Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart-Guild Hall (Fairytail...well what's been rebuilt)

Chris watched as a few people were served a piece of cake, although he was not included in that bunch. He then watched as a girl began to yell at her flying cat who had tried to eat the pieces of cake that she was supposed to give out, including Chris'. Chris, not wanting to stand for this, grabbed a empty mug and threw it directly at the cat with a surprising amount of strength behind it. He was hoping the mug nailed the cat because the moment the mug left his hand, Chris shouted (well more like semi-louder speech),"Damn cat, trying to take my cake...Damn cat..."

@Kyuubey @Defective Kitten
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Lysander - Lamia Scale Guild Hall; first floor.

The double doors of the Lamia Scale Guild Hall swung silently open as Lysander Connell strode confidently through. He stopped just a few steps from the entrance, as the doors swung shut behind him. First thing he did was pull his tan cowboy hat from the top of his head, holding it against his chest with his right hand. He was dressed in his usual get up; a button-up shirt with the sleeves usually rolled up to just below the elbow, tucked out, a pair of comfortable cargo pants and black leather belt on which rested his two brown leather gun holsters. Over that, he wore a weather beaten tasseled poncho. He never went anywhere without that poncho; it had belonged to his great-grandfather, the legendary gun-mage Alzack Connell, and it had been gifted to him by his grandmother Azuka, before she passed away.

Lysander allowed his eyes to glance at the going-ons within the guild hall. A few of his guild members were having a conversation; Millie, Grace, Maya, Ferra. Guild Master Lloyd was on the second floor, watching the first. It was a bit of a shock for Lysander to see Lloyd not at his usual place, at one of the seats in the bar area (if Lloyd was even in the guild hall in the first place). Lysander usually joined him there, back when Lloyd was just an S-class mage and not the Guild Master of Lamia Scale itself... as of now Lysander felt nervous about approaching Lloyd as he used to. Things between them had been awkward as of late, ever since his promotion.

Lysander was still irritated with the fact that he had not been in the guild hall when the Malnia mission team was sent. He would have loved to be on it. An actual dragon! He really had horrible timing. Now all he could do was hear from those who had gone, namely Lloyd, Ferra and Grace. It had been two weeks since that team returned and he was still irritated at his rotten luck. He could only hope that something big would happened and this time, by nook or by crook, he was going to be involved somehow.

In the end, Lysander made his way to the bar area, sitting in his, and Lloyd's usual spot. He sighed as he sat, placing his hat on the table before him, then rested his elbow on the tabletop and his chin on his elbow. It had been a tiring day. He had made good money, but still. This would be a good time to rest before he made the journey home to his own place.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Zuka
Masaki Yamada: Sabertooth HQ

He was about halfway through the book when Winter appeared, she had sat at the table opposite him and greeted him. Masaki stopped reading for a moment and then looked over at Winter and sending her a kind smile. He then continued reading. After a few seconds of silence Winter asked him how Grace was doing, but before he could respond Zephyr was stood behind him ruffling his hair, Masaki let out a slight huff as he looked over towards Zephyr who also began to speak. "No I'm not trying to get to know you better." He said with a playful tone in his voice, "No, actually I'm reading up on Lost Magics, because I fought someone who utilised both Maguilty Sense and the Arc of Time... I've been intrigued ever since." He took a deep breath and then continued on, this time, directing his speech to both Winter and Zephyr. "She's fine, she was a bit cut up from the battle but it's nothing to be stressed over. She was healed by soldiers from the council after all..." He then smiled again and continued to read, he realised that Zephyr wouldn't have a clue what he was going on about, and thus would undoubtedly ask more questions. But the red head was prepared for that. It was then that he noticed Alicia. Masaki would be sure to talk to her later. His head cocked up quickly however when Winter spoke once more. Asking if they had heard of what had happened to Master Cece, Masaki nodded. "It's sad... She was so young..." He sighed before turning his attention back to the book once again.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Zuka @ScarlettRose16
ScarlettRose16 said:

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks

Lamia Scale HQ:


She saw Grace, Millie, and Ferra in the guild hall they were laughing about something. It looked like Millie was about to kill Grace. She giggled slightly. She started walking over and practically tackled Ferra. "I've missed you Ferra!" She says hugging the small girl. She missed being at guild hall, it was always fun to be there. She let the girl go and just smiled. She didn't get to fight the dragon but she didn't really care. "How was the dragon hunting." She asks the two girls who went. She had just a smile on her face. "I still can't believe you guys went without me" she says not actually that mad about it.



