Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

@Mitchs98[/URL] (Mentioned) @Leo Radomir (Also briefly mentioned) @Lamia Scale Members (Gloss over mention owo)


Roku - At the Festival - Holding a beer

Roku leaned against the wall of one of the festival areas, though she had gone to these types of things prior in her past, she had usually used them to sneak upon targets or spying on others. Taking a dip of the beer, she wondered where the rest of the Sabertooth members were.

Roku began to watch the sky and think about her past while drinking her drink. She shook her head while vaguely glancing toward where the bikini contest was and shrugged as she wasn't sure she truly wanted to take part unless someone asked her.

@Anyone •-•
@Mitchs98[/URL] (Mentioned) @Leo Radomir (Also briefly mentioned) @Lamia Scale Members (Gloss over mention owo)


Roku - At the Festival - Holding a beer

Roku leaned against the wall of one of the festival areas, though she had gone to these types of things prior in her past, she had usually used them to sneak upon targets or spying on others. Taking a dip of the beer, she wondered where the rest of the Sabertooth members were.

Roku began to watch the sky and think about her past while drinking her drink. She shook her head while vaguely glancing toward where the bikini contest was and shrugged as she wasn't sure she truly wanted to take part unless someone asked her.

@Anyone •-•
Cinla is dancing on the stage dragging the attention of men and women alike as she sways to the beat of the crowd and the sounds of coins landing in her large plastic box, she starts to sing as well" Dance to the moonlight in the meadow, ones soul coming to life in the nostalgic flow of time, all the regrets and lost time meaning nothing set your self free here and now as you dance to the moonlight that glows in the meadows".
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guildhall

With his members not being able to provide any new insight he returned to drinking the night away, finally relenting and allowing Roku her victory drink. A few more minor interruptions continued throughout the evening but overall he managed to accomplish his goal of draining the Guild's liquor supply. The next week passed relatively quickly with him informing his guild members that he would be attending the Fantasia festival along with those who were interested. The days leading up to it were a buzz of activity for the more eager members, as well as those surprised that he was even attending. Dawn of the final day had finally arrived and he found himself stepping off the train at Magnolia station. Despite the cheery atmosphere encompassing the city there was an almost noticeable gloom bearing down on the armor-clad man. Many of his members were already within the city enjoying themselves and he figured he should probably leave them to it, instead deciding to go fetch the Fairy Tail master.

Valken had assured him the young girl checked out, and he himself had yet to actually meet her. The cover of meeting Fairy Tail's new master was perfect for explaining his appearance at the festival and he fully intended on capitalizing on it. He made his way from the station to Fairy Tail's guildhall, looking about at all of the decorations and people running around enjoying themselves. The festival paled in comparison to those held in Crocus, but then that much was to be expected. No city could rival the flower capital when it came to celebrations after all. After an uneventful stroll through the Magnolian streets he found himself standing before the guildhall. He gave the hall a quick look-over, offering a dissatisfied grunt at it's size and appearance. Unsure of where, exactly the guildmaster might be he quickly looked around for a member of Fairy Tail to question. His gaze quickly fell on the dragon slayer that had participated at Malnia.

He took several long strides up o the man, looking down at him as he came to a stop a foot or two before him. "Excuse me, I am searching for a Miss Kaiser. I believe that is the name of Fairy Tail's guildmaster, is it not? Either way, do you know where I might find her?" Despite his discomfort at being here he did his best to retain his air of civility and authority, holding a stern gaze on the dragon slayer as he asked his question.

Jaymes was munching rather loudly on a stick of finely grilled meats and vegetables, all of which were seasoned to perfection and burned his mouth and stomach just right. He turned, the stick still in his mouth when he heard someone address him, and saw a mysterious looking man asking where his guild master was. He shrugged, not feeling like answering the man at first, but then thought better of it and removed the stick from his mouth. He finished chewing his food, then cleared his throat. "She's probably still asleep, since she has no notion of time nor reason to care. Just go into the main guild hall and ask for her there. Someone will fetch her for you." Jaymes said, and was about to turn away when he saw Gilad walking towards him. Jaymes immediately straightened up and put his food behind his back before the guild master saw it. "Welcome to Magnolia, esteemed Mr. Arcturus. As I was telling this man here, the guild master is not currently available yet. But if you ask for her in the guild, someone would be more than happy find her." Jaymes finished with a bow. Then quickly moved away, though with as much grace as possible. That was when he saw Sera handing out flyers for the bikini contest. "Well bikini's are fine and dandy, but I would say a speedo contest would be far more interesting to watch." Jaymes said behind Sera, sounding like a total pervert imagining the hot guys in..."So, you participating this year?" Jaymes asked.

