Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kelica - Behind Fairytail HQ

Kelica watched the world race on past, the wind flowing through her hair, eyes wide with excitement. She adored ridding on Chris for this exact reason, being as close to an animal as she would ever come in her lifetime, unless she could perfect the Partial Take Over. But it was alot harder then it looked. The falcon soared at the same pace as the group, barely breaking a sweat, and when Chris slowed down he fluttered his wings, hovering in mid air with curious yellow eyes. Kelica slide off to the side, letting her fingers brush through the fur of his shoulder, leaning in and nuzzling his face, before putting a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you for the ride, Chris." Once off, the falcon landed happily on Kelica's shoulder, eyes darting everywhere, head swivelling almost 360degrees. Kelica didn't mind, though the random brush of his feathers against her ear and the side of her face was something to get used to.

@Isune @PeteTSs

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora let out a soft noise of surprise as Hibiki pulled her into a comforting hug, the tears in her eyes slowly starting to be as if they just weren't present in the first place; to her relief. It was embarrassing enough that she'd gotten wound up in front of everyone, Lysander especially. " Thanks Hibi.. " Her words rolled off her tongue in a disheartened tone before she slumped back into her chair and watched him leave, seemingly content with just staying put for the time being to recollect herself completely. It took a few short but audible breaths before a small smile replaced the current glum look that had crossed her features. At Lysander's gentle touch her hues would slide to lock with his in a rather shocked manner, a weird sense of warmth embracing her entire frame as she listened to his words. Lysander was so shy and for him to reach out and actually be even remotely forward must have been something that took a good amount of courage to which she acknowledged by sliding her hand into his to hold it.

" I wouldn't be a good friend or team mate if I didn't stay to see Clair's performance when she's up. " A small smile followed her words accompanied by a gentle squeeze to his hand. " Plus, I'm enjoying being in your company. " She added in a quieter voice, obviously taking a leap by making that known. The acts by the next girls were simply watched through her peripherals as she studied Lysander curiously, trying to get a better read on him. The whole incident with Chris was pushed into the back of her mind and she made a small mental note to apologize to him later, they were in the same guild and shouldn't be arguing so it was only the right thing to do. " Oh, and if you stick with me, I'll accompany you to the upper levels later... if you're interested that is. " A mischievous smile was flashed in his direction through the splayed hair that obscurred her vision, a puff of air leaving her lips as the strands scattered to the sides. Sora was pretty curious if Lysander or the other fellow was going to join the tournament being held for the second day of the festival. However, she didn't want to press the issue since she was going to be in it and she didn't know how he'd feel if he knew there was a possibility he'd go against her.

To be honest, Sora wanted this competition to be over and that was something that also made her feel rather guilty, though she was happy to be here cheering everyone on it was also in a huge crowd that was slowly beginning to make her feel smaller and smaller. A shuffling fidget being made was visible, fingers tightening around Lysander's as she closed her eyes and pulled Nami closer with her free hand. She'd lasted pretty long in the crowd, used to being in the back near the door the previous years of the festival just so she knew she had an escape when she started to physically feel shut in which was starting to occur now. " Lysander, would you mind telling me a story? I just need a distraction of some sort. " Her voice shook a bit, a pleading edge to it. Nami lifted her head and stared up at Sora, trying to gauge if it was time to remove her from the crowd yet or not since the exceed knew how uncomfortable the girl got in them. Perhaps it was a stubborn persona that made her try to just move past the distressing feeling but she wasn't the type to want to make someone worry too much, especially about her.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari
Lloyd - Train at Magnolia Station

"There's no need to apologize,"
Lloyd murmured quietly back, one hand still rhythmically patting her back, the other hand gently removing the vomit-filled paper bag and passing a clean paper-bag to Isabelle. It had been a good thing he had the foresight to bring a few paper bags with him, just in case this sort of thing happened. He still felt that he should be the one apologizing because it had been his decision to take the train, but he did not want to overdo it. He would definitely treat Isabelle to something nice later, to make up for this discomfort.

He eyed the brown paper bag in indecision, crinkling his nose at the smell that emanated from it. He tried to ignore the glares from the other occupants in the carriage as he sealed the bag and placed it on the floor. And then he continued to pat Isabelle's back as she curled back into a ball. There was not much he could do other than wait, make sure Isabelle was as comfortable as she could be, and ignore the other occupants to the best of his ability.

