Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Sasuke Haishen, Crocus City

Sasuke let out a heavy sigh when he heard all the information, trying to gather it all in his head at once was like trying to catch a fly in mid air. The only difference between this situation and the fly is, with the fly he was able to just swat it away. But this kid seemed stuck on asking him about his magic, he shook his head and glared at her "Didn't I tell you that you would see?" he said with a slight frown on his face, it seemed that his hot head was already getting the best of him.

Alfie Roderick

Fairy Tail Guild Hall Roof; Talking to Adrian

"I'm fine," Alfie replied. The sound of his voice jumped at the sudden arrival at the sudden noise, but his body didn't move with it. He was still gazing out at beyond the sea, in expectance of something... "I'm just waiting for the timeski--..." Alfie's eyes widened, and the mage frowned as the word slipped out of his mouth. Knowing his guild mates, everyone he knew would try to dig into his slip up and try to find out what the wizard was even talking about with this "timeskip". But none of them would understand, and he'd be known as a madman the rest of his time in Fairy Tail. On the other hand, all he had to explain it to was a single person, and there was a slim chance he wouldn't care. And it really wasn't like it would matter. No one had to know. He could continue acting as though the disappearances were a part of his magic. After all, there were plenty of the mysterious types lying around among the Guilds.

But he decided to pretend there was no timeskip at all. Giving a warm smile and closing his eyes like the generic anime girl, Alfie tilted his head and began speaking again.
"There are plenty of other people down in the Guild Hall. In fact, there's even a relationship you could ruin over at Chris'. All I'm doing here is waiting for the festival. Go and have real fun."

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Alicia: Train to Rivera

Alicia crossed her arms and frowned slightly, "Fine..sorry." She told him. Laying across her seat she yawned and laid on her back staring up at Sasuke. "Well..what's your favorite food?" She asked him, making random conversation at this point to keep herself from falling asleep. She was really tired, and there was no telling how late it was, but she wanted to talk to Sasuke more. Even if he was kinda rude.
Kelica - Streets of Magnolia

Kelica did a cutsy as he opened the door for. She put her hands infront of her, fingers crossed and resting on her lap. She had a much better spring in her step as she walked along. The flower was still tucked rather happily in her hair, having survived a night with her restless sleeping, so that was a plus. She smiled to Chris happily. It was a new day, and she didn't dwell on yesterday, forgetting all the awkward and embarassing mistakes she had made yesterday.

She almost did a twirl but restrained herself. The festival was a day closer and she was excited!! She leaned in to sneak her arm around his own, pushing her side against his. "Sooo I'll need new shirts, pants, sleepingwear, underwear, socks, skirts, dresses... and a swim suit to! And once we are done there, we'll need to head to the Guild Hall, I just have to return the appartment key and pick up my valuables from there... can't leave poor Pertunia there, she's a potted plant in my room, will be worried sick I didn't come home last night.. " she said in a fluster, barely making a breath. Finger on her chin "Then we need to get some seedlings from the markets for your backyard, for fresh fruit and veges, AND a new broom. I'm sorry, yours is sooo outdated I don't know how you sweep at all... " poking her tongue out playfully.

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Chris Lengheart (Streets of Magnolia)

Chris watched as Kelica went out the door and made sure to lock it once again before beginning to walk next to her. He listened to her massive to-do list and finally spoke,"Well I say we take you out to get some new clothes first. You're still wearing my clothes after all. Then, we head off to the guild hall to get your belongings. And then we can worry about getting me a new broom and seeds. Goodness your demanding." Chris said jokingly as he began to walk next to Kelica. The only real concern that Chris had was how exactly was Kelica planning on carrying all of this. Chris might be able to hold a few bags, but with the everything else he'd have to carry, including Kelica's possessions, it'd be quite tricky getting home without dropping a single item.

Kelica - Magnolia Streets

Kelica had a face that would melt butter when she looked up to him "Ain't seen the half of it, Mister. " poking her tongue out once she headed to the nearest clothing store she could find. She spent a very long time in here... maybe even hours, trying clothes on, shoes, loading up more and more onto a trolley, fashioning a pretty much brand new wardrobe. She opened her coin purse and took out almost half of it on clothes alone, with a half worried face. "Maybe I don't need all of this... " before waving a hand and buying it all. She wondered as she left with bags lining her arms, how long Chris had stayed in the shop for, if he had gone elsewhere in the meantime or napped in a chair at the back of the store. She lost track of him in a flurry near the shoes.

