Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Bizma walked in, chuckling. "I'm glad that you're doing well, Miss Sora," she said calmly. Only, a few minutes later, the ground shook. Sora went outside to....fight....she assumed. Bizma sighed, sitting down and attempting to ignore it. This is just your regular day in Fairy Tail.....and exactly what I signed up for.....

".......Hello, Miss Clair,"
she said, attempting to start a conversation. "H-how have you been faring?"

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
Cinla somehow found lamia scale building and walks in and sits down by herself not sure what to do with herself and says to herself" I can't deal with another whooping like that in the same day i really hope the guild master here isn't some monster because i'll be guildless for ages and it's harder to make friends and earn money and i have no idea where more things are in this place i got here by sheer luck".

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

A sympathetic look crossed Sora's features as she stood back up and faced Chris upon hearing him speak, looking extremely tiny compared to how big he was. " Chris, I'm going to need you to release this form before we can release you, okay? " Her tone remained clear and confident, calm gaze holding his so that he couldn't look away. Sora took a few steps towards him and halted, holding a small hand out to him, though the pressure she kept pinning his massive form down remained at full force. " C'mon, we'll repair the damage together later. " She insisted reassuringly, knowing this could drag on all night and go utterly nowhere from this point on if he didn't choose to release his take-over. It'd be more hurtful to force him to drop the transformation and she silently hoped he'd make the choice on his own, Sora not one to enjoy causing intentional bodily harm to anyone. Alfie would get a stern talking to, more like a repetitive verbal poke and prod, later for trying to release some weird ribbon bondage fantasy on a small girl in the heat of battle; weirdo!

@Isune @Salt Lord @Zuka
Grace -Lamia Scale - Outside

Grace rolled her eyes at Valken's stupid grin and she quickly caught up to walk beside him. "You might wanna save that kind of talk for Millie." She teased, stuffing her hands into her pockets to protect them from the brisk weather. Valken was always the one to tease her the most and it was always nice to get him back every now and then. "But in all seriousness. I know you're going to Sabertooth right now, and I want to come with you." She explained as they walked down the road. The short girl had a hunch that he already knew why she wanted to come, but decided to tell him just to get it in his thick head. "You probably know why, but I wanna see Masaki again."

Chris Lengheart (still pinned by tornado)

Chris sighed,"This is my first time being in control. I'm not sure if I want to give that up just yet. Then again, I'm not sure if this is a permanent thing, I might be able to control my other forms much better this time. Either that or this could just be a one time thing. I think I want to stay like this...just for a little while?" Chris then tried to do what was the beast equivalent to the infamous puppy dog eyes. He made sure to pout too, just as as a extra precaution to try and get his way.

@Zuka @Salt Lord @Kyuubey
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]
Cinla somehow found lamia scale building and walks in and sits down by herself not sure what to do with herself and says to herself" I can't deal with another whooping like that in the same day i really hope the guild master here isn't some monster because i'll be guildless for ages and it's harder to make friends and earn money and i have no idea where more things are in this place i got here by sheer luck".

Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Guild Hall

After she stopped spinning, she noticed a strange girl walk into the hall. With a slight chuckle, Maya stared her down, observing her and evaluating her. It was obvious that she came here with the intention to join and Maya knew just the test to throw in her voice. Lloyd probably wouldn't be happy but it was a good idea in her eyes. Maya approached the girl an sat opposite her on the table she was sat at. Smiling, Maya spoke. "Hello there. I take it you plan on joining the guild? Lloyd is in his office so I guess you'll have to talk to me about it for now and I'll take you to him later." She retained her smile as she continued. "And you are?"