It felt like a few years later even though it was really only half an hour, that the carriage finally stopped at Magnolia Station. The occupants had pretty much fled the moment the train stopped. "Um... Isabelle? We're finally here," he said, his voice slightly above a whisper. He picked up the vomit-filled paper bag and his knapsack and weapons, and then waited for her, ready to support her standing if need be.

purplepanda288 said:
Kim lock- exiting the flux realm

" Looks like your time is up dear. We'll continue this another time." Mother waved her hand motioning Kim to fall off the rise that she stood on.

Kim nodded, she jumped off the rose. As she hit the ground everything went black. The heart monitor started to go crazy. Kims plus went from a normal beat to a unnaturaly fast beat. Medics rushed around trying to stop her heart rate.

Kim opened her eyes, the purple stains dissipating from her skin. Leaving it the same pale color that is was before. Breathing heavily she yelled out form the pain in her head.

@Britt-21 @Rhodus @Genon

Lavender Gray

Lavender's eyes widen as Kim's heart started to Rise, causing the machine to beep more constantly now. Then, she woke up with a scream. Lavender went to push the doctors out of the way but one of them stopped her 'I'm sorry miss but you have to go and wait in the waiting room.' he then closed the curtain between Adrian, Ryu, Alfie, Lavender and Kim who had been on the bed. Miss Kim is in pain..But how? This worries me so, especially with this so called flux Turning towards the boys, she frowned softly and closed her eyes as she heard the screaming. Clearly, Lavender felt useless "If only I had stronger magic to help Miss Kim."

@Rhodus @Genon @purplepanda288 @Salt Lord
~Isabelle Dragneel~

It felt like centuries to her before the train stopped she slowly got up finally feeling some relief. It was amazing how motion sickness worked. She was going to have to do something nice for her Master for putting up with all of this. She just wanted to get on solid ground. The train was still rocking back and fourth slightly which didn't help much. Once she was off the train she took a deep breath finally feeling better. She went to the bathroom quickly washing out her mouth just in case. When she walked out she found her Master. "Thank you for enduring that." She says with a smile. She always hated riding the train but when she got off, she was just always fine.

Lysander - Ms Fiore Competition Audience

A surprised, yet pleased smile showed on Lysander's face as he felt Sora slide her hand into his and grasp it. He was also quite relieved that she had not taken offense at it. That smile turned into a shy one moments later as he heard her admit that she enjoyed his company. It was a huge relief, to be sure, to know that he had not been putting her off. He did not mind, really, remaining within the contest grounds. Simply being with Sora was more than enough for him knowing that in a way, his presence was a comfort to her, especially after what had just happened.

Yet, he also could not help feeling curious about the second and third floors. After all, if they were anything like Lamia Scale's Guild Hall, they would probably also comprise of storerooms, the library, the guild records and the Guild Master's office. He could see why the need for secrecy; it would not do for outsiders to find out information vital to the guild. "It's all right," he answered with a chuckle. "It's probably similar to what we have on our second floor as well, back in Lamia Scale's guild hall. I would not want you to get into trouble."

A concerned frown showed on his face then, as he felt Sora's tighten her grasp on his hand. He turned to her then, and saw, to his alarm that her eyes were closed and that she was holding Nami close as well. Her pleading voice requesting for a story set him on edge then, and Nami's just as concerned staring into Sora's face alarmed him even more. "Sora, are you all right?" He whispered, the concern showing in his voice. Sora had not wanted to leave the contest grounds because she had wanted to see Clair, but perhaps Clair would understand if Sora had to leave; after all, they both probably knew each other quite well. In addition, Lysander was not particularly imaginative; he tended to be more practical in his approach, so he knew of very little stories. "I'm sorry," he said finally, sounding rather helpless. "If you like, I could tell you about a mission that I went on, that happened a few years ago. But... I'm sure Clair would understand, if you're unable to see her performance..."

Lysander wondered if Sora tended to get claustrophobic around people, especially large crowds. He had seen such symptoms in Lloyd as well, and he knew that Lloyd tended to get extremely overwhelmed when faced with large crowds of people, to the point of simply disappearing. Perhaps that had been why he had yet to see Lloyd in Magnolia. Back then, Lloyd could simply disappear but now, as Guild Master, Lysander could not help wondering how Lloyd coped when he could no longer just disappear. And he had not even asked the man. He lowered his head, rather ashamed. He really could be quite a horrible person at times.

