Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Alicia: Crocus Train to Rivera

Alicia nodded, and was about to comment, before he quickly started answering her question. While she had to dis-agree personally on the fighting thing, her herself disliking wanton violence, she understood where he was coming from. Sorta....not really. But eh..she didn't want to make her partner mad. She giggled at his expression when she looked up at him and nodded once more. "
Yea. People can be very interesting at times. You're interesting too, you know?" She replied. "I don't like pointless fighting though..only reason I decided to get this mission instead of asking for something else is due to the fact the monster is killing people." She explained. Soon after they reached the train station, they'd likely reach the town by morning. Alicia wasn't sure what time it was but it had already been dark for a while.

After buying their tickets she found them a seat and sat down. "
What kind of magic can you do anyway?" She asked him before yawning.
Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

The commotion continued even after he had taken his seat, the young Lamia Scale girl thrashing about and making a scene. Soon enough she was brought to her feet by Mizuki and subsequently dragged Valken out of the guild. He let out a bemused huff of air as Mizuki came back around the bar and proclaim her innocence. "Of course you cursed her, it isn't as if the girl would flail about of her own volition." He looked at the glass he had abandoned earlier due to the arrival of Lloyd's kids. With his favored bartender back at her post he reached out to the glass and slid it in front of her, figuring she knew what to do. "I'm actually surprised you opted to remove the hex." For all the boasting done in regards to Sabertooth he couldn't deny the reality that they were almost as troublesome as the kids at Fairy Tail. However, he knew his members firmly knew which line not to cross so he was willing to allow them their quirks. Knowing he is easily misunderstood he let out a sigh as he looked up at the dark mage. "Perhaps now she will return home and study ways to counter hostile hexes." As soon as the words left his mouth he couldn't help but wonder if his intent was clear enough. Not about to elaborate he simply shrugged it off, waiting for his refill. Now that the distractions had been taken care of it was time to drown the night away in booze.

Adrian, having finished his form, yawned loudly. He got up, placed his bag on the table, and put his ballpoint pen back inside. Then, he shouldered it and began walking back to his house. He knew the route by heart by this point. He unlocked the door and opened it with a clanging sound as metal door was gently swung inwards. He closed the door behind him, locking it, and set his bag down near his bed. His house was a rented one-bedroom affair, generally rather modest. As a B-rank, he couldn't afford anything better. Sometimes he wished he could pursue S-rank missions, as the pay looked rather enticing, but he knew that it was not only suicide at his skill level, but that he had just come back from a mission that was probably closer to an A-rank due to the mutants trying to eat him--and barely survived. An S-rank mission was the stupidest decision he could make right now. Not least because it was against guild policy to take an S-rank mission, and he would likely be...disciplined by the Guild Master.

He walked into the bedroom, got undressed down to his underwear, and promptly took a shower in the nearby bathroom. From there, he got dressed in pajamas, and attempted to fall asleep. It was already late, close to midnight, so he fell asleep rather quickly.

After he woke the following morning, he did what he always did: His morning routine, followed by a short walk to the Guild Hall. He sat down at one of the many tables strewn throughout the Guild Hall, waiting for more people to arrive.
Kelica - Chris's bedroom

Kelica was quiet snuggly warm against Chris's fur that when he transformed suddenly and she felt his bare chest against her, she tensed and blushed furiously. I mean, hugging and cuddling creatures was second nature to her, she grew up in a forest with beasts as company since she was very little, but humans? Only really her intimate family.

And certainly not in this context.

In someone's bed.

A half naked someone.

That was a guy.

A very muscular guy, mind you.

She wanted to curl into that ball again, but instead grabbed the sheet and threw it over her face to hide herself, like a very bad costume ghost. She muffled "I didn't tell you I loved you, I simply said you were very hot. Which, to be fair, you can't blame me because anyone who walks around wearing next to nothing is likely to get that response. "

Not realising how it sounded till after it was said.

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

The moment Lloyd noticed the runes shimmering around him, he launched another arrow, this time at the ground directly beneath him. A white tipped arrow this time, and the moment it landed a vertical draft launched him upwards, where he landed a few feet away, out of the circle of runes. It had been a gentle one, not meant to hurt him of course, it was simply to get him out of danger. He paused for a second to quickly consider his next move. Lana had managed to avoid getting hurt by his wave, which indicated that her defensive capabilities were quite strong as well. He nodded to himself; she was certainly strong enough to join L@amia Scale at this point. She seemed to have elemental capabilities, both of ice and fire, but did she control any other elements? Now he was curious to find out.

