Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart (House)

"Well you already took them off, so I guess I have to say yes." Chris said as he dug through his fridge for a moment. He eventually yanked out some leftover meat and threw it directly onto a pan and started to cook. Now that Chris was in his tank top, he seemed much more muscular. His back alone was broad and looked very powerful. After a few minutes, Chris placed the two slabs of meat onto separate plates and slid one over to Kelica,"Eat up." he said as he went around the small counter and sat down one seat away from Kelica. He took off his jewel pouch and added in the jewels and smiled as he weighed it on his hand,"Finally, this thing has some weight to it."

Mizuki -Sabertooth- Guildhall

Mizuki cackled as Grace fell out of her seat, landed on the ground with a thud. It made her frown turn into a smile for a few moments, but quickly faded away as she returned her attention to the backstabbing Alicia. "That's if you even come back. I don't trust you in the safety of him." She said, referring to Sasuke as if his name was poison. "But if you do go out with him, I want you to stay safe. Stay out of danger." She said, an actual hint of worry in her voice. Sure Mizuki seemed like a total Debby Downer who hated everyone, but she had a soft spot for young children, especially Alicia. It wasn't anything weird like in a Gilad way, but she rather wanted a them all to have a happy childhood so they don't end up as someone who takes pleasure in hurting people and will probably never kiss a person in their life. "But go, and come back in one piece. Then go out again with me."

@Mitchs98 @Sinister Clown
Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

He reached forward and took the note, giving it a quick read as the man explained in more detail. He kept a neutral expression as he listened to the full briefing, gently placing the piece of paper atop his desk. Once the man had finished he brought his elbows atop the desk and clasped his hands together, resting his chin on them as he closed his eyes in thought. He remained like this for several moments before lifting his head, letting out a long breath as he looked up at the man. "I had heard information regarding Lucian's attempt at garnering support in the west. But to think even members of the council might be in on this plot is truly disturbing. Even with all the might at my disposal I am no match for the Magic Council." He fell silent at the idea of the council becoming their enemy. They wielded significant authority and the power required to back that authority up. They were not ones to have as your enemy.

This was an issue far too large for him to handle alone, even his entire guild couldn't do anything about it. The fact that one of Kirby's kids had come to inform him could mean only one thing. He looked the boy in the eye, his expression as firm as ever. "I assume Master Kirby intends to hold some kind of conference to discuss the matter, am I correct?" This was the only logical step they could take if the council was indeed corrupt. But even then, all the guilds in Fiore combined would be no match against the council. A larger question weighed on his mind, something the young lad had not addressed. "You mentioned the west, you mentioned the Magic Council, yet you made no mention of the monarchy. Am I to assume that is because there is no evidence the government has been corrupted?" While the guilds couldn't stand up to the council it was entirely possible they would be able to fight back if the monarchy, and the military, were on their side.

Valken - Arcturus Private Office

Valken expected as much of a reaction from The Guild Master as he saw. He let the man speak out his internal thoughts, Valken's thought and Lloyd's the same. The situation was very dismal. At the mention of a conference, he nodded. "I believe a meeting with all the Guild Masters would be wise....I suggested holding it at the Festival in Magnolia, it would not be suspicious to have so many high ranking officials there."

At the mention of the Monarchy and the Military, putting his hand on his chin as he pondered, a finger tapping his jaw. "As far as I've heard Mr Grey has had no influence in the Monarchy, however he is insanely rich. I would not be surprised if he has bribed or persuased the lesser Nobles to join his aid in return for land or titles. Everything he does is hush hush, while I assume the utmost highest officials in the Magic Council are pure of heart, there are many backyard voices changing opinions, and with enough of a majority vote anything is possible. It might be a simple case of finding those rats within the Magic Council and making them 'disappear '...but I am no man in charge.. " Grinning for a second at the disappear words before shrugging his shoulders.

"Lloyd is attending the last day of the Magnolia Festival, and after our discussion I'll head towards the new Fairytale Guild Master to inform her."

