Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart

Chris watched as the wolf tail formed and only shook his head. "You failed, I said cat. Not wolf, you have to be specific with your transformation. And don't focus so much on it, for me it's kinda just natural. I don't really have to think, it just happens. Like I said before, the only problem I really have with beast soul is the full takeover. Besides, beast souls allow you to make yourself into a beast. It just so happens that some of those beasts have animal parts like when I turned my legs into hooves. You won't be able to turn into a full animal." Chris said as he sat on the ground and waited for the partial takeover to end,"Now try again, and remember...cat."

Kelica - Behind Fairytale Guild

Kelica nodded, this was all alot more work then she expected. Maybe she was thinking to hard about it. As he sat down, she followed suit, sitting with legs tucked up and arms wrapped around her knees. Waiting for the wolfs tail to disappear, though it was happily swaying behind her. "You said you know how to do a Full Take-Over but can't control it?... but you think I might be able to help? Why don't you try that and see? I'm sure you can't be that scary... " smiling with ignorance.

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Second Floor

Lloyd watched as Maya jumped to the first floor of the guild hall, before smiling and turning in the direction of his office. He was sure that everyone would have a good time at the festival if Maya was their chaperone, plus they respected her enough to want to listen to her. Not for the first time, he wondered why it was he who had been named Guild Master rather than her. It would mean a greater reputation for Lamia Scale to have a Wizarding Saint and Council member as their Guild Master rather than a relative unknown who rarely spent time at the guild anyway. But it had been the former Guild Master who had named him as his successor and he would see to it that Lamia Scale remained strong and close, yet he still thought the former Guild Master's decision somewhat strange. Perhaps there were some perimeters at play that he was not aware of. Or perhaps Maya had been given the position first but she had turned it down for some reason. It was still too awkward for him to broach the subject with her, so he left it at that.

He was about to head to his office when a familiar voice called his attention. It was Valken, and he was wearing a serious look on his face. Originally, he had been planning to ask Valken what had happened earlier between him and the girls, and then perhaps tease him about it, but that had died the moment he saw Valken's face. "What happened," he asked, a concerned note in his voice as he moved closer to Valken. "It sounds pretty serious. Shall we discuss this in my office if it's privacy you need?"

@LeSoraAmari @Zuka
Valken - Lamia Scale HQ - Lloyds office

Valken raised from his bow and tilted his head as in yes, his deep purple eyes vague. He let the Guild Master start walking to his office and followed close by, behind and to the side of him. He glanced over the rabble of the guild members far below. Adjusting his scarf a little, he let Lloyd open the door to his office and entered quietly. For serious matters, he used a hush voice, even in a private room, walking to the nearest window and peeking outside before closing the curtains. He turned and faced Lloyd.

"While you were all away on that Malina Mission, I picked up some interesting information..." He reached into his Pocket and pulled out a half torn note, handing it over to him. "When a reward for a Billion jewels comes up, people start to ask questions...Lucian Gray, the owner for the mansion? He is actually the Guild Leader for a Dark Guild called Grimore Heart... more interestingly he was the one who organised for the Dragons to be unleashed against the party, his theory being to destroy or convert as many high powered mages with one foul swoop. While not achieving that goal I feel like he has a much darker goal in mind...He is recruiting, and fast, all mages and soldiers from many different regions to be under his command, if they don't join him they are "incapacitated". While I am unsure if he caused the death of Fairytale's Guild Master, the inbalance only strengthens his resolve... Even more troubling, he is turning to The West for allies." Glancing to the note which specified some sort of alliance at a price. How Valken got the letter... was a mystery but was no doubt through unjust means.

"Sir... he wishes for War. To take over the Magic Council and rid Fiore of all those unbending to his rule.. " He fell silent to watch Lloyds face.

