Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Clair Fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Sora's house

Clair watched as Sora darted about gathering pillows of all different shapes and sizes , Clair knew Sora loved her pillows and that but this was honestly on a whole different level from the year before.The girl continued darting around for what must have been five minutes before coming to a halt , face down in a pillow. Sora offered to let both Bizma and her take a bath before her which was quite sweet of the girl however Clair didn't particularly want to take a bath in someone else's house , it was just something she found to be quite unnerving.You see Clair had several small scars on her back and upper arms / legs, they weren't visible at this stage ,thanks to medicinal magic, but to her they felt visible all the time. This made tasks like bathing in public bath houses ,or any bath for that matter, and the swimsuit competition extremely nerve wreaking for her.

Clair stood with her arms behind her back ans smiled "i'm fine Sora i had a bath this morning"

Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Training Grounds

For a mage of her level, Lana was strong. She most definitely had promise and Maya was very pleased. A smile appeared on her face as she directed it at Lana, "Well done, you did well." The destruction around the group was quite hilarious to see, Maya had erected a telekinetic barrier around herself to ensure that no splatters of mud or water made it's way onto her gown. After removing the barrier and watching as Lloyd began to approach her, Maya's tone became slightly more serious. "Yes. I need to speak with you for a moment." A smile was still on the woman's face however.

After a few seconds of silence, we spoke more quietly to Lloyd. "I've been thinking about the whole situation regarding Fairy Tails previous master and I think I want to leave for Magnolia as soon as possible." With her hands behind her back she continued to speak. "I know I said I would go with the others but the situation is too dire, and I would rather get there before any of the others. Just so that I know it's safe." Pausing again, she glanced at the scenery around her. The wind brushed against her face and her hair began to flow calmly. "I would like permission to set up a lacrima empowered teleportation circle to the outskirts of Magnolia. I can't be waiting for a train to take me there, the journey would last forever. Also, that way is more flashy.." She chuckled before her smile completely vanished and her tone became incredibly serious. "I also need to ensure that Sora is safe. My instincts tell me that a storm is coming, and I can't let anything happen to her." Her smile returned as she spoke in a more calm and relaxed tone. "I have an empty lacrima in my quarters. All I'll need to do is pour my magic into it. Plus, I discreetly nabbed a book on teleportation from the councils archives so it will be quick and easy.. All I'd need to do is construct the circle." She waited curiously for Lloyds response.

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Train ride to Magnolia

Grace followed Valken around the streets of Crocus, moving towards whatever his plan was. She couldn't help but think about whatever his grand plan was. She couldn't see where they were going and her guildmate kept his lips shut. "This better be good..." She grumbled as they walked. A few minutes later she found herself in a train, business class, fancy everything. The life of a rich man. "Geez, thanks Valken. Because you paid for this, you can have the first choice of a room." She said, looking at the two rooms and crossing her arms. Personally she wanted the king sized room despite her size, but it was up to Valken.

(Short post, I'm busy.)

Lysander - Train Between Hargeon Town and Magnolia Town

Lysander grinned quietly to himself as he watched the trees streak past from his carriage on board the the train he was taking from Hargeon to Magnolia. The mission had been a great success, if the weight of jewels in his pouch was anything to go by. The only downside was that the mission had been a little too easy, in his opinion. Once he was up in a tree, those bandits stood little to no chance. Perhaps, he should have just fought them on the ground, taken them on all against one just for the excitement of it, but he was a practical sort of man, and that sort of thing was probably going to get him injured. Sneak attacks, fighting from the shadows or above trees; that was his forte, and if his enemies located him, well, there was half his chance of success gone. He would have probably been called an assassin if assassins were not so frowned upon in Fiore. Assassins were usually associated with dark, illegal guilds.

