Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Genon said:
He then explained his idea for a replacement for the swimsuit contest: A talent show that doubled as a competition. Each contestant would go on stage with an act, and the judges would pick a winner. Examples of acts would include Alfie mesmerizing the audience with his ribbons, Adrian and Lavender putting on a mock swordfight for the audience, Kimberly doing tricks with her tendrils, or Ryu demonstrating his Flame Godsbane skills.
"So, what do you think? Should we take this to the guild master?" Adrian asked Kimberly, Ryu, and Alfie.
Alfie smiled when Adrian complimented him on his act, and was looking down thoughtfully as the other gave his idea for a talent show. After he finished, Alfie looked up and nodded in agreement. "Well, why not pair up both bikinis and talent? As much as I hate the fact that people get pleasure out of the bodies of others, I'd hate to disrupt decades worth of tradition. And as long as you're doing it right, your magic could completely steal the show... If Ophelia's anything like Cece, which she most definitely is, I'm sure she'll love the idea." Unlike most of his other guild members, Alfie didn't mind when the previous Guild Master was brought up. He understood why the others got emotional upon thinking about her, but as hard as he tried, the wizard couldn't fake being moved by the subject. He just didn't feel hurt about it... but that didn't really matter now, did it? Ophelia would make a good replacement, and if anything, her battle skills might have been even more impressive than Cece's. "But she's still waiting for her place to be called, and I'd hate for that to happen by the time we got there. Should we wait until everything's settled down?"

@Genon @Rhodus @purplepanda288
Genon said:
"I'll take you up on that offer, Lavender. And yeah, we should totally suggest that to the guild master."
"I will say that you were very impressive. On the magic side, if magic is considered, you did great, plus the crossdressing really worked out. It's quite convincing. Speaking of which, you guys should hear my suggestion for the pageant."


He then explained his idea for a replacement for the swimsuit contest: A talent show that doubled as a competition. Each contestant would go on stage with an act, and the judges would pick a winner. Examples of acts would include Alfie mesmerizing the audience with his ribbons, Adrian and Lavender putting on a mock swordfight for the audience, Kimberly doing tricks with her tendrils, or Ryu demonstrating his Flame Godsbane skills.

"So, what do you think? Should we take this to the guild master?" Adrian asked Kimberly, Ryu, and Alfie.
purplepanda288 said:
" Oh no no, it's fine. Don't worry." She put her blouse on again. The red tint to her face didn't subside. " Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

@Britt-21 @Rhodus @Genon

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie smiled when Adrian complimented him on his act, and was looking down thoughtfully as the other gave his idea for a talent show. After he finished, Alfie looked up and nodded in agreement. "Well, why not pair up both bikinis and talent? As much as I hate the fact that people get pleasure out of the bodies of others, I'd hate to disrupt decades worth of tradition. And as long as you're doing it right, your magic could completely steal the show... If Ophelia's anything like Cece, which she most definitely is, I'm sure she'll love the idea." Unlike most of his other guild members, Alfie didn't mind when the previous Guild Master was brought up. He understood why the others got emotional upon thinking about her, but as hard as he tried, the wizard couldn't fake being moved by the subject. He just didn't feel hurt about it... but that didn't really matter now, did it? Ophelia would make a good replacement, and if anything, her battle skills might have been even more impressive than Cece's. "But she's still waiting for her place to be called, and I'd hate for that to happen by the time we got there. Should we wait until everything's settled down?"


-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contest


"No it's not just that," Ryu said to Kim. "It's just that I'm not good with crowds this big" He looked over at Alfie. "We should probably wait until the contest is over,"

purplepanda288 said:
Kim lock- onlooker seating
Kim's smile turned wicked. " I'm part of grimwar heart." Kim let out a laugh. She took of her blouse (( I forgot to change it from jacket to a red blouse )) she turned to the woman and showed her the fairytail mark on her shoulder blade. " Just kidding dear, I'm a fairytail Mage ."


