Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guildhall

He remained silent as Ophelia dealt with her member, however his attention was quickly drawn towards a newcomer. His gaze slowly looked over the boy that approached them, noting the secretive air about him. He was curious as the boy stated he needed to talk causing him to look down at the girl by his side. "Master Kaiser, if you will excuse me for a moment." He lowered his head in respect as he momentarily dismissed himself, walking towards the lad that had sparked his curiosity. "I can hear what you have to say now. Master Kaiser will understand that business always comes first." He folded his arms over his chest as he looked down at the boy, the difference in their height almost as extreme as that between himself and Ophelia. "So, what did you need of me Mr.....?" He let his sentence trail off, leaving it open for the boy to introduce himself before they could continue on.


@Salt Lord
Siegfried Seraphim - Magnolia City - Fairy Tail Guildhall

Siegfried saw that Gilad had somewhat looked him over, it seems he'd caught his attention after all. At the very least he'd have his ear. Of course, he overheard the dismissal of himself. "Master Kaiser...I see a new one after all.." His attention turned towards Gilad as he walked over even nodding towards him, a slight sign of respect. If anything, Gilad would know he was one to respect authority and those above, at least until the mutual respect ended. From the height difference Siegfried had to look up slightly, his hood covering a good bit of his face from the angle he was being looked upon. "Siegfried Seraphim, a pleasure to meet someone of your caliber of knowledge." Never bordering on arrogance it was obvious he knew as clear as day the difference in power, but it was not power Siegfried respected, it was his experience. "I would like to formerly ask a request. Not as people who hold ranks, titles, or affiliations. But, as two simple people. I would be correct in assuming you are, Gilad?" His voice calm, his eyes showed he had no fear or doubt in Gilad's presence, yet still there was always manner of respect towards him.

@Colt556 @Salt Lord
Millie: Magnolia outskirts

Millie looked a little surprised when Valken rejected his scarf. She thought that he was emotionally attached to the piece of cloth, but it seems he was letting it go. He really did lover her! "Thank you Valken. You're so sweet." She said softly, kissing his chin and taking his hand. When Valken complimented her body and said that she pilfer blown everyone out of the water. His words warned her heart and made her blush slightly, her own hands taking his. "You're right. I'd smoke them all! But we should still watch it. I heard Maya is entering the competition and I want to see her win..."

Grace: Cardio Cathedral

Grace listened to Masaki's plan with a bright smile on her face. He seemed to be the better planner out of the two of them, and she was very grateful about that. If someone left Grace in charge, she'd crash and burn everything. "That sounds like a plan man! Then after the contest we should grab some dinner then figure it out from there." She said, pulling him towards the shopping area. The short girl leaned into the taller boys side, her poofy hair things tickling his chin. "What are you looking to buy? I think I'm going to get a new coat. My last one got torn up in the dragon fight."

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: First Floor

"Sorry Isabelle," Lloyd shook his head. "I'm behind on my work and I really need to get this completed otherwise I'd have representatives from the Magic Council coming here to demand my documents personally. I'd rather not have that happen." That would be extremely embarrassing for both his and the guild's reputation and if that sort of thing happened, he would not be surprised if some of the guild members thought him unsuited for the task. "But I should be able to get this done by tomorrow, in time to join in the festivities for the last day of the Festival. If you would like to wait, I could accompany you, but you'd end up missing the first two days. Unless you're really okay with that, perhaps it would be best for you to make your own arrangements for the festival."

Kelica - Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica got scooped up in Chris's arms, her eyes still marginally vacant, though she quickly tried to plaster a smile on her face. "Um, yeah, sorry Sabrina...I ah...what were we talking about?... did you mention a contest? " Her brain trying to think back while skimming over her emotional fit. She wiped her eyes clean. She glanced up to Chris and was thankful for the hold, it helped keep her mind off of it. "So... there is a Bikini contest on today... I was thinking of entering but now I'm not so sure..." finger paused on her chin in thought.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Chris Lengheart(Guild hall)

Chris only chuckled as Kelica mentioned joining the bikini contest. He planted a small kiss on her forehead and puts her back on the ground,"Hell no, the only one that should see you in a bikini should be me. Those other guys are gonna try and hit on you, trust me it won't end well for any of them." Chris said as he smiled and looked out to see the festival taking place,"Do you want to head out to the festival now you two?"

