Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


- Sleepy...

Corra allowed the water to seep into the ground as help arrived. Her anger was quickly cooling off as she saw that everyone was safe, everyone was getting help now...

"Corra... Sleepy..."

She was suddenly in her little form again, and she seemed to wobble on her feet.

"Corra got too mad..." She yawned before toppling over


Sora Marvell - Malnia

Sora felt like she was swimming, thoughts and body sluggish as if pinned down by a heavy force making her unable to move. Was she conscious? Not entirely it would seem, not even able to manage flicking her eyelids open, all of her strength just gone. It would appear that someone had moved the small girl onto the ground and off of Clair, the scorched Earth beneath her almost an unbearable heat upon the cuts scattered along her exposed limbs. She slowly let the waves that pulled her under take her out of consciousness as the task force who were ordered by General Kilburn to assist the wounded scattered about to attend to them. Being ill from magical deficiency wouldn't be healed where they were and the task force would slowly realize this as they inspected her.

It would take elixirs and medications that would have to be made elsewhere. Her small body would be carried off from the destroyed battlefield to be taken care of and healed. Nami slowly awakened from when she had earlier been knocked out due to flying into the big dragon, so rude to take up so much of the sky like that... The exceed remembered the events before going unconscious and started flailing wildly, unaware of whom was holding her and where she even was. " Sora, Sora, Sora!! " She cried out, clambering away from Winter and flying off without a second thought, eyes wildly scanning for Sora
amongst the random mages. She did however notice the dragon carcass and stuck her tongue out in a childish taunting manner before finally spotting Sora and to much of anyone's surprise she actually slowed down instead of ramming straight into her, panic rising as she noticed strangers taking her away.

Nami floated down and gently landed onto her stomach, eyes wide as she stared at the unconscious girl's face, scouting her life force to make sure Sora was okay. Lowering her head, a few tears formed before she sat down and refused to be removed from Sora, features showing that she would put up a huge fight if anyone tried reaching for her again, which they'd been welcomed with a swat of the tail previously. Time to sit in an infirmary bed for a day or so, hooray, but it had been worth it and she'd shown people she was a reliable ally.

@nobodyinparticular ( Sorry not feeling too hot myself. c: )

Goldencurls said:
-=(John Star - Malnia Desert - ???)=-

John continued to lay on his stomach, which, now was empty and rumbling. He drew circles in the dirt, he bent his legs in the air, the moved back and forth.

His left hand propped his face up, his jaw was beginning to get sore from the action. The littlest tufts of grass left over from the dragons, was torn out, from John.

The frog laid in pieces next to his elbow, he was
still considering to eat it. 'Anyway, frog's supposed to taste like chicken right?'

He lowered his arms and felt for the frog, a smile found his face when he gripped it. But, a small dog had the frog too. It seemed that the dog hid underground; he could tell because the dog sent off cool waves and smelled like earth.

The dog growled angrily,
'Poor thing, owner's are probably dead.' But any pity he had for the dog vanished when it bit his hand.

"Ow!" John scrambled to his feet as he heard the dog running off. The frog wasn't important anymore, he was going to eat the

He tried to follow the dog; the dog made small yips and worried barks as it was pursued. He stumbled and tripped here and there, but, his chasing skills were getting better.

Suddenly he collided with someone, the impact left him on his behind. He sighed,
'Great, now I can't eat the dog.'

[QUOTE="Chara Angel of Death]
- Sleepy...

Corra allowed the water to seep into the ground as help arrived. Her anger was quickly cooling off as she saw that everyone was safe, everyone was getting help now...

"Corra... Sleepy..."

She was suddenly in her little form again, and she seemed to wobble on her feet.

