Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Mizuki: Swimsuit contest

Mizuki stood beside Alicia, a rather unpleasant look on her face. Alicia had joined the swimsuit contest against The Dark mages will, and had managed to bring her into all of this. She found it very wrong that the young girl was entering my sormthing so lewd, and though she looked cute in the one piece, she was afraid a bunch of drunken bums would start hitting on her. And so she came along to pretext the little girl, and since she wasn't allowed to be in the field if she wasn't apart of the contest. The girl wore a plain black bikini, nothing special about it at all. She was trying her best to cover her very white body, but it was extremely hard to do so. "This is not exciting at all. And I still don't think you should enter." She said in a foul voice, her face blushing slightly. She wasn't used to being so exposed like this, and she hated every second.

Millie: Swinsuit contest

Millie stood beside Maya in a nice red and pink swimsuit. She was glad that she had found Valken and was even more glad to know that he would be watching. She was mentally preparing herself, thinking of the most revealing and cute poses in hopes of swooing the judges. Normally she'd hate doing something like this due to all of the potential perverts in the stands, but she was doing this for Valken, and she planned on winning. Looking over at Maya, giving the girl a warm smile.
"This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait for this to start!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.9233cd57599e374b460235e47445c7d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107052" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.9233cd57599e374b460235e47445c7d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kelica - Swimsuit Contest

Kelica was stunned! She had no idea Alfie was capable of that kind of magic, and frankly it was pretty cool. "You will have to teach me that some day... " she stepped around him thoughtfully, hand her chin. "Just one more thing... " she stepped behind him and pulled his pink hair into two ponytail's, letting it flow over both sides of his shoulder. Her shoulders. It's shoulders. She nodded with a big grin. "You think Chris will like me? I don't think he's ever seen me in a bikini before..."

@Salt Lord
Lysander - Ms Fiore Competition Audience

Lysander had agreed to stick with Sora, Nami, Clair and Maya, and right now, he was nestled quite comfortably within the audience, with Sora and Nami beside him as Clair and Maya were planning on participating. On the one hand, he was quite looking forward to seeing and supporting his guild members as they participated, and he dearly hoped that someone from Lamia Scale would win the competition. At the same time however, he was quite relieved that he was male, which meant that he did not have to take part in the competition. If he had been female, he would probably end up being roped into it some way or another. He shuddered slightly; he did not even want to even think of being exposed in such a way in front of everyone.

He glanced over at Sora beside him, and turned away a little pink. He was quite relieved that she was not participating, truth be told. Because if she was... he would probably end up embarrassing himself having a massive nosebleed in front of everyone. Of course, he would have been extremely curious to see her in a bikini, but that was up to her, and he was not about to force her into doing something she did not want to do.

~Isabelle Dragneel~

She was just sitting in the guild hall pretty bored. She walks the kitchen thinking she could probably find something to eat and she just ends up making toast. Classic toast. She finished it up quickly and walking up to the second story of the guild hall knocking before walking into his office. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She asks in a bored tone but tried to hide it the best she could.

Valken - Heading towards the Miss Fiore Contest

Valken nodded to Chris, his grin wide. He grasped his coin purse, and latched his belt around his waist, daggers dangling menacingly on his hips, reattaching the coin purse. He threw his shirt back on, gloves next, and mostly hiding the multitude of bruises on his body. He put his hands in his pockets as he walked. "Millie's going in it to..she seemed far to interested in it earlier to not.... who did ya reckon will win? We could make another beat ...which girl tops it..." As he spoke they entered the hall and he made a be line for Lysander, sitting down next to him, putting his feet up on the chair infront of him. "Ahh, Lysander, your brave enough to watch half naked women? Look at you being a big man now... " patting his shoulder with a chuckle. "Fairytail don't stand a chance... ".


Sabrina---Streets of Magnolia

Sabrina hurried through the streets of Magnolia. She had gone to the library after the brawl she had with Chris, wanting to kill some time, but she actually fell asleep! Thankfully, the librarian was nice enough to wake her up and remind her that the bikini contest was starting. And now she's here, racing across the streets bag in hand and towards the Fairy Tail guild building. She was up too late the previous night, working until she became way too tired and fell asleep on her stacks of research notes. She quickly stopped next to a bruised Chris and Valken. "Hey Chris and someone I don't know! Has the contest started yet?"

