Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

He leaned back in his chair and stretched his tired muscles, finally able to relax. His weeks of investigation had allowed more than a little paperwork to pile up and he only now managed to work through it. He envied the simplistic lives his members led. All they had to worry about was completing jobs and paying their bills. However, it was his duty to lead the guild and that obviously included the more mundane aspects. With a sigh he pushed himself from his chair and made his way towards the door. If nothing else he knew he needed a drink to help unwind and he was in absolutely no mood to deal with the inevitable altercation at the pub. The mere thought of how the old hag would react after going weeks without seeing him made his skin crawl.

As he entered the common area he took quick stock of those inside. It seemed to be a lighter amount than usual, but then that just meant they were getting more jobs. His gaze eventually fell on Mizuki as he caught a bit of their conversation, something about teaching her how to cook? So it finally got back to her that her cooking was awful. Well, being a part of Sabertooth meant always improving yourself so he figured it was about time she was shown reality. Maybe in the future her food might be edible.

He made his way towards 'his' seat at the end of the bar, finally speaking up as he called over to the dark lass. "Before that how about you fetch my usual." While her cooking left much to be desired she could at least handle drinks well enough. She wouldn't ever be some world class bartender but that was fine with him. He plopped himself onto his beloved stool, mulling over what to do with the rest of his day. Now that he had finally caught up on the more mundane aspects of guild operation he could turn his focus to the routine he once held. But first he needed that drink.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki- Sabertooth Guildhall

A strange smile appeared on Mizuki's face when Alicia agreed to help teach her how to cook. It wasn't strange because it was malevolent, but because she doesn't smile all that often, and she doesn't have the best smile around. "Thank you Little one. I hope you teach me well." She muttered, her gaze quickly flickering over to Gilad. This was the perfect opportunity to test out her hex. If she could call Alicia over, and get the girl in close enough proximity, it might activate. "Yes Gilad, I'll get right on it." She never understood why she had to be the one to get the drinks all the time, but she didn't mind. Standing up from her seat she walked over behind the bar and began to fix up the Guildmaster his usual drink. One thing she loved about this was sliding it across the counter to him. She had perfected the art of "mug sliding" as did it every chance she had. After the glass was filled up with his usual, she slid it over to him before leaning up against the table. "Alicia, I need your assistance. Please come over here."

Grace and Millie- Lamia Scale Hall

Grace blushed even more as the girls suggested ditching Masaki. She didn't want to do that at all, she still loves him with all her heart, but maybe they were right. If he didn't feel the same way there was no point in drooling over him. "I don't know you guys, I really do like him. We've been through so much together, and we've saved each other tons of times. I think he was just nervous." She explained, fiddling with her thumbs and looking down. Millie had a concerned look in her eyes, one that a mother would have. She was torn on this situation. Sure Ferra and friends had a point, boys were sense at times and Grace shouldn't worry too much about this Masaki guy, but at the same time she thought Grace should be allowed to do what she wants to do. "I think you should try to talk to Masaki, see how he feels. If he doesn't like you, then find another guy. Or girl. It's really up to you."

@HuorSpinks @Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16 @Colt556
Alicia: Sabertooth HQ

Alicia nodded, "You bet I will." She told her. Soon after that Gilad entered the room. She'd avoided him since he got back for one reason, and one reason only. The hex. She really wanted to talk to him but that embarrasing hex Mizuki put on her prevented her from doing so. She was glad he was far enough away that it seemed the hex didn't activate, maybe she could talk to him from there. Though before she could Mizuki called her over.

She fidgeted a few seconds before sighing, it was inevitable. Walking around Gilad as much as possible she eventually made her way to the back of the bar. Though, it was still close enough that the hex activated. Subconciously and against her will she struck a cute pose.(

What do you need help with?" She asked her. Silently hoping Gilad couldn't see her well from behind the counter.
"Please Alicia, no little ones behind the bar. You'll get us all arrested." Mizuki explained, cackling quietly before trying to shoo her out. "Please, I suggest that you go stand beside Gilad. It's the most respectful hing you can do." She said, her hands rubbing together. The Mage was very excited to see its effect. From behind the counter she saw that it worked, but she wasn't the one who wanted to see it. This was meant for Gilad's eyes and his only. "Maybe I'll cure you too..."