@Colt556 @Mitchs98 (plot related)
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Kayzo said:
Mizuki -Sabertooth- Guildhall

Mizuki cackled as Grace fell out of her seat, landed on the ground with a thud. It made her frown turn into a smile for a few moments, but quickly faded away as she returned her attention to the backstabbing Alicia. "That's if you even come back. I don't trust you in the safety of him." She said, referring to Sasuke as if his name was poison. "But if you do go out with him, I want you to stay safe. Stay out of danger." She said, an actual hint of worry in her voice. Sure Mizuki seemed like a total Debby Downer who hated everyone, but she had a soft spot for young children, especially Alicia. It wasn't anything weird like in a Gilad way, but she rather wanted a them all to have a happy childhood so they don't end up as someone who takes pleasure in hurting people and will probably never kiss a person in their life. "But go, and come back in one piece. Then go out again with me."

@Mitchs98 @Sinister Clown
@Sinister Clown

Alicia: Sabertooth HQ

Alicia pouted and crossed her arms, "I'll be fine. I'm stronger than I look you know." She replied. She hated everyone worrying for her just because she was so young, she was a decently ranked wizard after all. But she understood why, they just didn't want her to get hurt, just as much as she didn't want any of them to. She smiled at what she said next before running up and hugging her, "I will! I promise! Hopefully we'll get back before the festival and we can go on a mission together." She told her excitedly before running back over to Sasuke, who was now almost at the door. "Okay let's go Sasuke!" She called up to him before running out the door and waiting on him. This'd be her first S-Class mission so she was extremely excited. She rarely went on missions since she only had to pay the minimum fee to live at the hall so she was even more excited than usual.

After the festival she might start going on missions more, they were fun plus she had some stuff she wanted to buy, mostly clothes but still.
Kelica - Chris's house

Kelica was trying very, very, very hard to look anywhere but straight at him as he cooked. It did smell wonderful and her tummy growled more. When he pushed the plate towards her she devoured it almost instantly, making a happy little groan as she did. "Oh... mmmthisisgood!.. rrmghh... you made this? Man I so can't cook... " licking her lip's happily then leaning back into her chair, chest out, patting down her tummy. "Ugghh full now... "

She glanced out the window as the sun was almost set and the day was nearly done. What a weird day it had been. And all because she went into the Guild Hall today of all days.

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Chris Lengheart (House)

Chris smiled as she ate the entire meal. Chris follwed suit and finished his plate as he grabbed both plates and tossed them into the sink. He began to wash the dishes as he noticed the setting sun, "Sunset already? Man time sure does fly." he said as he finished cleaning and set the plates to dry. Chris then sat back down, still maintaining the seat distance. He looked over at Kelica and began to laugh, "You're not really good at hiding your crush, are you? I could feel your eyes all over me when I cooked. Goodness, the one person that actually likes me like that and you stare my body down like a hawk."

Kelica - Chris's house - Magnolia

Kelica emerald eyes were distant as she looked to the red hues flowing over the gardens, the surrounding houses and streets. She heard the birds calling to each other, usually something like See you Tomorrow, or Sleep Well. Her eye lids started to droop as the full tummy was making her sleepy, yawning cutely while holding a hand over her mouth.

Kelica meeped in surprise as he mentioned knowing her peerving. She puffed out her cheeks, in a embarrassed manner. "To Be Fair... I never said I wouldn't stare, and I mean honestly, can you blame me?" gesturing to... well all of him.. in a swing of her arm. She crossed her arms, pouting in an irritated manner. "A girl has eyeballs, I ain't hurting no one!" making a point to pull down her eyelids to show him, while poking her tongue out. "If you don't like it, you might just have to put more clothes on eh?!?"




---Erin Angelfish---

Erin grinned and watched all these cool reactions play out, though, he raised his eyebrows when Sachiko- probably, the mermaid wasn't really around enough to be 100% on names, yet- made another comment about the ages; this managed to get a small giggle out of him. He had a fairly certain idea of what Maya's- Thankfully, he was pretty sure of her name- reaction would be.

But, he blinked curiously as the male took a step back and apologized,
'Is he still going to get it again?' He quickly looked in between 'Granny' and the snappy boy. It was sort of as if he was watching a match of badminton; the bird being hit back and forth at a rhythmic pace.

With his right hand he threw Lana the Llama descendent a thumbs up, before walking over to where a girl who had been there watching the previous fight sat, along with a smaller- ocean-like creature? Now,
this had his attention.

The mermaid strolled over and plopped himself down next to the two (presumably, sometimes it was hard to tell with surface-dwellers) females, he leant his Trident against his partially bare leg; the sheets covered a good amount of his legs, though, he could feel the cool surface of the weapon through the thinner part of the sheet.

