Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Alfie Roderick

Magnolia - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Alfie nodded at Ryu's request and began speaking again, "They were connected. A quest was filed to every light Guild, giving us information about dragon attacks on Malnia. We were to destroy the dragons, and if the cause was a dark Guild, we were to bring them to the Magic Council for questioning. It turned out that we had to fight both. The one who had filed out the quest was Grimoire Heart's Master, but we hadn't known that until after we had found the dragons. The few who weren't killing the dragons were fighting the Heart's Master." The wizard thoughtfully looked into his lap before continuing, "In the end, everything was resolved... except for Master Cece's death. They still don't know who did it, but people think it was Grimoire Heart." Alfie looked back up at Ryu. "That's all I have for now."

Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia Streets

Upon arrival to the scene of the fight, it appeared that the cause of all the ruckus were two Fairy Tail mages, battling it out in the middle of the streets. How unbecoming, let alone dangerous. What if one of the citizens got caught up in the fight and were hurt as a result? The carelessness in these two was unreal. But she wasn't one to judge, she didn't know them, and destruction was one thing Fairy Tail seemed to revel in, if not harbour it. Bringing her hands together for a singular clap of happiness, Maya chuckled. "Well done Sora, you defused that situation efficiently. Are they all scared of you?" She chuckled as the words "that's my girl" appeared in her mind, but weren't said aloud. Looking around, she noticed that Valken and Millie were there too. And as was Lysander, speaking of, the man approached her and asked about Lloyd, Maya smiled to the man. "Master Lloyd plans to arrive here on the third and final day. He had a lot of paperwork to catch up on, and, especially after the whole Malnia incident; his work takes absolute priority as he cannot put it off any longer." She paused for a moment before continuing, "He put me in charge of everyone until he arrives. As well." Maya put her hands on the mans shoulders before realising something. With a smile, she proceeded to speak yet again. "Oh my! I almost forgot. Lysander, meet Sora Marvell! She has ancestry running deep through Fairy Tails roots much like you do."

After saying that, Maya chuckled. "Sora, this is Lysander Connell. He is a member of Lamia Scale." She chuckled and then turned her attention away from the group for a moment. Perhaps she should enter herself and Sora in for the bikini contest. Maybe Millie and Clair could join in too and they could be known as The Bikini Babes. What a wonderful thing!

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @PeteTSs
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Lysander - Streets of Magnolia

Lysander nodded his head as he listened to Maya. Then, he smiled, relief showing on his face. "Thank you, Maya." He hesitated, then said in a quieter tone, "I'll be sure to pass this information to Kelica. I believe she was looking for him. It was on behalf of her that I asked in the first place. But I am still glad to know that Lloyd would at least be attending." And perhaps he would get to speak to Lloyd. His stomach churned at the thought of suddenly resuming a conversation with someone who he used to be close to, yet whom he had not spoken to in three months. But perhaps... he had to. Kelica would be pleased to know too, or at least, he hoped. He was wary now of passing this information to her, in case she broke down again, or if her mood soured because of it. He glanced at her now. She was not so angry now, thankfully, in fact, she was healing her friends, whom he now recognized as those by her side when she had her mental breakdown earlier. It had been hard to tell with all those roots. And he still needed to return Kelica's hairband to her. Now was not a good time to approach her, judging by the cries of pain her friends were emitting while she healed them.

He turned to Maya again, as Maya introduced him to Sora Marvell and vice versa. His eyes widened significantly at her last name, and he glanced at her with a huge amount of interest in his eyes before quickly turning away again; he did not want to be considered rude for staring. Her name though, was legendary. Wendy Marvell had been an extremely powerful mage during her time, and it was a huge thing to interact with, much less, meet someone with that renown an ancestry. His grandmother Asuka had known Wendy Marvell too. Truly, it had been one of his best ideas to attend the festival. He got a glimpse of legends, as well as his own history, as his ancestors had known hers too.

"It's an honour to meet you, Ms Marvell," Lysander said finally, He probably sounded quite shell-shocked. His hand grasped at his hat in a tighter hold as he instinctively pressed his hat harder against his chest, while at the same time fiddling with the clasp that held his tattered poncho together with his other hand.