@Mitchs98 @Colt556
Kayzo said:
"Please Alicia, no little ones behind the bar. You'll get us all arrested." Mizuki explained, cackling quietly before trying to shoo her out. "Please, I suggest that you go stand beside Gilad. It's the most respectful hing you can do." She said, her hands rubbing together. The Mage was very excited to see its effect. From behind the counter she saw that it worked, but she wasn't the one who wanted to see it. This was meant for Gilad's eyes and his only. "Maybe I'll cure you too..."
@Mitchs98 @Colt556

Alicia: Sabertooth HQ

Alicia frowned slightly at what Mizuki said before sighing in defeat. She knew she probably wouldn't cure her either. She slowly nodded and walked back around to stand beside Gilad, striking the same pose as before nigh instantly of standing beside him. "Really though..what did you need help with?" She asked her, glancing over to Gilad momentarily before glancing back to Mizuki.

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Fairy Tail Guide Hall

Upon seeing the chaos happening between Chris and Nami, soon to be resolved once Sora broke it up with her delicate seeming self and cake, Naomi couldn't help but crack a smile. Her smile seeming to feel like years since her last after Master's death, the young girl lifted her head off of the table as Kelica offered her serving of cake. Looking down as she rubbed her grumbling tummy at the offer before taking the cake in her hands without much of a word other than a slight nod and a clueless expression. Her first bite of food in a while caused her to smiling once more like she did a few moments previous, "Thank you.." Naomi mumbled her words as she finished the rest of the cake in a single bite. It was then that she realized that sulking over Cece's death wouldn't help anything. She needed to get stronger and that was what she would do, her first step would be smiling and returning back to her previous happy self again.

Letting out a deep sigh and giving herself a light slap to both cheeks, Naomi smiled at Kelica as if nothing were wrong anymore.

"Naomi can't wait for the festival." Smiling even brighter than before as she stated, the festival would be a new arc in her life again and hopefully it would be for everyone else in the guide as well.



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Valken - Lamia Scale - First Floor Bar

Valken heard the laugh from Lysander and only chuckled himself. "well truth be told I was off on some very super secret, very legal mission business but you certainly didn't hear that from me... " He frowned as he overheard the girls and put a hand to his forehead, making an asperated sigh. "you'd think they were all in highschool by the way they talk jees.... " turning his head towards Lloyd and Maya on the stairwell, noticing they were both alive and well, so the conflict must have been quelled. He took a soft sigh of relief.

Looking back to the girls then rising his voice to be heard, probably drawing Lysander into the spotlight unintentionally, "Millie, baby, why the hate? There are fine specimens right here! No Sabertooth can love like a Lamia Scale can!" There was actually nothing romantic between him and Millie, nor Valken and anyone else for that matter but he couldn't leave it unsaid. He grinned even more. Waiting for the looks from all the girls. The Master of the unsubtle.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16
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Kelica - Fairytale HQ - Bar

Kelica's face completely brightened up as she looked to Naomi who had already cheered up. "Oh yes, it shall be heaps of fun! And a chance to meet people for other guild's again... I wonder what contests they will have this year?" Kelica had never been to a festival before and it all sounded rather exciting. She was looking forward to having a buddy to tag along with. "so what's your magic?" she asked curiously.

@Defective Kitten
HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Second floor
Lloyd watched as Lysander made his way to the usual spot that both of them usually sat, and he had half a mind to go down and join him. He was not sure how Lysander would take it though, if he joined him; probably would not even talk, or give one word answers. The problem with Lysander was that he was extremely shy. He had confided in Lloyd once that he was scared to approach new people for fear of rejection and now it seemed that he was scared to approach Lloyd. This upset Lloyd more than he cared to admit. He and Lysander used to be close. They had been close ever since Lysander joined the guild at ten years of age, but apparently that long friendship was not strong enough to withstand a Guild Master promotion. Lloyd sighed and shook his head. Despite the new title, he was still the same old Lloyd. He still felt like the same person ever since his promotion; except slightly less competent than he usually felt.