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Chris Lengheart (streets of Magnolia)

Chris watched in awe as Kelica practically filled up most of a trolley with nothing but clothes. He followed closely behind as he looked at Kelica,"So, what are we doing now? Are we heading to the guild to get your junk or are we going to get your seedlings? The only real problem I have with helping you is how exactly do you expect the two of us to carry everything? We're just two people, remember?" he said as he placed both arms behind his head as he waited for Kelica to respond.

Kelica - Streets of Magnolia

Kelica smiled as she held all 10 bags with ease on both arms, she was surprisingly strong considering she was nothing compared to the hunk of man meat next to her. She had carried injured wolves on her back when she was younger, so she was deceptively strong.

She nodded to him. "You need not worry, in my apartment I have actually very little valuables, enough to fit half a backpack. I... don't keep much on me. " She said softly. "I used to travel a lot through the forest, I only kept what I needed. This is the first time I've had enough of a stable place to stay to collect more then a backpack worth of gear, thus the excessive clothes."

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Chris Lengheart (streets of Magnolia)

Chris nodded in understanding as he continued to walk close to her. "Makes sense...anyways, now you've got my place to live at. Just don't fill up my house with junk we'll never touch after the first day of buying it. Also, how many seedlings are you planning to buy? I have enough room in my garden for a good amount, but that depends on what you want to do." So, Chris' new girlfriend has never had a actual home before. She travels through the forest and is a big nature person, that also makes sense.

Sabrina---Fairy Tail Guild Building

Sabrina walked through the Fairy Tail Guild doors with a bunch of books tucked uder her arms. The red head had spent most of the day at her home reading, but she had felt the urge to go see if anything out of the ordinary was happening in the guild building. She had recently arrived to this town, and it was actually her second day here. She actually got into the guild earlier this day.

Sabrina walked around the place a bit, found a quiet place to read, sat down and opened one of her books.


Sasuke Haishen, Crocus City

Rubbing his chin, Sasuke wasn't expecting the endless loop of questions, but he just assumed it was just something children enjoyed to do. Annoy the hell out of their friends. Since Sasuke didn't understand a lot of concepts including the concept of friends, when someone like Alicia spoke to him without raising their voice or getting mad is what Sasuke could only guess to be is friendship. Something which many held dear however, Sasuke had no friends. He only had his master and his enemy. Despite all of this, as they whizzed along he answered Alicia's question with a shrug, he was a genie. He didn't need food to survive so it was something he wasn't too fond of trying out.

"I'm not sure, I don't eat much food. But I see other's, so I will just say cake." he came to a conclusion in the end, although he never tried eating cake. It was the most common food he heard being talked about, and everyone that did talk about it usually only had good things to say about 'how good it was'.


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Alfie Roderick

Fairy Tail Guild Hall Roof; Speaking to Adrian

Alfie jumped at Adrian's reply. He had completely ignored the request to go do something fun and even seemed to read through his act of knowing nothing. Especially with what he asked. "I've been sitting here..." he paused and looked around nervously before looking down at his own lap. "Since yesterday." With a jolt, the wizard looked back up at Adrian and did a sort of worried jazz-hands thing and said quickly, "But it's not a problem! I've heard of people who would spend even longer in higher places and still survive! There's nothing to worry about here! The only thing out of place is you not talking to someone who'll give you a worthwhile conversation, right?" Alfie gave a little laugh before looking back out to the morning horizon.

Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

He let out a small sigh as he looked over as two of his members decided to join Mizuki and himself at the bar. The endless stream of interruptions coupled with Mizuki's natural pessimism wasn't exactly helping him relax. He smirked slightly at Roku's comment, turning his attention on her. "Even the strong deserve a break every now and then." He took another swig from his mug, closing his eyes as he listened to the two re-introduce themselves. He wasn't sure how much stock Mizuki put in remembering the names and faces of guild members, but there was no one with a Sabertooth mark that he did not know. He opened his eyes and turned his gaze on Black as he asked his rather vague question. Given the situation he could only assume the boy was referring to his drinking. "I've been relaxing most of the night, interruptions permitting." He thought back to that girl who tried to join and then the Lamia Scale lad that sought an audience with him.

He quickly finished the contents of his mug before setting it down atop the counter. While awaiting a refill he turned his gaze to the stack of job fliers Roku had brought in. He was sure the girl wouldn't have to work again for a fair while with so many completed tasks. If only some of his other members could apply their skills so diligently. As the thought crossed his mind he turned his gaze towards Mizuki, deciding he would have to come up with jobs to keep her occupied so she didn't just rot away in the guild. His mind wandered briefly before idle curiosity took hold, looking back at the two beside him at the bar he spoke up. "By any chance, have either of you heard any news in regards to Malnia?"


