Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kim lock- onlooker seating

Kim smiled at him. " Kim's the name, it nice to meet you dear." She stared at the cross scar that Ryu had on his cheek bone, it gave him a nice counter to his face. " You enjoying the show?" She let down her hair and ran her fingers though it. Once she finished combing her hair she let it fall on to her shoulders.

Kayzo said:
"They don't make those my size." Mizuki explained, eyeing Alicia's swimsuit before comparing it to hers. She would've much preferred to have a one piece that would cover up more of her body rather than what she had on now. It was so uncomfortable to wear and to be seen in, so much that she was planning on dropping out right now. However before she could do anything the announcer called out her name, and the dark mages face grew a terrible and mean look.
Mizuki stepped out into the stadium and began to walk towards the curtain. She didn't do anything bedazzle or seduce the crowd, just giving them a deathly glare. If looks could kill, this'd be a massacre. Her arms were covering her chest and a light blush was on her face, though it was quite hard to see.
"I hate everyone." She grumbled, quickly making it behind the curtain and hissing.

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

Bob just stared at Mizuki, not for the same reason everyone stared at the other contestants. Oh no. He stared at her in fear, it was clear the woman was in this against her will. Once she was offstage he sighed audibly with relief. "That..that happened." He spoke before clearing his throat. "Without further wait..Maya Morne from Lamia Scale, make your way to the stage!" He called out, wanting to distract everyone from the trainwreck that was Mizuki.


Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage

Alicia stared in shock at Mizuki as she simply glared at everyone when she was up there. Alicia guessed she really wasn't having fun, and it was her fault. She frowned when she said she hated everyone, which in turn meant she hated her. She just wanted her friend to have fun with her! She didn't mean to cause anything. Once she was backstage Alicia walked over and hugged her, "I'm sorry Mizuki. I just wanted you to have fun with me..please don't hate me." She told her before starting to cry.

~Isabelle Dragneel~

She was just playing with a small flame in her hand. She heard the doors open and she get up. "Yeah." She says following him down towards the train station. It made her nauseous just thinking about it. She gets a ticket for the train and just bought one for her master. She hesitantly gets on the train simply finding a seat and sitting down. She stares out of the window blankly not sure of really what to do. She wasn't excited about the ride but the festival should be fun. She turns her Master. "How long is it going to take to get there?"

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Lysander - Ms Fiore Competition Audience

If anything, Hibiki's muttered renditions of Lysander's last name made Lysander cringe further in his seat. Sooner or later, the inevitable question would arise; why is he in Lamia Scale when generations of his family have been in Fairy Tail? It happened quite frequently whenever Lysander introduced himself because people tended to remember his last name and associate it with Fairy Tail. For him, it was difficult to explain why he was in Lamia Scale and not Fairy Tail, because how does one explain instinct and spontaneous decision making?

Much to his relief however, Hibiki did not ask the dreaded question. Instead, he had simply introduced himself. And as it turned out, similar to Sora, he also hailed from a family well-known for it's Fairy Tail connections. Fairy Tail's most famous (and infamous) Guild Masters had been Dreyars. Lysander's eyes went quite wide in recognition of Hibiki last name and he would not be surprised then if somewhere down the line Hibiki ended up being a Fairy Tail Guild Master. Instead though, he simply bowed and said, "I recognise your last name. It's a pleasure to meet you, Hibiki."It had to be admitted that he stumbled a little on Hibiki's name, wondering if he was imposing too much, even though the other man had referred to him by his first name as well. Valken was... Valken, as usual. Lysander could not resist a slight chuckle at that. If only he were half as confident as Valken was... he could not even imagine saying half the stuff Valken did with a straight face.

And sure enough, as it turned out, Hibiki and Sora were indeed close, if the way she had hugged him was any indication. Just when he was starting to feel a little jealous, Sora quickly pulled back with a gloomy expression, before quickly clarifying that she and Hibiki were simply close friends. The implications of this sent sheer relief shooting through his frame as well as a bit of red shooting into his cheeks. If she was that eager to clarify a non-romantic close relationship between herself and Hibiki, perhaps she was indicating that she was indeed as interested in him as he was in her. And that... that was such a comfortable feeling. That perhaps, he had found someone whom he could share a life with, and who could accept and understand him for who he was despite his social awkwardness.

This was further confirmed by Sora's invitation to milkshakes later. The grin he gave her then was so wide, eager and boyish as he nodded rather eagerly. "I'd love to," he whispered back, feeling his fingers tingling as her fingers game into contact with his. At this point in time, the bikini competition felt like years away. He barely even registered the other contestants that came later.

