Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kelica - South Magnolia Forest

Kelica was grumbling more to herself, and as he uncurled her she took that opportunity to simply dust herself off and try and forget what had happened. She whirled on the bird still laughing manically in bird squarks. "Shut up Bert!! Birds my gosh... always making fun and being annoying.... " Looking over to the two groups of bandits. She walked to a nearby tree, her hand glowing as she broke a twig off and flooded it with her magic, making it extended and lengthen into a rope type vine. "Right. " Getting the vine and coiling it around the bandits legs, all of them, before getting the end like reins and offering them to Chris. "Just drag them all the way into town? "


Sora Marvell - Magnolia ( Her residence )

Sora's eyes fluttered open rather quickly as she heard Clair's voice mentioning eating all the cake, hues sliding around to gather her surroundings. Back at home? When did she get back? ... Had Chris entered her home? Did Chris want to be scolded for just walking into a home uninvited? Her thoughts spiraled out of control, in a slight embarrassed but furious manner at all these questions. " He's getting an earful when I see him! " She announced loudly, a small hand wiping away the drool that had dribbled onto her chin before it curled up and slammed into the table to only add emphasis to her flared emotion. Both cheeks puffed out as she stormed into the kitchen after Clair, waving a finger around as if to tsk tsk her, blowing the air out in a cute manner. " Sure, Clairrrr, have as much as you want. I mean, if you're not worried about gaining extra weight in the wrong places before the swimsuit contest at the festival this year. " She taunted her, wiggling around and pointing to random places on her body. " Like there.... " Her eyes went wide in surprise, " Or even there! " A soft gasp followed her words. " Bizma, come have some cake before fatty Clair devours it all! " Even more verbal poking, Clair usually got the brunt of it, even though it was all in jest and the two got along perfectly and never took one another seriously.

Grace and Mizuki -Sabertooth Hall-

Grace shuddered at Mizuki's touch, frowning slightly. The room was so warm yet the girl was so cold. Maybe it was because of clothing she was wearing, after all it was very thin. "Yes, you have a strong connection with Masaki. One that I've never had, and never will have. I envy that." She said, getting a little bit personal which made Grace a little uncomfortable. However she continued to allow the Dark Mage to do her spell. Bring up Grace's hand, she whispered some inaudible words before gently placing her lips against it. A sharp tug and an uncomfortable noise from the short girl signaled that she wasn't liking the situation, but Mizuki ignored it and continued on. "There we go, in just a few minutes you'll be able to find your hubby." But that was a lie. In a few minutes whenever someone said the word of her lover, she'd trip and fall, and wouldn't be broken until Masaki himself said his name. "This better work..." Grace grumbled as Mizuki got up and left, going back to her own seat.
@LeSoraAmari[/URL] @Zefie @Leo Radomir

Ferra: Lamia Scale Testing Area

Ferra grinned at Corra, once outside she sat down on the ground with her in her lap a good distance away from the fight so neither of them with get injured. Ferra watched the test intently, it was always exciting to her to watch Maya fight. Cinla and Sachiko had pretty cool magic too. The entire match was both amusing and exciting to watch. Once it was over she turned to Corra. "What did you think Corra? Pretty cool huh?" She asked her, referring to the fight they'd just watched.
Chris Lengheart

Chris silently became a familiar takeover. The dragon-like creature was back as it bit down on the reins and once again tossed Kelica onto his back. The beast then slowly walked back to Magnolia, silently. Once they were near the police station, Chris dropped the reins from his mouth for a brief moment as he finally spoke,"I don't think a relationship between you and I wouldn't work. I'm twenty-five, you seem a bit young. I could be wrong, so I welcome you to try if you want. But I'm sure I'm not really your type either." Before Kelica could respond however, Chris bit down on the reins once again and slowly dragged the thieves into the police station where the few officers that were working in there threw them into cells. One officer looked down at Kelica,"Thank you very much for bringing them in. I'm sure you want the reward now, thank goodness for the guilds. Right this way." he said as Chris followed shortly behind the officer.

Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia ( Her residence )

Sora's eyes fluttered open rather quickly as she heard Clair's voice mentioning eating all the cake, hues sliding around to gather her surroundings. Back at home? When did she get back? ... Had Chris entered her home? Did Chris want to be scolded for just walking into a home uninvited? Her thoughts spiraled out of control, in a slight embarrassed but furious manner at all these questions. " He's getting an earful when I see him! " She announced loudly, a small hand wiping away the drool that had dribbled onto her chin before it curled up and slammed into the table to only add emphasis to her flared emotion. Both cheeks puffed out as she stormed into the kitchen after Clair, waving a finger around as if to tsk tsk her, blowing the air out in a cute manner. " Sure, Clairrrr, have as much as you want. I mean, if you're not worried about gaining extra weight in the wrong places before the swimsuit contest at the festival this year. " She taunted her, wiggling around and pointing to random places on her body. " Like there.... " Her eyes went wide in surprise, " Or even there! " A soft gasp followed her words. " Bizma, come have some cake before fatty Clair devours it all! " Even more verbal poking, Clair usually got the brunt of it, even though it was all in jest and the two got along perfectly and never took one another seriously.

Clair Fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Magnolia , Sora's house

Clair was cutting into a cake when she heard a thud in the kitchen 'oh great she's up', Clair had hoped she would have stayed asleep just a little longer so that she could finish her cake. Clair dropped the knife and stepped away from the cake when she entered. Sora was waving her finger about as if she was scolding a young child , it would have been fine if she left it at that but no , no she went above and beyond that. The young wizard began pointing to random places on her body stating she would gain extra weight in those areas if she wasn't careful , but that wasn't the end of it oh no , Sora had called her 'fatty Clair'. A wide devilish smile made its way onto her face and her eyes were stone cold "Sora your the one who should be worrying about the swimsuit competition , i mean do they even make swimsuits for people with flat chests? ".

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

"Ah," Lloyd nodded at her apology. He glanced at her out of curiosity, she seemed pretty young too. He guessed her to be either in her late teens or early twenties. "Seems that we've got a good mix of ages here. A few of the members are in their late teens, about slightly more in their early twenties. And then there are those my age or younger. We're pretty much a mixed batch here, I suppose." He chuckled. "Makes it interesting."

He half listened to the conversation between Erin and Lana as he lead them to the training grounds. Wonderful, Lana and Erin were getting along already, despite the rock start. One bit made him turn back to Lana though. "Your grandfather was a llama?" He asked in a quizzical tone; he was quite sure he had misheard or something. First time he had ever heard of a human-llama hybrid.

Soon, they reached the training grounds. As it turned out, Maya was there already, with two others. The man he did not recognise, but the woman he did; Cinla, from the Malnia mission. She had been with Sera at the site of the dragon's carcass. "Hullo Cinla, we meet again, it seems." Then he turned to Maya. "New recruits huh? How many?" It must have been the guy, he guessed, but that did not explain why Cinla was here too. Wasn't she in Fairy Tail or something?" He waved at Ferra too, just noticing that she was there with them.

"Anyway, this is Lana Valentine, she's hoping to join the guild. And Erin just came along for fun. You want to run her test, or shall I?"

@Lana Valentine @Goldencurls @LeSoraAmari @Leo Radomir @Zefie @Mitchs98
Lana: Lamia Scale Training Grounds

The sudden amount of people took Lana by surprise as they entered into the training grounds. She started to fidget with her hands nervously having only prepared herself to stay calm with the smaller group. She looked at Lloyd deciding to answer his earlier question, "Yes my great grandfather," She said taking a deep breath again.

She took a look around at all of the many faces of those in the area, sizing them up from afar and trying to maintain a calm exterior. her eyes lingered on each member studying them to memorize them in her mind. "Little extra nervous now," She admitted looking around at the area now to get an idea on how things could go.