Lavender Gray- Bikini Contest

The warrior narrowed her eyes when Kim had said she was part of the dark guild- Grimwar Heart. But then she showed her the Fairy Tail mark on her shoulder blade. Her eyes lightened up "Well it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry for not meeting you sooner. I do not stick around the guild hall as much as I should." her eyes then moved over to Adrian who was now asking other's about the replacement for this contest. Which consisted of much more activity then bikini girls. Her eyes darted back to Kim "Maybe one day we can do a quest together." the woman shrugged softly


Lavender Gray- Bikini Contest

The warrior narrowed her eyes when Kim had said she was part of the dark guild- Grimwar Heart. But then she showed her the Fairy Tail mark on her shoulder blade. Her eyes lightened up "Well it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry for not meeting you sooner. I do not stick around the guild hall as much as I should." her eyes then moved over to Adrian who was now asking other's about the replacement for this contest. Which consisted of much more activity then bikini girls. Her eyes darted back to Kim "Maybe one day we can do a quest together." the woman shrugged softly


Auren Sol

"Aaaaand...done!" the boy exclaimed as he finished drawing the last marking for the warp Sigil. The thing had taken forever to draw since he had to go research the exact coordinates of Magnolia and translate them into the glyphs. He'd missed the last train to town so he had to resort to using magic. Hopefully he'd drawn everything correctly. He didn't want a repeat of last time where he warped himself to a deserted island infested with insects. He shivered at the thought and moved to stand in the center of the circle, activation crystal in hand. He squeezed the crystal and the Sigil began to glow brightly around him.


Immediately a brilliant flash of light overtook Ren's vision signaling that the actual warping process was working perfectly. However, when his vision returned he didn't expect to be looking at a crowd of people 15 feet below him. It took a moment for it to register, but he quickly realized that he was going to fall.

"Crap! No, no no, no, no, no!" he muttered over and over again but it was too late. His body had now completely phased through the portal and he was quickly descending towards a conveniently large man who was conveniently standing right where he was going to land. He collided with him head on and it was quite painful but luckily, there wouldn't be any permanent damage.

"Well, that could've gone better..." Ren said as he began to pick himself off the ground to address the guy who he'd fallen on. Hopefully he'd be understanding and accept a simple apology. If only he realized that it was his guild master...

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purplepanda288 said:
" That would be fun, what types of quests do you like to go on?" Why was she feeling weird? She touched her face and it felt incredibly hot. " I'm feeling kinda light headed." Her vision started to blur, dizzy spells started to affect her.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contests


Ryu looked over at Kim, noticing the change in her behavior. "Are you all right, Ms. Lock?" He asked, an expression of concern on his face. "Is there anything I can do to help?" His anxiety continued to rise. He had no idea what to do to help Kim and it was making him a little worried.

Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contests


Ryu looked over at Kim, noticing the change in her behavior. "Are you all right, Ms. Lock?" He asked, an expression of concern on his face. "Is there anything I can do to help?" His anxiety continued to rise. He had no idea what to do to help Kim and it was making him a little worried.

Kim lock- onlooker seating

Kim grew warmer and warmer. " I- I'm not sure." Her eyes blanked over and turned a bright purple before her eyes closed completely. She passed out and fell onto Ryu's lap.

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Lavender Gray

She was wondering what was going on with Kim "Miss Kim?" Lavender asked as she watched the expression on her change and soon enough she passed out "Miss Kim!" Lavender said as she looked at Ryu "Get her some water please." Lavender said as she sat Kim back up and cupped her cheek, patting it "Miss Kim, can you hear me?" it was either lack of water and food or it was something else.​

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora couldn't help but feel her spirits be completely lifted with Lysander's acceptance to her offer, eyes gleaming with an emotion she'd never quite experienced. Was she going on her first date? Was it a date? Would he consider it a date? The questioning thoughts drowned out all the noise and chatter that surrounded them and she almost missed Maya's queue from the announcer, an ashamed look crossing her features as she realized this. She stood up quickly and clapped her hands together as her frame jumped up and down excitedly, clearly amused by Maya's performance; the woman was her beautiful Aunt and role model after all. Her blue hair went flying in random directions to splay about as the ponytails came undone, the sounds of her claps echoing the loudest among the audience as her soft voice slowly followed to drown everyone else out to shout encouraging things.