@HuorSpinks @Mitchs98
Sabertooth Guildhall

Black steps out a a portal in the Sabertooth guild hall. Upon his arrival he see a crowd surrounding two people, meaning there's a fight between two members in the guild. He walks up to the crowd making his way to the front. He chuckles when he sees the two fighting. He remains silent and watches the fight. @Kayzo
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Kayzo said:
Mizuki - Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki couldn't help but glare as Cinla dodged another one of her attacks. She was very quick and very annoying. It seemed that getting up close and personal would be the best route to take in this fight, so she quickly began to devise a plan. A small smile replaced her frown as the Star Energy began swarming the dark Mage. Thrusting her hands down, the Mage rise up into the air and began moving quickly towards Cinla. When she stopped right about her, Mizuki began thrusting downwards, dark beams showering the girl. "Hehehehe. Try getting out of this..."

Grace and Millie- Lamia Scale Hall

Millie smiled brightly at Ferra's idea, her hand reaching over at petting hers. She had enough confidence in her body that she thought she could win. And what could be a better gift than showing off in a bikini while winning prizes at the same time? "That's a terrific idea Ferra! I'll definitely get pictures for him as well as a trophy. I just need to find the most expensive, best looking swimsuit available!" She said, clapping her hands together excitedly. She was now super excited for he festival, and was going for sure. Speaking of the festival, Maya came down asking if anyone wanted to go to it. Ferra was on top of it, Millie right behind her. "Yes, I'm going. I sure hope Belkam is coming along too..." Grace, who had been there the entire time, nodded in agreement and smiled. "Of course I'll go! I just hope Masaki comes with..."
Cinla quickly began to gracefully dance between the shower only taking a little damage then when cinla got enough distance quickly pulled her head back and pressed her hands together and said" Martial Star's Roar". A massive beam came from cinla's mouth ripping through the air directly for mizuki.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Cinla quickly began to gracefully dance between the shower only taking a little damage then when cinla got enough distance quickly pulled her head back and pressed her hands together and said" Martial Star's Roar". A massive beam came from cinla's mouth ripping through the air directly for mizuki.

Mizuki- Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki finished her rain of death to find that the girl beneath her managed do evade all of her attacks. Impossible! The attack was so large, so condensed, she found it unbelievable that Cinla managed to get out of that nearly scratch free. Suddenly the Mage fired a large beam of celestial light right towards Mizuki. Somehow she managed to gracefully dodge the massive beam, and landed on the ground a few feet away from her. "You're making me very angry. You should tread carefully." She said, her voice firm and cold. Suddenly four dark arms sprung out of her back and began racing towards Cinla, trying to grab her.
Chris Lengheart

"You really sure you want to? Trust me, I'd really appreciate the help, but are you sure that this is something you really want to do? I don't want to hurt anyone." Chris said nervously. He really didn't want to hurt anyone, he just went on a rampage whenever he used a full takeover. He was honestly worried he might go on another rampage. However unlike the last tine, he may end up killing someone.


Kayzo said:
Mizuki- Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki finished her rain of death to find that the girl beneath her managed do evade all of her attacks. Impossible! The attack was so large, so condensed, she found it unbelievable that Cinla managed to get out of that nearly scratch free. Suddenly the Mage fired a large beam of celestial light right towards Mizuki. Somehow she managed to gracefully dodge the massive beam, and landed on the ground a few feet away from her. "You're making me very angry. You should tread carefully." She said, her voice firm and cold. Suddenly four dark arms sprung out of her back and began racing towards Cinla, trying to grab her.
Cinla continues to dodge and her mood fully snapped to pissed off at last and her aura flared up and ruins quickly started to form on her body and said said in a blunt tone" Nobody treats me like i'm their bitch toy or punch bag, it about time i ended this stupid little game of your". The ground with in a fifteen foot radius quickly began to crack and some of the ground starts to lift into the air.
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Sabertooth Guild Hall

