Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kim turned head head to Kelica, she laid her eyes on her. Kim stuck her tounge out. " Oh calm down you really should lighten up. Anyways, the names Kim." Kim moved her banged out of her eyes.

@Zuka @Salt Lord
Kelica - Magnolia Streets

Kelica was still abit miffed about this Kim and her response to Alfie's head. It May have been in jist but Kelica had grown a fondness for the guy, ever since they had rode a feral beast Chris down the main streets of Magnolia, rodeo style. Kelica kept the same level gaze, but grasped Alfie suddenly and rather surprisingly, shoved the poor pink haired mage straight into her bosom. A thought flickered for a moment to weither the he could breath, but she soon dismissed that thought. "Well, Kim, Alfie is anything but a carrot. He's a lovely man. If not a little excessive at times with the ribbons... "

@Salt Lord @purplepanda288
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Kim had a odd look plastered on her face. " Umm I'm not sure if he can breathe in your boobs." Kim giggled at their antics, this guild was fun to her and nothing could change that. " You two would look cute as a couple. "

@Salt Lord @Zuka
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@Kayzo @femjapanriceball @HuorSpinks @Britt-21 @Salt Lord

1 Hour before Ms. Fiore bikini contest

It is approximately one hour before the contest that pretty much everyone has been talking about all day. Currently Fairy Tail members(NPC's) are putting the finishing touches on the stage while the entrants get ready. Once again it's sure to be a great show, especially with Clair Fernandez the reigning champ entering once again. Perhaps someone will take the title from her? Oh that and the 100,000 jewels. Regardless of how things may be, everyone is currently making their way to the event platform in Fairy Tail's back yard. Either to enter or to watch.
Lana and Roku had entered into the competition both of which eager to win. Lana for the honor of her guild and Roku clearly eyeing that pile of jewels to add into her savings again. Roku waited by herself in the back of the area confidently.

Lana meanwhile looked at her two friends still nervous, "I'm not sure about this still," She said to them taking a few deep breaths to calm her collective nerves.

@Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir

@AnyoneElse for Roku as well ))
Kim was ecstatic to be in the competition. She had picked out her favorite two-piece swimsuit for it. She looked at the clock. " About an hour till it starts. " she went over her routine in her head.
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Leo Radomir

@AnyoneElse for Roku as well ))
@Leo Radomir

Ferra: Ms. Fiore Contest

Ferra was currently wearing a teal two piece with yellow polka dots. Why? She couldn't find a pink one, which upset her. But oh well. "
Don't worry Lana you'll do FINE. Trust us!" She told her. "Besides, from what I see a lot of these chicks have flat chests.." She added. "Not that that's the only thing that matters, but still. It's a point." She further added before shrugging.
Lana - Nervously observing the other contestants - Ms. Fiore Contest

Lana shrugged her shoulders looking at Ferra, "I want to win but, like some if them are amazingly built too after all." Lana was wearing a blue and black bikini as she felt the most comfortable in those colors. However she had never been so dressed down around others before so her face was constantly a shade of red. "I'll be okay, it's not like anyone will be checking me out. Nope not at all." She said to herself trying to remain calm.

@Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir (And possible others)
Adrian Bell -- In the seating area

Adrian sat in the audience, waiting for the competition to begin. Meanwhile...

??? -- Backstage

A gorgeous and beautiful woman was busy putting prettifying herself for the competition. She had a perfect hourglass figure, lovely red lipstick, and a two-piece bikini that was crimson in color. She had given her name to the receptionist as "Taylor Fireheart," though that wasn't actually her real name. She was about 5'3" and had hips to die for. She was Requipping her hair and nails to look just right for the competition. At least, everyone thought she was Requipping...
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@Mitchs98[/URL] @Leo Radomir (And possible others)
Cinla smiles in her blue neo green/blue two piece her hips geto type bikini and clean tanned nicely toned legs stomach and nice peach shape bum fitting into in all the right places and says" ferra chan's spot on, i mean i don't have the biggest rack or ass but i'm not going down with out a fight one because i want to have fun and two i know how to use what i got just like that song shake what mama gave ya". Cinla paused for a minute or so then says" You'll do fine girlfriend and so what if their checking you out it means you have appeal and trust me i've seen women with body's that are ugh my eyes spare me".
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Genon said:
Adrian Bell -- In the seating area
Adrian sat in the audience, waiting for the competition to begin. Meanwhile...