This didn't last long however since the moment Maya walked off the stage she became aware of Chris basically venting at her over something Nami had done, hands defensively curling at her sides. " You're the one who went into a beast form you couldn't control and rampaged around destroying people's homes, right? " Sora retorted back in a small voice before continuing with her lecture. " Maybe when you act more responsibly then you'll get some sympathy from me, but for future reference, Nami isn't my pet, she is my partner and a member of Fairy Tail as well. Stop running to me like I'm her owner or mother and talk to her like you would any other member of this guild. " And with that she took her seat again as tears formed in her eyes at the way Chris had approached her but she refrained from saying anything else to save the crowd from a major scene; the guy was a hot head anyway. Nami's eyes were wide the entire little quarrel, making a beeline for Sora's lap to take refuge in it for protection to which she was welcomed with Sora's arms wrapping around her tightly.

It wasn't like Sora to get so audible on a matter but when it came to Nami the small girl would go the distance, they were closer than anyone could imagine and she'd always spoken up for the exceed since she could remember. As it went, Nami hadn't even spoken for years until Sora got her to open up and she wasn't about to let some moo pervert dude go all ballistic on her over a shirt. Her hues slid from Lysander to Hibiki and then back to Lysander, a small sigh escaping her lips as she silently hoped that Chris would choose to just leave instead of throwing more of a fit, eyes drawing to a wishful close at that thought. Not only was he dragging out her protective side, he was making her do it in front of Lysander whom she was trying to make a decent impression on. Honestly though it was better that she speak to him before Hibiki got involved, which he mostly likely would if he happened to notice that she was holding back tears from all the mixed emotions she was feeling that left her rather overwhelmed and frustrated.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Isune
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Kelica - Backstage for Miss Fiore contest

The blonde haired girl wandered over to a window somewhere near the back of the prepping area, the remainder of the girls getting ready for the contest. It was stuffy here and she needed some fresh air. She put her tights back on, leather shoes and green vest, keeping her hair up in that loose ponytail, before stuffing the bikini in her travelling belt pack. Once suitably covered, she hoisted herself up on the windowsill, flicking her wrist as the flower bracelet shot out a long, thin vine. She threw it up and around a hook above the window, before abseiling down the side of the building, to the ground. One flick of her wrist and the vine was retracted to her bracelet once more.

She started a slow walk to the back courtyard of the Fairytail Guild Hall, where Chris had shown her his magic. She wondered if Chris and Sabrina might notice her missing, but then they would assume she was simply still out the back of the contest. She took a strange little sigh as she took a seat at the base of the tree. She hadn't really been alone since Malina, and there was no where near enough vegetation in the town. Apart from the birds constantly chattering, the forest was mostly quiet and she missed that. Trees and plants, for instance, actually felt more then talked. It was hard to describe. Like a cloud of emotion hovering around the forest, and Kelica was attuned to it. Spring was probably the worst time of year, all manner of creatures procreating and trees sending out spores as loves vibes. It was hard not to blush when everything was in a lovey dovey mood. Spring always made her heart race, and she had weird feelings that she just couldn't describe.

Was it Spring? This year with so much going on, leaving her Father's forest to join Fairytail, the dragon mission, this Festival, it was hard to keep track. Maybe her emotions were volatile because it was Autumn, the season where plants prepared for the coming cold months. In winter she was sleepy, and in summer she could run all day.

In her contemplation, she watched a falcon land into the tree above her, making a loud squark before landing at her feet. She giggled. "Hello Bert, back I see?" The falcon hopped around with some chatter. "Bored again?...You took out some bandits just last week with Chris and I, most birds don't seek adventure you know... " The bird puffed out it's wings, toddling around, making Kelica giggle again. "Alright, alright! If you insist you can stay with me....I'm sure a pet falcon isn't the weirdest thing to happen in Fairytail." The falcon puffed out it's wings in more of an annoyance. "Sorry... friend Falcon..." She apologized though still smiled.