This mission had been no different. He had reported to the address of the client in Hargeon, and was directed to a little known location that he had to mark on his map in order to locate it. Sure enough, in plain view, a bandit camp was located. It had been rather late in the day, and they had just gotten back from a raid, as evidenced from the bag of loot that they carried. Lysander had climbed a tree then, and had waited, under cover of his cloak, for them to be distracted by their loot counting. Then, he struck. "Guns Magic: Omnidirectional Expansion." A bullet launched from his gun, transforming into a multitude of bullets that rained down on the bandits. There were shrieks of pain and anger as bandits were knocked unconscious or out of commission. The remaining bandits (about a quarter of them left darted here and there about the carnage, desperately trying to locate the person responsible for this. "Guns Magic: Sunlight Shot." A flash of bright light rendered the remaining bandits blinded, with sparkles in their eyes, unable to see their surroundings. "Then, it was a matter of "Sniper Aim" and simple shooting of single bullets to render the remaining bandits unconscious. He had been under express orders not to kill, so those bullets he had used were non-lethal ones that simply knocked people unconscious when shot at their heads. After that, he used the lacrima he had been given to notify the client that the bandits were down and a few minutes later, the Hargeon security forces showed up to collect the loot and the bandits. He had been give at least 200% of the reward money for a job well done, and a comment about the efficiency of the mages of Lamia Scale that made him grin like a little kid. Nothing better than increasing the reputation of your guild; that had been just as great a reward.

And now, it was onto Magnolia, the location of the Fantasia Festival that Fairy Tail was holding. He was practically bouncing in his seat from excitement, despite his efforts to contain it. He had been to Magnolia, of course, multiple times, and had even walked past the Fairy Tail Guild Hall but he had yet to actually walk into the Guild Hall. Not that he could, of course, he was from a rival Guild and the thought of walking right into a group of unknown people made him want to shrink into his cloak. In addition, his cloak was a highly recognizable one; it had belonged to one of their mages and he was sure they they would recognise it, even if generations later.

But the Fantasia Festival gave him an excellent excuse. He would be there as a tourist, and while there, he would get to see the Guild in all it's finery, to see their mages for himself and to catch a glimpse of his own family history while he was there. And then he would go back to being a Lamia Scale mage. But for now, he was on a history hunt.

And he was so looking forward to it.
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"I guess that I'll be taking the first bath...." Bizma muttered. She probably needed it, after being tossed about like a rag doll by those ruffians. And, though nobody said it, she knew that she looked like something the cat dragged in. She stood up, walking towards the bathroom, and peeled off the clothes she had worn for a week now. She turned on the water and relaxed, all the dirt coming out of her hair and body. "..........This is so relaxing............"

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
Kelica - Chris's house

Kelica watched him laugh and escape her grasp to put more clothes on, and by more I mean like barely. She glanced down to her shorts and overly big shirt with which she was constantly fiddling with to try and pull it up over her shoulder, but it kept falling down once more. She stood up as he opened the door outside and did a quick cutsy as she wandered outside with soft, bare feet. She prefered bare feet anyhoo. She still could not get over just how muscular he was, almost on an intimidating level (well not for her because she was too dense to be intimidated), but at his heart he was a softy. She put her arms behind her back, taking a big breath in of the cold night air, pushing her chest out as she did. Her eyes drifting up towards the moon high in the sky.

Valken - Train to Magnolia

Valken closed his eyes as he relaxed, but then opened one to peer at Grace when she asked that question. He could tell instantly by her posture, tone of voice and eyes drifting to the king sized bed, that that was the bedroom she wanted though she said otherwise. "I think me being the taller one should get the King Sized bed Eh?" seeing if his bite worked to irritate Grace.

Chris Lengheart(streets of Magnolia)

Chris grabbed the keys to the house as he locked the door before leaving. The man was also barefoot, but seemed to mind it a little more as he foot seemed to have found a jagged rock. Immediately after stepping on it, Chris regretted his decision as he hopped around on one foot for a moment. He sighed as he continued behind Kelica and stared at some of the shops that were still open, "It's beautiful out tonight, isn't it?" Chris said as he too began to stare off into the night sky.

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Kelica - Streets of Magnolia at night

She glanced behind her shoulder as he stepped on a rock and hobbled around. It was a fairly funny sight as such a hulking man being injured was always somewhat entertaining. Well not seriously that would be mean. She fell into step beside him moving her hands in front of her, clasped at her pelvis. "It's always nice outside.. " she mumbled and smiled. She pointed to the sky with a finger. "One day, I'd love to turn into a bird and see everything from allll the way up there. Can you imagine? Seeing all of Magnolia, maybe even all of Fiore, laid out like a beautiful real life map... " her eyes glistening almost with want. The green jeweled necklace she always wore covered her face and chest in a soft green glow, almost like a night light.