He straightened up from the railing and took a step forward, in the direction of the staircase leading down to the first floor. Fine. If Lysander was not going to make a move, he was going to. He was the senior of the two anyway. He would have taken another step forward but something blocked his path. Something extremely scary, that gave off threatening vibes. He knew it was just Maya, that she appeared a lot more intimidating than she actually was, but that did not prevent him from taking a few steps back, in Valkan's direction, only just noticing that he was even there.

He blinked at her as she accused him of ignoring her and her questions concerning Sora Marvell. He did not even remember her asking those. Perhaps it had been during the chaos of their return from Malnia. Millie had been crying and hugging everyone (and suffocating poor Grace in her boobs), there had been lots of noise and cheering and questions that Lloyd had felt somewhat overwhelmed with the urge to retreat somewhere more quiet. He must have missed Maya's questions during that time. It was a good thing that he had recently written to Fairy Tail to ask about Marvell's condition. He had been concerned as well, as she had yet to wake up when he had left Malnia for Margaret Town. He had gotten a reply that she had recently woken up, about a few days ago.

"Erm... Sorry," he offered, with a sheepish grin on his face. "I guess I didn't hear you talking to me. Didn't mean to ignore you like that. Ms Marvell isn't dead. Far from it, in fact, last I heard she had just woken up and is pretty much back to normal." He glanced back down at the first floor again and found Valken already sitting next to Lysander. A somewhat disappointed crossed Lloyd's face then, but he quickly smoothed it out, turning his full attention on Maya. Oh well, he would have to approach Lysander later then.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @anyoneelse

Masaki Yamada: Sabertooth HQ

With Zephyr giving him another tease, Masaki rolled his eyes and huffed slightly, but also chuckled a bit as well. Out of everyone else in the guild, Zephyr was the one he got along with the most. Not for any biased reason or anything, they just got along really well. That and Zephyr didn't really like talking to anyone else, which Masaki actually found pretty amusing. When Zephyr got up and left, Masaki got another book from out of the bookshelf and began to read it. Funnily enough, it was a book on dragons, one that he had read thousands of times but because it was so enticing he always re-read it. Speaking of dragons, the last time he saw Grace was on that day two weeks ago, and they hadn't made contact with each other since. Masaki sighed, he felt stupid because he didn't tell her his feelings there and then like she did. But because of this, Masaki resolved to telling her the next time they meet.



She laughed at what Valken said and just nodded. She turned back to Grace. "Grace then let's set up a trip to go to Crocus, just the four of us and we could relax and have fun in the Capital and you could go visit Masaki!" She thinks this might be a good idea and she knew Sabertooth in near Crocus. She looked at Grace thinking she might like the idea. She has never been to Crocus but she heard it was fun. She looks to Millie and Ferra. "You guys in?" She says figuring it could be like a small trip, she at least hasn't gone on a relaxing trip in a very long time.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98


@anyone else in Lamia Scale
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Millie- Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Millie squeaked quite loudly when a voice from behind called her babe. She never got called babe before or anything like that, so she wasn't exactly sure how to react. Plus she never recalled being in a romantic relationship with him before. Sure Valken was a hottie, no denying that, but she never agreed to a relationship. Or maybe she did? Maybe he mistaked her hugs as something else? Blushing slightly she turned around in her seat to see him, her eyes locking with his. "You're much too old to be Grace's boyfriend. Besides with the way you're talking, you'd be cheating on me by being in a relationship with her." She could be a little sense sometimes, or easily confused. She's a smart girl but can get led astray easily.

