Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Sora Marvell - Magnolia ( Her Residence )

Sora's hands flew up to clutch at her chest defensively, head shaking and pigtails flying about wildly as her cheeks felt torched with a deep blush from embarrassment. " F-Flat... " She squeezed her chest even tighter, eyes forcefully shutting as she stumbled about as if drunk. " I-I JUST HAVEN'T BLOOMED YET!! " She squealed loudly, most likely able to be heard by half of the city before a wind picked up at her feet, arms now flailing about like she was imitating an inflatable noodle man. A few rather sharp breaths helped her regain her composure as the wind died down, pouting quite visibly as she turned to listen to Bizma talk about her mission. " I'm glad you came home safely and showed them what Fairy Tail is made of.. " She grumbled, clearly still having a mental fit from Clair's comment. She stole glances down at her chest, eyes drifting towards the other two girls as if measuring them up, scoffing audibly as if not impressed. " Thanks, Bizma, I've been on a baking spree since we got back from our last mission, figured people could use a pick me up. " A small sigh almost escaped but she stifled it by taking a bite of cake, tiny noises of satisfaction following each forkful thereafter. " It's dark out, are we having a sleep over? " A creepy smile spread across her face as she looked up at Clair, already scheming ways to get back at her.
Kelica - Chris's house

She strode all the way to the bathroom, acting as if she had been here the whole time and owned the place. She stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind her softly, half a mind to lock the damn thing. Though for all his silliness she doubted he would catch her in here. She wriggled out of her tights and top, hooping around with little grace. Turning the taps on, she slide into the shower with a happy little sigh. What felt like forever but was probably more like a minute, she turned the water off and stepped out to stand on the floor rug. Realising, with a start, her old clothes were dirty and as this was a sudden turn of events she also had not brought any spare clothes with her. Her hair still dripping wet, she threw a towel around her chest, letting it hug her frame as it did. (Towels were never designed big enough she decided). She took soft, wet steps to the bedroom and pushed the door open. "Ahh... Chris...don't suppose you have any spare clothes I could borrow?" Her face genuine even as she stood there, practically naked. She was for the most part naive.

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Chris Lengheart (House)

Chris continued reading as he heard Kelica enter his room and ask for spare clothes. Without looking at her, he opened his closet and dug around for a moment before yanking out a shirt that was obviously too big for Kelica, but tossed it to her regardless. He also managed to find a simple pair of shorts that he tossed to Kelica as well,"Don't ruin those, I still wear them." he said nonchalantly as He turned to face Kelica. His chest was massive, and obviously very muscular along with his legs. "Is there anything else you needed? A pillow perhaps?" Chris said as he just stood there and awaited her response.

Kelica - Chris's bedroom

Kelica reached up to catch the shirt, no biggy. As he reached for a pair of shorts, she wanted to scream 'I don't have enough hands for that!!' But alas he did throw it, and, remarkably she did indeed catch it in the same hand (her other hand holding the towel up). Now, unsure what to do, she glanced to her toes, deciding she couldn't face getting dressed before him. "I'll.. be right back.. " walking back into the hallway and behind the door to throw the towel over the top of the door frame. She pulled the way to big shirt over her head, with it sliding and exposing a shoulder almost constantly. Pulling the shorts on. She wandered back into the room, running her fingers through her hair to detangle it. She took a seat at the side of his bed, crossing her legs as she let her fingers comb. Though she raised an eyebrow and looked over her shoulder to the book he was reading. "I didn't see you as the book type... " she mentioned in a soft voice.

Chris Lengheart (House)

"Let me guess, it's because of my hulking body right? Well some people can be both muscular and intelligent." Chris said as he bookmarked his page and closed the book before placing it back in it's proper place on the mostly filled bookshelf. He once again turned to Kelica as he pointed over to the bookcase with his thumb over his shoulder,"You can read some if you want, I don't really mind." Chris said as he climbed back into bed and rested his arms on his head.