@LeSoraAmari @Zuka @Kyuubey
Lloyd - Train to Magnolia

As Lloyd walked beside Isabelle, matching his stride with hers, he still could not help this guilty feeling, that in a way he was forcing her to go through something uncomfortable simply because he wanted to get to Magnolia quickly. This guilty feeling was further compounded when she bought his ticket for him. It had been extremely crowded at the station, especially since people were still heading to Magnolia at this time, and he had ended up loosing her in the throng of people. He had been getting increasing frustrated at the crowd, and had just managed to get to the ticketing booth, slightly sweaty and highly irritated, just in time to see Isabelle leave it with two tickets in hand. "Sorry, Isabelle," he said, an embarrassed grin on his face. "I'll pay you back later, in the train."

Yep, he really hated crowds.

And then they had to wait for another fifteen minutes before their train arrived, and about five minutes for everyone to board. Because of the high influx of people traveling to Magnolia, it had been impossible for them to get a cabin on their own, and they ended up having to share it with four other passengers. This put Lloyd in an even nastier mood, though of course he still maintained that placid calmness. It wasn't anybody's fault, really; he suspected that if they had tried to make it to Magnolia on the second day it would probably just be as crowded. He would probably end up spending a few days at Magnolia after the festival just to wait out the crowd going home.

This also made him even more concerned about Isabelle's motion sickness, which was why when they entered the cabin, he asked her to choose the position most comfortable for her, and seated himself beside her, resting his luggage on the floor and stretching out his legs with a sigh, leaning back slightly against the seat. "About half an hour, I believe," he answered, in response to her question. "Oh right," he added, passing her the money he owed her for the ticket. "Heh, thanks for saving me the queue," he said, in a light-hearted, joking tone in the hopes of distracting her from the upcoming torment. "And this too," here, he tentatively handed her a brown paper bag that he had folded and placed in his pocket earlier. "Just in case." He shot her a concerned look. "Would you really be..."

And then the train started.

Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Ms. Fiore Contest

Maya stood there as she waited for the next contestant to be called out. And much to her surprise, she was the one who was up next. With a chuckle she took some last minute preparations as she then proceeded to look at Millie. "Well, looks like I'm up!" She said with a confident smile before stepping out onto the stage. Before the curtains could rise Maya used her illusion magic to make the stadium appear to be a beach. A miniature sea was present too, and smack bang in the middle of everything was a rock of which Maya was perched on. Using her telekinesis magic she whipped up a light wind to make her incredibly long hair flutter gracefully before the curtains rose.

The 'water' crashed up against the rock lightly and covered Maya, making her appear to be wet but in actual fact it was all illusions. Striking a pose, she stood up to reveal the entirety of her hourglass figure. Her long 'wet' wavy hair fluttered about gracefully as a few strands made its way across her shoulders. As the 'water' smacked into the rock and as it did so, Maya jumped up in the air gracefully and span, illusionary dews of water flying around as her hair fluttered around with beauty and grace. When she landed she ran her hands through her hair slowly as she sent a wink towards the audience. Turning on her heel she then blew the audience a kiss as she exited the stage, the illusion vanishing and the arena returning to its original state. The curtains closed and as Maya made her way back to where the other contestants were she hurried over to Millie. "How did I do? I think I did pretty well, I must definitely held that sexy energy!" She said enthusiastically. Now she could relax and get changed back into her gown, truly wonderful.


@Salt Lord



Adrian was somewhat enjoying the competition. He had mostly gone because it was a social event, and because Alfie was in it. After all, most people from the festival were going to be in this hall, and while he wasn't a lecherous type, he thought he might still get a kick out of it. After all, it wasn't about sex, it was about beauty. And magical spectacle. That said, he was sporting a very uncomfortable boner despite the fact that he hadn't shown up for that reason. Thankfully, it was hidden from view, both by the darkness of the room and the way his nether regions were...arranged.

He decided to stay silent when Kimberly spoke up. She could talk to Ryu for now. He quite enjoyed the performance. He thought Alfie did well, and he was who Adrian had come to see. He wasn't really able to judge the other contestants. Skin was skin, flesh was flesh. How was he to tell one hourglass figure from another?