@PeteTSs @Zuka

Sabrina---Fairy Tail Guild Building

Sabrina's face lightened up when Kelica spoke. "Thank GOD you're okay! Hmm? Oh yes, the contest...What? There really is a bikini contest? Wow...Kelica, you really should join! it'll lighten the mood and let you relax a bit. I mean, it'll be kind of like a stress reliever!" Sabrina said, jogging over to Kelica and giving her a timid hug. "I personally am not joining because I have some...personal affairs that needs my attention back at my apartment. But I'm still able to stay for a hour or two, so why not start enjoying ourselves now!" A shadow seemed to have passed over Sabrina's eyes when she mentioned her 'personal affairs', but her expression lightened up as she finished her sentence and grabbed Kelica's arm with a smile on her face, pointing at the festival "Let's go guys!"

@Isune @Zuka
Valken - Edge of Magnolia

Valken watched her slip her fingers between his own, that ever present grin only further cementing itself on his face. While keeping their fingers intwined, he slipped his arm up and spun her around, over her head, making her arm cross over her chest while his arm wrapped about her shoulder. He unwilling let go of one of her hands but only to allow it easier for them to walk. He pulled her forward to a slow walking pace, heading towards the Fairytail Guild Hall.

Valken made it look easy. You'd never know by looking or hearing him he had never dated anyone in his life. But always the smooth talker, he could convince everyone otherwise.

"So is Ferra still running around?"

He had a score to settle with her, though he still had yet to figure out exactly what to do with her. A opportunity would likely arise some time during the Festival. "And what happened at the Guild while I was away? I'm sure everyone was dying without me... "

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
@Salt Lord

Adrian was honestly rather surprised at Alfie's reaction. He knew the kid had issues, but this was something even weirder than he could have ever expected. He cracked open a beer from the bar and swallowed a large gulp of alcohol. "Listen, Alfie. You've just been sitting here, not blinking, breathing, eating, drinking, or talking to anyone for I don't even know how long. What's with you man? I can understand some people having weird physiologies--just look at the Dragon Slayers--but you didn't even breathe! I saw people staring at you like you had four heads! You looked like an especially lifelike statue! Seriously, tell me what's going on."


"Uh, I wouldn't the best person to talk to you. I was on a mission until a week before the festival. Maybe Alfie could explain current events better than I."
Lana Valentine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20955-leo-radomir/ said:
@Leo Radomir[/URL]
Lana's face burst into a tomato red shade as she cast a glare at Cinla, "Geez warn someone before grabbing those," She wanted to get even more angry but, didn't want to cause a scene. She closed her eyes huffing slightly before looking at Ferra, "I'm sure you have just as much of chance to Win, anyway if I'm going to enter this contest I need an actual bikini," Lana said before turning to Cinla and casting a slightly pleading look, "So um, spot a girl a few jewels to get one maybe?" She said this while beginning to head towards a direction wondering if there was a place nearby to get a good one.
@Mitchs98[/URL] (Sorry, this is the best I can come up with right now xD )[/bg][/CENTER]

Alicia: Rivera > Train to Magnolia

Alicia grinned, "Awesome! I bet it's really cool and flashy." She shouted excitedly in response. She was kinda bummed out she was the only one to use magic in the fight, not that it was needed for Sasuke to of done so, but still. It didn't take them long to reach the train station and ultimately board a train to Magnolia. It'd take roughly 6 hours, with any luck they'd make it before the contest. Settling down into her seat she sighed. "Well, at-least we still get paid." She told him. "So uh. You maybe..wanna go on a real S-Class mission with me again sometime?" She asked him, hopeful. She still had to go on one with Mizuki first, but she enjoyed her mission with Sasuke too.
Kelica - Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica went cross eyed when Chris kissed her head, and smiled right back. She was going to say something when Sabrina came and gave her a timid hug, to which Kelica wrapped her arms firmly around her. She wasn't one to half ass anything, including affection. When the girl pulled away, she looked back to Chris. "But....what if I win? That is not a little amount of jewels to sneeze at! Besides, I know Sera is in it, and I should represent Fairytail..." Tilting her head to Chris, waving a hand. "Besides! It's only a bikini! Just pretend we're at the beach! "

Kelica actually had a rather hourglass frame, a decent sized chest and hips. Her legs were long for her height... and the blonde hair certainly gave her an advantage over all the dark haired ladies. Afterall, no one likes to party like a blonde. Though as Sabrina mentioned only hanging out for an hour or two, she pouted. "Just for a bit? Can't it wait till tomorrow? There is so much to see... " linking her arm with the girls even as Chris stood right behind her. "Alright Chris, lets a go! " Leading all three of them outside and away from that packed Guild Hall.