@Kayzo @PeteTSs
@Salt Lord (nearby)


"I suppose I should tell you what I ended up doing that made me so out-of-touch with the goings-on in the guild. For the past two months, I was out on a mission to retake a fortress overrun by bandits. Seems easy enough, except they had a particularly tough guildless wizard running the group, and I ended up resorting to a rather stupid tactic in hindsight. I'm an Arcane Wizard, and the Arcane school has a spell called Chaotic Mimicry, which gives you a random spell from any other school of magic, and deletes the knowledge it gave you from your memory at the end of the battle it's used in. Now, it's usually quite safe, but there is an astronomically small chance of gaining a forbidden spell. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened. It was Plague Magic, an obscure Black Arts school that specializes in magical diseases. And when you're dealing with Black Arts, sometimes things get...weird. In this case, the spell had a mind of its own, moving my hand and voice to cast it when I just wanted it dispelled. So everyone in the fortress turned into mindless cannibalistic mutants, and I ended up...well..."

Adrian's voice quivered as he said, "I had to kill them all to prevent it from spreading into the countryside." Tears welled up in his eyes here, as the memory of killing plague victims still haunted him. "There was no way to cure it, I remember the spell gloating that it was hopeless before it finally shut up for good. Afterwards, between investigations, detainments, and paperwork, I was stuck halfway across the country for over a month. I only arrived back in Magnolia last week. Moral of the story: Forbidden spells are forbidden for a reason, don't ever use them."
Clair Fernandes : Fairy tail / 4th Wizard Saint


Clair laughed quietly when Sora began to lecture the group , her lectures were legendary within the guild for there ruthlessness. Clair continued to laugh quietly to herself until she heard Maya complement the girl on her diffusion of the situation , Clair stiffened when she asked were the other guild members scared of her. "Nami , I just want you to know that if Maya actually gets angry i'll be sacrificing you".

Clair stood with her back against one of the nearby stalls , she wanted to give Sora and Maya some space and so she kept her mouth shut and simply spectated. The newcomer seemed to practically swoon over Sora once she was introduced to him , it was quite amusing to watch as the boy honestly looked completely starstruck. This kind of thing happened quite often however as both Sora and Clair had history within the guild.

Genon said:
@Salt Lord (nearby)

"I suppose I should tell you what I ended up doing that made me so out-of-touch with the goings-on in the guild. For the past two months, I was out on a mission to retake a fortress overrun by bandits. Seems easy enough, except they had a particularly tough guildless wizard running the group, and I ended up resorting to a rather stupid tactic in hindsight. I'm an Arcane Wizard, and the Arcane school has a spell called Chaotic Mimicry, which gives you a random spell from any other school of magic, and deletes the knowledge it gave you from your memory at the end of the battle it's used in. Now, it's usually quite safe, but there is an astronomically small chance of gaining a forbidden spell. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened. It was Plague Magic, an obscure Black Arts school that specializes in magical diseases. And when you're dealing with Black Arts, sometimes things get...weird. In this case, the spell had a mind of its own, moving my hand and voice to cast it when I just wanted it dispelled. So everyone in the fortress turned into mindless cannibalistic mutants, and I ended up...well..."

Adrian's voice quivered as he said, "I had to kill them all to prevent it from spreading into the countryside." Tears welled up in his eyes here, as the memory of killing plague victims still haunted him. "There was no way to cure it, I remember the spell gloating that it was hopeless before it finally shut up for good. Afterwards, between investigations, detainments, and paperwork, I was stuck halfway across the country for over a month. I only arrived back in Magnolia last week. Moral of the story: Forbidden spells are forbidden for a reason, don't ever use them."

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild


Ryu listened silently as both Alfie and Adrian told their respective stories. He looked down, taking a moment before responding. "Those both sound like they were terrible. I can't imagine how painful they must have been to experience. I offer you both my deepest condolences," He stared at the surface of the bar, feeling terrible. How the hell could he have been so stupid that he hadn't heard anything about this? He should have been there. He should have fought alongside them. Maybe it wouldn't have made much of a difference, but this was a matter of principle. The Kasai Uzuken-ryu was a style taught to protect. If he couldn't do that, then he was worse than useless; he was a failure. His gaze remained fixed on the bar surface and his untouched drink, as he sat there silently.

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Alfie Roderick

Magnolia - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Alfie looked up at Adrian sympathetically has he gave out his story. That sounds awful, to have to sacrifice the needs of the few for the needs of the many... but Alfie's been doing that for years. The wizard continued to listen silently as Adrian spoke, his voice even quivering, and when he finished, Alfie put his hand on the other's shoulder, a comforting sense of warmth emanating from his hand through his white glove. But that was all before he had time to think about how he ended it, and when that last sentence managed to snake its way through Alfie's gem, his hand slowly fell off of Adrian's shoulder. If only he knew.

