Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Cinla smiled and said" Alrighty then let's get this party started my circle's almost done so i'll be able to start". After a minute or so a light grey circle formed glowing slightly and some of the earth started to combine with the earth which would make the earth more like star ore than just stones and such which also hurt a lot more because they could move much faster after a few more moments the ore earth changed and cinla pushed it forward and it began to launch from several directions.

@LeSoraAmari @Zefie
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Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Maya stood there quietly, her hands either side of her as he waited for the two to make their move. Her smile turned to a gaze that held a poker face, retaining a look of seriousness in her eyes. She was looking for teamwork, and if these two couldn't work well together then what good would they be in a guild? Teamwork is an essential part of being in a guild, you've got to have each other's backs otherwise you'll all be doomed from the start. She was hoping that Sachiko and Cinla would learn something from the "Maya Test" as she liked to call it, and was pretty certain that it was something the guild members feared. She didn't know why, though...Maya thought she wasn't a scary person in any way whatsoever.

When Cinla began her assault, which was an omnidirectional assault consisting of strange stones embodied with her magical energy. Maya didn't bat an eyelid. She unleashed her magical power, it would've most definitely been felt throughout the guild and perhaps all of Margaret Town. After all, it was the magical power of a Wizard Saint. With a clap of her hands, a large telekinetic energy began to swirl around her body in a spherical motion before expanding and deflecting Cinla's attack. As it expanded, it tore the earth in it's path. Then, dark purple glyphs appeared in front of Mayas hands as a purple mist began to cover the training grounds but more specifically, Cinla and Sachiko. The mist held immense illusionary properties, and was made to lease the duo astray and to target their senses directly. Even so, this was one of Maya's weaker spells, she didn't want to go all out on these dears. After all, this was only a test. Maya didn't say a word as she waited for either of them to make a move.

@Leo Radomir @Zefie @Mitchs98
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Kelica - Streets of Magnolia

Kelica was so busy focusing on Chris she hardly noticed Sora move her and heal her leg till it was done. "Thank you... " she mumbled before looking to them both cutting into him as well as pinning him. "Is the cutting really necessary?.." Now she just felt terrible and useless, almost close to tears. But she heard him speak up and stood quickly, rushing over to him, standing before him. A moment later Sora was on his back. She was too focused on Chris though. "A.. are you alright? You can talk now?" hearing he was in control now and making a smile if not a sad one. "I don't know what to say... I'm sorry.. "

@Isune @Kyuubey @Salt Lord
Valken - Streets away from Lamia Scale HQ

Valken nodded with the question and turned back around to continue his walk, letting Grace walk beside him. "Will do." talking about leaving the silly talk for Millie. He reached a hand up in the air, popping his shoulder as he did. Before clenching and unclenching his fist. "I have to speak to Sir Arcturus once I get there though, so it may be wise to find this Masaki fellow and take it outside. While I don't believe Sir Arcturus will reprimand me, he may be displeased at you two." Glancing to the girl at his side. "You really like this fellow eh? Why is that?"

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari (mentioned) @Colt556 (mentioned)
LeSoraAmari said:
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Training Grounds
Maya stood there quietly, her hands either side of her as he waited for the two to make their move. Her smile turned to a gaze that held a poker face, retaining a look of seriousness in her eyes. She was looking for teamwork, and if these two couldn't work well together then what good would they be in a guild? Teamwork is an essential part of being in a guild, you've got to have each other's backs otherwise you'll all be doomed from the start. She was hoping that Sachiko and Cinla would learn something from the "Maya Test" as she liked to call it, and was pretty certain that it was something the guild members feared. She didn't know why, though...Maya thought she wasn't a scary person in any way whatsoever.

When Cinla began her assault, which was an omnidirectional assault consisting of strange stones embodied with her magical energy. Maya didn't bat an eyelid. She unleashed her magical power, it would've most definitely been felt throughout the guild and perhaps all of Margaret Town. After all, it was the magical power of a Wizard Saint. With a clap of her hands, a large telekinetic energy began to swirl around her body in a spherical motion before expanding and deflecting Cinla's attack. As it expanded, it tore the earth in it's path. Then, dark purple glyphs appeared in front of Mayas hands as a purple mist began to cover the training grounds but more specifically, Cinla and Sachiko. The mist held immense illusionary properties, and was made to lease the duo astray and to target their senses directly. Even so, this was one of Maya's weaker spells, she didn't want to go all out on these dears. After all, this was only a test. Maya didn't say a word as she waited for either of them to make a move.