Clair Fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Magnolia , Sora's house

Clair watched as Sora began to have a little melt down , her arms clutched at her chest and her pigtails seemed to have a life of there own.The girl then squealed sharply which made Clair quickly move her hands to her ears in order to shield them , you see Sora's squeals wern't your average squeals no Sora bent the wind to her will and so it to squealed with her. In fact it wouldn't be unfair to say almost half the city now knew Sora had yet to 'bloom'.

Did Clair feel sorry for what she had said ? No , this was war and the invitation to stay the night just confirmed that. Clair could only hope Bizma would make it to see sunrise should she decide to stay. "your so kind Sora I'd love to stay the night ~" Clair stood with cold eyes targeted on Sora who clearly was up to something already.
Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

His expression further soured at the mention of Magnolia's festival. While the idea wasn't bad he was far from pleased about attending. However he could ill afford to let his personal feelings get in the way of doing what needs to be done. He closed his eyes and brought his hand up to rub the nose of his bridge as he let out a heavy sigh. "Magnolia, huh? Very well. I shall attend this conference and hear what the others have to say." At least the lad had delivered some good news in the form of the Monarchy being clean, at least for now. But if they sat idly by that may very well change in Lucian's favor. Figuring the boy had accomplished his mission he rose to his feet. "Then, if there is nothing else you are free to deliver your message to Fairy Tail's new master. Although I would be careful were I you. Unlike the late Master Cece I know nothing of their new leader. For all we know she could be a part of this plot."

He didn't like the idea of suspecting a fellow guildmaster but he knew all too well that they were not infallible. One's title does not guarantee their loyalty after all. It was a shame events had unfolded the way they did, now was the time they needed all the allies they could get and instead they were saddled with some newcomer. He made his way around his desk towards Valken, ready to show the man out if their dealings were indeed concluded.

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Lloyd chuckled, even as he barely managed to not stumble forward with the force of the blow. Some people did not know their own strength at times. "Touche, I suppose. The majority of the time I wasn't even at the guild hall." He supposed that there was not much he needed to do to punish Sachiko, seeing that Maya had already sent him flying in to a tree. Old indeed. Humph, He had not even reached 40 yet. As Maya requested to speak to him after the test though, he turned to face her, his own smile fading as he read the change in atmosphere and mood. It sounded serious. "Of course," he said, just as quietly. "After I mark these three, then we can talk."

And with that, he made his way to where Lana was standing. He came to a stop a few feet away, so that there was enough distance between them. "My challenge is simple," he said. "As a guild, we need to depend on each other. I need to see if you are strong enough to step in where others are unable to, and to defend us if need be." A thought rose unbidden then, in his mind, about the potential upcoming war with a strong Western Empire. "Especially now," he added, more quietly, so that unless Lana was really listening, she would not have heard that last statement. "I want to see how strong you are. Attack me. You may have the first move."

@Lana Valentine @LeSoraAmari
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Kelica - Chris's House

She made a pout face as he mentioned being intelligent. "I never said you weren't I just..." sighing softly. "I'm not really into books, I'm more an outdoorsy type...." finishing brushing her hair, she spun and fell over onto her belly, legs in the air and her head resting in one hand, kicking her legs back and forth as her hair persistently fell across her face without being in a ponytail. "So when and how did you discover your magic? " green eyes lighting up happily.

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Valken - Sabertooth Guild Hall - Gilad's Office

Valken nodded and rose from his seat as the Guild Master did, when he mentioned to be careful. The man tried to hide a grin but couldn't. "Ahh Sir Arcturus, you underestimate my abilities. I am first and foremost a gatherer of information, I was planning on investigating this Fairytail guild and their Master long before devulging this information. No information slips my lips unless I mean it to. " Tapping his nose. He then took another deep bow as the meeting ended. "Thank you, Sir Arcturus for your time, no doubt I will see you in the near future." Waving his hand and the shadows 'plugging' the door seals released allowing light and sound back in. He exited the room as Gilad opened the door for him and walked almost silently down the long corridor, already memorizing the layout of the Guild Hall and finding his way back to the bar and a hopefully intact Grace.