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora tilted her head at Chris, listening to his words and throwing her hands up in a small defeated manner, how befitting. " Fine.. " She began, leaning up on her tippy toes to poke his nose and get extremely close to his face. " But if you try anything, and I sternly mean anything, you will be face planting into the ground again. " And that was that, she wouldn't budge on that threat as she released the pressure at a slow pace to allow him movement, choosing to put some trust into a fellow guild member, even though she could instantly and quite literally ' down boy ' him when needed. " Also, I'm going with you if you decide to move around, and if you think you can outrun me mister, you'll be sorely disappointed. " A small huff of air was released into his face to compliment her annoyance as her thoughts slid back to the cake; the yummy delicious vulnerable cake sitting in front of Clair. A few steps were taken back to give Chris some space, fingers linking themselves to clasp together behind her back.

@Isune @Zuka @Salt Lord
Sachiko - Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Sachiko picked himself off the wall, he'd rested long enough, enough to catch his breath although it was another story he'd managed to fallen asleep against the stone cold wall. Right now, at this very moment he was still sleepy, or drowsy as some people would call it. His eyes a bit watery where everything looked fuzzy and strong lights right now hurt. Using both hands he wiped his eyes clear, and walked into the city. Unfamiliar territory to him, yet it seemed everyone or anyone was using a boat as he walked. In his mind he was just wondering if there was another way in, and so he decided to do the logical thing 'ask for help'.

As there wasn't much people to pick from he decided on this white-haired man with a long coat on, probably in his late forties at least that was a bit old to him. "Where do I find an inn?" that was his words towards the man. But, no response only a piece of paper, an address, and the words 'kick the door in'. If he didn't speak it was probably because he couldn't or that he just plain refused to do so. It was strange but he followed anyway, eventually it led him to some sort of bridge, passing through the people both walking and rowing, even through the buildings like an endless stack of domino's.

At last he'd reached the location the inn's name 'Lamia Scale' he didn't read beyond that to comprehend it was no an Inn but a guild hall. Probably one reason the old geezer seem to be laughing. Kick the door in was also there. It probably was a bit faulty maybe it got stuck? So, that's what he did, he kicked the door open in doing so he heard a slight cracking sound but it was likely of no big consequence. "What kind of inn is this place, the thing's completely emp-" His words cut short by noticing two other people. "Oh, hey Granny (Maya) how do I sign in." Of course, he was referring to her as old, still oblivious unaware of it being a guild hall.

@LeSoraAmari @Leo Radomir
LeSoraAmari said:
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Guild Hall
After she stopped spinning, she noticed a strange girl walk into the hall. With a slight chuckle, Maya stared her down, observing her and evaluating her. It was obvious that she came here with the intention to join and Maya knew just the test to throw in her voice. Lloyd probably wouldn't be happy but it was a good idea in her eyes. Maya approached the girl an sat opposite her on the table she was sat at. Smiling, Maya spoke. "Hello there. I take it you plan on joining the guild? Lloyd is in his office so I guess you'll have to talk to me about it for now and I'll take you to him later." She retained her smile as she continued. "And you are?"
Cinla looked up after being snapped from her thoughts by the door being kicked in and being spoken to and spoken to and then said" I'm sorry i was stuck in my own thoughts i'm cinla and yes i'm here to join, probably have it plastered all over me huh, and sure what what would you like me to do in order to join"?
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Sitting at the table with the girl, Maya straightened herself up, and her Saint pin that was holding some of her hair up. "Yes, it is pretty obvious." She chuckled once more, the girl identified herself as Cinla and then asked her what she wanted her to do. Maya held a smile on her face, I want to know what you're capable of. I want to know if I can depend on you if any of my precious babies are in danger, that's the important thing." She kept her gaze on Cinla, everyone in the guild knew how extremely protective Maya was over them. Especially Lloyd and the older members. She did this to practically anyone who comes in claiming they want to join. Maya's attention then turned away from Cinla and fixed onto some strangely rude boy that came barging in, calling her granny. Maya twitched a brow. "I'm not old." She stated, with a slight bitter tone in her voice. Her magical energy rose slightly to accompany the slight anger she was feeling. That dissipated quickly however as she then said, "Sign in? This is a guild, dear. You're in the Lamia Scale guild hall." She chuckled slightly, and then turned back to face Cinla.

