Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Lamia Scale Guildhall: 2nd Floor

Lana grew rigid at the voice of the guildmaster upon her reaction and rubbed the back of her head. "I apologize for my behavior, Anyone can watch if they wish to." She then replied relaxing slightly once more. The truth of the matter was she expected people who acted and appeared to be of an age similar to her own. She took in a deep breath and took out her book suddenly studying some of the notes she had taken for herself earlier.

She placed her hands behind her head taking another breath battling her nervousness and unease at the situation. "I am sorry I just expected the guild to contain older members Sir," She said honestly, "Or at least those who were mature, I was taken by surprise by the number of people who seem younger than I am." She said able to sense the overall disapproval and deciding it was better to explain to Lloyd instead of keeping silent.


@Leo Radomir[/URL] @LeSoraAmari
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Training Grounds

The two illusionary telekinetic blasts fizzled out of existence in the blink of an eye, leaving only the real one left. Heading towards Sachiko, it tore through the beast that Cinla had created with ease, and even made its way through the young boys defence and slammed into his chest at full force. Maya chuckled, having identified Sachiko's magic. "Transmutation Magic? That's pretty cool." she said kindly.

Before Cinla's beasts could attack the clones, they winked out of existence. Maya then pointed her palms towards the beasts as an illusion was placed on them, the illusion caused them to view each other as the enemy. And they both tore each other apart. Maya stood there with her eyes completely fixed on Cinla. The girl was clearly underestimating her, did she have no idea who she was facing? The power gap between them was huge and yet this girl still persisted. The Wizarding Saint chuckled slightly, and then released her magical power to the maximum. Not only to make the two mages realise who they were being tested by, but because it was flashy too. A dark purple aura flowing from her entire body. The sheer power of it was phenomenal, and the telekinetic energy that swirled around her feet tore the earth apart violently and blew it away as if it was nothing. No doubt Cinla would try come in for a melee assault. But Maya was proficient in the martial arts herself. Some S-Class Mage would be lucky to even poke her. The woman let out a kind laugh as her face drew more serious. She had no intention of being the punch bag of a simple mage, and she wanted to end this as soon as possibly so that she could prepare for the Fantasia Festival. That wasn't to say that this bout wasn't fun. However, things would turn into a one-sided annihilation real quickly if this tarried on longer than it needed to.
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LeSoraAmari said:
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Training Grounds
The two illusionary telekinetic blasts fizzled out of existence in the blink of an eye, leaving only the real one left. Heading towards Sachiko, it tore through the beast that Cinla had created with ease, and even made its way through the young boys defence and slammed into his chest at full force. Maya chuckled, having identified Sachiko's magic. "Transmutation Magic? That's pretty cool." she said kindly.

Before Cinla's beasts could attack the clones, they winked out of existence. Maya then pointed her palms towards the beasts as an illusion was placed on them, the illusion caused them to view each other as the enemy. And they both tore each other apart. Maya stood there with her eyes completely fixed on Cinla. The girl was clearly underestimating her, did she have no idea who she was facing? The power gap between them was huge and yet this girl still persisted. The Wizarding Saint chuckled slightly, and then released her magical power to the maximum. A dark purple aura flowing from her entire body. The sheer power of it was phenomenal, and the telekinetic energy that swirled around her feet tore the earth apart violently. No doubt Cinla would try come in for a melee assault. But Maya was proficient in the martial arts herself. Some S-Class Mage would be lucky to even poke her. The woman let out a kind laugh as her face drew more serious. She had no intention of being the punch bag of a simple mage, and she wanted to end this as soon as possibly so that she could prepare for the Fantasia Festival. That wasn't to say that this bout wasn't fun. However, things would turn into a one-sided annihilation real quickly if this tarried on longer than it needed to.
Cinla dismissed the circle then sighed seeing the difference in power and then said" Let's call it quits it's clear i don't have a chance here so wasting my magic and and trying to attack anymore and getting my ass kicked again today sorry for being a bitch, as a way of proving i'm sorry i'll cook for you and the guild." Cinla went silent and looked at maya in a way to show that she wasn't just saying it for the sake of it.
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Sachiko - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Sachiko watched as the telekinetic blast tore through the beast Cinla had made like paper, and of course, his arms weren't much a defense so he got the full brunt of it. A powerful blast that shook his entire body, he wasn't even able to hold himself sturdy. It had blown him back violently rolling against the floor, somewhat skid marks of blood on the ground. Although, the blast had gotten him good, he managed to get on his knees with sheer willpower alone, but that was all he could managed, at this point he couldn't even feel his legs, his body felt like jello. All he could do was look at Maya, a trickle of blood coming from his mouth. This was real power, and it didn't even seem like the full brunt of the depths of hers either. It seemed that he had failed. But, he did succeed in a way. Because he sacrificed himself Cinla made it unhurt...for the most part.

