Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Rhodus said:
Genon said:
Adrian watched as Kimberly passed out in front of him. He wanted to say something, but the situation was already being taken care of as efficiently as possible for the most part. Adrian disappeared into a mass of purple light, leaving nothing behind. He was out of the crowd now, and near Ryu, Lavender, and Kim.
He pulled out his cell phone and dialed 911. Yes, there was in fact a 911 system in Fiore. Why? Because I said so. Adrian could be heard saying, "There's a medical emergency. A Fairy Tail wizard who was in the swimsuit competition passed out in the audience. She's really, really warm. We're giving her water now. Please get here as fast as possible. We're near a bench on Makarov Avenue. We're all Fairy Tail wizards, we should stand out like a sore thumb. Alright, good. Goodbye."

With that, Adrian hung up. "The paramedics should get here in about five minutes. They've got extra personnel here for the festival."
Lavender Gray - With Ryu, Adrian, and passed out Kim

Lavender took the water as the boy handed it to her "Thank you." with that, she put some water in her hand and gently put it on Kim's face to cool her down at least a little bit and bring her back to the world. Not too long afterwards, she heard Adrian on the phone talking to someone, but listening fearther it was him talking to an emergency contact. 911 perhaps? Lavender spoke after Adrian warned that the paramedics were going to be with them shortly "I recall Miss Kim saying something before she passed out." golden eyes looked at both of them "Another of the Stars. Does that bring any curiosity to your minds?" her voice hadnt been paniced, just very calm.

@Genon @Rhodus @purplepanda288

Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contest


Ryu returned to the others a few minutes later, holding an entire case of bottled water. "
Sorry it took a little while," He said, opening one of the bottles and handing it to Lavender, trusting her medical skills more than his own. "I had to go all the way to the refreshment stand to get the water," He stood beside Lavender as she attended to Kim, still anxious about Kim's well being.


Sabrina---Fairy Tail Courtyard

"Thank you, Kelica. You really are a true friend. Oh, look! There's Chris!" Sabrina said, pointing at the approaching figure. "Hey Chris. So, how'd you like Kelica's performance, hmm?" Sabrina finished with a slight grin on her face. "Oh, hi person walking behind Chris. What's up?"

@Isune @Zuka @LeSoraAmari

short post because I'm currently in school lol
@Genon[/URL] @Rhodus @purplepanda288


"Honestly, I have no clue what she means by that, but if I didn't know Kimberly I would have said that it has something to do with Celestial Spirits. Thing is, she's not even a Celestial Wizard, so that's probably out. If you want, you could see if Hercules or Pegasus know anything, but I'm leaning more towards a delusion brought on by high fever."

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Chris Lengheart(Behind fairytail guildhall)

Chris only waved as Sabrina went through her hellos. It was apparent that Habiki had followed him as he only rolled his eyes at having to apologize to Sora and Naomi. "Okay since they can do no wrong and I'm the big, bad beast of this story." was all he said with obvious rage in his tone. Why did everyone think that those two were innocent angels?

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari @PeteTSs
@Genon[/URL] @Rhodus @purplepanda288


Genon said:
"Honestly, I have no clue what she means by that, but if I didn't know Kimberly I would have said that it has something to do with Celestial Spirits. Thing is, she's not even a Celestial Wizard, so that's probably out. If you want, you could see if Hercules or Pegasus know anything, but I'm leaning more towards a delusion brought on by high fever."

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contest


Ryu shook his head in response to Lavender's question. "No sorry," He said, a somber expression on his face. "I don't have any idea what that might mean," He continued to keep an eye on Kim's unconscious form, hoping for the EMT's to come soon.


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Lavender Gray

She looked between the two boys and nodded softly "I shall call upon Pegasus." gently laying Kim on the bench, she got up and pulled a key from the small pouch on her waist and held it out as if she was going to open a door "Open, Gate of the Pegasus." with that, a doorbell sound was made and a light appeared before vanishing to reveal a Pegasus who was standing there, shaking it's wings out "Pega" the golden eyed warrior said with a soft smile as she walked over and gently petted his Muzzle "It is good to see you. I have a question for you, hopefully you'll understand it since us humans so far have no idea about it." the Pegasus nodded 'Anything for Miss Lavnder' the horse said "Could you identify what "Another of the Stars" mean?"

