Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Mizuki watched as Alfie fired the first shot, the single arrow splitting up into many different shots. This attack worried her very much in the sense that it might hit Alicia. Ren, she didn't care about, but if one of those arrows skimmed Alicia, the teleported wouldn't be the only one who would face the wrath of Mizuki. "If you hit the little girl, I'll kill you." She warned, four lanky shadowy arms sprouting from her back, moving forward towards Ren. She was going to try and grab his neck, but anywhere would be fine as long as she got a good grip on him. The Dark Mage gave Alfie anther strange look when he questioned attacking Ren. Just a moment ago he was all for it, but now he was backing out? No matter what he did, it wouldn't stop Mizuki from hurting him. "The world isn't fair Alfie, I know that firsthand. This man deserves everything coming to him... But I suppose I won't give him eternal pain. That would take too much work."

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @Drakerus
Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia Streets"Horus what just happened?" The bird nodded his head not wanting to reply. The bird did this in a way that Vex couldn't feel. "Horus?" The bird then let out a screech and flew up into the air. "Horus don't leave me again! I need you, why do you want to leave me blind?" Horus was flying around in circles in the air. Vex then tried to find the direction of the other two. "Can you help me, I am a little lost. I am trying to find a place to get out of the weather."

Drakerus said:

Auren Sol


Ren was speechless

There was no way to describe the emotions he felt in the 20 seconds it had taken for Conway to introduce himself and turn the corner. The boy just stared in the direction the sailor had left in until Alicia broke him out of his trance. Unfortunately, she only escalated the absurdity of the situation further when she asked him the inevitable questions.


"Uh, well, you see, that was...a...um...a secret handshake! People use when they like someone a lot! Y-yeah, that's what it was. Definitely!" He said much too enthusiastically.

"Hey look! I think I see Mizuki over there! Let's go see her like, right now...." he said, desperately trying to change the subject. He'd rather face Mizuki than endure more of Alicia s. ..questioning.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki watched as Alfie fired the first shot, the single arrow splitting up into many different shots. This attack worried her very much in the sense that it might hit Alicia. Ren, she didn't care about, but if one of those arrows skimmed Alicia, the teleported wouldn't be the only one who would face the wrath of Mizuki. "If you hit the little girl, I'll kill you." She warned, four lanky shadowy arms sprouting from her back, moving forward towards Ren. She was going to try and grab his neck, but anywhere would be fine as long as she got a good grip on him. The Dark Mage gave Alfie anther strange look when he questioned attacking Ren. Just a moment ago he was all for it, but now he was backing out? No matter what he did, it wouldn't stop Mizuki from hurting him. "The world isn't fair Alfie, I know that firsthand. This man deserves everything coming to him... But I suppose I won't give him eternal pain. That would take too much work."
@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @Drakerus
@Salt Lord

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia was only more confused at Ren's reply. Didn't the guy just yell at him and stuff? And didn't they just meet? If so why...? She felt there was something he wasn't teling her, and she was determined to find out later if she remembered. Regardless of the reason it was kind of funny either way. Befofe she could answer Vex's question or question Ren further, Ren spotted Mizuki.

Though it seemed that Alfie and Mizuki had spotted him first seeing as there were arrows currently flying towards him. The question was if they were physical or magical in nature. Guess she could use a barrier against both. "Barrier Cast: Protection!" She shouted, placing her palm out towards Ren. Soon enough a shimmering blue barrier had erected itself in a rectangular box all around Ren's body.