@HuorSpinks @Leo Radomir @Zefie @Mitchs98

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Kelica - Outside Magnolia Police Station

Kelica meeped as he threw her overheard his shoulder, clinging to the fur on the back of his neck. He was silent and so was she, feeling terrible as now it was awkward between them. She had only meet him that day after all, and it was certainly not enough time to declair a relationship. They had clicked but only because of strange circumstances. When he stood and talked to her, she blushed nervously. "Honestly I wouldn't expect you to. I'd be happy to still team up on missions though?" One word slip and now there was a heaviness over them that she couldn't avoid. She slipped from his shoulder as the police dragged the men away, following suit. "huh? Oh..jewels yes.." only half focused on the conversation.

Chris Lengheart (Police station, Magnolia)

"Right, here's your jewels, thank you once again for keep Magnolia safe." said the officer as he handed Kelica a sack filled with jewels. Chris turned and walked out with Kelica still on his back, once the two were out Chris decided to speak again, "Of course we can still be job buddies Kelica. My opinion of you hasn't changed at all, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be able to be carrying you on my back like this. I wouldn't be in this form right now without burning down most of Magnolia. Here, let's just head back to my place, it's not that far away anyways." Chris said as he slowly began to walk to his house. It sounded odd for him to be taking someone who had called him hot not too long ago to his house, but Chris didn't seem to mind. Only a few minutes away from the police station was a simple white home. Chris released his takeover as he walked over to the door before pulling out a small set of keys and unlocking the door,"After you." Chris said as he held the door open for Kelica.

@Zuka @Kyuubey ((If you want to have Sora come and scream at Chris or whatever))
Ophelia - (kinda) Comforting Jaymes on a Train in Magnolia

Noticing how Jaymes' face got even greener when the floor turned into a catapult, Ophelia decided not to torture him even further and left the floor how it was. "I promise it won't be much longer," her voice carried back to the motion-sickened wizard. The train was at full speed now, and even the gray clouds in the murky, dark sky were moving by. At this rate, they'd reach Magnolia in only a few minutes...

And those minutes flew by like seconds (maybe not for Jaymes), the sky now blue and cloudless with the sunlight sparkling on the hardwater train. They had reached their destination: directly in front of Fairy Tail's Guild Hall. A path of wet and absolute destruction had been left in the train's wake, and not a single and unlucky house that had been hit was standing. The only person who didn't seem to care was the cause of it. The train began to lose its shape as it slowly began to follow the laws of physics again, a wave of water splashing over anyone near (and in) the vehicle.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" And with a giggle and a few long strides, the petite but destructive little girl was in Fairy Tail's HQ.

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Mizuki- Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki was laughing darkly as she sat alone, hoping to see her hex work. Surely that Valken fellow would speak the name Masaki around Grace when he returned, but just in case the girl would keep a close eye on her in case any of her guild members decided to do it for him. Like most of her hexes the effect wouldn't be anything harmful to the person that was unfortunate enough to have it bestowed upon them, rather it just embarrassed them. Causing pain to her guild members or other guilds would result in a terrible punishment from Gilad. The Dark Mage wasn't scared of silly things like pain and pain, but she did fear her Guildmaster. Though they may be on good terms, his power was fearful, his yelling even more so. She continued to watch her unwilling victim until little Alicia's voice caught her attention. She turned her head to the little girl and a small frown formed on her face. She was with the loud and obnoxious Sasuke. Most everyone Mizuki knew she disliked, but she disliked this black haired boy even more. He was louder than most people, gets in your face, makes you do things for him, the list goes on. What was even worse was the fact that Alicia was going on a mission with him. This really upset her, seeing that the little one actually wanted to ditch her. Plus with no Alicia there was no test dummy, and with no test dummy there was nothing to do. "Oh. I see. You're going to leave me... For Sasuke." She said in a disappointed tone, crossing her arms and looking the Sasuke. "You better keep her safe. I'll hurt you if you mess up."