He had already tried water, which was supposed to be weaker than fire, but unacceptable to earth. Ice was a subset of water, so he would try earth this time, even though he knew that earth was weak to fire. Either way, it would be another test of Lana's defenses. He launched a green arrow, this time directly at Lana. The moment it hit the ground, vines began to grow around Lana, restricting her movements, generating at an alarming rate. This time, it was a serious attack, and unless Lana was capable of great speed and strength in launching her attacks, she would be unable to remove the vines from herself, as the vines were constantly regenerating.

@Lana Valentine
Chris Lengheart (House)

Chris watched as Kelica covered herself up in the blankets in a desperate attempt to hide. Chris only rolled his eyes as he switched back to his Draco form and rubbed up against Kelica,"There, now stop whining. I still have no idea how you're so used to this form, but yet freak out the moment I change back to normal. You're gonna have to get used to seeing my 'hot' body walking around like that a lot." he said as he stopped rubbing off against Kelica and hopped off the bed, almost hitting the roof as he did so. He walked silently back to the kitchen as he released his takeover and jumped onto the couch, Kelica just needed some time. That was all.

Valken - Dragged out of Sabertooth Guild Hall

Valken blinked as Grace flailed around helplessly. "Really, is this necessary? I mean, a tantrum just because Masaki isn't here?" Mizuki came over to help her up, and once up she had grabbed his angrily and lead him outside. The first step they took outside, Valken noticed the pitch blackness of the night flowing over the area, eyes able to see as clear as day in the dark. "Alright. Did you want to travel to Fairytale tonight or stay in a room in a Crocus?" jingling the coin purse on his hip. "I can afford us a room. Afterall, intelligence almost always has a high jewel price, ESPECIALLY if it is kept confidential." Grinning down to her.



Sasuke Haishen, Crocus City

As they continued walking to their destination, the girl went on and mentioned about Sasuke being interesting...'As if I didn't already know that?' he thought to himself as soon as the words popped up, and with a angry pout on his face he told Alicia "Of course I'm interesting, I'm a Djinn after all." sighing shortly after the girl then asked about his magic. He thought about it for a moment and after a minute or two he responded.

"Well, I could do a lot of things..But I'm still learning, as for what they are." he looked towards their destination with doubtful eyes "You might get to see for yourself what magic I use." he said with a slight smirk, looking back and asking Alicia "What magic do you use?"


Kelica - Chris's room

Kelica clenched her eyes closed as he rubbed against her, but noting it was fur and not skin, she removed the blanket and watched the dragon slink out of the room. She sighed and flopped down onto her back, spread like an eagle. What was she doing? Is this was dating was like? So intimate? How would she ever get used to it. How could someone get so used to being so close to someone. They hadn't even kissed yet, and that sent a terrifying shiver down her spine. And how could she concerntrate when that body of his was always right in her view? Maybe it was her connection to nature, afterall generally the bigger and stronger the male, the better a provider and protector. Maybe that's what this was? A weird psuedo attraction only because of her magic. She grabbed pillow and forced it into her face.

What was she doing? She couldn't think straight, like even more then normal. These past few weeks since Malina she had felt lost and confused. The dragon had pulled everyone together with a single purpose and on her own... well she was drowning like a fish. Yes, that bad.

She wondered with a weird intrusion in her thoughts how Lloyd's leg was going, if there was any complications or if he had tested his new upgraded bow.

Then she raised an eyebrow with a start why that had even popped into her mind.

Chris Lengheart (House)

Chris sighed as he basically laid on the couch. He didn't want to go back to the room, this was his first time dating and he already blew it. He could tell as he let out a muttered curse as he threw his head back. "Damn it...DAMN IT!" Chris muttered slightly louder this time. He eventually calmed down and laid against his couch. He felt like he had screwed up this entire thing, he probably ruined any chance he had at having his first love. Chances were, they'd most likely be stuck as awkward friends which only made Chris sigh as he closed his eyes and tried to forget about everything he had done within the last few hours or so.

