Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart (House)

Chris chuckled as Kelica straddled him, "Easy there cowgirl. I think some shopping would do us some good. You're still wearing my clothes after all. Come on, let's go." he said as he waited for Kelica to get off him.

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Office

"All right,"
Lloyd took note of the area and colour she specified. He moved towards her then, still holding the Guild Seal with both hands. It was at this moment that the door opened again and Cinla stepped in. His face reddened when he saw Cinla take a look around the room and sigh, before muttering something under her breath which he assumed might have been a comment about the state of his office because he could not quite hear her words. "It's erm... in the process of being neatened," he said finally, in a rather small voice, giving an embarrassed shrug. In all honesty, the room had 'been in the process of being neatened' ever since he took ownership of the room a few months back, but no one, especially not the new guild members, needed to know that. He cleared his throat. "Anyway, I'll be right with you, once I'm done with giving Lana her guild mark. You may want to take this time to think about where you want your guild mark to be, and in what colour."

He turned back to Lana. "Perhaps you could hold you hair up, so that it doesn't accidentally get in the way of the seal." Then, very gently, he pressed the seal down onto her neck, at the area she had specified earlier. There was a sight hissing sound as the mark was magically transferred onto her skin. It was not a painful procedure, there was only a slight pressure and a light sensation of heat on the area. About three second later, he lifted the seal back up and there it was, on Lana's neck, a blue Lamia Scale Guild Mark. A pleased grin grew on his face. "Done," he said quietly, quite anticipating her response.

@Lana Valentine @Leo Radomir
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia ( Her Residence )

Sora began to roll along the blankets and steamroll the pillows as she waited impatiently, coming to a halting stop by Clair's feet to gaze up at her with a childish smile. " Sit, Clair! You don't have to stand there all awkwardly. " Wiggling back a bit she'd lay on her tummy, fingers interlocking to rest under her chin to hold it up, feet kicked up with her ankles crossed in a comfortable manner. " So let's talk and pass the time until Bizma gets back, shall we? " A small suggestion but one she knew Clair would be up for seeing as the two actually talked quite a bit. " I'm thinking of getting new outfits tomorrow for the festival, it could be fun. Would you like to join me and grab something too? We'll get lunch too. " Sora inquired in a cheerful tone, biting her lip at the end of the sentence as if in anticipation for Clair's answer, dearly hoping it'd be a yes. The red head could be quiet at times but Sora always made it her duty to drag Clair out of her shell and accompany her to as many places as possible. They'd become quite close ever since she'd ranked into S-Class and asked Clair if they could form a team together, which to Sora's delight had been accepted. Hopefully Bizma came down soon so she could jump in the bath and change into her sleepwear to get super comfy! Or maybe she drowned in the tub.... Sora's face paled at the thought of a dead body in her tub, eyes wide. " BIZMA, ARE YOU ALIVE? " Sora hollered loud enough so that her voice could be heard in the bathroom.

Clair Fernandes :Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Sora's house

Clair watched Sora roll along the blankets and come to a stop by her feet in a rather relaxed position , Sora was always so full of life and energy and that in its self was a skill set.Clair laughed when she mentioned shopping for outfits and as she did so she took a seat ,cross legged with her hand resting against the floor behind her back , in front of Sora "If i buy anymore outfits , let alone armour sets , i'll need to rent a forth room at Fairy hills". Clair , much like her grandmother, needed to rent multiple rooms at Fairyhills to store her armour and clothing , in fact Clair had one more room than her grandmother had and was honestly thinking about getting another. Clair smiled and tilted her head to the side "but then again i'm sure that wouldn't be a problem , sure i'll accompany you it'll be fun"

After Sora had called out to check on Bizma , Clair lay down on her back with her knees still up in the air "say Sora , this new guild master whats she like ? I'm told she joined when i was away"

Lana - Lamia Scale guild hall - Within Lloyd's Office.

She couldn't help smiling slightly as the mark was transferred onto her skin. Though when her hair was down it would be covered, she usually kept it up within a ponytail. She looked at the other new candidate and gave her a thumbs up. "Hope we'll get along together since we are both new around here."

She bowed slightly to Lloyd, "Thank you guild master I hope to make you proud as I work here," She then glanced around the messy room shivering slightly again. "Would you like me to assist you in cleaning up this office first?" She offered to help out simply to bs useful until she could get a chance to find herself a room somewhere to stay.

HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Office
"All right,"
Lloyd took note of the area and colour she specified. He moved towards her then, still holding the Guild Seal with both hands. It was at this moment that the door opened again and Cinla stepped in. His face reddened when he saw Cinla take a look around the room and sigh, before muttering something under her breath which he assumed might have been a comment about the state of his office because he could not quite hear her words. "It's erm... in the process of being neatened," he said finally, in a rather small voice, giving an embarrassed shrug. In all honesty, the room had 'been in the process of being neatened' ever since he took ownership of the room a few months back, but no one, especially not the new guild members, needed to know that. He cleared his throat. "Anyway, I'll be right with you, once I'm done with giving Lana her guild mark. You may want to take this time to think about where you want your guild mark to be, and in what colour."

He turned back to Lana. "Perhaps you could hold you hair up, so that it doesn't accidentally get in the way of the seal." Then, very gently, he pressed the seal down onto her neck, at the area she had specified earlier. There was a sight hissing sound as the mark was magically transferred onto her skin. It was not a painful procedure, there was only a slight pressure and a light sensation of heat on the area. About three second later, he lifted the seal back up and there it was, on Lana's neck, a blue Lamia Scale Guild Mark. A pleased grin grew on his face. "Done," he said quietly, quite anticipating her response.

@Lana Valentine @Leo Radomir
Cinla giggled at how flustered he got and said playfully" I'd like mind on my right hand and in orange if you have it and if you say so sir we all have out things we need to work on, but in any case i won't continue to bust your chops but you did walk into that". The mark suits you to a t lana tell you what let's share a place as soon as i find a job i'll pay you back but in the mean time i'll cook and clean don't think it's such a bad deal".

Cinla stuck her right hand out for lloyd and her eyes glowing just a little from being in such a good mood at making her third female friend this week.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Cinla giggled at how flustered he got and said playfully" I'd like mind on my right hand and in orange if you have it and if you say so sir we all have out things we need to work on, but in any case i won't continue to bust your chops but you did walk into that". The mark suits you to a t lana tell you what let's share a place as soon as i find a job i'll pay you back but in the mean time i'll cook and clean don't think it's such a bad deal".
Cinla stuck her right hand out for lloyd and her eyes glowing just a little from being in such a good mood at making her third female friend this week.

Lana raised her fist into the air, "Alright Cinla, sounds like a plan." She started to watch Cinla receive her mark, a smile upon her face as she now had someone to be good friends with for certain. She rubbed her eyes a little wondering how late it actually was outside now.


Sabertooth Bar​

Mizuki shrugged as Gilad suggested finding work to do. She wouldn't mind having more stuff to do seeing that all she does in her free time is serve her Guildmaster alcohol and put hexes on little girls. "I guess you could give me stuff to do, not that it will really matter. We're all going to die someday, so there's no advantage to me doing whatever you have in store. But if you suggest I do it, then I won't refuse. I'm in your eternal debt."

She said with a sigh, giving him another refill and turning her attention to the other two who came to the bar. One was asking for wine while the other alcohol, and unfortunately she could only serve one of them. Filling up a glass of wine, she handed it to boy who asked for it. But when Roku asked for beer, she shook her head and frowned. "You can't have any beer right now, it's all going to Gilad right now..."


@Embaga Elder @Lana Valentine
Roku huffed slightly but nodded her head crossing her legs and stretching her arms, "It's fine, Gilad here needs to finish up though, can't have our guild master getting wasted and being a terrible example to the others," She stuck her tongue out towards him and laughed as she only teasing him slightly.

She placed her stack of papers upon the table looking at each of the other three. "So I'm Roku, in case none of you remember or you are new from before I had vanished." She let out a small yawn while waiting for some confirmation from the others before speaking again.



@Embaga Elder
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Mess

Lloyd inclined his head. "I'm sure you will," he said. "Do missions, grow in strength, and if need be, protect your fellow guild members. That is all we ask, really." When Lana offered to clean his office for him though, a horrified expression grew on his face. This mess was completely his fault, and he was not about to let other people do what he should have been responsible for in the beginning. "Oh no," he said, shaking his head. "It is my responsibility to keep this place cleaned, and I will not impose that on you. It's getting late too, and it's been a tiring day for you, I daresay. Perhaps you ought to get some rest first."

