Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guildhall

"I see, thank you." He offered the dragon slayer a nod before turning towards the guildhall. As he strode into the building he quickly noted how, despite not being much larger than their own hall, much more of it's space was open to the public. He mused that although his own guild could probably best Fairy Tail in a war, they did have far more members and needed somewhere to put them all. His musings came to an abrupt end as a small dragon-like creature burst in after him, a girl atop it's back. He eyed up the spectacle, noting the dragon slayer chastising the sentient dragon. The mention of 'take over' filled in the blanks as he quickly realized the dragon was a member of the guild, being reckless as expected.

He simply shook his head and resumed his search for Fairy Tail's illusive guild master. He had expected her to be as out there as her predecessor. Being loud, obnoxious, full of energy and drinking despite her age. Although that was probably just his own bias speaking he did at least expect the girl to make herself known, especially given her recent elevation to the position. Perhaps this was one of those few Fairy Tail masters that were subdued and, dare say, normal. All the same, the members milling about didn't seem too concerned with her absence so she was likely somewhere nearby, he need only find her.
Masaki Yamada: Cardia Cathedral, Magnolia

Grace seemed well, and that pleased Masaki. She looked happy to see him, and that pleased him even more. When she went to hug him he hugged her back of course, not even the fatal Grace stealth punch stopped that. When the hug ended he felt happy, he hadn't seen her for what felt like months but in actuality, was only two weeks. Masaki couldn't help but let out a chuckle when she spoke. "I've missed you too, how have you been holding up?" Pausing for a moment, he and looking up at the cathedral he then continued, "I'm fine, I kinda ditched Zephyr to come and meet you but he won't mind. He knew I was going to anyway." He let out another chuckle before adding, "What about you?" With a smile on his face.

Kelica - All aboard the Chris Train - Fairytale guild hall

Kelica squeeled when he threw her over his shoulder, she should have been used to it by now, grasping tightly to the long mane-like fur on the back of his head. She saw stalls as she raced past, really wanting to stop and look but Chris was on a warpath. Her eyes locked onto Sera and Jaymes outside the hall with... people? One with a long coat and big hat whom she didn't recognise. But then he crashed inside, lifting her hand before her face just incase the door split in two. She lowered her arm and with the higher vantage point spotted Sabrina almost straight away. "Hey my main girl in crime! Ready to party?!" she said with an excited smile. Though that's when Jaymes ran in and yelled at Chris, only for Chris to whirl back on him.

Being the puppet on top she kept her thighs and legs glued to Chris so she didn't fly off. The past week she had had alot of practice being cowgirl on him and rarely fell off these days. "To be fair, Chris is right, I just wanted to get here asap! " Seeing the empty stick of some sort of food holder in his hand. "Did... did you eat the festival food? Is it good??"

She felt at home in Fairytail and it's silliness.

@HuorSpinks @Mitchs98


Magnolia City, Cardio Cathedral

Grace giggled as Masaki explained that he ditched his friend to meet her at the cathedral. She had done the exact same thing, and hoped that the others didn't care. "I'm doing good. I actually came by your guild to see you, but you just left. I don't know how you could live in that guild. Gilad seemed like hw hated me, and some girl named Mizuki put a curse on me!" She explained, her tone getting a little more hostile as she spoke. The short girl wished that they could be in the same guild and see each other more often, but there was no way she'd be leaving Lamia scale, and she had a hunch he felt the same. "But enough about that. What's the plan for today? What wonderful activities will we take part in?"


Sabrina---Fairy Tail Guild Building

Sabrina ran over to Kelica and co. "Hey Kelica! I didn't know Chris knew take-over magic!" Sab said looking at Chris. "I guess my magic is kind of like his but not really. What's your magic, Kelica? And what's today's competition?"