@LeSoraAmari @Leo Radomir
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Cinla saw how hurt sachiko is and couldn't help but cry and flew over to him and began said" Healing rite". A gold circle quickly formed and began to heal his wounds slowly and she said" I'm truly sorry if it wasn't for me then wouldn't of gotten this hurt truth be told i've always relied on my own strength to pull through for me because that's how my tribe was taught to fight but i realize that even after all this time i'd forgotten what's most important till today"
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Maya burst out into laughter when Cinla decided to call it quits. She found it funny that the two actually thought she'd go all serious on them, she'd have to be some real cold hearted bitch in order to do something so cruel to two recruits. Dismissing her magical power, the energy around her faded and she rushed towards Sachiko, quickly taking out a special healing ointment and rubbing it across all of his wounds. "I'm pleased. Not once did you two back down and you protected each other, even if the going was tough. Especially you, Sachiko. You put yourself on the line to ensure that she was safe... Such camaraderie! And you two have only just met." She helped Sachiko up and then continued. "You two pass in my books. I'll take you to Master Lloyd as soon as possible, he'll give you your guild marks." She chuckled, upon noticing that Lloyd was actually on his way here, with two other recruits. "Actually... You won't have to wait that long. He's on his way here..." She smiled slightly and waited for the man to arrive.

Kelica - South Forest

Kelica was seriously considering new and interesting ways to defend herself, as the two thieves, while confused, charged at Chris. At that moment the three on the right sprung up, running straight for Kelica. They were so fast she almost missed them, eyes darting to the side they were coming from. But the Falcon launched off his branch, spinning through the air like a fast missile, before throwing it's wings out at the last second, claws extended to land straight onto the one closest to her. It's talons cutting deep into his shoulder as the guy screamed. The Falcon was on the move, leaping off his shoulder to thrust its wings heading for another to scratch at his face as it past, flying straight for the third. The predator bird while not big was very fast.

Chris Lengheart (Forest)

Chris smiled as the two men charged at him. He decided now was the best time to test if his control carried over to the rest of his forms. One minute, Chris appeared normal. But the next, he was a massive bull man. His fur was completely black with two massive horns jutting out from his head and a basic loincloth with a set of massive hooves attached. His chest was bare and on his nose was a massive golden ring that moved as he did. His long tail seemed to be swishing about as he took a step forward. The massive beast let out a terrifying roar, which sounded a bit like a moo. The beast stared down at the two and sud suddenly spoke, "You're trying to rob me? You have NO IDEA who you're dealing with!" And with that, the massive bovine let out another petrifying moo before charging at the two with his horns out.



Sasuke Haishen, Sabertooth GuildHall

Sasuke gradually making his way to the guild hall, after a short while of floating in the air he finally made it. He spotted out numerous individuals that seemed to be of interest. One of them even going as far as to approach the Sabertooth's guild master Gilad. In Sasuke's opinion the man was too serious about things and more or less needed to loosen up.

