Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kelica - Behind Fairytale Guild Hall

Kelica gasped as one of his horns dug into her shield, effectively tearing it open. The girls eyes went wide. He was so destructive, she had no idea he would be this out of control in his Beast Form and as a C-Class she was so far out marched it wasn't funny. Then, the snarling was pulled back. She blinked confused, before letting her arms drop un-able to summon the roots any further as her magic was low. The roots sucked back into the cracks in the ground. She huffed and puffed, hands on her knees taking a moments breather. With her head still dangling she lifted her hand high. "that... hewhew...would be me! I thought I could handle it... but I can't....his Beast take over is too strong and I think I just enraged him further... "

@Salt Lord @Isune
Alfie - Behind Fairy Tail Guild Hall

More arrows blasted up out of the ground, defending the two from the full takeover's harsh flames. Alfie looked back as Kelica's roots pulled back into the ground, the girl falling onto her hands and knees with heavy breaths. It was her idea to do this... she couldn't possibly have been in Fairy Tail that long if she didn't know something like this would happen. Or she was just really confident. Either way, Chris would become a force of destruction if he wasn't stopped soon. "Kelica, is it? As a higher-ranking member, I'll say I'm a little disappointed in you." The strings that had Chris hanging in the air became tighter and even grew small blades, effectively becoming magical razor wire. Then they started spinning with just enough speed to give the beast slight cuts. "Buuut... you did try to help a fellow guild member..."

The wall of shining arrows that had been blocking the flames was cracking, close to being completely destroyed, and the wires that had Chris trapped were weakening. "It won't hold for much longer... Keep on talking to him." Alfie's signature bow formed in his hands as he pulled the string and prepared a spell.

@Zuka @Isune
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Chris Lengheart

Chris felt small cuts all throughout his body. Thanks to his scales however, they were more like minor papercuts than anything. However just the very minimal pain sent Chris over the edge. His massive tail constantly swung around like a hammer as the beast contiued to struggle. He then once again began breathing fire, but this time added much more force behind it as he tossed his head around like a madman, burning everything he possibly could in a attempt to get free.

@Salt Lord @Zuka
Kelica - Behind Fairytale HQ

Kelica managed in that 5 second breather to straighten herself. She nodded as the strings cut into the beast. For all his thrashing and fire breathing she actually felt sorry for him. She was the one who forced him to change even if he didn't want to, and now he was getting hurt. She wasn't surprised Alfie was disappointed in her, she was disappointed in herself. The dragon at Malina had giving her a much higher expectation on her powers then she was still quiet capable. She nodded as he suggested talking to him, she walked closer. Slowly, not to jump scare him, coming within only afew feet. "Please Chris listen to me! I know you don't want to hurt anyone, I'm sorry I made you transform..if you calm down we will release you...Promise...." If this didn't work she really had no ideas. Would his magic deplete at some point? How long would he stay this way?

@Isune @Salt Lord
Chris Lengheart

Chris watched as the girl tried to make her apologies. His only response was snapping and once again starting off with the fire breath. It seemed like Chris may be in this form for a while, and it was also clear that the beast was almost through his restraints. Chris then once again began to thrash around but instead starting biting down as hard as he could on the wire. It slightly sliced his mouth but it'd be a small price to pay for freedom.

@Salt Lord @Zuka
Valken - Lamia Scale HQ - First Floor

Without his Scarf he felt alot more exposed. Which, in theory, he was. He wore his dark coloured singlet, and black gloves to his elbows, without the scarf they could see a giant Lamia Scale symbol starting at his neck and curling down along his shoulder and collarbone. It was the same very dark shade of purple as his eyes. Even more obvious was the twin hooked and curved evil looking daggers on his hips.