@Rhodus @Genon


Sasuke Haishen "3rd Wizard Saint"; Train to Magnolia

Sasuke just shrugged as if he didn't care "I don't have anything to do anyway." he said sternly "I'll just wait out the whole thing!" he exclaimed before resting back in his seat, leaning back and letting out a sigh. He rubbed his wristbands together which made a rather irritating clanking side as the gold rubbed against each other. He was extremely bored in this situation, he didn't know what to do. So he decided to randomly poke faces at those who looked at him, hoping that someone might get mad.


Millie- Magnolia Streets

Millie frowned slightly as the fight she was watching was suddenly broken up by a short, blue haired girl and her "windy" magic. "Aww, this blows..." She mumbled, leaning her head on Valken's shoulder and looking up at him. She got up onto her tippy toes and kissed his cheek before wrapping her arms around his waist. Her attention was brought back to the crowd when she noticed Maya and Lysander. It seemed that the entire guild was coming together at this very spot, and it made Millie very happy. "Hello Maya~!" She called out, waving at her and smiling. "Who's the little kid?"

(I'll post Grace soon. I'm just not feeling it :/ )

@HuorSpinks @Zuka@Kyuubey
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Kelica - Festival streets

Kelica took a step back as Chris stood up, popping his shoulder and holding his chest. He and Sabrina may have been in discomfort but at least they were healed. Kelica took a step back forward and wrapped her arms suddenly around Chris, almost completely ignoring the coin purse, which again was odd for her. Peeking her head out from his body, she spotted Lysander talking to another lady, and a couple somewhere nearby. The fellow had a wide grin on his face and she noticed he was staring intently at Chris. "Is there something we can do for you?" She spoke up, eyebrow raised.

Valken - Magnolia Streets

When things seemed to settle down, he couldn't stop staring at that huge beast man. I mean, he was huge, the same height as Valken but twice as dense muscle wise. Valken had a smuggness about him. "Eh, not alot, just watching some boy get beaten by a girl then have his girlfriend step in to stop the match... what's your next move, entry into the Bikini contest?" Valken was baiting and he knew it. He also knew Maya and Millie may not be to impressed but, to hell with it, right? He wanted a good match.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots

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Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Nami grinned up at Clair upon hearing her words, fluttering her wings in a sarcastic manner. " Only if you can catch me! Fatties like you can't fly, Clair. " Nami giggled quite amused with herself, rolling about midair. A soft huff left Sora's lips as the crowd dispersed fully, leaving only behind a handful of mages, some known whilst others she had no clue about. The sound of Maya's hands doing a single clap caught her attention to which she swiveled around and approached her once again, only to see her accompanied now by a boy, or perhaps a man, his age eluded her. Her head tilted to the side at the introductions, a thoughtful finger being brought up as she searched her memories as to why the last name brought up some sort of nostalgia. " Connell, Connell... " Sora repeated softly, head instinctively tilting to the other side as her hues slid upwards to gaze at him curiously as she noticed him look away. That's right... She'd seen pictures of the Connell's with Wendy and the rest of Fairy Tail from back in the day, they happened to be friends of her grandparents. This singular thought of him being related to someone so close to her made her ease up completely, guard being washed away.

Both hands moved to slip the dress Maya had gotten her into her bag and then reached out to softly grasp the hand that he was using to play with the clasp of his poncho, a warm smile spreading on her face. " I've seen the hat and the cloak in pictures my grandma Wendy showed me, they suit you. " She bowed in a cute manner after her gentle words, hands still clasping his during the whole exchange delicately, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. " It's a pleasure to meet you, but please, call me Sora in the future. " And with that she released his hand, feeling a subtle but noticeable blush tickle its way onto her cheeks, eyes resting on his features for a few more lingering moments until she realized she herself was staring and looked up at Maya with pleading eyes. " Do you have anyone accompanying you, Lysander? " She shook her head quite quickly, pigtails going flying before she calmed down, hands flailing in front of her. " I-Is it okay if I call you that? " She felt horrid for assuming it was okay to drop complete formalities and she inched closer to Maya as if for some sort of protection in case he did get upset, hand sliding back into hers for the added comfort. Sora finally noticed the other mages as one in particular called out to Maya, it'd seem her Aunt was quite popular, which was also to be expected.
'Little kid'? Sora's lips scrunched to the side at that comment but she held her confident air, only a small squeeze to Maya's hand being given to show her displeasure.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @whomever else
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Chris Lengheart(Festival streets)

Chris was a bit surprised by the sudden hug, but by now he should have been used to it. He was about to say something until he heard Kelica ask a person if he needed something. Chris pulled away from Kelica as he suddenly heard a male talking. He raised a eyebrow as he only chuckled and shook his head, "Oh, so you'd fair much better than I did? Alright, I'd honestly like to see that." Chris folded his arms over his chest and only glared at the man with a brief smirk before turning back to Kelica as he waited for her to finish whatever business she may have with this person.