Black turned and walked towards a wall as the match turned to it worst, some of the guild members started to back away also. These girls b are going to destroy the guild hall. He thought to himself. He pulls out a box of popcorn as he continues to watch from a safe distance. @Kayzo @Leo Radomir
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora's eyes had been focused on the ground before the sound of a whispered voice caught her attention, eyes narrowing at the tugging familiarity of it. Both hues slid up to confirm her thoughts as they rested on Clair, a small smile spreading as Clair smiled at them. She tilted her head down a bit to notion at the sleeping cat whom had fallen asleep quite quickly in her arms. The subtle glossiness of held back tears were noticed in the other girl's eyes and Sora couldn't help but offer her a reassuring look. They were all feeling the same way over the death of their guild master, it was a shared bond between their small yet chaotic family of a guild. " Hey there, Clair, it's really nice to see you. We're doing as well as we can be. " She spoke as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake Nami as the small exceed had had a tiring day; picking on a certain somebody must have been exhausting. " It's getting dark soon, we were headed home, want to accompany us and I'll cook up dinner? " Just a small offer as Clair was always welcome at their place. " There's also cake. " That had to be thrown in there as well, knowing that might get an actual smile out of the red head, not a forced one. Clair hadn't been around lately and she figured the other girl could use some company, and to be honest, Sora could too.

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair Fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard saint


Clair quickly noted that the exceed was asleep in Sora's arms , it was reassuring to see and hear the two were handling the situation alright. Clair listened to Sora's proposition and a quiet giggle escaped her mouth , cake and food should have been the last thing on Clair's mind right now yet she couldn't resist the temptation "sure i'd love to join you provided i'm not a burden of course".

Clair then turned away from the two and rubbed her eyes to ensure they were dry , she couldn't have other members of the guild catching her on the verge of tears. Clair then began to laugh quietly before turning back to the girl with a smile on her face "so whats on the menu Sora ?"

Mizuki- BSabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki wasn't scared by the girls anger, Instead she was confused. She never recalled doing or saying anything to make Cinla her bitch, but who knows? Maybe she was one of those people who got offended over everything. "You aren't a very scary person." She said, swiping her arms, one diagonal and the other horizontal. Two blades swarmed out, the diagonal one quicker. She hoped to pummel Cinla to the ground, techn fun would begin.

@Leo Radomir
Bizma//Fairy Tail//S-Class//Magnolia

It had been a long and treacherous mission for the S-Class Wizard. Honestly, she had never expected that to be so hard! So now, covered in bruises and blood from being beaten up by the gang, the tiny young woman began walking through the streets. Some people stopped and stared at her for a minute; they hadn't seen her in over a month. She reddened and took a separate route, not wanting to be noticed. She wiped sweat from her brow. Seriously, why was that so hard? And why was everyone so depressed? What did she miss? She fiddled with her spectacles, biting her lip, then opened the door to the guild hall. "*huff huff* I'm home.....finally...."

@anyone in the guild hall
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Cinla takes the hits from the arms and then managed to skid back out of the way of the blades sweat coming off her face, then jumped back some more and then quickly said" Healing Rite" A blue circle quickly starts to form and after a minute or so then after another minute the circle is complete and cinla began to heal from the damage.

Cinla body has now transformed into star slayer form and would soon be ready to start her offense again. As the healing continues cinla said"
And you've got a nasty personality so i guess that makes us even on that note ay". About a thirty seconds later cinla starts her own offense again a flurry off lightning fast kicks and punches.

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Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Office

At Valken's mention of the West, Lloyd's face turned a particular shade of white, even while his hand reached out automatically to take the note that Valken held out to him. "I'm not surprised about Lucian," he murmured finally. "I was already suspicious of him when I met him. So he and his guild were indeed the cause of the events in Malnia. That does explain a lot." He finally looked down at the note, and when he came across a particular name that still made his blood boil at it's mention despite the events happening almost two decades ago.