Next thing to do was convince Mizuki to not kill Ren. Though, one of the arrows strayed from it's intended target and clipped Alicia on the leg. She hissed in pain but otherwise ignored it. With that she ran up to Mizuki, she might get mad at her..but she was simply to happy that she was safe. Once she reached her she wrapped her arms around her and hugged her. "
Mizuki! I was so worried! Thank god you're okay!" She told her frantically. She had no clue who the pink guy next to her was, who'd also accidenally shot her, but that was a question for another time. "Don't hurt Ren! It was an accident! He helped me look for you this entire time, he's actually really nice. And he's in Sabertooth too!" She added.
Mitchs98 said:
@Salt Lord
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia was only more confused at Ren's reply. Didn't the guy just yell at him and stuff? And didn't they just meet? If so why...? She felt there was something he wasn't teling her, and she was determined to find out later if she remembered. Regardless of the reason it was kind of funny either way. Befofe she could answer Vex's question or question Ren further, Ren spotted Mizuki.

Though it seemed that Alfie and Mizuki had spotted him first seeing as there were arrows currently flying towards him. The question was if they were physical or magical in nature. Guess she could use a barrier against both. "Barrier Cast: Protection!" She shouted, placing her palm out towards Ren. Soon enough a shimmering blue barrier had erected itself in a rectangular box all around Ren's body.

Next thing to do was convince Mizuki to not kill Ren. Though, one of the arrows strayed from it's intended target and clipped Alicia on the leg. She hissed in pain but otherwise ignored it. With that she ran up to Mizuki, she might get mad at her..but she was simply to happy that she was safe. Once she reached her she wrapped her arms around her and hugged her. "
Mizuki! I was so worried! Thank god you're okay!" She told her frantically. She had no clue who the pink guy next to her was, who'd also accidenally shot her, but that was a question for another time. "Don't hurt Ren! It was an accident! He helped me look for you this entire time, he's actually really nice. And he's in Sabertooth too!" She added.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki watched as Alfie fired the first shot, the single arrow splitting up into many different shots. This attack worried her very much in the sense that it might hit Alicia. Ren, she didn't care about, but if one of those arrows skimmed Alicia, the teleported wouldn't be the only one who would face the wrath of Mizuki. "If you hit the little girl, I'll kill you." She warned, four lanky shadowy arms sprouting from her back, moving forward towards Ren. She was going to try and grab his neck, but anywhere would be fine as long as she got a good grip on him. The Dark Mage gave Alfie anther strange look when he questioned attacking Ren. Just a moment ago he was all for it, but now he was backing out? No matter what he did, it wouldn't stop Mizuki from hurting him. "The world isn't fair Alfie, I know that firsthand. This man deserves everything coming to him... But I suppose I won't give him eternal pain. That would take too much work."
@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @Drakerus
@Salt Lord @Drakerus

Vex: Magnolia Streets

Vex was helplessly lost until he could see faint colors. He saw purple dots heading their way and knew that they were dangerous. With all of the magic being use around him he had a better idea of where people were. The little girl's magic was a light blue color, the weird arm things were a dark purple. Horus let out a loud screech to try and warn Vex to move but it was to late. An arrow had strayed from its target and pierced his leg. This caused him to fall to a knee, he was confused not knowing why they were being attacked. "Excuse me but can you explained why you are fighting, and why I am caught in the middle of it?" He was facing their direction being able to see their magic flowing off of them. Vex place his hand on his leg to begin the healing process. It would be slow since he couldn't only focus on it.
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The moment Mizuki noticed Alicia beside Ren, her eyes immediately locking onto the girl. She found it strange that she was still in her swimsuit and in public, but at least it was a one piece. However what made her angry was when the arrow clipped her smooth and innocent leg despite the rest of them being blocked by a barrier. Three of her shadowy hands continuously assaulted the barrier around Ren while the fourth took Alfie by the collar, bringing him close so that their faces were only breaths away. Her two human arms were wrapped around Alicia, hugging the little girl back. "How dare you hurt Alicia. I gave you one job, and that was not to hurt her, and you failed. And now I'm going to hurt you..."

@Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @Drakerus

Auren Sol - Magnolia Streets


Ren could only watch as the shadow arms attempted to break the barrier Alicia had thankfully set up. It had been long enough for the boy to get over the initial shock of the attack. It was then he noticed the man that had accidentally tripped Alicia was talking to him.

