frowned again when he thought about the subject but steeled his resolve to get this all sorted out. He sped up his pace to keep up with the girl comfortably. Luckily for both of them they were actuay heading in the right direction towards the hospital so there was a good chance they'd encounter Mizuki as she was leaving.

"I'm in Sabertooth. Guildmaster Gilad isn't a fan of me though heh heh..." he answered casually despite himself. He still wasn't looking foward to the 'lesson' he would be taught later.

Poor Ren. It seemed like he just couldn't get a break today...
Mizuki nodded slightly when he explained himself, a little disappointed that he wouldn't be dressing up. It was quite amusing to see something so strange, and she actually found it cute. No where near as cute as Alicia though. Speaking of the small girl, she must've been worried about Mizuki right now, and she secretly wished that she beat up the man who teleported her to the hospital, or that she brought him here so that the dark haired girl could beat him up herself. "That's a shame, I was hoping to see you dressed up again. But whatever, it is what it is." She said with a sigh, glancing over at the ribbon blocked door. She wasn't sure if she wanted to leave yet, afraid that her ribbons would disappear if she got too far away from the caster that they'd shrivel up and die off, leaving her exposed in the middle of the street. Maybe this man could tag along? "Come with me, I must find my friend. I must make sure she's safe. It's been too long..."

@Salt Lord
purplepanda288 said:

Kim lock- hospital bed

Kim calmed down, her chest raised slowly. Screams no long came out of her. The heart monitor slowed down to a normal level. Every thing seemed fine...for now. Kim finally spoke." Where are they? " her voice was reduced to a raspy one due to her loud screaming. " The people that came with me?" She somehow had knowledge of them taking her to the hospital, everything vivid in her mind

@Britt-21 @Genon @Rhodus

-Ryu Miyamoto-



Ryu heard Kim's voice and pushed through the crowd of doctors around her. He stopped and stood beside her bed. "We're right here Kim." He said quietly. "How are you feeling?" He asked with a soft smile.

Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-



Ryu heard Kim's voice and pushed through the crowd of doctors around her. He stopped and stood beside her bed. "
We're right here Kim." He said quietly. "How are you feeling?" He asked with a soft smile.

Kim lock- hospital bed

Kim turned her head to Ryu. " I'm feeling better. I've never been gone so long though." She was begin cage again. " Did I say anything weird when I while I was out?" Both her eyes looked like they were about to close. " sorry about all this."

Well...that happened, Adrian thought to himself after the truly strange exchange took place and Alfie left the room with that Sabertooth girl.

purplepanda288 said:
Kim lock- hospital bed

Kim turned her head to Ryu. " I'm feeling better. I've never been gone so long though." She was begin cage again. " Did I say anything weird when I while I was out?" Both her eyes looked like they were about to close. " sorry about all this."
"Glad you're awake," Adrian said. When Kimberly asked a question, he responded, "Yes, you said 'Another of the Stars' repeatedly. Also, you turned purple. Does this happen often? And is it related to your flux exposure?"
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Lavender had stood there with the others as well. The warrior was happy that Miss Kim had been okay and that she's was much better now. Adrian explained what she said and asked about it. "Adrian! Do not ask questions when she had just stop having pain." she tsked "Let her relax for a moment." asking questions after a person woke up from being sick was something Lavender did not like one bit "We can hold off on the questions till she is a little better, Right miss kim?" her eyes moved over to her.
Genon said:
Well...that happened, Adrian thought to himself after the truly strange exchange took place and Alfie left the room with that Sabertooth girl.

"Glad you're awake," Adrian said. When Kimberly asked a question, he responded, "Yes, you said 'Another of the Stars' repeatedly. Also, you turned purple. Does this happen often? And is it related to your flux exposure?"