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Colt556
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Ryu Miyamoto:

Magnolia City Railway Station


Ryu stepped off the train and onto the station platform, wearing his traditional kimono and hakama, with his katana tucked into his belt. It had been almost a year since the last time he was in Magnolia, and he had forgotten how lively the city was. He had returned mostly due to the Harvest Festival that just begun. Even though he wasn't the most sociable member of the Fairy Tail Guild, he still believed that it was his responsibility as a guild member to at least show up, if not participate. And who knows? He thought to himself as he looked over the town from where he stood in front of the station. Maybe I'll even have some fun. It was a long walk to the guild house, it being on the complete opposite side of the city, so he decided to browse the shops nearby first, and also see if he could find any Fairy Tail members to chat with. He'd been away for some time, so he wasn't exactly up to speed. With that in mind, he set off down the street at a leisurely pace.

@Whoever might be nearby

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Adrian Bell -- At the festival -- Street Fighting --> Food Court --> Fairy Tail Guild Dining Hall

Adrian stepped backwards, dodging a hefty right hook that was meant for his face. He ducked under the raging fighter's next punch, retaliating with a fierce uppercut to the jaw. The man staggered back a few steps, acting punch-drunk, unsteadily wobbling. The encircling crowd cheered as the much smaller Fairy Tail wizard was actually beating back a man twice his size. This was a magicless street brawl, because some people wanted to fight early, and others (usually the audience) wanted something different from all the fancy-pants magical duels. The rules were simple, but brutal: Whoever clearly couldn't fight any longer was out, and the winner got bragging rights--and often a free beer. And of course submissions were a thing too.

Adrian followed this up with a front kick to the chest, knocking the man to the floor. As the man got up, rather unsteadily, bruises all over his seven-foot magically-roided-out frame, he held out a hand to shake Adrian's. "I...yield. Good match," the huge man said. Adrian walked up to him and shook his massive hand firmly. "You too," he reciprocated.

Adrian then excused himself with, "I'm going to get something to eat. See ya." As Adrian walked out of the ring, multiple people whooping and clapping him on the back, he walked over to the food court...only to promptly balk at the ridiculous prices. 1000 Jewels for a hot dog!? Ah, screw it, I'll eat at the guild!

With that, five minutes later he burst open the guild hall doors and wandered to the dining area, picking himself up a tasty chicken parmesan. Fairy Tail members got an 80% discount! He promptly sat down at a table and ate his delicious pasta, tomato sauce, chicken, and cheese.
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Sasuke Haishen, Rivera

Sasuke had been sitting across on another rock, if there was one thing Sasuke could relate to Alicia with. It was their shared disappoitment about the so called 'monster' just being some mere saberwolf. Although it may have been considered large to those who knew better. Sasuke just dubbed them all big and stupid, he only wondered what they might taste like if cooked. All this talking about food it made Sasuke curious about trying it more often.

His ears twitched when Alicia shouted the news about a festival. Another concept Sasuke was yet to be familiar with, he looked to Alicia confused and tilting his head to the side for a moment "Festival? W-what is a f-festival?" his confusion brought him to a stump. He figured that maybe this world was much more complicated than he thought. Even more than the rules of the genie society he had once been apart of; They all annoyed Sasuke though. Many of the other's were strong, not as strong as Sasuke (From what Sasuke believes) but definitely respectable. However they all wasted their powers on tempoary amusement.

Sasuke was more fond of testing his abilities and furthering them; Sasuke has a goal to learn a vast variety of magic, and although it may take him his whole life. It was a lucky thing Sasuke had plenty of one thing...And that was time. He kept his attention focused on Alicia, seeming to intently pay attention to her; Simply to find out more information about this 'festival' he heard of.


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Kelica - Chris's house

Kelica gasped when he lifted her up off her feet then placed her back down. "JUST 7.30?!? Half the day is missing! Listen, there are people out there having fun, I can hear music! Come onnnnnn please please please please...deep breath in... please please please!!! " running back to the front door and swinging it open, head poking out. "Besides, Sabrina is probably at the Guild Hall now waiting for us... please? " Fluttering her eyelashes.