Grace- Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Grace smiled at all of the support she was getting. There truly were great people in this guild and she was extremely grateful for them. "Thank you everyone." She said, giving Ferra and Isabelle a quick hug. She'd give Millie one when her back was turned to avoid suffocation, but the girl was too busy speaking to her "boyfriend". She was about to start teasing the sweet girl until Isabella spoke up. She suggested they the group go to Crocus to visit Masaki as well as go on a vacation. As greasy as that sounded, she wasn't sure if that was the best idea. "We could do that... Or we could go to the Magnolia festival! It's just around the corner and I've heard it's a blast. Maybe we can stop in Crocus on the way?" Grace always knew when big events and parties were coming up. She was always looking for something the guild could do, so she picked up on these quickly. "We'd have to ask Lloyd first."

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Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Second Floor

"Cannot... breathe..." Lloyd gasped as he was suddenly pulled into a breath-taking hug by Maya. Literally breath-taking, as it seemed as if he did not have any air in his lungs; it had all been squeezed out by Maya's hug. Fortunately for him though, before he could suffocate to death and end up having Lamia Scale in the news for yet another dead Guild Master, he was suddenly released.

"Erm... well..." he coughed, a hand resting on the railing to support himself. Now would definitely not be a good time to mention that he had not really kept track of Marvell in that fight. "I think Marvell is more than able to take care of herself; she survived the dragon fight and threw in the killing blow too. I just... supported, I suppose." He shrugged. "Just glad to be of help." He followed her gaze with his own, glancing once again in Valken and Lysander's direction. before turning back to Maya. "Yeah, it is," he said, quietly. It was indeed good to be back home again, with everyone safe and sound. Like a family. Lamia Scale had such a family vibe, and he was going to do all he could to ensure that it remained like this.

"Anyway," he added, in a more cheerful tone. "You might get to see Ms Marvell for yourself. Fairy Tail is still intending to hold their Fantasia Festival; Isabelle passed me a poster the other day. You planning to go for it?"

Lysander - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: First Floor

"Oh..." Lysander crocked his head, glancing sideways at Valken. He knew a secret when he heard one, so he did not pry into the matter. The image of Grace, Millie and Ferra huddled together in a school setting gossiping made him smile as well. Valken's next words though...

Lysander gasped at Valken, a stupefied look on his face, before his entire face turned tomato red. He felt as if all the eyes of the guild were upon them. Fine specimens indeed. he felt as if he wanted to dig a hole in the ground and hide himself in it. Instinctively, he huddled into himself, drawing his poncho around him. It took a minute of stern self-scolding before he forced himself to sit straight again. And bloody hell, even Lloyd and Maya were looking at them now.

By that time, much to his relief, the topic turned to the Fantasia Festival, thanks to Grace and Isabelle. He had wondered if Fairy Tail were going to cancel or postpone the festival due to the murder of their Guild Master, but apparently not. They probably had reasons for doing so. He had never attended one of their festivals before, despite his curiosity, as he had no one to accompany him. If some of his guild members were planing to go... he wondered if he could join them. It would probably mean asking them though... that was the hard part. What if they refused to let him accompany them? Would staying quietly in Margaret Town be better and safer than asking and being rejected?

Not for the first time, he wondered about Isabelle Dragneel. He could not help wondering what she was even doing in Lamia Scale when she could be in Fairy Tail; the guild that her ancestors made famous. The names Dragneel, Marvell, Connell and Fullbuster/Lockser were pretty much synonymous with Fairy Tail. The same could be said for him though; he had to suppose. Many times people had asked him why he was in Lamia Scale and not Fairy Tail, especially with his last name being Connell.

Without even knowing it, by now he was pretty much watching Ferra, Isabelle and Millie, and quite intently too, though with a bit of a wistful look on his face.

Maya Morne: Lamia Scale Guild Hall, Second Floor

Maya listened to the man as he spoke, her eyes meeting his as she listened to ever single word, taking everything in. "She dealt the killing blow, eh? Oh her grandmother would be so proud of her." Maya's face lit up at the thought. It was then that the mentioning of the Fantasia Festival was brought to light, to which Maya turned to face Lloyd as she spoke. "Of course I'm going, I wouldn't miss out on that. Especially now." She paused for a moment before continuing, "You of all people know how busy I can be. I haven't seen Sora in four years, I've been too preoccupied with Guild and Council business to go and visit her. She understands, but communication by letter gets boring after a while." The Wizarding Saint smiled and let out a slight chuckle as she continued, this time, she spoke quietly so only Lloyd could hear. " Besides, I have to go. With the mystery regarding Cece Tutins murder it wouldn't feel right for me to sit here while everyone went. Plus, I wouldn't want to miss out on the fun!"