Lavender Gray- Bikini Contest Entrance -> Walking on the streets of Magnolia -> into Bikini contest audience

Lavender's golden eyes scanned the people in the audience, she spotted most of her guildmates but some where missing. Mostly because maybe some of the girls were behind stage. Without warning, Lavender walked away from the entrance to have a small break and walked back into Magnolia's streets where they were packed with people and stands that sold food. The young warrior noticed more children than adults but that didnt bug her, since families tended to grow big. Hearing someone crying, Lavender made her way over to find a young boy crying about his mommy "Oh dear..It's okay little one." seathing her sword, she then picked up the young boy with her one arm "Do not fret, we will find your mother." watching as the boy's eyes moved to her Fairy Tail mark, the look on his face brightened as he wiped his eyes "You'll find my mommy?"

Lavender nodded with a warm and gentle smile "Yes, I will. As a Fairy Tail member it is my job to make sure that the people are safe and sound with their families." already feeling safe with the young woman, the boy held onto her as he looked for his mother. While on the other hand Lavender was waiting for him to call out on his mother if he spotted him.

Time passed by looking for the young boy's mother and soon enough, he called her out and Lavender had put him down to go back to his mother. A smile appeared on her lips as she watched the mother and son reunite. It was a beautiful sight. The mother approached her "Thank you so much for finding my son! How could I ever repay you?" she asked and Lavender had shook her head, lifting her hand "It is alright, you do not need to owe me anything in return. I was only doing what was right, especially as a Fairy Tail member. Though, I would like you to do this one thing for me: Always keep your son close to you, children always bring happiness to their parents but can bring sorrow if lost." the mother nodded "Thank you." with that the mother left.

A smile appeared on the Warrior's face as she then started to make her way back to the Bikini contest. From the sounds of the audience screaming and shouting, the girls were already showing off I do not even know why I bring myself to such things as this. Maybe to just spend time with her guildmates when she wasnt on a mission. "Lets see what this has in store for me." with that she walked into the audience "Excuse me, Pardon me." Lavender said as she made her way through the crowd. She didnt notice this but she was standing right by Adrian "This is absolutely insane. I do not know how men could be squished like this just to see half naked women!"

Adrian heard what Lavender said and replied, "Hey, I'm mostly here for social reasons. It's something to do, you know? Also, one of my friends and guild members is in the competition."
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Lavender Gray - Bikini Contest

Hearing a male voice, this caused Lavender to look over to see it was her fellow guildmate Adrian! "Well at least you have some sort of explanation, Adrian. Other people..not so much." the warrior woman said with a sigh and a shake of her head "Sure it is fun for social reasons, but I do not understand why it has to be done with bikini women in the contest. Having just a normal party is pretty fine as it is. Being in this guild, I dread this day just because of bikini women." frowning, she put her hand on her hip "Some people said I should have joined in..I could not bare to throw myself onto stage and be dressed in a bikini." Lavender had no Idea how other women can do this! Especially girls who were under age! (I think?) "I talk too much, my greatest apologies."


Lavender Gray - Bikini Contest

Hearing a male voice, this caused Lavender to look over to see it was her fellow guildmate Adrian! "Well at least you have some sort of explanation, Adrian. Other people..not so much." the warrior woman said with a sigh and a shake of her head "Sure it is fun for social reasons, but I do not understand why it has to be done with bikini women in the contest. Having just a normal party is pretty fine as it is. Being in this guild, I dread this day just because of bikini women." frowning, she put her hand on her hip "Some people said I should have joined in..I could not bare to throw myself onto stage and be dressed in a bikini." Lavender had no Idea how other women can do this! Especially girls who were under age! (I think?) "I talk too much, my greatest apologies."


"You don't have to apologize, Lavender. You did nothing wrong. And I see your point. Personally, I would have preferred a magic pageant, where the contestants strive to create the most beautiful magical displays. I could create gorgeous arcane patterns, Alfie could showcase his ribbon magic, you and I could put on a swordfight, Arcane sword to Requip sword...that would be quite nice, in my opinion."
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Lavender Gray - Bikini Contest Speaking with Kim and Adrian

Lavender nodded "Now that is something that would be nice. Very beautiful I may add. Maybe we should suggest it to the guild master and see what happens. I wouldnt mind a sword fight with you, Adrian. Maybe we could do that on our spare time and test our skills. Make it a show and entertain the people." It sounded like so much fun! Most of the guild could participate! Now the warrior was going to bring this up to their Guild Master when she ran into him. Looking over as the Black Haired woman who had spoken to her, Lavender nodded "I'm Lavender Gray. I'm sure you've heard about me. Though, I am not sure what Guild you're in. By any chance are you with Fairy Tail?" or was she part of another group?


