Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kelica Zefara - Centre Stage - Miss Fiore Contest

Kelica was practically at the corner of the stage, bouncing on the spot as she watched Alfie do his ribbon show. It was amazing and as he finished up, she would have gone to find him, but the next woman was that Kim from earlier...she was outstanding!! Kelica thought this day was better then Christmas, couldn't care less about the guys and was more focused on what all the girls here could do with their magic. She wasn't even sure what SHE would do...and then Bob called her out.

She took a huge breath inwards as she walked behind the closed curtain. She looked down to Petal, the rose wrapped snuggly around her wrist, and giggled. "Let's give'em a good show eh?" The flower bobbed happily. her necklace glowed green as a circle appeared at her feet, her hair swirling around her and suddenly the wrist flower burst upwards and outwards, surrounding her in layers and layers of flower petals, looking like a giant flower bud to the crowd. The curtains lifted, the human sized flower bed taking centre stage. Very slowly, the outer flower petals peeled down, rolling outwards, the inner bud getting smaller and smaller till one flower petal rolled out like a red carpet before her, putting Kelica in the spotlight. She took a soft step outwards, keeping two giant petals close to her body like huge fans, lowering her eyelids and fluttering them. She lifted one, a second coming to replace it, twirling on spot. As she was still only wearing her bikini, it looked for all the world like she was naked!! After a intensive minute, she pulled the petals away to hold them behind her, like a giant peacock feather, exposing her hourglass figure with the green ruffled bikini.

Her emerald eyes seemed to sparkle, as her necklace gave a soft glow around her. Her eyes searching the crowd, landing on Chris and doing a heavy wink, even blowing him a kiss. She spun on her feet, pulling the petals to her front, exposing her rump and even giving it a shake before laughing cutely.

She threw the two giant petals into the air, flicking her wrists and they exploded into a sea of rose petals, falling over the crowd softly. She used that distraction to escape the stage, fist pumping the air once behind the stage, glistening with sweat, running to find Alfie. "Alfie, alfie, did you see? Did you see?!?"

@Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @Isune @Erryone
Alfie - Miss Fiore Backstage

Kelica's performance completely captivated Alfie. The way the petals moved and covered the crows, the soft glow of her necklace engulfing the stage. If Alfie had been in this to win, he'd have been so jealous of her magic, even if it was useless in terms of offense. The act ended as soon as it started, however, and the wizard found that a sweaty and exuberant Kelica was asking him if he saw. "I was watching the whole thing. I'm not joking when I say that anyone after you couldn't come close to what you did, and anyone before you only got you more votes, including me. Your performance completely outshined the others, Kelica," he said, before giving a wink, "And I think Chris enjoyed it more than anyone else!" His gem was still shining with the raw energy of the crowd's hope, and the whole area behind him was completely lit up with the color pink. Quickly as he could, he snatched it from his bra and kept it in one hand, the other keeping his bra up, as the gem acted like a hook. "Well, I'd say my work here is done," he added before a storm of ribbons circled him, pulling him out of visibility for a moment before vanishing into nothing. But when they did, Alfie was gone as well, and all he left Kelica was a small string...

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Office

"Oh wait,"
Comprehension dawned on Lloyd as he stared at Isabelle. "You experience motion sickness, don't you?" He frowned then, thinking of the other travel alternatives that they could use, that would not cause motion sickness. "Would horseback cause motion sickness for you?"He asked, wondering how long that would take for them to get to Magnolia. If they walked, they could possibly get there by the second day, if they started out right this very minute, in time for the tournament at least. If they went by train, they would definitely be in time for the conclusion of the Bikini Competition. If on horseback, they might reach Magnolia by nightfall. He only hoped that there would still be rooms available. If practically everyone in Fiore was in Magnolia, that would be an extremely slim chance.

"I suppose we could walk," he said finally. "But that would take us a full day to get to Magnolia. Unless there's another transportation alternative that you know of?"

He looked down at his scrolls, then back up. "We might have to decide now though," he pointed out. "If we start tomorrow, like I had originally planned, we would definitely have to take the train to get there in time for the last day of the festival."

Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

He stood in the back of the crowd, peering up at the stage along with all the others. He still had a twinge of regret for not having Mizuki force that Seraphim lad to participate, but at the end of the day such petty actions were unbecoming of Sabertooth's master. Nevertheless he still had to be present and offer his silent support for the Sabertooth girls that were participating. Without warning a sudden coughing fit overtook him as he looked towards the side of the stage, feeling as if he was referenced in some round-about way. Shaking off the strange feeling he turned his attention back to the center stage as the third contestant seemed to finish up her act.

Thus far all three contestants had been from Fairy Tail with all of them offering rather extravagant displays of their magic. He couldn't help but feel it was slightly unfair to those who did not possess magic fit for stage performances, but then such was the way of the magical world. Not all magic was fit for all situations after all. The inherent inequality of it all forced people to fight even harder to overcome their weakness, and such displays of strength were to be commended. As he lost himself to his musings he held a very stern gaze on the stage, outwardly appearing to be deeply focused on the entire event.
Lysander - Ms Fiore Competition Audience

Lysander nodded quickly, relieved that Valken was not pursuing the line of conversation he was definitely trying to avoid; it would only have embarrassed himself and right in front of Sora. He was, however, observant enough to tell that Valken had definately picked up that something was going on between Sora and himself, if his look towards himself and Sora and that widening grin was anything to go by. "That's good," he said. Probably better, in fact, going by his smirk and the way he sank down in his seat. He blinked. Valken sure was quick. It would probably take him days of deliberation before he worked up the courage to try anything physical with Sora (and that included holding hands). It had been... how long since Valken and Millie were dating? And he was not even sure if they were dating in the first place, since all this had been due to Ferra's suggestion. Or perhaps not. Perhaps they were really dating and he had not noticed it, but he did not think that was possible. He noticed everything. "I'm not sure if Ferra's joining the competition though. I haven't seen her since I reached Magnolia."

Lysander glanced at Sora by his side, before quickly turning back. He had not received an answer to his milkshake suggestion, but that had probably been because the first contestant, named Alfie Roderick, had appeared suddenly on stage, signifying the start of the competition. One of the ribbons landed on his hair and he quickly pulled it out, placing it within his upturned hat without rolling it properly. If Alfie had been the first contestant, the others would have their work cut out for them to beat her display. Kimberly Lock went next, then Kelica Zefara. Both had been nature-themed it seemed, though Kimberly seemed to have gone for a gymnastic display while Kelica had gone for one that that was both sexy and cute. She had even appeared naked at times, which almost caused his eyes to bulge out. Kelica seemed much better than when he had first seen her, back when she was in the middle of what seemed like a panic attack and he was relieved for that. He inched a hand under his poncho, relieved to find that he had not lost her hairband. He still had to give that back to her.

@Zuka @Kyuubey
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

She was peeking out at the contestants as they were called out. Her teeth were clenched in frustration, her hand having part of the curtain in a veritable death grip as she watched the performances. Nobody ever said anything about putting on some kind of show for the audience! The only thing even coming close to qualifying as a performance she had thought up was stripping to reveal her bikini, but compared to what everyone else was doing that would come off as entirely mediocre. She released her grip on the curtain, taking a step back and taking a deep breath, mumbling quietly to herself. "Alright, all I gotta do is think of something flashy. I can do this... I'm a sexy, brilliant fire mage, this'll be easy..." She stared blankly at the ground for a good minute before letting out a stifle cry of anguish as she squatted down and clasped the side of her head. "I'm not smart enough for this! All I'm good at is fighting!"

She looked up as the last contestant came bounding backstage, excitedly speaking with the girl that had gone first. She stared at the two for a few moments before roughly slapping her cheeks and taking another deep breath. "Less panicking more thinking, Tanari! Let's see.. I could try dancing..." She fell silent as she thought the prospect over, thinking back the first two performances before quickly shaking her head. "No, that wont work, I don't even know how to dance. What about some kind of showcase with my magic?" Upon asking herself that question she thought back to the last performance and the way the girl utilized her magic to put on the show. Again she quickly shook her head after mulling it over for a few moments. "All I can do is control fire, without something to go with it..." She let the sentence drift into silence as she thought about what she might be able to do to accompany her pyrotechnics.