"Oh, sorry about that. It's kind of my fault you got dragged into this situation. A misunderstanding made it so that girl over there kind of wants to strangle me..." he chuckled nervously. He was still very afraid of Mizuki but he was beginning to realize that standing around wasn't going to make his situation any better. For once, he had to act like a man and confront the problem head on. There was a little problem hindering him at the moment though. The barrier was trapping him so he couldn't go and speak to Mizuki. It looked too strong to be broken by someone of average strength such as he, but maybe...

"Hey um, could you do me a favor? I kind of need this barrier to be taken down. If I can just get out of here I might be able to sort this all out." he said to the strange man with the falcon. In truth, he could've done it himself but drawing a Sigil was, as always ,time consuming and he didn't have that much to spare in this situation. He wasn't about to bet on Alicia to calm Mizuki down since, at the time, he wasn't aware of just how close they were.

Drakerus said:

Auren Sol - Magnolia Streets


Ren could only watch as the shadow arms attempted to break the barrier Alicia had thankfully set up. It had been long enough for the boy to get over the initial shock of the attack. It was then he noticed the man that had accidentally tripped Alicia was talking to him.

"Oh, sorry about that. It's kind of my fault you got dragged into this situation. A misunderstanding made it so that girl over there kind of wants to strangle me..." he chuckled nervously. He was still very afraid of Mizuki but he was beginning to realize that standing around wasn't going to make his situation any better. For once, he had to act like a man and confront the problem head on. There was a little problem hindering him at the moment though. The barrier was trapping him so he couldn't go and speak to Mizuki. It looked too strong to be broken by someone of average strength such as he, but maybe...

"Hey um, could you do me a favor? I kind of need this barrier to be taken down. If I can just get out of here I might be able to sort this all out." he said to the strange man with the falcon. In truth, he could've done it himself but drawing a Sigil was, as always ,time consuming and he didn't have that much to spare in this situation. He wasn't about to bet on Alicia to calm Mizuki down since, at the time, he wasn't aware of just how close they were.

Vex: Magnolia Streets

Vex looked at the magical barrier and could see the intense magic. "I don't know what I can do." He got up struggled to make his way to the barrier placing a hand on it to fell the magic, then he stumbled back wards. "I could try blasting it, but I can't do much else." He then waited for a response turning his head back at the attackers to watch for more projectiles. Horus continued to fly around in the air not helping Vex. "Come down here Horus, the least you could do is tell me what you see!" From what he could gather the little girl was safe and the information the man provided him was helpful. "Before I help you I want to know what you did."
Kayzo said:
The moment Mizuki noticed Alicia beside Ren, her eyes immediately locking onto the girl. She found it strange that she was still in her swimsuit and in public, but at least it was a one piece. However what made her angry was when the arrow clipped her smooth and innocent leg despite the rest of them being blocked by a barrier. Three of her shadowy hands continuously assaulted the barrier around Ren while the fourth took Alfie by the collar, bringing him close so that their faces were only breaths away. Her two human arms were wrapped around Alicia, hugging the little girl back. "How dare you hurt Alicia. I gave you one job, and that was not to hurt her, and you failed. And now I'm going to hurt you..."

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Slowly but surely cracks started to appear on the barrier she'd made, to make matters worse she was about to beat the crap out of Alfie. She looked frantically between them as best she could while being hugged, she had to do something. "Noo! Mizuki wait! It was an accident! It barely hit me and its cause I wasn't paying attention, I'm fine! Really! It doesn't even hurt!" She assured her, though it was more pleading for Alfie's safety than anything.

Ren helped me find you and stayed with me. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't of found you so fast. It was an accident, okay? I'm fine, I promise." She told her. She really hoped it'd be enough to convince her. She was mad at Ren at first to, but he'd helped her plus it was just an accident so she forgave him.