Alicia: Sabertooth HQ

Alicia nodded slowly after Masaki replied, "
Yeah...its awful. She was the same age as me. I feel bad for Fairy Tail..I hope they're doing okay." She told them before sighing. Despite Fairy Tail being their natural rivals, when it came to something like this it'd be wrong if you didn't at-least care partially for them. "But lets not think about that..that's depressing." She added soon after. "I'm just glad everyone came back when they did..Mizuki might of tried but she was a horrible cook. I would've starved to death." She told them, glancing at Mizuki and hoping she didn't hear. She'd already placed one hex on her, she really didn't want one that forced her to eat her food or something.


@Kayzo @HuorSpinks

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra giggled and hugged Isabella back after she practically tackled her. "
We've been back for a while you know, we just went on a small mission. Jeez you guys worry to much." She told her jokingly. "And for the tenth time the dragon hunting was a let down, we didn't even get any dragon meat." She added in a more depressed tone.

Sabertooth HQ

Cinla looking around her soon to be new home, not sure where to go and then came across a guy reading a book and politely said" Sorry to interrupt your reading time but i'm here to join sabertooth, is there anything i need to know and do before hand". 'i've never been in a guild before so i hope he's helpful and not some stuck up dosh bag'.

Jaymes - Location Unknown - Training

(Three days after my previous post - Present day)

Jaymes' body was exhausted, but he didn't stop his training. After his self-pity, mental break down, a sense of peace had allowed him to think clearly once again. He had said goodbye to Cece, his former Guild Master in his own way. She had been a force of nature like him, and it was from her that he had learned so much in recent years. He had built a fire, and made an ice sculpture replica of his old master. From there, he levitated the ice over the fire and then shattered it, sending the glittering icy dust into the heavens. After that, he had resolved to never be weak like he had been again. He knew what he had to do, and so he was gonna do it. That was when something clicked in his head, and he began to make progress with his training.

"Boon of the Light God!" Jaymes called out, releasing the attack. A large beam of white light tinted with black and blue shrieked away from him, then blasted into the target set against the cliff face. Once the dust had settled, the evidence of his attack was apparent: a large smoking crater had been formed, easily 5 feet in diameter, and at least 2 feet thick. A strange urge formed in Jaymes's mind, and he took a deep breath, blue streams of magic spiraling into his mouth at a rapid pace. When he couldn't gather any more power, he turned and released it, "Roar of the Ice Dragon King!" The resulting explosion of icy power was enormous, its effect utterly destroying the forest he had close too. When the roar ended, the air temperature was well below 0, ice flakes floated in the air, as well as flash frozen wood that had shattered moments after being frozen solid. The roar had gone for over a hundred feet, and guesstimated to be roughly 40 feet wide as the blast had expanded. Everything that hadn't been in the direct line of the blast had been completely covered in several inches of ice, while the trees dozens of feet away from the blast radius had a light dusting of ice. Jaymes was breathing heavily now, but not was heavily as he would have before his training. "I won't let you down, Master. I will protect everyone." Jaymes said, then continued his brutal training.
Mizuki-Sabertooth Guild Hall

Mizuki wasn't surprised at all at what Gilad had said to her. The dragons coming back and the killings, how it was all linked back to Lucian. It did seem like something that dark Mage would do. It was better that the woman stayed her with Alicia rather go with the group or else she would've been a weakness to the guild. She has a bond with that Mage that holds true to this day, though she doesn't agree with his ethics. As she found herself deep in thought about her father figure, her name was spoken by the little one. She was only a table or two away, but she could still hear easily. The little one apparently didn't like her cooking. The food in which she put her time and soul into. This hurt a little bit, but it wasn't too big of a deal. "I thought my cooking was exceptional. I'll try to improve on it..." She said, her head whipping around and staring down Alicia with a strange look in her eyes. She was curious about how her hex would go about. She hasn't seen it in effect yet, but she knew it was active.

