Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kelica - Outside Sora's House

Kelica watched intently as he transformed back, noticing the cuts straight away but he didn't seem time be in pain. When he disappeared into the house to drop Sora off, she watched him return and transformed back, hands tensed ready for the onslaught. But nothing... She made a soft phew. "It really is an impressive Beast form.." running her hands over his shoulder, feeling the scales and watching his hair blow on the wind. Before jerking her hand back. She had a habit of simply doing rather then thinking, like when she had upgraded Lloyds bow without permission. As he stood there, tall and proud, she made a soft giggle. "My Father would be proud.... you'd make an excellent Guardian Soldier of the Forest. Perhaps you'd like to stay with me and team up on missions nyeh?" It was like having her own beast companion and that was pretty cool.

Valken - All aboard the train to Hell

Valken yawned heavily as he felt Grace lie down, he was spreading over the gap between the seats, while she had nestled lengthways on the seat opposite him, her head leaning against his legs. He peeked an eye open to her and gave a weirdly nice smile. He was always so used to being cheeky he hid his normal protectiveness from prying eyes.

The primary reason he didn't allow Millie the tag along was simply because it would be far to hard to protect her. That's why he felt she was in capable hands of Maya. Grace was slightly different and if he didn't allow her to come she would have simply made her own way. This way he could keep her safe. He would never hear the end of it from Lloyd and Maya if something befell her.

His eyes drifting closed to nap once more, before a soft bump meant arriving at their destination. He groaned and rubbed an eye, running a hand through his now even messier hair. "Looks like we made it girly.. Upsee daisy's... " pulling his legs from under her head, standing tall and stretching his arms to the roof, with another pop or two in his shoulders.

Grace -Lamia Scale - Sabertooth City

Grace had a fairly peaceful sleep the entire ride over. As awkward as it was, Valken's legs were very comfortable and did a very sufficient job at being a pillow. She wondered if the S-class Mage minded it, not that it would mover her or anything. Her head was down and there to stay until arrival. It took her a few minutes, but the girl finally fell asleep.

Her dreams weren't anything special and were interrupted rather suddenly when her head head against the seat of the train, causing Grace to jump up in surprise. After listening to an unsettling Pop, she decided that the duo had finally arrived. She trusted Valken to lead her off the train and towards the Sabertooth Guildhall seeing as the short girl had never been to these parts before, so she followed anxiously behind him.
"Hey, let's get there as fast as we can. I'm such of moving slow. I need to go fast." She said, punching his back lightly to hopefully make him move faster.


Chris Lengheart (Magnolia)

Chris was a bit surprised by Kelica stroke his scales. The beast seemed to partially enjoy the attention. Chris smiled as he suddenly ran underneath Kelica,"Why not? I could use a job, I still gotta make payments on the house." And with that, Chris charged down the street once again with Kelica on his back. It was clear he was headed towards the semi-rebuilt guildhall. Chris was sure that he saw a few good jobs available.

Valken - Crocus City - Fast paced walking to the Sabertooth Guild Hall

Valken lead them off the train and was walking at a pretty laid back pace, till Grace was behind him pushing him closer, he looked over his shoulder and rolled his eyes at her. The city was large and fairly industrial with the main streets flooded with people, at this point Valken grasped Grace's hand to lead her to through the crowds. He was swift, maneuvering in and out, around the people, coming to a darker side of town and the big Sabertooth Guild Hall. Finally reaching the front doors, he let go of Grace's hand but stood infront of her. "Keep close to me.. " he said with a very serious tone. Back straightened as he pushed the doors open. He kept an air of importance about him which made people in the guild hall mostly ignore him, or step aside as he strode straight towards the back of the Guild and the Bar. Spotting Sir Arcturus himself, he was hard to miss really as his presence was so strong. But Valken didn't cower in the slightest. He came up behind and to the side of the Guild Master. He took a deep bow, one arm crossed his chest, the other tucked against his back. "Sir Gilad Arcturus, Guild Master to the Sabertooth Guild... I request a moment of your time.. " He always had deep respect for mages stronger then him, but not in a butt-kissing nature. Deep purple eyes still to the ground.