@Kayzo @anyone I missed

Ferra: Ms. Fiore Backstage

Ferra sighed with relief when Valken said he wasn't going to mess with her. Though she wasn't sure why he was so intent on doing so still, he seemed to be enjoying himself just fine smooshed between Millie's boobs. Oh well. "
Yeah. Master Lloyd inducted three new people while you were gone. Cinla, Lana, and...uh..I forgot the other guys name.." She replied. She couldn't help but giggle as she noticed Valken start blushing between what was more or less a boob mountain.

She grinned deviously up at him, now she had more things to tease him about. "
I see you guys are getting along well. That's good, I'm glad." She told them. She'd have to tell Millie they weren't really a couple to start with, but that could wait..possibly forever seeing as they seemed to like being together.
Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia StreetsVex looked at the magical barrier and could see the intense magic. "I don't know what I can do." He got up struggled to make his way to the barrier placing a hand on it to fell the magic, then he stumbled back wards. "I could try blasting it, but I can't do much else." He then waited for a response turning his head back at the attackers to watch for more projectiles. Horus continued to fly around in the air not helping Vex. "Come down here Horus, the least you could do is tell me what you see!" From what he could gather the little girl was safe and the information the man provided him was helpful. "Before I help you I want to know what you did."
Auren Sol - Magnolia Streets

Ren hadn't really thought this through all the way. Of course the guy wouldn't trust him immediately. Oh well, it wasn't as if he had anything to lose by telling him. Fortunately the barrier seemed to be getting weaker as it was bombarded by the shadow appendages so one blast from Vex would probably do the trick.

"Well, I tried to do a magic trick but I made a mistake in casting the spell so Mizuki over there ended up being the victim of a random warp spell. She likely thinks I tricked her." he explained quickly, wanting to get this violence stopped ASAP. Well, at least to the point where he would be the only one in danger of getting hurt.

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Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Slowly but surely cracks started to appear on the barrier she'd made, to make matters worse she was about to beat the crap out of Alfie. She looked frantically between them as best she could while being hugged, she had to do something. "Noo! Mizuki wait! It was an accident! It barely hit me and its cause I wasn't paying attention, I'm fine! Really! It doesn't even hurt!" She assured her, though it was more pleading for Alfie's safety than anything.

Ren helped me find you and stayed with me. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't of found you so fast. It was an accident, okay? I'm fine, I promise." She told her. She really hoped it'd be enough to convince her. She was mad at Ren at first to, but he'd helped her plus it was just an accident so she forgave him.


@Kayzo @anyone I missed

Ferra: Ms. Fiore Backstage

Ferra sighed with relief when Valken said he wasn't going to mess with her. Though she wasn't sure why he was so intent on doing so still, he seemed to be enjoying himself just fine smooshed between Millie's boobs. Oh well. "
Yeah. Master Lloyd inducted three new people while you were gone. Cinla, Lana, and...uh..I forgot the other guys name.." She replied. She couldn't help but giggle as she noticed Valken start blushing between what was more or less a boob mountain.

She grinned deviously up at him, now she had more things to tease him about. "
I see you guys are getting along well. That's good, I'm glad." She told them. She'd have to tell Millie they weren't really a couple to start with, but that could wait..possibly forever seeing as they seemed to like being together.
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

Ren hadn't really thought this through all the way. Of course the guy wouldn't trust him immediately. Oh well, it wasn't as if he had anything to lose by telling him. Fortunately the barrier seemed to be getting weaker as it was bombarded by the shadow appendages so one blast from Vex would probably do the trick.

"Well, I tried to do a magic trick but I made a mistake in casting the spell so Mizuki over there ended up being the victim of a random warp spell. She likely thinks I tricked her." he explained quickly, wanting to get this violence stopped ASAP. Well, at least to the point where he would be the only one in danger of getting hurt.