@Leo Radomir @Zefie
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Sachiko - Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Sachiko heard carefully and watched Maya's facial expression when he called her old, the twitching of her eye and tone of voice was enough to get a moment of fear out of him, not because of difference of power.. but people especially the girls he's met thus far were always scary angry. A guild hall? That's what she called it right? "A guild hall...not an inn... that old geezer tricked me..."he was mumbling to himself, but then looked Maya up and down once more and bow slightly his hands in front. "Big sister*mumble*who looked old for only a slight second as I barged *mumble*, may I ask to sign up in this guild then?" His gaze went back up on towards her as he noticed the other girl, she was probably a part or going to be a part of this, and it was a wonder she didn't have Maya's ire like he did.

@LeSoraAmari @Leo Radomir
Chris Lengheart (no longer pinned by a tornado)

Chris growled as his nose was pressed,"Hey, watch the nose! I promise I won't lose it. And of course Ivm not going to run away! What more do you want? To ride on my back just to be sure? Or would you rather put a collar with a leash on me?" As it stood right now, it didn't seem like a very smart idea to piss Chris off while he was under his full takeover.

@Kyuubey @Zuka @Salt Lord
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's office

Lloyd had just settled at his desk when he heard a series of very strange noises. First, some shouting. He could barely make out the words, so it seemed to be some distance away. The stomping got louder. Much louder. Lloyd ignored that for now, as that was a common occurrence within this guild, especially among the younger guild members. And then, a burning smell? Extremely nearby, from the smell of it, alongside a cloying, sweet scent. Someone was burning incense outside his office? Why on Earthland would anyone even do that? He did not even know if any of his guild members even had incense. Unless it was Millie, who might have been tricked into thinking that burning incense somehow promoted good luck. Or maybe it was not incense, but something sweet that he could not identify? Sweet grass maybe?

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Second Floor

Extremely curious by now, Lloyd got up from his chair, opened his office door and poked his head outside. What he saw made him blink, while a confused frown settled itself on his face. Apparently, a girl was roasting what seemed like a marshmallow outside his office. Why anyone would even do that, here of all places, was beyond him. Wasn't this kind of thing usually done at a camp fire, or something? But at least that explained the strange smell though. He did not even know the girl; she was not any of his guild members. He had not even seen her before? So why would an unfamiliar girl roast marshmallows outside his office?

"That... is an unusual place to roast marshmallows," he said finally. "Why here of all places?"

@Lana Valentine
LeSoraAmari said:
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Guild Hall
Sitting at the table with the girl, Maya straightened herself up, and her Saint pin that was holding some of her hair up. "Yes, it is pretty obvious." She chuckled once more, the girl identified herself as Cinla and then asked her what she wanted her to do. Maya held a smile on her face, I want to know what you're capable of. I want to know if I can depend on you if any of my precious babies are in danger, that's the important thing." She kept her gaze on Cinla, everyone in the guild knew how extremely protective Maya was over them. Especially Lloyd and the older members. She did this to practically anyone who comes in claiming they want to join. Maya's attention then turned away from Cinla and fixed onto some strangely rude boy that came barging in, calling her granny. Maya twitched a brow. "I'm not old." She stated, with a slight bitter tone in her voice. Her magical energy rose slightly to accompany the slight anger she was feeling. That dissipated quickly however as she then said, "Sign in? This is a guild, dear. You're in the Lamia Scale guild hall." She chuckled slightly, and then turned back to face Cinla.