As she gave one last hug and pulled away, he grinned down to her. "Stay safe? I'm the first person outta there if it starts to look hairy." Though his face hardens with a strange look in his eyes, the first time he didn't have that silly grin on his fac in front of her. "Millie... promise me you'll be careful as well.. I know it is a festival but just.." taking a breath out. He couldn't tell her, at least all of the story, just what she had to know. "I need you to stay out of trouble. Keep together and keep in a group. Alright?" he reached down with that gentle grasp again, adjusting the scarf so it sat better around her neck then stepped back. He gave a deep bow as he always did when he arrived and left, but grasped her hand and gave her a kiss on the back of it gently. "Till we meet again, Ma'dam.. " turning on his heel and departing without a sound from his footprints. Melting into a shadow figure before seemingly vanishing, for extra style exit points. He figured Maya would like that to.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari
Alfie - Behind Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Alfie looked intensely at Chris as Kelica tried to calm him, and even with all the beast's struggling, roars, and fire breath, she managed keep her own calm. But calm was not going to fix everything, and Chris was now going as far as biting on the spell in exchange for freedom... "The wires won't hold for too much longer, and I don't wanna have to make any more because..." he stopped for a second to look into the full takeover's eyes, "Reasons. Get ready to chase." He slowly raised his bow to aim directly at Chris' face and pulled the string as far back as he could. "Sagitta Luminis: Cluster Bomb!" An orange glyph formed at the front of the bow as an arrow of the same color shot into the beast, resulting in a repeating pattern of small explosions all over his body. The wire was obliterated as well, allowing Chris his freedom.

@Isune @Zuka
Chris Lengheart

Chris had continued to gnaw at the wire until he took the full force of a attack. The wires fortunately,snapped. The moment Chris landed he looked at the two for a moment, he could have easily gone for the weaker girl, but for now he'd have to regroup. To help keep them from following, Chris used his fire to create a carpet of fire. It quickly began to spread as the creature turned and ran off at a surprising speed in search of somewhere to rest for a moment.

@Salt Lord @Zuka
Kelica - Behind Fairytale Hall

Kelica was in trouble...deep trouble.. not only had he transformed, she had been unable to control it. And now there was a huge beast running through Magnolia spewing fire in all direction's. She shielded her eyes from the fire, running towards the tree and pulling her pet plant off the branch, to wrap around her wrist once more. She had to take control of this situation and fast. She flooded the flower around her wrist with magic, causing one of it's tiny twigs to engorge hewhewhew and lengthen, touching the floor. She swung it around like a sudden lasso, letting it go it flew around him, curling around his neck. Not tight, just as a holder. Making sure it was tight, she grasped Alfie's hand and glanced to him. "Hold On!! " the force of him leaping away causing both to catapult up and land hard on the Beasts back. And boy was it a bumpy ride. "WHAT DO WE DO NOW?! " she yelled at Alfie, she hadn't exactly thought of plan B.

@Isune @Salt Lord
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Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Office

Lloyd just stared after Valken's departure, a stunned and slightly confused expression on his face. "They are dating?" he asked, aloud, alone to himself in his office. Millie was extremely pretty, he had to admit, and she had a great body, but she too young for him to even consider dating here (and boy did he feel dirty about thinking about the body of too young a woman like that). Valken was at least Millie's age though, so both of them were more compatible. Personality wise... he was not so sure. But still though, hopefully they would be happy with each other. And if they could keep each other safe, then all the better. Congratulations were probably in order, but for now, he had to get his work completed if he wanted to make it to the grand finale of the festival.

He signed, his face turning serious, and more than a little angry at the information he had just been given. He knew he should be focusing on Grimoire Heart and their collaborators within the Council, but at the very mention of the Western Empire that had decimated his and the surrounding tribes... he knew he was not the only migrant from the West. There were at least three other Guild Masters of Mercenary Guilds who had tribal backgrounds as well. Perhaps he would need to get into contact with them.

And where was Lucian Grey in all this? Apparently, the council had been unable to locate him during the two weeks after the Malnia Mission. If he was stirring up mischief in the West, then this would be dire for Fiore. But for now, he could not do much. He would focus on his paperwork for now, then head to the festival in time for the grand finale to look for Arcturus and Kelica. Arcturus would probably be expecting him, if Valken reached him first. It would be good to see what Arcturus had to say about this.
Alfie - Riding A Monster Through Magnolia

All Alfie could take in was having his hand grabbed. Anything afterward was a blur until he found himself riding Chris (huehue) through the streets and Kelica shouting what they should do about it. With a small shake of his head, he was able to think again and quickly came up with a plan. It was something he didn't wanna do, but it was their only hope without destroying too much... Alfie took a small, ovalish gem out of a pocket and raised it into the air, and soon enough, Chris found himself losing hope for the future. The gem in the pink-clad mage's glowed with power as this happened. "If this works like I think it will..." he sighed, "Chris should stop soon. His will to better himself or do anything else will be at an all-time low, and, well... I can only hope it gets better from there." He put the gem back in his pocket, hoping he didn't take all of Chris's willpower.

