Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

"Alright, Mizuki, where were you last?" Judging by what she had been wearing before he wrapped her in ribbons, Alfie had to guess she participated in the bikini contest, but knowing women (and even some men) these days, there was no telling what someone in a swimsuit was really up to. But he wondered what kind of magic she used. Was it something about darkness, a magic that would match her whole being? Or was she one of those contradictory people who seemed all dark but actually used something holy...? Oh, he was trailing off. Well, off from what he was really thinking. How did she manage to keep herself distant from others? Alfie didn't have a problem with keeping others away from himself now, but it was a skill that really would have come in handy his first few years at Fairy Tail... But now he had to focus on the task at hand. And that was wondering how Mizuki got to be so cold...

Mizuki glanced around the area in an attempt to try and locate where they were. She hoped to find some sort of landmark that she had seen at the contest, but there was no telling where she was. What do you expect from someone who knows nothing about the area that got dropped in a random location. Finally she turned her gaze over to Alfie, staring at him with her cold gaze. "I was at the... Bikini contest." She said in a sour tone as if she was ashamed for being at the event. "But I'm sure that the little one is looking for me, so it will prove a challenge to find her."

@Salt Lord

Chris Lengheart(Being clung to by Kelica

xD )

Chris chuckled as he saw Kelica go red in the face,"And I thought you were clingy when you were riding on my back." he said as he hugged Kelica close. He nuzzled close to her as he chuckled once again,"Don't worry, I don't mind." Chris clung to Kelica as he pulled away slightly with a smile on his face.

@Zuka @PeteTSs

Sabrina---Ms Fiore Contest

"Come on guys. Lets go see the end of the bikini contest!" said Sabrina. She was a little jealous of Kelica and Chris. Sabrina had never experienced love in her life yet, and thus seeing her two friends snuggle each other in front of her made her embarrassed, sadness and joy at the same time

@Isune @Zuka
Kelica - Outside Fairytail Guild Hall and much too warm

Kelica almost had a bit of her mother's hot headness come out when Frank was intent on laughing so much at her, she had half a mind to head butt the bird on her shoulder. He took the hint and leaped from her shoulder, flapping over to Sabrina and landing comfortably on her right shoulder. He then started to preen his feathers, bumping her on the cheek and ear as he did.

As he clung back to her she felt his heart beat next to her ear, the rhythmic drumming making her sleepy... but then she heard Sabrina tell them to go to the bikini contest, she instantly stiffened in Chris's arms. "Ah.. yeah sure..." detangling herself as she quickly tried to brush down her messy hair.

She watched Sabrina's eyes and instantly felt regret, after all Kelica had always be surrounded by the creatures of the forest, so affection was pretty normal for her. Even more so, if animals didn't touch each other they kept in close proximity, and they thought as one even if their language was different. She had never been alone really. And the forest's still 'felt', which made her all warm and fuzzy. She wasn't sure of Sabrina's past but her body language sent enough. Kelica stepped over and clasped her hand, fingers entwining happily. "You know... if you asked Chris, I'm sure he could give you a hug to... " A happy little laugh escaping her lip's.

@Isune @PeteTSs
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Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

Dread overtook her as she heard the announcer out on stage call her name. Try as she might, she never could think of anything that would allow her to compete with some of the other contestants. She lowered her face into her hands and let out a long sigh before quickly slapping her cheeks and pushing herself to her feet. "Well, may as well get it over with. Goodbye rent money..." She took a few moments to brush her hands along her china dress, making sure it at least looked impeccable. Satisfied with her appearance she took a deep breath and made her way towards the stage. She did well to hide her anxiety as she took confidant strides out into the spotlight, a smile beaming from her face. At the very least she could try to win over the crowd with her own charm.

Upon reaching center stage she spun slightly on her heel, facing the crowd fully as she arced an arm back over her head and hefted up part of her dress, exposing her garter belt clad thigh to the audience. She was hopeful her attire would net her some curious gazes, after all it was a bikini contest. "Hi everyone~ Sadly I don't have any sort of fancy magical act but I do have a little surprise for you. I hope you like it~" She released her grip on her dress, allowing it to fall back into place as she raised both arms over her head. A ring of blazing fire formed above her outstretched hands, it's crimson color complementing her hair and dress. After only a moment's pause she quickly brought her hands down, the ring of fire abruptly falling down onto her, encasing her in flame. As quickly as it had engulfed her the fire exploded out, dissipating into the air.