Maya chuckled once more, and continued to lean on the banister as she stood watching the guild from the second level before speaking once more. "I think this would be a good chance for everyone in the guild to go out and have fun, a little break from all the work. What do you say?"

Zuka said:
Valken - Lamia Scale - First Floor Bar
Valken heard the laugh from Lysander and only chuckled himself. "well truth be told I was off on some very super secret, very legal mission business but you certainly didn't hear that from me... " He frowned as he overheard the girls and put a hand to his forehead, making an asperated sigh. "you'd think they were all in highschool by the way they talk jees.... " turning his head towards Lloyd and Maya on the stairwell, noticing they were both alive and well, so the conflict must have been quelled. He took a soft sigh of relief.

Looking back to the girls then rising his voice to be heard, probably drawing Lysander into the spotlight unintentionally, "Millie, baby, why the hate? There are fine specimens right here! No Sabertooth can love like a Lamia Scale can!" There was actually nothing romantic between him and Millie, nor Valken and anyone else for that matter but he couldn't leave it unsaid. He grinned even more. Waiting for the looks from all the girls. The Master of the unsubtle.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16
ScarlettRose16 said:


She laughed at what Valken said and just nodded. She turned back to Grace. "Grace then let's set up a trip to go to Crocus, just the four of us and we could relax and have fun in the Capital and you could go visit Masaki!" She thinks this might be a good idea and she knew Sabertooth in near Crocus. She looked at Grace thinking she might like the idea. She has never been to Crocus but she heard it was fun. She looks to Millie and Ferra. "You guys in?" She says figuring it could be like a small trip, she at least hasn't gone on a relaxing trip in a very long time.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98


@anyone else in Lamia Scale
Kayzo said:
Millie- Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Millie squeaked quite loudly when a voice from behind called her babe. She never got called babe before or anything like that, so she wasn't exactly sure how to react. Plus she never recalled being in a romantic relationship with him before. Sure Valken was a hottie, no denying that, but she never agreed to a relationship. Or maybe she did? Maybe he mistaked her hugs as something else? Blushing slightly she turned around in her seat to see him, her eyes locking with his. "You're much too old to be Grace's boyfriend. Besides with the way you're talking, you'd be cheating by being in a relationship with her." She could be a little sense sometimes, or easily confused. She's a smart girl but can get led astray easily.

Grace- Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Grace smiled at all of the support she was getting. There truly were great people in this guild and she was extremely grateful for them. "Thank you everyone." She said, giving Ferra and Isabelle a quick hug. She'd give Millie one when her back was turned to avoid suffocation, but the girl was too busy speaking to her "boyfriend". She was about to start teasing the sweet girl until Isabella spoke up. She suggested they the group go to Crocus to visit Masaki as well as go on a vacation. As greasy as that sounded, she wasn't sure if that was the best idea. "We could do that... Or we could go to the Magnolia festival! It's just around the corner and I've heard it's a blast. Maybe we can stop in Crocus on the way?" Grace always knew when big events and parties were coming up. She was always looking for something the guild could do, so she picked up on these quickly. "We'd have to ask Lloyd first."

@Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16 @Zuka @HuorSpinks

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra rolled her eyes at Valkens comment, "You wish." She told him jokingly. Then her attention was turned back to the girls when Isabella asked about going on a trip. She nodded silently in response, she would of offered a verbal response but Grace had started speaking before her. "Yea! Lets go to the festival! It sounds like so much fun. Oooh. I bet they'll have lots of food there..." She replied, trailing off at the end, blankly staring at the wall with a goofy smile while drooling slightly.