@Leo Radomir @Zefie @Mitchs98
Cinla began to feel a little weird but remembers a her spell for this type stuff and says" I hate this kind of magic lucky for you Sachiko i'm the type that can nullify this type of stuff". Cinla presses her hands together and then shouts" Purification" a large light blue orb quickly appears and starts to suck all of the gas from around the training ground up while the waves from the orb pulse through both their body's quickly smashing out any the effects that might happen to them if cinla had left it
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Sachiko - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Sachiko watched both of them carefully... they would have to work in a team effort, well that was before Maya unleashed some form of mist, purple from the looks of it. The one thing that crossed his minds was if it was lethal or not was it poisonous or some sort of trickery. But, then something came to him... there were loads more possibilities if this person could use illusions to there advantage, there was no telling what kind of situation could be caused. For all he knew, they might could make the illusions real towards them.. or perhaps, they would be striking wildly into the random.

What could the qualities be? Just by being in it? Breathing it in? While deep in thought he heard Cinla begin to talk about how she could nullify the mist. He didn't know what to believe about that but heard her yell out a word 'Purification' and then.. some orb the mist just got sucked all into it. What kind of ability was that anyway? Mist.. just taken away in a matter of seconds. Either Cinla was powerful in her own right, or Maya was playing around...probably both.

Sachiko got down on his knees and place his hand onto the ground. "I don't think I could've defended us from that without causing a lot of vulnerability..." All was quiet on his end, but soon enough it happened. The ground beneath Maya would soon turn to quicksand, only a lot more tougher to get out of and sinking a lot faster. But, whether she'd get caught in it is another matter. In fact, right now it would appear Sachiko's ability is making and manipulating sand, although that is far from the truth. He'd have to be on his guard more in fact, finding a way to empower her attacks, or... maybe distract the enemy long enough for a real blow.

The visible look on his face, however, showed he was having way to much restraint it was a practice match, something he was taking very highly in mind with the layout of abilities he was choosing. Keeping Cinla out of trouble, but also trying not to injure anyone.. a contradiction that may not work if they had any hope of putting a decent fight.

@LeSoraAmari @Leo Radomir
Alfie - Top of Fairy Tail Guild Hall

By the time Chris took control of his full takeover, Alfie wasn't even there to witness it. He had been in his shortcut, wondering what he'd do about the Lacrima he'd wasted. The wizard took the gem back out of his pocket and looked at its new glow. I'd still like to know how Chris ignored that... but at the same time, I'm glad it didn't affect him. Alfie held the gem in the air, and with a swift motion from his other hand, another Lacrima was pulled out of it, but the glow in the gem had now faded. Putting the gem back in his pocket, the mage walked over to where the previous Lacrima would be and replaced it with a new one. The void around him began to distort, its image replaced with the reality of standing high yet hidden on top of the Guild Hall. "And now we wait for the festival."
Jaymes - Destroyed Forest

Jaymes grunted his approval of getting the villagers to safety. He walked over and laid a hand upon the dome that protected them, using his magic to alter Winter's. The ice crackled a moment before bursting into tiny ice crystals that evaporated into nothing. There he informed them that they were safe for the moment and that they would escort them to a village. Jaymes didn't have much energy, and his posture and demeanor showed it. But he didn't care if he seemed rude.

@Salt Lord @ScarlettRose16

(Destroyed isn't in or near Malnia. Its in a remote location with a single small town surrounded by mountains and forests)
Grace- Lamia Scale- On the road to Sabertooth

Grace did a little first bump when Valken agreed to let her come to Sabertooth. As nice as the guildhall was, the girl always loved to get out and explore. Plus she's never actually been to the Sabertooth Guildhall let alone the city it was in. That's another reason she joined a guild in the first place; exploring new places and kicking ass. When asked about why she liked Masaki so much, Grace was very quick to answer. "Besides the fact that he's really cute, we've gone through a lot together. We've stolen from this old guys personal office, killed a dragon together, fought a dark Mage together, the list goes on. I just have a really strong bond with him." What made her curious is when she was told that the Sabertooth Guildmaster might not like their relationship. She didn't see why that'd be such a big deal. It's not like they saw each other all the time. "Why wouldn't their Guildmaster like it? We aren't killing anyone..."