Mizuki: Ms. Fiore Backstage

Mizuki stared down at the piece of paper with a dissatisfied look. That didn't seem like anything special and was just a waste of time, even though she had nothing else to do. Her sketch meter also went off the top when she was told to place her hand on top of the symbol. This was how she put curses and such on people, by touching there hand, and now it seems that she was the one getting cursed. However she had to do it knowing that Alicia would take her place if she stepped out. Her pale hand slipped off of her covered body, revealing a small part of her stomach. She placed her hand on the paper and began to think about what she wanted. I want a knife so I can stab this guy afterwards. The dark Mage thought, waiting for something to happen.

Grace: Ms. Fiore audience

Grace blushed slightly as Masaki explained that there was no sunlight coming in, or that he'd ask members of Lamia Scale if she ever frowned. She could've kept defending herself by saying "Maya's illusions caused the sunlight" or "I just don't frown around you" but she decided against it, not wanting to make a bigger fool of herself. Leaning back in her seat, Grace decided that maybe she could play it off cool, and act as if it wasn't a big deal. Though she was really playing hard to get. She just wanted Masaki to tell her that she does look good compared to all those other girls. That'd make her day. "Alright, you got me there. I was frowning because I was upset, but it's not a big deal, ok? No need to worry about me." She said in the most chill voice she could, a small hint of frustration to tell him that she did want to talk.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari
Kayzo said:
Mizuki looked down at Alicia as she begged to see whatever the guy could do. She was quite curious herself to know what magic he may have that's so important. Hopefully it didn't hurt her little friend. "Fine. But I'm not paying you. And if this hurts me in any way you're a dead man." She warned, glaring at him. "Now hurry up."
@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Kayzo @anyone I missed

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

Bob was at a loss for words, while everyone else did some form of magic act, Millie seemed to of went the more..natural route. He half debated making a pervy comment, but seeing as one of the males in the crowd specifically cheered for her he assumed he was her boyfriend. No way in hell did he want to die today. In a effort to keep all of his teeth and possibly his life, he simply skipped commenting and announced the next contestant. "Next up is Tanari Vanaros, unaffiliated with any guild!" He announced.
Lloyd - Streets of Magnolia

Lloyd heaved a sigh of relief as they both managed to get off the train without further incident. They had been one of the last to emerge, and just in time, the voice overhead was announcing that the train would be leaving in five minutes time. Lloyd stayed where he was as he watched both their things as Isabelle rushed off to the toilet, and when she emerged and thanked him, he only smiled and dipped his head. "It looked far harder on you than it was for me. You look to be doing much better now, and I am glad to see that." He looked up. "Well, time to check out the festival, I suppose."

They emerged from the entrance of the station, into what seemed to be a colourful wonderland. Decorations hung from buildings and streetlamps, while the scent of food hung in the air, which reminded Lloyd that the last time he had eaten, it had been an hour ago. It was extremely noisy too; shouting, laughing, loud conversation and festive music exploded in his eardrums. And it was also extremely crowded. All he could see was people, and there was barely any space to walk without having to brush against someone. He could not help feeling slightly anxious at the thought of having to push his way through the throng of people.

He had been to Magnolia before, so he was at least somewhat familiar with the landmarks. But now, he was not so sure where to even start. So many people, so noisy, his first instinct was to look for somewhere quieter, to gather this thoughts. First and formost, they would need to find a place to stay; he could not forsee Isabelle having to take the train back to Magnolia six times just to attend the festival. "I suppose we should find a place to stay first," he said finally, turning to Isabelle. "Unless there is something else you want to do first?"

Auren Sol

"Alright, here goes!" Ren said excitedly as he grabbed a Solaris crystal from one of his pockets and held it up just behind the paper marked with the Sigil.

"Awaken." The crystal in his left hand and the Sigil on the paper began to emit a brilliant golden glow and all seemed to be going as planned until a zapping noise similar to arcing electricity began to come from the Sigil and little flecks of light seemed to bounce off the surface of the paper like fire embers.