@Isune @Zuka
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Jaymes - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Jaymes looked down at his hand, and didn't even realize he was still holding the stick. With a thought, he chucked it towards and behind the bar, which landed in the trash. That would be hundreds of attempts and hours practice mind you. Jaymes nodded his head. "Yeah the food is great. I think I tried 11 different stalls so far. Only one disappointed...Stay away from the stall with the tasty looking seafood. It..." Jaymes couldn't even finish his sentence without turning visibly green. The queasy sensation passed quickly though. @Zuka @Isune

Hunter - Fairy Tail Guildhall

Hunter was enjoying the beer when his guild master entered the building. He didn't know what to do exactly, so he raised his cup to him. "Master Gilad, have you found the Fairies' Master yet?" Hunter asked after he had approached the man. Hunter had a secret fascination with the man. He knew how powerful Gilad was, but that didn't stop him from wanting to fight him. If only he could surpass him..

Valken - Magnolia Festival

Valken felt her lean back into him and let his arms actually sweep around her, and when she turned he kept them around her back, drawing her in. He allowed the kiss, and had a half chuckle when she put her forehead on his, lifting up an eyebrow as she had to reach up on her tip toes to do so.

He had actually missed her. There was something she was giving him he had never had before, and this hugging/touching business wasn't that uncomfortable either. It made him... warm. He had been in the shadows his whole life and had gotten used to the cold, so at first he didn't like it but it was growing on him. As she was. His dark purple eyes stayed focused on hers. "Well, I've been rather cold without my scarf so I'm glad it helped... " He said with that silly grin, though his voice was softer. "Grace left to meet her boy crush."

"Which reminds me... did you know there was a Swimsuit contest on today?"

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Arvis90 said:
Jaymes - Outside Fairy Tail
Jaymes nodded, agreeing that the people at or above guild master level should only fight each other. Who would want to fight someone completely out of their league for a simple exhibition tournament like the one tomorrow anyways? Jaymes smirked when Sera said something black or red. "A vampire in black or red. Shocker!" He said playfully, nudging her shoulder slightly with his fist. "I would say blue, and revealing to just blast the competition out of the water." Jaymes aid, striking a pose like a bikini model. That was the moment that Lysander chose to approached, and Jaymes quickly settled down, his cheeks going red for moment. When the man stopped speaking, Jaymes looked over at Sera, then back at the man. "The guild is open. You can only be in the first level though. Only guild members can go to the second and above stories." Jaymes said, then an instant later slapped his forehead with his hand as he witnessed a dragon with a girl zoom into the guildhall. Jaymes pulled his hand away from his forehead, revealing the now present red patch where his hand had been. "Just so you know, the rumors you have heard are true." Jaymes said, referencing the rowdy rumors that accompanied Fairy Tail wherever they went. With that, he ran after Chris into the guild hall. "What the hell dude?! Are you trying to trample people and cause a scene?" Jaymes shouted to Chris.

@HuorSpinks @HuorSpinks @Isune @Zuka

Sera: Outside Fairy Tail HQ

Sera grinned at Jaymes' joke about the swimsuit, though only slightly. He did have a point, that'd be typical and predictable. Maybe she should take his advice and wear a blue one, revealing was a given as per her usual attire. Though before she could answer him literally everything happened at once. Some random guy asked if the guild hall was open and then Chris came barreling through with Kelcia on his back. She didn't bother following them, she didn't want the headache right now. Sure she enjoyed the antics, but that didn't make them any less annoying at times.

She turned to Lysander and passed him a flyer, "
Just in-case your interested." She told him simply with a shrug.