@Zuka @Isune

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Nami had flown off to find some food to nibble on during the conversation, her loud stomach growling finally becoming unbearable and causing people to stare awkwardly. For such a tiny person she would be sure to be the one cheering Maya and Clair on the loudest, there was nothing wrong with using her abilities to amplify her soft voice for this occasion. She felt Lysander glance over at her and she smiled still gazing forward through the crowd, pretending she hadn't noticed, though the blush that followed on his cheeks was something that made her feel pretty confident. Leaning forward in her chair she'd rest her hands on her knees, balling them up into small fists, a weird nervousness making its way into her thoughts to become visibly noticeable. Strands of hair had splayed themselves over her shoulders and she made a small but shy smile towards Lysander, gazing at him through the mildly obscuring curtain of hair that she was grateful for.

" What kind of food do you happen to like? There's lots of stands with stuff for the festival and ..... " Sora's voice had gotten softer, a mental push having to be given for her to continue. " I thought maybe we could grab a bite to eat together... " She blushed suddenly and sunk into her chair more. " Or if there's anything you'd like to do we could do that! " She remained facially composed though her mind was doing the opposite, thoughts flying about in a disordered manner. As Valken came to suddenly sit by them she'd slip her hues from Lysander's and back towards the stage, trying not to put him on the spot. Valken's words about Lysander slightly infuriated her though, cheeks puffing out as she turned to the intrusive man whom Maya had introduced to her as a pervert. " I happen to think he's quite a gentleman. " She retorted with a charming smile to his statement. Hopefully the contest would start soon, Sora being extremely excited to be able to cheer on her friends, regardless of what guild they were in.

@HuorSpinks @Zuka
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Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint, Swimsuit Contest

Maya was prepared. She knew what she was going to do and she knew how she would deliver it. The only tricky thing about preparation was finding the perfect swimsuit. Fortunately one was found, and it suited Maya perfectly. Not only that but it was comfy and that was most certainly a plus in her books. Looking over to Millie she returned her smile with one of her own and then chuckled, standing there in her swimsuit elegantly. Her long, brown, wavy hair almost touching the ground. "Oh my, Millie you look great! Make sure to please the judges won't you dear, we must win for Lamia Scale's sake."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.acb4b510fc2ddca24047057c035e49ca.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107109" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.acb4b510fc2ddca24047057c035e49ca.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Lavender Gray- Bikini Contest Entrance -> Walking on the streets of Magnolia -> into Bikini contest audience

Lavender's golden eyes scanned the people in the audience, she spotted most of her guildmates but some where missing. Mostly because maybe some of the girls were behind stage. Without warning, Lavender walked away from the entrance to have a small break and walked back into Magnolia's streets where they were packed with people and stands that sold food. The young warrior noticed more children than adults but that didnt bug her, since families tended to grow big. Hearing someone crying, Lavender made her way over to find a young boy crying about his mommy "Oh dear..It's okay little one." seathing her sword, she then picked up the young boy with her one arm "Do not fret, we will find your mother." watching as the boy's eyes moved to her Fairy Tail mark, the look on his face brightened as he wiped his eyes "You'll find my mommy?"

Lavender nodded with a warm and gentle smile "Yes, I will. As a Fairy Tail member it is my job to make sure that the people are safe and sound with their families." already feeling safe with the young woman, the boy held onto her as he looked for his mother. While on the other hand Lavender was waiting for him to call out on his mother if he spotted him.

Time passed by looking for the young boy's mother and soon enough, he called her out and Lavender had put him down to go back to his mother. A smile appeared on her lips as she watched the mother and son reunite. It was a beautiful sight. The mother approached her "Thank you so much for finding my son! How could I ever repay you?" she asked and Lavender had shook her head, lifting her hand "It is alright, you do not need to owe me anything in return. I was only doing what was right, especially as a Fairy Tail member. Though, I would like you to do this one thing for me: Always keep your son close to you, children always bring happiness to their parents but can bring sorrow if lost." the mother nodded "Thank you." with that the mother left.