Zefie said:
Sachiko - Lamia Scale Training Grounds
Sachiko watched both of them carefully... they would have to work in a team effort, well that was before Maya unleashed some form of mist, purple from the looks of it. The one thing that crossed his minds was if it was lethal or not was it poisonous or some sort of trickery. But, then something came to him... there were loads more possibilities if this person could use illusions to there advantage, there was no telling what kind of situation could be caused. For all he knew, they might could make the illusions real towards them.. or perhaps, they would be striking wildly into the random.

What could the qualities be? Just by being in it? Breathing it in? While deep in thought he heard Cinla begin to talk about how she could nullify the mist. He didn't know what to believe about that but heard her yell out a word 'Purification' and then.. some orb the mist just got sucked all into it. What kind of ability was that anyway? Mist.. just taken away in a matter of seconds. Either Cinla was powerful in her own right, or Maya was playing around...probably both.

Sachiko got down on his knees and place his hand onto the ground. "I don't think I could've defended us from that without causing a lot of vulnerability..." All was quiet on his end, but soon enough it happened. The ground beneath Maya would soon turn to quicksand, only a lot more tougher to get out of and sinking a lot faster. But, whether she'd get caught in it is another matter. In fact, right now it would appear Sachiko's ability is making and manipulating sand, although that is far from the truth. He'd have to be on his guard more in fact, finding a way to empower her attacks, or... maybe distract the enemy long enough for a real blow.

The visible look on his face, however, showed he was having way to much restraint it was a practice match, something he was taking very highly in mind with the layout of abilities he was choosing. Keeping Cinla out of trouble, but also trying not to injure anyone.. a contradiction that may not work if they had any hope of putting a decent fight.

Cinla quickly shift hand and several orange chains with weird looking tips launched from the ground toward maya but half way through the vanished like they had run out of juice but the reapered in a box formation what they did only cinla knows that but it would help them that's for sure. Cinla quickly presses her hands into the ground gold circles start to form and the air in the training ground starts to crackle from the gate being summoned.

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Ophelia - Destroyed Forest

Jaymes had been completely exhausted from the training and demons, and it showed clearly through his posture and attitude. "On second thought, Jaymes, let me do it. You look like you could take a rest. The training can wait." With a swift swing of her blades, a small train made completely of hard water formed out of the blue. "All aboard!" she shouted as she stepped into what would be the control room. One by one, the victims of the demons stepped into the carts of the train, each one having fancy makeshift furniture and even cups of normal water. "Enjoy this free luxurious train ride straight from a forest to Magnolia! It may be the last one you'll ever get... From me, anyway."

@Arvis90 @ScarlettRose16
Chris Lengheart (Magnolia)

Chris watched as Kelica standing before him. Once she started talking to him, Chris stopped giving Sora the horsie ride from hell as he smiled (which was semi-scare due to the fact that a fanged smile is never pretty),"It's okay. I'm in control now and the whole guild didn't have to take me down this time." Chris then began to nuzzle Kelica with his snout without thinking, it felt like the beast's equivalent of a hug.

@Zuka @Kyuubey
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Watching as Cinla dealt with the majority of the illusionary mist, Maya chuckled to herself. That spell wasn't even anything worth stressing about, it was a weak illusion compared to what Maya could really create. She didn't intend on going all out unless absolutely necessary, besides, it wouldn't be good for these two if she did. Noticing the quicksand beginning to form at her feet she quickly evaded the attack with relative ease and then watched as Cinla formed some strange construct out of orange chains. Was the girl only doing this for show? Because it didn't impress Maya whatsoever. With a chuckle, she whipped up an illusionary mist that made her vanish from site. Making her way behind the pair and making the illusionary cloak that masked her presence vanished, she clasped her hands together and made three illusionary clones of herself and launched her attack, each clone mimicking her perfectly. Thrusting her palms forward, a large telekinetic blast was sent launching towards both Sachiko and Cinla at a frightening speed alongside two other telekinetic blasts that were fakes. But the difference couldn't be made between the three and it looked real.The blast brought about destruction in its wake, and wasn't something that could be avoided without getting unscathed. The two illusionary blasts wouldn't cause any damage upon impact, but the question is. Which one is the real blast?

Maya liked toying with people, and was interested to see how they would react to this.