Lana -Lamia Scale Training Grounds - Entangled

"Oh shite," Lana said quickly gesturing with her right hand to swap the shield Fire. Her forehead began to sweat and her breathing grew heavy and she was again surprised by the rate of the veins regeneration. She placed hands alongside her mouth and than stepped back attempting to avoid being trapped once more.

she suddenly breathed in deep and launched a cone of flame directly at Lloyd, "Breath of Fire," She said as it bellowed towards him.the veins that she neglected to permanently remove began to recoil itself around her leg and she ripped herself free annoyed by their regenerative powers.


@Every other Lamia scale


Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki laughed darkly as her guildmaster called her out on her lie. "Yes, I won't lie. I did curse the girl. It was quite the curse too." She explained,smiling slightly and taking his empty mug. "The curse made it so whenever someone said the name Masaki, the short girl would trip! It truly was one of my favorite curses." The dark Mage filled his mug up to the top and handed it to Gilad. She too was surprised when she decided to take the curse off the girl, but she didn't want Valken to throw a pissy fit. "I suppose I removed it so they'd leave quicker. I could tell you wanted them gone to go back to drinking. Speaking of which, how much do you plan on drinking?"


Crocus Streets

Grace was extremely surprised when she stepped outside and couldn't see anything. They had been in the Sabertooth guildhall for a lot longer than she had previously thought, and boy was she glad to get out. When Valken began to speak, she let go of his hand and looked up at the tall and handsome man. Her two choices were hop on a train and arrive in Magnolia in the morning, or rent a room and leave early the next day. She really didn't care what they did as long as she reached Masaki quickly. "I could go either way. But don't you want to save that room money for Millie? I know I'm just as tempting as her, but I'm sure she won't be very happy if she found out we stayed in the same hotel room." She teased, punching his arm playfully. "But it's up to you..."

@Zuka @Colt556
Kelica - Chris's room

Kelica blinked and sighed softly. Her mind was staring to wander once more when she heard a loud noise and a curse, then a second, her eyes huge. She leapt from the bed, in a flurry, running into the living room as she did. "C.. Chris?! Are you ok?!" her green eyes huge. A quick roll of her eyes over his body, for once not in lust, noting he 'looked' physically fine. Then why had he cursed? She knelt down beside the couch, hands resting against cushions as she inspected him. "I heard a thump and then... you swore.. are you hurt?" she genuinely seemed concerned.

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Chris Lengheart (House)

Chris watched as Kelica came running into his room and only sighed,"Yeah...yeah, I'm fine. Look, I'm sorry if I took things a bit too far earlier. This is my first time after all, I just don't really know how I'm supposed to take things. Everyone's different, you're no exception. Look, how about we just take a relaxing moon light stroll? Maybe we can find a place to just sit and talk, or maybe just go out for milkshakes. I should have known better than to jump all over you like that, I'm really sorry about that. I'm just...not used to having affection thrown at me like this. Well, I'm not sure if affection is even the right word to use." Chris said as he gripped his head and tried to recollect his previous thoughts. At this point, he wouldn't be surprised if Kelica thought different of him now. He wouldn't blame her.


Sora Marvell - Magnolia ( Her Residence )

Sora's eyes sparkled with excitement, hands clapping together before her. " It's settled then! A girly sleep over it shall be! " A wide grin spread across her face as she twirled around quite pleased, clearly not one to have company at her place that often. She blinked rapidly at Bizma's words pertaining to her chest, tilting her head from side to side since she didn't quite understand. Want to have a flat chest? But whhhhhyyyy? It made her feel childish, though in some ways others could perceive her as such just by knowing her age. " The grass is always greener on the other side. " She said matter-o'-factly, eyes sliding up to the ceiling at the next question, shoulders slumping. " Mm, ah. Well... Master Cece is no longer with us. " Her gaze remained fixated on the ceiling as her frame showed signs of fidgeting. " She was murdered. " Sora thought it relevant to add in that part as she finally slid her hues downwards to glance at the ground, a foot shuffling about. Some time was given to let that information sink in before she bounced onto her tiptoes and threw her hands up to wave the weird mood in the air away. " Alright, I'm going to go grab pillows and blankets! I've got lots! " If there was one thing Sora didn't feel like she had enough of, it was sleep time stuff. She adored pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals. Her small frame would quickly dart off, disappearing upstairs to be heard scurrying around gathering random things only to come to a skidding stop in the living room. Blankets and pillows were thrown around all over the floor, small figure diving head first into them, face smashing into the comfort of a pillow. " If you need a bath, I'll let you guys go first. " She called out, though her voice was slightly stifled due to the thick cushioning. Offering a nice hot bath was the polite thing to do after-all. Nami was still sound asleep upstairs, the exceed spent most of her time eating or sleeping; or even both at the same time.