Sasuke, making his way to the bar. Instead of trying to find his own path through the crowd of people..Instead Sasuke simply floated above them all and swishing down and coming to a slight halt in a laying position, his palm holding his head. Letting out a short yawn, he wasn't bothered to notice the conversation that was occurring between them and decided to but in "I....AM...BORED!!! GILAD!!!! DO SOMETHING!" he soon went from his relaxed laying position to frantically waving his arms around in compliment to his speech.



Kyuubey said:

Zephyr - Aboard the train to Magnolia!

Zephyr had casually strolled past the two mages from Lamia Scale, giving them a rather puzzled look before he shrugged nonchalantly and went back to playing with the lollipop in his mouth. Hair decided to obscure his vision once more as he finally gazed at the train station, taking no time to purchase two tickets; and there was the catch. Why would he need two? A mischievous smile played at his lips as he boarded the train and found two unoccupied seats next to one another, plopping down in the window seat to feel more distanced from other people, not too concerned with what they'd think about his next stunt though. A book appeared in his lap, taken from his pocket as he held his hand out near the seat next to him, a weird watery-like colored substance enveloping his entire hand before the space around him seemed to almost tug. The same feeling would be hitting Masaki right now, his whole body being pulled into a void and then blinking out of existence to reappear on the train beside him to be deposited into the seat. Zephyr let out a subtle yawn, offering him a smirk as he placed the ticket onto his lap. " I brought reading material. " He held out a rather old looking book that covered more into depth on lost magic, knowing the red head was intrigued with it. And with that the train took off, the boys headed to Magnolia for the festival, among other things.

Masaki Yamada: Sabertooth Guild Hall

After sitting there quietly for a while, he waited for Zephyr to do his thing. Then, the impossible happened. Grace had come to Crocus and was in the Sabertooth guild hall, with one of her own guildmates. Before he could rush up and say hello to the girl, Zephyr worked his magic and pulled him through the void and into what looked like to be a train? It was evident that the two were heading to Magnolia. Which actually thrilled Masaki, after all, he had never been; and it was home to the guild where his mother came from. Not only that, but his own house wasn't too far from the town.

Masaki Yamada: Train to Magnolia

Upon landing in the seat opposite Zephyr, Masaki was quick to scold the man. The red head quickly took the book out of his hand and smacked him playfully on the head with if. However, his tone wasn't so playful. "You pulled me here at the wrong time, Grace was in the guild hall for gods sake!" He let out a loud huff and then looked at the title of the book. "LOST MAGIC?" Masaki called out enthusiastic and opened the book, quickly proceeding to read the contents. "Heh. Thanks Zephyr.." Masaki couldn't stay mad at the man, and his face was lit up like a child on Christmas as he read the book. It was an intriguing topic, after all.


@Colt556 @Zuka

Alicia: Sabertooth HQ

Alicia had managed to fall asleep with her cheek squished against the table she was sitting at once everything had calmed down, from a mix of boredom and the fact she'd stayed up late the previous night trying to figure out a way to remove the hex herself. In the end her efforts proved pointless sadly. She was currently dreaming about the fight between Gilad and Cinla, and trying to imagine what would of happened had they continued to fight.

In the end, it ended with the Guild Hall being levelled and an extremely pissed off Gilad in the middle of it. Coincidentally she woke up just as soon as Sasuke shouted, the guild hall in her dream also exploded roughly that time. Coincidence, maybe? Probably. Regardless the shouting caused Alicia to jolt awake and look around tiredly in an annoyed fashion. Rubbing her eyes she half glared at Sasuke, she'd caught something about him being bored.

She perked up at that, quickly getting an idea. She hadn't went on a mission in a while, not that she needed to seeing as she lived in the guild hall due to being so young, why not ask him? After all, she'd donate most of it to the guild and keep some for herself, she needed some money for the festival after all. Plus...if Sasuke would go with her she might be able to go on an S-Class mission.

"If you're bored...wanna go on a mission with me Sasuke?" She called out to him, grinning excitedly before running off to the job board and looking at the requests. She couldn't reach the ones higher up, but that didn't stop her from looking at them. She then turned to Sasuke and looked as pleading as possible, "Pleeeeaaaseee?" She asked him before smiling sweetly.