@Lana Valentine[/URL]

Ferra: Magnolia Festival

Ferra stuck her tongue out childishly at the crowd members, which didn't really make anything better, though she only giggled at their reactions. She grinned and laughed at Cinla, "Y-ep. Glad you guys are having fun, cause I know I am." She replied. She was glad the two were so nice, and getting along well at that! It was a good thing Lloyd accepted them, mainly cause now Lamia Scale had two more chances to win both the bikini contest and the tournament.
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guildhall

As he searched the Hall his attention was drawn elsewhere as his name was called. Quickly finding the source he eyed up Hunter, not realizing that he was also here. He couldn't help but be a bit miffed at one of his members milling about inside Fairy Tail's guildhall, but that was probably something he would have to deal with for the next few days. He gave a shake of his head at the man's question, once again scanning around the large room. "Their new master seems far more illusive than their previous one. I'm unsure whether that is a good thing or not." Rather than idle about inside a rival Guild's hall he was beginning to contemplate simply leaving and trying again another time. After all, there was no rule mandating he meet the girl today was there? He was about to let out a sigh when he quickly stopped himself, such displays might be acceptable within his own guild but when out in public he needed present the stern face of Sabertooth. That also meant not giving up his task so easily and as such he turned his attention back to the boy. "I do not suppose you've seen the girl around since you've arrived?"

Chris Lengheart(Guild hall)

Chris only glared at Jaymes for a moment. There was a trace of beast in Chris as he let a small puff of black smoke spill out from his mouth in a short huff before suddenly turning around with a swing of his massive tail and remained silent as Kelica spoke to Sabrina. Hopefully, they'd be out of here soon. Chris was already mad enough as it was. He just wanted to hurry up and leave.

@PeteTSs @Zuka @Arvis90
Hunter - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Hunter saw the way that Gilad eyed him warily. Hunter didn't let it bother him though. "No I haven't seen her either, sir. Though I just arrived shortly before you." Then to ensure there was no misunderstandings, Hunter added. "I came in here to scout out the competition for tomorrow." Of course that was totally true in a sense. Hunter didn't doubt that Sabertooth would win the tournament. But he didn't feel like fighting tomorrow without getting a feel for the fairies. So far he wasn't impressed a bit. They were rowdy and didn't seem to control their emotions well, something that Hunter intended to take full advantage of the next day. "I heard the shirtless idiot say something about their guild master still sleeping..." Hunter kinda murmured, then took a sip of his beer. @Colt556
Kayzo said:


Magnolia City, Cardio Cathedral

Grace giggled as Masaki explained that he ditched his friend to meet her at the cathedral. She had done the exact same thing, and hoped that the others didn't care. "I'm doing good. I actually came by your guild to see you, but you just left. I don't know how you could live in that guild. Gilad seemed like he hated me, and some girl named Mizuki put a curse on me!" She explained, her tone getting a little more hostile as she spoke. The short girl wished that they could be in the same guild and see each other more often, but there was no way she'd be leaving Lamia scale, and she had a hunch he felt the same. "But enough about that. What's the plan for today? What wonderful activities will we take part in?"

Masaki Yamada: Kardia Cathedral, Magnolia

Masaki listened to the Lamia Scale Mage speak. Apparently, she had a bad time in Crocus, and received poor hospitality from his guildmates, that annoyed him slightly. With a sigh he began to speak, "Master Gilad probably doesn't hate you, he just comes across as a mean old man. Which to an extent I guess he is, but that's because all he wants is for the guild to be the best. He has high hopes for us, and he does look after us, he just pushes us to reach our potential In a more stricter way than say Lloyd would do to you." He smiled to her, "And Mizuki well, don't let that get to you.. Let's just say she isn't that nice around other guild mages, or anyone except Alicia for that matter.." He chuckled again, looking at her dead in the eye and then looking up at the cathedral. "I left that for you to decide, since I'm fine with whatever we do." Smiling as he said that, he proceeded to look back at Grace again.
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Kelica - Giddiup Chris - Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica turned her head back even as Chris swung around away Jaymes, smiling sweetly. "I'll remember that for reference. No seafood. Got it. Also, Chris here mastered his Full Take Over about a week ago, after I convinced him it was a good idea... it was not....Alfie and eventually Sora stepped in... lucky he didn't destroy the place Eh? But now he's fully in control. Aren't you you big ol' beasty... " rubbing behind his ears with a cooing noise.