Kelica and Valken

Kelica shrugged to Chris in an honest, no idea what was going on fashion.

Valken on the other hand, waved in an off handish manner. Normally not one to make a scene, but he was bored and the missions lately had been tedious and dull. He lowered his hand and grasped the heavy coin purse at his hip, unhooking it from his belt. Then he tossed it rather casually at the man's feet.

"Double or nothing."

Valken's face darkened and he grinned even further.

"And this time your little girlfriend can't step in and save you... I won't even use magic...how about it?

And to raise the stakes...the loser has to go into the Bikini contest...."

Rhodus said:
@Rhodus[/URL] @Genon
Adrian wiped the tears from his face, and said, "I really appreciate it. Thank you immensely. But I know that if I'm stuck in the past, I'll never move forward. Cece's death and the bandit fortress raid were tragedies, but we can't keep dwelling on them, not at this time of year." He finished his beer, put the empty bottle on the table, and continued, "So, I'm resolving now to put the past out of my mind for these three days, and just enjoy the present. So what do you say we get out of this guild hall and go have fun at the festival? That'll keep our mind off of things."

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild


Ryu listened silently as both Alfie and Adrian told their respective stories. He looked down, taking a moment before responding. "Those both sound like they were terrible. I can't imagine how painful they must have been to experience. I offer you both my deepest condolences," He stared at the surface of the bar, feeling terrible. How the hell could he have been so stupid that he hadn't heard anything about this? He should have been there. He should have fought alongside them. Maybe it wouldn't have made much of a difference, but this was a matter of principle. The Kasai Uzuken-ryu was a style taught to protect. If he couldn't do that, then he was worse than useless; he was a failure. His gaze remained fixed on the bar surface and his untouched drink, as he sat there silently.

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Lysander - Streets of Magnolia Town

Lysander immediately looked up when he felt a pair of gentle hands grasp his hand, and found himself staring into the eyes of Sora Marvell. As if in response to her blushing, his own cheeks reddened as well, as he felt the blood rush to his head. He felt almost disappointed when she let go of his hand, and as she inched closer to Maya, grasping her hand, he felt rather hurt. He could not help wondering if he had done something to put her off, or to make her uncomfortable in anyway way. In an almost titanic effort, he took a deep breath and forced calmness upon himself, otherwise he would pretty much stutter incoherently and make a complete fool of himself. If that was indeed the case, that she was put off by his behaviour, then he had better find some way of extricating himself out of the situation.

"Thank you," he responded to her compliments on his hat and poncho. "My grandmother passed them down to me. I'm... erm... I'm fine with informality as well. I mean, whichever is more comfortable for you," he barely managed to not stutter out. "I came on my own though, but... my guild is here too," he gestured in Maya's direction, quite relieved at this point in time that his guild members were here as well.

He could not help feeling a little annoyed on Sora's behalf when Millie referred to her as a little kid. He did not know of anyone who actually liked being referred to as a kid. But then again... he did not even know Sora's age. And at this point in time it felt extremely rude to ask.


-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild


Ryu nodded and smiled softly at Adrian's words. "Yes, that does seem the best course of action," He replied."The past is done. We're in the present, and we should act as such," He said, picking up his drink and downing it in one go. "Now, about the festival. The beauty contest is today, isn't it? Perhaps that might be fun to watch. The fighting contest sounds like it will be fun too,"

@Genon @Salt Lord

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Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora noticed the blush that followed on his face which didn't seem to help hers from going away, instead it made her cheeks flush an even darker red. His words only comforted her from her previous thought about the formality and she did a small mental victory dance before wondering why this was so important to her. She usually wasn't one to dwell too much on one person since there were so many people in the guild to interact with or 'babysit'; even the ones much bigger than her, especially those ones. Though here she was, actually concerned about being accepted by this person, despite Lysander not being a Fairy Tail member. Perhaps it was because their family had been friends and that was a tradition she'd love to see continued, or maybe it was something more. His shyness intrigued her and she did her best to try not to keep her eyes glued to him like he was on a display of some sort.