@Zuka @Isune
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Lana stood outside of the Lamia Scale guild hall. Her stance in a neutral pose, her left hand resting on her hip and a book in her right hand. Her eyes were looking over the pages of the book, due to her desire to finish up the chapter she was on.

As she read, her thoughts drifted to her coming here. Her Father telling her it was for the best, that he'd write to her, all those cliche things, she thought with a low sigh. She snapped the book shut closing it with her fingers before stuffing it into a bag.

As she looked at the building as if it were some foreign entity, she began to adjust her long hair. Her nervousness steadily increasing, she remained calm though before stepping doors and looking around the hall, "Hello, my name is Lana Valentine, I'm supposed to be here I guess," She said to any who might respond.

(Yeah since I'm unclear who is where I won't do an @ thing yet >~< hope it's okay)
Chris Lengheart (Charging down the streets of Magnolia )

Chris hadn't even noticed the two hop

onto his back as he continued sprinting at full speed. Even after the gem was flashed, Chris seemed to stop for what seemed like a few seconds before suddenly realizing that he had to unwelcome guests on his back. From that moment on, Chris began to roar and buck like crazy as he would occasionally slam his sides into walls, which would cause damage to both their legs, and would constantly ram his back any chance his got. It even came to the point in which Chris began to spew fire in every direction possible. So what if Chris may or may not have set fire to a few buildings, he wanted these people off!

@Salt Lord @Zuka

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora was staring at the girl until she felt the ground shake slightly, her body leaning over to the side to now gaze towards the street, eruptions of fire being seen above rooftops. " You've got to be kidding me.... " A sigh of annoyance was let out into the air before she looked back at Bizma. " I'll be right back. " The tone in her voice did not sound very pleased for once, Sora taking the initiative to track down the source of this destruction. " Double vernier! " A glow surrounded her frame before she took off quickly, wakes of wind being kicked up behind her as she followed the sounds and taste in the air, skidding to a stop in front of Chris, eyes narrowed. Well, Kelica and Alfie's ride was about to be even bumpier, but Magnolia didn't need to be torn apart before the festival. Leave it to Fairy Tail to find ways to destroy the city they resided in. Her hands would be brought together as a tornado erupted directly beneath the beast to send it flying into the air, palms switching to direct themselves downwards as a force of wind that almost felt like gravity crushing its entire body sent him crashing back into the ground to pin him there, not letting up, the ground cracking beneath him. She noticed Alfie and Kelica actually atop the beast and she released the pressure a bit to allow them a short window to get off, or they'd continue to get crushed. " I just wanted to eat my cake... " She spoke through gritted teeth, irritation causing her entire frame to twitch from the thought of Clair probably eating her slice as well since she'd left it unattended on the table, or even worse.... all the cake in the house.

Millie - Lamia Scale - Guildhall

Millie wasn't exactly sure why Valken was emphasizing her safety so much. It was just a festival for having fun, what could possibly go wrong there? Sure, she might get hurt in a fighting competition, or hit on my some drunk bums, but surely nothing too bad could happen. Suddenly he bowed down and kissed her hand, treating her as some sort of Princess. It felt wonderful to be treated this way, and only boosted her feelings for him. "I'll miss you Valken. Meet me on the first day of the festival!" She said, waving goodbye as he ran off to who knows where.

Grace - Lamia Scale - Guildhall

Now was her chance, her chance to get to Sabertooth. Glancing at Ferra and friends, she gave the girls a quick smile before standing up quickly and saying "Hey, if I don't come back, im on my way to the festival. I'll see you all there!" She said in an excited tone, rushing out the doors to catch Valken. Fortunately she was quick enough, her short legs carrying her at a surprising speed. She didn't care that she didn't have her belongings with her. The girl had enough money that she could buy some things at the festival. "Valken, wait! I need to talk to you!" She called out, her hand reaching for him.