"Corra got too mad..." She yawned before toppling over

@Kayzo (mentioned) @HuorSpinks

Sera: Dragon Carcass

Literally everything popped painfully in protest of Sera being forced to her feet, gritting her teeth it took everything she could do to not cry out in pain. "
Thanks." She finally managed to say. Looking around, everything looked depressing. A clear, flat wasteland with rubble and corpses strewn here and there. Luckily, Kilburn and the magic council arrived a little while later. A medical squad came and tended to Sera's and Kelcia's wounds. Stretching her now healed back she let out a sigh of relief, "Ahh..much better. Who woulda thought dragons were actually still alive eh?" She asked Kelcia before looking around at everyone returning to the town center, as well as Sora being carried off for healing. She'd be sure to congratulate that girl later.
Cinla had finished regenerating and turned and said"It's times like this i'm glad i'm a star fairy, and yeah it thought they were dead as well shows how wrong i was and last of all that young girl did a fantastic job, well i'd better go and help the medical squad they will need all the help they can get it was fun fighting with you sera chan and even though i'll be joining sabertooth i'll invite you out for a drink and such from time to time".

Tanari Varos - Malnia Village: Church

Before the fight was allowed to resume numerous uniformed individuals stormed the area. She recognized their emblem immediately as she reflexively put her hands up. She wasn't about to get mistook for one of the bad guys, last thing she needed was to be on the Council's bad side. Once it became clear they were after the right people she slowly backed up and lowered her arms. With the situation under control she made a hasty exit from the church ruins, making her way past the Ice Dragon Slayer on her way out. She cast the man a quick look as she passed, still upset that he just ran off to leave her to fend off such a powerful opponent by herself.

Once she had some distance between herself and the church she surveyed the surroundings. It looked like a warzone, which made sense, but now it was crawling with the Council's enforcers. She let out a deep sigh as she cast her gaze skyward. With Lucien being an obvious bad guy it was clear as day that she wouldn't be getting even a single Jewel for this debacle. "What a huge waste of time.." At least there was still her other job she could turn in. With nothing left to do here she made her way back to their arrival area to pick up her sack. There was probably no carriages so it'd be a very long walk back to Magnolia. Another sigh slipped past her lips at the prospect.

Gilad Arcturus - Malnia Village: Town Center

He stood solemnly in what use to be the street, his stern gaze held firmly on the lead Enforcer. With the Council intervening it was abundantly clear he wouldn't be able to accomplish his goal. The entire reason he even came to this village was now out of reach. Had he not been held up by the dragon... but alas it was unlikely anyone would have survived had he not been there playing defense.

He looked down at the paper he had been given. Five hundred million was hardly something to scoff at, so at least he got something out of coming here. He looked back at the body of the red dragon, his brow furrowing slightly as he gazed upon it's corpse. There was still much they didn't know. The fact that one of the dragons was a mere puppet and the other was far weaker than any of the stories portrayed left an unsettling feeling within him. He didn't like that he couldn't see what their enemies' end game was.

There was nothing he could do about it now, though, and so he pocketed the piece of paper given to him and turned to make his leave. He hadn't seen his guild members since he first arrived, but Sabertooth mages were strong and he didn't even entertain the notion that they had lost their fights. He could tell the Lamia Scale guild master did not share such faith in his own members. A momentary weakness washed over him as he let out a small sigh and made his way over to the other guild master. At the very least they had fought the dragon and emerged victorious, so the least he could do was offer up some advice and words of encouragement to the young master.

he came to a stop a few feet in front of Lloyd, looking him over briefly before giving a small nod. At least the man seemed to come out of the fight relatively unscathed. He would have been woefully disappointed if a fellow guild master was so weak as to allow something of this dragon's level to severely injure them. After taking a moment he spoke up. "You performed your duty admirably, Master Kirby. As expected of Lamia Scale's Guild Master."

Kelica - Dragon Body and Gathering Officals

Kelica blinked suddenly as a squad eased Sera from around her shoulders, healing her before Kelica was then surrounded on mass, putting her hands up in the air defensively "I'm okay really I just-" She didn't finish though before the group started poking and prodding her in random spots, she made a hiss noise as they hit a bruise or a sore muscles "REALLY? Is the poking necessary??" And then their healing light flooded around her. She was glad they were real healers not her dodgy self ones, and in the blink of an eye she was as good as new. Although there were rips in her tights and tears through her shirt. The squad went there way leaving Kelica alone with Sera.