Mizuki stared down at Mizuki as the small girl hugged her tightly and began crying. She was very uncomfortable that someone was touching her so much, especially since she was in little clothing. In fact, this was the first time her stomach has felt someone else's skin. However instead of blasting the girl away with her magic she allowed her to keep hugging her. "I don't hate you Little One. I do not know why you would get that idea." She said, completing forgetting that she said that she hated everyone. Mizuki's pale hand lifted up and began to run through Alicia's hair, the dark Mage frowning slightly. "Please don't cry..."


Lavender Gray - Bikini Contest Speaking with Kim and Adrian

Lavender nodded "Now that is something that would be nice. Very beautiful I may add. Maybe we should suggest it to the guild master and see what happens. I wouldnt mind a sword fight with you, Adrian. Maybe we could do that on our spare time and test our skills. Make it a show and entertain the people." It sounded like so much fun! Most of the guild could participate! Now the warrior was going to bring this up to their Guild Master when she ran into him. Looking over as the Black Haired woman who had spoken to her, Lavender nodded "I'm Lavender Gray. I'm sure you've heard about me. Though, I am not sure what Guild you're in. By any chance are you with Fairy Tail?" or was she part of another group?


Kayzo said:
Mizuki stared down at Mizuki as the small girl hugged her tightly and began crying. She was very uncomfortable that someone was touching her so much, especially since she was in little clothing. In fact, this was the first time her stomach has felt someone else's skin. However instead of blasting the girl away with her magic she allowed her to keep hugging her. "I don't hate you Little One. I do not know why you would get that idea." She said, completing forgetting that she said that she hated everyone. Mizuki's pale hand lifted up and began to run through Alicia's hair, the dark Mage frowning slightly. "Please don't cry..."
Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage

But..you said you hated everyone..And you seemed mad earlier." She told her before sniffling. "I'm sorry if you're mad at me, you can tell me." She added. Maybe Mizuki really did hate her now and she just found her crying annoying. She figured in that case she should probably stop crying, but the fact that she made Mizuki hate her made her sad. It was possible she mis-understood things, possibly..but there was also the chance she didn't.

~Isabelle Dragneel~

She denied the money. "It's no big deal, I..." She felt the train start and she felt instantly her stomach flip and she curled up into a ball. It actually was always horrible. The feeling like your about to throw up. She put a hand to her mouth in hopes she wouldn't throw up. She simply stayed there her head in her knees. She had gotten through this many times before. It just always suck. "I promise I'm...used to it." She chokes put before she curls up in her ball again. Her salmon pink hair covering her face. "Ugh." She mumbles hating her life at this moment in time.

LeSoraAmari said:
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Ms. Fiore Contest
Maya stood there as she waited for the next contestant to be called out. And much to her surprise, she was the one who was up next. With a chuckle she took some last minute preparations as she then proceeded to look at Millie. "Well, looks like I'm up!" She said with a confident smile before stepping out onto the stage. Before the curtains could rise Maya used her illusion magic to make the stadium appear to be a beach. A miniature sea was present too, and smack bang in the middle of everything was a rock of which Maya was perched on. Using her telekinesis magic she whipped up a light wind to make her incredibly long hair flutter gracefully before the curtains rose.

The 'water' crashed up against the rock lightly and covered Maya, making her appear to be wet but in actual fact it was all illusions. Striking a pose, she stood up to reveal the entirety of her hourglass figure. Her long 'wet' wavy hair fluttered about gracefully as a few strands made its way across her shoulders. As the 'water' smacked into the rock and as it did so, Maya jumped up in the air gracefully and span, illusionary dews of water flying around as her hair fluttered around with beauty and grace. When she landed she ran her hands through her hair slowly as she sent a wink towards the audience. Turning on her heel she then blew the audience a kiss as she exited the stage, the illusion vanishing and the arena returning to its original state. The curtains closed and as Maya made her way back to where the other contestants were she hurried over to Millie. "How did I do? I think I did pretty well, I must definitely held that sexy energy!" She said enthusiastically. Now she could relax and get changed back into her gown, truly wonderful.

Clair Fernandes : Fairytale / 4th wizard Saint

Swimsuit competition

Clair watched Maya's performance with great interest , this was primarily due to the fact Clair wanted to see how Maya would use her magic to benefit herself on stage. It was quite amazing actually , the level of illusion magic she possessed was breathtaking. In fact it was quite terrifying , the illusion she cast was extremely life like and so Clair came to the realization of why everyone was scared of her.