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Competition Area


Ryu sat next to Adrian, contentedly eating a bowl of ramen he had purchased earlier. It had been a while since he had eaten some, so he was eating a bit faster than normal. "So how many participants are in the contest?" He asked Adrian as he continued to devour the ramen. "I'm sure the 100,000 jewel prize attracts quite a few contestants." He added in between mouthfuls.

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Kim lock- ms. Fiore contest

@Mitchs98[/URL] @Leo Radomir (And possible others)

Kim looked at little Lana. She put her hand on Lana's shoulder " Your gonna do fabulously, don't worry. If we don't win then we at lest we'll have fun!" She some how had changed into her swimsuit. She didn't have much bust to boast about but she was happy nonetheless. Her swim suit had been adorned with small beads and Jewels.

Lavender Gray - Entering Magnolia and heading to the Contest

Lavender had known about the Festival and the contest. But knowing Lavender, she went out to take a job a day ago and only just arrived "Well well it seems they are starting the party without me." she said softly as her feet took her to the Fairy Tail guild. Her sword in her right hand and her shield on her left. Sure, she hadnt been in battle but she had always been prepared for anything. Instead of going into the guild hall, she went to where the contest had been held. Along the way, she greeted others who had greeted "Hello." she said to a child with a smile and kept on walking. I do wonder who joined the contest this time. Then again..many girls like to sign up for the prize of Jewl.
Lana - Still nervous and even more crimson - Ms. Foire Contest back stage

Lana looked at Cinla and opened her mouth before shutting it debating how to answer. "I'd rather be looked at by others in here only," She stated pressing her fingers together still nervous and blushing darker.

Lana then flailed when someone touched her shoulder and she looked at Kin, "Oh um Hai, yeah I hope so." She gripped her chest slightly taking deep breaths as she had been taken by surprise for a few moments.

@Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir @purplepanda288
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Ophelia - Miss Fiore Contest: Backstage

Ophelia looked down at herself, proudly admiring the swimsuit she had chosen. It was a teal, one piece swimsuit with a gold sequin ribbon wrapping around the waist. Despite being simple, it managed to look cute, with all of the sparkles of the ribbon mixing in with the teal background of the suit itself. While she knew she had no chance of winning, she seriously doubted that she would come even close to last--especially with her magic show. Who needed big boobs and a round butt when you had a cute swimsuit and pretty magic tricks? But upon looking upward, she found that there was a girl who managed to mix cute with sexy, and all of the confidence the petite Guild Master had had was thrown out the window.

Alfie - Miss Fiore Contest: Backstage

Alfie had completely followed the advice received from his friends a few hours ago and looked even better as a result. Alfie himself didn't like it all too much, however, seeing as how winning wasn't even the point of him joining the competition. But whether he liked it or not, it was the best way to fit in, and who couldn't use an extra 100,000 jewels? "Nothing shouts shame like entering a swimsuit contest as... this," he said to no one in particular while running his fingers through his sleek, shiny pink hair, "But it must be done..."
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Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Competition Area


Ryu sat next to Adrian, contentedly eating a bowl of ramen he had purchased earlier. It had been a while since he had eaten some, so he was eating a bit faster than normal. "So how many participants are in the contest?" He asked Adrian as he continued to devour the ramen. "I'm sure the 100,000 jewel prize attracts quite a few contestants." He added in between mouthfuls.

Adrian turned his head to look at Ryu and replied, "Eh, I have no clue. I didn't bother to check the listings before hand, but it's about 20 at most." Adrian had a bag of pretzels in his hands, and was eating the salted wheat snack one piece at a time.
[QUOTE="Lana Valentine]Lana - Nervously observing the other contestants - Ms. Fiore Contest
Lana shrugged her shoulders looking at Ferra, "I want to win but, like some if them are amazingly built too after all." Lana was wearing a blue and black bikini as she felt the most comfortable in those colors. However she had never been so dressed down around others before so her face was constantly a shade of red. "I'll be okay, it's not like anyone will be checking me out. Nope not at all." She said to herself trying to remain calm.


Alicia: Same Place as Ferra

Alicia stood beside Mizuki wearing a simple orange and white striped one piece. She'd convinced her she had a good chance of joining, so she joined alongside her. Besides, even if she didn't Alicia figured she'd have fun anyway. "This is pretty exciting huh? It'd be cool if you won." She told her. She hoped she did, it'd be something for Sabertooth to brag about taking from Fairy Tail after all.

Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

She was rummaging around her large bag, occasionally taking glances at the other contestants to see what she was up against. Seeing them in their various bikinis she was certain she'd make a far greater impact than any of them. She hoisted out a large red garment with some smaller sheer pieces of clothing. Part of her didn't want the other contestants to see what she planned to wear, but the realization that she couldn't hide it from them forced her to press on. She quickly stripped out of her clothes, shoving them unceremoniously into her bag before gathering up the new clothes and slipping them on. It took her a little while to get everything situated just the way she wanted but she found herself dressed and ready to go.

She looked at herself in a nearby mirror, turning this way and that to make sure she looked perfect from all angles. A smug grin spread across her lips as she gazed upon her reflection. Unlike some of the other contestants she did not bother with the likes of make-up, having the utmost confidence in her own natural beauty. Her hair was tied into a loosely flowing ponytail, the crimson strands framing her face and complimented her attire perfectly. She couldn't contain her eagerness, full sure she had this contest in the bag. After all, she knew the importance of presentation.

Lavender Gray - Bikini Contest Entrance

Lavender had finally arrived at the entrance of the bikini contest. It was packed with guys simply because they loved seeing girls in skimpy bikinis'. It bothered Lavender but she had learned to deal with the fact that men just like women who showed off their goods. Though, herself didnt dare put herself in such situations! Despite her armor, it doesnt show much but only cleavelege but leaves much to the imagination. "It's so packed..I'm surprised many people can fit in here." her soft voice said as her golden eyes scanned the area for anything that might be fishy in any way. "At least the towns folk are having a good time. I dont mind one bit."​
Kelica - Backstage Miss Fiore Contest

Kelica had pretty much ditched her friends to make her way to the contest. Afterall, she figured Chris and Valken were still in a fist fight, and would join shortly. She came skidding in a puff, and with practically no shame threw her utility belt along with her tights, vest and leather shoes. She wipped her hair up into a loose ponytail, and doned a rather revealing green ruffled bikini set. The green matched her eyes. She skipped around, seeing suddenly Alfie and tip toed over. "Oh? Your joining the contest to?"


@Salt Lord
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Valken - Side streets to Magnolia

Valken and Chris had been at it for what felt like hours. He had sweat dripping down his chest and back, his muscles flexed while aching and bruises all over. He was one tough son of gun, that Valken didn't denigh. He had thrown his strength right into the guy and he barely flinched. Valken had done much the same. Standing up straight, he rolled a shoulder and held his hand out, to shake Chris's. "I know I was as a jerk earlier but, man, you are like a tank... the bikini contest is about to start... no doubt we should make an appearance for our girls... then we can continue Eh?" Valken was tired, he hadn't had a physically exhausting match like that in awhile.

Chris Lengheart(Streets)

Chris, unlike his opponent, hadn't been as easily tired out. That didn't mean that Chris wasn't hurt, he still had a few bruises on his back and shoulder, but honestly Chris felt like he had a physical advantage over this guy. He watched as he held out his hand and gave it a firm shake,"You're right, I promised Kelica I'd go root for her." he said as he picked up the jewel bag he had been fighting for before tying it to his belt loop, leaving the other one for his opponent to pick up. He put his shirt back on as he began walking to where the swimsuit contest was normally held. Chris was sure that Kelica had a decent chance at winning, but the things some of these girls would do just to win the jewel prize was astounding.

Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th wizard saint

Magnolia swim suit contest

Clair sat back stage still fully dressed , she was going to draw out the time as much as she could now that Sora wasn't around to stop her. Clair looked around the room , inspecting her competition , many of the girls from last year were back but quite a few were new. Clair couldn't understand why anyone would willingly sign up for this competition it was so embarrassing being up on the stage , half naked , with hundreds of eyes focused on you. Clair exhaled loudly and slumped back into her seat "it's only a competition , i can do this just like before..... or i could face Sora's wrath ..... no the competition is better for my health"

Alfie - Miss Fiore Contest: Backstage

Alfie turned around to face Kelica, and by the looks of it, she was in the contest too. "Yes, I am. You're looking really nice, Kelica. I think Chris will be pleased with you. But as for me," the wizard said and snapped causing his fingers to glow pink, "I still have a few adjustments to make." He bent over and waved his arms around his body, causing his "appeal factors" to enhance themselves. As soon as it started, the transformation was over, and as Alfie stood up, he was as (if not more) "appealing" as Kelica. "Done! How do I look now?"


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