Well if it is to end the conflict, it seems that it is. "Shield your eyes." He said before beginning his spell. After after seconds he held a ball of pure light enery in his hand. He then slammed the ball of energy into the barrier. He had no clue if it had worked or not because the magic he could see would still remain for a while before it was completely gone. "Well... Did it work?" He tried to place his hand on the barrier but he couldn't feel a thing.
The moment the barrier broke Mizuki's shadowy arms were grabbing frantically at Ren, one clasping around his throat and zipping him over to Alfie, who had it much better. He was only being held by his collar while the poor Sabertooth Mage was being choked. She could hear Alicia asking her to stop, telling the dark Mage that everything was her fault, and that Ren had helped find her, but she didn't listen. These two hurt Alicia one way or another, and that couldn't go Unpunished. "I finally have you both. You'll pay for your wrong deeds." She said darkly, her gaze resting on Alfie. "I'll start with you." The arm that grasped his collar shook him around for a few seconds before placing him down on the ground. Yes, he did hit Alicia, but there was no physical wound, and without him she'd never find Alicia. However, Ren wouldn't get off so easy. The arm that previously held Alfie wrapped around his neck, two there while the others grasped his legs. "Alicia, close your eyes..."

@Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @Drakerus
Eias Baole

Dirty boots walked down the road leading to the place that held a large celebration. Eias had caught wind of some big event going on near her as she traveled. She happily went in the direction. She had no set destination anyway and what was a better inspiration than happiness and fun? She wiped off the loose dust from her boots and stood up once again. She held her flute up to her mouth and played some light traveling music to herself. She proceeded to head towards the festival. The aura itself was intoxicating even from this far away. A smile formed upon the flute and she got star-eyed just thinking of the neat things she would see.

A small time later she found herself walking through streets. So many people were around with smiles and laughs. As she walked by, she imitated the feelings all around her in music. Up-beat and cheerful. People turned to watch or applaud her own celebration of an adventure well found. She simply walked past shops and food vendors before finding a seat that looked comfortable enough. Taking a deep breath, she continued to bring her own flavor to the party.

@anyone since I don't know what to do xD
Kayzo said:
The moment the barrier broke Mizuki's shadowy arms were grabbing frantically at Ren, one clasping around his throat and zipping him over to Alfie, who had it much better. He was only being held by his collar while the poor Sabertooth Mage was being choked. She could hear Alicia asking her to stop, telling the dark Mage that everything was her fault, and that Ren had helped find her, but she didn't listen. These two hurt Alicia one way or another, and that couldn't go Unpunished. "I finally have you both. You'll pay for your wrong deeds." She said darkly, her gaze resting on Alfie. "I'll start with you." The arm that grasped his collar shook him around for a few seconds before placing him down on the ground. Yes, he did hit Alicia, but there was no physical wound, and without him she'd never find Alicia. However, Ren wouldn't get off so easy. The arm that previously held Alfie wrapped around his neck, two there while the others grasped his legs. "Alicia, close your eyes..."
@Wyatt @Salt Lord
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol - Magnolia Streets

Ren hadn't really thought this through all the way. Of course the guy wouldn't trust him immediately. Oh well, it wasn't as if he had anything to lose by telling him. Fortunately the barrier seemed to be getting weaker as it was bombarded by the shadow appendages so one blast from Vex would probably do the trick.

"Well, I tried to do a magic trick but I made a mistake in casting the spell so Mizuki over there ended up being the victim of a random warp spell. She likely thinks I tricked her." he explained quickly, wanting to get this violence stopped ASAP. Well, at least to the point where he would be the only one in danger of getting hurt.

@Wyatt @Salt Lord
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia was relived that Alfie recieved little more than getting shaked up a bit. Ren however wasn't going to be so lucky it seemed. From the angle of things Mizuki aimed to rip him in half, Alicia's eyes widened at the site. Mizuki wasn't listening to her, she'd have to do something more that assure her she was fine. She really didn't want to do it, but if it saved Ren's life..