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Valken - Edge of the Streets in Magnolia

Valken was quiet pleased his mission has mostly been a success, keeping an eye on Grace as well as keeping her out of the loop of the politics. With all matters now aside, Valken grinned cheekier then before. He had such a serious tone the last week or so carrying around some intense information but everyone who needed to know, did. It had been a pretty long 6 days.

Weaving his way rather effortlessly through the crowd. It wasn't long before his eyes came upon someone which only made his grin wider, the scarf still wrapped tightly around her neck. He shouldn't have been surprised she was still wearing the black cloth scarf, but then Valken could never ever read her so, he put it down to just being -her-.

He appeared suddenly and silently behind her, reaching around to adjust the scarf so it sat better around her neck, leaning into her ear. "Hey Baby, did'ya miss me? I'm glad you keep my scarf warm... " he said with a deep voice. He wanted to stop teasing her but it was just way too easy.

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@Mitchs98[/URL] (Mentioned) @Leo Radomir (Also briefly mentioned) @Lamia Scale Members (Gloss over mention owo)


Roku - At the Festival - Holding a beer

Roku leaned against the wall of one of the festival areas, though she had gone to these types of things prior in her past, she had usually used them to sneak upon targets or spying on others. Taking a dip of the beer, she wondered where the rest of the Sabertooth members were.

Roku began to watch the sky and think about her past while drinking her drink. She shook her head while vaguely glancing toward where the bikini contest was and shrugged as she wasn't sure she truly wanted to take part unless someone asked her.

@Anyone •-•
Sera: Outside Fairy Tail HQ

Sera laughed, "
I'm fine with either, personally. Though..not everyone shares the same preferences." She replied. "And yeah, I'm definetely joining. Someone's gotta put Clair out of her misery after all." She added with a grin. "What about you, plan on entering the tournament tommorrow?" She asked him. Of course, she planned on entering it to. She didn't care about winning, she just wanted to fight.



(We aren't in Crocus you nerd :P )

Alicia: Outskirts of Rivera -> Rivera

Alicia blinked. "
What do you mean what festival? I've only mentioned it a hundred times!" She replied in an annoyed fashion before sighing. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to get mad at you." She added before standing. "Come on let's head back I'll explain on the way, I don't wanna be late. I'm sure Mizuki is worried sick." She told him before walking off back towards the town, making sure he was following. "The Fantasia Festival is a festival held every year in Magnolia by Fairy Tail. There's food, games, and events and stuff! There's a bikini contest, a tournament, and on the last day there's a HUGE parade!" She explained excitedly.

I kinda wanted to rope Mizuki into joining the bikini contest with me, only to get back at her..Hopefully we'll make it in time." She spoke, mostly to herself. At-least the S-Class mission was easy in the fact that it didn't take long. Though, it was kind of a let down for her first S-Class mission..
Lana walked over to Ferra her eyes a light with joy as she ate some cotton candy. "I've never tasted stuff so amazing," She began laughing while watching Cinla, "She's really good huh?" Lana said to Ferra while watching Cinla perform.

Lana was still amazed at all she was seeing and had delved deeply into her child like wonder of it all. She was enjoying herself quite a bit and was glad to have her two new friends to hang with during the time.

@Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir


Sasuke Haishen, Rivera

He scratched his head "You told me?" he couldn't believe he could actually forget something. But once hearing the details he knew exactly why he never even bothered trying. It wasn't Sasuke's taste at all, if anything the only thing which sounded half interesting was the tournament. But he also had a feeling that everyone he fought would be nothing but wizards trying to make a name for themselves.

"Do wizard saints attend the tournament?" he asked, despite all the information that he recieved. It seemed he had nothing more to say or ask, although he was considering going anyway to make fun of the other wizards. It would have been much more exciting for Sasuke to know there was a saint attending the tournament. That way Sasuke would at least get a definite challenge.


Jaymes - Outside Fairy Tail

"Pfft, of course." Jaymes said nonchalantly, then took a bite of his food, finishing it at last. "The tournament should be interesting to see. Though I hope they maintain a rule concerning people like Clair and the guild masters from fighting unless its against each other." Jaymes said, his eyes growing distant for a moment. "So which color bikini you wearing?" Jamyes asked.

@Mitchs98 (Sera)
@Leo Radomir

Ferra: Magnolia Festival Grounds

Ferra nodded and grinned. "
Yeah she is. I think she stands a good chance in the contest later today to judging from everyones reactions." She replied. "And yeah, the food is awesome. I actually just got done eating myself." She added. The festival was just as awesome as she'd planned, though she'd yet to meet up with Millie since they got there. She wondered if Valken had found her yet, and if so if he knew she was going to join the contest to impress him. She hoped everything would work out, if not she knew she'd eventually have to tell her she was lying, for both Millie and Valken's sake.