@Isune @PeteTSs
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Alfie nervously looked down, Adrian gulping down beer as he explained how the mage was just sitting there, as motionless as a statue until now. Had it really gotten that bad...? This whole lying ordeal must have been stressing him out more than he thought. Alfie decided it wouldn't hurt to let another one of his secrets slip out as he reached into his pocket and took out the pale pink, shining gem and passed it under the table. It took a little for it to actually reach Adrian's hand, as there was little force pushing it and it didn't seem to follow the laws of gravity, but it got there. Alfie leaned slightly over the table and began whispering, "That is my sentience. All of my thoughts, all of my magic, everything that makes up me is contained in that tiny gem. The Alfie you're used to seeing, the pink-haired wizard? Nothing more than a shell. Sleep is a waste of time, and eating would just add weight I don't need."


Alfie's attention was then turned to a man with some really red hair, and his voice went from a whisper to normal as his posture went firm. "What is it you need to know?" he asked politely, a slight smile on his face.
Chris Lengheart(Streets of Magnolia)

Chris followed behind the two with his arms behind his head. The festival had started to kick up a bit since more and more people seemed to be showing up. Chris finally spoke as he rolled his eyes,"Fine, you can enter. But if I catch I guy making googley eyes at you they're getting horns to the stomach. You know I will too!" Chris said half-jokingly.

@PeteTSs @Zuka

Sabrina---Fairy Tail Guild Building

Sabrina smile grew ever so wider. From the way she hugged back and the way she was talking, she knew Kelica was back to normal. Sabrina hugged Kelica's arm tightly and started to walk. "I'm just glad you're okay." she whispered. "Okay, fine! I'll stick around for the entire event, and push my matters till tomorrow. Damn, this'll mess with my schedule. Oh well, this'll be a great chance to meet new people and to have some fun!"

@Isune @Zuka
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Kelica - Outside Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica smiled to the girl, "We'll that's good to hear... you should enter it with me! Never know, we could get 1st and 2nd place! Imagine the jewels then!" fist bumping the sky. Kelica then looked behind her to Chris. "Which reminds me, the tournament is on tomorrow, were you going to go into that? Best it out in the ring? You could show the pervs what for and we could win more jewels in the process? Wonder if they allow tag teams..."

@Isune @PeteTSs

Sabrina---Fairy Tail Guild Building

Sabrina scratched her head nervously. "I don't know about joining the bikini contest...it just reminds me of my past...being gawked at and all..." Specifically, this reminded her of the way the people who created her kept on looking at her. Observing. Talking about her, touching her, prodding her, cutting her. Just thinking about it sent shivers down her spine. Those people. No. They're not humans. They're monsters. Monsters...just like me... Sabrina thought, looking down at the ground. "But I'll join if you insist."

@Isune @Zuka
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Salt Lord] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22515-genon/ said:
Alfie nervously looked down, Adrian gulping down beer as he explained how the mage was just sitting there, as motionless as a statue until now. Had it really gotten that bad...? This whole lying ordeal must have been stressing him out more than he thought. Alfie decided it wouldn't hurt to let another one of his secrets slip out as he reached into his pocket and took out the pale pink, shining gem and passed it under the table. It took a little for it to actually reach Adrian's hand, as there was little force pushing it and it didn't seem to follow the laws of gravity, but it got there. Alfie leaned slightly over the table and began whispering, "That is my sentience. All of my thoughts, all of my magic, everything that makes up me is contained in that tiny gem. The Alfie you're used to seeing, the pink-haired wizard? Nothing more than a shell. Sleep is a waste of time, and eating would just add weight I don't need."