@HuorSpinks (Mentioned, sort of), @LeSoraAmari (Mentioned), @Zefie (Observered slightly, small gesture) @Mitchs98 (Interaction), @Leo Radomir (You're there, right?)
Lana gave the mermaid a thumbs up as the cold air around her shifted into a haze of embers in her desire to win pumping herself up mentally. She crossed her arms watching Lloyd with a small smile, "So what kind of test are we doing?" She asked as she began to rub her hands together eagerly.

She looked at the others in the room and had a small part of herself hope to be a member now. They seemed close and friendly, warm to each even when they acted up. Lana couldn't help but smile but, wider at the thought. Though she preferred the solitude and the guild wasn't anything like she expected, she felt maybe a part of herself could change and get along with them. She now looked at Lloyd with fire in her eyes pointing towards him, "Name your challenge guildmaster!"

@HuorSpinks (Spoken to)

@Goldencurls (Returned gesture)

@Other lamia scales (Glances towards owo)
Cinla smiled as she watched things play out and said" Well i don't know how he is compared to maya but the test won't be to easy otherwise anyone could get in, by the ways, what's your name man i'm cinla incase you missed out on the introductions before hand". Cinla went silent so he could speak looking around at the girl and the others wondering what would happen next.

@Goldencurls @Lana Valentine
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Chris Lengheart (House)

Chris laughed as Kelica went on the defensive. The moment she asked him to put on more clothes him smiled and stared at her,"This is my house, I can strip down as much as I want." he said as he went over to the seat between the two and sat down right next to her. "It's still hard to believe that someones thinks I'm hot. Now, I have a way to torture you regardless of whether we date or not. Then again, I'm open to a relationship, I'm just not sure if you are. Ultimately, it's up to you. If you say no, I won't really care and we'll continue to be friends. I'll still torture you with my 'hot' body."

Jaymes - Magnolia - Outside Fairy Tale Guildhall

Jaymes fell to the ground when the train "melted", completely soaked and totally at a lost of words for this girl. Looking behind him, he could see the smoke and dust that clogged the air in the distance as people clamored about the destruction the water train had caused. Their old master was much the same, not caring about collateral damage, but this was just excessive. The villagers meandered for a moment then took off for the closest inn, eager to be away from the crazy wizards. Getting up, Jaymes clapped his hands, and the water soaking him froze then shattered, leaving him completely dry. His motion sickness had abated, but now he didn't know what to do, the sun was setting, and he felt his bed at his home calling to him.
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia ( Her residence )

Sora's eyes fluttered open rather quickly as she heard Clair's voice mentioning eating all the cake, hues sliding around to gather her surroundings. Back at home? When did she get back? ... Had Chris entered her home? Did Chris want to be scolded for just walking into a home uninvited? Her thoughts spiraled out of control, in a slight embarrassed but furious manner at all these questions. " He's getting an earful when I see him! " She announced loudly, a small hand wiping away the drool that had dribbled onto her chin before it curled up and slammed into the table to only add emphasis to her flared emotion. Both cheeks puffed out as she stormed into the kitchen after Clair, waving a finger around as if to tsk tsk her, blowing the air out in a cute manner. " Sure, Clairrrr, have as much as you want. I mean, if you're not worried about gaining extra weight in the wrong places before the swimsuit contest at the festival this year. " She taunted her, wiggling around and pointing to random places on her body. " Like there.... " Her eyes went wide in surprise, " Or even there! " A soft gasp followed her words. " Bizma, come have some cake before fatty Clair devours it all! " Even more verbal poking, Clair usually got the brunt of it, even though it was all in jest and the two got along perfectly and never took one another seriously.

@Mr Swiftshots @Isune ( Mentioned ;D ) @femjapanriceball
Bizma chuckled slightly. "I'm glad everyone is faring well. Now, let's see...." She took a bite of cake, thinking about how to word her experience. "....Right. The mission took a while to accomplish because, as it turns out, the group I was up against was very, very, very...." She sighed. ".....Very experienced. They tossed me around like a rag doll." Bizma smiled; her eyes twinkled. "However, I had a plan; I used one of my books to best them. It took over a month, but it worked....a-a-and that's what counts, right?" She took a bite of cake. "This is very good cake."
Mizuki -Sabertooth- Guildhall

Mizuki's body tensed up as Alicia came up and gave her a hug. On top of that her flake face had a flush of red, putting her in a bad position in front of the others. Though hugging was normal for people to do, she never was showed affection in her life, andit was a very foreign thing for the Dark Mage. Plus too much physical contact out of combat of any kind made her very uncomfortable. So much that she almost pushed Alicia down on instinct, but fortunately refrained herself from doing so. "T-thank you Little One..." She said with an embarrassing stutter, all movement returning the moment she let go. This was the first hug that Mizuki had received in years, and needless to say she was shaken. And no matter how nice it felt to be "loved" like that, she wasn't sure if she wanted to get that feeling again. When Alicia and Sasuke left, she quickly hid her face with her hands until the blush went away.

