Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Ophelia: Fairy Tail - Destroyed Forest

Jaymes had a puzzled look on his face upon hearing Ophelia's greeting, and honestly, she couldn't blame him. She had been in Fairy Tail for only a year and wasn't even that known among the guild. She felt a bit bad for him, until she saw the ice user skillfully destroy a demon. He was hurt emotionally, but physically? Jaymes could handle himself. And he's got a nice butt, Ophelia briefly thought to herself before turning around and watching the Sabertooth girl... get knocked into her own barrier. Of course, like every wizard in Earthland would, she stood up and became even stronger than before because of some sort of anger... She could take care of herself just as well as Jaymes could.

"How many of these damn things are there? They're like a pack of monkeys!" The Dragon slayer was now complaining about the great horde of zombies. Odd... they're weren't that many...
Oh. "If you think this is bad, you should try sailing sometime," Ophelia giggled as she threw her swords (with the help of water and physics) at one of the demons heading for Jaymes, splitting it in two.

@Arvis90 @ScarlettRose16
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Kelica - Fairytail HQ

Kelica glanced over her shoulder to the half man half bear wanted to say half manbearpig looking creature who had finally settled down to devour his cake and even past up another drink. Not wanting to disappoint the bar tender she took said drink for herself, lifting it up and sculling the stein in a surprising amount of time. Giving off a small burp which she then covered her mouth and blushed. "excuse me... " looking up and noticing Sora had left along with Nami, leaving Kelica with Chris and Naomi once more. She put her elbows on the bar, with her head in her hands, looking up to the roof with a wistful look on her face.

The dragon mission though exhausting had been fun, not at the time mind you, but in hindsight she loved seeing so many mages and powers. And Lloyd. She smiled happily. She had protected him from that blast and healed his leg, albit painfully. He had promised to help her rebuild the forest but with the commotion of the Magic Council and guilds being departed she couldn't find him. She wondered what he was up to. Guild Masters probably had heaps of work to do, she figured. She secretly hoped he would come to the festival so she could say hi. I mean, he came to the mission, so why not the festival? Kelica kept daydreaming as she looked to the roof, remembering him carrying her on his back while she was exhausted. Her eyes closed as she remembered every step, the soft thuds and sway. It was a comforting thought.

@HuorSpinks @Kyuubey @Isune @Defective Kitten
Millie - Lamia Scale Guildhall

Millie couldn't help but frown when her boyfriend ran off to the second level of the hall. She really wanted to spend some time with him, seeing that she neglected him for the longest time. But it seems he needed to do something important that didn't involve her. She had a hunch that Velkam may have been embarrassed by her behavior, and she really hoped that wasn't the case. The girl hated it when people were sad and hated it even more when she was the cause of the unhappiness. However her face lit up when Ferra proposed that they get him a gift. "Yes, that's a great idea Ferra! I need to make it up to him or else I'll be a terrible girlfriend. Do you have any ideas?"

Mizuki - Sabertooth Guildhall

An unpleasant frown manifested itself on Mizuki's face as the girl dodged her attack. She was quick and smart, a deadly combo in a fight. However this didn't scare the Mage one bit. She didn't fear anything anymore, not after what she's been through. Her eyes followed Cinla, watching as the girl prepared another spell. Chains of lighting began to swarm Mizuki, but the girl didn't flinch at all. Instead she began to raise her arms, shields of shadow popping up and blocking each of the attacks. "Silly girl, I don't cry." She said with a laugh, firing multiple orbs at the girl. She heard Alicia cheer her on, so she threw in a slash just for her.

@Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
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When he heard Winter cry out, he turned to see she had been knocked into her own barrier, but she didn't stay down for long. Then a demon launched itself at him, but before he could react, the demon was destroyed by the young water user. He already couldn't remember her name...Opera or something... He heard a cry behind him now, and jumped forward, falling into a roll and landing back on his feet several feet away just as three thumps could be heard. He turned around and saw three large demons glaring at him. "Sneak attack? Really?" Jaymes said, unamused. He was tired and angry, and didn't really feel like giving them a fair fight. "Elysian Flash!" Jaymes said, thrusting his freehand to before him and unleashing a blast of light that burned and blinded them moderately. While they clawed at their eyes, he quickly dispatched them with slashes of his sword. @Salt Lord @ScarlettRose16
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Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Second Floor