After a few moments of silent thought she let out an anguished whimper. "I can't think of anything..." Her confidence from earlier had entirely fled her at this point as realization began to set in that she couldn't think of any sort of performance that would even come close to matching the others. The idea of walking out on stage and doing some lame routine only to be met with uninterested silence filled her with dread. She allowed herself to tip back slightly, falling onto her butt against the wall as she stared out at the stage. Sooner than later she'd be forced to go out there with nothing but the clothes on her back and the dread on her shoulders.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki: Swimsuit Contest
Mizuki stared Alicia down with a dark look, her hands barely touching her shoulders. "Alicia, you don't understand. There are tons of dirty, bad men out in that audience that will be staring at you, think of terrible things. This is what's so bad about the contest." She said, frowning and letting go of the small girl. Her goal of joining the contest was not to win, but to hopefully take the spotlight away from Alicia and scare the audience as well. She wouldn't allow anyone to take her sweet Alicia's innocence. Never ever. "Do you understand what I mean?"

Millie blushed slightly and smiled as Millie complimented her swimsuit. She thought it looked pretty good too, but it was always nice to hear it from someone else. "Thank you Maya, you look great too!" She said, hugging her quickly and giggling. "And don't worry, I don't plan on losing. I need to win this for Valken, as a gift. He's a real sweetie, did you know that?"


~Isabelle Dragneel~

She sees his trouble in finding another form of transportation. "We can take the train, I'll survive." She says simply. She hated it but she would survive, she always did. "We can leave whenever you're ready." She says with a small smile.

@HuorSpinks (sry for the short posts I'm half asleep)​
Colt556 said:

Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

She was peeking out at the contestants as they were called out. Her teeth were clenched in frustration, her hand having part of the curtain in a veritable death grip as she watched the performances. Nobody ever said anything about putting on some kind of show for the audience! The only thing even coming close to qualifying as a performance she had thought up was stripping to reveal her bikini, but compared to what everyone else was doing that would come off as entirely mediocre. She released her grip on the curtain, taking a step back and taking a deep breath, mumbling quietly to herself.
"Alright, all I gotta do is think of something flashy. I can do this... I'm a sexy, brilliant fire mage, this'll be easy..." She stared blankly at the ground for a good minute before letting out a stifle cry of anguish as she squatted down and clasped the side of her head. "I'm not smart enough for this! All I'm good at is fighting!"

She looked up as the last contestant came bounding backstage, excitedly speaking with the girl that had gone first. She stared at the two for a few moments before roughly slapping her cheeks and taking another deep breath.
"Less panicking more thinking, Tanari! Let's see.. I could try dancing..." She fell silent as she thought the prospect over, thinking back the first two performances before quickly shaking her head. "No, that wont work, I don't even know how to dance. What about some kind of showcase with my magic?" Upon asking herself that question she thought back to the last performance and the way the girl utilized her magic to put on the show. Again she quickly shook her head after mulling it over for a few moments. "All I can do is control fire, without something to go with it..." She let the sentence drift into silence as she thought about what she might be able to do to accompany her pyrotechnics.

After a few moments of silent thought she let out an anguished whimper.
"I can't think of anything..." Her confidence from earlier had entirely fled her at this point as realization began to set in that she couldn't think of any sort of performance that would even come close to matching the others. The idea of walking out on stage and doing some lame routine only to be met with uninterested silence filled her with dread. She allowed herself to tip back slightly, falling onto her butt against the wall as she stared out at the stage. Sooner than later she'd be forced to go out there with nothing but the clothes on her back and the dread on her shoulders.

Kim lock- Ms.Fiore contest: back stage.

Kim stretched out her arms. She walked out back to the stage and noticed Tanari with her back to the wall. " Hey, why do you look like your about to either kill someone or your angry." She kneeled down in front of her. " You look stunning, you shouldn't be about to murder someone." She let out a childish giggle.
Chris Lengheart(Ms.Fiore contest!)

Chris watched as Kelica stepped onto the stage, the faint green light filling the stage. But one thing that truly caught Chris' attention, Kelica had winked at him, even blew him a Chris. Chris seemed to suddenly grow larger, he had changed to his taurus form. The massive bull man was able to clearly see the entire show as he let out a impressed moo,"Go Kelica, blow those bimbos out of the water. Show them that moo-ving body of yours!" the massive beast shouted (well more like roared) to Kelica. Chris quickly released his takeover once he saw that people began to stare, perhaps he shouldn't have done that.