---Erin Angelfish---

Lamia Scale - F2 - Leaving Guild Master's Office

The mermaid raised his arm in the air, "Yay, mammals!" He cheered, his blue eyes were narrowed with excitement. "But, yeah, my mission was definitely successful." The red head nodded, he let a memory take him.


Erin ran down the street, his chest rose and fell quickly; he was rubbish at running, swimming was always much easier, but, this was the only method to get what he desired.

The horse-drawn cart was currently going faster that he could manage, his footsteps echoed down the street.

The taunting sounds played from the cart, fortunately this only encouraged him to move faster. The horses were quiet interesting, though, they didn't look like sea horses- it was actually kinda disappointing and weird, nevertheless, everything was generally interesting.

Jumping over a pile of horse waste, he tried to do those cool rolls; but, he fell. The cart was making it's escape as he had landed onto the ground; that wasn't okay.

With his last burst of strength he used the local water tanks to erupt and carry him up to cart, the waves rolled; White Sea foam stopped the cart in its tracks.

Panting, Erin walked up to the side of the cart; the sounds still played from the vehicle. His knocks rasped onto the wooden shutter, a man opened it; he didn't seem too mad.

The male had a hand on his racing heart, he looked up at the man with tired eyes; "A vanilla ice-cream-" His breath had to be regained, "In a waffle cone, thanks."


He began to follow the Lamia Scale leader, he listened to the woman, "
Mature? I am so mature; I can use whazits all by myself." Erin huffed jokingly, his grin was wide and goofy; probably not sending the desired message of maturity.

He twirled the Trident around in he hand, "So, it's
Lana, right? Isn't there a land animal like that?" He ran his free hand through his red hair, "Llama!" He paused and turned to the girl, "Can you speak to Llamas?!"

Lamia Scale Guildhall: 2nd floor- Heading towards the training hall

Lana let out a low sigh and looked then her smile returned looked at the younger member. "No I can only speak to regular people, however my great grandfather was a Llama and I was named after him." She explained with the lightest of laughs.

Lana looked at Lloyd her hands returning behind her head. "I can deal with it Sir if you'll accept me here, it's just that I wasn't prepared for this setting." She explained. Her original thoughts had been around powerful bearded wizards and attractive scholars but, the majority being older than her with a few her age just starting out. She looked at Erin once again, "Perhaps you can show me around town later?" She asked the child deciding that was the best option available to her.

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (Forest)

Chris smiled as the two men charged at him. He decided now was the best time to test if his control carried over to the rest of his forms. One minute, Chris appeared normal. But the next, he was a massive bull man. His fur was completely black with two massive horns jutting out from his head and a basic loincloth with a set of massive hooves attached. His chest was bare and on his nose was a massive golden ring that moved as he did. His long tail seemed to be swishing about as he took a step forward. The massive beast let out a terrifying roar, which sounded a bit like a moo. The beast stared down at the two and sud suddenly spoke, "You're trying to rob me? You have NO IDEA who you're dealing with!" And with that, the massive bovine let out another petrifying moo before charging at the two with his horns out.

Kelica - South Forest near Magnolia

The Falcon make short work of the third guy, before landing uptop the groaning, whining pile of guys, fluffing out it's wings and squarking triumphly. Kelica smiled. "Thank you Bert. You were truly helpful." That was the bird's name it informed her. She turned then as she heard a giant moo sound, her eyes going huge. Chris had changed once again, but he was a giant bull creature this time. His lack of clothing caused her to blush intensely and cover her eyes. "Put some damn clothes on!!" She yelled in a high pitched voice.

The two men kept running forward trying to swing their swords at him, hoping to get an opening to inflict damage.