The horse stared at her, clearly in thought as he tried to figure it out "Well Lavender, it could mean many of things, it could mean another Celestial Spirit will be found, or it could mean something around a newborn baby. This saying is not very clear. I could even say that you're Another of the Stars. Meaning that you're another amazing woman in the world." the horse said as he closed his eyes being gently petted by the warrior's gentle and soft hands.

"I see..Well, I do thank you for your help, Pega." she kissed his Muzzle "You may go now." with that, the horse vanished "Well it seems we may not know what "Another of the stars" mean anytime soon. When Miss Kim wakes up, we shall ask her if she has any idea on what that could mean."

@purplepanda288 @Genon @Rhodus
Hibiki Dreyar: Forest Behind Fairy Tail Guild HQ

Listening to Chris speak, Hibiki sighed. He was taking everything completely out of context. "I didn't say they can 'do no wrong'." He paused for a moment before continuing, "And you don't need to get angry at me. Sora and Nami will apologise to you too if it really bothers you that much, but Sora was only defending her friend so really she isn't in the wrong. Yes she retaliated, but you carried it on. And you're meant to be the adult." Placing his hands in his pockets, he looked at Chris again and sent a smile the mans way. Hopefully he'd calm down soon.

Genon said:
"Honestly, I have no clue what she means by that, but if I didn't know Kimberly I would have said that it has something to do with Celestial Spirits. Thing is, she's not even a Celestial Wizard, so that's probably out. If you want, you could see if Hercules or Pegasus know anything, but I'm leaning more towards a delusion brought on by high fever."
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contest


Ryu shook his head in response to Lavender's question. "No sorry," He said, a somber expression on his face. "I don't have any idea what that might mean," He continued to keep an eye on Kim's unconscious form, hoping for the EMT's to come soon.



Lavender Gray

She looked between the two boys and nodded softly "I shall call upon Pegasus." gently laying Kim on the bench, she got up and pulled a key from the small pouch on her waist and held it out as if she was going to open a door "Open, Gate of the Pegasus." with that, a doorbell sound was made and a light appeared before vanishing to reveal a Pegasus who was standing there, shaking it's wings out "Pega" the golden eyed warrior said with a soft smile as she walked over and gently petted his Muzzle "It is good to see you. I have a question for you, hopefully you'll understand it since us humans so far have no idea about it." the Pegasus nodded 'Anything for Miss Lavnder' the horse said "Could you identify what "Another of the Stars" mean?"

The horse stared at her, clearly in thought as he tried to figure it out "Well Lavender, it could mean many of things, it could mean another Celestial Spirit will be found, or it could mean something around a newborn baby. This saying is not very clear. I could even say that you're Another of the Stars. Meaning that you're another amazing woman in the world." the horse said as he closed his eyes being gently petted by the warrior's gentle and soft hands.

"I see..Well, I do thank you for your help, Pega." she kissed his Muzzle "You may go now." with that, the horse vanished "Well it seems we may not know what "Another of the stars" mean anytime soon. When Miss Kim wakes up, we shall ask her if she has any idea on what that could mean."


-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contest


Ryu listened intently to what Pegasus said about Kim's words. He was once again at a loss, as he knew almost nothing about celestial magic. He continued to listen motionless until Kim toppled over. He reacted almost instantly, rushing in to catch Kim's unconscious form before she hit the ground. "That was far too close," He said, exhaling a sigh of relief. He laid Kim back down onto the stands carefully, looking around to see if the EMT's were there yet.

purplepanda288 said:
Kim lock- bench ,passed out
Kim stupidly turned and fell off the beach. She still had not woken up, thankfully she did cool down. " Another of the stars." She mumbled. Her arms and the area around her eye turned purple. They pulsed and then faded.

Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contest


Ryu listened intently to what Pegasus said about Kim's words. He was once again at a loss, as he knew almost nothing about celestial magic. He continued to listen motionless until Kim toppled over. He reacted almost instantly, rushing in to catch Kim's unconscious form before she hit the ground. "That was far too close," He said, exhaling a sigh of relief. He laid Kim back down onto the stands carefully, looking around to see if the EMT's were there yet.