"Uh oh..." the boy said realizing that he must have done something wrong. Suddenly, Mizuki's hand was engulfed in light making it look like a shining white silhouette. Before anyone could react, the light had completely encompassed her body. Immediately following this, the Sigil appeared to suck in the white silhouette like a vacuum and in one swift moment, it was gone. The whole process took less than a 2 seconds and now there was no evidence to suggest that Mizuki had been standing there at all. Ren was just standing there with a shocked expression before he broke out into panic.

"U-uh, I can explain! I just made a little mistake! It was just an accident I swear! Don't worry she's fine, really! I think...I hope..." he muttered getting progressively quieter as he frantically analyzed the Sigil to identify what went wrong.


Meanwhile, a Sigil had appeared in the ceiling of one of the hospital rooms, little particles of light pouring out of it. The tiny fragments of Mizuki reconvened to reform the white
silhouette of her. Shortly afterwards, Mizuki's natural physical properties were restored, including her ability to be affected by the pull of gravity. In accordance to this, she promptly fell right on top of poor Alfie who just happened to be directly underneath the Sigil. As their two bodies collided, they ended up in a position where Alfie was laying on his back with Mizuki on top of him. Their faces inches apart. It one didn't know any better, they'd mistake the super coincidental coincidence as an intimate moment between them. How 'unfortunate'! (ovO)

@Kayzo @Whoever owns Alfie

Alfie - Magnolia Hostpital

A few seconds after Alfie and friends were told to leave the room, Alfie's face lightened upon hearing Kim's soft voice from behind the curtain inquire her friends' whereabouts. Just before he could answer with a "Right here," a fancy, silhouette-like glyph drew itself on the ceiling above him, and what was worse was that before he could cancel it by blowing the roof away, he was smacked down hard. His gem flew out of his vest as he found himself lying on his back, some weight pushing down on him. He opened his eyes, still dizzied, and saw a big, scary face in front of him. It might have been romantic if Alfie had not suddenly extended his arm into the air past the lady who unfortunately landed on him, and almost immediately after, the black haired wizard was hanging in the air by her throat, pink steel-like razors cutting into her. The wizard stood up, still trying to collect his senses before noticing his gem was on the floor, quite a few feet away from him, and he hurriedly brought it back to him with a string. Alfie wiped it on his vest and put it back in his pocket before looking back up at Mizuki with a glare yet still keeping a small smile. With another swift motion of his hand, a countless number of razored wires slid around the lady hanging by her neck, trapping and cutting her further.

Mizuki didn't have any time to react when she was suddenly whisked away from Alicia and into a completely foreign area. To make things worse she was laying on top of a boy. Their bodies were touching and it made the dark Mage feel so uncomfortable. She was only able to stare down at him for a few moments, her gaze cold and confused, before she was brought up into the air, being hung by her neck. The ribbons that strung her up were cutting into her skin, and Mizuki didn't exactly hate it. The tightness felt kinda nice, but the razors were a bit annoying. However she could endure them easily as if it was a small breeze. "This is what I thought would happen. That strange man would teleport me to someone who would execute me. Hurry up and do it." She said in an unwavering voice, her expression the same way.

@Salt Lord
Alfie tilted his head in confusion as the girl didn't show a single sign of fear. Well, with how she looked and acted, it wasn't all that surprising. Quite honestly, he admired her ability to say something like that in the face of death. He respected her, and as she asked for execution, Alfie decided to respect that, too. But as much as he tried, he just couldn't bring it upon himself to actually kill her. No, the wizard was far too nice for that... but what if he didn't? Would she try to attack him for not doing what she told him? Well, none of that would matter anyway, because even if he did care, he still couldn't kill her. Besides, she still had a reason to live.

"I don't know anything about a strange man trying to teleport you to your death, but I know you have a reason not to die. Would it really be wise to leave her to fend for herself?"
The wizard knew she would get what he meant, even if it did seem a little suspicious that he would know about the only person she could tolerate. The strings had pulled themselves back into nothingness, allowing Mizuki free movement. However, he did throw up a wall of thick arrows, just in case she wanted a fight.

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Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

"Alright, here goes!" Ren said excitedly as he grabbed a Solaris crystal from one of his pockets and held it up just behind the paper marked with the Sigil.

"Awaken." The crystal in his left hand and the Sigil on the paper began to emit a brilliant golden glow and all seemed to be going as planned until a zapping noise similar to arcing electricity began to come from the Sigil and little flecks of light seemed to bounce off the surface of the paper like fire embers.