Oh! Also, you gunna enter the tournament tommorrow?" She asked her. "I don't think I will, I'm useless without materials to eat annd I can't exactly afford to buy a ton of stuff. And I don't think they'd like if I ate the light poles and stuff.."



Alicia: Rivera

Alicia scoffed, "
Of course I told you! I've only been talking about it all week." She replied, kinda very amused by Sasuke's confusion. She felt bad for him in a way though, mostly because apparently he hadn't really had a good life..at all really. Or at-least interesting in his terms. She shrugged at his question, "I dunno. Probably. I'm pretty sure Fairy Tail has a saint in it. They'd probably enter the competition if they're allowed." She replied. "I'll probably enter it if Mizuki let's me, hopefully she will..maybe she'll enter too." She added, starting to walk slightly faster towards the train station.

Arvis90 said:
Jaymes - Outside Fairy Tail
"Pfft, of course." Jaymes said nonchalantly, then took a bite of his food, finishing it at last. "The tournament should be interesting to see. Though I hope they maintain a rule concerning people like Clair and the guild masters from fighting unless its against each other." Jaymes said, his eyes growing distant for a moment. "So which color bikini you wearing?" Jamyes asked.

@Mitchs98 (Sera)
Sera: Outside Fairy Tail

Sera shrugged, "I'm sure they will. Especially if Master Gilad enters. It'd take all of us fighting at once to stand a chance against him." She replied. "And I dunno, not sure yet, kinda still deciding. Though I narrowed it down to blue, red, or black so far. I still got several hours to choose at-least." She added. "Though we have a lot more people entering this year, might not even need me to enter to beat out Clair." Sera didn't really care about winning, not really. She knew Clair disliked entering the contest, so if she won and took the title from her she might not feel obligated to enter it anymore.
Millie gasped quietly in surprise as she felt someone adjust the scarf around her neck. At first she didn't know it was Valken and was just about ready to turn around and deck the guy in the face. However his deep and soothing voice gave her the hint about who it was, and she almost immediately relaxed. She turned her head back with a bright smile, falling back into Valken. "I've missed you so much." She said happily, kissing his cheek and turning around to face him. Her hands rested on his chest and her forehead found its way to his. "How was your mission? Is Grace with you?"


Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Office

Lloyd rubbed at his eyes blearily as he surveyed the mostly diminished pile of paperwork before him. It had pretty much taken the entirety of those six days leading to today to get that far with his paperwork, and it was already approaching the first day of the festival. He had been quite sure that time had passed faster while he had been busy, though he was quite sure that had been because he had not been keeping track of time that well. He had been so lost in his work for the past few days that he had barely even left his office, except to grab coffee and meals from the kitchen. Fortunately though, after that one night, it was hardly necessary for him to hold anymore all-nighters. That day had been special because of all the unpredictable events that had cropped up. He hated all nighters. He was never going to do them again, unless it was absolutely necessary and he was going to die if he did not.

His stomach rumbled then, which told him it was time to run down to the kitchen for another meal. He stood up and stretched, feeling somewhat sore and stiff due to the many days of inactivity. It was a wonder he had not even forgotten how to walk. He probably looked a lot scruffier too; he had been somewhat lax on his shaving regime and it was probably beginning to show on his face. He would probably have to get a hair cut, at least in time for the last day if he did not want to go looking like a hobo.

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: First Floor

It was then, while he had been lost in his thoughts, Isabelle Dragneel came bounding up to him to ask about the festival. He just gapped at her. He had not even known she was still in the Guild Hall. He thought everybody had left already. The Guild Hall was extremely empty right now, and it showed in the overwhelming silence that he still found somewhat odd and disquieting. He was so used to the noise a highly active guild would bring."Isabelle," he said finally, sounding rather incredulous. "Where have you been for the past few days? The entire guild other than me has left for the festival already. I thought you had gone with one of the others. It's only the first day though, if you hurry now you can still make it in time."

Isabelle Dragneel

"I've been doing other things." She looks around seeing the guild hall was basically dead. "Master why don't you come?" She asks wondering why he hadn't gone. She thought the festival might be fun but she didn't really pay attention that much to the details of it. She could be kind of clueless in this stuff.