@Kayzo @Colt556
Grace - Lamia Scale - Crocus City

Grace kept close to Valken as they made their way through Crocus city. She was actually very surprised at how busy the city was during this time of year. Sure, her home city was pretty busy, but nothing close to this. Good thing Valken took her hand or the short girl would easily get lost in the world of tall people. In a short amount of time the two swiftly made their way to the Sabertooth Guildhall, an excited feeling filling up the girl. She could finally be reunited with Masaki. "Yeah, I'll stay close. But once I see Masaki I'm off." She warned, following Valken inside the guild. Upon entering the first thing she noticed was the mess. It seemed that a fight had broken out, supposedly a friendly fight or recruitment? Not many people tried to join Lamia Scale, so she wasn't used to having a messy hall. She didn't pay much attention to Gilad or Valken, her eyes scanning the area for Masaki. Hopefully he'd actually see her beside her guildmate and not be blocked by his body.

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari
Kelica - Running back to Fairytale Guild Hall

Kelica gasped when he basically flipped her up and onto his back, clinging to the hair on his neck to hold herself. Now that his movements weren't so erratic, it was easier to support herself and hold on with confidence. A huge smile plastered on her face as the wind whipped her hair around. "This... this is AMAZING!" laughing like a maniac. Bring on the bandits, the bad doers, even dragons themselves!!


Zephyr - Aboard the train to Magnolia!

Zephyr had casually strolled past the two mages from Lamia Scale, giving them a rather puzzled look before he shrugged nonchalantly and went back to playing with the lollipop in his mouth. Hair decided to obscure his vision once more as he finally gazed at the train station, taking no time to purchase two tickets; and there was the catch. Why would he need two? A mischievous smile played at his lips as he boarded the train and found two unoccupied seats next to one another, plopping down in the window seat to feel more distanced from other people, not too concerned with what they'd think about his next stunt though. A book appeared in his lap, taken from his pocket as he held his hand out near the seat next to him, a weird watery-like colored substance enveloping his entire hand before the space around him seemed to almost tug. The same feeling would be hitting Masaki right now, his whole body being pulled into a void and then blinking out of existence to reappear on the train beside him to be deposited into the seat. Zephyr let out a subtle yawn, offering him a smirk as he placed the ticket onto his lap. " I brought reading material. " He held out a rather old looking book that covered more into depth on lost magic, knowing the red head was intrigued with it. And with that the train took off, the boys headed to Magnolia for the festival, among other things.

Chris Lengheart (Fairytail HQ)

Chris finally made it to Fairytail as the massive beast stood up and once again became Chris. He now had Kelica clinging to his shirt as he stepped into the guild hall and walked directly to the job board. He crouched down a little as he smiled, "Alright Kelica, I'll let you pick the job."

@Salt Lord (if you want your character to jump in to join the job?) @Zuka
Kelica - Fairytale Guild Hall, Job Board

Kelica blinked and clung like a leech to Chris's back, knees tucked into his sides and thighs holding on tightly, arms looped loosely against his neck. "Oh.. ahh...let's see... " reaching over his shoulder to pick one with a reasonable reward. She probably got odd looks from the Guild Members inside the hall, being this girl basically piggybacking a man. "Bandits; we can ruffle up some bandits nyeh?" being only a C-class, it was great to team up with an A-class to take on more advanced missions, and hone her skills along the way. She shoved the piece of paper infront of his face. "See? Just to the woods south of here... "

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Sasuke Haishen, Sabertooth Saint's private quaters

Sasuke let out an obnoxious yawn, stretching his arms out in his rather luxurious bed, the silk blankets and sheets were exactly to Sasuke's amusement. Feeling that he is 'such' a high figure within the Magic Council and even for the Sabertooth guild he felt that he needed to be provided with the best human living quality as well as any other pleasantries which came with it. His body seemed to levitate up from the bed as he awoke, he didn't even seem to realize it until he opened his eyes in which he just simply allowed himself to lazily stand back down on the ground. His arms dangling down and two black sags under his eyes, it was obvious that Sasuke was still tired. After a few more stretches he got up, and floated out of the door in a lazy fashion.