Lloyd nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. "Well, if you're going to be investigating the circumstances concerning Ms Tutin's death, do let me know if there's anything I can do to help. And thanks," he added. "I'll entrust everyone into your care then. At least with you around I wouldn't have to worry so much. I just hope they don't end up destroying property over there..." he shook his head and shrugged. He had been hoping to use some of the reward money from the Malnia mission (50% of it was in the guild coffers, the rest had been distributed equally to all involved in the mission) to upgrade the guild hall facilities, and he really did not want any of it to end up going into repair costs due to the wanton destruction of property. Of course, that was something Fairy Tail probably had to worry about more, but still, with young people in the guild...

"As for... well..." Here, Lloyd hesitated, wondering if he was going to sound extremely stupid with this. "There was this young mage from Fairy Tail, her name is Kelica, and she blocked a dragon blast from me as well as healed my leg when it was broken in the fight. I had promised to help her rebuild the forest in return but..." Here, he trailed off, a guilty look on his face. There had been a hive of activity once the Magic Council soldiers had appeared. They had been all over the place, taking statements from people, himself included. Being a Guild Master, he had been involved in discussions on how to proceed with the charges of the dark mages involved, as well as what was to go on the reports, that by the time he managed to get to the forest ruins, all he found was a lone tree. A majestic one, but a single tree, which indicated that Kelica had already been there. However, he had been unable to locate her, so he had assumed that she had left already. Unfortunately, this meant that he had broken his promise to her, and he did feel guilty about that. He hated breaking promises to people.

He had been hoping to ask Maya to speak to Kelica on his behalf but... he realized then how tacky that was. What kind of an apology would that be if he sent someone else to apologize on his behalf. "Never mind," he said finally. "It is probably best that I speak to her myself. I'll come down on the final day of the festival. In the meantime, I guess I'll just have to hurry to get my paperwork done." He sighed, just thinking of all the walks he would have to forgo to get everything done in time.

It was then that he had to step aside as Valken rushed past them with a chastised look on his face. He shook his head again and let out a quiet chuckle. Just what had happened down there?

"Oh, right," he turned back to Maya then. "Better find out exactly who wants to go. I have a feeling that certain people are dying to go but would not admit it."

@LeSoraAmari @Zuka
Chris Lengheart (Fairytail guild bar)

Chris watched as a girl went right on ahead and chugged down his mug. He only stared at her and joked, "That was first time I've ever seen someone chug down a cold one." Chris seemed to slowly by sobering up, and eventually stood up before heading to the kitchen to grab some more cake. Hopefully that cat from earlier hadn't eaten everything in there, or was planning some sort of sneak attack. Whatever it was, semi-sober Chris was ready.

@Zuka @Kyuubey
Cinla quickly began to dodge the when at the women's blind spot took advantage of the distraction and stamped her foot into the ground and twisting her foot half way round said" Star martial art level one shifting ruption". The along the ground several lightning fast attacks came from all over the ground towards the dark mage if she didn't dodge this she would be in a she would be a in a world of pain because this is pure star energy.

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"Ice-Make:Death Scythe" she says. A scythe made out of ice appears in her hand. She jumps high in the air towards the demon, she swings the scythe at the demon. She still uses the scythe. After a bit, it seemed like they stopped coming. "Are you too good?" She asks just wanting to make sure, she somehow was the only one to get hot. Perfect. She looks around but it seemed like what ever they were attacking, stopped coming.

@Arvis90 @Salt Lord (and it's what happens to the characters in the anime so I say why not. xD )
Lysander - Lamia Scale Guild Hall; First Floor

Lysander's mouth dropped open in pure shock as he watched Millie jump right into Valken's arms, instinctively edging slightly away due to the sudden, unexpected movement. A few moments later, he watched Valken dash up into the second floor, probably out of embarrassment. The evil grin on Ferra's face was enough for him to guess rather accurately what had just occurred. Plus, if Valken and Millie were truly together, he would definitely have known about it. It was pure evil, but... almost funny how gullible Millie was. But still though, he did not want to be there when Millie found out about the truth. Her reaction was sure to be explosive; tears, fireworks, the whole works. Especially since he had been there to witness the entire thing. It was time for him to make his own exit as well.