Millie and Grace- Lamia Scale hall

For the past two weeks, Millie has been giving hugs to each and everyone of the Lamia Scale guild members. She's afraid that one day they will disappear, and she wouldn't have been able to give them a hug. This is her deepest fear. She had just finished hugging Grace, the last person on her list, before dragging the short girl over to a table where Ferra sat. Grace hated getting hugged by Millie. Not because she hated the girl, but because of her body. It was perfect in her eyes and it made her extremely jealous. However she never said anything in fear of making the girl cry. Millie sat the girl besides Ferra before taking a seat across from them. "I heard Grace got a boyfriend! Is this true?" Grace's face turned bright red and she shook her head. Yes, she confessed her love for Masaki, but he didn't do the same. She was afraid things have been made awkward now, and hasn't visited him yet, though she knows she should. "No! It's nothing like that! I met a friend who's a boy, we aren't in a relationship. Just friends..."

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She was pretty much already getting bored, she typically did mission after mission, never really slowing down, never just sitting in the guild hall. She heads up to the job board to see if she could find anything interesting. She was going to go solo again. She grabbed a job request that didn't seem to hard. She makes her way out of the guild. The job was just to catch some bandits that used magic. She didn't know why it was on the S-Class job board but it didn't bother her. She just decided to walk realizing the train wouldn't get her to where she needed to go. She walks for a very long time. She just kept going, not really caring about food or rest. She eventually made her way towards what looked like a forest. The job was really far away, further than normal, but it again didn't bother her. She was glad to get away for a while. The temperature dropped but she didn't even notice. She walked along side the forest intstead of going through it. It was almost like the earth shook under her feet and she had to catch herself, before she was thrown off balance and fell. She regained her balance but someone was using ice magic, huh. This caught her interest. Right when she was about to go see who it was sending these attacks, the forest froze. Then shattered. The ice came towards her but she just let it blow on her knowing it wouldn't affect her that much. What looked like snow fell around her, she started making a trek up the hill. Right when she was about to get up, avoiding the tree stumps, An attack got put in place. "Ice-Make Sheild" she put up a shield of ice in front of her so she wouldn't get hit by the attack. Once the attack finally died down she finally saw the Mage that was doing all this. "Jaymes?" She asked kind of surprised he was all the way out here. She remembers him from the dragon mission, he was the first ice wizard she had seen in a very long time.


Zephyr - Sabertooth HQ

Zephyr lifted his head and side glanced towards Alicia, a cringe being made at the sound of her laughter, the comment itself only causing him to reply casually, " So insulting coming from a ten year old. " A brow was quirked in Masaki's direction, scoffing lightly. " Maguilty sense? Oh? " His fingers brushed against Masaki's wrist as a heart shape appeared there, the same mark appearing on his own to match. A finger flicked against his own cheek, stinging slightly but it was more or so to share the teasing pain with Masaki, clearly amused by this as he removed his lollipop and stared at it. A small frown crept onto his face as he noticed it was almost gone, a loud sigh following as Winter's words about the Fairy Tail guild master reached his ears. " It's not our problem. Nor should we be speaking about it like casual gossip. " He spoke sternly towards Winter, annoyance dripped in every spoken word. And there comes the cold demeanor which was only followed by him slamming his book shut and staring off towards the wall. He realized his emotions were still shared with Masaki and he quickly dropped the link, both marks vanishing. As Winter left he was clearly more at ease, the tension in his shoulders dropping. " I still don't know who we're referring to. " He added in, pertaining to his previous question.



Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ

Sora noticed the mug go flying at Nami and as ticked as she might be at the cat she flicked her wrist, huffing as the mug went crashing onto a nearby table. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to reclaim her composure, slowly opening them and turning towards Chris, the last plate in her hands being gently placed before him. " Sorry, there's more in the kitchen if you'd like. " A wide smile graced her features as she bashfully tugged at the apron, fidgeting rather noticeably. It would seem Nami only aimed to further taunt the 'mug thrower' as she glided down, hovering behind Sora, and made silly faces at him from behind the petite girl. A pair of black and white cat like ears were present in Sora's hair, giving her a more delicate appearance. She shuffled slightly, noticing one of her tights had started to slide down a bit and she knelt down to pull it back up, shimmying before straightening back up. She flailed suddenly, eyes widening as she noticed Nami had taken this small window gap to throw a piece of cake at him before flying off rather quickly.