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Alicia: Train to Rivera

Alicia laughed at his first comment of him being interesting. She wasn't sure if he was kidding or not, it was kind of hard to tell considering he looked like an angry puppy when he'd said it. His explanation of his magic only made her want to know more, though..maybe if she told him hers he'd tell her his! Or if that didn't work she'd ask him until either 1. He killed her for being annoying or 2. Broke down and told her.

She grinned when he asked her what magic she used before taking the red set of beads adorning her hair from her head, allowing them to float freely beside her as she did so, a faint red glow emitting from them. "Bead magic! It's kinda cool, really. Like. With this set of beads it's obviously fire based. I can make meteors, fire beams, and fireballs and stuff with them. Though..I can't control fire itself I can control these. They're pretty much indestructible too." She explained before fixing the ponytail that the beads held in place.

The other one is lightning. I can't use both at one time though, maybe eventually I can.. but for now that's not possible." She added. "Now that I told you about mine...tell me about yours!" She half demanded in a childish manner, an expectant pleading look on her face.
Valken - Outside Sabertooth Guild Hall

Valken glanced down to Grace with a raised eyebrow. "You think I can't afford both you and Millie? Silly Grace..." He grinned even more as he purposefully flinched while she punched his arm, rubbing the spot like it hurt. Then without a word he grasped her hand and lead her through the crowds once more.

While the people weren't as thick, it was dark and difficult to see, so he lead her with ease back towards the train station. "I have an idea... " he told her promptly, getting to the station ticket box and leaning in to talk in a hushed voice. He waved a finger or two, his gaze stern, there was an exchange of jewels, and then they headed straight for the train out of town.

It wasn't clear exactly what Valken said, but once he arrived on the train, he used his hush voice on an awaiting train conductor, and quiet quickly they were led to the front of the train. The business class. The cream of the crop. Valken studied the door to the room, before nodding to the conductor with stern eyes and he hurried away with a bow no less. Without another thought, he opened the door to the train carriage complete with every bell and whistle. It had it's own private kitchen, two rooms, one of which was a huge king sized bed, a lounge chair, dining table, even silver cutlery. Valken unceremoniously flopped onto the lounge chair, leg dangling over the arm rest. "So I thought.... why not both? Moving Room for the night" with a cheeky grin to Grace. "What'da'ya think?"

Kelica - Chris's house

Kelica wasn't sure what to say, I mean she thought he was injured and then in a moment he wasn't and apologizing? For what? "It's ok Chris, honestly, to be fair I can't really tell you how you are supposed to act, I haven't exactly done this before either... " her eyes lighting up with the moon light stroll. "That.. sounds like a wonderful idea!!" Most birds slept at night as well, so she wouldn't be harassed from them. Only owls were awake, and they rarely talked only watched.

She hadn't really seen this nervous side before, he had all but dragged her to the courtyard when she asked to learn his powers, he had transformed, then controlled it, and then transformed at will. Everything he had done up till now had such confidence and yet, now he struggled. She leaned in to wrap her arms around his neck giving him a soft kiss on his cheek. She let out a cute giggle. "You think to much about stuff... take a page in my book and stop worrying." and touching his human body without freaking out was another first for her.

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

The moment Lana released the cone of flame, Lloyd launched a blue-tipped arrow right in the center of it. The arrow transformed into a jet of high pressured water which immediately neutralized the fire, dissipating completely in a hiss of steam. From the looks of it, the vines were still remaining an irritation for her, as they were quickly winding themselves around her legs again. If she was not fast enough, she would be completely covered in a ball of vines, which would restrict her movements. He perceived that Lana was beginning to tire as well. He could no longer toy with her, as what he had been doing previously. it was time to get serious and end it. Though at the same time, he did not want to hurt her too badly. This was only a test, after all, not a full fledged battle, which meant that many of his highly destructive spells were out.

In the end, he whipped out a green arrow and launched it somewhere behind Lana. A wall of mud, rising at least three stories with the thickness of at least three people rose from directly behind her and quickly crashed over her, a huge volume of highly sticky mud, enough to cover a person completely, If the mud was not blocked, which required a huge amount of energy, it would render a person half unable to move due to it's stickiness and sliminess.