Eventually she snapped out of it and wiped her mouth. Speaking of food, she was hungry. Grabbing a meat bun out of her bag she started eating it. It was roughly then she noticed Lysander staring at them funny. She arched a brow at him. "
Watchu' stahrin at?" She asked him with half the meat bun stuffed in her cheeks.
Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

He remained in silent contemplation until Mizuki had finished preparing his drink, ending with her customary mug sliding. With practice experience he got the mug in his left hand and quickly took a drink from it. He let out a contended sigh as he placed the mug back on the counter. Nothing beat a good drink after a hard day's work, well, almost nothing. He looked over as one of their youngest members was ushered over towards the bar. He cocked a brow as the girl adopted a rather unusual stance once she neared Miziuki and himself. The way she was standing was awfully stiff and unnatural looking, she almost looked like she was practicing for some ballet or something.

The girl was quickly ushered out from behind the bar, causing her to come around and stand next to him as she once again adopted the same pose as before. Unable to restrain himself he reached over and patted the girl's head before taking another sip of his drink. With the various prompts from Mizuki it wasn't that hard for him to figure out that the two were working together to play to his tastes. A small smile crept across his lips as he finished his head pat by ruffling the girl's hair gently, turning his attention back to the woman behind the bar. They were a hundred years to early to beat him if this was the best they had to offer.

He quickly downed the remainder of his beverage and placed his mug back on the counter. "Keep them coming, Mizuki, I've had a long few weeks." While letting the woman handle the refill he turned his attention back to the girl by his side. "So, kiddo, mind telling me why you're standing like that? Last I heard you weren't trying to be a ballerina." At this point all he had to do was figure out who's idea it was. Judging by how Alicia usually acted it was a safe bet that it was Mizuki, but then the young one wasn't above mischief either.



Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Fairy Tail Guide Hall

Spinning around lightly in her bar stool, Naomi's attention turned towards Kelica once more when she asked about her magic. "Uhh.." The young girl hummed, trying to recall her magic since hadn't used it in a while but than again who could possible forget their own magic?? Perhaps Naomi was a special case.. Obviously she forgot for a brief moment, thinking rather hard of what magic she used before a light bulb lit in her head. "Oh! Naomi Remembers! Naomi uses Gunner Magic for guns and magic." Stating briefly about her magic as if it weren't already somewhat obvious in the name of the magic. "What's Kelica's?" Asking with a eager expression plastered on her face.

Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

Cinla found an older looking guy playing with a girl and coughed gently to get his attention, as she stood there not sure if she knows the other person or not so didn't bother to make an assumption and make an ass of herself. 'they don't seem as unfriendly as sera chan made out but right now it could be just a question of their in a ok mood and i don't want to mess that up if i can help it'.


Sora Marvell - Magnolia

" There's extra food in the kitchen if any of you get hungry! Or feel like not filling your stomach with just beer... " The last part being mumbled under her breath. It was nice to see people slowly easing up and wearing small smiles on their faces, Sora feeling a bit more pleased with this progress. " Welp, time to freshen up. " She spoke her thought out-loud before giving Chris a final look to assure he was calm, waves being given out to everyone in the guild hall as she made her way out. A long stretch was made, the sun managing to make her feel happier, the fresh air not stained with booze was another welcomed thing. First things first, where did Nami go? She pondered, head tilting as her gaze slid up to the sky to stare at the bypassing clouds with a dreamy expression on her face. Her lips scrunched from side to side whilst her steps took her towards the outskirts of Magnolia, still looking for the small exceed whom hadn't turned up in her usual favorite spots, leaving only one.

A small sigh of relief escaped her as she saw the white cat on the bridge they used to play around when Sora was little, quietly bringing herself to sit next to Nami. Both feet swayed subconsciously beneath her, the ripples of water catching her attention as small fish made their way down the stream. " You know we've gotta head home soon, you and I both need a bath.. Unless you want one right now. " Her hands had grabbed onto Nami as she spoke, holding her tightly as she teasingly pretended she was going to throw her into the river below them, a grin plastered on her face. The small cat flailed wildly within her grasp, huffing and puffing about and trying to escape. " Home it is! " Sora stood and wrapped both arms around Nami, holding her close as they made their way along the forest trail that led back to the city. As she strolled through the forest she thought of Maya and wondered if she should invite her to the festival, unsure if she'd be able to make it but it was worth a shot, it having been way too long since she'd been able to even see her face to face; Sora missed her dearly.