((And yes, I am giving Chris the taurus speech pattern
xD )) @Zuka
Lysander - Ms Fiore Competition Audience

Lysander had been focusing hard on the stage itself when a sudden movement caught his eye. He turned his head, just in time to see another man seat himself opposite them. Or opposite Sora actually. He watched the strange man poke Sora in the cheek and was just about to protest when the other man called her by name. He relaxed slightly, allowing his fingers to uncurl, hidden from view on his lap, resting on his hat and the pink ribbon within. Obviously, the other man knew her, was possibly from the same guild as well, based on how familiar he seemed with the guild hall that they were now seated within. At the same time, he could not help feeling quite envious; this man must be close enough to Sora to touch her, while he himself was far too shy to, mainly because he did not know Sora well enough to dare to do so.

The other man turned to glance at both Valken and himself, as well as ask her for an introduction. Well, he supposed that since the man asked for an introduction, he should speak out of politeness. Hence, with a slight reluctance borne out of shyness, he inclined his head towards the other man as a form of greeting. "I am Lysander Connell, and this is Valken Truss," he said quietly. "We're both from Lamia Scale. And you?" Here, his gaze was one of curiosity as well. He had never met the man before, so he could not help feeling quite tentative.

He twitched slightly, out of irritation then, when a sudden loud voice referred to the other contestants as bimbos. He glanced over then, and found what seemed like a cow-like figure in the audience. Suddenly Maya and Millie's turns could not come sooner enough.

@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Zuka @Isune
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Office

Lloyd sighed, an expression of guilt on his face. "I really don't want to cause you any more pain than necessary," he said finally. He leaned back against his chair and tilted his head up, frowning at the ceiling. "In that case... let us start out in an hour's time," he said, turning to face Isabelle. "The sooner we get it over and done with, the better. And, at least you would not miss out on most of the festival," he added, cracking a smile. "Plus, there are quite a few people I need to see in Magnolia, so the sooner, the better I suppose. Would an hour be all right? Enough time to get ready?"

Wonderful. This meant lots of noise, lots of people. He hated crowds of people. But it could not be helped. He really did need to speak to people in Magnolia. Plus, it would not be fair on Isabelle to be bored within the Guild Hall with practically nobody other than a man surrounded by paperwork to talk to, simply because he hated crowds. He would survive too, like she would survive a train ride. One had to endure uncomfortable things in life, and this was no exception.

Plus, if he really could not take the crowds, the outskirts surrounding Magnolia would be quite enough for a retreat from time to time.


-~Isabelle Dragneel~

"I'm technically already ready but take your time I'll wait down stairs." She says. With that she made her way down to the bottom floor of the guild hall. It was honestly weird the guild hall being almost completely silent except the buzz of the air conditioning or the crackle of the fire. She sat on a chair and just waited for her Master to be ready to leave. She just taps in the table not really thinking just waiting.


Sabrina---Ms. Fiore Constest

Sabrina had followed Chris and the others to the stage. She saw Kelica on the stage and started cheering. "Go Kelica! Go Kelica! GO GO GO! Win this competitions!." Sabrina had never been in such a big crowd before, and it was quite intimidating, but for her friends it was nothing to her. "Yeah! Kelica!" After that outburst of cheers, Sabrina stepped back, a little embarrased.

@Zuka @Isune
HuorSpinks said:
Lysander - Ms Fiore Competition Audience
Lysander had been focusing hard on the stage itself when a sudden movement caught his eye. He turned his head, just in time to see another man seat himself opposite them. Or opposite Sora actually. He watched the strange man poke Sora in the cheek and was just about to protest when the other man called her by name. He relaxed slightly, allowing his fingers to uncurl, hidden from view on his lap, resting on his hat and the pink ribbon within. Obviously, the other man knew her, was possibly from the same guild as well, based on how familiar he seemed with the guild hall that they were now seated within. At the same time, he could not help feeling quite envious; this man must be close enough to Sora to touch her, while he himself was far too shy to, mainly because he did not know Sora well enough to dare to do so.

The other man turned to glance at both Valken and himself, as well as ask her for an introduction. Well, he supposed that since the man asked for an introduction, he should speak out of politeness. Hence, with a slight reluctance borne out of shyness, he inclined his head towards the other man as a form of greeting. "I am Lysander Connell, and this is Valken Truss," he said quietly. "We're both from Lamia Scale. And you?" Here, his gaze was one of curiosity as well. He had never met the man before, so he could not help feeling quite tentative.