The small girl wriggled free from Mizuki's grasp and stood in front of her, a serious expression on her face. "Don't hurt Ren! It was only an accident! If you hurt him or kill him I'll never forgive you Mizuki." She told her defiantly. Though despite what she said she felt terrible for saying it, she absolutely adored Mizuki and she really didn't want to hurt her. "If you wanna hurt someone hurt me instead, Ren doesn't deserve it." She added.
Mizuki's cold and heartless look suddenly changed into a curious one as Ren, the man she was about to torture, began to...smile. This seemed like the most least likely expression to come from someone who was about to experience immense pain from her many different hexes and spells. Unless he liked pain as much as her? Her eyes flared for a moment before she brought him closer to her face. "Why would you be smiling? You're about to be tortured and your smiling? You should be begging for mercy." She said in a scary tone, her hands flaring with dark energy as she prepared a painful spell. However before she could use it, the little bundle of warmth broke away from her body as stood defiantly in front of the Dark Mage. It seemed that Alicia wanted Mizuki to forgive Ren, and that if she didn't the little one would never forgive her. This was one thing she didn't want, seeing that Alicia was truly the only positive thing in her life, one thing she didn't want to lose. Letting out a defeated sigh her extra appendages disappeared and dropped Ren to the floor, the scary Mage going back to her edgy, ribbon wrapped self. "Never pull something like that again..."

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Salt Lord
Kayzo said:
Mizuki's cold and heartless look suddenly changed into a curious one as Ren, the man she was about to torture, began to...smile. This seemed like the most least likely expression to come from someone who was about to experience immense pain from her many different hexes and spells. Unless he liked pain as much as her? Her eyes flared for a moment before she brought him closer to her face. "Why would you be smiling? You're about to be tortured and your smiling? You should be begging for mercy." She said in a scary tone, her hands flaring with dark energy as she prepared a painful spell. However before she could use it, the little bundle of warmth broke away from her body as stood defiantly in front of the Dark Mage. It seemed that Alicia wanted Mizuki to forgive Ren, and that if she didn't the little one would never forgive her. This was one thing she didn't want, seeing that Alicia was truly the only positive thing in her life, one thing she didn't want to lose. Letting out a defeated sigh her extra appendages disappeared and dropped Ren to the floor, the scary Mage going back to her edgy, ribbon wrapped self. "Never pull something like that again..."
@Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Salt Lord
Vex: Magnolia Streets

Vex sat down pulling his guitar off of his back. "Well is that all if your drama? Everything good now?" He slowly began strumming his instrument until he heard a sour note, quickly he fixed it and his guitar was once again in tune. Not waiting for an answer he he began to play a song. Then he began to sign, "why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends." His vocie was angelic and enchanting at least to mucis lovers. He knew that this probably wasn't the place to be playing the song but he wanted to any ways.

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Salt Lord
Eias Baole

After finishing a quick little tune she placed her flute down on her lap. She people watched. Small children running and parents trying to follow. It was like an overbooked venue with the Baole band. She had go go see more things in Magnolia. Getting up and stretching, she made her way down various streets, waiting for fate to take her somewhere. Walking down, she heard an enchanting song with guitar and vocals to match. It was so lovely, she just had to play along. She brought up the flute and started matching the beat.

Blowing bubbles, as they popped her own vocals echoed a faint backup. Melodies to her ears. She did not know the location of the other sound. It was fine though, sometimes you must appreciate the simple pleasures.

@Wyatt @Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Salt Lord
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Cinla steps out on to the stage and summons several different creatures and gives them a number of different tasks to do, and says" would any kids like to play with the animals their perfectly safe i've trained them very well". Cinla walks over to the wolf first and leans forward her bum slightly in the air and her racvk in view but she doesn't care sticks up her hand up and not long after the wolf paws her like a high five then she starts dancing and the wolf follows in it's way and dances with her.