@Leo Radomir @Zefie
Cinla got up and raises her eyebrow and then says" You're a saint from your power level as well as the badge, sure i'll play along but not here i don't want to mess up your guild hall or injure anyone by accident". Cinla became silent and waits to be lead or teleported to a better location so she could make the most out of her power for this test.
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Lana - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: 2nd floor

Lana eyes looked up toward the male who had walked out of a room just seconds earlier. She placed her hand towards the fire as it was snuffed out by a fine mist of ice, "My name is Lana Valentine," She remarked calmer now as she pointed the marshmallow clad stick towards him. "I came to join this guild, however I was not noticed and so lost my temper, would you like this marshmallow?" She said now regressing back to her quiet self.

She looked around the room more carefully as well, not having been to anywhere with besides her fathers home far from the eyes and ears of civilization. "I apologize for the damages I caused," She said bowing to him slightly in apology.


Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora didn't seem too phased by the growl, spinning around rather cutely before him as his hot monster breath filled the air; ick. A leash? That was so distasteful! Plus anyone trying to leash him would most likely find themselves the one being 'walked', not the way it'd be intended for. But the riding him comment, oh, that could be fun. " It was your idea. " She warned him, words reaching his ears as her petite form fluidly jumped up and straddled his neck, arms not even remotely able to wrap around it as she assumed a piggy back position. " After the destruction you caused Chris, you can't blame me for watching over you. This is better compared to being face down on the ground, wouldn't you agree? " A soft yawn escaped her lips, cheek pressing into him as her hair splayed about, a sleepy look plastered to her delicate features. Her hues slid down to look at Kelica and Alfie, questions rising as to how this even occurred and she'd be sure to ask the two later. Even though she was pretty young and small, her position in the guild wasn't a joking matter and she had promised to take care of everyone as much as was within her power. She refused to fail at this, as it was a burning ambition that she'd dedicated herself to, even if that included leaving her delicious cake behind to babysit Chris.

@Isune @Zuka @Salt Lord
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Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Maya smiled at Cinla, she wanted to take the fight elsewhere so not to harm anyone in the guild. That was already a box ticked in the woman's mental checklist. "Very well, we shall leave in a moment. There is a space out back that we can go to. It's usually used for training anyway so it will be a good location." Maya stood up, hands behind her back as she then addressed the boy that was there. "If you want to sign up, seek out Lloyd Kirby. Our Guild Master. Or, you could come with Cinla and I. You two can even team up against me, it will be fun." Maya let out a slight chuckle, "I used to help train someone, so think of this as a training initiation exercise.." Maya smiled to herself, saying that made her remember her time with Sora. God did she miss her. Maya shook her head slightly and then headed out to the place in question.

@Zefie @Leo Radomir
Sachiko - Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Sachiko watched Maya carefully making a mental note. She was likely a dangerous foe, but from the way she talked herself she cared deeply about 'her babies' did that mean she had some sort of family? That was news to him... not to mention a new aspect he may have to learn during this endeavor. He'd either have to go to Lloyd or follow Maya and this Cinla person, the other girl he imagined. "Alright, I'll take up that offer, sis." His words just kept flowing out unsure why he was even calling her 'sis'. But, who else better than the horses mouth? Besides, there was no telling where this Lloyd guy was and even if he'd consider it. So, he slowly followed Maya to the place in question, his footsteps barely audible, he was already tensing up.

@LeSoraAmari @Leo Radomir
@Chara Angel of Death @Leo Radomir @LeSoraAmari

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra had sat silently eating for once, mostly eating the meatbuns that had gone un-accepted by anyone else at the table, watching the events unfold. She'd waved at Grace when she left and couldn't help but feel bad for Millie. Though from the looks of things things were working out, so maybe they would actually get together and she wouldn't have to break the news to her that her and Valken were never dating.

Of course, either way she'd wait until after the festival. Soon after that some depressed girl she recognized from the Malnia mission had came in, apparently wanting to join from the discussion at hand. Maya seemed all to happy to test her too. Soon after that a boy roughly her age burst in, called Maya old, and wanted to..sign in? Weird.