Left in it's place was a bikini-clad Tanari striking a provocative pose as she used her arms to push her breasts together, further emphasizing them. She flashed the crowd a confidant smile, as she again lifted her arms over her head, running one hand through her hair to create that sex-hair look. After striking a few more poses she waved to the crowd, that huge smile still plastered on her lips. "It might not compare to some of the other acts but I hope everyone enjoyed it!" She made her way off the stage, waving to the crowd up until the moment she was safely out of view behind the curtains. As soon as she was backstage she let out an exhausted and agitated sigh, knowing full well she didn't stand a chance at winning after that. Had it been purely a bikini contest she was confidant she could have taken the gold, but with everyone performing elaborate magical acts she knew she already lost. Another sigh escaped her lips as she made her way back to her previous corner.
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Ms. Fiore Contest, Backstage.

"Oh Millie darling your performance was fantastic!" She said before approaching the girl and giving her a hug. "Valken will be proud of you. I'll go contact the publisher of the Sorcerer, perhaps you could become one of their models? You most definitely have the figure and determination to be one~" Maya said in one fell swoop, a tone of kindness in her voice. Peeking her head around the curtains she noticed that Sora and Lysander had left the audience, nothing could escape her eyes after all, she just hoped Lysander would look after her. Otherwise she'd be sure to grant him the pain of a 1,000 years of torment through her illusions. A smile broke out slightly as he stopped looking out at the audience. Lysander was a good lad though, so for once Maya actually wasn't worried about Sora's safety. Well... She was, but to a much minor extent.

When Clair spoke to her and through a jokey insult at her Maya didn't react, instead she approached Clair and flicked her forehead. "Clearly you're just jealous that an older woman is hotter than you, hmm? Or is it because I work the bikini better than you?" She chuckled teasingly before going away to change back into her gown, coming back she approached Clair once again. "Sora has gone off with Lysander, by the way." She sighed, "Lysander will keep her safe, but should something occur he'd only last so long. (That came out in the most wrong way I could've worded it I'm so sorry )" with that she turned on her heel and watched as the guildless mage Tanari entered the stage. Her performance was most definitely, hot. And Maya wouldn't be surprised if most of the audience fainted, apparently most guys liked boobs anyway, so pushing them up and striking a provocative pose was a smart thing to do.


Masaki Yamada: Ms. Fiore Contest, Audience.

Masaki kept looking at Grace when she spoke, she was playing it cool and to be honest. Masaki liked it. His face went slightly pink as he blushed, looking at the girl. To be honest, Masaki thought she was out of this world but has been too shy and hesitant to actually say as much. No girls in this competition could compare to Grace, or any girl ever in the whole of Fiore for that fact. Masaki cleared his throat before speaking to Grace. "You know, I really like you. And you're so much better than anyone in this competition. So what if you think they look better than you? To me they don't. I think you're a cut above them.

"I love you, Grace. You're the best thing that's happened to me in a long time, and I'm thankful for that."

It was in that moment that some really strange man came and placed his hands on both of their shoulders. Talk about 'ruin the moment' when he spoke about not letting Grace leave his side. A stern tone in his voice, Masaki sighed and looked at the man. Was he trying to be intimidating or something? Masaki was used to seeing Gilad in a mood, so this really was nothing. "I wouldn't just let her roam around alone. I'm not like that." He sighed, countering Valken with a stern tone of his own before turning away, the grasp on his shoulder tightening before it was finally released. He then turned and smiled to the man, shaking his head. "Ferra?" It took a while for him to remember who she was, but then he remembered that she was the girl who ate part of his crystal pillar. Masaki shook his head. "Nope, not seen her. I heard she was taking part in the contest though, so trying backstage might be a good idea." With that he shrugged, and turned his attention back to the contest.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks
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Bizma//Fairy Tail//S-Class Wizard

Bizma had literally fallen asleep in the bathtub and was now waking up squeaky clean. She let out a squeal of alarm and rushed out of the tub, drying herself off and putting on clothes. Then she remembered; she had herself signed up for the bikini contest. Oh, hell. She searched her bags for a bikini and a cover. She fished out a light blue one that she had resorted to using in the mission when all hope was lost and groaned audibly. Well, what had to be done had to be done. She then found a green sundress and put it on over the bikini. And then she ran. Like. Hell.