A smile appeared on the Warrior's face as she then started to make her way back to the Bikini contest. From the sounds of the audience screaming and shouting, the girls were already showing off I do not even know why I bring myself to such things as this. Maybe to just spend time with her guildmates when she wasnt on a mission. "Lets see what this has in store for me." with that she walked into the audience "Excuse me, Pardon me." Lavender said as she made her way through the crowd. She didnt notice this but she was standing right by Adrian "This is absolutely insane. I do not know how men could be squished like this just to see half naked women!"
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Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Office

Lloyd jerked his head up from the scroll he was working on the moment his office door opened. He signed, and gave her an apologetic smile. "Sorry Isabelle," he said finally, sounding rather sheepish. "I guess I haven't been very good company lately." He leaned back in his chair and stared, frowning at the extremely low stack of scrolls that he now had to work on. His lips quirked slightly, in indecision. Truth be told, he had not been expecting Isabelle to remain behind, and it was pretty unfair of him to expect her to wait and miss out on most of the Fantasia festival because he had to get his paperwork done. On the other hand, he really had to get his paperwork done. He drummed on the table with his fingers for a few more minutes, before finally coming to a decision. "I suppose I can work on these during the festival itself," he muttered under his breath. It was only six scrolls left anyway.

Not to mention, there was something he urgently needed to see in Magnolia. Normally, that person would be located in Margaret Town, but he had just received word that that person was currently in Magnolia because of said festival. Which mean that he would need to travel to Magnolia and get there by the second day, rather than the third as he had been meaning to. This information would be vital for the meeting with the Guild Masters in regards to Lucian Grey's alliance with the West.

He turned to Isabelle, who was probably still waiting for an answer. "I believe we might be able to make it to the festival earlier than I had planned. Shall we get ready within an hour?"


~Isabelle Dragneel~

"I'm fine with waiting honestly." She says feeling kind of guilty now that she bothered him and made him feel bad. "I really don't care either way."she says simply leaning against the wall. She kind of did want to avoid the train as long as possible. You would think she would be used to it by now but she wasn't. Maybe the Master knew something about her background who her grandparents were maybe but she brushed it off for the moment.she crossed her arms out of habit and waited for an answer.

Lysander - Ms Fiore Competition Audience

"Um... food does sound good,"
Lysander said, glancing at Sora from out of the corner of his eye. "Last time I was in Magnolia, there was this place that had great milkshakes. I'm wonder if it's still there. Perhaps if it is, we could go there? That is, if you like milkshakes." He suddenly wondered if he was being a bit forward now and quickly backpedaled. "I mean, I really do like milkshakes. Do you like milkshakes too?" He probably sounded like a major idiot right now.

Lysander had not even noticed Valken anywhere nearby so it had been quite a shock to him to suddenly hear the man's voice. Usually, Lysander was far more observant than that, but it was just Sora was sitting right beside him and it was difficult to concentrate on anything else. He badly wanted to create a good impression on her but he was still so fearful of screwing up, as he was usually wont to do. He had actually jerked forward slightly, but now he quickly settled down and gave Valken a mildly annoyed glare for scaring him so and for... well... saying what he had just said. Not in front of Sora! He could feel his cheeks starting to burn with embarrassment. "Uh... hello Valken," he said, finally settling for changing the subject. "I'm hoping that either Millie or Maya would win. Were you able to meet up with Millie though? She had been looking for you earlier." Really, the main reason why he was here was because he had agreed to accompany Sora and Maya. And to support his guild. Yes, that was it. Plus, he was an adult. He was 24 years old, dammit! Valken was embarrassing him in front of Sora.

Sora's confident defense of him made him sink lower in his seat, both out of pride and shame. If she had known that he had been curious to see her in a bikini! She would probably retract that statement. It was a good thing he had not tried to imagine it. The real deal would probably be far more than his imagination could conjure up. And what was he thinking?! He was getting quite flustered now, and it was starting to show on his face.