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Jaymes - Destroyed Forest

Jaymes was about to release another ice attack when he felt a surge of magic power and then heard the sound of someone's voice call out his name. He looked around, and spotted a woman coming towards him, an ice shield hovering close to her. He stared at her with a blank expression on his face for several moments before his mind began to work again. He remembered her, she was the Ice Devil Slayer from Sabertooth if memory served right. Winter was her name...maybe. "Just enjoying the call of nature." Jaymes said, slightly gruffly. His training had been intense of course, and he was pretty tired, so he didn't automatically assume friendly mannerisms at this point. "Why are you out here?" He asked her, raising an eyebrow.



She heard his tone, the ice sheild falling like snow to the ground she took another step carefully towards him. It may seem that he was taking the guild master death pretty heavily. He must of left the guild, his Fairytail mark was gone. "Was passing by, I'm on a job, almost got thrown off balance by ice magic, so here I am" she says not really bothering to joke at the precise moment. He looked completely exhausted, and just spent. "You don't look so good" she says figuring he has been training non-stop for a while. She crosses her arms and takes another step towards him. She wasn't sure what to talk about. "Are you by chance the bandit I'm looking for?" She says joking, trying to lighten the mood. He just didn't seem to be in a very good mental state, so she didn't know if joking was a mistake or not.


Chris Lengheart-Guild Hall (Fairytail...well what's been rebuilt)

Chris was about to partake of the delicious looking cake. But before he could, a piece nailed him in the back of the head. Chris suddenly stood up as he suddenly used partial takeover: Black Bull on his arm and turned to the few people there,"Who threw that cake!? Who!?" The alcohol obviously had something to do with this, but there was nothing that could be done until it was out of Chris' system. Until then, Chris scanned the guild hall for anyone with a guilty look on their face.

Kelica - Fairytail Guild Hall and Bar

Kelica turned to Chris and watched him pinch his nose, going to say something before a huge plate of cake appeared before her. She put the stein down, spoon in hand and ready to eat, before glancing over at Naomi. Kelica locked into her eyes for a very long time, even so long as Sora attempted to give Chris another piece of cake only for Nami to throw another at the back of his head. Her eyes seemed genuine and with soft smile she put the spoon on the plate and slide it towards her. "I'm not hungry, I already ate earlier... please, take mine... you know Sora's cakes are delicious..." keeping her gaze on the girl, she heard Chris roar and stand up, finally breaking her gaze to look at him.

She had a soft laugh at him "Well you wanted Cake, you didn't specify where... " It never occured to her being in this close proximity would be dangerous, she wasn't that forward thinking and always just in the moment.

@Isune @Kyuubey @Defective Kitten
Valken - Lamia Scale HQ - Second Storey

Valken watched the events down below unfold, the group of girls within the space of a minute talking about some boy Grace had met during the mission and how Ferra hadn't salvaged any dragon meat. He turned his attention as he noticed Lloyd only a few feet from him watching the same as he was, and then Maya approach him to ask about Sora. He kept his back leaning casually against the railing, dark purple eyes focused on Maya. When she was defensive she was -scary- and he knew flat out not to push her buttons, though he knew he could push everyone else's. He wanted to stay just incase Lloyd needed him to defuse the situation then decided that was silly, he WAS the Guild Master afterall.