He half considered letting off a hurricane, tornado or earthquake, but deemed that far too destructive. The problem with those spells was that they would probably destroy at least half of Margaret Town, even at low to mid power. At the very least, that mudslide was a mid-level spell for him, along with the few wind spells., provided he released enough magical energy into them. Yet it was highly unlikely that an S-class mage would be able to remain upright and mobile with that intense volume of mud with the amount of magical energy he put into it, much less an A or B class mage.

@Lana Valentine
Lana - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Lana looked back behind her once more becoming restricted, she had no idea if she had even phased Lloyd at this point and she could feel herself nearing the end of her energy. Deciding that it wasn't worth completely passed out, she looked up at Lloyd just as the mud and vines began to swarm over her and raised her hands into the air. "I concede!" She decided to say her teeth grinding afterward as she was on covered in mud and vines.

Her eyes looked downward at the end of it all she hadn't even scratched Lloyd, the arrows allowed him some more flexibility and probably aided him in times when he ran out of his own power, if he even used any of it in the duel. For all she knew he hadn't used a single drop using enchanted arrows of some kind instead. Chewing on her lip and restricted she began to think and wonder if she stood a chance in hell of actually being accepted.


@The other Lamia Scales owo
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Lloyd - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Lloyd quickly shot an arrow, a red tipped one, to burn away the vines. Then he quickly made his way over to where Lana was lying. "I'm sorry," he said, in a rather sheepish tone, while extending a hand to help her up. "You are pretty strong though, with good offensive and defensive capabilities. We'll be more than happy to welcome you to Lamia Scale, if you still wish to join us." There was an apologetic note in his voice; in all honestly he thought that perhaps he had overdone it a little. He had been expecting her to use magic to avoid the mud wall and then concede, but perhaps she had overextended her magical energy. And now she was completely covered in mud.

"Here," he quickly pulled off the jacket he was wearing and offered it to her. "There's a shower room back at the guild hall if you wish to clean yourself."

@Lana Valentine
Lana - Lamia Scale training grounds - Covered in mud

She took the offered jacket and smiled at him draping it upon herself. "Thank you sir I will try my best," She said bowing quickly and fast enough so that a few droplets of mud splashed upon his shirt. She rubbed the back of her head and laughed sheepishly. "Sorry, I'll go and get washed up and changed." She began to look at everyone of her new guildmates with a happy grin before walking off to locate the shower so she can become clean.

@HuorSpinks and every one else at the training grounds.
Chris Lengheart (House)

Chris was a bit surprised by the sudden kiss on the cheek. He laughed and stood up as he went to his room and came back out a few moments later, wearing another tank top along with a pair of pants. Chris made sure to hold the door open,"After you m'lady."

Roku -Near Sabertooth Guild Hall - About to walk inside owo (Okay maybe I was wrong about a slight edit >_>)

Roku looked at the guild with her arms crossed studying the exterior. She walked in with a confident smile and lowered her hood off of her head. She caught the tail end of a conversation between two people one of which was the guildmaster. She personally had been gone for an extended period of time doing missions to bump her rank up within the guild from B to A. She smiled at those who were there, "So having Victory drinks without me?" She teased slightly with her grin still in place.

She pulled out about ten sheets of paper placing them down in front of them. "I've finished the missions, my apologies for being gone so long..." She said though still smiled tempted to get herself a drink and relax.


And the other saberteeth within I guess owo ))
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Lloyd - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Lloyd glanced down at the mud specks on his shirt and sighed. It was not as if he did not deserve that. He looked up at the scene of destruction. Mud everywhere. Ashes. Ice-shads. Pools of water every. No wonder the mud was more slippery than sticky in certain places. He had released a wave earlier. It was a wonder he was not in Fairy Tail due to his own destructive tenancies. His sigh did turn into a smile though, as he watched Lana grin at the others and walk off, presumably in the direction of the guild hall and the showers. It was always so sweet to see someone so eager to join their guild.

He walked back to Maya and the others. "Well, she passed the test," he announced with a big grin. "Let's head back to the guild hall and freshen up, then meet me in my office when you're ready to receive your guild marks."

He then turned to Maya. "You said you wanted to talk to me about something?" He asked, quieter this time. It sounded like something serious, and he was instantly apprehensive.

@LeSoraAmari @Lana Valentine @Mitchs98 @Goldencurls @Zefie

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