"I'll say... And after all that I didn't even get a chance to talk to one! Eh...I'm sure it wouldn't have much to say anyway... " turning to face her, Kelica eyed up her wings. "Those look similar to bat wings... do they fly well? Or are they just for show?" Kelica was naive and even now had no idea what Sera really was. She just knew she had wings like a creature and she knew creatures. Kelica had her genuine smile plastered on her face once more.

Lloyd - Malnia Town Center

Lloyd turned as he heard a familiar voice calling his name, and a wide grin spread on his face as he spotted Ferra making her way to him. That coupled by the sheer relief that she too was relatively unharmed as she made her way over to him. Though his grin had to turn sheepish as she mentioned the tornado he sent off to the dragon. "Well... I'm just glad the tornado did it's job. After all, I don't have dragon slayer powers. I'm just glad that the tornado stunned the dragon enough that Ms Marvell could finish the job." He took note of her health status then. She seemed to be quite all right, with hardly any burns or scrapes, though that could have been the work of the magic council soldiers. "And how about you? Things seemed to have gone pretty well on your end. Did you see Grace too? How is she?"

It was then that he felt a powerful presence behind his line of sight. He turned his head, and found Acturus, the Sabertooth Guild Master, standing a few feet from him. Arcturus was just looking at him, and before he could make a movement of acknowledgement Arcturus moved first, giving him a small nod, which he quickly returned. A small smile crept onto his face as Artcurus' next words. "Thank you," he said quietly. He hesitated, wondering what to say next. Politeness dictated that he ought to return the compliment, the problem was that he wasn't sure how to. Plus, he was quite sure that Arcturus had made a greater impact on the dragon's state than he did. Finally, he settled with, "Same to you. We would have had a lot more casualties if it was not for your intervention."

@Mitchs98 @Colt556
HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Malnia Town Center
Lloyd turned as he heard a familiar voice calling his name, and a wide grin spread on his face as he spotted Ferra making her way to him. That coupled by the sheer relief that she too was relatively unharmed as she made her way over to him. Though his grin had to turn sheepish as she mentioned the tornado he sent off to the dragon. "Well... I'm just glad the tornado did it's job. After all, I don't have dragon slayer powers. I'm just glad that the tornado stunned the dragon enough that Ms Marvell could finish the job." He took note of her health status then. She seemed to be quite all right, with hardly any burns or scrapes, though that could have been the work of the magic council soldiers. "And how about you? Things seemed to have gone pretty well on your end. Did you see Grace too? How is she?"

It was then that he felt a powerful presence behind his line of sight. He turned his head, and found Acturus, the Sabertooth Guild Master, standing a few feet from him. Arcturus was just looking at him, and before he could make a movement of acknowledgement Arcturus moved first, giving him a small nod, which he quickly returned. A small smile crept onto his face as Artcurus' next words. "Thank you," he said quietly. He hesitated, wondering what to say next. Politeness dictated that he ought to return the compliment, the problem was that he wasn't sure how to. Plus, he was quite sure that Arcturus had made a greater impact on the dragon's state than he did. Finally, he settled with, "Same to you. We would have had a lot more casualties if it was not for your intervention."

@Chara Angel of Death @Kayzo @femjapanriceball @Salt Lord @ScarlettRose16 @Isune @Defective Kitten @Embaga Elder @Zylvia @Aeri Rosevier @AnarchyReins @KpopSenpai @ShadowEntity

Once everyone eventually dispersed and headed back their respective ways Fairy Tail made their way back to their guild hall. Or rather, the remains of their guild hall as well as the remains of their now ex-guild master. Cece was in the middle of it all, multiple blades stabbed into her body, a pool of blood underneath her. A note that simply stated, 'Death to Fairy Tail -S' attached to her body VIA one of the many blades. Luckily the council was still in town, the note, blades, and body were turned over to them temporarily for inspection. In the mean time the Council offered to re-build their guild hall, it might not of been much but it was the least they could do on top of the reward.