He watched Lysander wander inside and to the bar, before unfolding his arms, leaping up and over the railing and rolling as he fell to break the fall, onto the first floor. Straightening like nothing happened, he brushed his clothes down and walked to Lysander, taking a stool beside him, facing outwards, his back leaning against the bar now. He placed his elbows on the counter staring out at the group of girls. "Maya's on a warpath to find out what happened to Sora, Grace has a boyfriend apparently and Millie is forcing her chest on everyone like normal.." Putting his cheeky grin on then looking to Lysander. "You miss all the fun when you work.. "

@HuorSpinks (Lloyd/Lysander) @Kayzo (grace/millie)
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Zephyr - Sabertooth HQ

Zephyr lifted his head and side glanced towards Alicia, a cringe being made at the sound of her laughter, the comment itself only causing him to reply casually, " So insulting coming from a ten year old. " A brow was quirked in Masaki's direction, scoffing lightly. " Maguilty sense? Oh? " His fingers brushed against Masaki's wrist as a heart shape appeared there, the same mark appearing on his own to match. A finger flicked against his own cheek, stinging slightly but it was more or so to share the teasing pain with Masaki, clearly amused by this as he removed his lollipop and stared at it. A small frown crept onto his face as he noticed it was almost gone, a loud sigh following as Winter's words about the Fairy Tail guild master reached his ears. " It's not our problem. Nor should we be speaking about it like casual gossip. " He spoke sternly towards Winter, annoyance dripped in every spoken word. And there comes the cold demeanor which was only followed by him slamming his book shut and staring off towards the wall. He realized his emotions were still shared with Masaki and he quickly dropped the link, both marks vanishing. As Winter left he was clearly more at ease, the tension in his shoulders dropping. " I still don't know who we're referring to. " He added in, pertaining to his previous question.



Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ

Sora noticed the mug go flying at Nami and as ticked as she might be at the cat she flicked her wrist, huffing as the mug went crashing onto a nearby table. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to reclaim her composure, slowly opening them and turning towards Chris, the last plate in her hands being gently placed before him. " Sorry, there's more in the kitchen if you'd like. " A wide smile graced her features as she bashfully tugged at the apron, fidgeting rather noticeably. It would seem Nami only aimed to further taunt the 'mug thrower' as she glided down, hovering behind Sora, and made silly faces at him from behind the petite girl. A pair of black and white cat like ears were present in Sora's hair, giving her a more delicate appearance. She shuffled slightly, noticing one of her tights had started to slide down a bit and she knelt down to pull it back up, shimmying before straightening back up. She flailed suddenly, eyes widening as she noticed Nami had taken this small window gap to throw a piece of cake at him before flying off rather quickly.

Masaki Yamada: Sabertooth HQ

The S-Class mage listened to Alicia as she spoke, it was true that they were the shame age, and Masaki hoped that she wasn't effected by it all that much. With a smile plastered on his face he continued to read his book when suddenly someone else approached the table. He didn't know who it was, but she was asking about joining the guild. Masaki smiled to the person as he said, "Well, you'll have to go to the guildmaster to join us. Although, he's probably busy in his office so don't expect him to be too pleased if you disturb him." After that, he closed his book after finishing it and put it back on the shelf that he shared with Zephyr nearby. It was then that Masaki turned to Zephyr, he ignored the Maguilty Sense link that appeared on his wrist as well as his comment regarding Cece, which was entirely inappropriate but Masaki didn't hold that against the man. The redhead chuckled slightly as he turned to Zephyr, "A girl." He said simply and then materialised a crystal out of thin air and played with it, as he waited for Zephyr's inevitable response.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki-Sabertooth Guild Hall
Mizuki wasn't surprised at all at what Gilad had said to her. The dragons coming back and the killings, how it was all linked back to Lucian. It did seem like something that dark Mage would do. It was better that the woman stayed her with Alicia rather go with the group or else she would've been a weakness to the guild. She has a bond with that Mage that holds true to this day, though she doesn't agree with his ethics. As she found herself deep in thought about her father figure, her name was spoken by the little one. She was only a table or two away, but she could still hear easily. The little one apparently didn't like her cooking. The food in which she put her time and soul into. This hurt a little bit, but it wasn't too big of a deal. "I thought my cooking was exceptional. I'll try to improve on it..." She said, her head whipping around and staring down Alicia with a strange look in her eyes. She was curious about how her hex would go about. She hasn't seen it in effect yet, but she knew it was active.