Jaymes - Destroyed Forest

Jaymes just looked at her for a moment, then sighed. "I have no idea what you mean." Jaymes said, referring to how Winter asked if he was the bandit she was looking for. "I came out here to train. During the Malnia event it was overwhelmingly obvious that I wasn't strong enough to protect those that needed." That was when he heard a roar. The sound grated on his skin and made his ears hurt, so he covered them. The air was vibrating with concussive force. "What the hell is that?!" Jaymes called out, moving out of the open area, and closer to the cliff face. He couldn't tell where the roar was coming from, but whatever it was, it had to be incredible strong to create such a sound. As the roar died down, a wave of magic power washed over Jaymes. It was dark, angry, and it made Jaymes want to crawl into a corner and hide there forever.



"It wasn't your fault, that your master died" she says her tone not harsh. That's when she heard the sound. She heard it didn't cover her ears. She stands there calmly as the ground shakes beneath her feet and the air around her vibrates. She did end up having to cover her ears. She felt the magic and it shook her to the bones. She saw it wash over Jaymes. "I have no idea" she says. "Are you okay?" She says knowing the magic washed over him. "Want to go find out?" She asks her curiosity spiking.

Valken - Lami Scale HQ - The Bar

Dangerous..that's all he could think. Perhaps it wasn't the besy idea to bait the girls around Lamia Scale HQ, and lifting his arms defensively with a nervous laughter. "well of COURSE I'm too old for Grace, besides if I anger her she might just put a bomb under my bum... " tensing his magic to melt into the shadows at any time, though seeing as he put Lysander in the same position it wouldn't be fair to leave him akwardly. Valken did turn to the guy beside him with a wink. "All jokes aside, you are most definitely coming to the Festival with me, no way am I hanging around that rabble alone... " gesturing to the feminine fatale squad. Looking back over to Grace specifically "besides, I want to check out this Masaki guy and make sure he's up to scratch for our Grace". He said loudly enough with that cheeky grin plastered over his face once more.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
Jaymes nodded when Winter asked if they should go check and see what it was that was disturbing them. He lifted a finger to his lips, gesturing for quiet before he slunk off, motioning for her to follow him. He knew it was probably stupid or even crazy to try and find whatever the source was. But he was curious, and he had faith he could defend himself if need be. Since only a portion of the woods had been damaged by Jaymes' magic. Soon they were surrounded by trees again, and it began to grow darker as the trees grew thicker and the canopy above closed completely. They were wandering deeper into the forest. After a while of searching in silence, Jaymes was about to say they should turn back. That is until he heard screams and shouts. Turning to Winter, Jaymes raised an eyebrow before dashing off in the direction he heard the sounds. Soon enough, they came to a small break in the trees, and saw something he didn't expect.

There were perhaps 5 people trying their best to defend themselves against what looked like a demon. The creature had wounded two of them, and the other three were protected the wounded with swords they clearly didn't know how to use. With a swat of its talon, the monster tore into the abdomen of another defender. "Ice Make: Cannon." Jaymes said, and in a blink the cannon materialized on his right shoulder. Without a thought, Jaymes fired the cannon, sending a ball of glowing ice to the monster. The ball hit, sending it flying away from the people. However, it didn't kill the creature. Instead it pissed it off. The monster righted itself and turned to Jaymes who had run to the defense of the others. The monster growled, then roared again, making the air quiver. Resounding roars echoed in the trees around them. "Calling some friends are you? Well bring it, you ugly bitch." Jaymes said.



She followed him every step of the way. She knew when the monster charged towards Jaymes. Her fastest attack was Ice Devil's Rage. She sucked what looked like air. "Ice Devil's Rage" she screams out, the attack wouldn't effect Jaymes and it would go straight for the demon, it should throw it back a little bit and hopefully knock it off balance. It wouldn't touch any of the people but it would affect the dragon. She didn't stop there, she launch another attack. "Ice-Make: Uce Geyser" she says touching the ground causing a spike if I've to appear under the demon.