Lysander - Outside Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Lysander's eyes were wide in amazement and his grin was just as wide as he took in all the sights that Magnolia Town had to offer. It was the first day of the Festival, and there were so many people around! The streets were full of performers, people chatting with one another or buying stuff, or food. There was this scent of cooking food and perfume in the air, and coupled with all the decorations, it really lent such a festive air about the place. People shouting, laughing, talking, admiring the decorations... it was all so exciting. And Lysander was right in the middle of the excitement. It was so invigorating being around all these people. He had yet to bump into any of his Guild members though, but for now he just wanted to explore. People from different Guilds from all over the country were here; he had even spotted some Sabertooth members in the crowd.

Lysander had been fortunate to get here in time for the festival. He had arrived a day early, the night before the first day of the festival, and it had taken at least five inns before he could find one that would take him in. Many of these places were not even inns in the first place; due to the overwhelming influx of people some homes had been let out for rent, to take advantage of the people wishing to stay for the festival. Some of the prices had been just as exorbitant. Lysander had stayed clear of those places even though technically he could afford them, he had made bank on his last job but he still wanted money to spend on souvenirs. And food. Fortunately for him though, he had managed to find a small room for a small price. It was extremely small though, with just a bed, cupboard and small bedside table with barely enough space for him or his luggage, but he did not mind that. He was quite adaptable, and small spaces did not faze him. And hey, at least he had gotten his money's worth.

But now though, it was time to enjoy the festival. But first, there was one thing he wanted to do, and that was to visit the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. His parents, their parents and those before them had been part of this guild, and it was a part of his history that just for these few days, he had wanted to experience. He had never been to the Guild Hall before; he had walked pass numerous times during his previous travels to Magnolia, but since he was not from the guild it felt strange to just walk right into the guild hall. But since it was the festival, he had been hoping that the doors of the guild hall would be open, so he could just walk in and take a quick peek around.

And sure enough, the doors were open. Just outside, a female mage was handing out flyers and another mage was talking to her; he assumed that they were both from the guild. He hesitated, his indecision showing on his face. With both those mages outside, would it be rude of him to walk into the guild hall? He supposed he should probably greet them first. While it was awkward talking to people he did not know, he wanted to see the guild hall far more, and was quite willing to endure the awkwardness this would ensue. Just a quick peek... He swallowed, adjusted his tattered poncho that his grandmother Asuka gave him, squeezed his hat for good luck, before pulling it off his head and walking to the two mages. "Excuse me," he said finally, managing to sound calm, which quite relieved him. "I was just wondering if the Guild Hall was open to outsiders for today?" He hesitated for a brief moment, before continuing. "My family has been members of this guild for generations, so I was curious." He realised then that his grey Lamia Scale mark was on the back of his right hand, and said mark was currently on display to the two mages because he was using that hand to grip his hat to his chest. He gave them a rather sheepish smile. Would they allow someone from a rival guild in? Oh well...

@Mitchs98 @Arvis90
Chris Lengheart(Walking out of house)

"Ugh, fine...since you want to go so bad grab on tight." Chris suddenly said as he changed to his draco form and threw Kelica onto his back. The massive creature charger down the street, past multiple stalls and a couple of street fights as he began to head straight for the Fairytail guildhall. Once he made it to the door, the creature pushed it open with his massive horns as he stepped in and began to slowly look around with his blood red eyes. "You see her anywhere?" asked Chris as he continued to look around the guildhall.

@PeteTSs @Zuka

Sabrina---Fairy Tail Guild Building

Sabrina was walking around, seeing all of the food, alcohol, games and people scattered all around. She was also looking out and about for any signs of Kelica and Chris. Suddenly, a giant dragon busted into the building, with Kelica sitting on top of it. Sabrina started to wave at Kelica and the dragon, while shouting "Hey guys!"

@Zuka @Isune
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Kayzo said:


Cardio Cathedral

Grace sat quietly outside of Cardio Cathedral, the girl leaning against the wall of the sacred building. It may have looked rude or disrespectful to whatever they worshiped, but the short girl really didn't care right now. Masaki was on his way to greet her, and this would be the first time they'd see each other since the dragon business. Needless to say she was excited, but nervous as well. She still had a sneaking suspicion that things were awkward between them, but she'd just have to wait and see. "Where is he? It's been five minutes since I've gotten here!" She said out loud, crossing her arms defiantly.

Masaki Yamada: Cardia Cathedral, Magnolia.