Millie and Grace- Lamia Scale hall

For the past two weeks, Millie has been giving hugs to each and everyone of the Lamia Scale guild members. She's afraid that one day they will disappear, and she wouldn't have been able to give them a hug. This is her deepest fear. She had just finished hugging Grace, the last person on her list, before dragging the short girl over to a table where Ferra sat. Grace hated getting hugged by Millie. Not because she hated the girl, but because of her body. It was perfect in her eyes and it made her extremely jealous. However she never said anything in fear of making the girl cry. Millie sat the girl besides Ferra before taking a seat across from them. "I heard Grace got a boyfriend! Is this true?" Grace's face turned bright red and she shook her head. Yes, she confessed her love for Masaki, but he didn't do the same. She was afraid things have been made awkward now, and hasn't visited him yet, though she knows she should. "No! It's nothing like that! I met a friend who's a boy, we aren't in a relationship. Just friends..."

@HuorSpinks @ScarlettRose16

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra giggled when Millie came over asking if Grace had a boyfriend. The giggle turned into a laugh at Graces' reaction. "
Are you surree Grace? That's not what it looked like to me in Malnia." She told her teasingly, a cheeky grin on her face. "You were practically all over him, 'Oh Masaki!~'" She added before laughing again.
Millie and Grace. Lamia Scale Hall

Millie giggled along with Ferra at the flustered Grace, who was desperately trying to explain the situation. "I-I know I was all over him! But it's true, we're just friends!" Millie reached across the table and gently patted her head, which the short girl responded with a seat. "You have to hear me out!" She said, crossing her arms. "I even said that I liked him, even kissed him, but he didn't feel the same way. So we're just friends..." Grave looked a little hurt, but she just sighed and shrugged it off. Millie frowned slightly and attempted to hug her, but she was just out of her reach. "Poor Grace!"

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Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ

Both hands were raised slowly before she leaned forward and to the side, repetitively patting Chris on the back. " Come on, Chris! Just eat the cake I made for you. " She chimed in happily, pointing at the piece of cake before giving him another cheerful reassuring tap on the back and flashing him a charming yet gentle smile. Sora wasn't afraid of the man, actually seeming to find the outburst quite fun, and she tried to stiffle a small laugh. He did look quite hilarious covered in splattered cake but she hurried off and grabbed a nearby napkin only to return and start wiping it out of the strands without trying to be too intrusive. It probably looked amusing for the small girl to be practically grooming a drunk man; ah the Fairy Tail life. Kelica's comment broke the ice for her and she laughed a bit, the melodic sound filling the air, though it wasn't meant to infuriate the guy even more and she silently hoped it wouldn't.



Zephyr - Sabertooth HQ

Zephyr raised a hand to slide it into his hair, fingers entangling within the strands in a dis-concerned manner. " Are you sure you don't mean a boy? " He suggested with a sly smile, nudging his elbow into the other boy. He didn't quite understand why Alicia's panties were in a bunch over what he said regarding the Fairy Tail GM. He said they shouldn't talk about it as gossip because he actually was being considerate... and was mad it was being brought up in casual conversation because it was something to be sensitive about. Man, people sure didn't get what he was implying at all, oh well; such is life. Such a drag... " You mistook what I meant earlier about Cece, but that's fine, go ahead and think whatever pleases you. " He directed at Alicia, blue eyes slowly fixating back on his book. He kept his eyes glued to the page as he stood up, book held in one hand, the other offering a small wave towards the two. " Since Alicia is going to look at me like a monster, I'm going to go read somewhere where I'm not being judged for not wording things in a 'super sensitive way. ' " His fingers bent in a sarcastic manner at the last part. " I'll ask for the juicier details later regarding your vague answer. " He added in before strolling off, still engrossed in the book, though he maneuvered through the people in the guild hall flawlessly.

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98
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Mizuki- Sabertooth Guild Hall

Mizuki never once took her eyes off of Alicia, her gaze seeming to peer into the little ones soul. When she informed the Dark Mage that her food wasn't very good, and that she burned almost everything, she was very tempted to place another hex on the girl. She already put a cute pose hex on her, but what else was there? She could give her bad luck for a day, maybe have her cry everytime someone mentions her name, or even make her laugh at tragic events such as the Dairy Tale's recent murder. However, instead of doing any of that Mizuki simply frowned slightly and turned back around, her fingers gently tapping on the table. "Teach me how to be a better cool Little One. I want to make good meals for you." As dark and scary as Mizuki seemed, she had a super soft spot for kids. She just wants them to be happy growing up and not have the life she had of being neglected or taught dark arts. "Can you do that?"