She glanced away and the falcon drew up close to her, rather suddenly flopped itself into her lap and fluttered it's wings, head burying against her thigh, like a cat might. Kelica blinked then stroked his head and down along his back slowly making a bird coo. It wasn't long before her thoughts drifted to Lloyd once. It didn't matter what was going on, if her mind was empty it was filled with the Guild Master. She didn't even know why that was, they had spent one mission together, weeks ago, and hadn't seen him since. She had a boyfriend now in Chris, and a friend in Sabrina... but she couldn't stop thinking of Lloyd. She wondered mostly if his leg was ok, if his bow was working correctly. She looked down to Burt with another small sigh. "Maybe I should talk to someone about...but who? No one is going to listen to my random ramblings...."

Chris Lengheart(About to knock out little girl)

Why, oh why did this girl have to bring up Chris' takeover. He bit his tongue as best he could, but he couldn't stop himself. "But yet you still let me walk around as long as I gave you a horsey ride, right? Oh but let's forget about that, let's just remeber that I'm an uncontrollable beast! A beast that eats little girls like you for breakfast. But who the hell cares since Sora comes and saves the day, the true heroine of fairytail! Right? Don't even get me started on that damn pe-partner of yours! I am at my wits end!" Chris practically roared at the young girl. He only removed the cake stained shirt as he pushed past everyone in a huff as he suddenly changed to his draco form and began running at full speed, almost looking like a blur as he headed straight to the forest. Once he made it, Chris only secluded himself. He curled up on the ground and only let the constant thoughts race through his mind.

@Kyuubey @Zuka

Sabrina---Ms. Fiore Contest

Sabrina quickly walked over to Chris and nudged him in the rib. "I'm gonna go somewhere quieter to continue my studies, since Kelica has finished her part of the contest. You're a lucky guy, to have a girlfriend like that!" she said with a large grin. She waved and ran off, going behind the prepping area for the contest. This place is surprisingly quiet... I'll go sit down under a tree... Sabrina ran around, looking for a decent place to sit, finally coming to a nicely placed tree. To her surprise, Kelica was sitting there, with a falcon in her laps. "Hey Kelica! Didn't think you'd be here! I thought you were still somewhere in the contest area!" Sabrina said, jogging towards her. Coming to a stop next to the tree, she continued. "Can I sit down he-whoops!" A strong gust of wind suddenly blew across the landscape, ripping a few pages of Sabrina's research pages out of her bag and scattering them around. One managed to land close enough to Kelica for her to see the picture attached to it. It was that of a much younger Sabrina, but what was strange was the fact that she was sitting down in a dark room with multiple tubes connected to her body and head. Sabrina quickly, and I mean quickly, snatched up all the papers and stuffed them in the bag, zipping it up tightly. She sat down next to Kelica and sighed. "So, who's this falcon?"

@Isune @Zuka
Kelica - Fairytail Guild Hall Courtyard

Kelica kept brushing the feathers of the falcon and he kept them fluffed for her. As Sabrina walked up she lifted her gaze. "Oh hey!" Watching as the wind swept up her papers. Her eyes widened but it was to quick to really see, and it wasn't her place to ask, judging from her reaction. She patted the spot next to her as she sat down. "This is Burt... " The falcon lifted his head with a loud squark and looked almost like he was grinning? "What did you mean your name isn't Burt? Then why.... " eyes narrowing as the falcon squarked in a fit, almost like laughter. "Bu-rtt-er wouldn't melt, really funny... " The falcon rolled off in a puff of feathers. Kelica turned to Sabrina. "He says I can pick a name for him. He's gunna follow us around now...what did you think?"