"Uh oh..." the boy said realizing that he must have done something wrong. Suddenly, Mizuki's hand was engulfed in light making it look like a shining white silhouette. Before anyone could react, the light had completely encompassed her body. Immediately following this, the Sigil appeared to suck in the white silhouette like a vacuum and in one swift moment, it was gone. The whole process took less than a 2 seconds and now there was no evidence to suggest that Mizuki had been standing there at all. Ren was just standing there with a shocked expression before he broke out into panic.

"U-uh, I can explain! I just made a little mistake! It was just an accident I swear! Don't worry she's fine, really! I think...I hope..." he muttered getting progressively quieter as he frantically analyzed the Sigil to identify what went wrong.


Meanwhile, a Sigil had appeared in the ceiling of one of the hospital rooms, little particles of light pouring out of it. The tiny fragments of Mizuki reconvened to reform the white
silhouette of her. Shortly afterwards, Mizuki's natural physical properties were restored, including her ability to be affected by the pull of gravity. In accordance to this, she promptly fell right on top of poor Alfie who just happened to be directly underneath the Sigil. As their two bodies collided, they ended up in a position where Alfie was laying on his back with Mizuki on top of him. Their faces inches apart. It one didn't know any better, they'd mistake the super coincidental coincidence as an intimate moment between them. How 'unfortunate'! (ovO)

@Kayzo @Whoever owns Alfie
Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage

Alicia watched as the sigil lit up, though she could do little more than watch in panic as it engulfed Mizuki. A few seconds later and she was gone. Her eyes widened in shock and fear as she registered that Mizuki was gone, in the end she started crying, both from what Auren said and the fact she was gone and she caused it. If she hadn't pushed her to see what he was going to do..no. It was Auren's fault for tricking them.

She turned to glare up at him, still crying. "What do you mean she's probably fine! What did you do to Mizuki! You tricked us!" She shouted at him. "What did you do her! Bring her back!" She added, running up to him and beating his stomach with her small fists. Which really, probably didn't even hurt, the girl wasn't exactly strong in the least. "Bring her back! Please..." She begged him. I'm sorry Mizuki..please be okay..please..
Mizuki patiently awaited her death, her eyes fixed intently on the stranger that would kill her. Not once did she blink, her Amber eyes filled with irritation if anything. However her death never came as she felt the ribbons that were wrapped tightly around her body ease up until they disappeared. She found it strange that he decided to let her live, and was even more surprised at the mention of Alicia. Though she didn't say her name directly the dark mage knew exactly what he was talking about. Her eyes narrowed and she took a step forward only to stop herself at the sight of the many arrows. The stranger did have a point, Alicia would be devastated if she was killed, so for now she had to live. "You have a point. I suppose I do need to live for her." Suddenly something struck with Mizuki. The pink hair, the ribbons, and the aura, this was the first contestant of the Ms. Fire contest! But she was a he. "Now bikini boy, tell me where we are."

@Salt Lord
Alfie smiled as the edgy shadow lady realized she couldn't die quite yet and was even happier when she didn't fuss about his knowing of Alicia. He kept his expression when he was ordered to tell her where they were. "We're at the hospital for a sick friend. It might not have been the best idea for you to drop in like this, seeing as how things are a little grave, but I'm sure you didn't mean it. The exit is over there if you need to leave. With the way you act, I can tell you aren't a people person," the wizard explained, pointing behind him, and as he inched out of the way of the path, the wall of arrows moved with him yet constantly keeping the sharpened bits pointed toward his dangerous counterpart. If she wasn't so scary, I'd have liked to talked to her a bit more. She seems like she could keep a secret.

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage
Alicia watched as the sigil lit up, though she could do little more than watch in panic as it engulfed Mizuki. A few seconds later and she was gone. Her eyes widened in shock and fear as she registered that Mizuki was gone, in the end she started crying, both from what Auren said and the fact she was gone and she caused it. If she hadn't pushed her to see what he was going to do..no. It was Auren's fault for tricking them.