" That's reassuring, I've had certain people not react kindly to being referred to by their first names and I tend to forget. " She slowly let go of Maya's hand and twiddled with the strap to her bag that snugly wrapped about her small frame, eyes lowering to stare at this for a sort of distraction. " Auntie Maya is lovely. " She exclaimed as Lysander motioned towards Maya, a look of admiration being plastered all over her features at the mere thought of the woman next to her. " Alone? " She echoed the question in a rhetorical manner before stepping forward and offering him her hand, holding it out with a gentle smile to match the soft tone of her voice as she spoke again. " Would you like to accompany me then? I assure you I'm one of the few Fairy Tail members who doesn't cause mass amounts of destruction. " And that was true, most of them had a habit of destroying something where-ever they went, and she'd be the one trying to prevent it. It was a fun rinse wash and repeat process! Nami had tugged on Clair's hair a bit to get her attention, pointing at Sora and staring at her quizzically. " Why is her face red? " Nami inquired with a flick of her tail, unsure of what to think.

@HuorSpinks @Mr Swiftshots
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora noticed the blush that followed on his face which didn't seem to help hers from going away, instead it made her cheeks flush an even darker red. His words only comforted her from her previous thought about the formality and she did a small mental victory dance before wondering why this was so important to her. She usually wasn't one to dwell too much on one person since there were so many people in the guild to interact with or 'babysit'; even the ones much bigger than her, especially those ones. Though here she was, actually concerned about being accepted by this person, despite Lysander not being a Fairy Tail member. Perhaps it was because their family had been friends and that was a tradition she'd love to see continued, or maybe it was something more. His shyness intrigued her and she did her best to try not to keep her eyes glued to him like he was on a display of some sort.

" That's reassuring, I've had certain people not react kindly to being referred to by their first names and I tend to forget. " She slowly let go of Maya's hand and twiddled with the strap to her bag that snugly wrapped about her small frame, eyes lowering to stare at this for a sort of distraction. " Auntie Maya is lovely. " She exclaimed as Lysander motioned towards Maya, a look of admiration being plastered all over her features at the mere thought of the woman next to her. " Alone? " She echoed the question in a rhetorical manner before stepping forward and offering him her hand, holding it out with a gentle smile to match the soft tone of her voice as she spoke again. " Would you like to accompany me then? I assure you I'm one of the few Fairy Tail members who doesn't cause mass amounts of destruction. " And that was true, most of them had a habit of destroying something where-ever they went, and she'd be the one trying to prevent it. It was a fun rinse wash and repeat process! Nami had tugged on Clair's hair a bit to get her attention, pointing at Sora and staring at her quizzically. " Why is her face red? " Nami inquired with a flick of her tail, unsure of what to think.

@HuorSpinks @Mr Swiftshots
Clair Fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint


It took a lot of will power for Clair not to strangle the exceed when she called her fat , wait why was everyone calling her fat ! Clair's mind began to race with several different thoughts on the subject , was she really starting to put on weight ? Was she sure her clothes fit her right ? Had she left the stove on ?

Clair's train of thought came to a halt when she felt her hair being tugged , she looked up expecting to find the exceed once again toying with her but instead the exceed seemed to want an answer to something. After listening to the question and inspecting Sora and the newcomer for a while Clair came to the conclusion Sora was crushing on him , love at first sight how cute and immature. Sora didn't know the first thing about this guy and the fact he looked like a shady drug dealer made Clair even more worried about Sora's condition "Nami the reason Sora is blushing is because she is attracted to that young man over there"

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Chris Lengheart(Streets)

Chris was a bit surprised when a new challenger stepped up and threw his entire jewel bag near his feet. Chris only smiled as he removed his and dropped it onto the ground as well. He stared at the challenger for a moment and only shook his head, "Fine, I hope you already have a swimsuit picked out because I'm not planning on losing." he said as he once again removed his shirt, not wanting to get any blood on it.

Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild


Ryu nodded and smiled softly at Adrian's words. "Yes, that does seem the best course of action," He replied."The past is done. We're in the present, and we should act as such," He said, picking up his drink and downing it in one go. "Now, about the festival. The beauty contest is today, isn't it? Perhaps that might be fun to watch. The fighting contest sounds like it will be fun too,"

@Genon @Salt Lord

"Well, I've had some fun in the magicless street fights that've been happening. But I wouldn't mind the swimsuit competition either," Adrian said with a smile.
LeSoraAmari said:
Hibiki Dreyar: Magnolia, Streets>>>Outside of Guild Hall
The streets of Magnolia were filled with people from all over Fiore. It was that time of year, of course. Walking through the bustling crowds, Hibiki had his hands stuffed into his coat pockets as he walked back up to the guild hall, a big bag of cash to boot. For three weeks non-stop, the white haired mage had been doing missions. For the past week, he was out on a mission that revolved around a whole guild of bandits. Thus he was unable to help the other in Malnia, and hasn't seen anyone since he left to go on his mission. He wondered if everyone had thought he died or something, but pushed that thought aside as he realised how completely stupid that was. With a smile on his face, he continued walking up towards the guild hall. Upon arrival, he noticed Sera. And quickly made his way towards her. "Hey Sera." He said with a smile and a wave, standing there with the vampire. It was a pretty naff introduction, considering he hadn't been around for weeks. But, in truth he couldn't actually thing of what else to say, so a smile "hey" would have to do.

Sera: Outside Fairy Tail HQ

Sera was just about to go inside and take a break, having passed out most of the flyers save for a few. She'd been out there for quiet some time now, and it was honestly getting kinda boring. Just as she turned to head inside Hibiki walked up and spoke to her. Of course, being the friendly person she is she inmediately hugged him. "
Hey! Welcome back! What took you so long?" She told him, releasing as she asked the question. He'd been gone a while a while, did he know about Cece? He'd figure it out in the long run..though she guessed she should tell him. "Hey, Hibiki. Did you..hear about Master Cece?" She asked him in a much less cheerful tone.


Alicia: Train to Magnolia

Alicia giggled at Sasuke, both at his response and what he was currently doing to the passangers. Most of them thought he was nuts, the rest tried to ignore him altogether. Though Alicia took to making faces at them to, just cause Sasuke was doing it. They'd arrive in approximately 1 hour, and Alicia honestly couldn't wait.
Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Outside Fairy Tail HQ
Sera was just about to go inside and take a break, having passed out most of the flyers save for a few. She'd been out there for quiet some time now, and it was honestly getting kinda boring. Just as she turned to head inside Hibiki walked up and spoke to her. Of course, being the friendly person she is she inmediately hugged him. "
Hey! Welcome back! What took you so long?" She told him, releasing as she asked the question. He'd been gone a while a while, did he know about Cece? He'd figure it out in the long run..though she guessed she should tell him. "Hey, Hibiki. Did you..hear about Master Cece?" She asked him in a much less cheerful tone.

Alicia: Train to Magnolia

Alicia giggled at Sasuke, both at his response and what he was currently doing to the passangers. Most of them thought he was nuts, the rest tried to ignore him altogether. Though Alicia took to making faces at them to, just cause Sasuke was doing it. They'd arrive in approximately 1 hour, and Alicia honestly couldn't wait.
Hibiki Dreyar: Fairy Tail Guild Hall - Outside.

Of course, Hibiki returned the hug. And after the two broke free from the hug he smiled towards Sera. "The mission was rather tricky. I tried to sort out those thugs without using my Satan Soul. However that didn't exactly work out." Hibiki let out an innocent chuckle before continuing, "Let's just say I dealt with them, but there is nothing left of their base of operations, absolutely nothing, it was hilarious!" He exclaimed, practically jumping on the spot. However, his mood went from being happy to curious at the mention of Master Cece. He shook his head. "I was just about to go and see her to turn in all of this cash, I planned to give it to the guild rather than keep it for myself." He paused for a moment, a brow raising as he looked at Sera. "... Is she alright?"

Kayzo said:
Millie- Magnolia Streets
Millie frowned slightly as the fight she was watching was suddenly broken up by a short, blue haired girl and her "windy" magic. "Aww, this blows..." She mumbled, leaning her head on Valken's shoulder and looking up at him. She got up onto her tippy toes and kissed his cheek before wrapping her arms around his waist. Her attention was brought back to the crowd when she noticed Maya and Lysander. It seemed that the entire guild was coming together at this very spot, and it made Millie very happy. "Hello Maya~!" She called out, waving at her and smiling. "Who's the little kid?"

(I'll post Grace soon. I'm just not feeling it :/ )

@HuorSpinks @Zuka@Kyuubey
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora noticed the blush that followed on his face which didn't seem to help hers from going away, instead it made her cheeks flush an even darker red. His words only comforted her from her previous thought about the formality and she did a small mental victory dance before wondering why this was so important to her. She usually wasn't one to dwell too much on one person since there were so many people in the guild to interact with or 'babysit'; even the ones much bigger than her, especially those ones. Though here she was, actually concerned about being accepted by this person, despite Lysander not being a Fairy Tail member. Perhaps it was because their family had been friends and that was a tradition she'd love to see continued, or maybe it was something more. His shyness intrigued her and she did her best to try not to keep her eyes glued to him like he was on a display of some sort.