He grinned sheepishly at Cinla, if it were not for the guild seal he was still holding one hand would definitely have been up to rub at his head. "I suppose I did deserve that," he admitted, moving to where she stood, with her right hand extended. Once again, he placed the guild seal gently on the area she indicated and held it there for about three seconds, before lifting it back up again. An orange Lamia Scale Guild Mark, on Cinla's right hand could now be seen. "There," he said. "How does that look?"

"Oh right," he added. "If you both have yet to find a place to say, we have some spare bedrooms in the Guild Hall you could use, until you earn enough to find a place for yourself. I also have a list of affordable rooms for rent in Margaret Town. It should be..." here, he frowned, scanning his desk. "Right about here." And with that, he headed to his desk and, after putting away the guild seal into its wooden box, began digging around the bottom drawer. About three minutes later, he emerged, his hair a bit mused, holding two sheets of paper which listed addresses, their proximity to the guild hall, and their monthly rent. A self-satisfied grin was on his face as he handed the sheets to both Lana and Cinla. "My office may be a mess but at least I'm always able to find what I need." There was method to his madness, after all. Or perhaps just denial.

@Lana Valentine @Leo Radomir
HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Mess
Lloyd inclined his head. "I'm sure you will," he said. "Do missions, grow in strength, and if need be, protect your fellow guild members. That is all we ask, really." When Lana offered to clean his office for him though, a horrified expression grew on his face. This mess was completely his fault, and he was not about to let other people do what he should have been responsible for in the beginning. "Oh no," he said, shaking his head. "It is my responsibility to keep this place cleaned, and I will not impose that on you. It's getting late too, and it's been a tiring day for you, I daresay. Perhaps you ought to get some rest first."

He grinned sheepishly at Cinla, if it were not for the guild seal he was still holding one hand would definitely have been up to rub at his head. "I suppose I did deserve that," he admitted, moving to where she stood, with her right hand extended. Once again, he placed the guild seal gently on the area she indicated and held it there for about three seconds, before lifting it back up again. An orange Lamia Scale Guild Mark, on Cinla's right hand could now be seen. "There," he said. "How does that look?"

"Oh right," he added. "If you both have yet to find a place to say, we have some spare bedrooms in the Guild Hall you could use, until you earn enough to find a place for yourself. I also have a list of affordable rooms for rent in Margaret Town. It should be..." here, he frowned, scanning his desk. "Right about here." And with that, he headed to his desk and, after putting away the guild seal into its wooden box, began digging around the bottom drawer. About three minutes later, he emerged, his hair a bit mused, holding two sheets of paper which listed addresses, their proximity to the guild hall, and their monthly rent. A self-satisfied grin was on his face as he handed the sheets to both Lana and Cinla. "My office may be a mess but at least I'm always able to find what I need." There was method to his madness, after all. Or perhaps just denial.

@Lana Valentine @Leo Radomir
Cinla smiles softly and took one for herself and gives the other to lana and then says" thanks i'm staving so we can deal with the questions about others being later so thanks again for the guild seal and now it's time we got out of your hair i'm sure you a busy guy after all". Cinla playfully grabs lana other arm and starts dragging her towards the door
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Lana rubbed her neck watching the exchange between the two and thinking on Lloyd's words before looking at the sheet she was given, "Maybe we can go half and half on a small place after awhile Cinla and I am looking forward to tasting your cooking," She smiled though wondered if any of the other guild members lived here. "How many people stay here Lloyd?" She asked politely out of curiosity.

Sabertooth Guild Hall Bar

Thank you Mizuki.
He said before he took a sip. Then chuckled towards Roku I fearless leader Gilad gets all the beer. He takes a sip of his wine. If y'all don't quite remember, my name is Black, very simple. He downs the rest of his wine and looks at Gilad so how long have you been at this huh? @Kayzo @Colt556 @Lana Valentine
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Lana was dragged out by Cinla but, remained smiling giving a wave towards Lloyd before the door had shut behind them. "What do you have in mind Cinla?" She asked while still having her arm grabbed. A seconds afterward Lana's stomach began to rumble due to her lack of energy and the work out she had gotten from the duel she really needed to eat something. "Lets find some food ya?"