He looked up finally, his gaze troubled, a worried frown on his face. "These guys are pretty much war machines. We'll need to inform the council at once. At least that would give us a change to prepare some sort of defense, that would lessen our chance of defeat, even if not by much." Once, they had massacred his tribe. He was not going to let them destroy his Guild too. If there was one thing he had learnt during his life, it was to expect history to bite him in the ass sooner or later.

Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

"That's enough!" He called out in a booming voice as he approached the two duelists. The crowd that had formed parted to make way for him as he strode towards them, surveying the destruction they had inflicted. Had he known the newcomer was this capable he would have moved them to a different venue, but what's done is done. He came to a stop between the two former combatants, giving them each a quick once-over before giving a nod to Mizuki. "I appreciate your assistance, Mizuki." He then turned to give the newcomer his full attention, looking down on the small woman before him for a few moments before speaking up.

"I now understand what you're capable of. For the final part of this test you will be fighting me." A bright light encased his body momentarily, quickly fading to reveal his signature full plate armor. Another, smaller light appeared by his side as his large axe materialized next to him before quickly being scooped up in his hand. "Be warned, this will be no friendly match. Should you fail you will die." To put emphasis on his warning he unleashed the full might of his magic power. Waves of energy emanated off him, whipping up debris and small objects in a whirlwind that forced the spectators to back up. It was as if an oppressive weight bared down on all those present. So powerful was the magic that even those incapable of wizardry could feel the weight of it, bringing the entire city to a momentary standstill as it's citizens all turned their gaze towards the Sabertooth Guildhall. He cast a cold, merciless glare at the woman before him, waiting to see what her next move would.


@Leo Radomir
Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

"That's enough!" He called out in a booming voice as he approached the two duelists. The crowd that had formed parted to make way for him as he strode towards them, surveying the destruction they had inflicted. Had he known the newcomer was this capable he would have moved them to a different venue, but what's done is done. He came to a stop between the two former combatants, giving them each a quick once-over before giving a nod to Mizuki. "I appreciate your assistance, Mizuki." He then turned to give the newcomer his full attention, looking down on the small woman before him for a few moments before speaking up.

"I now understand what you're capable of. For the final part of this test you will be fighting me." A bright light encased his body momentarily, quickly fading to reveal his signature full plate armor. Another, smaller light appeared by his side as his large axe materialized next to him before quickly being scooped up in his hand. "Be warned, this will be no friendly match. Should you fail you will die." To put emphasis on his warning he unleashed the full might of his magic power. Waves of energy emanated off him, whipping up debris and small objects in a whirlwind that forced the spectators to back up. It was as if an oppressive weight bared down on all those present. So powerful was the magic that even those incapable of wizardry could feel the weight of it, bringing the entire city to a momentary standstill as it's citizens all turned their gaze towards the Sabertooth Guildhall. He cast a cold, merciless glare at the woman before him, waiting to see what her next move would.


@Leo Radomir
@Kayzo @Leo Radomir

Alicia: Sabertooth HQ

Alicia had, of course, been watching the match and cheering Mizuki on the entire time. Cinla was also very impressive. She watched the fight between the two S-Class mages both in awe and respect from the sheer amount of power the two possesed. She probably wouldn't of lasted long if she were the one to fight them, either of them, which made the fight all the more exciting. "You can do it Mizu-!" She was interrupted mid-cheer by Gilad shouting, causing her to jump slightly in her chair from the sheer amount of focus she had on the fight opposed to what was going on around her.

Instinctively she moved back out of the range of the hex and watched with wide eyes as Gilad approached and challenged the woman.
Welp. Good-bye Cinla. Nice knowing you. She thought to herself. Even still an excited smile was on her face, she'd never gotten to see Gilad fight before, she figured it'd be awesome simply from the display of power before he even started fighting! "Yay! Go Master Gilad!" She cheered excitedly.
Mizuki - Sabertooth Guildhall.

