Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Sabrina---Streets of Magnolia

"With magic, cause why not?" Sabrina said, stepping into the ring. She placed her book bag down next to a wall, walked over to one side of the 'arena' and started to stretch a bit. She then morphed on her dragon's jaws, claws and tail, standing in a ready position, her eyes locked with Chris'. "Ready when you are."

Millie froze up when Valken placed his strong hands on her slim arms, halting her entire body. She stared up into his eyes as he spoke in his signature deep voice. She had begun to calm down as he explained that everything was ok between them. She sniffled quietly and closed her eyes tightly trying to get rid of the tears. She must've been embarrassing Valken in public, and that made her want to cry even more. However before the river could flow his firm hand took her chin and his lips pressed against hers. A warm and calming feeling immediately rushed through her body, the feeling of crying almost instantly disappearing. She held the kiss for a good few seconds before drawing back slightly, her eyes looking back into his. She couldn't believe that he kissed her like that. Sure, she's pecked him on the lips every now and then, but never had they shared a kiss like that. "I'm sorry Valken, for my child like behavior. I can't help it." She said with a sigh, shaking her head slightly and leaning into him. Hopefully Valken could forgive her...


Chris Lengheart(Okay, this is seriously Street Fighter now)

"Alright, I'll go easy on you since you are a B rank after all." Chris said as both his arms became thick and furry, looking like they could almost deflect daggers. Chris also grew a set of horns and a large tail that looked very similar to the ones in his draco form. Chris stood still as he looked at Sabrina,"I'll even let you have the first shot. Come on, lay it on me." he said as he stood ready to block or dodge.


Sabrina---Streets of Magnolia

"Alright then," Sabrina said, eyes glowing from excitement. "Draco Adrenaline Rush." Just as Sabrina finished saying those words, a weird aura appeared around her. Her eyes were literally glowing red as she sprinted at Chris, claws out, at an incredible speed in a zigzag formation.

Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guildhall

His eyes narrowed slightly as the boy spoke, truly the lad thought too highly of himself. Or too little of him. Either way the boy's behavior agitated him greatly. However, people like him were easy to get revenge on. As the boy walked away he held his stern gaze on him, watching carefully as he approached the bar. After a few moments he turned to make his way back to the girl he had left behind. As he approached Ophelia he offered her a small bow. "I apologize, the boy seemed to have something rather urgent to address." As he stood up straight he looked down at the girl, his expression one of conflict, as if debating something internally. After a few moments of silenced he once again spoke up, his tone quiet so only the young girl could hear him. "You see, Mr. Seraphim over there." He subtly pointed to the young boy who now sat at the bar. "Confided in me that he desired to participate in today's festivities. However, he seems to lack the willpower to actually go through with it." He closed his eyes as he offered a quick shake of his head. "Truly a sad affair when a young individual believes they can not reach out for their desires. Perhaps you and the other girls of your guild might help give the poor boy the push he needs?"


@Salt Lord
Valken - Festival Streets

Valken held the kiss a lot longer then he intended. He wasn't even the one to pull away, which surprised him even more. What was this girl even doing to him? It was like he was a complete different person around her. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, keeping her close to his chest. He even placed his head on top of hers, peering out at the crowds. "You worry to much Babe... " running his hand through her hair absentmindly. Though his eyes narrowed as he spotted a commotion up ahead, and he gently pulled away from her grip. There was some sort of ring forming and excited shouts from the crowd. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders once more, pulling her towards it. "Now what have we got here then? The infamous Fairytail Fisty Fight? This I gotta see... "

Valken easily slipped himself and Millie through the crowd to where the two mages were posed ready to attack, noting both had beast traits along with their human form. Both looked formidable, and Valken let out a smirk as he watched.

Chris Lengheart(Fighting)

Chris remained still. Once he saw her running at him with a aura about her, he had his thick arms prepared to block the oncoming attack and was prepared to counter with his tail. He had to get this timing just right if he wanted to land the tail attack.


Sabrina---Streets of Magnolia

Sabrina smashed full force into Chris, hands pointed in a spear-like fashion and tries to rebound off of Chris, while morphing out her wings to gain more momentum for the rebound.

A portal opened at the entrance of Magnolia and black walked out. He smiled towards the festival prepared to enjoy some good food. He started walking into the streets of Magnolia having the smell of different foods enter his nose. Yep time to dive in the wonderful wonders of food in the great Magnolia festival. Black went around buying a small amount of different foods eating them as he goes around the festival streets. @anyone
Lysander - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: First Floor

Lysander blinked as Kelica introduced herself, before taking a deep breath to calm himself down. He closed his eyes briefly, then opened them again, then gave Kelica a smile and a slight bow. "Honored to make your acquaintance, Ms Kelica," he answered. "I'm Lysander Connell. It's fine, really. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings either. And ah, that's my hat. Thank you," he added, as he reached out for it. As he grasped his hat, Kelica happened to notice his guild mark, and before he could react, had already grabbed it rather forcefully to bring it closer to her face. "Erm..." Lysander was suddenly nervous. She had a breakdown earlier; what if his mark was enough to cause another one? And why would his mark cause one in the first place? This reaction to his guild mark confused him too. "It's... just my guild mark. I'm from Lamia Scale."