'Isn't there meant to be some festival on soon?' he wondered to himself as he gradually made his way towards the Sabertooth guild hall. He figured that he would be able to find out more information there from other member's of the guild and who knew, he could get caught up in something interesting.

@Anyone at Sabertooth guild HQ

Chris Lengheart (Job board at Fairytail)

Chris smiled as he yanked the poster off the wall. He stared at the job for a moment, a B ranking. It was a bit high for Kelica, but since she'd have Chris with her...it was a decent amount of jewels. "Alright, let's do this. You're gonna have to walk, I'm a bit tired from being under full takeover for so long. Let's go, most thieves who hide in the forest normally try to rob whoever they want. Let's go." Chris then lowered Kelica off his back and began to walk towards the forest.

Kelica - Fairytail Job Board

Kelica felt him bend down to put her feet against the ground, taking up her own weight once more, she straightened and twisted her hips to loosen up her joints. As he left the hall she followed suit, hands behind her back and taking a deep breath in. "Wonder if I could practice some partial Take-Over magic in the coming mission? I actually have no offensive abilities so it would be nice to be able to help the driving force." finger on her chin, thinking deeply. "I should look at training with a weapon, the question is what? Something wooden would be preferrable.. maybe bow and arrows like Lloyd or Alfie... or maybe something more like a staff... " looking to human Chris at her side. "What do you think?"

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Jaymes - Destroyed Forest

Jaymes looked at the girl as she said she would help them out, and a moment later, a water constructed train was created, incredibly detailed and must cost a huge amount of magic power to sustain. However, looking at the train made Jaymes' stomach start to churn rapid and unpleasantly, and a couple of seconds later, his skin was already taking on a slight sheen of green. "I feel sick just looking at that thing." Jaymes said, and backed away. "No way I am getting on tha-" Jaymes was cut off as the villagers pushed him from behind, eager to get on the train and get the hell out of these cursed woods. Jaymes tried move out of the way, but the villagers were surprisingly strong in their panicked state. "Hey, knock it off!" Jaymes called out, "Don't make my knock some of your heads together!" Yet before he knew it, he was on the train, and his motion sickness really took over. "This is the thanks I get?!" Jaymes said, his head out the window.

@Salt Lord @ScarlettRose16
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Ophelia - Train to Magnolia

Ophelia looked back at Jaymes from out of her window as the water-built train slowly chugged, gaining speed as it moved. "Wanna fly there instead?" With a swift movement of her hand, the water Jaymes stood on transformed into a catapult, the roof edging itself out of the way. "Not to be a jerk, but aside from catapulting, a train is the fastest way to get to Magnolia... and I sure as hell ain't walkin'." The floor under the dragon slayer sunk down almost to the point of touching the moving ground, the catapult gaining full launching power. If Ophelia had decided to release now, Jaymes would be flying faster than the fastest train in Earth Land. But she would leave that up to the slayer.

"Partial takeover could work...that is if you ever learn it right. Either that or a bow or even a spear might work." Chris said as he continued walking into the forest. Chris then did something that seemed pretty smart, he loosened his jewel bag so when he walked, a small ching could be heard coming from his pockets. It was almost irresistible to most theives who heard the sound of a mostly full jewel bag. He smiled as he patted Kelica's head. "Don't worry though, you still have me to protect you. I'm sure we'll get this job done in no time."