Grace couldn't help but blush slightly as Masaki began to complement her. The boy was saying everything that she wanted to hear and it made her feel so good inside. Hearing that she was better than the girls in bikinis was such a great thing. The short girl turned slightly in her seat so that she was facing Masaki, her hand reaching over and taking his. "Even with my smaller chest and short height? Wow, I love you too Masaki." She said, leaning over to kiss his lips. However before she could connect she felt a cold and firm hand on her shoulder, followed by Valken's gruff voice. "Valken!" She screeched, jumping up in surprise and casting a glare back at him. "What the hell is your problem? You showed up at such a bad time." She pouted, crossing her arms and sighing. "And why can't I walk around by myself? I'm perfectly capable of handling myself..."

@LeSoraAmari @Zuka
Millie: Ms. Fiore Contest

Millie smiled brightly when she was met by Maya's warm hug. Her own arms wrapped around the older Mage quickly, giggling as she was complemented. "I really did kill it! But I still don't think I beat you. Your illusions really whooped my aura." She said, releasing her from the hug and taking a step back. Millie's eyes lit up when Maya suggested she become a model. That idea was better than joining the contest, seeing that Valken could see her in a bikini more often! Plus she could make money doing it, and Lamia Scale would gain popularity, only adding to the benefits. "Maya, if you could make me a model, that'd mean so much to me. I love you girl!"

Lysander - On top of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Lysander gave a shocked yelp as he was suddenly flung high up into the air. He was moving at such a fast speed that all he could hear was the wind in his ears, and all he could see was white and blue. And then he stopped, and there was this sickening feeling before he began to fall, and then something caught him about the middle. For a brief moment, they paused in midair, and before Lysander could turn his head to see just what caught him, he began moving again, just as fast, this time horizontally rather than vertically. His hairtie came undone then, and his wavy brown hair flew out in all directions and he had to use his right hand to hold the top of his head so that his hair would not fly in his face. The sick feeling passed, only to be replaced by exuberance as he realised that he had quite possibly the most amazing view ever of the city. It felt like he was flying and a grin spread on his face. How often did one get the chance to fly?

He actually felt disappointed when he was deposited back on solid ground, on top of what seemed to be the highest point in the city, because he could see the city spread below him, buildings upon quaint buildings with the sun in the distance. It was a majestic view of the city and the river and of the sunlight falling in certain areas, lighting everything up and glinting off the river running through the city. There were no other people besides Sora, and it was all so peaceful and quiet. A slight wind blew then, ruffling his poncho and his hair, before allowing his hair to settle gently down over his shoulders and his back, resting against his shoulder blades while his poncho settled about his shoulders.

He realised it had been Nami who caught him the moment he saw the Exceed take off, flying off into the clouds. He still wore that grin on his face as he turned back to Sora. "That was awesome," he said, barely able to keep the exuberance out of his voice. "I must be sure to thank Nami later." He watched Sora settle herself down on the ledge, her feet dangling over the edge and after hesitating slightly, he went to join her, settling himself beside her and allowing his own feet to dangle over the edge, while resting both his hands on the roof on each side, It was then that he realised that both of them were on the top of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, and that now he could barely see the competition. Not that he minded, of course.

"About that mission..." For a moment, his eyes met Sora's, before he quickly lowered them down to his right hand, resting between him and Sora. For another moment, he hesitated, wondering how he should phrase it. He took a deep breath, then continued. "It was almost a mission that went wrong. I had picked up a mission to take down a group of bandits but... I was not cautious enough. I failed to take proper note of my surroundings and as it turned out, there were more than I had expected. I was quickly overwhelmed, and captured. It was fortunate that Lloyd was in the area as well. Back then, he was an S-class mage, and he had just been returning from a mission. I think he might have witnessed me being captured. I was blindfolded, so I had no idea of what was going on. But I felt myself being carried away and untied and it was such a relief to see him. They were going to sell me to slavers." Here, he barely resisted a shudder. If Lloyd had not been there... "We hatched a plan to take them out. He acted as a distraction with his arrows while I was the one to shoot the bandits unconscious. We ended up splitting the reward money." He was not even sure why he had chosen to talk about that particular mission, but perhaps, it was because Sora and Maya reminded him of himself and Lloyd. Or at least, himself and Lloyd three months back, back when Lloyd was just an S-class mage and not a Guild Master.

And of course, that was nothing compared to the fact that Sora had taken down a dragon. At least, that had been what he had heard from the mages who had been to Malnia. Especially Maya. Maya had been so proud. He wondered if one day, he would be strong enough to make Lloyd just as proud of him. He was not sure why he had even talked about this mission in the first place. That had been one of his faliures. He should have spoken about his most recent mission; that had been a huge success. But still, that had been nothing compared to taking down a dragon. And once again, he dearly wished he had been at Malnia.