By this time, Millie and Ferra were engaged in an engrossing conversation, so he very discreetly stood up, wrapped his cloak around him, picked up his hat, and made his way to the job board. It was time for him to pick a job anyway. Unlike most of his guild members, he usually picked his jobs during the evening. That way, he could spend the rest of the evening preparing, before starting out right from his dorm room the next day. Most of his day would be out completing whatever mission there was, and only during the evening would he visit the guild hall to rest and take more jobs. That had always been how he had done it, right since he had joined Lamia Scale, because that had been how Lloyd had done it too. In fact, Lloyd had rarely been seen in the guild hall himself; he was always out wandering Fiore doing who knew what, but then, that was back when he wasn't a Guild Master.

People had commented before that he and Lloyd were similar in personality, but that could not be furthur from the truth. Lloyd actually was comfortable being on his own, wandering around doing jobs located far from the guild hall. Lysander on the other hand, craved human interaction and loved being around people, even though all he did was stand around and watch because he simply did not dare join or initiate any conversations, which only frustrated and upset him, so in order to combat that he simply spent more time alone on missions. It was a vicious cycle.

Lost in his thoughts, Lysander did not even know that he had reached the job notice board until he bumped into it. He turned red, backed away and glanced around, hoping that nobody noticed. He then turned his attention to the notice board, scanning intently all the job notices. Defeating bandits, escorting people, capturing criminals, fetching certain items from places that only had them, kill 10 creatures and bring back their carcasses, the usual stuff. One job though, was perfect. It was a defeating bandit quest; his personal favourite job to do, plus it was located about halfway between Magnolia Town and Hargeon Town. Perfect, this would give him enough time to complete the quest, turn it in for the reward and then head to Magnolia Town in time for the Fantasia Festival.

He pulled the notice off the board, wrote his name and the name of the job in the register the Guild used to keep track of who was doing what quests, then quietly left the Guild Hall. It was time for some bandit hunting.
HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Second Floor
Lloyd nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. "Well, if you're going to be investigating the circumstances concerning Ms Tutin's death, do let me know if there's anything I can do to help. And thanks," he added. "I'll entrust everyone into your care then. At least with you around I wouldn't have to worry so much. I just hope they don't end up destroying property over there..." he shook his head and shrugged. He had been hoping to use some of the reward money from the Malnia mission (50% of it was in the guild coffers, the rest had been distributed equally to all involved in the mission) to upgrade the guild hall facilities, and he really did not want any of it to end up going into repair costs due to the wanton destruction of property. Of course, that was something Fairy Tail probably had to worry about more, but still, with young people in the guild...

"As for... well..." Here, Lloyd hesitated, wondering if he was going to sound extremely stupid with this. "There was this young mage from Fairy Tail, her name is Kelica, and she blocked a dragon blast from me as well as healed my leg when it was broken in the fight. I had promised to help her rebuild the forest in return but..." Here, he trailed off, a guilty look on his face. There had been a hive of activity once the Magic Council soldiers had appeared. They had been all over the place, taking statements from people, himself included. Being a Guild Master, he had been involved in discussions on how to proceed with the charges of the dark mages involved, as well as what was to go on the reports, that by the time he managed to get to the forest ruins, all he found was a lone tree. A majestic one, but a single tree, which indicated that Kelica had already been there. However, he had been unable to locate her, so he had assumed that she had left already. Unfortunately, this meant that he had broken his promise to her, and he did feel guilty about that. He hated breaking promises to people.

He had been hoping to ask Maya to speak to Kelica on his behalf but... he realized then how tacky that was. What kind of an apology would that be if he sent someone else to apologize on his behalf. "Never mind," he said finally. "It is probably best that I speak to her myself. I'll come down on the final day of the festival. In the meantime, I guess I'll just have to hurry to get my paperwork done." He sighed, just thinking of all the walks he would have to forgo to get everything done in time.

It was then that he had to step aside as Valken rushed past them with a chastised look on his face. He shook his head again and let out a quiet chuckle. Just what had happened down there?

"Oh, right," he turned back to Maya then. "Better find out exactly who wants to go. I have a feeling that certain people are dying to go but would not admit it."