Sabrina---Fairy Tail Guild Hall Courtyard

"You can talk to animals? Wow! That's so awesome!" said Sabrina. "I think that it'd be pretty neat to have a companion like that. He might save your life someday, you don't know. I mean, you've read those stories where the main characters helps a neutral character and the neutral character ends up saving the main character in the most important time, right?" Sabrina let out a long sigh and leaned back into the tree. "Those books reminds me of my childhood..." Sabrina's facial expression became dreamy, as if she was in a far away place where nothing bad ever happens. A few seconds later her features darkened and she reached out and touched a strange circular scar that you can barely see on the top of her collar bone. She was reminded of the dark period of her life, filled with tubes, scalps and men dressed in white, telling her in their strange soothing voices to not be afraid and that they are here to help, to improve her, to evolve her. Sabrina shifted over and leaned her head on Kelica's shoulder. "There's something I want to show you...can you come over to my apartment tonight?" Sabrina asked.

Hibiki Dreyar: Audience of Contest

Smiling when Sora practically lept at him, he returned a hug of his own before smiling at Lysander and Valken. "Hunk O-Spunk? That's pretty cool I guess.." What a strange thing to say, clearly Valken was confident though. And Hibiki respected that a lot in a person, confidence. Of course there were those who weren't so confident and by the looks of things Lysander was one such person. Hibiki looked at the Connell and smiled, "Have you been to the guild hall? I figured you'd want to go there some time so if you want, me and Sora can take you their one time perhaps." He smiled again before that turned to a slight smirk, "Of course, you two need to go and grab your milkshakes first." He chuckled to himself before sitting back in his chair and watching the acts pile out one by one. Kelica's performance was pretty good, as was Maya's. That Mizuki girl from Sabertooth clearly didn't want to be there and that was too amusing. Kim's wasn't that bad either. He watched the contest contently, until a loud noise erupted around him.

Apparently Nami had done something to wind Chris up, although it was definitely purely accidental. Nami was clumsy and she always has been, everyone knew that. But she was a member of the guild no less and thus deserves the respect everyone else does. To be called a pet and treated so rudely was uncalled for, and totally unnecessary. Hibiki sighed as he watched the spectacle unfurl before his eyes, Sora had chosen to get involved and retorted back with comments of her own, they clearly set Chris off as he retaliated by hurling even more crap and then storming off. He even roared in the girls face. As the man stormed off, Hibiki turned to Sora and noticed the tears in her eyes. Curling his fists for a brief moment he then brought her into a hug. "It's okay, try not to worry about it." He sighed before breaking free from the hug. "I'll go talk to him." He said before turning to face both Valken and Lysander, "It was nice meeting you two, and I hope we can meet again." He chuckled slightly, "I might be entering the tournament, and being on opposing guilds we might end up going up against each other. Should you two join of course." Hibiki smiled as he then turned to Sora, "If your coming with me, then you'll have to catch up." He said before making his way towards her and ruffling her hair before heading towards the exit.


Upon arrival at the forest Hibiki noticed Chris all curled up. With a sigh, Hibiki called out the mans name, hoping to grab his attention.

@HuorSpinks @Kyuubey @Zuka @Isune
Kayzo said:
Millie was glad to know that Maya was happy for her and Valken, and that she'd always have her back. Maya was a very scary but wonderful individual and it was very comforting to know that she could count on the Wizard Saint. "He's made me cry before, but it was only because he was worried about me. But he made it up to me and gave me his scarf." She explained to her, fixing her swimsuit a little and smiling. Millie couldn't help but giggle at the mention of their team name. It sounded silly but she loved it. "That's a wonderful name Maya. I'll wear that name with pr-" the girl was cut off by Maya's hair, which smacked her face as she spun around.
Grace was sitting up in the audience, sitting quietly beside Masaki. Her arms were crossed across her lap and a frown grew on her face as she watched all the girls present themselves to the people. She was rather jealous of everyone in the contest, who all had beautiful faces and like, perfect bodies. However she didn't want to complain to Masaki about her problems, so she just pouted silently.