Grace -Lamia Scale- Crocus City

Grace was feeling like she has been scammed. It's been nearly ten minutes and she still didn't know where Masaki was. Maybe that strange girl just wanted to touch her and mess around, but who knows? She continued to wait for Valken to return, and things were seeming bleak. She was extremely bored and she knew no one here, and her patience was running low. Only a minute later a little girl came into view, wishing her luck with finding Masaki. The moment she muttered his name, Grace's legs buckled and she fell out of the chair and onto the ground. "Ow ow ow!"


@Mitchs98 @Sinister Clown
Kelica - Police Station and Chris's house

Kelica pocketed the jewels and headed out with Chris. She was thinking to much about this and so she told herself to move forward. As they reached the white house, she wiggled off of his back onto her toes and stepped up to the door frame with a quick cutsy. She was nothing if not polite. She wandered straight in, hand on her chin as she surveyed the house. Toilet? Check. Bedroom? Check. Dining room? Check. She came into the kitchen and took a seat next to the kitchen bench, pulling the jewels out of the bumbag she had latched onto her hip belt, opening the bag and starting to count them out, one for him, one for her. Making two neat piles.



Sasuke Haishen, Sabertooth GuildHall

Sasuke let out a irritated expression when he heard a voice 'threaten' him about keeping his guild member safe the first thought coming to mind being 'Is he doubting my power?' his attention turned towards the man after the knife went flying at the bar's wood..Which seemed to just piss Sasuke off more, he found the man snobby and he didn't even know who he was and at the time, he didn't care. Flying right in front of him and getting right up to his face "And who are you to talk..I don't care who you are!! But no one looks down at me like that!!" his attention was completely adverted however as another member..This time one of his own told him to make sure he kept the girl safe.

Sasuke was some what stubbed at this point. He lowered himself to the ground, his feet landing on the floor and his arms were crossed with one rubbing his chin. He quietly mumbled to himself
"Why does everyone doubt me..?" he let out a short sigh and straightened his back. Stretching his neck from side to side he turned to the woman from Sabertooth "Right, sure..Well." he yet again flew off and levitated above Alicia flat facing her. "Let's leave.." he said with a blatant tone. He felt that if he didn't leave now he would go and level the place, which wouldn't be the best choice for Sasuke but..He was willing to take his chances more than once before. He soon started floating towards the door, slowly so that Alicia could catch up.




HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Training Grounds
"Ah," Lloyd nodded at her apology. He glanced at her out of curiosity, she seemed pretty young too. He guessed her to be either in her late teens or early twenties. "Seems that we've got a good mix of ages here. A few of the members are in their late teens, about slightly more in their early twenties. And then there are those my age or younger. We're pretty much a mixed batch here, I suppose." He chuckled. "Makes it interesting."

He half listened to the conversation between Erin and Lana as he lead them to the training grounds. Wonderful, Lana and Erin were getting along already, despite the rock start. One bit made him turn back to Lana though. "Your grandfather was a llama?" He asked in a quizzical tone; he was quite sure he had misheard or something. First time he had ever heard of a human-llama hybrid.

Soon, they reached the training grounds. As it turned out, Maya was there already, with two others. The man he did not recognise, but the woman he did; Cinla, from the Malnia mission. She had been with Sera at the site of the dragon's carcass. "Hullo Cinla, we meet again, it seems." Then he turned to Maya. "New recruits huh? How many?" It must have been the guy, he guessed, but that did not explain why Cinla was here too. Wasn't she in Fairy Tail or something?" He waved at Ferra too, just noticing that she was there with them.

"Anyway, this is Lana Valentine, she's hoping to join the guild. And Erin just came along for fun. You want to run her test, or shall I?"