@LeSoraAmari @Zuka
Maya Morne: Lamia Scale Guildhall, Second Level

"I probably won't investigate it. And even if I do, the guild might not exactly like me doing so. They're undoubtedly still mourning her, and I don't want to turn their sweet hearts sour." She paused for a moment before adding, "Not only that, but Sora must be mourning too." She sighed, it really was a tragic situation. "But, if absolutely necessary then I will try find something out. If I do, I'll send word to you straight away."

Maya put her hands behind her back as she stood with Lloyd, listening to the man speak even now. She was happy that he had entrusted everyone under her care, a good decision, the Wizard Saint thought. Maya chuckled, Lloyd seemed to be worried about Lamia Scale causing any damage while they are there. It was a very valid point, but Maya was determined not to let such a thing happen. Although she couldn't promise anything. With a laugh she spoke again, "I can't promise anything, but I will give them a good scolding if they damage anything." With that she went over to the banister again and looked over. Upon listening to Lloyd once more, she looked at him and nodded. "Well, I'm sure I'll speak to you again soon, but in the meantime have fun with your paperwork." She turned away from Lloyd and built up magical power in her feet as he said, "Oh, and I'll be sure to talk to your friend. I won't say much, I'll just let her know that you plan on talking to her in person." With that, her smile turned into a grin, and she jumped down from the second level and into the main guild area. Flashy entrances were her thing, after all. She then threw her hands up in the air and spoke, addressing everyone in the guild bar Lloyd. "Who is wanting to go to the Fantasia Festival? Those that do, you'll be under my watch on the day. Because I'm going too!" She chuckled and then spoke more quietly, "Lloyd is being boring and he won't be attending." She chuckled, and waited for the Lamia Scale lot to answer her.

@everyone in the blooooooody guild lmao
Kayzo said:
Millie - Lamia Scale Guildhall

Millie couldn't help but frown when her boyfriend ran off to the second level of the hall. She really wanted to spend some time with him, seeing that she neglected him for the longest time. But it seems he needed to do something important that didn't involve her. She had a hunch that Velkam may have been embarrassed by her behavior, and she really hoped that wasn't the case. The girl hated it when people were sad and hated it even more when she was the cause of the unhappiness. However her face lit up when Ferra proposed that they get him a gift. "Yes, that's a great idea Ferra! I need to make it up to him or else I'll be a terrible girlfriend. Do you have any ideas?"

Mizuki - Sabertooth Guildhall

An unpleasant frown manifested itself on Mizuki's face as the girl dodged her attack. She was quick and smart, a deadly combo in a fight. However this didn't scare the Mage one bit. She didn't fear anything anymore, not after what she's been through. Her eyes followed Cinla, watching as the girl prepared another spell. Chains of lighting began to swarm Mizuki, but the girl didn't flinch at all. Instead she began to raise her arms, shields of shadow popping up and blocking each of the attacks. "Silly girl, I don't cry." She said with a laugh, firing multiple orbs at the girl. She heard Alicia cheer her on, so she threw in a slash just for her.

@Chara Angel of Death (mentioned)
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (Fairytail guild bar)

Chris watched as a girl went right on ahead and chugged down his mug. He only stared at her and joked, "That was first time I've ever seen someone chug down a cold one." Chris seemed to slowly by sobering up, and eventually stood up before heading to the kitchen to grab some more cake. Hopefully that cat from earlier hadn't eaten everything in there, or was planning some sort of sneak attack. Whatever it was, semi-sober Chris was ready.

@Zuka @Kyuubey
Kelica - Fairytail HQ - Bar

Kelica was in a far away land in her mind that when Chris spoke she made a surprised noise and blinked, looking to him as he stood. "Oh? Well waste not want not... " as she peered to him she noticed his arm was back to normal, so swinging around on her chair a full circle, she leapt up and followed him into the kitchen, hand on her chin, examining his arm with a feverious intensity. "So.... you're not a bear now? Are you an animal? Or human? I can talk to animals so I didn't think much of it when you spoke to me, but then Sora and 'that damn cat' could hear you as well, so I guess you must be human afterall.." Very Intriguing.
Chris Lengheart

Chris watched as the girl followed him. Once she asked about his arm he quickly shook his head,"No, no, no! I use takeover magic, I can make my arm and other parts of my body into that of different beasts. For example..." Chris said as he held out his arm, it then suddenly turned into a massive bear arm "This one is just called bear paw. It's pretty easy to pull off, it's just a bear paw. Now, if I wanted to do something more advanced I can do this..." and suddenly, Chris' arm reverted back to normal, but his legs were replaced by two massive hooves that looked like they belonged to a minotaur,"It takes a bit more skill to change parts aside from your arms. But I got it down pretty good." And with that, the hooves disappeared and turned back into Chris' normal legs.