Mizuki looked down at her swimsuit and gave it a glare as if it was some sort ofiving being.
"I don't know why it's so small. I hate it so much." She said coldly, hissing at it slightly before looking back to Alicia. At least the young girl wasn't wearing a bikini like her. If that was the case, she'd be stopping the entire contest until she changed. That'd be too much for her. "Do you know how long this is supposed to be? Or what we have to do?" She asked Alicia, not even bothering to watch the other girls who were putting on a show.

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98
Masaki Yamada: Ms. Fiore Contest Audience

So far, all of the acts were pretty good. Unlike everyone else, Mizuki's performance didn't leave Masaki being fearful he actually found it rather amusing. The glare she gave the audience was fantastic, although, he didn't think she'd win. So that was the crown for Sabertooth gone unless one of the other were participating. He sighed before turning to Grace, who had a very evident frown on her face, he smiled. "Why are you frowning?" He said with a curious yet concerned tone in his voice. Perhaps she wasn't enjoying it all that much? Who knows. It was a mystery that he hoped to get answers to. If she wasn't enjoying it then they could always go somewhere else after all.
Kelica - Behind Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica smiled. "Yeah, I talk to animals and plants for that matter. Birds are the most talkive. Never be quiet really..." Kelica smiled as Sabrina seemed to relax and lean her head on her shoulder, reaching up to brush through her hair gently. "Of course I can! If Chris doesn't mind... speaking of which, have you seen him? Did he like my dance?" Kelica didn't mind the affection. She may have been intimidated by Chris's sexy half naked body originally but secretly now she quiet enjoyed Chris and Sabrina's touch. The Falcon trotted around happily. "I think I'll name him... Frank... what do you think? " @PeteTSs @Isune
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Chris Lengheart (Behind fairytail guildhall)

Chris only looked like he was trying to rest, however he heard his name being called and only turned to see a Hibiki staring at him. Chris only got up and walked in the opposite direction. He conrinued walking until he could overhear a familiar voice. He quickly picked up the pace as he saw that it was Kelica and Sabrina. Chris then released the takeover as he sat down on the ground nearby Kelica, cake staining his back and neck. He looked up at Kelica and muttered, "You would not believe what I just went through."

@Zuka @PeteTSs @LeSoraAmari
Grace was lost in pout world when Masaki began to talk to her. The short girl jolted in surprise when he spoke, her face blushing slightly in embarrassment. "No, I'm not frowning!" She defended, crossing her arms and frowned again. "The sun was in my eyes, so I was just trying block it out. I never frown anyways." That was obviously a lie, and probably the biggest on she had ever told. But she didn't want him to be annoyed by her complaining. "When do I ever frown?"

(Sorry for the shorter post. I have school)

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Hibiki Dreyar: Forest Behind Guild HQ

Hibiki sighed, "How rude." Were the only words that came out of Hibiki's mouth when Chris dismissed him completely and walked the other way. He didn't even say hello, or do the casual, "I'll talk later, I want to be alone for now" speech. The fact that he was completely dismissed angered Hibiki, he came to see if Chris was alright and got treated like that in return? It wasn't anything but rude and arrogant, and that's all there is to it. Hibiki was stubborn, and thus he continued to follow Chris. Upon getting close he spoke once more, "Don't walk away from me like that. I came to see if you were alright." He said in a stern tone before noticing the two girls Chris had approached. Sabrina and Kelica, they were also Fairy Tail mages. Turning his full attention back to Chris he sighed, a tone of annoyance in his voice "You need to apologise to Sora and Nami. They haven't done anything wrong."

Usually Hibiki was never like this, but he was overprotective of all of his guildmates. What made matters worse was the fact that Sora, Nami and Chris were all in the same guild and this had occurred. Fairy Tail members are meant to stick together.

It annoyed Hibiki, and he wanted it sorted.

@PeteTSs @Isune @Zuka
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purplepanda288 said:
Kim lock-onlooker seating, passed out
Kim mounded painfully, unconsciously she held her stomach as tho to signal that pain was there. He skin felt as though it was about to burst into flames. Her eyes moved around under her eye lids. She mumbled a few words that could be made out. " Another of the stars." She fell silent after that.