He twitched slightly, out of irritation then, when a sudden loud voice referred to the other contestants as bimbos. He glanced over then, and found what seemed like a cow-like figure in the audience. Suddenly Maya and Millie's turns could not come sooner enough.

@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Zuka @Isune
Hibiki Dreyar: Bikini?? Contest Audience

Hibiki listened to Lysander introduce both himself and the other man present, Valken. Looking at Lysander, Hibiki smiled. Clearly the man was shy although such shyness wasn't necessary. "Connell...Connell..." Hibiki muttered under his breath, he recognised that name very well. If he remembered correctly, the Connell family were Fairy Tail mages. It was strange seeing one as a Lamia Scale mage, but that wasn't a big deal. "It's nice to meet you Lysander. My names Hibiki Dreyar, I'm from Fairy Tail much like Sora here is." He chuckled before turning towards Valken and greeting him as well.

After that his eyes scanned the room, looking around at the audience, he noticed a big bull like creature mooing at one of the girls who had just done her piece in the contest. Hibiki chuckled, knowing it was Chris in one of his Beast Soul forms.

@Kyuubey @Zuka

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Millie was glad to know that Maya was happy for her and Valken, and that she'd always have her back. Maya was a very scary but wonderful individual and it was very comforting to know that she could count on the Wizard Saint. "He's made me cry before, but it was only because he was worried about me. But he made it up to me and gave me his scarf." She explained to her, fixing her swimsuit a little and smiling. Millie couldn't help but giggle at the mention of their team name. It sounded silly but she loved it. "That's a wonderful name Maya. I'll wear that name with pr-" the girl was cut off by Maya's hair, which smacked her face as she spun around.

Grace was sitting up in the audience, sitting quietly beside Masaki. Her arms were crossed across her lap and a frown grew on her face as she watched all the girls present themselves to the people. She was rather jealous of everyone in the contest, who all had beautiful faces and like, perfect bodies. However she didn't want to complain to Masaki about her problems, so she just pouted silently.

Mizuki looked down at her swimsuit and gave it a glare as if it was some sort ofiving being.
"I don't know why it's so small. I hate it so much." She said coldly, hissing at it slightly before looking back to Alicia. At least the young girl wasn't wearing a bikini like her. If that was the case, she'd be stopping the entire contest until she changed. That'd be too much for her. "Do you know how long this is supposed to be? Or what we have to do?" She asked Alicia, not even bothering to watch the other girls who were putting on a show.

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

All of the acts so far were wonderful and made the girls look stunning! Seeing them with the bare minimums on stage made her sink into her chair even more, feeling inadequate being of a more petite body type, not anywhere near as voluptuous as many of the other women. And to make it worse she noticed Lysander's eyes when Kelica was on stage, making her mentally groan, wanting to become invisible. Maybe he was into women of that body type? Sora dreaded even wondering if her childish form would be attractive to someone like him. Her cheeks seemed to be perpetually scorched red, head shaking quite quickly to disperse of her doubts and uncanny thoughts, trying to remain optimistic. Shortly after, the heat on her cheeks was accompanied with a soft poke, eyes subconsciously going wide as she swiveled in her chair and found herself face to face with Hibiki. There wasn't a moment of hesitance as she leaned forward and collapsed on him, arms embracing him in a long hug. Her entire frame had moved from her chair to using him for support not to fall over, the physical barrier between them being nonexistent since they were younger. " Hibi, you're home.. " She mumbled cheerfully, face burying into his shirt, remaining there long enough to drown out the sounds of everyone cheering and such. So much had happened in his absence and she knew he would be upset by the recent events, her actions more or so there to silently comfort him and he'd realize this too.

They both shared quite a similar childhood and Hibiki was one of the few who had ever seen her cry, to her disdain, but he never made fun of her for it or brought it up again. Sora realized how that might all look to Lysander and she pulled away quickly, sliding back into her chair and listening to the introductions with a doomed expression. Everyone in the guild was family and she'd never felt embarrassed or worried about how that might look to another person, this being extremely new to her. " H-Hibi is a really good friend of mine! " She blurted out, stammering slightly, trying to redeem the situation from seeming to be more than it was. " And Valken is a pervert, Auntie Maya said so. " She added in with a small grin to Hibiki, knowing Hibiki would remember who Maya was; the mage was around during her childhood a lot more than usual. Nami stuck her tongue out at Hibiki and began to circle the crowd from above with a piece of cake she'd obtained from a nearby table, hovering over Chris before throwing it and hitting him directly in the back of the head with it. She flew off with a series of giggles; that'll teach the moo man! Sora's fingertips reached over to brush against Lysander's for a singular moment to grasp his attention, leaning in to whisper to him. " Do you want to get milkshakes after this? " Her tone was a little hesitant, almost as if afraid he'd decline now if he truly had gotten the wrong idea about her and Hibiki's friendship.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Zuka
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Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Office --> Lloyd's Apartment --> Streets of Margaret Town