She turned to glare up at him, still crying. "What do you mean she's probably fine! What did you do to Mizuki! You tricked us!" She shouted at him. "What did you do her! Bring her back!" She added, running up to him and beating his stomach with her small fists. Which really, probably didn't even hurt, the girl wasn't exactly strong in the least. "Bring her back! Please..." She begged him. I'm sorry Mizuki..please be okay..please..
Auren Sol

Ren was too preoccupied studying the Sigil to pay attention to Alicia who was pleading with him to bring Mizuki back. After a little, a sigh of relief escaped him. He folded the paper and put it into his pocket before kneeling down so he was eye level with Alicia, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"It's going to be alright. I took a careful look at the sigil and it turns out I made a mistake drawing it. It looks like she was teleported somewhere else in town. I can't tell you exactly where but if she's as strong as she looks, she'll be just fine...I hope. I'm really, really sorry I did that. It was stupid of me to get caught up in showing off. If you want, we can go look for her together. I know you don't have any reason to trust me but...I-I want to make things right." he said with resolve. Although his voice seemed calm, he was in pain on the inside for causing Alicia to cry by making her think her friend was hurt, or worse. It was especially frustrating since he hated the type of people who would intentionally do something like he had just done. They no doubt thought he'd tricked them into falling for some sort of trap.

Closing his eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath, he stood back up and held out his hand to the little girl, waiting for her reaction.
"I'm not done with you yet." Mizuki explained, walking towards the exit but stopping in front of him. She didn't understand why he believed her to be an anti-people person. She thought that she was a pretty social person at times, especially when she was hurting people. "I want to know why you joined that terrible contest? You're a male, and yet you joined. And don't try to deny it, I could sense it in you." She questioned, crossing her arms and staring right into his eyes. "And put those arrows away, I won't hurt you. Though I don't mind the ribbons..."

@Salt Lord
Alfie slightly froze as he hadn't expected the lady to continue speaking to him, but his words came out fine. With a snap, the wall of arrows slid back into the ground as he began to speak confidently, "Can you keep a secret? I think everyone here's heard and seen enough already," he paused, looking around the room at his friends who had (probably) been staring at the two ever since she fell onto him.

Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

Ren was too preoccupied studying the Sigil to pay attention to Alicia who was pleading with him to bring Mizuki back. After a little, a sigh of relief escaped him. He folded the paper and put it into his pocket before kneeling down so he was eye level with Alicia, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"It's going to be alright. I took a careful look at the sigil and it turns out I made a mistake drawing it. It looks like she was teleported somewhere else in town. I can't tell you exactly where but if she's as strong as she looks, she'll be just fine...I hope. I'm really, really sorry I did that. It was stupid of me to get caught up in showing off. If you want, we can go look for her together. I know you don't have any reason to trust me but...I-I want to make things right." he said with resolve. Although his voice seemed calm, he was in pain on the inside for causing Alicia to cry by making her think her friend was hurt, or worse. It was especially frustrating since he hated the type of people who would intentionally do something like he had just done. They no doubt thought he'd tricked them into falling for some sort of trap.

Closing his eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath, he stood back up and held out his hand to the little girl, waiting for her reaction.
Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage

Alicia stared at Auren as he knelt down talking to her, slowly calming down the more he spoke. It was an accident? Better yet, Mizuki was okay? The question was..should she believe him? She'd never seen the guy before in her life, and the one time she did see him he teleported Mizuki away from her. But..if it was true..she'd need help to find her. Hesitantly she wiped her eyes with one hand and grabbed his hand with the other.

You better not be lying, or else." She replied, looking up at him seriously. "Come on, let's look for her." She told him before walking a bit ahead of him and tugging on his arm. If she was strong enough to of drug him along she would of done so. "What's your name anyway?" She asked him, though it was more of a demand than anything.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage
Alicia stared at Auren as he knelt down talking to her, slowly calming down the more he spoke. It was an accident? Better yet, Mizuki was okay? The question was..should she believe him? She'd never seen the guy before in her life, and the one time she did see him he teleported Mizuki away from her. But..if it was true..she'd need help to find her. Hesitantly she wiped her eyes with one hand and grabbed his hand with the other.

You better not be lying, or else." She replied, looking up at him seriously. "Come on, let's look for her." She told him before walking a bit ahead of him and tugging on his arm. If she was strong enough to of drug him along she would of done so. "What's your name anyway?" She asked him, though it was more of a demand than anything.
Auren Sol

When Alicia took his hand, Ren brightened u ever so slightly. He didn't show any noticeable sign of fear at her threat. She was a 10 year old girl after all. Although...he couldn't help but notice the slight dark edge to her voice so he made a mental note not to get her angry anyway.