Things happened, leading to both of them being tested. "Me and Corra are gunna watch too!" She suddenly shouted, probably scaring the hell out of anyone un-aware of her prescence. Standing up she situated Corra in her arms so she could be carried instead of tossed down and followed them out of the building.
Cinla notices but still follows them and said calmly" Getting overly tense won't help you in a battle if anything it might hold you back or lose foucus, i can work both offense and defense so which ever you pick at first i'll switch over according", Cinla went silent and waits to be taken to the training grounds this women recently talked about.

@LeSoraAmari @Zefie @Mitchs98
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Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Maya nodded to Ferra when she declared that she was going to watch the fight with her friend, Corra. She then turned to face Sachiko once more and sent a smile his way. Upon entering the training grounds, Maya stood facing both Sachiko and Cinla as she began to speak, a kind smile plastered on her face even now. "I'll let you two have the first move." She stood with her hands either side of her, as the wind hit across her face and gown, making her hair flow to the side slightly with it. This was bound to pick up a scene, hopefully it was flashy.

@Mitchs98 @Zefie @Leo Radomir
Sachiko - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Sachiko had noticed Ferra earlier when she yelled, it seems she might've been the loud one, but she was all that different an age.. odd was the only way of really describing it. But, then he noticed Maya sending a smile towards him, he began to relax. This was just a test after all, he couldn't really imagine how to describe her, but nothing bad ever came to mind. She talked about taking the first move and Sachiko knew one thing that wouldn't work. "Ladies first.. I don't really have a feel for attacking people without being attacked first, even if it's just training, Sis. Besides, attacking recklessly can cost more than just yourself. I imagine even the people you care about if they're around, though I don't think I've had that pleasure." Of course, that wasn't the only reason he was hesitant, he knew the power difference that would likely be playing into her hands. Besides, who knew what type of tricks she had up her sleeve?

@LeSoraAmari @Leo Radomir
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Zefie said:
Sachiko - Lamia Scale Training Grounds
Sachiko had noticed Ferra earlier when she yelled, it seems she might've been the loud one, but she was all that different an age.. odd was the only way of really describing it. But, then he noticed Maya sending a smile towards him, he began to relax. This was just a test after all, he couldn't really imagine how to describe her, but nothing bad ever came to mind. She talked about taking the first move and Sachiko knew one thing that wouldn't work. "Ladies first.. I don't really have a feel for attacking people without being attacked first, even if it's just training, Sis. Besides, attacking recklessly can cost more than just yourself. I imagine even the people you care about if they're around, though I don't think I've had that pleasure." Of course, that wasn't the only reason he was hesitant, he knew the power difference that would likely be playing into her hands. Besides, who knew what type of tricks she had up her sleeve?

@LeSoraAmari @Leo Radomir
Cinla sighed and then said" that's true in many cases but if you can't set up a barrier what's going to protect us if i'm going to go on the offensive"? ' Of course reckless attacks are risky but sometimes they are also the most effective as the foe may not expect it'. Cinla began to draw a circle she could always rewrite the spell quickly before it was complete as long as she has cover.

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Chris Lengheart

Chris was surprised that Sora took him up on his offer. He felt the girl's weight on his back as the beast seemed to have a almost minacle grin as he began to walk on all fours like normal, but with a lot of bounce in his step. Chris only seemed to chuckle as he walked around like this and looked like he was enjoying this a bit too much.

Sachiko - Lumia Scale Training Grounds

Sachiko had no choice but to listen to Cinla they were suppose to work together, but it felt so uncomfortable. "Defense..." He mumbled towards himself thinking of that himself, could he pull enough defense to protect them? That was one thing that couldn't be slacked defense.. "A balanced offense and defense..."All he could do was look at Cinla he wasn't sure he could protect both of them well enough. But, ...he'd at least do his best to keep Cinla unharmed. "You just focus on your attacks, I'll try to focus on our defense..." Only one way to do this was to wing it. He'd never fought alongside someone, but he'd just have to give it his all. Sure enough, ...that would do something.

@Leo Radomir @LeSoraAmari
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