@Kyuubey @Zuka
Kayzo said:
Mizuki: Swimsuit contest
Mizuki stood beside Alicia, a rather unpleasant look on her face. Alicia had joined the swimsuit contest against The Dark mages will, and had managed to bring her into all of this. She found it very wrong that the young girl was entering my sormthing so lewd, and though she looked cute in the one piece, she was afraid a bunch of drunken bums would start hitting on her. And so she came along to pretext the little girl, and since she wasn't allowed to be in the field if she wasn't apart of the contest. The girl wore a plain black bikini, nothing special about it at all. She was trying her best to cover her very white body, but it was extremely hard to do so. "This is not exciting at all. And I still don't think you should enter." She said in a foul voice, her face blushing slightly. She wasn't used to being so exposed like this, and she hated every second.

Millie: Swinsuit contest

Millie stood beside Maya in a nice red and pink swimsuit. She was glad that she had found Valken and was even more glad to know that he would be watching. She was mentally preparing herself, thinking of the most revealing and cute poses in hopes of swooing the judges. Normally she'd hate doing something like this due to all of the potential perverts in the stands, but she was doing this for Valken, and she planned on winning. Looking over at Maya, giving the girl a warm smile.
"This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait for this to start!"

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Alicia: Backstage Swimsuit Contest

Alicia giggled and looked up at Mizuki, who was for some reason embarrassed. "Why not? It's just a contest to see whose swimsuit looks better right?" She asked her. She clearly didn't understand the main reason people spectated such contests, nor the main reason behind Mizuki being embarrassed. She was only 10 after all, what did you expect? "Lighten up, everything'll be fine. You're too tense all the time jeez." She told her jokingly.
Momoki Asada:Backstage swimsuit contest.

Momoki was in her swimsuit waiting for the copetition to start.It was a blue bikini that matched her eyes and she had her hair in a tight ponytail so it wouldn't come out durning her proformance.It was perfect and with a little help from Lucian he kept saying the bikini had to be smaller if she wanted to win Momo finally gave in and made it smaller which made her bosom look bigger on her.She couldn't wait to go.After all Momoki had a trick up her sleeve in the contest.And not literally.
Zuka said:
Kelica was stunned! She had no idea Alfie was capable of that kind of magic, and frankly it was pretty cool. "You will have to teach me that some day... " she stepped around him thoughtfully, hand her chin. "Just one more thing... " she stepped behind him and pulled his pink hair into two ponytail's, letting it flow over both sides of his shoulder. Her shoulders. It's shoulders. She nodded with a big grin. "You think Chris will like me? I don't think he's ever seen me in a bikini before..."
Alfie stood back for a moment, scanning Kelica from top to bottom... with how he was doing this, no wonder he was considered a pervert by some... But at least he wasn't trying to teach the girl his magic by tying her up with ribbons or shooting her with arrows. "I think Chris' jaw will be on the floor the whole time you're on stage. And as for my magic... it's a bit... complicated." He... she... it held its arms out as the branch-like bow formed in them. "The only reason I can do the things I do is because of this. It's a magical weapon, but it doesn't need to be out for me to use the magic it possesses. And it's an all-purpose magic, too, so I can do virtually anything with it. Now, I don't wanna give it to you, seeing as how I don't have any magic behind this," he said, lying but lying well, "But if I find another one, I'll definitely get it for you." The bow broke up into small multicolored glasslike shards of energy before completely disappearing.

Valken - Bikini Contest Stands

Valken watched Lysanders awkwardness, his side glances, and was that a blush under his eyes? He glanced to a defensive Sora and only grinned wider. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together, but he was the master of dancing around conversation and Lysander gave him the perfect excuse to pull him away from the spotlight.

"Ahhh yes Millie, I did catch up with her, she insisted on giving me my scarf back but I refused... looks quiet good on her, actually... " he said with a low voice, hand on his chin. Truth be told he wasn't lying and his brain took him back to that intense kiss he gave her. He sunk down in his chair more as he thought of it. A happy little smirk on his face.

His thoughts snapped back when he remembered Ferra. "Hey, is Ferra going in the contest?" An evil idea starting to come back to him, he had to get his revenge after all.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Mitchs98
Kelica - Backstage Miss Fiore

Kelica was always fascinated learning about everyone's different magic, and this was no exception. She bent over and leaned close towards the bow, peering at it. "So it's just a bow, like Lloyd's, but uses pretty magic? So you have ribbon arrows or something?" Kelica was pretty slow when it came to explanation, but when the bow simply ceased to be she smiled. "Sure!! In any case, it's handy!" Looping her arm through his? Hers? "I reckon Fairytail will win for sure!"