Mizuki quickly conjured up a shield to block against the sudden flurry of punches and kicks, charging up a beam from behind the cover. She planned to fire it the moment Cinla broke through the barrier. However she was not quick enough and a few punches connected with her body, causing the dark Mage to stumble back. Her arms shot back out again, hoping to grab the girl, drain her energy, and release a painful and beautiful combo on the poor girl. Unfortunately in Mizuki's case this would not happen. Gilad had decided that he'd seen enough, and was now stepping in, wanting to face Cinla himself. This put her in a bit of a foul mood, seeing that she wanted to hurt her opponent some more, but she wasn't one to defy her guildmaster's orders; especially after everything he had done for her. Instead she bowed her head and walked back, taking a seat beside Alicia. "If I won, I was going to remove that hex from you, but it seems that it's going to last a little longer..."

@Mitchs98 @Colt556 @Leo Radomir
Masaki Yamada: Sabertooth Guildhall

After sitting at the table for a while, he watched the fight quietly, even putting the book he was reading down in order to do so. He let out a slight chuckle. Masaki placed all of his faith in Mizuki, and believed that she would've won if the fight continued on. She still had a lot to show the other girl, after all, the fight had only really just started!

Masaki got up and made his way over towards Alicia and Mizuki, he hasn't spoken to them properly since before the Malnia event. Mainly Mizuki, he had spoken to Alicia briefly earlier. "Well, this should be fun to see, shouldn't it?" He said with a slight smirk on his face. The guild hall was a mess and that annoyed him. Was Gilad going to give this girl a stern telling off? He was definitely not going to miss this. Besides, he didn't get to see Master Gilad fight during the Malnia mission, this may be the only opportunity he'll get for a while.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
Cinla pressed her hands into the ground and began a spell" As the slumbering light drifts awake from the darkness and breaks free and spreads it's wings all creatures of the darkness she be pushed back to the dark hole they came from, and the light shall glow for a thousand years". Cinla repeated this two more times and then a huge circle in front of her quickly began to form. After a few minutes the circle was complete and large beasts started to rise from the circle, Cinla pushed her star slayer form to level three and her eyes change and golden stars with rings bronze covering the rest her skin went a sort of silver and and then moved her hands from the ground and then shift her hands forward and several blasts of star energy launch from her hands.

@Colt556 if you want me to edit any thing let me know
Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

The man held his gaze on the girl, allowing her the time she needed to cast her spell. The moment she finished, the moment she expended her magic, the spell vanished. The circle, the beasts, the energy blasts, even the change in her appearance all winked out of existence. Before the girl even had a chance to realize what happened she was slammed into the ground with brutal force, the impact being strong enough to leave a sizable crater around her body. She was kept firmly against the ground as he allowed his magic power to return to normal. Small bits of debris peppered the ground as his expression changed from his stern glare to one of disappointment.

"Sabertooth is strong. To be a member of this guild you must also be strong. However strength comes in many forms, your martial prowess was not what I was testing here." A bright light encased his body and his weapon, both vanishing to be replaced by his casual clothing. "A member of Sabertooth is expected to overcome any hurdle, defeat any foe. However, there will always be those more powerful than you. Should you encounter such an individual you are expected to surpass them. You can not do this if you are dead." To put emphasis on this part he increased the gravity pinning the girl to the ground, making sure to increase the pain she felt. "If you can't beat them today you retreat, you train, and you beat them tomorrow. You should have known you had no chance of beating me, it's abundantly clear the gap in power is immeasurable and yet still you tried. Had I been serious you would have just committed suicide."

He clasped his hands behind his back as he took long, slow strides around the pinned girl. "I lead a strong guild, not a suicidal one. Part of being strong is knowing your own limitations and knowing when to fight and when to flee. What you just demonstrated was not strength, it was arrogance and foolishness." He let out a sigh as he made his way towards the bar, the crowd once more parting to make way for him. "I can not allow a foolish, suicidal girl into my guild." At that point the gravitational forces pinning the girl to the ground were suddenly lifted, allowing the woman the breath freely and once more stand upon her own feet. For his part he had said what he wished to say and silently sat himself upon his beloved stool. Perhaps the woman could learn from this encounter and improve herself. But for now she was not ready to join the ranks of Sabertooth.