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Chris Lengheart(Streets of Magnolia, night)

Chris only laughed as Kelica spoke about wanting to fly. He was a bit surprised to see her necklace glow, but it was nothing he hadn't seen before. He smiled as he looked up in the air and nodded, "Maybe one day when I get a takeover that grants flight I might consider giving you a ride." He chuckled at the thought, but continued walking as he stayed close to Kelica. However, Chris strayed away from Kelica as he suddenly entered a shop. Within a few moments, Chris was back out with a small drink in his hand and a flower in the other. He carefully placed it into Kelica's hair as he spoke, "I was right, that flower I saw in that shop really does make you look even better than before." The flower was a purple with white edges and a beautiful green center that seemed to tie everything together.

Kelica - Streets of Magnolia

Kelica blinked as he stopped and disappeared into the shop, before returning with the gorgeous flower, which nestled in her sandy blonde hair. "Oh wow!! This is... thank you!" She blushed deeply. The flowers stem coiled tightly against a lock of hair, holding itself in place. "I know, he is sweet... " She mumbled to the newly aquired flower in her hair, the flower bobbed side to side happily. Glancing away she fiddled with her fingers nervously. They continued walking along the street.



Train to Magnolia

Grace looked genuinely hurt when Valken teased her about her height. He knew that she had no self confidence in her height and that she got super flustered when teased about it. "S-shut up Valken! Height has nothing to do with who gets the bed..." She said in an angry tone, her face bright red in embarrassment and her hands lighting up in a purple flame. If Valken didn't do anything to make her feel Better, she'd get a face full of explosion. "B-besides, I was the one who killed a dragon! I deserve to be treated like royalty!" The short girl began to storm off towards the king sized room, steam literally coming out of her ears.

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Lana - Lamia Scale Guild Hall - Stepping out of someone's shower O.o

Lana stepped out having cleaned herself up and stretched her arms slightly. Now free from mud and her worries washed away about the prospect of getting into the guild, she began to redress herself with the clothes from her bag. She stepped out of the bathroom hanging a note stating she was thankful to the showers owner. She proceeded back up to the second floor to await Lloyd and possibly Maya to receive her guild mark.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari (In case you end up coming with him for the whole thing O.o )
Chris Lengheart (Streets of Magnolia, night)

Chris smiled as Kelica seemed to be enjoying his gift. He now started walking in front of Kelica, his massive shoulders now once again visible. But eventually, Chris turned back around to answer Kelica,"Don't mention it, since you constantly talk about how much you are into nature and since you were dropping hints by wanting to take over my garden I thought it'd be a good idea to get it for you. For a nature girl, you still go crazy over my Taurus form. What's wrong with a bipedal bull with a loincloth?"

Lloyd listened to Maya, an apprehensive frown on his face. "Of course," he said, the moment she finished. "If it's that urgent, the last thing I want to do is stop you. But have you actually done that teleportation spell before or..." Here, he trailed off, wondering if he sounded stupid for voicing his concerns. If it was that important that she felt the need to do a teleportation spell then sure, but still, he wanted to know first if she had done it before. it sounded dangerous, especially when attempted for the first time. And, it hurt too. Granted, the first time he had teleported it had been through a portal by the Grimoire Heart Master, but still. There was still some magic that he was suspicious of. But, she was a Wizarding Saint, so she had access to a few resources that he probably did not so... it should be fine... right?

"In that case, I'll let Millie know, and get her to gather the others. I also need to mark the new Guild Members and I'll let them know about the festival as well, and if they would want to join us." He smiled then. "I suppose I'll see you on the last day of the festival. I still have a ton of paperwork to get through, so I won't be accompanying Millie and the others."

Valken - Magnolia Train

Valken was tensed ready to melt into the shadows, but she meerly threw a partial tantrum, and headed towards the king sized bedroom. He swung his leg back onto the ground and lifted up quickly, appearing almost suddenly behind her in a step or two (long legs), slipping past her and falling straight onto the bed. He even rolled onto his side, sprawled against it, head in his hand. Basically taking up the entire bed. "Killed a dragon eh? On your own? That would be a sight I need to see..." though he noticed with a start she was close to tears and he sat up properly on the side of the bed. "Well I suppose it would be the gentlemanly thing to give you the bigger bed... " scratching the back of his head. Then there was a knock on the door, Valken stood up and slipped past her once more, opening the door and letting a waiter in. They silently loaded the dining table with a buffet of expensive foods, before leaving without a word. "Foods here, if you want it... " He called out, taking a seat and already loading a plate up.

Kelica - Streets of Magnolia

Kelica watched him walk in front of her. Why, every time she was close to responding in a normal manner, he had to go and throw that body before her. The blush refused to leave, and she puffed her cheeks out. "There is nothing 'wrong' with it, I just..." looking to the floor with a grumble. "Imagine if I just stripped down to a loincloth in front of you... I'm sure you'd have the same red face as I get."