@Britt-21 @Rhodus

Lavender Gray - Outside the Bikini Contest on a bench with Kim

Lavender was surprised what Kim had said but was very confused as to why she said that. Carefully, the warriot picked up Kim and carried her out of the crowd "Excuse me, Pardon me, Please make way." Lavender said to others who either watched or moved without looking at her. Finally getting out of the crowd, Lavender looked for a place to set down Kim. Luckily she found a spot where a bench was sitting against a building and she walked over to it, putting the young girl down. "Where is that young man?" her golden eyes looked around for the redhead. "At least I no longer have to stand in that hall and be suished to death." looking at Kim, Lavender got more worried. Maybe she should take her to a doctor..​
purplepanda288 said:
Kim lock-onlooker seating, passed out
Kim mounded painfully, unconsciously she held her stomach as tho to signal that pain was there. He skin felt as though it was about to burst into flames. Her eyes moved around under her eye lids. She mumbled a few words that could be made out. " Another of the stars." She fell silent after that.



Lavender Gray - Outside the Bikini Contest on a bench with Kim

Lavender was surprised what Kim had said but was very confused as to why she said that. Carefully, the warriot picked up Kim and carried her out of the crowd "Excuse me, Pardon me, Please make way." Lavender said to others who either watched or moved without looking at her. Finally getting out of the crowd, Lavender looked for a place to set down Kim. Luckily she found a spot where a bench was sitting against a building and she walked over to it, putting the young girl down. "Where is that young man?" her golden eyes looked around for the redhead. "At least I no longer have to stand in that hall and be suished to death." looking at Kim, Lavender got more worried. Maybe she should take her to a doctor..


-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contest


Ryu returned to the others a few minutes later, holding an entire case of bottled water. "
Sorry it took a little while," He said, opening one of the bottles and handing it to Lavender, trusting her medical skills more than his own. "I had to go all the way to the refreshment stand to get the water," He stood beside Lavender as she attended to Kim, still anxious about Kim's well being.

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purplepanda288 said:
" That would be fun, what types of quests do you like to go on?" Why was she feeling weird? She touched her face and it felt incredibly hot. " I'm feeling kinda light headed." Her vision started to blur, dizzy spells started to affect her.

Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contest


Ryu nodded fervently at Lavender. "Yes, yes, of course. Right away," He said hurriedly, his words almost blending together. He stood up and rushed off to find some water for Kim. He was glad for a chance to get away from the crowd, but he still worried greatly about Kim as he went to fetch some water.



Lavender Gray - Outside the Bikini Contest on a bench with Kim

Lavender was surprised what Kim had said but was very confused as to why she said that. Carefully, the warriot picked up Kim and carried her out of the crowd "Excuse me, Pardon me, Please make way." Lavender said to others who either watched or moved without looking at her. Finally getting out of the crowd, Lavender looked for a place to set down Kim. Luckily she found a spot where a bench was sitting against a building and she walked over to it, putting the young girl down. "Where is that young man?" her golden eyes looked around for the redhead. "At least I no longer have to stand in that hall and be suished to death." looking at Kim, Lavender got more worried. Maybe she should take her to a doctor..​

Adrian watched as Kimberly passed out in front of him. He wanted to say something, but the situation was already being taken care of as efficiently as possible for the most part. Adrian disappeared into a mass of purple light, leaving nothing behind. He was out of the crowd now, and near Ryu, Lavender, and Kim.

He pulled out his cell phone and dialed 911. Yes, there was in fact a 911 system in Fiore. Why? Because I said so. Adrian could be heard saying, "There's a medical emergency. A Fairy Tail wizard who was in the swimsuit competition passed out in the audience. She's really, really warm. We're giving her water now. Please get here as fast as possible. We're near a bench on Makarov Avenue and Fiore Boulevard. We're all Fairy Tail wizards, we should stand out like a sore thumb. Alright, good. Goodbye."

With that, Adrian hung up. "The paramedics should get here in about five minutes. They've got extra personnel here for the festival."
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