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Chris Lengheart-Fairytail bar

Chris eventually settled down as his massive minotaur arm returned back to its standard state as he took a seat back at the bar after having most of the cake cleaned off him. He stared down at the cake that was left for him. He grabbed a fork and like a wild animal, devoured the entire cake. He didn't realize how hungry he was until he had taken the first bite. In less than a minute, the cake was gone. Chris smiled, the angered beast had been tamed...for now. Chris also seemed to be sobering up a little bit as he shook his head when the bartender asked him if he wanted another round. Chris had had enough.
PMizuki- Sabertooth Bar

Mizuki was overjoyed to see that the hex worked, and that Gilad noticed it. She watched as the Guildmaster patted the little one's head and ruffled her hair, the exact reaction she was expecting. She didn't feel all that bad about hexing the kid considering that it was hilarious and that she never really felt bad for people. The entire time the Dark Mage was holding in her laughter. She didn't want to give away what has happening quite yet, but she was afraid that Alicia would. "With posture like that you'd make a great ballerina. You're cute enough too." She said, taking Gilad's mug and filling it up again. When the group was gone, she had been working on a new sliding technique, and now was the perfect time to try it out. Placing the mug on the table, she pushed with both of her hands, spinning the glass as it sailed towards him. Fortunately it didn't spill anywhere and gently halted in front of Gilad.

Grace- Lamia Scale GuildHall

Grace rolled her eyes as Valken promised to check out Masaki for her. "I don't need you to size him up for me. He's perfect for me." She told him, crossing her arms and glancing at Millie, who seemed to think that she was in a relationship with Valken. "I didn't know me and Valken were dating." She said rather loudly, leaning in towards Grace and Friends. "Did you guys know that?"

Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

He remained in silent contemplation until Mizuki had finished preparing his drink, ending with her customary mug sliding. With practice experience he got the mug in his left hand and quickly took a drink from it. He let out a contended sigh as he placed the mug back on the counter. Nothing beat a good drink after a hard day's work, well, almost nothing. He looked over as one of their youngest members was ushered over towards the bar. He cocked a brow as the girl adopted a rather unusual stance once she neared Miziuki and himself. The way she was standing was awfully stiff and unnatural looking, she almost looked like she was practicing for some ballet or something.

The girl was quickly ushered out from behind the bar, causing her to come around and stand next to him as she once again adopted the same pose as before. Unable to restrain himself he reached over and patted the girl's head before taking another sip of his drink. With the various prompts from Mizuki it wasn't that hard for him to figure out that the two were working together to play to his tastes. A small smile crept across his lips as he finished his head pat by ruffling the girl's hair gently, turning his attention back to the woman behind the bar. They were a hundred years to early to beat him if this was the best they had to offer.

He quickly downed the remainder of his beverage and placed his mug back on the counter. "Keep them coming, Mizuki, I've had a long few weeks." While letting the woman handle the refill he turned his attention back to the girl by his side. "So, kiddo, mind telling me why you're standing like that? Last I heard you weren't trying to be a ballerina." At this point all he had to do was figure out who's idea it was. Judging by how Alicia usually acted it was a safe bet that it was Mizuki, but then the young one wasn't above mischief either.


Alicia: Sabertooth HQ

Alicia sighed and stared at Mizuki as Gilad patted her head and ruffled her hair. It wasn't that she exactly minded it, it was the fact of the cause of it. When Gilad finally asked what was up she hesitated to answer him. She really, really didn't want to make Mizuki mad. Who knows what kind of hex she'd put on her next, especially after she insulted her cooking. When the both of them had finished speaking she thought over what to say.

Maybe if she went along with it Mizuki would remove the curse later. "Um..uh..Yeah! I actually figured I'd try it and see if I was any good at it, the festival in Magnolia is coming up soon after all. I might when a prize or something." She told them. She hoped Gilad would buy it, she knew Mizuki already knew it was a lie. "So what do you think Master Gilad?" She asked him before looking up at him.

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