Kelica - Chris's house and much to close to his bodeh

Kelica pouted more as he laughed though she took a deep breath inwards as he sat closer to her. Must he? Really? It's not like she could ignore him now being like not even a hands breadth away, she felt herself holding her breath even if she didn't mean to. This was all new to her. She had lived in Solitude with her family in the forest, only leaving to excel her magic. She had never even considered this 'dating' thing, and after a moment she looked genuinely perplexed. What would change? They would still go on missions, fight bad doers, eat lots of food together, have Sora kick their butt (probably). He would still refuse to wear any form of covering clothing...so what was left.

For all her defensiveness Kelica suddenly looked scared... well not scared just overwhelmed. She looked to her hands in her lap, intwining her fingers. Playing with the flower wrapped snuggly around her wrist nervously. "I.." she'd start, only to blush even harder. Feeling a portion of her light brown hair escape the ponytail uptop her head, half covering her face. "I'm not sure... " it wasn't a no, far from it.

Chris Lengheart

Chris watched as she struggled to answer. He only chuckled and responded,"It's okay, I don't want an answer right now. Don't say the wrong thing." he said as he began to stare out the window, watching the sun slowly set. Chances are, Kelica was going to have to stay with him for the night regardless, but Chris was still curious about what she had to say. After all, she was the first one to ever confess her love to him.



Sasuke Haishen, Sabertooth GuildHall

Sasuke was glad that Alicia wanted to leave, everyone was pissing off Sasuke already and he had only just woken up. Scratching the side of his head once Alicia caught up with him Sasuke nodded at her response on leaving but before the left. Sasuke took a short moment to look back at Mizuki, poking his tongue out at her in an immature manner before leaving.

Sasuke stayed floating above Alicia and swished from side to side "So...What are we doing?" Sasuke let out a short sigh as he looked around the place, the city was huge. At least much larger than the items which he's been trapped inside in the past.




Alicia: Crocus City

Even though Alicia lived there Crocus never ceased to amaze her in the least. Everything, including the people, was so huge and colorful! She looked around excitedly, and almost didn't catch Sasuke's question. "We gotta kill some huge monster thing near a town of Rivera, coincidentally it's also near Magnolia. You did a good job picking it out." She replied. "Apparently several people have gone missing, presumably from being eaten by it I guess. Kinda spooky huh?" She explained. "Decent reward of a hundred and fifty thousand too. I've never been on an S-Class mission, so I'm not sure if that's a good reward for those or not..I usually go on B-Class or easier A-Class missions." She told him. "What about you, ever been on any fun S-Class missions?" She asked him before quickly adding "Oh, and I'm Alicia in-case you forgot my name or something. You didn't seem too sure of who I was earlier so I figured I'd tell you." With that she waited for a response to the amount of information she'd dumped on him as they walked to the train station. She hoped he didn't try to stop her from going with him now that he knew she wasn't S-Class, but he agreed to it so she'd hold him to it no matter what. Plus they'd already signed up for it, so there.


Sasuke Haishen, Crocus City

Sasuke let out a sigh, the girl rambled on and on. Sasuke had nothing better to do but listen but he only wished he had magic which could block sound, he would have loved that right now. On their little stroll through Crocus city Sasuke kept getting eyes shifting towards him, to Sasuke he had almost little clue on why they were staring at him. But to everyone else they had just seen a boy who is constantly floating in the air, even in a town of magic stuff like that was out of the norm, complimented by the fact Sasuke was wearing three pieces of solid gold.