@Leo Radomir
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@Leo Radomir[/URL]
Cinla smiled gently and let go and then says" Just need some beef mince and some pasta and tomato paste and some fresh tomatoes and some onions and garlic salt and oil then we good to go, i know it's not much but for now it's all about quick and easy and pasta doesn't take more than fifteen minutes as a rule and it will keep us both filled for a while".
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Cinla smiled gently and let go and then says" Just need some beef mince and some pasta and tomato paste and some fresh tomatoes and some onions and garlic salt and oil then we good to go, i know it's not much but for now it's all about quick and easy and pasta doesn't take more than fifteen minutes as a rule and it will keep us both filled for a while".

Lana nodded her head and lead the way downstairs believing that to be the most logical place for a kitchen. "Do you want any help cooking Cinla?" She asked curiously while searching for the actual kitchen.

Her mind had drifted somewhat to the days of cooking with her mother but, she shook the thought off. "Shouldn't be thinking of that when I'm having fun..." She mumbled under her breath.
[QUOTE="Lana Valentine]Lana nodded her head and lead the way downstairs believing that to be the most logical place for a kitchen. "Do you want any help cooking Cinla?" She asked curiously while searching for the actual kitchen.
Her mind had drifted somewhat to the days of cooking with her mother but, she shook the thought off. "Shouldn't be thinking of that when I'm having fun..." She mumbled under her breath.

Cinla follows and after a few minutes or so of looking found the kitchen and said" Well if you can find a kettle and start the kettle it will make heating the pasta quicker, we also need a strainer for after it's done, and from the looks of things your even more hungry than me, so you should drink some water in the mean time, next time i'll let you help me that's a promise". Cinla quickly went round and finding the ingredients bar the pasta and put them in a orderly fashion, cinla then got two pots for the pasta and meat and turned on the heat for the meat and put some oil in and waits for it to heat up.
Kelica - Chris's House

Kelica was still thinking heavily on which option would be better, before realising how haphazardly she had straddled him, making a soft blush as she did and sliding back onto her toes. She seemed to be less physically intimidated by him today so that was an improvement. She wandered into the kitchen to throw her leather boots on, wiggling her toes to get the shoe to fit properly. She came back to the couch with a hand on her hip. "Come on Mr Muscle."

Adrian Bell

Fairy Tail Guild Hall, Ground Floor --> Fairy Tail Guild Hall Roof

Adrian quickly got bored waiting for people to arrive, and so decided to walk up to the roof. It was one of the few places he hadn't explored to death in the Guild Hall, so he figured he would just wait up there. Maybe if he was lucky, he would find someone there! True to his prediction, he found Alfie sitting on the roof. He looked like he hadn't moved in ages. Adrian walked up to Alfie and sat down next to him.

"Hey, Alfie. How's it been going?" he asked.

@Salt Lord
Chris Lengheart(House)

Chris lazily stood up as he slipped on a pair of sandals. He slowly walked over to the door and carefully unlocked the door before stepping out and once again holding the door for Kelica,"Alright, let's get going then." he said as he motioned for Kelica to follow.

[QUOTE="Lana Valentine]Lana nodded her head and lead the way downstairs believing that to be the most logical place for a kitchen. "Do you want any help cooking Cinla?" She asked curiously while searching for the actual kitchen.
Her mind had drifted somewhat to the days of cooking with her mother but, she shook the thought off. "Shouldn't be thinking of that when I'm having fun..." She mumbled under her breath.

[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Cinla follows and after a few minutes or so of looking found the kitchen and said" Well if you can find a kettle and start the kettle it will make heating the pasta quicker, we also need a strainer for after it's done, and from the looks of things your even more hungry than me, so you should drink some water in the mean time, next time i'll let you help me that's a promise". Cinla quickly went round and finding the ingredients bar the pasta and put them in a orderly fashion, cinla then got two pots for the pasta and meat and turned on the heat for the meat and put some oil in and waits for it to heat up.