" That's reassuring, I've had certain people not react kindly to being referred to by their first names and I tend to forget. " She slowly let go of Maya's hand and twiddled with the strap to her bag that snugly wrapped about her small frame, eyes lowering to stare at this for a sort of distraction. " Auntie Maya is lovely. " She exclaimed as Lysander motioned towards Maya, a look of admiration being plastered all over her features at the mere thought of the woman next to her. " Alone? " She echoed the question in a rhetorical manner before stepping forward and offering him her hand, holding it out with a gentle smile to match the soft tone of her voice as she spoke again. " Would you like to accompany me then? I assure you I'm one of the few Fairy Tail members who doesn't cause mass amounts of destruction. " And that was true, most of them had a habit of destroying something where-ever they went, and she'd be the one trying to prevent it. It was a fun rinse wash and repeat process! Nami had tugged on Clair's hair a bit to get her attention, pointing at Sora and staring at her quizzically. " Why is her face red? " Nami inquired with a flick of her tail, unsure of what to think.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia Streets

"Hello Millie, darling." She said in response to the younger woman's greeting. However, the whole referring to Sora as a little kid ticked her off. And by the looks of things, Sora was annoyed too. "Millie this is Sora, and she isn't a little kid. She is a beautiful woman." She said, bluntly and with a tone of displeasure. "Sora, that woman over there is Millie. She's such a dear." She said with a complete shift of personality as she continued, "And that guy over there is Valken, he is a perv. And is probably going to end up checking out all you Fairy Tail babes in the not too far away future." Raising a hand to her mouth, she chuckled slightly before turning to see Lysander. The woman was quite obviously ticked off, and undoubtedly rather angry. "You came alone?" She asked, rather sternly. "That just isn't on, are the others pushing you away?" She sighed, putting her hands in front of her. "Lloud was meant to send you all off in a big group. With recent events, it just isn't safe." She crossed her arms and tapped her foot on the ground before smiling once more and letting go of Sora's hand as she reached out to hold Lysanders. "In that case, you can stick with us. No one is going to be left out. Not on my watch. And I most certainly won't tolerate sadness. So Lysander, smile dear." Maya clicked her fingers and chuckled once more before looking to Sora and sending a smile her way.

That was when it clicked. Did Lysander and Sora like each other? Maya gave them both quick glances before chuckling yet again. How amusing. How cute. She had brought love together.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets

She stood beside her bed, her hand thoughtfully rubbing her chin as she stared down at the contents strewn across the sheets. She could hear the sound of crowds outside, the sound of laughter and general bustle of the festival. After already spending thirty minutes thinking it over she knew she'd have to come to a decision soon otherwise she'd end up missing all the fun. "Ah screw it!" She leaned forward and swiped the majority of the contents from the bed, leaving only one left in the center. "This'll be good enough." She gathered the items up into a large bag and slung it over her shoulder, quickly making her way out of her room and down the stairs. As she reached the bottom she glanced over at the reception desk, catching the cold glare of the stocky woman before quickly making her way out the front entrance.

She took a moment to appreciate the view, all along the streets were decorations for the festival. Large crowds roamed up and down the canals, just generally enjoying the scenery. The people of Magnolia really did go all out with the festival. She gave her bag a slight tug to move it into a more comfortable position before making her way down the street. If he memory served she still had some time to enjoy the festivities, and enjoying those festivities was just what she was going to do. She deftly snaked her way through the crowds, making her way towards the main street that held the majority of the attractions and shops. While she couldn't afford too much extravagance she could at least enjoy some nice food.

As she came out from one of the side-streets she took a moment to appreciate the sheer business of the main street. People were packed shoulder to shoulder as they made their way to and fro. Stalls lined either side of the street selling everything from small trinkets to delectable delights. One such stall caught her eye and she quickly made her way towards it. As she drew near the unmistakable aroma filled her nose causing her mouth to water. She managed to breach the crowds and come face to face with the object of her desire, the ever magnificent strawberry sundae. She looked up at the ice cream vendor, her eyes beaming with excitement. "Two large strawberry sundaes, please." She did her best to retain her composure and judging by the man's typical response she figured she succeeded. She watched impatiently as the man prepped the two treats before handing them to her. She already had the payment on the counter, quickly snatching the sundaes and giving the man an emphatic 'thanks' before heading off.