(Okay so I don't do a lot of combat stuff so hopefully I won't do something wrong...)

Lana- Lamia Scale Training Grounds- Preparing to attack Lloyd

Lana looked at the guildmaster she hoped to impress though had not caught the words he whispered as she was still keeping herself ready and motivating herself mentally. Having not dueled anyone before she stood in a simple ready position and pointed towards Lloyd once more.

"Challenge accepted," She said confidently as she then cast two of her spells in unison, she threw a large fireball towards Lolyd with her right hand and similarly shot an Ice Lance at him aiming the ball slightly above him and throwing the lance directly at him.

She knew that the lance was slightly faster than her fireball and that it would likely reach him first. The fireball she prepared to have explode upon contact or just a few inches behind him attempting to catch him within it's blast radius. She then began to prep a defensive spell to help herself upon his retaliation.


@Other Lamia Scales who might be caught in the fireball explosion >_>

(I hope I did that correctly >_> )
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Chris Lengheart (House)

Chris laughed as Kelica began to apologize. But once she asked how he learned about his magic, Chris began to think back and finally gave an answer, "Well, I used to run off a lot when I was younger and would memorize how most of the creatures looked when I saw them. I had recorded them without realizing. Next thing I new, I was able to do this." Immediately after speaking, Chris' arm became the same bear arm that he was using to teach Kelica about partial takeover. "But eventually, as I got older I was able to record more fantastical beasts. Although I didn't have control over them until today." Chris said as he used his draco takeover and curled up on the bed, "I still can't thank you enough for all you've done for me. I don't know someone crazy enough to lasso themselves onto my back when I was going on a rampage."

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Without even thinking Lloyd pulled out an arrow and launched it into the ground three centimeters away from him. In a split second, a rock wall generated itself from the ground where the arrow landed, 3m in length and 2m in height, and about 2cm in thickness. The ice lance reached the wall first; the entire wall vibrated, but stood firm, with a few fragments falling off from the site of impact. A second later, the fire ball hit the wall. The impact, due to the explosion the fire ball generated, was stronger; it blew a tiny hole within the site of impact, while a shower of fragments flew out from the impact site, scattering a few centimeters away, in Lana's direction. It seemed that Lana's offensive power was quite strong. Strong enough, at any rate, to damage a wall the strength of a typical B to A class mage.

He stepped away from the wall and launched another arrow in Lana's direction this time, one with a blue tip. About halfway through it's journey, it transformed into a wall of water, also roughly about the same strength as the wall had been. Upon impact, it would strike Lana with a significant amount of force while possibly washing her a few feet back and breaking a few bones in the process, if she did not generate some sort of defense by that time.

@Lana Valentine
Lana was surprised by his use of another weapon in his attacking style but, stood firm. "Water to ice," She pushed her palm outward and cut a large chunk into the wave of water with her ice ability and shattered it cutting a space in between for her to remain unscathed. She then gestured hand once more with her palm upward and grasping something invisible. five blue runes suddenly appeared around the edge of Lloyd and began to shimmer with energy creating a trap of ice shards to impale him from all sides should it hit him. At the same moment as doing this her other hand began to create shield of ice around herself, the hand turning into a stop motion and waving it slightly around in front of her.


and other observing Lamia Scales.

( O.o still a little worried if I'm doing this correctly >.> )
Zefie said:
Sachiko - Lamia Training Grounds - King of the Trees
Sachiko watched both Lloyd's and Maya's reactions, they both were so alike, even in there anger. Of course, at the last second he saw Maya charged him, and felt a hard thrust on his chest before being blown away into the tree. Of course, most of the tree broke his fall, and he felt something slightly sharp on his side. A piece of the tree broken off almost like a sharp spear was pressing against his side. It wasn't piercing him but it sure did seem like it wanted to do that. However, what Maya did kinda ticked him off himself, and since he couldn't retaliate with power, he'd do one better. "It's not hard to understand!" Sachiko called out to Maya, jogging back up towards the group with a hand on his chest. "I think granny is a compliment, at this point you're like a great grandmother." Saying this towards her wasn't his greatest moment, getting caught up in the moment, and blasted to pieces almost twice. It definitely wasn't a mature act, but it was as if he was challenging her right then and there.