"I'm Auren, Ren is fine though. It's uh, nice to meet you..." he said a little uneasily. The adorable, yet serious look in her eyes was a clear indication that she wasn't in the mood for any dillydallying. As he led her to the exit of the building, he completely neglected to realize she was wearing a swimsuit. He was too focused on attending to the problem at hand.
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Mizuki's eyes flashed in amusement as the stranger explained it was a secret, though the rest of her face remained expressionless. "Do not worry, I'll keep it inside. In fact, I think that's brave." She explained, rubbing her hands together and looking towards the exit, until something he said suddenly registered. There were other people in the room, and she was still in her swimsuit. Her pale face soon turned bright red as she realized what was going on. People could see her exposed, and up close. "Quick, wrap me up in your ribbons! I can't be seen like this...."

@Salt Lord
Alfie nodded happily as he began to walk toward the exit, but then she began freaking out about something... Her swimsuit? Until she mentioned it, the wizard had no idea she was in one. Her body wasn't his point of focus. "Alrighty. Purple? Yes, I think purple is your color." Without a single blush, he raised his arm and open hand suddenly, a single yet long purple ribbon extended up from the ground and wrapped around the girl's body rather tightly. It covered her completely from the neck down, extending into a gown from the waist. This suit of ribbons left nothing but her head revealed, just like how Mizuki wanted it. "Is that better? Quite honestly, I know how you feel, and if the swimsuit wasn't required of me, I'd have liked to enter the contest with the fanciest dress I could find. Now, let's go." Alfie walked out with longs strides, his hands folded in front of him.

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Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora nodded at his words and nudged Nami gently as she released her tight hold on the exceed. Nami's wings appeared at the notion that they would be leaving, taking the time to stretch upon the girl's lap and then hover above her in a cheerful manner. Both Nami and Sora preferred to be in the sky since the sense of freedom it gave them was unrivaled so far, the world being laid down beneath you was a feeling that the two found an immense amount of comfort in. Her eyes came to hesitant opening, a weird expression following, as she tried not to focus on all of the people around them but instead focus her gaze on Lysander whom seemed to root her into a more comfortable sense of being. Usually only certain friends of hers were capable of giving her that kind of reassurance but she was glad that she had found that in Lysander as well. A small smile spread, figure coming to a stand, hand holding its firm grasp upon his as she gave a gentle tug to indicate for him follow. " Let's step outside then, I'll watch her from there. " Though 'from there' wasn't exactly specific for what the blue haired girl had in mind, it should've been said as 'from up there' but he'd soon be dragged there if he decided to come along.

Sora slid her hand out of his for a small moment to rearrange and tidy up her hair, the ponytails being nurtured back from their messy state and the cat-like ears being re-positioned. A satisfied nod was given from her blind handiwork, that'd have to do since it couldn't possibly look any worse then how it appeared previously. Without hesitance her hand would reach for his again, the urgency of that was because of how it made her feel; anchored, safe, something she desperately needed at the moment. She suddenly realized how needy she was being, relying on him to get through her fear of the crowd and they barely knew one another. A soft blush soon occupied her cheeks once again, it'd seem they weren't going to be any other colour but red for the rest of the day due to all the happiness and embarrassment that kept occurring. Sora led him out of the competition area, pushing past the people and keeping a tight hold on Lysander's hand to make sure he didn't get separated. Nami slowly followed from above, eyes scanning the area with disinterest, the exceed not seeing any pastries to fill her growing appetite which disheartened her greatly.

They finally made it outside, the relief on Sora's face one almost to laugh at since she'd kiss the ground at their feet if she knew that wouldn't look extremely weird. Her hand slipped out of his once again as she spun around, arms spread out, hair seeming to fly out in unison to match the length of them. She never knew how people managed to be comfortable surrounded by a lot of people, being squished in and having their voices become overwhelming as multiple conversations go on around you that drown your thoughts and make it impossible to even think a singular thought of your own. The bright smile on her face only widened as she stopped twirling and faced Lysander, her dress falling to a fluttering stop against her frame. " I'm really sorry to drag you out like that, I feel selfish. " She mumbled, eyes searching his to see if he seemed upset at all. " How are you with heights? " Sora inquired, head tilting to the side. Maybe he was afraid of them or they made him sick, that'd be a bummer but not enough reason for her to not want to spend time with him; those were little things.


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