Clair took a deep breath and exhaled loudly "it's gona take a lot to top that , well at least this gives me a chance of getting out of this dammed thing." Clair felt a brief wave of relief roll over her for a brief few seconds.

Why a deep few seconds you may ask , well that's a very good question ! You see Clair may of hate showing of her body but her hatred of losing something topped that. Clair ,like her mother and grandmother before her is very competitive and this is what forced her into a very odd position , a position she did yet didn't want to be in. You see Clair was about to make a very , very bad decision.Well according to what she had been told up to this point anyway.

She walked up to Maya and stood boldly with a grin plastered on her face "Not to bad Maya , but you see this competition....it wasn't really designed for the elderly".

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purplepanda288 said:
Kim lock- onlooker seating

Kim smiled at him. " Kim's the name, it nice to meet you dear." She stared at the cross scar that Ryu had on his cheek bone, it gave him a nice counter to his face. " You enjoying the show?" She let down her hair and ran her fingers though it. Once she finished combing her hair she let it fall on to her shoulders.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contest


Ryu shrugged. "About as much as could be expected I guess. Too many people around for my taste though. I'm not really very good with big events like these." He replied. The Ramen had helped to keep his mind off the size of the crowd, but now that it was gone he was once again made aware of it. He pushed it out of his mind for the time being. "What about you? Are you enjoying the contest? I thought you were pretty good up there yourself" He added.

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Alfie - Miss Fiore Audience

A few seconds after walking through the storm of ribbons located in that other dimension of his, Alfie reappeared in reality behind a tree that happened to be outside yet close to the crowd of mostly men. And in that crowd was Adrian and Ryu, whom he hoped liked his act. But the storm of ribbons from earlier had made his appearance return to normal, rendering him the usual Alfie everyone was comfortable with. The wizard walked out from behind the tree as his bow formed in his hands, and as he slowly pulled back on the magical string, he aimed it upward into the heart of the crowd and released. A pink arrow flew out, but before it could touch the mounds of people, it opened into a black spot hovering midair. Luckily, everyone was too busy focused on the stage in anticipation for another young lady, so Alfie jumped straight through the portal...

And arrived directly next to Adrian and Ryu. What was odd was that there was no portal here, and it seemed as though he had simply found his way to them by squeezing through the audience.
"I'm back! How did you two like the show? And," he paused, looking back up at the stage, "Are you liking it now? I'd have to say, my act was mediocre compared to some of the others'... but what matters is that I tried, right?" Though he was mainly talking to Adrian, as Ryu was occupied with someone else... he added Kyu to his mental list of ships and prayed it would become canon.

@Genon @Rhodus
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contest


Ryu shrugged. "About as much as could be expected I guess. Too many people around for my taste though. I'm not really very good with big events like these." He replied. The Ramen had helped to keep his mind off the size of the crowd, but now that it was gone he was once again made aware of it. He pushed it out of his mind for the time being. "What about you? Are you enjoying the contest? I thought you were pretty good up there yourself" He added.

Welp , Kim forgot that he was there and she was facing him with her bra showing. " Oh, ya I'm having a good time." She for some reason blushed " thank you, I completely forgot that I was up there. Funny isn't it?"

Chris Lengheart(Trying to track down cake throwing exceed)

Chris remained silent as some of the other girls stepped onto the stage and watched half-minded. That was, until Chris got nailed with a slice of cake to the back of the head. He looked up just in time to see the damn exceed from a week ago. He quickly began running, pushing some people out of the way as he had finally caught the damn thing! He looked over at the cat, and then to Sora before pointing over at it,"That exceed is yours, right? Because it just threw cake all over me, and this is a brand new shirt." he said with a bit of anger in his tone. He had honestly just bought this shirt, and now some damn cat was going to throw cake onto it? Chris didn't care that the girl was a S rank, it was her exceed he was still more concerned about.

Lloyd - Train to Magnolia

Lloyd looked rather distressed by this time. Perhaps they should not have been in such a hurry to get to the festival after all. As Isabelle curled up into a ball, he hesitated for a split second before gently placing a hand on her back and gently, though tentatively, began patting her back. He was not sure if that would bring about any comfort. He had no experience in parenting after all, he had never even been married, despite being quite advanced in age. What he did remember though, was being a small child again, being nursed by a senior woman in his tribe. He had been sick then, and she had patted his back like he was doing now.