Sasuke Haishen, Rivera

Sasuke followed Alicia into the train, taking a seat next to her and floating down onto it. He stayed quiet for as long as he could until he was asked if he ever wanted to go on a S-class mission again. Looking over to her and then gazing off to the other passenger's on the train he let out a short sigh before nodding. "Sure, I don't do much anyways." he said with a sligh shrug.

He was hoping that this tournament would be worth all the shouting and loudness. He hated a lot of noise and although he enjoyed music; when it was mixed with the dozens of crowds screaming is like being put in a nightmare for Sasuke.


Chris Lengheart(Fighting)

Chris took the full assault from Sabrina as she tried to rebound, Chris grabbed her arm and brought her back to the ground before only shaking his head,"You're gonna have to try a bit harder than that!" And with that, Chris' tail swung up high into the air before coming crashing down like a large stone. Hopefully, it would hit its target.

Kelica - Fairytale Guild Hall

Lamia Scale... now where had Kelica heard that before? Putting a finger on her chin as she thought hard... which was something for her. She wasn't dumb as such, she was just impatient. Lamia Scale... Then her whole face lit up as she remembered, her green eyes almost sparkling. "Lloyd!!! Lloyd is from Lamia Scale! No wait... he.. is the Guild Master isn't he?? Oh my Goodness... is he here right now!? " dropping his hand and spinning around on her tip toes on the look out for the blonde haired man. "Oh gosh!! I haven't seen him since the Dragon Mission, is he ok? How is his leg? And his bow? Does it work better? Did he clean up his office?" words blurting faster then she could think them.


Sabrina---Streets of Magnolia

Sabrina managed to dodge the tail by a hairs length, but in doing so badly damaged her left arm, which Chris had grabbed. Sabrina then turned around and started to bite the arm that was holding hers hostage. As she bit Chris, she also started to continuously stab Chris' abdomen with her free hand. "Grrrrrr..." she growled with a slight smile on her face.

Chris Lengheart(Fighting Psycho)

Chris' arm seemed to be taking minor damage due to the fact that he was using his minotaur arm. That didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell! Chris clenched his teeth together as he tail began to rise up more and more and continued to slam down multiple times, but this time he aimed for Sabrina's head as his torso changed to that of his draco form. It still stabbed him, but not as bad as it would have been if he had stayed with his human half. His torso began to drip blood as Chris gripped the other hand as he tail continued to smash down.

Jaymes - Apartment Roof - Spectating the brawl

Jaymes was content with the watching the crowds for a while, but soon he noticed the stir in the people below. A sense of excitement and the noise seemed to increase as well. Curious, Jaymes jumped down from the roof, used his ice magic to make a slide, and landed gracefully on the street among the people. With a snap of his finger, the ice slide dissolved into nothing, then Jaymes was on the move. It took some maneuvering to make it to the front lines of the brawl. There he saw Chris beating the shit out of some dragon/woman/thing. Jaymes rolled his eyes. Chris was such a child, and the basis for several of the less glamorous rumors that traveled around the guild. However, he wasn't going to get involved....yet.
Ophelia Kaiser

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ophelia glanced over at Siegfried as Gilad spoke, asking her if she and a few other of her girls could help him out with his "low confidence". "I mean, we'll try," she began, still looking over at the wizard sitting at the table, "But it might be the girls doing most of the work. I've never really had to help people out with confidence. Sailors don't lose confidence, and if they do, they don't show it, from what I've seen. But you know," she turned to face Gilad, "If he says he doesn't wanna go, we aren't going to push him into it. Not everyone wants to try, even if they do want to succeed. I'll see you at the swimsuit contest, Master Gilad." With another curtsy, she walked over to the bar where Siegfried was standing. Now, how should she do this...?



Alfie Roderick

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"Well, the previous Guild Master was found murdered, so she was replaced by Miss Ophelia over there. But don't worry. The new one is just a destructive as Cece was."
Alfie nodded his head to the bar, where a certain little girl in blue was standing. "Oh, and before the previous Guild Master was killed, everyone fought dragons. We'll, everyone except for me and a few. I was one of the people stuck fighting Grimoire Heart's Guild Master... and I would've had him if it weren't for friendly fire. But it doesn't matter now. Everything seems to be settled, and now the festival's here. Not much besides that."



Alicia: Train to Magnolia

Alicia grinned, "
Awesome! Maybe next time we'll actually have something worthwhile to do." She told him just as excitedly as she was grinning. She wished the train would move faster. She wanted to hurry up and get to the festival already! But of course the saberwolf had to be hard to track, so they were later than planned. It wouldn't be too much longer, she hoped. Roughly three more hours. "So. Whatcha' gunna do at the festival?" She asked him to break the bored silence.