What else could he do? He couldn't fight her with fists, so he was going to fight fire with fire, but he realized he was way to close, and took a few steps backwards. If anything he didn't want to be within arms reach... maybe he should just apologize? Living was probably more important than going through with this, but... thinking things through wasn't entirely his strong trait either. "Sorry..." He forced himself to say, a genuine apology, but admitting to being wrong was also not on his agenda.

Kyuubey said:

Zephyr - Train to Magnolia

Zephyr threw his hands up as if trying to surrender to the younger boy. " Sounds like I pulled you here at just the right time. " A small smirk was given in response to the book being bonked upon his head, an idle hand shortly following to rub the wound and pretend it hurt, lips forming a pout. " I can't help it that I wanted to bring you along, I figured there were a few things you'd want to see in Magnolia. " Both hues gazed out the window, absentmindedly watching things appear only to escape his view. Masaki's loud exclamation upon finally realizing what the book was about caused his glued attention to snap from the window and back at him. " No problem, though maybe next time you'll refrain from beating me with the things I get for you. " A soft scoff followed his words, fingers entangling themselves within the messy strands of his hair before his right eye glowed, " Pillow.. " He muttered to himself as a pillow appeared out of thin air and landed on his lap. A yawn so big it shook his whole frame escaped him, the pillow being fluffed and then plopped behind his head. " So, who is Grace? Was it one of those Lamia Scale members I saw headed up to the Guild? The 'uh... male one right? Isn't he a little too old for you? " He inquired, glancing over at him with a bemused expression.

Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Maya straightened out her gown as she stood there, her arms behind her back as she watched the action between Lloyd and Lana unfurl. This should be an interesting one, she couldn't remember the last time Lloyd took charge of the recruitment tests. Maya chuckled, curious to see what this Lana was capable of. By the looks of things, she could utilise the elements. Or so it seemed, at least. Maya sighed when Sachiko spoke up once more. Realising it wouldn't be a good idea to pulverise him for his rude remark. Great grandma? How rude. It was certain that this kid left his manners back at wherever he was before deciding to join the guild. With a sigh Maya smiled when he apologised and continued to watch Lloyd test Lana.

Masaki Yamada: Train To Magnolia

Masaki sighed when Zephyr began to speak, "The right time for you. Is an inconvenient time for me." Reading the book, he flicked through the pages quietly as a look of complete concentration formed on his face. With a sigh he then proceeded to speak again. "No, Grace was the girl. I've never seen that man before in my life until that very moment!" With a huff he turned his head away stubbornly. Truth be told, he couldn't exactly stay mad at Zephyr. The man did always know how to keep Masaki pleased. Even though he thought that sometimes Zephyr did these acts of kindness purely as fuel for his teases, but oh well. The book most certainly was an interesting one, and Masaki had never seen it before, which really was an oddity. "Anyway. Where did you get this book? It's very well written..." He chuckled and continued to read it.
Bizma chuckled quietly, but felt somewhat uncomfortable when Sora looked at her chest. She unconsciously held her hands to it; she had a rather large bust and was somewhat embarrassed by it. "...................I-I wouldn't mind having a flat chest...........if not for a day........" Did I just say that?! DID I JUST SAY THAT?! Now even more embarrassed, she turned away, red-faced, adjusting her cardigan. She took a deep breath, thinking for a minute. "Er.....Miss Sora, what exactly happened when I was gone? The mood here is.....melancholy.....a-and I don't know why....." She bit her lip, nodding in response to the idea of a sleepover.

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

Silently he followed after the man as they made their way back out into the common area. They would be getting rather busy soon and he had to decide how best to break the news to his guild. For their sake's it would probably be best to wait until after the festival, no sense in ruining their enjoyment before it was time to actually do anything. He pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind as he entered the main room, quickly scanning around for Mizuki and the Lamia Scale girl. He knew full well Mizuki's tendencies and wanted to ensure she hadn't done anything in his absence. Once locating the duo he strode towards them, fixing his gaze on the dark mage. "Mizuki, I trust you didn't try anything on Miss Grace. Masaki would be rather upset if you had."