For a moment, a wave of pain smote him as he remembered his old tribe. Even though it had been decades since then, sometimes he still inevitably recalled their faces... especially when he used what they had taught him. He shook his head to clear his mind, and continued rhythmically patting Isabelle's back. He had no other recourse, and he had no idea if this would even work to bring her comfort and distract her from that uncomfortable feeling. He could only hope it did, but just in case, he held the brown paper bag in his other hand.

purplepanda288 said:
Welp , Kim forgot that he was there and she was facing him with her bra showing. " Oh, ya I'm having a good time." She for some reason blushed " thank you, I completely forgot that I was up there. Funny isn't it?"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Alfie - Miss Fiore Audience

A few seconds after walking through the storm of ribbons located in that other dimension of his, Alfie reappeared in reality behind a tree that happened to be outside yet close to the crowd of mostly men. And in that crowd was Adrian and Ryu, whom he hoped liked his act. But the storm of ribbons from earlier had made his appearance return to normal, rendering him the usual Alfie everyone was comfortable with. The wizard walked out from behind the tree as his bow formed in his hands, and as he slowly pulled back on the magical string, he aimed it upward into the heart of the crowd and released. A pink arrow flew out, but before it could touch the mounds of people, it opened into a black spot hovering midair. Luckily, everyone was too busy focused on the stage in anticipation for another young lady, so Alfie jumped straight through the portal...

And arrived directly next to Adrian and Ryu. What was odd was that there was no portal here, and it seemed as though he had simply found his way to them by squeezing through the audience.
"I'm back! How did you two like the show? And," he paused, looking back up at the stage, "Are you liking it now? I'd have to say, my act was mediocre compared to some of the others'... but what matters is that I tried, right?" Though he was mainly talking to Adrian, as Ryu was occupied with someone else... he added Kyu to his mental list of ships and prayed it would become canon.


-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contest


Ryu looked away as he noticed that Kim had taken her shirt off. "Sorry" He said hurriedly, becoming even more uncomfortable. He was finding it harder and harder to ignore the crowd. He was pulled out of his anxiety when he heard Alfie's voice. "Don't worry Alfie," He replied. "I think your performance was just as good as the rest of them,"

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Lavender Gray - Bikini Contest Speaking with Kim and Adrian

Lavender nodded "Now that is something that would be nice. Very beautiful I may add. Maybe we should suggest it to the guild master and see what happens. I wouldnt mind a sword fight with you, Adrian. Maybe we could do that on our spare time and test our skills. Make it a show and entertain the people." It sounded like so much fun! Most of the guild could participate! Now the warrior was going to bring this up to their Guild Master when she ran into him. Looking over as the Black Haired woman who had spoken to her, Lavender nodded "I'm Lavender Gray. I'm sure you've heard about me. Though, I am not sure what Guild you're in. By any chance are you with Fairy Tail?" or was she part of another group?


He then explained his idea for a replacement for the swimsuit contest: A talent show that doubled as a competition. Each contestant would go on stage with an act, and the judges would pick a winner. Examples of acts would include Alfie mesmerizing the audience with his ribbons, Adrian and Lavender putting on a mock swordfight for the audience, Kimberly doing tricks with her tendrils, or Ryu demonstrating his Flame Godsbane skills.

"So, what do you think? Should we take this to the guild master?" Adrian asked Kimberly, Ryu, and Alfie.

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Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Ms. Fiore Contest


Ryu looked away as he noticed that Kim had taken her shirt off. "Sorry" He said hurriedly, becoming even more uncomfortable. He was finding it harder and harder to ignore the crowd. He was pulled out of his anxiety when he heard Alfie's voice. "Don't worry Alfie," He replied. "I think your performance was just as good as the rest of them,"

" Oh no no, it's fine. Don't worry." She put her blouse on again. The red tint to her face didn't subside. " Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."


He then explained his idea for a replacement for the swimsuit contest: A talent show that doubled as a competition. Each contestant would go on stage with an act, and the judges would pick a winner. Examples of acts would include Alfie mesmerizing the audience with his ribbons, Adrian and Lavender putting on a mock swordfight for the audience, Kimberly doing tricks with her tendrils, or Ryu demonstrating his Flame Godsbane skills.

"So, what do you think? Should we take this to the guild master?" Adrian asked Kimberly, Ryu, and Alfie.

" I think it would be a wonderful idea, Mabye next year." She nodded her head. He hair awash in around as she moved it. "I'm pretty sure there a mini fight tournament that's gonna happen later. "

@Britt-21 @Rhodus @Genon


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