Alfie's attention was then turned to a man with some really red hair, and his voice went from a whisper to normal as his posture went firm. "What is it you need to know?" he asked politely, a slight smile on his face.
Adrian felt the jewel in his hands under the table, completely shocked. First Alfie can detect distortions in time, and then the person who was directly in front of him was just a shell controlled by that jewel!? Now he was curious where such a lifelike body came from, if it wasn't just an illusion. In fact, he was curious just where Alfie came from! But now he had this newcomer to deal with. He passed the jewel back to Alfie under the table, deciding that he was probably pushing too much. Alfie clearly didn't want to talk about it.


He kept his gaze on the red-haired wizard with a forced smile on his face (because the surprise hadn't faded yet), sitting back in his seat, one leg crossed over the other, with his beer in his hand.
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-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild


Ryu gave no outward reaction to what was said by the two. If he had heard or seen anything, he wasn't about to kick that particular bee's nest. Instead, he answered Alfie's question. "I was just looking to catch up on the current events here at the guild, seeing as I've been away for quite some time. I was also hoping to find out more about the festival, since it seems like a pretty big event for Fairy Tail, and I heard something about a tournament. Would you possibly be able to help me with either of those?" He asked.

@Salt Lord @Genon

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Chris Lengheart (Festival)

Chris only shook his head as he was asked about joining the tournament,"I'll either lose control of my full takeover, or be taken out by some over-rated S rank." he said with a sigh. This was true since some if not most of the S ranks he's seen had over-inflated egos that deserved to be knocked down a couple of pegs. Chris continued silently down the street as he watched a group forming and two people fighting without using magic. See, unlike most of the mages in Fairytail, Chris actually had hand-to-hand combat experience. He actually knew how to fight. He also noticed that they were fighting for jewels, which only made Chris want to join in more. But due to the fact that he was with Kelica, he didn't want to come back with himself covered in his own or someone else's blood.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Millie giggled innocently as Valken spun her around, wrapping his arm around her and and holding her close. His muscular body fitted perfectly against her smooth and curvey body. She looked up into his eyes as they walked, her grip tightening slightly on his hand. "Yes, Ferra is off doing her own thing, and I'm not sure where. I kinda split off from the group and then we reunited. Do you want to look for them?"



Sabrina---Fairy Tail Guild Building

"Hmm...I might actually join the tournament tomorrow...it'll go with my plans anyway, and it's been quite a while since I've had a good fight..." Sabrina said in a scientific manner and lifting her head. "I don't really care too much about the jewels, but hey, having more money is better than having less. Chris, do you know who will be taking part in the tournament?"

@Isune @Zuka
Chris Lengheart(Festival)

"Nope, I have no idea." Chris said as he continued to stare at the street fight before turning back to Kelica and Sabrina. He honestly had no idea as to who would join, but he assumed that only highly skilled mages would try and enter the tournament. Chris then turned to Kelica,"This crowd is starting to get large. I might have to use a takeover just to give us some room."

@PeteTSs @Zuka
~Isabelle Dragneel~

"I'll wait for you." She says plopping down on a seat intending to wait. She did have her celestial spirits to keep her company if anything and she would do her best not to annoy the Master. She looks around feeling her keys jingle at her side. She takes it off of her side and looking at them carefully. She really wanted to know who gave these to her but she couldn't remember and it gave her a migraine everytime she tried to remember.

Kelica - Festival Streets

Kelica kept Chris in her side view most of the time, following his longing look to the fist fight and smiling. She stopped, pulling Sabrina to a stop along with her. "Why don't you join in? And when you beat them, because you will, I'm sure Sabrina could give you a round in fisty cuffs... " patting her hand gently and laughing.

@Isune @PeteTSs

Sabrina---Festival Streets of Magnolia

Sabrina smiled and started to laugh as well. Friends...It feels so good having them. They are always there for you when you are in need just like how you are there when your friends are the ones in need. "Of course I'll try my hardest to win! It's been like what, four years since I've last had a decent fight! You'll see! I'll beat them all for my friends!" declared Sabrina, fist in air. She turned to Kelica and Chris. "Thank you for being my friends. You mean the world to me!" she said quietly, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

@Isune @Zuka

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