~Isabelle Dragneel~

"I go through that everytime I get on a moving vehicle." She says with a dry laugh. "There's nothing really do so, I guess so." She says to her Guild Master. She actually felt pretty bad, she was used to getting through that by herself, she dealt with it. "Do you know anywhere specific?" She asks curiously. She really didn't know Magnolia all that well and she hasn't gotten a reason to get to know it.

purplepanda288 said:
Kim lock- hospital bed

Kim turned her head to Ryu. " I'm feeling better. I've never been gone so long though." She was begin cage again. " Did I say anything weird when I while I was out?" Both her eyes looked like they were about to close. " sorry about all this."
Genon said:
Well...that happened, Adrian thought to himself after the truly strange exchange took place and Alfie left the room with that Sabertooth girl.

"Glad you're awake," Adrian said. When Kimberly asked a question, he responded, "Yes, you said 'Another of the Stars' repeatedly. Also, you turned purple. Does this happen often? And is it related to your flux exposure?"

-Ryu Miyamoto-


Ryu nodded in agreement with Lavender. "You shouldn't press her about that just yet, Adrian," He said softly. He turned back to Kim, a slight look of confusion on his face. "Who is this 'Mother', Kim? I don't think you've mentioned her before,"

Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

Ren let himself be dragged along by Alicia and he couldn't help but smile a little while she wasn't loking. Her behavior was quite endearing. Sshe must have been a generally sweet person when she wasn't...bothered. He frowned again when he thought about the subject but steeled his resolve to get this all sorted out. He sped up his pace to keep up with the girl comfortably. Luckily for both of them they were actuay heading in the right direction towards the hospital so there was a good chance they'd encounter Mizuki as she was leaving.

"I'm in Sabertooth. Guildmaster Gilad isn't a fan of me though heh heh..." he answered casually despite himself. He still wasn't looking foward to the 'lesson' he would be taught later.

Poor Ren. It seemed like he just couldn't get a break today...
Alicia: FT HQ Exit > Magnolia Streets

As soon as they'd exited the building and more than likely before people started giving them odd looks. Who wouldn't? A ten year old girl in an orange swimsuit practically dragging a full grown man down the street. It was pretty obvious what at least some of the people were thinking, obvious to everyone but Alicia of course. She slowed down slightly after he said he was from Sabertooth, processing the fact that one of her own guild mates put Mizuki in danger. Oh boy was she going to be pissed.

"I'm in Sabertooth too." She told him casually, lifting her bangs with the hand that wasn't dragging him and turning so he could see her mark. She felt better knowing she was with a guild member and not some random stranger. "Mizuki is gunna be even more mad..you better hope she's alright or you'll never hear the end of it." She told him. Honestly she was beginning to worry for Ren more than Mizuki considering Mizuki was down right scary when she wanted to be, and Ren seemed like a pansy.
Valken - Stands at Miss Fiore Contest

She came, she showed her bewbs, and then she was gone. He watched a flustered announcer unsure what to say about her, though that made him grin even more. He turned to elbow Lysander with a, check her out eyebrow wiggle, only he was being quickly taken away by that blue haired girl. He stood up suddenly, eyes stern. "Stay together, I don't want to hear you've been alone in this crowd." He said loudly to him. If he only knew how many traitors where floating around....

With that, he suddenly had an urge to find Millie to make sure she was safe as well. And where was Ferra? As he turned and silently made his way to the side of the venue, he spotted Grace and Masaki. He came behind them and put his hand on both Grace's shoulder and Masaki's, waiting for the inevitable surprise, grin already over his face. "Ahh, taking your boyfriend to see half naked girls... touche'.... not many girls would be brave enough for that... " turning his attention on Masaki with a deadly serious stern gaze. "She doesn't leave your side, got it?" His grip tightening on the boys shoulder, before releasing both, standing tall. "Have you seen Ferra recently?"

For all the fun and games, it was becoming increasing apparent he hadn't seen Ferra for awhile, and with everything going on... He needed to find Millie first, then Ferra. If anything happened to anyone from Lamia Scale it would be on his head, especially as only Lloyd knew the real dangers.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Kyuubey
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Chris Lengheart(Miss Fiore contest)

Chris waited for the two girls to slide off before releasing his takeover. He was still without a shirt, but it honestly didn't seem to bother him all that much. He stared at the two for a moment. "So...what are we doing now?" he asked as he yawned slightly. He honestly didn't know what they were planning on doing, as long as Chris didn't have to use a takeover again, he'd be fine.