@Zuka @Kyuubey ((If you want to have a cat attack xD ))
Mizuki - Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki couldn't help but glare as Cinla dodged another one of her attacks. She was very quick and very annoying. It seemed that getting up close and personal would be the best route to take in this fight, so she quickly began to devise a plan. A small smile replaced her frown as the Star Energy began swarming the dark Mage. Thrusting her hands down, the Mage rise up into the air and began moving quickly towards Cinla. When she stopped right about her, Mizuki began thrusting downwards, dark beams showering the girl. "Hehehehe. Try getting out of this..."

Grace and Millie- Lamia Scale Hall

Millie smiled brightly at Ferra's idea, her hand reaching over at petting hers. She had enough confidence in her body that she thought she could win. And what could be a better gift than showing off in a bikini while winning prizes at the same time? "That's a terrific idea Ferra! I'll definitely get pictures for him as well as a trophy. I just need to find the most expensive, best looking swimsuit available!" She said, clapping her hands together excitedly. She was now super excited for he festival, and was going for sure. Speaking of the festival, Maya came down asking if anyone wanted to go to it. Ferra was on top of it, Millie right behind her. "Yes, I'm going. I sure hope Belkam is coming along too..." Grace, who had been there the entire time, nodded in agreement and smiled. "Of course I'll go! I just hope Masaki comes with..."
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

" There's extra food in the kitchen if any of you get hungry! Or feel like not filling your stomach with just beer... " The last part being mumbled under her breath. It was nice to see people slowly easing up and wearing small smiles on their faces, Sora feeling a bit more pleased with this progress. " Welp, time to freshen up. " She spoke her thought out-loud before giving Chris a final look to assure he was calm, waves being given out to everyone in the guild hall as she made her way out. A long stretch was made, the sun managing to make her feel happier, the fresh air not stained with booze was another welcomed thing. First things first, where did Nami go? She pondered, head tilting as her gaze slid up to the sky to stare at the bypassing clouds with a dreamy expression on her face. Her lips scrunched from side to side whilst her steps took her towards the outskirts of Magnolia, still looking for the small exceed whom hadn't turned up in her usual favorite spots, leaving only one.

A small sigh of relief escaped her as she saw the white cat on the bridge they used to play around when Sora was little, quietly bringing herself to sit next to Nami. Both feet swayed subconsciously beneath her, the ripples of water catching her attention as small fish made their way down the stream. " You know we've gotta head home soon, you and I both need a bath.. Unless you want one right now. " Her hands had grabbed onto Nami as she spoke, holding her tightly as she teasingly pretended she was going to throw her into the river below them, a grin plastered on her face. The small cat flailed wildly within her grasp, huffing and puffing about and trying to escape. " Home it is! " Sora stood and wrapped both arms around Nami, holding her close as they made their way along the forest trail that led back to the city. As she strolled through the forest she thought of Maya and wondered if she should invite her to the festival, unsure if she'd be able to make it but it was worth a shot, it having been way too long since she'd been able to even see her face to face; Sora missed her dearly.

Clair Fernandes : Fairytale / fourth wizard saint


Clair stood ,deep in thought , on the forest path back to the city of Malina. Master Cece was dead and her funeral had already been held , Clair always thought highly of the young master and while she often teased the girl she was lost without her. The new guild master was also quite young but the council thought her fit to lead and so ,yet again, made an exception.Clair honestly didn't care who the new master was at this point all she cared about was avenging Cece , but one thing had been nagging her all week : the festival.

How could the guild hold a festival so soon after the masters death , Clair thought this very disrespectful yet she understood why the festival was going ahead. "I'm sure that blind bat would want us to hold the festival anyway" tears began to form in her eyes as she spoke but she quickly held them back when she heard someone approaching. It was Sora and Nami , Clair couldn't help but wonder how those two were handling the death as she never got the chance to ask them. Clair hadn't entered the guild hall since the incident in fact she had locked herself away in her room, at Fairyhills, for the past few weeks. It was for this reason she didn't really know how most were handling it , she turned to face Sora and forced a smile onto her face.