@Lana Valentine

@Embaga Elder
Roku Wolfhound- Sabertooth Guild Hall- Eyeing Gilad's drink.

Roku still wanted a victory drink having completed her stack of missions though she knew that she now had enough money for quite awhile it was different from enjoying a drink with her friends. She closed her eyes thinking on Gilad's question, "Not that I recall, why got a feeling about something?" Roku belong to trail her finger upon her still empty glass rim and had a very passive aggressive smile towards Mizuki, "I'd like a victory drink Mizuki, be a dear and pour me some." She said while continuing to run her finger upon the rim of her glass.


@Embaga Elder

Alicia Nefaras: Train to Rivera

Alicia nodded, "
Oh. I see." She replied tiredly. "What kind of cake?" She asked soon after, which was more of a mumble as she was slowly falling asleep in her seat. Despite not exactly doing much that day she was tired, there was no telling how late it was. Before Sasuke had a chance to answer she was already asleep, her arm hanging off the side and her mouth hanging open slightly. Unless bothered it was unlikely she would wake up anytime soon.

@Leo Radomir[/URL]

@Leo Radomir

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra giggled, got up, and walked over to a cabinent before grabbing a box of spaghetti pasta. "
Yup. All of the pasta is in that cabinent. I know where all of the food and stuff is stored, mostly cause I gotta eat a lot with my magic to stay healthy." She replied before placing the box in front of Cinla. "And it's fine, I don't judge people that eat fast. Only thing stopping me from doing so is I like to taste my food." She added jokingly before sitting down and grabbing another meat bun for herself. She hadn't eaten much that day due to the excitement, so she was feeling a bit sick. Might as well get to eating, she assumed.
Cinla gently sigh

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia Nefaras: Train to Rivera
Alicia nodded, "
Oh. I see." She replied tiredly. "What kind of cake?" She asked soon after, which was more of a mumble as she was slowly falling asleep in her seat. Despite not exactly doing much that day she was tired, there was no telling how late it was. Before Sasuke had a chance to answer she was already asleep, her arm hanging off the side and her mouth hanging open slightly. Unless bothered it was unlikely she would wake up anytime soon.

@Leo Radomir

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra giggled, got up, and walked over to a cabinent before grabbing a box of spaghetti pasta. "
Yup. All of the pasta is in that cabinent. I know where all of the food and stuff is stored, mostly cause I gotta eat a lot with my magic to stay healthy." She replied before placing the box in front of Cinla. "And it's fine, I don't judge people that eat fast. Only thing stopping me from doing so is I like to taste my food." She added jokingly before sitting down and grabbing another meat bun for herself. She hadn't eaten much that day due to the excitement, so she was feeling a bit sick. Might as well get to eating, she assumed.
Cinla took the meat off the heat for a little then put a bunch of spaghetti in and let it sit there for a few minutes or so then when it was softer she pushed it back into the pot and put the lid on then put the meat and sauce back on the heat and turned it down to low, the smell of the many fresh ingredients drifting across the room. Seven minutes went by in a flash and cinla got the strainer and took the pot and tipped it once over the sink, and then put it back into the pot and brought it back over to the stove and then grabbed three plats with knives and forks and spoon and began serving up the food, after she was done she put the food in front of them both and said" Enjoy the grub it's a recipe i learned from a human friend a while back and boy was he a good cook and not a bad looking guy at that but at the time my clan wasn't allowed to invite humans in, so we had to do it on the outskirts".

@Lana Valentine
"First of all, there's no-one there. The Guild Hall is deserted. Second of all--" he sat down next to Alfie, his legs dangling off the roof. "We live in a world filled with strange and mystical things. I'm wielding a reconstruction of the One Magic. We have people capable of destroying nations on their own. And 'timeskips?' We know that Natsu Dragneel ended up traveling through time, so it's not that unbelievable."

He turned to Alfie, concerned. "So if there's something you know that we don't, it's probably a good idea to tell me."
Lana licked her lips at seeing the plate of food before her but, began to eat slowly savoring the flavor of the food this time. "Hey are you two going to festival and stuff?" She asked them with a smile after slurping up some of the pasta. She suddenly reached for a napkin and cleaned her face off before sighing. "Sorry that duel got me hungry but, are you two going to go?" She assumed they were but, had hoped to join both of them as she felt she could get along best with them so far. "I just wanted to go with you guys if your going..."

@Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir
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Cinla joined at the table and said" Of course i'm after all i have a score to settle with a dark mage bitch from sabertooth and getting to whoop on her team mates if a tag team will make my revenge that much sweeter". Cinla paused then said" It's cool in this case it's when people play or woolf the food down you know you such as a chef". "Not sure about sachiko he seems like a nice guy but he's a bit indecisive which can be very bad in a battle with some of the combatants".
@Lana Valentine[/URL]
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Cinla joined at the table and said" Of course i'm after all i have a score to settle with a dark mage bitch from sabertooth and getting to whoop on her team mates if a tag team will make my revenge that much sweeter". Cinla paused then said" It's cool in this case it's when people play or woolf the food down you know you such as a chef". "Not sure about sachiko he seems like a nice guy but he's a bit indecisive which can be very bad in a battle with some of the combatants".

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

As soon as the plate of pasta was placed before her Ferra immediately engulfed her meat bun before practically eating the pasta, plate and all, in one bite. Though she refrained and instead opted to eat at an inhuman pace with the fork. She nodded vigorously at Lana's question, swallowing before offering a verbal response. "Yup! And I'm gunna enter the bikini contest too! Probably definetely not gunna win..but it'll be fun." She replied excitedly. "You guys should enter too! Oh! And if you need a place to stay you guys can share my room for now if you need to, I got space." She added.
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

As soon as the plate of pasta was placed before her Ferra immediately engulfed her meat bun before practically eating the pasta, plate and all, in one bite. Though she refrained and instead opted to eat at an inhuman pace with the fork. She nodded vigorously at Lana's question, swallowing before offering a verbal response. "Yup! And I'm gunna enter the bikini contest too! Probably definetely not gunna win..but it'll be fun." She replied excitedly. "You guys should enter too! Oh! And if you need a place to stay you guys can share my room for now if you need to, I got space." She added.
@Leo Radomir
"Bikini Contest?" Lana raised an eyebrow continuing to eat with a small smile on her face from the last. "I don't know if I'd win either, I think I'm pretty unattractive." Lana said pointing her fork at Cinla, "This is delicious by the way," Lana was critical of herself and now she had began to feel a little self conscious at the thought of being made to enter by her new friends. After all she had rarely been judged by anyone other than her father and now she might need to enter this contest to fit in and there was no way for her to cram study for it. She closed her eyes sighing at all of these thoughts.
Kelica - Streets of Magnolia

Kelica came before the huge Fairytail Guild Hall, glancing upwards to see two people perched uptop the roof. She couldn't see them specifically, but one did look like they were dressed in pink, so she assumed it was Alfie. She kept going inside and coming before the bar, handing Chris the remaining 5 bags with a quick smile. "Hold these for a minute... " dashing quickly upstairs. It took her less than a minute to pack her belongings into a bag, hoisting it over her shoulder with her potted plant Pertunia tucked under her arm. She returned the key to the bartender and smiled to Chris. "All done!!"

As Kelica wandered through the tables back out, she noticed a girl reading a book in the corner whom she didn't recognise. Curious, she walked over to her with a smile. "Hello, my name is Kelica, I haven't seen you before... are you new at Fairytail?"

@Isune @PeteTSs @Salt Lord @Genon
Chris Lengheart (Fairytail guild hall)

Chris silently took the bags as he sat outside the guildhall. He stared at the two people standing on the roof, but dismissed it. That was Fairtail for ya, weird stuff happening all the time. However, when Kelica began to take more time than he would have liked, Chris entered the guildhall and watched as Kelica began to talk to a girl that was reading a book. Chris knew that chances were, she'd be there for a while so he pulled up a seat at a table and placed the bags down as he waited for Kelica to finish doing whatever with the girl. The sooner they got the seedlings the better, but for now Chris would just have to sit back and wait.

@Zuka @PeteTSs

Sabrina---Fairy Tail Guild Building

"Hmm? Oh! uh, hi!" said Sabrina quietly, having just noticed someone talking to her."My name's Sabrina. Nice to meet you! I am new here. This is my second day here in this town! I also got accepted into this guild earlier this morning, actually. I don't know where everything is around here. All I know is where I live and where the guild building is. Could you show me around the town? That is, if you have time to. If you don't, no biggie. I'll be able to find my way around this place eventually."

@Zuka @Isune
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