@PeteTSs @Zuka

Lysander - Behind Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Lysander agreed readily. Whether or not he missed the bikini competition was of no import to him. In fact, the main reason why he was watching in the first place was because he had been invited along to watch by Sora, and it was far better than wandering around Magnolia alone. For Lysander actually loved crowds of people; they rejuvenated him, made him more energetic though sadly, not as outgoing. Crowds were, to be honest, a double-edged sword for Lysander. While they energized him, they made him feel increasingly alone because he simply did not have the courage to join in, and he ultimately ended up leaving because it was just to depressing. But with Sora... he felt that he would rather be with her than anything else. Even if it meant sitting with her through a bikini competition. But he was with her, and that was comfortable enough.

It was with concern over her well-being that he watched her neaten her hair and cat ears. Having already witnessed one person having a mental breakdown, he did not want the same thing to happen with Sora. At the first sight of one, he was planning to whisk her out of the place already but it was fortunate that he did not have to. In fact, she was the one to whisk him out. Her hand found his, he grasped it again, and allowed her to lead him from the competition grounds. Her hand felt comfortable and warm in his, and he knew he would be extremely disappointed if she were to retract that warmth. He was also relieved that she was not as shy as he was; if she was, it would be years before they were comfortable enough with each other to form a physical relationship. And did he just think that? Was he already attached to Sora even after barely meeting her? Enough to want to form a relationship with her? He flushed then, unsure of this feeling. He had never experienced it before. Perhaps it was just infatuation at this point in time, but could it possibly turn into something more mature, more lasting? If there was one person he hoped it would happen with, it was with Sora. It was just so comforting being in her presence. As if, he could just be.

Valken's warning though, made him feel a little nervous. It was as if he was expecting some catastrophe to happen. Valken's warning had reached him just as he was leaving his seat, being led out by Sora in tow. The stern expression told him everything he needed to know, that this was probably something serious. He rarely saw Valken this stern. He had simply nodded at Valken as by this time, a confused expression on his face he was too far away to be heard by Valken. Was there someone who wanted to ruin the festival; someone that Valken was aware of, or at least warned about? Perhaps he had better start paying attention to his surroundings as well. Just in case.

He was disappointed when they finally made it out and she slipped her hand from his in order to twirl about out in the open. The disappointment immediately faded as he watched her, a smile on his lips. He was glad to be out of the crowds for her sake; she seemed so much more comfortable and happy now. "It's fine," he quickly assured her. "You don't have to apologize for feeling uncomfortable. At any rate, as long as you are comfortable, I'm fine with whatever we end up doing." He grinned then, at the mention of heights. "Heights? The higher the better." It was then that he realised that he had no idea of her powers, though based on his knowledge of Wendy Marvell, he assumed that she had sky dragon slayer powers as well.

@Kyuubey @Zuka
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: FT HQ Exit > Magnolia StreetsAs soon as they'd exited the building and more than likely before people started giving them odd looks. Who wouldn't? A ten year old girl in an orange swimsuit practically dragging a full grown man down the street. It was pretty obvious what at least some of the people were thinking, obvious to everyone but Alicia of course. She slowed down slightly after he said he was from Sabertooth, processing the fact that one of her own guild mates put Mizuki in danger. Oh boy was she going to be pissed.

"I'm in Sabertooth too." She told him casually, lifting her bangs with the hand that wasn't dragging him and turning so he could see her mark. She felt better knowing she was with a guild member and not some random stranger. "Mizuki is gunna be even more mad..you better hope she's alright or you'll never hear the end of it." She told him. Honestly she was beginning to worry for Ren more than Mizuki considering Mizuki was down right scary when she wanted to be, and Ren seemed like a pansy.