Jaymes - Destroyed Forest

Jaymes didn't know what to do when he felt the water he was on begin to change shape. Was the girl already getting tired? He didn't know or care at the moment as the motion sickness got kicked up a notch thanks to the unexpected movement. The the catapult formed under him, and girl's voice traveled back about him being flung back to Magnolia. He was about to make a sarcastic remark like "Sure beats riding on this crap," but he decided to keep his comment to himself and instead shout. "No no, don't worry about me..."

@Salt Lord
Kelica - South Forest near Magnolia

She nodded, a spear could work. The thought of a tall staff to keep her distance from foes was a welcome thought. She suddenly remembered her Mother had been proficient in fire twirling, using a medium sized fire stick. While Kelica had no fire magic, she could learn how to twirl a staff, that was heavier and longer then a normal baton length pole. Heavier, more damage. Or stun perhaps at the right angle. As her mind was elsewhere she felt him pat her head and and blinked, glancing up. "Well yeah, but I won't always have someone at my back so it would be a good skill to learn. Besides, no one will promote a C-class mage with no magical prowess." noticing the coin purse dangling and grinning. Her eyes snapped to the right as a Falcon landed on a low branch, tilting it's head at them and making a sharp squark. Kelica nodded, looking to Chris. "two on the left behind the tree line, three scattered on our right. The falcon also says they have an encampment nearby, where they have kept all the treasure they have stolen. They take a portion into town every day to sell." Well at least Kelica was good for battle ground information, using the trees and animals as scouts.

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Chris Lengheart (Forest)

Chris nodded as Kelica told him about the position of the thieves. Chris seemingly smiled as he continued to walk in their direction, he didn't want to take the offensive, if he did they'd most likely run off. For now the man simply walked down the path with both his arms gripping the back of his head as the soft ching of his jewels could be heard. Chris seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

Kelica - South Forest near Magnolia.

Kelica attempted not to look to the surrounding trees for fear of spoking the thieves. The falcon was hoping from tree to tree above with an agitated little flap of it's wings, making fast chittering and squarking. She glanced to it again with a roll of her eyes. She leaned into Chris with a whisper "So our new friend, the ball of feathers up there, has asked if he could help attack the thieves....he says he's bored..." and almost on cue the two thieves from the left jumped out towards them, weapons posed to attack. Kelica barely even flinched, almost ignored them as they gestured to Chris's coin purse. "So I was thinking it would be cool to partial take over wings... " The thieves glanced to one another wondering why she was ignoring them.

Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

He downed his seventh glass of alcohol, the bottle he had obtained now sitting empty on the bar counter. With the various members of the guild either off on their own adventures or socializing among one another he was free to enjoy his solitude. That solitude was soon broken as he noticed a man approach him and offer a bow as the lad asked for a moment of his time. He turned to face the man, giving him a quick once-over. Perhaps another recruit? His gaze drifted to the girl that had accompanied him, recognizing her from Malnia. If he recalled correctly she was one of Master Kirby's kids, which means there was a strong chance this boy was also from Lamia Scale. It wasn't every day that members of another guild would pay them a visit, let alone ask for him personally. He gestured to the empty stool beside him as he turned back to the counter. "And what might a member of Lamia Scale need of me?"

The girl that had accompanied the Lamia Scale lad seemed to hold little interest in either of them. He had noted that her gaze was darting around the main hall, as if searching for something. He had not seen her fight at Malnia but as far as he was aware she was a fairly weak member of her guild. He also seemed to recall something about one of Kirby's girls hitting it off with Masaki. It wasn't hard to put two and two together and so, without even bothering to face her, he spoke up. "If you are looking for Masaki you will not find him. Unfortunately for you he was just whisked away." He hoped this information would pacify the girl, as having someone from another guild eagerly searching his own left a sour taste in his mouth. With that out of the way he looked back at the boy, curious as to what he had to say.