"Sora , Nami. I didn't expect to see you two out here , how are you keeping?"

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Kelica - Fairytail HQ - Kitchen

Kelica was genuinely impressed as his arm changed and changed back, before turning his legs into hooves. She was actually rather surprised his pants didn't break, not that that was a bad thing mind you, but you'd think... straying away from that thought a genuine smile was plastered in it's place. She loved learning about others magic and was even more excited when they were animal or plant related. She nodded eagerly. "Wow! Impressive! Is there...any chance you could teach me it? I mean talking to animals is fun, but it would be even better if I could run or fly with them to!" her green eyes lighting up. -This- was the reason she joined Fairytale, to learn and grow her magic.

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Valken - Lamia Scale HQ - Staircase and Escape

Valken was grumbling practically the whole way up the stairs, he was in a right pickle now and the thing he hated most was being in a position he couldn't side step or escape. Millie... how in all that is Holy was he supposed to back track now...he was in far to deep. He should never had said "babe" to her, even in jist. In one word, and a suggestion from Ferra, (who he reminded himself he would get revenge) he was trapped. A hand on his chin as his mind raced to figured it out, he glanced to the side watching Maya leapt the balcony to the first floor, not unlike he had done earlier. He also spotted poor Lsyander bump into the job board, pick a mission and depart the hall. He would no doubt catch up with the guy, but in the meantime he needed to talk to Lloyd.

Now Valken was a pretty chill guy, and with the mess with Graces love interest and now his apparently, it almost slipped his mind why he entered the guild in the firstly place. Though when he did remember, his face lost its normal cheeky grin, having a seriousness about it as he straightened. He had past Lloyd on the steps, but turned back around now and faced him, giving a theatrical bow as he did. "Sir, a moment of your time... " for all his shenanigans, his posture, voice and expression was nothing but serious.

His abilities with shadows means he often got nicknamed 'The Spy', his skills meaning he can in and out of places with ease, watching and listening silently. His best missions were Intel, and boy did he have some for the Guild Master from his last mission...

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Chris Lengheart

Chris listened as the girl asked to learn how to use takeover magic. "Of course I can. Follow me. But before I teach you, there is another technique. The full takeover technique. I can't control it, but since you can talk to animals perhaps you can help... Regardless, I'll still try to teach you the basics." Chris said before he grabbed her hand and happily lead her outside. He lead her to a fairly secluded area and looked at her, becoming suddenly serious, "You ready to start?"

Kelica - Somewhere outside and behind the Fairytale Guild

Kelica smiled when he agreed to teach her the technique, as he grasped her hand and lead her away she could barely contain her excitement. Wandering behind the guild hall to something similar to a courtyard or small park, with some flowers a few trees and benches to sit, he stopped and turned towards her. She nodded but lifted a finger quickly "One moment!" dashing over under the tree, slowly peeling the rose which was wrapped snugly around her wrist, "come on Petal, it's only for a...little... bit... " struggling harder at the last bit, before finally loosening her grip and sliding it down her wrist. She slung it around a low branch. "I'll be right back!" brushing one of her leaves gently. She dashes right back and bowed her head. "All yours! I'm ready!"

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Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora's eyes had been focused on the ground before the sound of a whispered voice caught her attention, eyes narrowing at the tugging familiarity of it. Both hues slid up to confirm her thoughts as they rested on Clair, a small smile spreading as Clair smiled at them. She tilted her head down a bit to notion at the sleeping cat whom had fallen asleep quite quickly in her arms. The subtle glossiness of held back tears were noticed in the other girl's eyes and Sora couldn't help but offer her a reassuring look. They were all feeling the same way over the death of their guild master, it was a shared bond between their small yet chaotic family of a guild. " Hey there, Clair, it's really nice to see you. We're doing as well as we can be. " She spoke as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake Nami as the small exceed had had a tiring day; picking on a certain somebody must have been exhausting. " It's getting dark soon, we were headed home, want to accompany us and I'll cook up dinner? " Just a small offer as Clair was always welcome at their place. " There's also cake. " That had to be thrown in there as well, knowing that might get an actual smile out of the red head, not a forced one. Clair hadn't been around lately and she figured the other girl could use some company, and to be honest, Sora could too.