Masaki walked through the streets of Magnolia and headed towards the famous cathedral. It had been two weeks since the two had seen each other, but via letters they had arranged to meet here. Masaki chose this place himself, not only was it historical and was most definitely somewhere he wanted to take Zephyr, but it was fitting for him to meet Grace there. Unfortunately he was running late, and thus began to pick up the pace ever so slightly. Upon arrival, Kyou managed to find Grace leaning up against the cathedral. The passerby's gave her a few odd looks for doing so as there was a bench nearby, but that didn't matter. At least he was seeing her again. He was greatful for that.

"Dammit I'm late!" He said to himself with a slight chuckle. Comical really, he had agreed on a time and he was late to it. How rude. Masaki sighed as he picked up the pase and finally arrived, going over to Grace. "Ah, my apologies for being late.." He said with a sigh, which then turned with a kind smile as he added, "But it's good to see you!"
Jaymes - Outside Fairy Tail

Jaymes nodded, agreeing that the people at or above guild master level should only fight each other. Who would want to fight someone completely out of their league for a simple exhibition tournament like the one tomorrow anyways? Jaymes smirked when Sera said something black or red. "A vampire in black or red. Shocker!" He said playfully, nudging her shoulder slightly with his fist. "I would say blue, and revealing to just blast the competition out of the water." Jaymes aid, striking a pose like a bikini model. That was the moment that Lysander chose to approached, and Jaymes quickly settled down, his cheeks going red for moment. When the man stopped speaking, Jaymes looked over at Sera, then back at the man. "The guild is open. You can only be in the first level though. Only guild members can go to the second and above stories." Jaymes said, then an instant later slapped his forehead with his hand as he witnessed a dragon with a girl zoom into the guildhall. Jaymes pulled his hand away from his forehead, revealing the now present red patch where his hand had been. "Just so you know, the rumors you have heard are true." Jaymes said, referencing the rowdy rumors that accompanied Fairy Tail wherever they went. With that, he ran after Chris into the guild hall. "What the hell dude?! Are you trying to trample people and cause a scene?" Jaymes shouted to Chris.

@HuorSpinks @Isune
Chris Lengheart(Guildhall)

Chris was about to release the takeover and say hi to Sabrina when all of a sudden Jaymes ran in and started to yell at him. "I'm not trying to trample anyone! I just wanted to give Kelica a ride to the guildhall. That's why I didn't use my taurus form, then I would have a higher chance of trampling people because of the sheer size of that form!" It was clear that the beast didn't exactly like being yelled at like this, especially during the face day of the fantasia festival.

@PeteTSs @Arvis90 @Zuka
Grace's face lit up at the sight of Masaki's red hair and his blue eyes. She ran forward and socked him in the stomach before wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. "It's great to see you too! I've missed you so much!" She said happily, nuzzling her face in his chest. It was so nice to see him again, and she didn't care if her hug was awkward, it just made her so happy. Releasing him from the hug, she took a step back and smiled up at him. "How're you doing?"

Some of the single guys boo ragging on ferra and said "Shhhhhh were trying to enjoy the singing and the eye candy ironing boards so go and play in the sandbox" After a few minutes cinla bowed then got off the stage and closed her box and then put it in her bag and then walked over to the other two and says playfully" Hey little black hole and lana chan, that was a rush i haven't been to a festival in years and it was clear some of the single were starring at me but it's all good in the hood because it's the festival what's the point of being here if you can't have fun right".
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"Calm down dude." Jaymes said raising his hands in a pacifying manner. "Its just I saw you nearly KO two people on your dash over here." Jaymes finished, walking towards the two. "And I thought you couldn't do full take overs because you might lose control." Jaymes said. He had been absent during the time that Chris and Kelica had worked to master his magic, so it was a moderate shock to see him not going berserk. He wasn't complaining though.

@Zuka @Isune

Hunter - Street of Magnolia/Fairy Tail guild

Hunter had come to Magnolia simply for the tournament. He didn't care for anything else. Though he did see lots of eye candy here and there, as he walked through the crowds. He couldn't help himself though. He released a small shock of electricity here and there, startling the poor people as they jumped from the unexpected jolts. Wandering through the crowd, he eventually found himself outside the Fairy Tail guild. A grimace shadowed his face with distaste as he thought about the damn fairies and their idiocy. Like the arrogant prick he could be, he wandered into the guild hall, where he saw a large lizard with a girl on its back talking to some shirtless mage. Hunter snorted and headed to the bar where he promptly ordered a beer and sat down to watch what kind of drama unfolded. His guild mark was hidden under his clothes, so he had no need to concern himself on whether they would know he was a Sabertooth or not.
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