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Valken - Sabertooth Guild Hall, Bar

Valken heard him speak and stood up straight once more, glancing briefly to Grace with the new information that her love interest had left. Although that was a tough break, there was much more pressing issues he had to discuss. Sitting himself beside the Guild Master with a grin.

"Reports don't lie.. you recognised I was from Lamia Scale even before introducing myself." Though he figured if the man had eyeballs he could very well see the huge Lamia Scale symbol stretched over the neck and shoulder closest to him. "My name is Valken and I have some pressing issues to discuss. Sir Kirby insisted I come straight here to inform you on my Intel. You see... I have gifts in acquiring information and while I was on my last mission I have discovered grave news." His face hardened as he looked to the bar. Then looked over his shoulder. "It would not be wise to speak of these issues in public." As if to emphasis the importance of the issue, Valken lowered his voice so that only Master Arcturus could hear. "It is about the Dark Guild, Grimore Heart, and their leader Lucian Gray. " His gaze turning to the man, face showing how serious he was.

Clair Fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Magnolia , Sora's house

Clair was waiting for a reply from the Fairytale wizard when Chris arrived in he a fast asleep Sora.Chris placed her in one of the seats and left without a single word , you know because that's apparently the norm in Magnolia nowadays.Clair couldn't help but burst out laughing when she heard him leave , tears began to form in her eyes and her stomach ached "w.what just happened". She continued laughing for a while before calming down and wiping the tears from her eyes "Fairytale , number one wizard guild in all of Fiore".

Clair smiled and got up from her seat to go get another slice of cake from the kitchen , "hey Sora if you don't mind me taking all the cake i want say noting ok , ok"

@femjapanriceball @Kyuubey
Chris Lengheart (south Forest)

Chris only chuckled as the two bandits jumped out. "You're gonna rob me with those things?" He shouted to them as he continued to walk towards them. He was sure that the other three would jump out when they heard their friend screamimg, espically if it was brave prey. Chris continued walking to them, expecting them to call their friends so he could collect them with ease.

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Second Floor

Lloyd nodded. "I see," he said simply, in response to the reason she gave as to why she sort out a guild to join. Lana was polite, at least, yet he could not quite tell how well she would fit within the guild. There were all types of people within the guild really, and he could see her creating for herself a niche within the guild. But the thing about being in a guild, however, was how well one worked with other people. Whether they could be depended upon, trusted in the heat of battle to work together as a team. It was true that many times, mages worked solo, but a few times, it had been necessary to form teams. Like what happened in Malnia. It was still far too early to tell if this girl would be a good team player, a single interview would not cut it. Plus, he still needed to test her abilities. To see if she was strong enough.

"I'd say nervousness is pretty normal in such circumstances," he added. Heck, his hands had been shaking at his own test into Lamia Scale membership. "Anyway, the training grounds are right this way..."

Just as he took a step forward, Erin, another Lamia Scale member, appeared almost directly behind them, his sheets dragging on the floor. "Hey Erin," he greeted cheerfully, with a jaunty wave of his hand. He had not seen Erin in quite a while, he had assumed that Erin had been off doing missions, like what most guild members usually did. "I take it your latest mission was a success then?"

He had to frown, however, at Lana's reaction to Erin. That... was not a promising sign, even if she did manage to revert back to her polite behaviour. It seemed that that politeness could be a mask to something else, perhaps a disdain for certain types of people. "Erin is indeed a Lamia Scale member," Lloyd said, a touch of sternness in his own voice. "Lamia Scale is a guild comprised of many personality types. If you wish to join this guild, you will have to learn to work with people different from you." Much like life in general, he had come to realise.

He turned back to Erin. "Sorry," he said, an apologetic smile on his face. "I'm not quite sure if Lana would be comfortable with having you witness her test. At least, that was the impression he had gotten based on her reaction to Erin. "Though I suppose, if she is fine with it, then you may join us."

And with that, he began leading the way to the training grounds.

@Lanalover2202 @Goldencurls
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