A jolt ran through Adrian's body as he saw Kim falling off the bench, but thankfully Ryu stepped in and caught her. "Agreed," Adrian said. "And also, now I'm 100% sure this is magic-related. See those purple spots on her arms and eye? She fell into a container of flux--leftover magic waste, basically--when she was little, and she eventually got the ability to control flux directly. Those purple spots are skin discoloration from the incident. Her illness might be caused by her flux exposure all those years ago."

Then he heard sirens approaching. The paramedics had finally arrived, and they gingerly put Kim into a gurney and drove her away, to the hospital.

Lavender Gray - With Paramedics and kim on the way to the hospital

Lavender noticed that Kim was falling and this cause her stomach to do flips. But with Ryu's speed, he caught her just in time before she can hit her head on the ground. That was untill Adrian started speaking about Flux and how Kim had fallen into it as a young girl and thats what might be causing this "Fell into a container of Flux? I've never heard of such a term before in my time of walking Earthland." you learn something new every day "I just hope that the medics could help her." and that's when the paramedics arrived and took Kim. "I shall be going with Kim." without fearther words, she followed along with the paramedics. Her fellow guildmates come first. Her resting can come later.​
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage
But..you said you hated everyone..And you seemed mad earlier." She told her before sniffling. "I'm sorry if you're mad at me, you can tell me." She added. Maybe Mizuki really did hate her now and she just found her crying annoying. She figured in that case she should probably stop crying, but the fact that she made Mizuki hate her made her sad. It was possible she mis-understood things, possibly..but there was also the chance she didn't.
Mizuki sighed quietly and continued to pet the small girl's head. She didn't want Alicia to start crying before her performance seeing that it would hurt her score, so she had to think of something fast. "Everyone except you Alicia. I could never hate you." She explained, still allowing her to be hugged. Her hands wrapped around Alicia as she hugged her back, the dark Mage disgusted with herself. She was showing so much weakness right now and it felt terrible. If Lucian was here that'd be even worse. "how about I take the hex off of you? The cute pose one. Would you like that?"
Kayzo said:
Mizuki sighed quietly and continued to pet the small girl's head. She didn't want Alicia to start crying before her performance seeing that it would hurt her score, so she had to think of something fast. "Everyone except you Alicia. I could never hate you." She explained, still allowing her to be hugged. Her hands wrapped around Alicia as she hugged her back, the dark Mage disgusted with herself. She was showing so much weakness right now and it felt terrible. If Lucian was here that'd be even worse. "how about I take the hex off of you? The cute pose one. Would you like that?"
Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage

Alicia sniffed and looked up at Mizuki when she said she'd never hate her, she smiled and hugged her tighter when she started hugging her back. "Yay!" She told her excitedly. She was glad Mizuki didn't hate her, she was probably her best friend in the guild after all. She did kind of take care of her while everyone was gone too. She nodded when she asked her about the hex, though the fact she listed that hex specifically instead of saying 'the hex' concerned her.

"Yes please. If you're sure you don't mind, I know you liked annoying Master Gilad with it so..you don't have to if you don't want to." She replied. Though, it still concerned her. Had she placed multiple hexes on her without her knowing?... She'd be sure to ask later.
Chris Lengheart(Behind Fairytail guildhall)

Chris only rolled his eyes as he finally spoke, "It's that damn exceed. Of course everyone thinks that she didn't do anything. But a week ago she threw cake at me, which was understandable since I was a bit drunk at the time. But now, she thinks that she can get away with it again. But of course I'm still the bad 'moo man' in this situation." he said all at once while suddenly standing up. "I honestly don't intend on apologizing, at least not right now. So, you should best be on your way. I'm sure Sora needs you right now anyways."

Genon said:
A jolt ran through Adrian's body as he saw Kim falling off the bench, but thankfully Ryu stepped in and caught her. "Agreed," Adrian said. "And also, now I'm 100% sure this is magic-related. See those purple spots on her arms and eye? She fell into a container of flux--leftover magic waste, basically--when she was little, and she eventually got the ability to control flux directly. Those purple spots are skin discoloration from the incident. Her illness might be caused by her flux exposure all those years ago."
Then he heard sirens approaching. The paramedics had finally arrived, and they gingerly put Kim into a gurney and drove her away, to the hospital.