A little boy comes down and gets on the wolf and cinla mouths to run round the other animals and then jump over her, so the wolf goes back round and starts to run or jump and flips and such around the other animals and when it finally gets to cinla jumps and cinla sway back and the wolf clears her and then sway back up many of the single guys staring at her rack and ass still not caring and them clicks her fingers and fireworks launch into the sky as part of the finishing act.
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Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-


"Another of the stars above? It could mean a celestial spirit. That is quite the riddle" He mused. He continued to ponder on the meaning of the words. "Other than that, I'm afraid I don't know very much. Perhaps someone at the guild hall might be able to give us more assistance?" He suggested. "They're sure to know more about this than I do,"

" Perhaps, she might mean one of my childhood friends, last I've herd of her he found a form of lost celestial magic. He didn't want to go into details for he said it was something that even he didn't know how to use, but that was three years ago." She desperately wanted to get out of that bed, take out the pump that fed insulin to her bloodstream. She wanted to leave. Kim squirmed uncomfortably where she sat. " I just want out of this hospital now."

Millie smiled warmly as Valken was at a loss for words. She found it to be very cute, filling her up with a warm feeling. She figured that the cause of this was due to her jigglebongas pressing so passionately against him, and though she knew he liked it she decided to end the embarrassment. Taking a step back, Millie took her hands off of her face and took his hands instead. "Sure you're not embarrassed. I'm sorry for putting you in an uncomfortable position, I suppose I should save things like that when we are alone." She said, winking at him flirtatiously and giggling. "But we can't sneak off anywhere right now. I need to wait until the contest is over."

Lysander - On top of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Lysander knew a desire to change a conversation topic when he heard one, so he did not peruse his questions about the Malnia mission further, even though he dearly wanted to. He was very pleased to hear that Lloyd had a helping hand in the downing of the dragon. Though the more he heard about the mission, the more he wished he was there. A fight major enough to require the intervention of two Guild Masters. If he had been there though, there was probably nothing he could have done anyway, but still... he would have loved to see that fight. And he would dearly love to see Sora's powers as well. When she admitted, though, that she was knocked out by a magic deficiency after the fight, that concerned him enough to turn to her, as if to ascertain with his own eyes that she was fine. "I wish I had been there," he murmured to himself. Then, he said to her,"I'm very glad you're fine now. That must have been quite a fight."

He wondered if something had happened on the Malnia mission when he saw Sora shiver a little when reminiscing about it, and he could not help feeling concerned that something might have happened that bothered her so deeply. But he would not pursue the matter for now. Perhaps, one day, he hoped that they would both be so familiar with each other than they would be able to talk about everything and anything. Yet already there was a connection between them. He did not usually talk about himself so much. Yet with her, he felt as if he could let his guard down somewhat, and just talk freely, it required some stern reminding from himself to hold himself back somewhat. But perhaps one day...

It also did not escape his notice her anger during his own story, going by the anger on her face. He felt touched that despite the bare bones of that story, she was concerned for his sake. What he could not bear to tell her though, was that he had come off quite seriously injured from that mission. The bulk of the injuries had been caused by how sadistic some of the bandits had been. He had come off with bruises all over his body, a few bruised ribs, swollen and raw wrists and ankles from how tightly he had been bound. His back had been a sore mess. He still had nightmares over that mission, and he still remembered just how angry Lloyd had been. He knew Lloyd had had serious anger management issues when he was younger and to see that come out firsthand... Perhaps one day he would dare to tell her about that. One day.

"Yes," he said, quickly changing the subject. "My grandmother Asuka taught me everything I knew about gun magic. Her parents had been Alzack and Bisca Connell, and she in turn learned everything from them. Her parents met in Fairy Tail, got married, and had her. So she pretty much grew up in Fairy Tail, and she became a full fledged mage there as well." He ran a finger through the tassels of his poncho. "This poncho had been worn by Alzack back when he had been an active mage. According to my grandmother, I looked pretty similar to him too."

It also did not escape his notice that she had rested her hand on his, and that her head was currently resting against his. He turned quite red then, and had to resist a very strong urge to place an arm around her shoulders. It was just so natural to do so due to their position but... he forced himself to hold back. He wondered if such a move would be too forward, and he was scared of ruining the moment they were sharing. Yet... he dearly wanted to. In the end, he settled for leaning his other hand against her other side, so that she could lean against his arm if she wanted to. And if she did not mind that, perhaps he would work up the courage to place an arm around her. He did not speak; he did not want to ruin the moment. Everything was so peaceful, comfortable and quiet.