Money didn't overly mean much to Sasuke, he always got what he wanted and if he couldn't...He would just take it anyway. Looking down to Alicia he finally responded to her "A monster? Wonder what it looks like.." he didn't seemed fazed by the fact people died from the monster, or that it could be something created from nightmares. Placing his hand on his chin to think about it for a moment "S-class missions? Mm, not sure I normally just do whatever the magic council asks me to." he grabbed the edge of his toes and again, started rotating mid air as he drifted to the side slightly from the wind. "I haven't had fun in a long, long time..." he concluded with a rather disappointed tone in his voice.


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(Bruh, they ain't in the guild hall anymore :P )

Alicia: Crocus City

Alicia frowned slightly, noting that her talking was kind of annoying Sasuke. Maybe she should've asked Mizuki instead after all. She shrugged when he was done speaking, though if he hadn't had fun in a while Alicia would be sure to find a way to remedy that, after all she liked to think she was one of the more fun members of the Guild. "I dunno, the flyer doesn't say, says the client will provide more details." She replied. "And that sounds kinda boring..missions are fun! Especially with other people. I'll be sure to make sure you enjoy this one too." She added. "That said, what exactly do you enjoy doing? Or rather, enjoyed doing before being a Saint?" She asked him. She assumed the reason he hadn't been able to have fun in so long was due to being an important member of the magical world, keeping up appearances and things like that. Though...she wasn't entirely sure if that was the case judging by how he was currently flying carefree in the air. She had to admit the sight was amusing, which caused her to giggle slightly as he the wind started to push him further and further to the side.

She wondered what his magic was briefly. Despite knowing most of the members by name, she didn't exactly know all of their magic. That wasn't exactly one of the 101 questions Alicia asked at any given time. One would figure it would be, but nope. One of her top questions, and most of the time first directly after asking their name and some time before, was what kind of cake they liked.
Kelica - Chris's house

Kelica took a deep breath and slumped onto the kitchen counter, arms lazily spread over the table. What did she ultimately have to loose? She glanced around the white house, she still had yet to get herself an apartment and just staying at the Guild Hall, he could cook so she would be well fed. He was also an A-Class meaning they could take on higher class mission, which means move jewels. Win, win right?

But what was this niggling at the back of her head, why was she so reluctant? Her mind drifted to Lloyd, the Guild Master at Lamia Scale. She wasn't sure why exactly, but they has also met under strange circumstances, causing a friendship but with his duties as a Guild Master, from another Guild no less, she hadn't seen or heard from him since Malina. Here Chris was right beside her, in the same Guild, while she thought of Lloyd who was much older then her and of a much higher rank.

She looked back to Chris sitting there Waiting patiently. What a right pickle she had put herself. Though as she looked her eyes drifted over his broad back, those shoulders and arms... she blushed intensely and buried her face into the table. She could not be this close to him, all the time, and not date him. She took a calming breath and sat up once more. "Alright already you half naked butthole! We can date... but on one condition..." Her emerald eyes Intense as she looked to him.

"You cook for me, often." Then a genuine and rather happy smile crossed her face as she poked a tongue out playfully. "And I can have as many pot plants as I want... and I'll be over taking your garden to.. "

Chris Lengheart (House)

Chris smiled as she accepted his offer, "I'm assuming you're gonna be moving in. I don't mind cooking anyways, you can have the garden. Just don't expect me to be much use in there unless you're having me lug around stuff." he said as he rustled Kelica's hair. Chris then had a sudden moment of realization,"So uh...are you sleeping with me or on the couch. I don't have a spare bed so pick your poison. However I will warn you, I do sleep without a top."

Kelica - Chris's house

Kelica meeped as he ruffled her hair, moving quickly to try and brush it into a semi-sorta pile uptop her head.

"Of course you do... " She mumbled under her breath. "And what, do you transform into half naked Bull Men in your sleep to? My word what have I gotten myself into... " pushing herself away from the table, standing up from her seat and stretching her arms tall to the sky. Reaching on her tippy toes. This was going no where. She turned to him and tilted her head in an adorable manner. "Two can play at that game..." ignoring his question, she spun on her heels and a sway of her hips. "I'm going to have a shower, because reasons." Disappearing up the hallway with a flick of her hair.

Chris only shook his head when she brought up his Taurus form, "Like I said before, I can't control what I look like when I perform a takeover. I just have to work with what I have." And with that, Chris went back to his room and closed the door before removing his tank top, switching to some looser shorts and grabbed a book from his massive collection as he climbed into bed and made sure to pull the covers over his chest in case Kelica were to walk in on him. He opened the book and began to read.


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