@Leo Radomir @Zefie
Sachiko - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Sachiko was afraid of this, three telekinetic blasts coming towards them at freakishly fast speed. Of course, there was only one thing he could manage at a time like this, and that was defense. It wasn't easy telling which one was the real one, and nor did he have such an ability to be able to do so. It was a risky situation one of the real ones could be coming after either of them and only time to shield one of them. Taking a sigh, he placed his hand upon the ground, and began to work.

First a layer of stone, as the earth began to rumble it wrapped around Cinla like a medium sized sphere, a second layer of earth transmuted into metal, and finally wrapped in earth mixed with remnants of Cinla's previous 'Star ore' a hardened shell, but hopefully it would at least reduce the damage should the true one be aimed towards her. That just left himself, and whether the projectile was a fake or real ..if any were fake.. he'd have to leave to chance. Not having enough time to shield himself as well he put his arms in front of his body, and braced for impact, of course, he was somewhat trembling as well expecting it to hurt a lot.

@Leo Radomir @LeSoraAmari
The chains reappeared and quickly began to reform a barrier giving them a far better chance of of taking less damage from the then circle fully activated

Zefie said:
Sachiko - Lamia Scale Training Grounds
Sachiko was afraid of this, three telekinetic blasts coming towards them at freakishly fast speed. Of course, there was only one thing he could manage at a time like this, and that was defense. It wasn't easy telling which one was the real one, and nor did he have such an ability to be able to do so. It was a risky situation one of the real ones could be coming after either of them and only time to shield one of them. Taking a sigh, he placed his hand upon the ground, and began to work.

First a layer of stone, as the earth began to rumble it wrapped around Cinla like a medium sized sphere, a second layer of earth transmuted into metal, and finally wrapped in earth mixed with remnants of Cinla's previous 'Star ore' a hardened shell, but hopefully it would at least reduce the damage should the true one be aimed towards her. That just left himself, and whether the projectile was a fake or real ..if any were fake.. he'd have to leave to chance. Not having enough time to shield himself as well he put his arms in front of his body, and braced for impact, of course, he was somewhat trembling as well expecting it to hurt a lot.

@Leo Radomir @LeSoraAmari
The star cats burst from the ground and quickly went after the clones and with in a few moments they had caught up and aiming to attack them from different angles. The chains reappeared in front of sachiko quickly formed a much much bigger beast that would take a good brunt of the damage from the attack. In the mean time cinla starts to power up so that when the she breaks she can try and rush my and at least get a few hits in.
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Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Second Floor

"Ah," Lloyd nodded, a pleased smile on his face. "Nice meeting you, Lana. I'm Lloyd, from... wait. Actually, the Guild Master for this guild. Seems like you've come to the right person then," he added, ignoring his slip-up earlier. Only time he ever did introduce himself as Guild Master was when he was in his own Guild Hall, which probably caused some confusing to people outside. "It's fine," he said cheerfully, accepting her apology while declining her marshmallow. "You'd probably enjoy that more than I would. I don't usually like sweet stuff. So, why do you want to join Lamia Scale?"

While waiting for her answer, he took a quick peek downstairs. Maya was nowhere to be seen, which was unfortunate, because she was usually the one who insisted on testing potential recruits. It was usually a Lamia Scale tradition to test potential recruits and Maya had wanted to be in charge of that. Truth be told, Lloyd was quite relieved to not have to test recruits because meant that he would not be able to finish his paper work on time. That, along with all the regional meetings that Guild Masters had to attend... who would have known that paperwork of all things would have taken over his life as Guild Master.

"Well," he said with a shrug. "Seems that the person usually running our tests is nowhere to be seen, so it looks like I'll be running your test myself. If you choose to accept, I can take you to the Lamia Scale training ground, where we can get started."

@Lana Valentine
Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Second Floor

Lana placed the gooey marshmallow into her mouth and began to chew it up quickly then sighed afterward looking at Lloyd, "My father suggested I join a guild and that it would broaden my horizons in magic and the world, so I came here." She said in full blown honesty, her hands placing themselves within her coat.

Lana thought of his offer to test her abilities before nodding her head slightly, "If you mean a Duel I would not mind though I admit to being nervous," She said not appearing nervous outwardly but, on the inside slowly losing her collected thoughts again.