@Leo Radomir
Cinla got up healed her self after about ten minutes then said" Sorry you're right i got to hot headed and cocky and should've thought things through but before i go i want to say thanks for giving me this chance to learn from this". With that cinla walked out of the guild and then started to head down the road not sure what to do with herself. 'He was human but not power wise i would of had a chance of wining against that bitch but my rematch with her with just have to wait till another time'. Cinla hands went white and she holds in the frustration' so stupid of me but what was a meant to do kicks and punches and normal spells wouldn't of done jack to a monster like him i should of just surrendered but i couldn't keep my cool maybe sera's right and i don't belong in that guild especial after making a foul out of my self in front of so many like that'. Cinla couldn't help but start crying she walked over to a shelter and sat down on a step

anyone near by
Mitchs98 said:
@Chara Angel of Death (mentioned)

- Finding Ferra

Corra had slept in quite a lot, being cuddle up in Ferra's sheets with a smile on her face. She was dreaming about eating fish, again. She also played around in the ocean, having quite a lot of fun, until her eyes opened up. Morning light woke her up, which had her yawn, stretching under the blankets. She rubbed her eyes, her lips smacking together as her sea blue eyes adjusted to the light. She had been staying in this room for a whole two weeks, and she still freaked out when she woke up inside. But this time... Was a little different.

She looked to the side, gasping loudly.

"F-Ferra-humaaaann!" She cried out. Why did she keep getting up without her! She always scared Corra! Always!

"Ferra-humaaaaannn!" She came out of the room, crying her name. She ran around the building, dodging other people that would trample her. She kept her search up until she saw her chatting with other people.

"Ferraaaaaaa!" She cried out, running to her and hugging her leg.

"Ferra's meaaaannn! Ferra leave Corra behind again!" She whimpered, her tears coming out as large bulbous spheres of water. She cried an obscene amount of water, which just looked completely odd.
Kelica - Behind Fairytale Guild

Slowly as Kelica was watching Chris and relaxing the wolfs tail subsided leaving her as human as the day she was born. Her eyes fixed on him, expression thoughtful. " well your power is Beast Take-Over yes? It wouldn't sit right if your whole life you could only Master a partial take over. It is daunting, but don't you want to push yourself and learn more? What if Fairytale needs you and your not strong enough? My powers allow me to not only talk to the forest and the creatures within, but also persuade them as well. Just let me help you, ok? I'll be fine!" her face lighting up, she genuinely wanted to help him and if this is what he needed then so be it. She was ready. She stood up to a Fire Dragon at Malina, so he couldn't be much worse.... right?

(@Isune forgot to tag ._.; )
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@ScarlettRose16[/URL] @LeSoraAmari @anyone else in the damn hall yo

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra was just about to suggest something else to Millie to get Valken and possibly tease Grace a bit when Corra started shouting. She'd heard her from the second she came out of her room calling her name. She was just about to move to find the poor girl when she ran up hugging her leg and crying an unbeliveable amount, she always forgot that the poor girl gets scared when she woke up alone. She wasn't exactly sure why either. Smiling she stroked the back of her head gently before gently unlatching her from her leg and picking her up, allowing her to sit on her knee before hugging her.

I'm sorry Corra, I honestly forgot again. Plus you looked like you could use the extra rest so I decided to let you sleep later." She told her. Digging in her pack she got them all a meat bun, placing the extras down on the table and handing one to Corra before grabbing her own. She figured she was hungry, after all. "We were just talking about going to a festival Fairy Tail has every year. It's a big party, lots of humans come. Do you wanna come with us?" She asked her, assuming that the rest wouldn't mind her going.

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