Sabrina---Streets of Magnolia

Sabrina kept on taking the tail hits, and she was starting too see stars. Her jaw's grip loosened on Chris' forearm, and her head fell back, letting her shoulder bear the brunt of one or two hits. Looks like I have to show part of my trump card...Sabrina mentally sighed and hauled herself to face Chris. But instead of a human-like face, it was that of an actual dragon, with a scaly, reptilian face, the two enormous horns protruding out of the back of her head had grown in length. Sabrina had completely morphed the top half of her body into that of a dragon! Although this was her partial-full dragon form, she could at best only morph into a 'teenaged' dragon, as if morphing actually was in line with her age. I can only keep this up for 4 minutes. After that, I'm done for! But this'll probably be enough time to bring out Chris' full power... she thought as she lunged at Chris with her now bigger set of jaws.


Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora's eyes had almost bulged out of their sockets when she saw the dress, her free hand clutching it tightly to her chest, a hop to her step from the sheer levels of excitement she was trying her best to contain. " Thank you, Auntie Maya, it's beautiful! " The words fell right out of her mouth in a hurried manner as she dragged Maya along, glancing towards the faces of everyone they walked past. The tight grip on her hand was reassuring since she knew it was protective in nature, also used to it from when they had gone out when she was younger. " I'm going to wear it tomorrow for the second day of the festival! I'm going to look super cute, don't you think? " A grin shortly followed, eyes flickering up innocently to get Maya's approval. Nami had huffed at the ribbon but grabbed it pretty quickly and held it close before taking the time to wrap it around her tail, flicking it around in a pleased manner before gazing at Clair. " You've never seen her angry, have you? " Nami said in a hushed tone before her wings appeared and she hovered next to Clair, accompanying her as they walked towards a bunch of commotion. " Nami says you made her see weird things, I think that's why she's so standoffish. " Sora shrugged, not too entirely sure, but that would be her best guess. " Oh oh, look, there seems to be some people having a slap-fest! " She said in an intrigued manner to their small group, pointing with the hand holding Maya's, refusing to let it go as the smaller mage pulled Maya into the crowd to get a closer look.

@LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
Siegfried Seraphim - Magnolia City - Fairy Tail Guildhall

Siegfried found himself still lumbered over the counter for a bit before sitting up. Tapping his fingers along the counter for a bit, he pulled out a container. It didn't hold any alcohol, more like some form of grape juice. That's when he could see Ophelia behind him, her reflection on it. "You're the new guild master? Well...I give them props you aren't much older either." Siegfried took a swig before placing it back down on the counter, still looking at her from the reflection. "Do you have a reason for coming to visit me? I'm not in trouble already am I?" There was sure a lot going on, a festival this was the one thing he didn't expect to be at, and for what purpose did the new guild master come over for? All he did was wait for her to speak up.

@Salt Lord
Ophelia Kaiser

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"Not at all... but I think you oughta at least try to be in the contest. We have a lack of guys joining, and it might score Fairy Tail even more recognition. Diversity's a great thing to have in competitions, y'know. Besides, I think we can all agree you'd look great in heels,"
Ophelia snickered. Siegfried seemed like the more serious type during his conversation with Gilad, but he also had confidence in how he spoke. She only hoped he had confidence in front of hundreds of people, especially when wearing heels.

Siegfried Seraphim- Magnolia - Fairy Tail Guildhall

Siegfried took another sip, and listened to what she had to say. "Diversity, huh?" He sat there for several moments as if he was actually thinking it over. In fact, he was trying to picture it and just couldn't. It was a bikini contest, not a dress up contest. "I think I'd have to pass...." His pause indicated he had more to go on, and looked Ophelia up and down. "Come to think of it... you could pass as that extra boy if you wanted." Siegfried have no intentions of becoming a contestant in a bikini contest. But, Ophelia could pass for it if she really wanted to. A sickening feeling came into his stomach though, maybe he drank to much of his drink? Putting away his container after closing it he turned to face Ophelia.

@Salt Lord
Ophelia Kaiser

Magnolia - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"Trust me. I'd try if it weren't a swimsuit contest, but it is. You're supposed to show off skin. And if I were to enter as a guy, I wouldn't get many points, because what people look for in a guy is muscles. I don't have muscles like a guy would. But you seem like you might, so why not try it out? You might even get extra points if you go in a swimsuit with heels."
Ophelia would have just slapped him in heels and a bikini if she hadn't wanted her guild members to think of her as not an asshole. Something told her this wouldn't be very easy alone, but she didn't know any other girls to turn to... aside from Gilad, of course, but he was the kind of girl who didn't know how to have fun.

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Siegfried Seraphim - Magnolia - Fairy Tail Guildhall

Siegfried looked at Ophelia, and sighed. "I would have been more inclined if a bikini were not mandatory." The boy placed his hand on Ophelia's head and rustled through her hair. "Besides, if its muscles you want get Gilad he's packing I'd bet." About time to high tail it out of there he was standing up and looking at Ophelia. A moment of silence. "You'll never get a guy like that you know?" Another thought in his head came and he shrugged it off before just sitting back down and taking his drink out once more. How did she even consider him for this? It was probably that Gilad he'd have to imagine, but Ophelia would surely back down after a few refusals. "I think you should enter yourself, I mean what good is it telling someone to enter if you didn't yourself?"

@Salt Lord

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