@Salt Lord
Alfie - Miss Fiore Contest: Stage

Alfie let Kelica loop her arm around its and gave her a slight smile before a bell rang, signaling the start of the contest. Alfie would be going first to start the show, and he would make sure his act would be the best. Even if it wasn't his point of joining, a little praise every once in a while never hurt, right?
"Time to go! Wish me luck!" He pulled his arm out of the lock and began walking.

The curtains began to move, and as they slowly pulled themselves out of the way, a pink shine came from in between them. When they were completely gone, Alfie could be seen on his toes, doing a sort of ballet stance... Suddenly, a pink ribbon extended from one of his hands, and he quickly went from unmoving to twirling on one leg, his other lifting outward. The ribbons were moving along and sparkling, forming a sort of spinning barrier around him, and when his leg was completely in the air so that he was splitting and twirling at once, glyphs formed all around the perimeters of the location of the contest, some even right under people watching. As Alfie suddenly stopped twirling and stood normally, he struck a pose, pink ribbon shooting into the air from the glyphs and falling into the crowd, with the ribbons previously in his hands vanishing.

His act was over, and the curtains closed in front of him. The gem tied to the back of his bra was shining with power.
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Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora kept to herself as Valken spoke to Lysander and opted to crossing her ankles snugly, hands sliding to cup her face whilst her fingers masked the blush that was still apparent on her cheeks. She smiled happily as the exceed returned and floated down to rest on her lap, wings disappearing as her small face gazed upwards at Sora, mouth full of food. " Classy, Nami. " She taunted the cat, grinning childishly before the start of the contest was signaled, the whole room drawing to an eerie quiet in anticipation. Sora had discretely enchanted herself with a magic nullifying barrier, doing the same on Nami as she was unsure of what to expect from everyone's acts; who knows, they could get doused by a tidal wave. It looked like Alfie was first, how courageous of him, though he'd taken the form of a female which honestly didn't surprise her. Perhaps it was the eccentric colored hair like her own that left him open to such out there ideas, though it seemed to be working brilliantly as people seemed mesmerized by his performance. Sora kept a gleaming smile plastered on her face as she cheered on her guild mate, regardless if those ribbons brought back a distasteful memory; it was pretty after-all.

It was hard to concentrate with Lysander in such close proximity, his presence itself simply enough to hold her attention without him having to do anything. His mention of milkshakes sounded wonderful and she'd definitely be taking him up on that offer since she loved anything sweet, though she probably would've endured spicy just for a chance to talk with him. But for now she did her absolute best to focus on the contest, wondering what Maya had chosen to go with, already knowing Clair's attire as she'd nagged the red head until she got the outfit she had picked out for her. Nami herself seemed to be enjoying it, eyes wide with wonder as the ribbons fell upon them and the curtains came to a close. " I wonder who's next. " She spoke softly, almost as if to herself but it was audible enough to be heard.

@HuorSpinks @Mr Swiftshots @LeSoraAmari @Zuka @Salt Lord
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@HuorSpinks @Mr Swiftshots @LeSoraAmari @Zuka @Salt Lord @purplepanda288

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

It'd seemed that Alfie had came up on stage before Bob could announce him. Oh well. "An amazing performance by Alfie Rodrick everyone!" He shouted, voice amplified through the microphone and speakers in the crowd. "Next up is Kimberly Lock, another mage from Magnolia's own Fairy Tail!" He continued. Truth be told, Bob had a fear for public speaking. Poor Bob wasn't really up to it, but he was chosen for whatever reason and announce he shall! If he doesn't pass out midway.
Kim lock- Ms.Fiore contest

Kim felt a chill down her spine, magic was being depleted from the air. She looked at the Contestant that just preformed. The gem oh his/her back was glowing and radiating with magic.
" That's off." She mumbled to her self.

Soon the announcer called that it was in fact her turn to preform. She walked to the stage and waited for the curtains to be pulled back. Once they parted Kim let her hands down with her palms facing the audience. She raised them above her head, as she did her palms emitted a soft purple glow, as she did the floor on the stage became the same pigment as he palms. Large purple flowers and vines grew out of the floor. She squatted and back flipped onto on of the largest flowers.