@Mr Swiftshots
Ophelia: Fairy Tail - Destroyed Forest

The remaining demons were finished off by Jaymes and the other ice user. Relieved, Ophelia took a look at the dome surrounding the victims of the beasts. "I think the only people we need to worry about now are them," she replied to the lady's question, pointing at the shield with a cutlass. "We oughta get them somewhere safe before something else comes and attacks. Now, if these people were wizards, I'd suggest we catapult them back to Magnolia. But they're normal people, so we'll have to get'em back some other way." The girl strapped her blades onto her sides and crossed her arms and finished, "Any ideas?"

@ScarlettRose16 @Arvis90

Alfie: Fairy Tail - ???

A black void of nothingness surrounded the pink-clad mage as he walked around, planting pink Lacrima on what might have been the ground...? "He was right! All of that research really would be helpful. Especially when you can do things that don't even exist! To think knowledge was this powerful!" Alfie was speaking loudly to himself, uncaring who or what would hear him as he carefully placed the crystals down, because there was no one there to hear him. This plane of existence was completely non-existent... and made a really useful shortcut. "Too bad it can't be used for much else... Having my own little world to escape to every now and then would be nice..." The blackness slowly began to distort as the town of Magnolia slowly replaced its image. "Speaking of which... this place doesn't last long enough." The void was now completely gone, and Alfie was in the same place he had entered the plane through--a narrow alleyway. The Lacrimas were nowhere in sight.
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Chris Lengheart

Chris watched as the girl made last minute preparations before returning. He thought on a basic partial takeover and eventually a cat-like tail popped up and swished around for a little bit while Chris explained what he did. "Okay, this is easy. Just think about a cat's tail. Think about how it swishes and moves about. Picture it as best you can and release that image onto your body. Chances are you won't get this on your first try, but that's okay."

Kelica - Behind Fairytale Guild

Kelica watched him spawn the cats tail behind him and peered around his side to look, her eyes looking intensely. Fascinating. She merely had to think like an animal and poof, changed? She knew all about various animals, she glanced up as she watched a bird fly down to the nearby tree, followed a second later by another. They made a squark and she promptly turned her head the other way in a huff. "Of course I can do it.. birds... always poking fun... " forgetting them she focused her mind on the image of a cats tail and took a deep breath, closing her eyes.

Her necklace started to make a soft green glow as she felt her body tingle with magic. And then, voila! She transformed!....

But not as expected. Instead of a cat tail, she had two pointed cat ears poke out of the top of her head. Blinking heavily, she glanced behind her. "huh... no tail... " though the two birds started a hysterical sounding chirping frenzy which could only be them laughing half to death.

Chris Lengheart

Chris watched as the two cat ears appeared. He also noticed that her normal ears didn't disappear. Odd, well she was a beginner so this actually did make a bit of sense. "You do have ears though. They should disappear shortly, it's kinda hard for beginners to keep their transformation for very long." Chris then took notice of her necklace. It did glow when she tried to transform. He thought nothing of it as he tried to think of something easier.

Kelica - Outside Behind Fairytale Guild

Kelica blinked afew times, reaching up as she felt the ears and frowned, turning to look to the birds one of whom was chirping so loudly it fell of it's branch. She narrowed her eyes at them, waving her hand "Outta here you two! When I Master this, I'll turn into an Eagle or Panther then you'll be sorry!" The birds both fluffed out their wings and took off back into the sky.

Once they were gone, Kelica turned to Chris with a thoughtful expression. "I think I am focusing too much on what these parts 'look' like and not what they 'feel' like. Can I have one more go?" She closed her green eyes and took another deep breath. Listening to the wind rustling through the grass and branches of the tree, the creak of the bench or slam of a door down the street. This time, as she gathered her energy a green circle appeared at her feet, her hair starting to wave slowly around her. This felt much better, much more controlled. Her heart beat slowing down (at least in her mind), and this time a tail slowly started to grow from her lower back, weaving out from the top of her tights. This tail wasn't a cats tail however, it was a thick Grey Wolf's tail. She had always had an affinity for wolves, who work both as a pack and on their own, a predator but protector as well. Intelligent but strong and fast when needed.

Feeling the change, she glanced behind her and looked to the tail, eyes lighting up. "oh wow!! It worked! Thank you Chris! "

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