Kayzo said:
Millie and Grace. Lamia Scale Hall
Millie giggled along with Ferra at the flustered Grace, who was desperately trying to explain the situation. "I-I know I was all over him! But it's true, we're just friends!" Millie reached across the table and gently patted her head, which the short girl responded with a seat. "You have to hear me out!" She said, crossing her arms. "I even said that I liked him, even kissed him, but he didn't feel the same way. So we're just friends..." Grave looked a little hurt, but she just sighed and shrugged it off. Millie frowned slightly and attempted to hug her, but she was just out of her reach. "Poor Grace!"

Alicia: Sabertooth HQ

Alicia sighed at Zephyrs' words. She guessed she had mistook it entirely. She'd be sure to apologize to him later. Later as in when Millie wasn't trying to think of another hex to put on her. She honestly dredded the thought of what she was going to do. She sighed with relief when she simply asked her to teach her how to cook. "
I'll try Millie. I'm sorry for not telling you. I appreciated the effort and thought, really, though." She told her.

Lamia Scale HQ


"Grace, guys are a waste of time and it may suck but it will get better" she says pulling the girl into a quick hug. "Anyways he's probably crazy do you and you just don't know." She says nonchalantly. "Guys are the most dense human beings in the world, but maybe he will surprise you." She says with a smile. She hadn't ever had a boyfriend herself so she didn't know if any of her advice was true or not.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @anyone else that's there
Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

He leaned back in his chair and stretched his tired muscles, finally able to relax. His weeks of investigation had allowed more than a little paperwork to pile up and he only now managed to work through it. He envied the simplistic lives his members led. All they had to worry about was completing jobs and paying their bills. However, it was his duty to lead the guild and that obviously included the more mundane aspects. With a sigh he pushed himself from his chair and made his way towards the door. If nothing else he knew he needed a drink to help unwind and he was in absolutely no mood to deal with the inevitable altercation at the pub. The mere thought of how the old hag would react after going weeks without seeing him made his skin crawl.

As he entered the common area he took quick stock of those inside. It seemed to be a lighter amount than usual, but then that just meant they were getting more jobs. His gaze eventually fell on Mizuki as he caught a bit of their conversation, something about teaching her how to cook? So it finally got back to her that her cooking was awful. Well, being a part of Sabertooth meant always improving yourself so he figured it was about time she was shown reality. Maybe in the future her food might be edible.

He made his way towards 'his' seat at the end of the bar, finally speaking up as he called over to the dark lass. "Before that how about you fetch my usual." While her cooking left much to be desired she could at least handle drinks well enough. She wouldn't ever be some world class bartender but that was fine with him. He plopped himself onto his beloved stool, mulling over what to do with the rest of his day. Now that he had finally caught up on the more mundane aspects of guild operation he could turn his focus to the routine he once held. But first he needed that drink.

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Second floor

Lloyd watched as Lysander made his way to the usual spot that both of them usually sat, and he had half a mind to go down and join him. He was not sure how Lysander would take it though, if he joined him; probably would not even talk, or give one word answers. The problem with Lysander was that he was extremely shy. He had confided in Lloyd once that he was scared to approach new people for fear of rejection and now it seemed that he was scared to approach Lloyd. This upset Lloyd more than he cared to admit. He and Lysander used to be close. They had been close ever since Lysander joined the guild at ten years of age, but apparently that long friendship was not strong enough to withstand a Guild Master promotion. Lloyd sighed and shook his head. Despite the new title, he was still the same old Lloyd. He still felt like the same person ever since his promotion; except slightly less competent than he usually felt.

He straightened up from the railing and took a step forward, in the direction of the staircase leading down to the first floor. Fine. If Lysander was not going to make a move, he was going to. He was the senior of the two anyway. He would have taken another step forward but something blocked his path. Something extremely scary, that gave off threatening vibes. He knew it was just Maya, that she appeared a lot more intimidating than she actually was, but that did not prevent him from taking a few steps back, in Valkan's direction, only just noticing that he was even there.