Once she landed she lifted one of her legs above her head and wrapped it around a vine. She grabed onto another purple vine and began to curtain dance her way up and down them. She twirled and twisted around them until she was about to finish her act. As she lowered her self down the taint on the stage floor condensed into a few large masses. The masses then flew out into the spectators and blew up in a flurry of purple lights. She the lights lingered around her as she bowed. Kim smiled and spoke before the curtains closed."
Thank you!"
Mizuki: Swimsuit Contest

Mizuki stared Alicia down with a dark look, her hands barely touching her shoulders. "Alicia, you don't understand. There are tons of dirty, bad men out in that audience that will be staring at you, think of terrible things. This is what's so bad about the contest." She said, frowning and letting go of the small girl. Her goal of joining the contest was not to win, but to hopefully take the spotlight away from Alicia and scare the audience as well. She wouldn't allow anyone to take her sweet Alicia's innocence. Never ever. "Do you understand what I mean?"

Millie blushed slightly and smiled as Millie complimented her swimsuit. She thought it looked pretty good too, but it was always nice to hear it from someone else. "Thank you Maya, you look great too!" She said, hugging her quickly and giggling. "And don't worry, I don't plan on losing. I need to win this for Valken, as a gift. He's a real sweetie, did you know that?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.fcefc91bde394ea120318bb39ef37fa6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107335" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.fcefc91bde394ea120318bb39ef37fa6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari



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Kayzo said:
Mizuki: Swimsuit Contest
Mizuki stared Alicia down with a dark look, her hands barely touching her shoulders. "Alicia, you don't understand. There are tons of dirty, bad men out in that audience that will be staring at you, think of terrible things. This is what's so bad about the contest." She said, frowning and letting go of the small girl. Her goal of joining the contest was not to win, but to hopefully take the spotlight away from Alicia and scare the audience as well. She wouldn't allow anyone to take her sweet Alicia's innocence. Never ever. "Do you understand what I mean?"

Millie blushed slightly and smiled as Millie complimented her swimsuit. She thought it looked pretty good too, but it was always nice to hear it from someone else. "Thank you Maya, you look great too!" She said, hugging her quickly and giggling. "And don't worry, I don't plan on losing. I need to win this for Valken, as a gift. He's a real sweetie, did you know that?"

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@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari

Alicia: Ms. Fiore Contest Backstage

Alicia stared right back up at Mizuki as she spoke to her, kinda creeped out by the way she was staring at her. Though, what she said kind of confused her. Bad things? Did they like, think of killing her? Why would they do that? She slowly shook her head when she asked if she understood. "Nope. Not a clue, unless you mean them thinking about killing me? But I don't see why they'd do that..besides I'd beat 'em up with my magic if they tried to anyway." She replied. Once again, the girl was only ten. So the point Mizuki was trying to get across went unacknowledged as a whole. Or maybe it didn't, and she was right.
Mizuki shook her head and sighed. She should've known that Alicia wouldn't know about things that men do to girls, and she really didn't want to go into detail. She wouldn't mind telling the young girl about the birds and the bees, but now obviously wasn't the time. "Never mind that Alicia, just stay away from any men that try to talk to you. Make sure I'm around." She said, patting the girls head gently before trying to cover her body. Hopefully they'd call her out soon so they could finish up the contest quickly.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki shook her head and sighed. She should've known that Alicia wouldn't know about things that men do to girls, and she really didn't want to go into detail. She wouldn't mind telling the young girl about the birds and the bees, but now obviously wasn't the time. "Never mind that Alicia, just stay away from any men that try to talk to you. Make sure I'm around." She said, patting the girls head gently before trying to cover her body. Hopefully they'd call her out soon so they could finish up the contest quickly.
@HuorSpinks @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @LeSoraAmari @Zuka

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

"Give a big round of appalause for Kimberly Lock everyone!" Bob announced, causing the already cheering crowd to cheer louder. Holding his hands up to signal everyone to stop the crowd respectfully grew silent, all expect one man that swiftly took a shoe to the face. Clearing his voice Bob looked to see if there'd be anymore..interruptions. Upon seeing there wasn't he nodded. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Kelcia Zefara!" He shouted, signalling for Kelica to come on stage.

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