@Lana Valentine @Goldencurls @LeSoraAmari @Leo Radomir @Zefie @Mitchs98
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Maya had her gaze completely fixed on the other new recruit before turning back to Lloyd and answering his earlier question. "Two new recruits. Both Cinla and Sachiko here did well. So, they passed. I was going to take them to you so that you can bestow the mark on them, but you came to us instead." She chuckled as she sent a smile towards the red-headed boy, Erin. Maya looked around at her surroundings before glancing at Lana once more and saying, "Oh my... Aren't you a dear." She said with a smile as she looked at the girl. She straightened herself up as she addressed Lloyd once again, "I'm not too bothered, how about you test her? I'm sure she'll be more comfortable if you do it. Plus, you can see how nervous she is." Maya took a deep breath before adding, "I'll be here to spectate, however."

@Leo Radomir @Goldencurls @Zefie
Lana placed her hands behind her head smiling a little bit confidently, "Well I hope I do well enough to pass as well," She began to wonder how talented all of them were with their various ages and personalities and began heading into the actual training section taking in a deep breath as a slowly swirling cold wind began spinning around her body as a subconscious action as she kept repeating the phrase in her mind of "Keep cool don't freak out,"

She looked at Maya even though she knew she might not have to go against her, Lana wanted to get an idea of how she appeared at having to test two candidates before her. Lana then glanced at the other two wondering how badly they both appeared by comparison.

@HuorSpinks @Zefie @LeSoraAmari
Cinla was both angry and relived maya was just messing with her and then says to Lloyd" I tried out for st but did something very stupid and failed the test against the guildmaster but true be told now i'm thinking of it it's fine because it means i get to beat the crap out of a certain dark mage in the torlement that thinks she's so far above me and her crap guild mates". Cinla paused then said" I thought maya was going to go all out on us truth be told but she suddenly stopped by she does like messing with people, speaking of people i'll need a training partner to keep my martial arts up and get better at the same time".

@Lana Valentine any i missed
Sachiko - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Sachiko watched every single one of them, after being helped up by Maya he was sort of leaning on her as support. "You...might be better off with the Grandpa (Lloyd), ...Granny (Maya) sure has a strong kick to her, I'd put her early forties but still going strong." There wasn't the slightest hesitation in his voice, already had he called both Lloyd and Maya old. Of course, he'd completely forgotten about her earlier reaction due to the whole fighting, and somehow getting blasted should make up for it. Not entirely sure what to make of the two newcomers, but he imagined this Lloyd might be the guild master. Cinla also spoke about trying to join another guild, even needing a training partner, it definitely seemed like she wanted even more power.

@HuorSpinks @Lana Valentine
Chris Lengheart (My house)

Chris followed behind Kelica as she headed straight to the kitchen. He watched as she began to count out their share of jewels. However, after watching her for a moment, Chris decided to heat to his room. His room was a simple white, a bed with blue sheets, some dumbbells lying about, and a desk with a massive bookshelf next to it that was most of the way full. Chris took of his shirt and instead, chose to change into a black tank top. Chris then left his room and headed to the kitchen. The kitchen was quite small, the cooking supplies actually behind a door. The door was surrounded by wall, but had a part that was covered with two doors. This was basically Chris' table. Chris walked behind the door and opened up one of the doors as he asked,"Hey, you want anything to eat?"

@Zuka @Kyuubey
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Lloyd - Lamia Scale Training Ground

Lloyd blinked. "Two?" He echoed, sounding somewhat stunned. With Lana, this made three. This was the first time he had seen three individuals wanting to join Lamia Scale at the same time, and this was through his career as a mage in Lamia Scale. Compared to Fairy Tail and Sabertooth, Lamia Scale was a pretty small guild, yet still managing to maintain it's position as the third most powerful guild in Fiore. It felt like a familial guild that accepted everyone and Lloyd was proud of that cozy feeling, and as Guild Master he wanted to maintain that. It pleased him very much so to have new people in the guild. And perhaps, if more people joined, they could even pose as a challenge to Sabertooth this year.