@Zuka @Mitchs98
Lana remains quiet, crossing her arms at what was happening. "He did this on purpose didn't he?" She mumbled as she pinched the bridge of her nose with her index and middle finger. She relaxed once more leaning up against a wall before creating a symbol of magic in front of her. The symbol was large and attempted to draw some attention to herself as she returned to her book.

Her eyes slowly went over the pages of the book, and she fell into a lull of relaxation until someone took notice of her.

(@Kayzo @Zuka @Mitchs98 hope I got the right people >.< )
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Alfie - Enduring The Wind While On Top of Chris (huehue)

Suddenly, Alfie and friends were shot up into the air by a blast of air from underneath only to be slammed back down by one from above. All this was the work of a girl whom he didn't recognize, and was clearly very powerful. I he had to guess, she was an S Class, and while he had to respect her, he couldn't. This might have been the worst way to stop a beast. Especially if that beast was a friend. Ignoring the small opening to hop off, Alfie cast a spell, and pink ribbon from seemingly nowhere twirled in a tornado shape with equal power to the mage's wind. Sora's spell was being grossly interrupted to the point of not working at all. He gave the girl a slight smile and began, "If there's one thing I specialize in," the ribbon went straight to entangling Sora and keeping her pinned to the ground, "It's ribbons. Please, if you're going to do something, do something useful. Violence won't work on this thing."

@Kyuubey @Zuka @Isune
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Kelica - Magnolia Streets - Beasts Back

Kelica was safe for the meantime uptop the beasts back, but then he stopped, noticed them and thrashed more. And what was this?? A current of wind so strong as to force them all crashing to the ground. Her leg the first to fall and get pinned, causing her to scream in agony, right in Chris's ear. When Sora let up for a moment she managed to pull it free...not broken she thought happily though it was scratched up, holes in her tights. One eye clenched she spotted Sora....and watched Alfie force her to the ground. " That's Sora, she is part of Fairytale you ouff! She killed a fire dragon!! Are you trying to get us all killed?!?"

She closed her eyes.

This was it.


By a giant beast, a pink clad mage and a little girl.

@Isune @Kyuubey @Salt Lord
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Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora sighed at the pink ribbon that mimic'd her tornado and as it entwined around her she enveloped herself in a green light, hair splaying about as the wind picked up. " Anomaly Resistance Enchant: Re-Raise. " She said quietly and slowly standing, holding her ground. " Clearly you know nothing about take over magic. You need to exhaust him, and unfortunately that means hurting him, in which I plan to heal once he's returned to human form. Now do you plan on doing the wrong thing yourself and allowing more destruction where we live, or are you going to kindly let someone who has dealt with it before, deal with it. " Her lips pursed as she spoke, eyes flashing in a fierce way, clearly not going to back down and she surely didn't want to fight another guild member, but if he continued to allow the townsfolk and their homes to be harmed then she would have to. " His mind isn't his own right now, you're not going to sweet talk him like a puppy. And from the smell of blood, it'd seem one of you already did some damage to him yourselves. Hypocrites.. " The last word was a whispered murmured as she took in the state of Chris, knowing full well it was him, there were very few with take-over magic in the guild after-all. She walked over to Kelica and pulled her free gently to place her on the ground away from Chris, hands quickly floating over her body to heal it, though her eyes remained firm and unwavering on Alfie and Chris.

@Zuka @Salt Lord @Isune
Alfie - Getting (kinda) Pulverized By a Tornado

Whoopsy-daisy. Sora's in Fairy Tail...? I'd completely forgotten. This must be a side-effect of the shortcuts... I'll need to take note of that... The pressure started up again. Luckily, Kelica was off of Chris, and even more luckily, the wind got so powerful that it had picked up dust. So much dust, in fact, that Alfie wasn't even visible anymore. He had vanished off of Chris' back and back into the darkness of his shortcut, and he no longer felt the pulverizing winds of Sora's magic. "Yes!" Upon looking around the shortcut, he saw that one of the Lacrima from earlier was gone. "No! What a waste... I should have known not to use it so early. Well, no matter... what's important is stopping... what was I doing again...?" The blackness began fading, and soon, he was right behind Sora and friends.