She began to wonder if this was one of the many reasons her father sent her away, a change from her usual comfort zone. She realized she could easily add more social interactions which she generally struggled with and various other possibilities. She reached up to her length of blue hair and began to twirl some of it around her finger while she waited to be led to the training hall.

femjapanriceball said:
Bizma walked in, chuckling. "I'm glad that you're doing well, Miss Sora," she said calmly. Only, a few minutes later, the ground shook. Sora went outside to....fight....she assumed. Bizma sighed, sitting down and attempting to ignore it. This is just your regular day in Fairy Tail.....and exactly what I signed up for.....
".......Hello, Miss Clair,"
she said, attempting to start a conversation. "H-how have you been faring?"


---Erin Angelfish---

Lamia Scale Guild Hall - F2 - Around Lloyd's Office

Erin strolled down the halls, his sheets dragged slightly against the floor. Some would say he was eavesdropping, though, he wouldn't.

"Hey, Lolo, you're gonna run a test...?" He placed his hands on his hips, the Trident was loosely in his right-handed grip, "Can I watch?!" He practically shouted, he slightly bounced on the spot.

His grin was wide and happy, he'd been out doing missions for such a long duration of time; he thought it'd be nice to not only have some fun, but, see his Guild Master in action.

@HuorSpinks @Lana Valentine
Lana's eyes gazed down at the newcomer, her face twitched slightly into a small smile though it quickly turned into a frown, "Is he a part of the guild? It seems you are filled with children," She had finished the last part of her comment in a low voice her fingers once more pinching the bridge of her nose.

She then made herself smile a little forcing it upon herself somewhat, "It's a pleasure to meet you though, hopefully we can be friends if I get in," She said her inner nervous doing loops somewhat.

@HuorSpinks @Goldencurls

Sora Marvell - Sleeping atop Chris - Magnolia

It would seem Sora had drifted off upon the beast and into dream land, which was quite evident from the trail of fresh drool along the side of her face. " I'm going to be.... " She mumbled, sentence trailing off, fidgeting around in her slumber atop of Chris before the end of it was sleepily yet confidently revealed, " A mighty cake dragon slayer... " A small hand raised up to grasp one of her pigtails, tugging on it as her face practically squished itself into the scales. No clue how cake and dragon slaying had managed to become something her mind was stuck on, but dreams never tended to make much sense anyhow! The whole day had tuckered the small girl out since she'd spent most of it cheering everyone up, running about, and baking for the hungriest mouths in all of Earthland. Oh, and chasing down a fire spitting beast only to subdue him, be subdued herself by a pink clad pervert, and find herself now here; vulnerable and asleep. What an eventful day!

@Isune @Zuka @Salt Lord
Kelica - Magnolia Streets

Kelicas smile then brightened up her entire face, seeing he was in control now. The fangs didn't even faze her, and as he came in with his snout, she wrapped her arms around his big head.... "oh thank goodness... I should have listened to you and not pushed you.. then Alfie rode in to help with his wire string, then Sora with her tornado...I hope your not hurting to much.. "

@Isune @Salt Lord @Kyuubey
Valken - Streets leading away from Lamia Scale HQ

Valken put his own hands behind his head, elbows pointed to the sky. "hmm... well Sir Arcturus doesn't seem the type to condone it but you never know... I have seen stranger things." Getting to the edge of town, catching the closest train to where they needed to go. He found a booth for them both, putting his feet up on the seat opposite, head leaning against the window glass. Closing his eyes for a quick nap. He wasn't really used to travelling with people, doing 90% solo mission so he can get in and out silently.

Chris Lengheart (Magnolia)

Chris smiled once again as Kelica wrapped her arms around his head. "Believe me, I've been through much worse. This is nothing." Chris said as he suddenly felt something dripping down his sides. He looked back and saw that Sora had fallen asleep on his back. The beast then suddenly reverted back to normal Chris, with a few noticeable cuts around his mouth and arms, but now had Sora on him piggyback style. He gave her a lift back to her house. He opened the door and placed her down on a chair. Chris then silently left the room before reverting back to his beast form. He did seem to hesitate slightly as he changed back. Luckily Chris still had control the massive beast smiled as he looked down at Kelica, "Looks like this is a permanent thing. Thank you."

@Kyuubey @Zuka
Grace -Lamia Scale - On a choo choo

Grace didn't quite understand what the Guildmaster had against love, but she really hoped that he didn't give her a hard time about it. Fortunately it seemed that the two had reached the train station, meaning that the trip was soon over. It was a short one, only one train ride standing between her and Masaki. She thanked Valken for buying her a ticket and took her seat in the booth, laying down across the seat and closing her eyes. Hopefully by sleeping it would cut the time down.

(I'm assuming next post we will arrive?)


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