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Kim lock, Mother.- In the flux realm

" Why have you brought me here mother?!" Kim yelled, here voice had an echo effect. Her skin was completely taken over by the purple pigment. Fibrous flowers and grass grew around her like some type of wild fire. One of the flowers lifted her above unit the sky. There she saw her, the calm and collected mother.

" Dear Kim, daughter of mine. I'm sorry to pull you from your body." Mother hummed, her voice soft and mellow. " another of the stars, above the savior...below the surface. Do you understand dear?" Everything seemed calculated with mother, the way she speaks the way she acts. Everything. " There's something coming. I can't tell you what it is for that stream of time is blurry, All I can say is be are careful with the actions you make."

Kim nodded. " I do t understand what your message is, but I'll take it. " Kim sat down on the giant rose. She looked around her. This place was her home when she was young, seeing mother was like seeing your family after a lifetime of waiting. She loved mother and mother loved her. That's how it always was since the day she fell into the flux container.

@to no one in particular

As Adrian sat in the ambulance with Ryu, Lavender, and Kim, he looked at the sleeping girl with obvious concern. He tried to distract himself by bringing his attention to the various pieces of medical equipment in the room--for some reason, he found technology and specialized equipment quite interesting to examine--his attention was always brought back to the unconscious, feverish girl in front of him. He watched as the purple spots kept growing and growing. Soon her entire body had turned purple. Yep, it was flux exposure alright. That stuff was almost as toxic as arcane particles. He just hoped she made it out of this alive.
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Lavender frowned softly as she watched Kim. She was turning purple for goodness sake and no one could stop it! Not even the Lavender Gray could stop something such as this. It made the warrior feel useless in some way "I am sorry Miss Kim.." she muttered. She had only just met the woman and now she was going to the hospital with her because of some Flux thing "We should tell the guild what happened when everything calms down after the contest." Golden eyes looked at the boys I wish there was something we could do to stop this magic flux. Sadly, we cannot do anything but sit here and let the doctors do their job.

@Genon @Rhodus @purplepanda288
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Alfie - Ambulance

Alfie looked down at Kim with a worry of expression on his face. "So it's flux that's doing this...?" He turned to Adrian as though he would confirm his question. The girl's body looked awful, purple welts covering her skin, her face covered in agony... "What would happen if I tried to heal her? Would that work?" Obviously, it wasn't a very smart question, but Alfie wanted to make sure nothing else would work before putting out what he really thought would do the trick. What he had in mind could be a little dangerous, but it might not be as bad as the result of flux itself... might.

Kelica - Behind Fairytail HQ

Frank, as his name was now, toddled over back to Kelica and Sabrina, this time hopping into Sabrina's lap and flapping out it's wings, snuggling down like one might a cat. Kelica's green eyes floated up as she saw Chris grumble his way over, taking his cake coated shirt off. She looked between him and Hibiki, figuring out what had transpired from the comments of both. "It doesn't matter Chris, I prefer you without a shirt anyway... " She giggled. "We can always buy a new one anyway. That place was too stuffy, that's why I came here. Also this is Frank, you know the falcon from a week ago? Well he wants to follow us.." Frank fluttered his wings happily in Sabrina's lap.

@PeteTSs @Isune @LeSoraAmari
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Behind Fairytail guildhall)

Chris only rolled his eyes as he finally spoke, "It's that damn exceed. Of course everyone thinks that she didn't do anything. But a week ago she threw cake at me, which was understandable since I was a bit drunk at the time. But now, she thinks that she can get away with it again. But of course I'm still the bad 'moo man' in this situation." he said all at once while suddenly standing up. "I honestly don't intend on apologizing, at least not right now. So, you should best be on your way. I'm sure Sora needs you right now anyways."

Hibiki Dreyar: Forest Behind Fairy Tail Guild HQ

Hibiki shook his head. If there was one word you could use to describe Hibiki then it would be stubborn. It was impossible to change his mind or deter him from doing something as soon as he's set his sights on if, and at this moment, he planned to stay right there. "No." Hibiki said simply, crossing his arms over. "Not until you promise to apologise, until then I'll just keep going on and on about it until you go insane." He sighed before lowering his hands to his sides. "You're meant to be the adult here, you need to stop hiding away and go apologise. She'll do the same back to you." It was in that moment that Kelica began to speak and in response, Hibiki sent a big, kind smile her way. He'd be sure to congratulate her on her performance in the contest later.


Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage
Alicia sniffed and looked up at Mizuki when she said she'd never hate her, she smiled and hugged her tighter when she started hugging her back. "Yay!" She told her excitedly. She was glad Mizuki didn't hate her, she was probably her best friend in the guild after all. She did kind of take care of her while everyone was gone too. She nodded when she asked her about the hex, though the fact she listed that hex specifically instead of saying 'the hex' concerned her.

"Yes please. If you're sure you don't mind, I know you liked annoying Master Gilad with it so..you don't have to if you don't want to." She replied. Though, it still concerned her. Had she placed multiple hexes on her without her knowing?... She'd be sure to ask later.

Mizuki: Ms. Fiore backstage

Mizuki hissed quietly as she was hugged tighter, but made no effort to push back the girl. She didn't have the heart to do such a thing, not that she really had one in the first place. And though she thought that the certain curse that she placed on Alicia was extremely entertaining, she'd take it off for her sake. Besides, she did have many more hexes on the girl, though most of them were to keep track of where she was or what she was saying. Nothing to bad or borderline stalkish, right? "No Little One, I'll take it off of you. But you can't hug me while I do it, or I'll put it right back on." She warned, petting her head one last time before trying to pry herself from the little girls grasp.

Chris Lengheart(Behind Fairytail guildhall)

Chris only shook his head as Habiki began to say that he had to promise he would. Chris looked at him and with a sigh, finally said something,"I'll apologize next time I see her. Now leave." Chris obviously didn't want to deal with Habiki at the moment, he only stared at Kelica for a moment as he sighed again and waited for Habiki to leave already. Frankly, Chris just wanted to go home now. The swimsuit contest was pretty much ruined for him.

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari @PeteTSs
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Alfie - Ambulance

Alfie looked down at Kim with a worry of expression on his face. "So it's flux that's doing this...?" He turned to Adrian as though he would confirm his question. The girl's body looked awful, purple welts covering her skin, her face covered in agony... "What would happen if I tried to heal her? Would that work?" Obviously, it wasn't a very smart question, but Alfie wanted to make sure nothing else would work before putting out what he really thought would do the trick. What he had in mind could be a little dangerous, but it might not be as bad as the result of flux itself... might.


"Honestly, I have no idea. But Flux is almost as volatile as arcane particles. It doesn't have the random differentiation aspect that the arcane does, but frankly I'm not sure it'll help. I'm reasonably sure that the hospital can deal with this, but I guess you could try and see if it works."
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

The name 'Mizuki' pulled him out of his thoughts and he focused his attention back to the stage. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as she simply walked out, glared at the crowd, muttered how she hated everyone and walked backstage. He never, for even a moment, expected Sabertooth to take the crown in this competition and Mizuki was doing her best to ensure he was right. They would simply have to redeem themselves tomorrow, during the combat tournament. He turned his gaze to the crowd and noted that it had thinned somewhat as people came and went to enjoy other parts of the festival. A part of him was tempted to follow suit, however he still had contestants to see. He wasn't about to miss Master Kaiser or Alicia after all.

A strange noise drew his attention from the crowd, causing him to look skyward. Not more than a few feet above him was a boy repeatedly crying 'no' as he fell from the heavens. Almost as soon as he took note of the boy the two had collided, the boy falling to the ground beside him as he stumbled forward before regaining his balance. He quickly whipped around, his cape fluttering as he spun to face the boy that had landed on top of him. He strode a few steps forward, standing next to the lad as he was on the ground. His arms were folded over his chest, a cold glare bearing down on the lad as he got to his feet. He quickly took note of who, exactly, was the culprit as the boy got to his feet. Knowing who was responsible further fueled his discontent, his glare nearly rivaling Mizuki's at this point.

"Mr. Auren Sol, it is good to see you at Magnolia's wonderful festival. That was quite the entrance you made." His voice was stern and cold, his tone and expression doing little to hide his emotions. He took quick side-glances at the crowd as those around were watching the spectacle. He focused his glare back on the boy, letting his arms drop before turning back to face the stage. "Enjoy the festival, Mr. Sol, for later I will be giving you a private lesson on the application of magic." His tone remained as cold as ever, the threat hidden in his words being painfully obvious as he continued to glare at the stage, awaiting the next contestant to step forth.


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