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Mizuki- Sabertooth- Guildhall

Even though the blush had disappeared from Mizuki's face, she still covered it with her hands. She was a little embarrassed still, and felt as if all the people in the guildhall were giving her strange looks. Not that she cared if people looked at her, but rather because they might think she's getting weaker. Lucian taught her that weak is bad, and that the weak wouldn't make it in the world, and Mizuki wanted to make it in the world. However as Gilad returned with the other Lamia Scale Mage, she was finally forced to remove her hands. "Of course I didn't do anything to her." She responded nonchalantly, frowning slightly when accused of hurting Grace, who had just fallen out of her seat again.

Grace -Lamia Scale- Sabertooth Guildhall

Grace let out a loud sigh of relief as she caught sight of Valken returning to the main hall. She was tired of being around all these strangers, especially the scary girl that tried to help her. She stood up to try and walk over to them, but her feet suddenly gave out, causing her to trip again. She landed on her face and cursed quietly, wiping away the dirt and getting to her knees. She knew for a fact that Mizuki had done something bad. There was no way she just happened to be tripping so much, especially when Masaki was brought up. "She's totally lying! She put some kind of curse on me that makes it so I trip a lot! Especially when Masaki is brought up!" She snapped at Gilad, glaring at Mizuki before falling face first into the ground again. "I would never..."

@Colt556 @Zuka
Valken - Sabertooth Guild Bar

Valken wasn't exactly sure what to do, his hand posed against one of the curved and hooked daggers against his hip. Seeing Grace, basically intake, although slightly bruised, he lifted an eyebrow. "Masaki? Isn't Masaki that boy you like and wanted to meet up with him? Then Masaki just upped and vanished without a word."

He turned to face this Mizuki behind the bar, eyebrow still raised. "Curse? That's absurd Grace....Why would she put a curse on you? You're probably just thinking to hard on this Masaki fellow... Well my business here is done, I need to head to Magnolia now and Fairytail guild." Glancing out one of the windows and noting it was getting dark outside. "Now to train ride in the dark, or stay here a night... " He wondered aloud.

Kelica - Chris's house

Kelica let a genuine smile fall onto her face. For all her embarrassing nature and quick snaps lately, at her heart she was a warm soul. She let her fingers reach out to brush against his arm, feeling the fur against her fingertips and giggling. It was strange and at times it looked like an illusion but was anything but. When he turned into that big dragon form, and curled up, she took that opportunity to snuggle up against him, back to his side and head leaning on his shoulder. "Well normal people think too hard in the moment, you were getting away and we had to catch up. It seemed logical at the time. I'm not much of a thinker you see.. "

Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

He stared down at the girl as she fell all over herself, wondering if Masaki had a thing for the helpless clumsy types. When the girl accused Mizuki of putting some sort of curse on her he turned his gaze towards the dark mage, studying her for several moments. His attention was brought back to the young girl as she continued to fall all over herself, a sigh escaping his lips as he gently shook his head. He made his way over to the bar, heading for his signature stool he quickly sat himself upon it and spun around to face the others. "I am sure Mizuki did no such thing." He turned his attention to Valken as he spoke of Masaki and gave a nod. "Masaki is likely headed towards Magnolia as we speak. If the two of you leave now you might be able to catch up with him by tomorrow." Giving his advice he cast one last bemused look towards the girl as she again tripped over nothing before spinning back around to face the bar. He still had drinking to do now that his business was concluded after all.

Chris Lengheart (House)

Chris only chuckled as Kelica came over and snuggled up against his fur. Chris suddenly released his takeover and he wrapped his arms around Kelica lovingly and pressed his bare chest against her back,"I can tell, I mean you did lasso yourself onto my back and confessed your love to me the same day. It's not really that hard to put one and one together. But I'm still happy you did nonetheless."