Grace -Lamia Scale - Sabertooth Guildhall

Grace's jaw hit the ground when Gilad explained that Masaki had just left the guildhall. She came all this way with Valken for one thing, and that was to see Masaki, but now it seems that he was gone. All this way for nothing. She crossed her arms and frowned, making her displeasure obvious. "Where would he have gone?" She asked out loud to no one in particular. She was going to start questioning the people of the guild but decided against it. Instead she wouldn't leave until she knew his whereabouts. And that meant Valken was staying with her.

Mizuki -Sabertooth- Guildhall

When the two Lamia Scale guild members entered, they immediately caught Mizuki's attention. She placed a hex on the entry way that alerted the presence of people to allow the dark Mage to always be prepared. It was just one of the many hexes she's placed around the area. From a distance Grace looked just as young as Alicia, which excited her a lot. Maybe she would be joining the Guild, allowing her another test subject. Plus she thought kids were nice. "There's another Little one." She said in an excited tone, nearly jumping up. "I hope she comes over here."

@Mitchs98 @Colt556 @Zuka
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Sasuke Haishen, Sabertooth GuildHall

Sasuke let out a short sigh, before hearing a small childish noise coming from somewhere....'Under me?' he thought to himself about the sound and while he was still seemingly floating in the air he leaned down towards the little girl with a stern look on his face and his arms on his hips. At first he wasn't sure on the idea, he wasn't very fond of the idea running around with a little girl to constantly take care of...And what if she got lost? Sasuke wasn't the type of person who liked playing hide and seek..At least he pretended he didn't like playing hide & seek.

Pouting slightly at first he quickly glared off once the girl ran off to the mission board. Once she seemed to gesture the higher missions. Sasuke's left eyebrow rose slightly and he swiftly floated toward the mission board, snatching off one of the S-class missions and dropping it down on top of Alicia. Despite being fairly knowledgeable and definitely not stupid (Although he is definitely immature, don't tell him that lol.) he wasn't actually able to read the normal language, he could only speak it. "Well...I have nothing else to do I guess, but no running off okay??" he said with a serious face. Although at the time he was casually doing cartwheels mid air for minor self entertainment..


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Chris Lengheart (Forest)

Chris rammed both the men with the blunt side of his horns. It sent the duo flying into a nearby tree where to two were knocked unconscious. The moment Kelica told Chris to put on some clothes he smiled and turned to her, "Sorry Kelica, this is the only outfit this form has. I can't change clothes, why? Is it too much for you?" Chris then suddenly struck a pose followed by a small moo. He was obviously just messing around with her, the real question was, how were they going to transport the five robbers?

Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

His expression was quick to adopt a darker tone at the mention of Grimoire Heart. He never did locate it's master, ultimately rendering his mission a failure. If this boy had some information he was more than willing to hear it.He was about to suggest they head to the back when Sasuke floated in, throwing a tantrum about his boredom. He quickly shot the intruder a glare and was about to reprimand him when Alicia unwittingly came to his aid. With the girl luring Sasuke away he let out an irritated sigh as he turned his attention back to Valken. "Apologies, while they may be strong a few of them still have much improving to do. In a multitude of ways." He cast another quick glare as Sasuke floated off

Getting back to the matter at hand he pushed himself to his feet, once more turning his attention to the Lamia Scale lad. "Follow me then." He took long, slow strides towards the back section of the guild, a large portion of it being sectioned off as his own private sanctum. He couldn't help but silently curse at the man's timing, doing his best to hide his own inebriation as he had to consciously keep himself from staggering too much. But such was life as a guild master, not even time to get drunk. He lead the man through a large door and down a long hallway, doors dotting it's length with another large door at the opposite end.

Through this second large door resided his personal office, large and relatively ornate it was kept immaculate with every book and document filed away neatly where they belonged. He made his way around his large desk and let himself fall into his chair as he looked up at the boy. After taking a moment's pause he gestured to one of the seats opposite the desk as he spoke up. "So, Mr. Valken, what information do you possess?"




---Erin Angelfish---

Lamia Scale Guild Hall - Swiggity Swooty

Erin eyes widened when Lana mention that her grandfather was a llama, "Woah..." He's pretty gullible, huh?