As Sabrina wandered up Kelica thought about sliding down and talking at feet level, but she liked being high up much to much.

"Oh yes! Did we not tell you? As I said... I'm not much of a thinker... Chris here does Beast Take-Over, I have Guardian of the Forest Magic, so I can talk to animals and plants, as well as grow and shape plants, like a living shield made out of roots or vines. I also do Cell regeneration, it's a form of healing only I just coax the cells to subdivide and multiple faster, hastening months of healing in afew seconds. However it also amplifies the pain in the process, and I can only heal physical wounds not magical ones."

Nodding. "I probably have more but I am only a c-class so I have alot to learn. Which reminds me, I should see our new Guild Master and try and get her to increase my rank, I stood up to a Fire Dragon and protected myself and Lamia Scale's Guild Master!" fist pumping the air.

@Isune @Arvis90 @PeteTSs
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Ophelia Kaiser

Guild Hall Office -> Guild Hall

The girl burst through the door off her office, shattering the door in the process, and still going rather speedily, she fell over the railing of the second floor. The old man was a little early, wasn't he...? Looking outside, Ophelia had found that people were all over the place, and flyers for the swimsuit contest were plastered on every pole that stood in the Hall. Master Gilad was right on schedule. Finally deciding to get off of her face, tendrils of water shot up from the ground and pulled Ophelia up, a mark on her face with the attempted kiss with the floor. When she was finally on her feet, the tendrils were sucked back in between the white tiles, the petite Guild Master giving her elder a slight curtsy (which was really only to hide her adjusting her skirt). "Hello, Master Gilad! We've come a bit early, haven't we?" She gave a fake laugh, because she very well knew it was her mistake. "So, are you gonna be in the bikini contest?" The girl had hoped to make casual conversation with him as she gripped one of his gauntlets and gently tugged, signaling him to come outside. It wouldn't hurt to get to know a fellow Guild Master, even if it seemed he could stomp her into dust without trying.

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Sabrina---Fairy Tail Guild Building

"Wow! That's amazing! What did the fire dragon look like? I've always wanted to know what an actual dragon looks like! All I can do my partial dragon transformation and a few self buffing spells, and my only offensive magic is my flaming breath..." Sabrina trailed off. "I've also got a lot to learn. Oh, by the way, what's today's special event? I heard it was the swimsuit contest. Are you going to join?"

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Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guildhall

"Scouting the competition, eh?" He repeated the lad's explanation quietly, it wasn't that he doubted the boy he simply didn't like the idea of a Sabertooth member milling about inside Fairy Tail's hall, regardless of why they were doing it. The mention of the tournament briefly intrigued him as he had heard no mention of who, exactly, would even be participating. A small, childish part of him wanted to participate and demonstrate just how powerful Sabertooth was, but he knew such displays of power would have to come from those members willing to participate. He fully expected every Sabertooth member to fight to their fullest, even 'friendly' competitions were to be taken seriously after all.

"If the girl is still asleep then it can not be helped. I will simply have to bide my time until she decides to grace us with her presence." He wasn't about to fetch a sleeping little girl, but he also was not about to sit around in a rival Guild's hall. He turned to leave when a sudden crash brought his attention to the back of the Hall. Barreling forward was the new Guild Master, making her entrance grandly as she fell from the second floor into the main room below. As she came to a rest before him he simply eyed her coldly, an impassive expression on his face. The girl had made quite the first impression, and most assuredly not in a good way. After letting several awkward moments of silence linger he finally gave her a nod of acknowledgement. "Master Kaiser, I suppose I am a tad early. I apologize." He offered the young girl a small bow before resuming. "As for the contest I believe I will have to pass. I am certain our guests would rather rest their eyes on those just a tad younger and more beautiful than myself."