"Awesome," he said, to both Cinla and Sachiko as a boyish grin spread across his face. "Welcome to Lamia Scale, then. Since you've passed Maya's test, I'll be more than happy to mark you both as members. And, we'll certainly welcome your determination against Sabertooth in the Grand Magic Games this year. My sympathies though, Guild Master Arcturus can be quite... intimidating, " he added. It was entirely possible that Cinla had not fit into the vision he had for Sabertooth, but fortunately, Sabertooth was not the only guild in Fiore. It was not even the strongest either; that belonged to Fairy Tail. He turned to Maya and Lana then. "All right then. I'll test Lana, and if she passes I'll mark all three of you." He glanced at Lana then, and noted the swirling mists around her as well as the sudden drop in temperature. He also had to twitch as Sachiko referred to him as 'grandpa'.

"I'm not that old," he muttered to himself, rather affronted, as he lead Lana into the center of the field. "Ready when you are," he said, unslinging his bow. He would let Lana make the first move.

@Leo Radomir @Goldencurls @Lana Valentine @Zefie @LeSoraAmari
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Training Grounds.

Maya stood there quietly as she waited for Lloyd to begin his test on Lana. She chuckled, this would be the first test in a while that she hadn't done herself. In fact, it had been months since such a thing has happened. "Yes, two." Maya said with a chuckle. "Haven't you noticed that over these past few months people joining the guild has been on popular demand. I've been testing people quite frequently..." She sighed. "I should really start writing things down so you can remember what's actually going on." The woman laughed loudly and smacked Lloyds back playfully. Unintentionally, it was at a rather brutish force.

Lloyd twitched a brow, and so did Maya. Sachiko had called them both old, but, this wasn't the first time he had calmed Maya old... Or, 'Granny' as he said. In a rage filled fury Maya charged toward Sachiko and brought her palm towards his chest at a frightening strength and speed, upon impact a telekinetic blast sent him launching towards a tree. Maya had a glare on her face that rivalled the devil himself as she spoke. "I'm not old! I'm a young, beautiful, and graceful woman!" She sighed, a tear falling from her right eye. "Why is that so hard to understand? Stupid boy..." She muttered to herself before letting out a deep sigh and turning to face Lloyd, her rage completely gone in under a second. "I need to talk to you after this test. It's quite important... At least to me, so I'd be happy if we could talk as soon as possible..." Maya stood there quietly as she spectated.

@HuorSpinks @Zefie @Leo Radomir @Goldencurls
Sachiko - Lamia Training Grounds - King of the Trees

Sachiko watched both Lloyd's and Maya's reactions, they both were so alike, even in there anger. Of course, at the last second he saw Maya charged him, and felt a hard thrust on his chest before being blown away into the tree. Of course, most of the tree broke his fall, and he felt something slightly sharp on his side. A piece of the tree broken off almost like a sharp spear was pressing against his side. It wasn't piercing him but it sure did seem like it wanted to do that. However, what Maya did kinda ticked him off himself, and since he couldn't retaliate with power, he'd do one better. "It's not hard to understand!" Sachiko called out to Maya, jogging back up towards the group with a hand on his chest. "I think granny is a compliment, at this point you're like a great grandmother." Saying this towards her wasn't his greatest moment, getting caught up in the moment, and blasted to pieces almost twice. It definitely wasn't a mature act, but it was as if he was challenging her right then and there.

What else could he do? He couldn't fight her with fists, so he was going to fight fire with fire, but he realized he was way to close, and took a few steps backwards. If anything he didn't want to be within arms reach... maybe he should just apologize? Living was probably more important than going through with this, but... thinking things through wasn't entirely his strong trait either. "Sorry..." He forced himself to say, a genuine apology, but admitting to being wrong was also not on his agenda.