He gaped when she asked if
he wanted to show her the town, "Yes!" He started skipping, he did a spin before turning around and walking backwards. "I've been banned from several places; I apparently need 'Mature Supervision' if I want to go to certain places." He waved his free hand around, "I don't get why, though. I mean, all I did was stand on that table; I was seeing if I could- I can, mind you-" he winked at Lana, "And then the owners of the pub threw me out!" The mermaid scoffed.

He stumbled and fell flat on his rear as his feet tripped over a slightly raised floorboard, he scrambled back up to his feet. "I can't wait to go
inside places again~!" He fist pumped the air and faced the proper direction.

@HuorSpinks (I mean, we're following you, though, you're not really mentioned.)
Valken - Sabertooth Guild Hall bar

Valken glanced over as the levitating boy cut into his conversation. Only to look at the distain on Gilad's face and grinned. Seemed Gilad's own guild members underestimated their Master, and he wondered just what they got away with here. As he stood, Valken pushed himself to a standing position. He looked down to Grace. " Please stay here at the bar, don't wander away, I'll be back momentarily." Making another look to the Black haired girl behind the bar (Mizuki) his eyes stern. "I expect no harm to come to my Guild Team Member." Grasping one of his daggers and flicking it out so fast it was almost unseen, stabbing the tip into the wooden bar top. "Comprehenda?" Yanking his dagger back and sliding it back into the holster at his hip.

He turned and followed the Guild Master, noting almost instantly his almost steady walk, though the occasional shuffle of a foot belied his alcohol level. Coming to his office, he followed in behind him, shutting the door. He crouched and let a finger run along the crack of the entire door frame, a pitch darkness filling the gap and sealing everything, including light and sound. Once completed he sat across from him, taking a deep breath in. Before he spoke he pulled the crumpled note from his Pocket, placing it on the table and sliding it over to him. The same letter he showed Lloyd, detailing a request of aid from the West while explaining his recruitment activities. Signed the man himself, Lucian Grey.

"On my last Mission I obtained this note along with whispers the dark guild master, Lucian Grey, has in his works a plan. He is recruiting members fast, from all sectors, including numerous high end roles within the Magic Council. But even more troubling he is reaching out towards the forces to the West, and the corrupted government. They have agreed on some sort of alliance. He wishes to wage War on all of Fiore and obliterate the competition. While I am unsure exactly what happened to him after the battle at Malina, it stands to reason his plans are still in place and rolling without his direct involvement." Valken looked somewhat ashamed at this point. "I have yet to aquire the whereabouts of his Guild Headquarters..."

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Sinister Clown
Dakota - Somewhere in the Alvarez Continent

The streets of the city were packed with people, all bustling about in their normal lives. The calls of street vendors could be heard over the din of people talking and other background noise. However Dakota paid little attention to that. He was standing on the corner of a street, seeming watching the people move by, yet not moving himself. A tall and strong built person approached and stood relatively close to him, yet far enough away as not to be associated with him if any were to take notice of the two.

"Reports say that there have been roughly 15 descents since the incident at Malnia. Several in here in Alvarez, but mainly in Fiore and the Northern Territory." The main said, just above a whisper, yet Dakota could hear him just fine as if he were talking in a normal voice.

"Fifteen huh? That sounds a bit much." Dakota responded. "Can your source's accuracy be trusted."

"Yes, he hasn't been wrong before. Not once. So its pretty safe to say that there are 15 people searching for you." The man said, his voice gruff, "So you better stay low. A fight breaks out, a lot of bystanders will die."