@Salt Lord
Ophelia Kaiser

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"You're sure...? You seem pretty built, and if I'm right..."
Ophelia leaned back to get a quick look at Gilad's backside. "Your cheeks could trump most of the girls' I know," she paused, chuckling, "And with muscles like yours, age doesn't matter." Was she... hitting on him? These seemed little more than general compliments... The young mage threw her hands up and looked away, "I know, I know. These aren't compliments you should be handing out to someone forty years ahead of you... But I still think you should try to enter. After all, better for the rest of us, eh?"

Another chuckle slipped out, and Ophelia began to seriously reflect on whether becoming a Guild Master was a good thing to do... The paperwork was pretty easy to ignore, as the people who assigned them generally didn't come down to bother her, but Gilad had an air about him that just made one want to hide beneath a chair... "But then again, it is your decision. And I can't disagree when you say there are more beautiful people to enter. I mean..." Ophelia put her hands around her chest and jerked them upwards a few times, hoping the man would understand what she was hinting at... but she made a fool out of herself... again.

Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guildhall

He held his stare on the girl before him, his face remaining as impassive as ever as she spoke. While he normally would not object to such words coming from such a girl, the fact that she was supposedly his equal and a fellow guild master did little to appease him. He couldn't help but think back on the master that preceded Cece, before Fairy Tail seemed to muster up similar tastes to his own. While the guild had always been reckless and foolish you could at least respect the ones that led them. But now that respect seemed far out of reach. Nevertheless it was not his Guild, nor his place to say who should lead it. "While I'm sure there are certain members of the crowd that might enjoy it I am equally sure the majority would rather your more standard participants."

His thoughts drifted towards old lady Saria as he spoke, a shiver running down his spine as a mental image flashed through his mind of her cheering in the crowd. He quickly pushed such terrifying thoughts from his mind as he let his gaze drift down to the girl's chest as she made a show of them, or lack-there-of. Letting his gaze return to the girl's face his expression finally cracked and showed a hint of curiosity. "Am I to assume you will be participating in the contest, Master Kaiser?"

@Salt Lord
Kelica - Chris's back

Kelica smiled to Sabrina though with the question in regards to the Fire Dragon she tensed. Her face went dark and for a minute she looked almost sick. She glanced over to Jaymes as he would have understood her emotion, at least partially, they really had no idea the strength and devastation a real full blown dragon can do. It all but wiped Malina off the map. She lost her sense of spatial awareness and she clenched her eyes closed, lifting her hands to cover her ears. She felt like she was still there, hearing the screams of the forest, wailing, calling for help, but she was too weak to help... the Fire Dragons breath flying through breaking everything in it's wake.

At this point she had completely collapsed into her memory, filled with terror, shaking her head and breathing fast. "No, no, no, stop... please stop screaming please... I'm sorry... I can't help I can't I... please... stop.." Tears rolling down her face. Her grip slipping off of Chris. She was losing it in her mind, and it showed. Was PTSD a thing? Did Kelica have it about the Dragons at Malina?

@Arvis90 @Isune @PeteTSs @The Fairytail Guild Hall. Kelica is loosing it.
Ophelia Kaiser

Showing Gilad her Breast Size in the Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ophelia's face went blank with pure disappointment. Gilad's sense of power had faded instantly with that one question and was replaced with absolute... well, stupidity wasn't it. But that was a really dumb question, especially coming from someone using such fancy words.. "Uh, hello? A-cup to Gilad, coming in? Does it look like I have a chance in the contest?" But when she thought about it, maybe it made sense. The only reason Gilad did have that level of power was because his time was devoted to training, and if you're training, you don't have time to think about breasts. "No. You won't be seeing me there. I specialize in destroying stuff with water and killing stuff with swords. I mean, I might end up blooming sooner or later... Hopefully..." she thoughtfully looked down at her chest before her attention went back to Gilad, "But no. Right now, I don't have anything on the girls here in Magnolia."