Auren Sol

"O-oh, I see! I'll have to give her my best apologies then. " he said nervously. He was trying to fool himself into thinking he could somehow escape the wrath of the shadow mage unscathed but it wasn't exactly working.

"Do you think she'd show mercy if i...begged? Maybe I could get Master Gilad to...nevermind." he trailed off as he realized that the master would support Mizuki beating him up rather than stop her. The boy now had a visibly hopeless expression as he continued to walk alongside Alicia.
Lloyd - Magnolia: Rental Rooms

Lloyd frowned. "I do know of some hotels and motels around in Magnolia, but I'd be surprised if they still had any rooms available. But either way, I'm sure that if they don't, they would probably know of some places that we can get rooms at. I would not be surprised though, if some residents opened their homes up to capitalize on the influx of people for this festival. But let's see if we can get any rooms first." And with that, he began to lead their way through the crowd. It was irritating having to brush past people because the crowd was so closely packed together, but there was nothing they could do about it. Lloyd sighed to himself. It appeared that on hindsight waiting until the third day had been the right thing to do but oh well, it was a little too late for that.

Sure enough, as Lloyd had predicted, none of the hotels or motels had any rooms left, not even one, much less for two. He had requested for a list of residential addresses that were letting out rooms for rent, and then it took traspising all over the city for at least two hours straight before they finally struck gold with a residential address with two rooms for rent. It was rather expensive, because it was from a richer residential district, but because Lloyd had quite a bit of money from the Malnia Mission, he was able to afford to pay for the two rooms.

It took only a minute for Lloyd to throw his knapsack and weapons into his room before poking his head back out again. "If I'm not wrong, right now the Bikini competition should still be ongoing." He gave a shrug. "I'm not really that interested in that so I'd just work on my paperwork for now. What do you plan to do?"

Alfie - Hopital -> Streets of Magnolia

"I'm sorry, but keeping that form when I don't need it is a waste of energy. I'm glad you understand,"
Alfie finished before looking at the ribbon locked door thoughtfully upon the girl's second request. "I do have friends of my own... but if you insist, I'm sure they'll be fine on their own." With a swipe of his hand, a pink mandala formed in front of the door briefly before vanishing off, taking the ribbons with it. His friends didn't need them right now, did they? Hopefully not, and with how the dark haired mage acted when being "exposed", he had to go with her if he didn't want the ribbons vanishing and making her freak out. He looked over at her, starting, "Before we start looking, we need to get out of this hospital. Luckily," he paused, casting another spell, but this one didn't have ribbons. Instead, all it was was a glyph that formed under them, enclosing the two in a beam of light and transporting them in an intersection of roads. He would have used his pocket dimension if he were alone, but if anyone else had the knowledge it existed, they could use it too, and there was no telling what evil one could do with that power.

"Oh, and one more thing. If we're going to be working together, we'll need to know each other's names. I'm Alfie. My last name isn't important, and I doubt yours is, either."

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"Having friends must be nice, but you must leave them." Mizuki commanded, watching as ribbon boy made the ribbons disappear. Hopefully he didn't accidentally swipe the wrong way and cut her ribbons. That'd be terrible and embarrassing, and he'd get hurt pretty badly. "Obviously we must leave first. I'm not an idiot." She didn't get why he had to point something so obvious out, but she really didn't care. People make mistakes, and this was a little one that wouldn't hurt their "relationship". When Alfie began to summon a glyph to teleport the two, she was very skeptical. What if he really was going to kill her, and that she was teleported here to be teleported somewhere else to be killed? However she did step in, and it turned out that she wasn't being teleported far away, and found herself in the middle of the street. The Dark Mage got some strange looks from passerbyers since she was covered in inbound, but she didn't care what the others thought. When asked for her name, she stayed quiet for a few moments before finally speaking. She felt that she could trust him enough right now, so it shouldn't be a big deal. "I'm Mizuki. My last name doesn't matter."