"You killed a dragon, didn't you?" he asked finally, glancing up at her eyes, then lowering his head again to stare at the scenery bellow them."That... must have been really impressive." All that power, in that tiny frame. He was not even half as powerful as that. He wondered what it was she had seen in him. He was hardly that impressive, and he wondered what she would do if she discovered that. Compared to her, he felt ordinary. There were people even younger than him who were S-class mages. She was probably one as well.

Valken - Miss Fiore Stands

Valken watched both kids get stern and tense when he interrupted there sensative moment, grinning from ear to ear. "I always appear at the best times... " Doing his theatrical bow. "I'll leave you two love birds to it... and stay together!" He meant the last part, even if it was in a playful tone. With that he slipped back through the crowds easily, passing even the guards to get behind the stage, on the hunt for Millie and Ferra. His eyes naturally falling onto the bikini clad girls as he past. If Millie wasn't here he may have even smacked a few on their butts.

He found Maya and Millie easily enough, coming behind Millie as he was known for being silent, slipping his arms around her waist, head next to her ear. "I loved your performance the best... " He rumbled in a low tone, smirking against her ear.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
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Auren Sol


Ren sighed and decided to worry about the danger to his life at another time. Right now, they needed to find Mizuki. He put his arma behind his head as they walked, looking up at the sky.

"To tell you the truth, she could be anywhere in the city. The Sigil I drew was the equivalent of a random warp spell. All I could gauge from analyzing it was that the possible areas she could've ended up in are within the boundaries of Magnolia." he explained as he turned to glance at the shops, building, and restaurants they passed.

"Chances are, she's trying to find her way back to the Fairy Tail guild hall so she's probably out in the open somewhere. "he reasoned. Of course, that was assuming she wasn't in any kind of danger or trapped.

"If we had a way to move faster, we could cover more ground and increase our chances of finding her. Any ideas?" he asked Alicia. He did have a Sigil that increased one's speed but that would take time to draw. He wanted to see if Alicia had a more convenient option before resorting to his own.
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Kim lock-hospital bed

Kim looked at Ryu and the others. " Oh. " A blush flushed on to her checks. She was speaking in Riddles again, woops. " Mother is the ruler of the flux realm, she is also the one who cared for me when I was a child."

@Britt-21 @Genon
purplepanda288 said:
Kim lock-hospital bed
Kim looked at Ryu and the others. " Oh. " A blush flushed on to her checks. She was speaking in Riddles again, woops. " Mother is the ruler of the flux realm, she is also the one who cared for me when I was a child."

-Ryu Miyamoto-



Ryu paused a moment before replying. "I see, " He said softly, still digesting the information. "So what did she have to say?"

Drakerus said:

Auren Sol


Ren sighed and decided to worry about the danger to his life at another time. Right now, they needed to find Mizuki. He put his arma behind his head as they walked, looking up at the sky.

"To tell you the truth, she could be anywhere in the city. The Sigil I drew was the equivalent of a random warp spell. All I could gauge from analyzing it was that the possible areas she could've ended up in are within the boundaries of Magnolia." he explained as he turned to glance at the shops, building, and restaurants they passed.

"Chances are, she's trying to find her way back to the Fairy Tail guild hall so she's probably out in the open somewhere. "he reasoned. Of course, that was assuming she wasn't in any kind of danger or trapped.

"If we had a way to move faster, we could cover more ground and increase our chances of finding her. Any ideas?" he asked Alicia. He did have a Sigil that increased one's speed but that would take time to draw. He wanted to see if Alicia had a more convenient option before resorting to his own.
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia nodded. Surely Mizuki was fine and on her way back to the Fairy Tail hall, though she hadn't exactly ever been to Magnolia. Truth be told Alicia had only been once or twice with her parents when she was younger, though she didn't exact remember it much..so she wasn't much better off than she was. "Yeah. Probably. With any luck we'll find her soon..I hope." She replied. Magnolia was a big town, not nearly as big as Crocus mind you, but it was still big. It could potentionally take them hours to find her.