Sabrina---Fairy Tail Guild Building

"Hey, Kelica? Are you okay?" asked Sabrina quietly. "Kelica? Kelica!" Sabrina quickly grabbed Kelica right before she fell off of Chris' back and helped her to the ground, leaning her against Chris. "Can somebody please help Kelica?" Sabrina didn't know what to do. She never had to help anyone else, and she didn't know anything about first aid.

@Zuka @Isune @anyone

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild Hall


Ryu arrived at the guild hall after a fairly lengthy trip through the town. He had browsed a few stores on his way, but he hadn't felt the need to actually buy anything from any of them. He stood near the entrance to the hall and took in the scene. This place was even livelier than the town, and it made him feel all them more out of place as a result. He decided he would check in with some of the other members to see what had happened while he was away, and also get more information about the festival. The only question was whom he would ask. He continued to stand there, looking for someone to approach. He eventually walked over to where Gilad and Ophelia were conversing, having no knowledge that they were both guildmasters. "Excuse me, He said. "Sorry to bother you two, but I was wondering if either of you two happened to know where I could be brought up to speed on what's been happening lately in regards to the Guild? I've been gone for quite some time, so I'm out of the loop."

@Salt Lord @Colt556

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Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guildhall

He looked down at the girl as she remarked that she didn't stand a chance in the contest. Given the attributes people generally desired she was probably right, however she was missing one key element. He rested his hand on the girl's shoulder, offering her a small smile. "Ah, but Master Kaiser, it is not about whether you win or not. It is about making the people of Magnolia happy. I can assure you, seeing someone as cute as yourself on stage will make a lot of people happy, far more than I ever could." He gave the girl's shoulder a light pat before letting his arm fall to his side. Although his motives were more than a little selfish he still believed Fairy Tail would take great delight in seeing their master participate in the event alongside them. His attention was taken away from the girl as a man approached them, asking to be brought up to date. He looked the lad over before looking back at the girl next to him. "One of yours I imagine?"

@Salt Lord

Ophelia Kaiser

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

The support from Gilad was... unexpected. The whole conversation up until that point (aside from the stupid question bit) had been hopeless, but... comfort? Ophelia had gained a slight bit of a new respect for the old man. Of course, she knew power wasn't the only factor in leading a guild, but she didn't think kindness was involved... The only reason she showed it was because it was only right. But kindness and sternness weren't a good mix... Those were completely new things that Ophelia didn't understand, and, as a result, didn't want to get into quite yet. "Well, when you put it that way... I guess being hot isn't the only thing people look for. I think I'll try it out! Thanks!" She returned the old man's smile with an even bigger grin, knowing she wouldn't have this chance for another long while. But her attention was now turned to a man asking to be brought up to date on events... she didn't recognize him at all.

"Um... oh! You must have just come back from a mission! I never got why they could be so long, though... if you just send more wizards, you can get stuff done a lot faster." Ophelia noticed she was trailing off, so she stopped herself and began to recite recent events, "We've been preparing for the Fantasia Festival. The swimsuit contest is later today, the tournament will be held tomorrow, and the parade is the day after." She then looked back up to Gilad, "I'm right, right? This is really my first time doing this thing, and to be honest, it's hard to know about certain events when you've spent most of your life as a pirate-in-training."
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Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guildhall

He silently congratulated himself for getting the girl to participate, making sure he would attend. As a spectator of course. He remained silent as the girl rambled on about the festivities, slightly surprised as she turned to him for verification. He gave a stern nod at the brief summary. "That is correct." He didn't say more than was necessary, knowing that the girl had to do these sort of things herself in order to garner the respect of those beneath her. He was unsure of how the Fairy Tail members took things but most mages would not be so open to having a child as their guild master. That would mean she would have to work even harder to ensure others did not doubt her capabilities. Even if her members embraced her, other guilds would not be so open. He himself would not hesitate to take advantage of Fairy Tail's weakness to usurp it as the number one guild and he was certain other guilds would feel the same way.

@Salt Lord

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