He blinked at her as she accused him of ignoring her and her questions concerning Sora Marvell. He did not even remember her asking those. Perhaps it had been during the chaos of their return from Malnia. Millie had been crying and hugging everyone (and suffocating poor Grace in her boobs), there had been lots of noise and cheering and questions that Lloyd had felt somewhat overwhelmed with the urge to retreat somewhere more quiet. He must have missed Maya's questions during that time. It was a good thing that he had recently written to Fairy Tail to ask about Marvell's condition. He had been concerned as well, as she had yet to wake up when he had left Malnia for Margaret Town. He had gotten a reply that she had recently woken up, about a few days ago.

"Erm... Sorry," he offered, with a sheepish grin on his face. "I guess I didn't hear you talking to me. Didn't mean to ignore you like that. Ms Marvell isn't dead. Far from it, in fact, last I heard she had just woken up and is pretty much back to normal." He glanced back down at the first floor again and found Valken already sitting next to Lysander. A somewhat disappointed crossed Lloyd's face then, but he quickly smoothed it out, turning his full attention on Maya. Oh well, he would have to approach Lysander later then.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Zuka
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Lysander - Lamia Scale Guild Hall; First floor.

"Hey," Lysander nodded to Valken, a smile crossing his face. Truth be told, he was relieved that Valken had chosen to approach him. He had wanted to join in the conversation that the other girls were having, but he was not quite sure how they would react to his presence. Especially if they were discussing guys. He would have ended up as a third wheel there, though that was better than sitting on his own lonesome far from any conversation. Yet his lonesome was pretty much what he stuck to most times. He always intended on approaching people but never ever followed through with that, pretty much ending up at the corner watching people converse, while wishing he could join them.

"You do have a point there," Lysander shook his head with a laugh. "I just have rotten timing I think. I wasn't even in the Guild Hall when they were planning to go to Malnia. I would definitely have ended up going along, if I had been there. An actual dragon!" He would probably have been watching from the side as usual and Lloyd would probably have invited him along, knowing Lloyd, and he would have eagerly accepted. Talk about missed chances. And to interact with people from different Guilds too! He was especially curious about Fairy Tail; his parents had been members there, his entire lineage had been there.

He sighed to himself. Rotten luck that was.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Zuka
Mizuki- Sabertooth Guildhall

A strange smile appeared on Mizuki's face when Alicia agreed to help teach her how to cook. It wasn't strange because it was malevolent, but because she doesn't smile all that often, and she doesn't have the best smile around. "Thank you Little one. I hope you teach me well." She muttered, her gaze quickly flickering over to Gilad. This was the perfect opportunity to test out her hex. If she could call Alicia over, and get the girl in close enough proximity, it might activate. "Yes Gilad, I'll get right on it." She never understood why she had to be the one to get the drinks all the time, but she didn't mind. Standing up from her seat she walked over behind the bar and began to fix up the Guildmaster his usual drink. One thing she loved about this was sliding it across the counter to him. She had perfected the art of "mug sliding" as did it every chance she had. After the glass was filled up with his usual, she slid it over to him before leaning up against the table. "Alicia, I need your assistance. Please come over here."

Grace and Millie- Lamia Scale Hall

Grace blushed even more as the girls suggested ditching Masaki. She didn't want to do that at all, she still loves him with all her heart, but maybe they were right. If he didn't feel the same way there was no point in drooling over him. "I don't know you guys, I really do like him. We've been through so much together, and we've saved each other tons of times. I think he was just nervous." She explained, fiddling with her thumbs and looking down. Millie had a concerned look in her eyes, one that a mother would have. She was torn on this situation. Sure Ferra and friends had a point, boys were sense at times and Grace shouldn't worry too much about this Masaki guy, but at the same time she thought Grace should be allowed to do what she wants to do. "I think you should try to talk to Masaki, see how he feels. If he doesn't like you, then find another guy. Or girl. It's really up to you."

@HuorSpinks @Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16 @Colt556

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