Zephyr - Train to Magnolia

Zephyr threw his hands up as if trying to surrender to the younger boy. " Sounds like I pulled you here at just the right time. " A small smirk was given in response to the book being bonked upon his head, an idle hand shortly following to rub the wound and pretend it hurt, lips forming a pout. " I can't help it that I wanted to bring you along, I figured there were a few things you'd want to see in Magnolia. " Both hues gazed out the window, absentmindedly watching things appear only to escape his view. Masaki's loud exclamation upon finally realizing what the book was about caused his glued attention to snap from the window and back at him. " No problem, though maybe next time you'll refrain from beating me with the things I get for you. " A soft scoff followed his words, fingers entangling themselves within the messy strands of his hair before his right eye glowed, " Pillow.. " He muttered to himself as a pillow appeared out of thin air and landed on his lap. A yawn so big it shook his whole frame escaped him, the pillow being fluffed and then plopped behind his head. " So, who is Grace? Was it one of those Lamia Scale members I saw headed up to the Guild? The 'uh... male one right? Isn't he a little too old for you? " He inquired, glancing over at him with a bemused expression.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki- Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki was laughing darkly as she sat alone, hoping to see her hex work. Surely that Valken fellow would speak the name Masaki around Grace when he returned, but just in case the girl would keep a close eye on her in case any of her guild members decided to do it for him. Like most of her hexes the effect wouldn't be anything harmful to the person that was unfortunate enough to have it bestowed upon them, rather it just embarrassed them. Causing pain to her guild members or other guilds would result in a terrible punishment from Gilad. The Dark Mage wasn't scared of silly things like pain and pain, but she did fear her Guildmaster. Though they may be on good terms, his power was fearful, his yelling even more so. She continued to watch her unwilling victim until little Alicia's voice caught her attention. She turned her head to the little girl and a small frown formed on her face. She was with the loud and obnoxious Sasuke. Most everyone Mizuki knew she disliked, but she disliked this black haired boy even more. He was louder than most people, gets in your face, makes you do things for him, the list goes on. What was even worse was the fact that Alicia was going on a mission with him. This really upset her, seeing that the little one actually wanted to ditch her. Plus with no Alicia there was no test dummy, and with no test dummy there was nothing to do. "Oh. I see. You're going to leave me... For Sasuke." She said in a disappointed tone, crossing her arms and looking the Sasuke. "You better keep her safe. I'll hurt you if you mess up."

Grace -Lamia Scale- Crocus City

Grace was feeling like she has been scammed. It's been nearly ten minutes and she still didn't know where Masaki was. Maybe that strange girl just wanted to touch her and mess around, but who knows? She continued to wait for Valken to return, and things were seeming bleak. She was extremely bored and she knew no one here, and her patience was running low. Only a minute later a little girl came into view, wishing her luck with finding Masaki. The moment she muttered his name, Grace's legs buckled and she fell out of the chair and onto the ground. "Ow ow ow!"




Alicia: Sabertooth HQ

Alicia frowned at what Mizuki said. "I'm not ditching you, you were just busy talking to someone and I didn't wanna interrupt." She told her. She arched a brow at Grace when she seemingly just up and toppled out of her chair. "Uhhh. You okay?" She asked her before quickly turning her attention back to Mizuki. "I'll go on a mission with you after the festival or even before depending on how long we take, okay?" She told her happily, a warm friendly smile on her face. "Just a sec Sasuke!" She called out to him, noticing him almost at the door without her, before turning back to Mizuki and waiting on an answer.
Kelica - Chris's House Magnolia

She was so focused on the money that when he disappeared she didn't think much of it. But when he came back, just as she put the last coin on his pile, he returned with even less clothing and a blush sneaked back under her eyes. I mean, it -was- his house and he was allowed to be comfortable in it. That didn't stop her drawing her attention almost with a fever intensity to the piles of coins, pushing one stack towards him. "Erm.. this is your half.. and food would be lovely.. " realising she hadn't eatten anything, as she had given her piece of cake to Naomi early and her tummy rumbled in the process. She reached down to her belly button and unclasped her loose belt, throwing it over the corner of the chair backing. "Would you mind if I took my boots off?" Pressing much using one foot to wriggle herself out of the other before he had asked. They both landed with a thud, ripping her socks of next and wiggling her vare toes. "Ahhh... much better..."


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