Chris Lengheart(Streets of Magnolia, night)

"But I'm completely covered in fur-you know what, forget it." Chris said with a sigh as he continued walking. Chris then noticed the fact that Kelica's face was starting to grow redder by the minute so he decided it was best not to bring it up yet. He chuckled and turned back around as he continued to walk as he stared at all the open shops. Maybe they could stop to get something to eat? Chris had a few jewels in his pockets, so he could probably afford to treat the two.

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Kelica - Streets of Magnolia

Kelica kept the blush on her face, but then she lookes to him with a smile. "Which reminds me, are you going to the Magnolia Festival?? It's coming up quickly, and I've never been, and I'll bet it's full of fun things to do and people in costumes and flower arranging and contests, there is even a swimsuit competition can you believe..." her voice and body trembling in excitement, not even taking a breath.

Chris Lengheart(Night)

"Of course I'm going. Fairytail is hosting it after all." Chris said as he continued walking. Chris continued walking for a moment as he turned to see a few more stores. They were all basically selling the same thing, but Chris still had no idea as to what he wanted to do to help make the night even better.

Kelica - Magnolia Streets

Kelica budded up against him, wrapping an arm around his as she took a massive yawn, her other hand covering her mouth. She was getting sleepy, which wasn't really surprising after such a big and hectic day. Her head started to droop as her steps became sluggish. Her eyes were starting to sting and blink harder.

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Chris Lengheart(Streets of Magnolia, night)

Chris saw that Kelica was already starting to get tired and let out a short sigh as he picked her up and placed her onto his back. He seemed to lift her with very little effort as he silently began to walk back home. Chris eventually made it back home as he carefully placed Kelica on the bed,"I'll just let you sleep here for the night. You're probably dead tired by now. Rest up already, you deserve it." Chris then removed his tank top as he went to the living room and laid back on the sofa, feeling sleep coming to him as well.

Kelica - Back at Chris's house.

Kelica made another big yawn, feeling him hoist her onto his back. She went to protest but it just came out as a mumble. Her eyes sliding closed, her head drooping on his shoulder. She even slide her arms around his neck. This certainly took her back.. the soft rock side to side with every step. She smiled. It was ok not to be the best or strongest, she felt comfortable there were people to carry her (emotional and physically) when she was struggling. That made her heart nice and warm.

As he walked back into the house and the bedroom, she felt the sheets against her back. "Thank you Chris..." she whispered gently. Though as he went to leave she looked mildly sad. She rolled over on her side, alone, her finger lazily running over the bedsheets. It smelt like him so that was a nice touch. But it was awefully cold and alone here. In a different house to the one she had been staying at, she was if not slightly scared to be on her own in a unfamiliar place.



Train to Magnolia

Grace nearly lost it when Valken snuck past her and hopped on the bed. She was so angry that tears began to well up in her eyes, the short girl frantically blinking them away. The situation was bad enough but she really didn't need to be crying right now. The flames in her hands grew brighter, a missile almost fired when he suddenly got off the bed and decided to give it to her. Her magic was immediately extinguished and she fell face forward into the bed. Valken couldn't see it, but her face was bright red in embarrassment. She was about to cry over a bed, and in front of an S-class wizard. She wanted to prove to everyone that she was just as strong as them, yet the little scene she put on proved otherwise. "I'll be out there soon." She said with a sigh as Valken called her for dinner. Grace just needed a moment for herself.

Once Grace calmed down a bit, she returned to the dining hall, taking a seat and started loading up her plate. She said nothing to Valken and didn't make eye contact, too embarrassed to speak. Instead she stared at her food and ate silently.

Valken - Train to Magnolia

Valken was half way through his second plate when she slinked out and took a seat. He didn't look to her but he was smart enough to realise she was embarrassed. He could see her body language in the corner of her eyes. He lifted a napkin to wipe the corners of his mouth before pushing the plate away and standing tall once more. He gave her her space. He realised he had crossed a line, it was always an awkward dance between being funny and being a downright butthead. He should have realised one sentence was enough to put him in long lasting trouble - thoughts of Millie sprung to mind - but he just couldn't help it. He turned and headed towards the private bathroom. "I'm having a shower then I'll probably head to bed. Take as long as you need, and I'll see you in the morning.. " rounding a corner to do just as he said.


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