She stared at him in disbelief as he asked a faster way to get around. "
Running is a good option." She told him jokingly, a childish grin on her face. "But other than, no clue. I mean..my magic is built for beating stuff up and self defense. I think it'd be..unhealthy..to try and use the beads for transport." She added in a more serious tone.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki glanced around the area in an attempt to try and locate where they were. She hoped to find some sort of landmark that she had seen at the contest, but there was no telling where she was. What do you expect from someone who knows nothing about the area that got dropped in a random location. Finally she turned her gaze over to Alfie, staring at him with her cold gaze. "I was at the... Bikini contest." She said in a sour tone as if she was ashamed for being at the event. "But I'm sure that the little one is looking for me, so it will prove a challenge to find her."
Kim looked at Ryu. " She kept telling me riddles, weird thing. Something about another of the stars above the savior below the surface m. Then she demanded me to solve it. "She touched her head, it still felt warn to the touch but that's normal..she hoped.
purplepanda288 said:
Kim looked at Ryu. " She kept telling me riddles, weird thing. Something about another of the stars above the savior below the surface m. Then she demanded me to solve it. "She touched her head, it still felt warn to the touch but that's normal..she hoped.
(( Opps forgot to tag again @Britt-21 @Rhodus ))
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Alfie - Streets of Magnolia

With a short nod, Alfie looked down, his hand and index finger cupped around his chin. "Hmm... I have something that may work. Sometimes, being blatantly obvious is a good choice." The wizard put both of his arms in the air and summoned another mandala, and out of the symbol shot a larger version of his signature ribbon, and with a bit of flapping around and tying, the ribbon hung in the sky and spelled out 'Mezuki' with a giant arrow pointing down directly on the two. "I hope I spelled that correctly. But now it's impossible for them to miss us."


Mizuki stared up at the big ribbon up in the sky. He did in fact spell it wrong, and she was quite annoyed by that. Her name was fairly easy to spell and yet he somehow messed it up. Turning to Alfie, she gave him an unpleasant look and sighed. "You spelt it wrong. There's an i and not an e. But I'm sure it will suffice." She said, channeling her energy to use the other hexes on Alicia. The dark Mage could tell she was with another person, most likely the person who teleported her. "She's close. I can sense it."
Chris Lengheart(Ms. Fiore contest)

Chris chuckled as Kelica basically told Sabrina to ask for a hug,"I must warn you, I give very strong hugs. People had to find that out the hard way." he said with a warm smile. He was honestly happy that Kelica didn't mind having Chris hug other women. Kelica was Chris' and he was sure that Kelica knew that.

@PeteTSs @Zuka
Millie: Ms. Fiore backstage

Millie gasped quietly as she felt Valkens muscular arms wrap around her waist. Her head tilted back to meet his, the girl planting a small kiss on his cheek. She had a hunch that her boyfriend would sneak down to meet her sometime, so she didn't bother to change out of her bikini. "You really think so? I thought it was good, but maya really beat me." She said, nuzzling him softly before turning around and facing Valken. The blonde girl pressed up against him, her humalongbos squishing up against his chest. "Speaking of Maya, she was thinking of signing me up to be a model. Does that sound like a good idea?"

~Isabelle Dragneel~

She followed the Master around town. Hotel, after hotel. She just didn't want to complain so she kept her mouth shut. When they finally found a place to stay she walked into her room setting her stuff down and plopping on he bed. She eventually got up and was about to check to see what her Master was doing, she sees him and he starts talking. "I have no interest in the bikini competition. I might relax for a little while, since that train ride was in no ways fun.

Auren Sol

Ren was beginning to get exhausted from all the running around they'd been doing when his prayers were answered. Miraculously, a ribbon that spelled out 'Mezuki 'appeared somewhere not too far away. The beacon appeared to be a couple of blocks down.

"Hey, look Alicia! That must be Mizuki calling out to us! Then again, it's sort of sketchy. They spelled the name wrong..." he said pondering what they should do.

"Oh well, it's our best lead so let's get going." he said with resolve, pointing in the direction of the sign.

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Vex walked into a building not being able to see anything but darkness. "Horus where are you? I kept walking into things!" The bird didn't answer and Vick was left to fend for himself. "Well I guess we are going to have to do this the hard way. I wish you were magical so I could see you that way." He closed his eyes and began to focus. Bloid began to drip from his nose as his mind was flooded with a black and white view of every thing around him for a mile. It was hard to comprehend what he saw since it had so much more then what a normal person saw. He began to look for his bird and once he had found him he blocked out everything but the way to Horus. It was the least he could do to lessen the pain his head was in. Once he reached the bird he opened his eyes and woke it up. "Horus, sleeping while I am trying to get around! Your my eyes I need you to hekp me." The bird let out a cry and flew on to his shoulder. The bird' beek was inches away feom Vex's ears and it was describing the land to him in great detail. The bird forgot to mention that there were other people and he walked into Ren and Alicia.

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