"Ah. Sorry about earlier. I forgot things."
More razor wire shot up from the ground in the radius of her tornado, completely unaffected by the wind, and wrapped around Chris... again. The cut deeper into him as they spun even faster than earlier.

@Kyuubey @Zuka @Isune
Valken - Outside Lamia Scale Guild Hall

He was pretty chuffed with his grandeous exit, he even went so far as to stick his chest out. Taking a deep breath in, he was only just outside the guild hall doors, and he started a slow walk. His eyes fixated on the sky. The sun was starting to set, a soft red glow flowing over the air. And it was starting to get chilly, glancing down as he realised his scarf was now gone. Bummer... though he heard a voice and steps behind him, he looked back over his shoulder. Grace. He turned and faced her with a grin. "Yes Grace, what is it you desire?" (wow that sounds terrible)

He wasn't stupid, the girl was smart, he knew she heard where he was going and knew why she wanted to follow but allowed her to ask for herself. For all his shenanigans he always treated her the same as the rest, regardless of her height.

The more important question was would he allow her to come? It was a safe enough journey but he had to talk to Arcturus once he was there...then again she would no doubt be talking to that Masaki fellow, so he should be able to get some time alone with the Guild Master.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari (mentioned) @Colt556 (mentioned)
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Lana sighed to herself before slamming her book as her right eye glinted in anger. "There is a limit to the amount of waiting one can do!" She shouted out within the Lamia Scale guildhall. She stomped up the stairs, her anger increasing with each step, as she began a series of shouts of anger out with the hall demanding some level of attention.

As she raved upon the second floor, her magic grew steadily until a small amount of flame leaked out her from the annoyed anger. It splashed upon the floor catching light and though she had noticed it she made attempt to put it out.

Instead she pulled out a stick and stuck a marshmallow on it from her bag and began to us the flame to roast them.

(Eh, I still don't know who is where right now)
Masaki Yamada: Sabertooth Guild Hall

The guild hall was a mess and Masaki didn't like it. All because someone tried to join Sabertooth. Heck, he got declined anyway so the mess was made for nothing. With a sigh, Masaki went back to sit over at the table and began reading. That was, until Zephyr had asked Gilad to leave earlier for the Fantasia Festival. With permission, the man then left the guild, and upon walking out the doors he waved towards Masaki. The wave was a code and it was Zephyr's way of letting him know what he's going to do. With a sigh, Masaki closed the book rather frustratedly and put it back on the shelf. He'd had to read it later.

@Kyuubey (gogogogo)

Maya Morne, 5th Wizard Saint. Lamia Scale Guild Hall

"Alright then! It's settled!" She clapped her hands together with excitement, her voice was so loud that it practically boomed throughout the whole guild building. "Well, those that want to go we will leave when necessary, if people are wanting to leave earlier then I'll go talk to Lloyd about it. It so hold take a while to get to Magnolia anyway so it'll be a nice journey. Plus, you'll be with me. So it will be fun!" The woman span around on one foot, her gown flowing everywhere and her arms stuck out. When she stopped, she chuckled. Noticing Millie crying over Valken. Instantly, Maya decided that she would scold Valken when he returns for not taking Millie with him, but this were the affairs of love. However, she lit up when Valken made his exit flashy, leaving Maya to squeal in happiness and spin around on her heel again, it was truly a very beautiful exit.

@all yo' Lamia Scale peeps
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Chris Lengheart (being pinned by a tornado)

Chris roared in pain as the wires sliced into him once again. The beast tried to use his fire breath but it was swept away by the tornado. The beast was helpless as he looked around at Magnolia, the town Chris grew up in...he lit those fires, he's the one who caused this all to happen. There were massive holes in walls where Chris had tried to throw the two off. To further add on to his guilt, three of his guildmates had to stop him. That would eventually spread to the guild and tarnish Chris's reputation once again. The beast seemed to be completely calm as it began to shake its head and looked to the three. The beast spoke! "Wh-what did I do?" It sounded like Chris...only with a much deeper voice. Chris finally seemed to be in control in the worst possible moment.

@Salt Lord @Zuka @Kyuubey

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