She made her way over to a quieter corner of the street, setting her bag down as she plopped herself onto a nearby crate. Unable to resist any longer she dug into one of the sundaes, a moan of delight slipping past her lips as she reveled in the taste. It had been entirely too long since she enjoyed a sundae, not since that Malnia business a couple weeks back. She hummed contently as she savored the taste of her treats, ignoring the crowds around her as she fell into her own little world. Eventually the two sundaes were no more, leaving only a content Tanari to bask in the afterglow of her amazing encounter with the ice cream vendor.

With her sundaes no more she decided to go and see more of the festival. Leaning over she snatched up her bag and hopped off the crate, making her way back into the crowds as she slowly made her way towards the Fairy Tail guild hall. As she made her way through the streets she passed numerous little fights breaking out, almost exclusively mages fighting other mages as crowds formed rings to cheer them on. Big minotaurs here, dragon girls over there, a truly diverse array of fighters making the festival all the more interesting. She idly watched a few of the fights before getting bored and moving on. She was the type of girl who'd rather be in the fight than simply watch it, but then that was what tomorrow was for.

Having spent more than enough time milling about she figured she should probably get to her main objective. She swung by one last stall to pick up a corndog to munch on as she finally approached the guild hall. It was a large and fancy looking building to be sure, easily overshadowing the other structures around it. It's front doors were open as people came and went, with many groups idling around outside as well, although some of those milling about didn't seem to be enjoying themselves all that much. She paid them little mind as she strode into the guild hall, passing a large armored man who made his way out of the building. She gave him a quick look-over as he stood out among the crowd but, like so many others, she ultimately paid him little mind as she strode towards a young attractive woman behind the counter.

The woman noticed the redhead approached and gave her a pleasant smile, asking if she was going to participate in the event. "Ah, yeah, I am. Do I just sign up here?" The young woman gave an affirmative and she quickly signed her name as one of the entries. The process was far less time consuming than she had assumed, as expected of the ever lax Fairy Tail. She looked around the room at all the individuals enjoying meals and alcohol with one another. She still had a bit of time before the event began so she had to decide how best to spend it. Figuring it would be best to remain nearby she turned back to the young woman. "Can I just get a beer?" The woman gave a cheerful affirmation before going off to fetch the beverage. A few moments later and she had her drink. She wasn't all that inclined to go sit with a bunch of strangers at a table so that left only one option. Just like back in her school days she found a nice spot on the wall to call home and nursed her drink, watching all the people laugh and talk among themselves.
Genon said:
Adrian wiped the tears from his face, and said, "I really appreciate it. Thank you immensely. But I know that if I'm stuck in the past, I'll never move forward. Cece's death and the bandit fortress raid were tragedies, but we can't keep dwelling on them, not at this time of year." He finished his beer, put the empty bottle on the table, and continued, "So, I'm resolving now to put the past out of my mind for these three days, and just enjoy the present. So what do you say we get out of this guild hall and go have fun at the festival? That'll keep our mind off of things."
Genon said:
"Well, I've had some fun in the magicless street fights that've been happening. But I wouldn't mind the swimsuit competition either," Adrian said with a smile.

Rhodus said:
Ryu nodded and smiled softly at Adrian's words. "loadWebfont('Kaushan+Script');Yes, that does seem the best course of action," He replied."loadWebfont('Kaushan+Script');The past is done. We're in the present, and we should act as such," He said, picking up his drink and downing it in one go. "loadWebfont('Kaushan+Script');Now, about the festival. The beauty contest is today, isn't it? Perhaps that might be fun to watch. The fighting contest sounds like it will be fun too,"
Alfie Roderick

A-Rank Wizard - Magnolia - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Alfie nodded in agreement at what the two said about not dwelling on the past and having fun at the festival. As the wizard predicted it would, the swimsuit competition was mentioned, and he just so happened to have entered. Should he tell them...? "Actually, I've entered the contest. If girls can do it, why not guys? After all, I have a have a special trick up my sleeve..." Alfie threw one of his hands into the air as a pink ribbon circled and enclosed on his chest. After a second or two of magical kaleidoscope patterns shining from his bust, his shirt was completely replaced with a slim, hot pink bra, and within them, breasts that looked a little heavy (but acted like they should have anyway)... "Crossdressing with magic! What do you think? Anything I need to change?" And with that question, Alfie struck a generic anime girl pose (take your pick), his magical mammies moving with him.

@Rhodus @Genon

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