"Don't worry, I don't plan on getting caught." Dakota said, and with that, he left the spot he had stood in for near an hour.
Grace and Mizuki -Sabertooth Guildhall-

Mizuki frowned as as the older boy threatened her. Maybe the boy sensed the dark magic flowing throughout her body, or he didn't like the way she was looking at them. The Dark Mage gave him an innocent look and watched as he walked away, quickly making his way over to Grace. Upon arrival she noticed that the girl wasn't as young as she looked, and seemed to be an older teenager. "What do you want?" Grace asked in a rather rude tone, crossing her arms. "No need to be so mean. I'm merely here to talk. Why do you come here?" Grace thought that the girl didn't want her at Sabertooth, much like Gilad. "I want to talk to Masaki. That's it." "Masaki huh? Unfortunately for you he just left." She explained, which Grace replied with a roll of her eyes. "Yeah, I know that." The Dark Mage really didn't like this girls attitude, and decided that she'd put a hex on The short Lamia Sale member. "I can show you where he is. Let me see your hand." Grace was skeptical at first, but after some persuasion finally gave in, stretching out her hand and letting Mizuki's cold fingers wrap around it.

(I hate roleplaying with myself.)
Mitchs98 said:
@Chara Angel of Death @Leo Radomir @LeSoraAmari
Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra had sat silently eating for once, mostly eating the meatbuns that had gone un-accepted by anyone else at the table, watching the events unfold. She'd waved at Grace when she left and couldn't help but feel bad for Millie. Though from the looks of things things were working out, so maybe they would actually get together and she wouldn't have to break the news to her that her and Valken were never dating.

Of course, either way she'd wait until after the festival. Soon after that some depressed girl she recognized from the Malnia mission had came in, apparently wanting to join from the discussion at hand. Maya seemed all to happy to test her too. Soon after that a boy roughly her age burst in, called Maya old, and wanted to..sign in? Weird.

Things happened, leading to both of them being tested. "Me and Corra are gunna watch too!" She suddenly shouted, probably scaring the hell out of anyone un-aware of her prescence. Standing up she situated Corra in her arms so she could be carried instead of tossed down and followed them out of the building.

- Being excited too!

Corra grabbed a meatbun, nonchalauntly nibbling away at it. She enjoyed the taste, but it would never beat squid! Nothing could beat squid! Squid is almighty and shall never be dethroned! Plus dreaming about swimming balls of meat would look weird... Corra really didn't know what to make of that image. Does meat have fins and a tail? She looked around the bun to check, before shrugging and continuing her feasting.

That is before Ferra got excited and standing up with her.

"Corra expresses excitement too!" She called out with a bright smile on her face.
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (Forest)

Chris rammed both the men with the blunt side of his horns. It sent the duo flying into a nearby tree where to two were knocked unconscious. The moment Kelica told Chris to put on some clothes he smiled and turned to her, "Sorry Kelica, this is the only outfit this form has. I can't change clothes, why? Is it too much for you?" Chris then suddenly struck a pose followed by a small moo. He was obviously just messing around with her, the real question was, how were they going to transport the five robbers?

Kelica - South Forest near Magnolia

Kelica kept her eyes averted, the one time though, one time she peeked her eyes through her fingers she spotted him only to blush an even darker shade of red. "For all that is Holy... CHRIS!!" The falcon looked to the girl before tumbling unceremoniously off the pile in a hysterical laughing chirping fit. "Shush Bert!! It's not that he isn't hot I just..." Realising she said that aloud, the bird only rolled around, chirping even louder. Kelica curled up into a ball to try and make herself as small as possible, hoping the ground would swallow her up

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Chris Lengheart (Forest)

Chris had stopped flexing the moment that Kelica said he was hot. Chris let, out a surprised moo as he suddenly released his takeover. He quickly ran over as she curled up into a ball and quickly uncurled her with his own strength. Although Chris didn't seem upset as he smiled and looked at Kelica, "Hot? That's the first time I've gotten that one. Believe or not, I don't get called attractive a lot. Most girls nowadays only care about the type or how strong a guy's magic is. A guy can be the biggest ass on earth, but if they're magic is strong women will launch themselves at the lucky bastard." Chris then helped Kelica up and pointed to the two groups of disabled men. "So, how exactly do you think we should bring these men to the authorities? My takeovers are at your disposal."



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