Adrian Bell

Bandit Fortress Mission --> Fairy Tail HQ

Adrian's clothing was burned, dotted with slimy spots and organic detritus of unknown origin (well, he knew exactly where that organic matter came from, but he had no idea what it came from). He was covered in minor cuts and bruises from the mutant abominations he unleashed on accident. Why oh why did he have to use Chaotic Mimicry on that mission?!

He burst into the Fairy Tail HQ, very, very relieved that he got back and just wanting to get paid for his efforts. He barged open the door, stumbling into the Guild Hall, having exhausted most of his magical power from using Blink excessively.

He staggered over to the Mission Desk, looking among the piles of paperwork for the correct form for the bandit fortress raid he just completed. Grabbing it, he sat down at a desk and took out a pen from his pack, beginning to fill it out.

Anyone who was paying attention to what he was writing would have been able to make out the words on the Unplanned Incidents section, "Accidentally unlocked Black Arts via the Arcane school's Chaotic Mimicry spell, was unable to control it, turned entire bandit clan into shambling abominations hell-bent on eating my flesh. Was forced to kill them all. Substantial damage caused to fortress structure. Obliteration of target bandits along with their underlings, with damage to fortress, qualifies for 2nd-class pay."

He walked up to the outgoing mailbox and placed the completed form inside. With that, he promptly collapsed into a chair, somewhat unable to believe that he had actually made it back in one piece. It was a B-rank mission, but somehow he had made it into an A- or S-rank mission by using Chaotic Mimicry. He was going to save that spell for emergencies from now on, thank you very much.
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Grace -Lamia Scale- Guildtooth Saberhall

Grace looked absolutely offended when no one believed her story. She was telling the whole truth and they though she was just crying wolf. "I swear she did! Look at her! She's cracking up over there!" She said in an angry tone, giving Mizuki and hard glare. The short girl was ready to get up and beat up the Dark Mage, but there was one problem; she couldn't. The three of them were saying the word Masaki souch that the curse altogether wouldn't let her stand up, let alone move. Grace immediately began to panick, trying to thrash around but to no avail. "H-help me! I can't move!" She wailed, looking at Valken and Mizuki with a pleading look in her eyes. Fortunately Mizuki strolled over, muttering some words and taking Grace's hands, pulling her up to her feet. Grace could move freely, and the curse had been removed. "You're such a drama queen." Mizuki muttered before going back behind the bar. The B-class wizard had a shocked look on her face which was quickly replaced with a bright blush. "I swear I'm telling the truth! She did something to me!" Grace grabbed Valken's hand aggressively and began to drag him out of the guildhall.

Mizuki, after removing the curse from Grace, returned to her spot behind the bar and leaned against it as she always did.
"You know I didn't curse her, right?"

@Zuka @Colt556


Sasuke Haishen, Crocus City

Sasuke looked to Alicia with disbelief, swooping down beside her and budging his head over the piece of paper...Attempting to read only to fail miserably. He still kept on the act like he could read, feeling rather ashamed he couldn't. He just continued floating around and while Alicia kept talking, it made Sasuke wonder if anything she said was even slightly true. It was no secret that Sasuke was mostly disliked even from those inside his guild, and while Sasuke always kept a straight face and continued to be the same. Like anyone who is hated, he couldn't help but get a little upset about it whenever it was mentioned.

"I don't go on missions with people." he said rather bluntly, also hinting out that Alicia was actually one of the first. When Alicia mentioned what he enjoyed doing, he answered her almost instantly "Fighting! Being stuck in some item for most of your life with a bunch of jerk faces thinking they are all powerful makes it enjoyable to punch someone right in the face...Oh I also like learning magic, some people in this world are very interesting" he said with a cheeky tongue poke at the end. Sasuke simply hadn't truly 'lived' life enough to have any other interests. This was also perhaps the one and only time he actually complimented humans on their strength, but every time he talked about this he couldn't help but recall his greatest and on record, his only loss to Zeref.



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