After Isabelle left his office, Lloyd stood up and stretched the kinks out of his body from days at sitting at this boring old desk filling out paperwork after paperwork, and was extremely glad to finally leave it. Isabelle might be technically ready, and usually Lloyd did not require that long to get ready either, but this time round, he really did. For one, he desperately needed a shave. It would not do for his guild members to see days of stubble growing on his face. And, he also needed to pack as well.

With that, Lloyd grabbed the final remaining scrolls that required his attention; all five of them, and left the guild hall. He hurried back to his own apartment, throwing the scrolls into the knapsack he had carried with him in Malnia. It never even occurred to him that the scrolls would get rumbled if he simply tossed them in like that. After that, he packed his clothes in, just three days worth of clothes for how long he would be in Magnolia along with an extra day. Then, he took a shower and a shave. He of course had showered regularly; he could not stand having less than one or two showers a day. Shaving on the other hand... he tended to be a bit more lax with that if there was nobody else he needed to be around.

This done, he grabbed his knapsack and a sack of jewels before rushing back to the Guild Hall, where he found Isabelle waiting. "I'm ready," he said cheerfully. "Shall we?" And with that, they began to make their way towards the train station in Margaret Town.

Kayzo said:
Millie was glad to know that Maya was happy for her and Valken, and that she'd always have her back. Maya was a very scary but wonderful individual and it was very comforting to know that she could count on the Wizard Saint. "He's made me cry before, but it was only because he was worried about me. But he made it up to me and gave me his scarf." She explained to her, fixing her swimsuit a little and smiling. Millie couldn't help but giggle at the mention of their team name. It sounded silly but she loved it. "That's a wonderful name Maya. I'll wear that name with pr-" the girl was cut off by Maya's hair, which smacked her face as she spun around.
Grace was sitting up in the audience, sitting quietly beside Masaki. Her arms were crossed across her lap and a frown grew on her face as she watched all the girls present themselves to the people. She was rather jealous of everyone in the contest, who all had beautiful faces and like, perfect bodies. However she didn't want to complain to Masaki about her problems, so she just pouted silently.

Mizuki looked down at her swimsuit and gave it a glare as if it was some sort ofiving being.
"I don't know why it's so small. I hate it so much." She said coldly, hissing at it slightly before looking back to Alicia. At least the young girl wasn't wearing a bikini like her. If that was the case, she'd be stopping the entire contest until she changed. That'd be too much for her. "Do you know how long this is supposed to be? Or what we have to do?" She asked Alicia, not even bothering to watch the other girls who were putting on a show.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Zuka @Isune @Colt556

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

Bob was speechless for a few minutes after Kelcia's performance, but eventually regained his composure. "Kelcia Zefara everyone!" He shouted into the microphone, clapping alongside the crowd as he did. "Next up is Mizuki Kohaku from Sabertooth! From the way things are shaping up I'm sure we're in for quiet the show!" He announced.
"They don't make those my size." Mizuki explained, eyeing Alicia's swimsuit before comparing it to hers. She would've much preferred to have a one piece that would cover up more of her body rather than what she had on now. It was so uncomfortable to wear and to be seen in, so much that she was planning on dropping out right now. However before she could do anything the announcer called out her name, and the dark mages face grew a terrible and mean look.

Mizuki stepped out into the stadium and began to walk towards the curtain. She didn't do anything bedazzle or seduce the crowd, just giving them a deathly glare. If looks could kill, this'd be a massacre. Her arms were covering her chest and a light blush was on her face, though it was quite hard to see.
"I hate everyone." She grumbled, quickly making it behind the curtain and hissing.
Kim lock- Onlooker seating

Well, she certainly dosent enjoy the competition." She spoke to her self only loud enough to be herd by others near her. Kim grew bored of waiting for the contestants to finish their act. So she teleported to the only seat available in the hall, Next to Ryu. Unfortunately for the men around her she had fitted her self with a red top jacket and a pair of black jean shorts. Her hair was still braided but it was pinned up into a bun onto the back of her head. She looked at the male next to her. " How's the ramen here, I haven't tried any so I wouldn't know."