Yuna: Magnolia Train Station @anyone @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord (ehlp out please.... its something to do)

Yuna gets off the train with nothing but her wallet and her normal carrying items. Recently joining fairy tail she desided to make a trip back to her birth parents grave and visit her other parents temple.

She has just arrived back in Magnolia.

"Oh good sweet home....." she says breathing the fumes.

She suddenly uses her music carrier to change her music to her headphones to classical instead of pop.

"I wonder where they are...." she says.

I know the letter said there would be someone here for me when i got back. Something about a tournament I was suppose to be attending.
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Chris Lengheart(Miss Fiore)

Chris was a bit surprised as he was led to a seating area. He took a seat next to Kelica, but still didn't let go of her hand. Instead, he held her tight and smiled as his bare back leaned up against the chair. The only thing they could do for now was to simply just watch the rest of the contest before a winner was announced. But to be honest, who knew when that was going to be?

@PeteTSs @Zuka
Kayzo said:
Mizuki's cold and heartless look suddenly changed into a curious one as Ren, the man she was about to torture, began to...smile. This seemed like the most least likely expression to come from someone who was about to experience immense pain from her many different hexes and spells. Unless he liked pain as much as her? Her eyes flared for a moment before she brought him closer to her face. "Why would you be smiling? You're about to be tortured and your smiling? You should be begging for mercy." She said in a scary tone, her hands flaring with dark energy as she prepared a painful spell. However before she could use it, the little bundle of warmth broke away from her body as stood defiantly in front of the Dark Mage. It seemed that Alicia wanted Mizuki to forgive Ren, and that if she didn't the little one would never forgive her. This was one thing she didn't want, seeing that Alicia was truly the only positive thing in her life, one thing she didn't want to lose. Letting out a defeated sigh her extra appendages disappeared and dropped Ren to the floor, the scary Mage going back to her edgy, ribbon wrapped self. "Never pull something like that again..."
Valken - Millie stepped away and I still feel her bewbs against me - Miss Fiore Backstage

Valken almost completely forgot there was a bikini contest on, and when she mentioned saving that behaviour when they where alone...

It suddenly occured to him that Millie and himself had yet to spend any time alone; the closest was during the moment as she was shopping and he had sneaked up. Now he had no where to go after this contest, which would mean he would have to stay with her, which would mean their first night together....

What started as a simple prank by Ferra and now... He clenched his palms as they got sweaty; talking, joking, cuddling, yeah he could pretend like he'd been around the block but he was really the funny guy with the good imagination... He'd never been this close and personal with a girl in his entire life. He was panicing, and it was starting to show. His face stayed neutral, but his hands were beginning too shake.

Maybe he should lie and tell her he had another mission and leave? But he really didn't want to lie to her, not someone as nice and sweet as her. Some moments past as his mind raced, eyes unreadable as he looked to her.

He'd put on such a fascade as the sexy, ladies man and now it was biting him back. Damn White Lies!

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
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Angeliquie Perry] [SIZE=18px][I]Yuna: Magnolia Train Station [/I][/SIZE][SIZE=18px][I]@anyone [/I][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Salt Lord (ehlp out please.... its something to do)
Yuna gets off the train with nothing but her wallet and her normal carrying items. Recently joining fairy tail she desided to make a trip back to her birth parents grave and visit her other parents temple.

She has just arrived back in Magnolia.

"Oh good sweet home....." she says breathing the fumes.

She suddenly uses her music carrier to change her music to her headphones to classical instead of pop.

"I wonder where they are...." she says.

I know the letter said there would be someone here for me when i got back. Something about a tournament I was suppose to be attending.
After waiting for a few hours and no one shows she decides to head to the guild to see whats up; she blasts her music.

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