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Just as soon as Cinla and Lana walked in the timer for the cake went off, waking up Ferra who was currently using the table as a pillow. Yawning she blinked and looked around. "
Oh. Hey guys. I baked a cake. Where's Sachiko?" She asked before standing. Grabbing some oven mitts she shoved Cinla over gently and grabbed the cake from the oven and sat it on the table. "Just gotta let it cool before I put the icing on.." She mumbled, mostly to herself, before sitting down. "So uh, welcome to Lamia Scale! I'm Ferra." She greeted them, accompanied by a smile and a small wave.
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Office

"At this point, no one is currently living in the Guild Hall,"
Lloyd replied, to Lana's question. "Pretty much everyone rents their own apartments. Including me. Mine's just a block away." Cinla began dragging Lana out so he gave a jaunty wave and a, "See you all later, then," before turning back to his messy desk with a loaded sigh. He still had a mountain of paperwork he had to complete before the last day of the festival, where he had to meet up with Kelica and Arcturus and possibly the new Fairy Tail Master to discuss an Empire that he thought he no longer had to deal with.

It had been a plan to use the entirety of today to get his work done, but with three new members (of of whom had yet to receive his guild mark) unexpectedly turning up, that had been down right impossible because it had taken most of the day to get them settled. It was already quite late now, and quite dark outside to boot and he had not even finished a single sheet of his load. He could not afford to skip the festival, now that people knew he was attending and waiting for him to do so.

Oh well, time to pull an all-nigher in his office. Ah, the trials and tribulations of Guild Masters. With another sigh, he settled down on his desk, grabbed a scroll, and got to work. If he was fast enough, he might even get a few hours of shuteye in, possibly at his desk or in one of the spare rooms not occupied. But now though, he had to focus.

@Lana Valentine @Leo Radomir
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ
Just as soon as Cinla and Lana walked in the timer for the cake went off, waking up Ferra who was currently using the table as a pillow. Yawning she blinked and looked around. "
Oh. Hey guys. I baked a cake. Where's Sachiko?" She asked before standing. Grabbing some oven mitts she shoved Cinla over gently and grabbed the cake from the oven and sat it on the table. "Just gotta let it cool before I put the icing on.." She mumbled, mostly to herself, before sitting down. "So uh, welcome to Lamia Scale! I'm Ferra." She greeted them, accompanied by a smile and a small wave.
Lana watched the other female awaken and begin hurriedly taking put her cake. She smiled a bit brighter upon seeing it, "I'm Lana and I just joined today and I don't know who Sachiko is sorry..." She bowed her head in apology before looking at the cake with sole desire in her eyes. "Cake huh, I'm not sure I want some before the pasta is done though." However Lana's sudden stomach rumble and her eyes staring into the cake could easily give away that she wanted to devour the entire baked good by herself.
Cinla turned and eyes piercing into lana in a way to say don't even think about it, cinla poured the water to the other pot and put some oil and salt and put the lid on and turned the heat to max and said" The water will be boiled in about six minutes or so i need you to get the pasta lana, i'll do the rest in the mean time i'll get the rest of the stuff ready". Cinla quickly grabs a near by clean knife and makes quick work of both the tomatoes cutting them into smaller chunks then the onions by dicing them and puts them to the other side of the board, then takes the meat out of the pack and little by little and into the pan and starts to stir the meat slowly starting to brown. Then after a couple of minutes or so she adds the tomatoes and and onions then last of all quickly crushes a little garlic in her hand and sprinkles it into the meat and soon after the puree and stirs it and turns the heat down to medium.

@Mitchs98 @Lana Valentine
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Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra nodded, "Yeah..sorry. Kinda forgot you came outside after Cinla and Sachiko's tests." She told her. "I was outside watching you guys, your powers are pretty neat!" She added, directed towards the both of them. She giggled as she saw Lana practically eating the cake with her eyes, "Don't worry, the cake won't go anywhere. Besides it doesn't have icing yet." She told her before rummaging through her bag that was strapped to the chair beside her, producing two meat buns. Holding one with her mouth she held the other one out to Lana, "Her. Haf thiz."
If Lana's body had the ability her eyes would of grow three sizes in desire, she greedily took the offered meat bun and devoured it like it was the last meat bun to ever exist. She then coughed and wiped her mouth politely and lowered her head. "Um sorry thank you Ferra..." Turning her attention to Cinla she got up and began to search for pasta, turning her attention to the younger female. "Do you know where the pasta is so we can all enjoy a delicious meal together?"

@Leo Radomir


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