Kelica - Backstage Miss Fiore Contest

Kelica heard the crowd roar after her performance eyes glistening happily. A moment later Sabrina and Chris both cheered her on and she held her cheeks in a exciteable manner. She turned to Alfie only to watch him literally vanish. The girl took a soft sigh, it was nice having someone back stage to talk to. Noticing the piece of string she picked it up carefully and looped it around her wrist, right next to her flower bracelet. She loved collecting momentos from her friends, it mean't whenever she was lonely she had something of them around her. She lifted her eyes to peer around the contestants still left to go. Her eyes drifting back to that Maya lady from before. There was something breathtaking about her and she didn't even have to do a thing. She wasn't sure the connection to Sora being they were in different guilds, but she knew Lloyd so it wasn't all that surprising.


-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contest


Ryu was relatively unfazed by Kim's sudden appearance, having experience dealing with teleportation magic. "It's alright I guess," He replied, slurping up the last of the Ramen. "I still prefer what you can get from smaller towns though. The kind of places where they still make the noodles by hand. That's where you'll find the best Ramen. I'm Ryu by the way. You are?" He asked.


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Valken - Miss Fiore Contest Seats

Valken was pretty intent watching the girls perform, they were all gorgeous really and that made his grin wider. Though they had nothing on Millie in his mind. Maybe he really was falling for her? He turned his head when his name was said, something about Maya calling him a pervert. Was he? I mean, they were pretty, no one could denign that. He glanced to the boy next to Sora and gave him a two finger salute. "World's best hunk o' spunk at your service." Valken was teasing, that's all he really did and his over the top mannerisms probably came across arrogant. He was just out to have fun really.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo
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Hunter - Outside Magnolia

Hunter was sitting upon a boulder he had found, appearing to all the world as if he were meditating. In truth, he was doing just that of a sort. But he wasn't doing to gain mental clarity or anything so innocent. In his head, he was in a completely different, but no less real place. The Saint that taught him the technique called it the "Inner World."

Hunter was standing on the streets of Gracedia City, though it was in complete ruins. Smoke pillowed out of dozens of buildings around him as the fires consumed the structures. Rubble littered the streets, any foliage was burning. People ran screaming, most were bloody and injured. They all ran past Hunter without seeing him. Everything was in black and white, and the people were as ghosts, passing through Hunter as if he wasn't even there. The screams were muted, but still the pure terror of the people could be felt around him. However Hunter didn't focus on the memory playing out around him. Instead he focused on the only other individual with color in this sad world. Before him, perhaps a dozen feet away, stood another Hunter. However, this Hunter had grey eyes, blond hair, and dark skin. His teeth were also pointed, and his eyes spoke of insanity and pure malice. It was the manifestation of the demon that shared his body.

"So the King has chosen to grace the lowly servant with his presence." The thunder demon said, his voice demonic. When Hunter didn't say anything, the demon began to approach. "Its been awhile. I thought you had forgotten about lil old me." The demon stopped a couple feet away from Hunter, a malicious smile curling his lips. "But I know you haven't forgotten about this place. It was where we had such a grand time."

Hunter lunged forward, his eyes dangerous. "I am nothing like you! I wish I never got the Curse Mark!" Hunter shouted, his right arm shot forward and grabbed the demon's throat in a vice grip.

The demon cackled, then reached up and struck Hunter in the solar plexus, making him release his grip and double over. "Oh but you are like me, you just choose to deny it." The demon said, grabbing Hunter's hair, and pulling him upright to look him in the eyes. "You are King now, but eventually I will be strong enough to take over." The demon whispered, his gray eyes burrowing into Hunter's with an intensity that scared Hunter more than he could ever admit. "You better keep getting stronger, because the first chance I get, I will drag you down and crush your skull beneath my foot. Then it will be time for my true resurrection." The demon said, and that thought caused Hunter to regain his sense of self, and without a thought he focused his magic and threw his hands together in front of his chest. A blast of lightning exploded between them, blasting a hole through the demon's chest.

"Not ever gonna happen." Hunter said, as the demon and surrounding area faded away and Hunter opened his eyes again.

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