@Salt Lord
Kelica - Outside Fairytail Hall once more

Kelica watched Chris transform back to his normal self. Annnnd his shirt was off again.... if the bikini contest had a male equal then Chris would win. No doubts about it.... that thought made her blush furiously, finding herself wedged up against him from the crowds. Performing on stage in front of countless men and women... no problem... being smoshed up against the beast man... she was acting like some high school teenager. She couldn't think straight, his body was so warm!

Frank the falcon peered down to her, squarking in what could only be called a fit of laughter, almost tumbling off her shoulder. "Shhhhh Frank!!" she mumbled aggressively.

@Isune @PeteTSs

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

He loved heights? That was all she needed to hear from the man, a grin tugging at her lips to show her satisfaction. " Well then, Lysander..." A small laugh chimed through the air as she grounded herself and placed an enchantment on her arms, the glow dimming down as she shot forward and clasped onto his sides with both hands. " Up you go! " She called out, lifting him up and throwing him into the air in a graceful manner as if he weighed absolutely nothing, eyes following his figure as it flew upwards. Nami yawned and dipped down to catch onto the airborne man, clutching him tightly and hovering for a small amount of time before she took off to circle the guild hall. She probably should've asked first but she was known for her spontaneous actions and he'd probably enjoy it; probably. Sora took some nimble jumps to gain height along the different outer floors of the building, using the ledges to push herself higher as she reached the top and came to an elegant stop, her eyes flashing with excitement.

" Namiiii~ " Her voice sung out, a brow being raised as she watched the exceed having way too much fun once again. For some reason Nami found some sort of amusement in trying to terrorize people when she flew them around, attempting to play the 'I shouldn't have my license' type persona. However the cat started to slow down and flew down to deposit Lysander next to Sora atop the guild hall before gliding off towards town, probably to find food. Both hues glanced out across the city, the view never ceasing to diminish in its beauty, having all of Magnolia spread out below them since the guild hall happened to be the tallest building in the city next to the church; despite being destroyed a numerous amount of times. " So, tell me about this mission! " She exclaimed, remembering his mention of it earlier. She took a seat along the ledge, feet dangling off to swing about subconsciously, eyes sliding upwards to meet his as she waited to see if he'd yell, or sit, or laugh.

It was really hard to know what to expect of him to be comfortable with but she hoped this wasn't far off from his comfortable zone. It was a weird feeling being close to someone in this way, the feelings being completely different from the ones she experienced with her friends or guild mates. It was a subtle desire..., a desire to hear about his life, to see the expressions he made, to be close to him, to share... memories with him, and to be someone he felt like he could turn to. She felt protective of him already but it was more than that; it was an irreplaceable connection. Maya drifted into her thoughts and she wondered what the mage was doing, also wondering how she'd feel if she knew they'd disappeared from the audience. And finally, she wondered if Maya had any advice for this whole situation, the feelings, the confusing thoughts. Maybe she knew, well, she sure hoped she did because as it stood, Sora was at a loss for answers.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari
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Drakerus said:

Auren Sol

"O-oh, I see! I'll have to give her my best apologies then. " he said nervously. He was trying to fool himself into thinking he could somehow escape the wrath of the shadow mage unscathed but it wasn't exactly working.

"Do you think she'd show mercy if i...begged? Maybe I could get Master Gilad to...nevermind." he trailed off as he realized that the master would support Mizuki beating him up rather than stop her. The boy now had a visibly hopeless expression as he continued to walk alongside Alicia.
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia giggled in reply, she honestly doubted he'd make it out of this unscathed. She felt bad for him too, he seemed like a genuinely nice person. Plus he was in her guild, which made her feel even worse for him. "
It might help, I think Mizuki might like that." She replied honestly. "I'll try to convince her not to hurt you, but I'm not gunna make any promises." She told him. "That said..do you have any idea where she could be?" She asked him. She was beginning to worry, Magnolia was a decently big city, Mizuki could be anywhere.

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