Full Timeskip, a Week before Fantasia

It's been approximately two weeks since the mission to Malnia, in such time the funeral for Cece has been held and a new Guild Master, Ophelia Kaiser, chosen. The exact cause of death and culprit have yet to be found, the test results still heavily being analyzed by the council. Regardless of who, it is obvious Fairy Tail will take revenge for their master as soon as they are able.
Chris Lengheart-Guild Hall (Fairytail...well what's been rebuilt)

Chris was silent as he sat at a table. The bar was barely able to operate, and Chris was one of the few that were chugging down mug after mug to try and keep himself from bawling in the corner. Such a young girl...murdered in cold blood. It was awful! The only way Chris was able to repress these feelings was to simply let the alcohol slow down his thought process. Eventually it came to the point in which Chris just slammed his head into the table and tried to forget the death of their beloved guildmaster. Even for someone who was normally happy like Chris, it was very hard to try and keep a straight face knowing that the guildmaster, a young girl, was dead and her murder was still roaming the streets.

Willow Costello

After Master Cece died she left FairyTail and decided to go on her own for a while and she couldn't be around the death, she just needed to leave so she did.

~Character Dropped~

Sarah Milkovich

She now sits in the jail of the magic council, unable to use her magic or go anywhere. She knows a way she could break out but she had to wait, for the perfect time. She would just stay where she is for a while.

~Character Temporarily Dropped for this next arc, she will appear later~

Isabelle Dragneel

She complained about the whole way back to the quild hall about how Lamia Scale left without her. When she heard about the guild masters death, she went instantly silent. Who would do such a thing? When they got back to the guild hall, she starts taking on jobs again, being able to use her magic again was refreshing. She was back at the Lamia Scale guild hall a week before the Fanasia Parade is held in Magnolia. She finds her guild master once she walks into the guild hall. "Master, master! Are we going to the Fantasia Parade that is being held in Magnolia?" She asks hyper as ever and just her carefree attitude showing.

@HuorSpinks @anyone else in Lamia Scale

Winter Chanel

She got no fighting out of the Dragon trip but it didn't really bother her that much. She walks into her guild hall after a mission. She looks around to see if anyone she would actually want to socialize with was there. She just found a seat in the corner waiting for something remotely interesting to happen. Doesn't really look up for a while she basically sits there twiddling her thumbs.

@anyone in SaberTooth

Jaymes - Location Unknown - Training

The last two weeks had been an emotional rollercoaster for Jaymes. He had been unable to kill a dragon, many people had been killed by the dark guild Grimoire Heart. Then to top it off, their guild master had been slain while they had been off fighting. The deaths weighed heavily on Jaymes. Immediately after the resolution of the battle, he had chosen to leave. He couldn't face his fellow guild mates just yet. Now he was in a remote location, working himself to exhaustion to become stronger..

"Boon of the Light God!" Jaymes called out, releasing a blast of light magic from his mouth. The breath attack shrieked away from him before exploding several feet away from the intended target. "Dammit!" Jaymes called out, sweat covered his body, and dirt mixed with sweat dotted his bare torso. He still couldn't control the God Slayer magic he had copied. Jaymes concentrated, and black tinged light enveloped his right hand, "Elysian Slash!" Jaymes shouted, swinging his hand in an arc before him. The light exploded away from him following the arc, and exploded with contact against the side of the cliff face he was near, pulverizing the rock heavily. However, that too wasn't what he had wanted to happen, it was supposed to cut into the rock without exploding. "Why can't I do this?" Jaymes said, falling to his knees. There he bent over, his head striking the ground. He beat the ground with his hands, "I can't protect anyone like this."
In the time of the timeskip, Grace mustered up the courage to confess her feelings towards Masaki. If the boy felt the same way I do not know, and will wait to see what Masaki says. She sadly had to part ways with him, but promised that she'd visit him time to time. The trip back to Lamia Scale's guildhall was a bittersweet one. It was great to go home knowing how much she has accomplished yet sad to leave all of the friends she met on the journey. However she knew deep in her heart that they would see each other again.

The moment the Lamia Scale members opened the doors to the guild halls, they were met by a big hug from Millie. She was bawling her eyes out and had been ever since they left. She had been out on a different mission and didn't actually know that the group left to Malnia, thinking that they got up and ditched them. Despite the fact that Maya told her over and over again, she still never believed them. "I was worried sick about you all! I thought you guys left me!" She wailed, running her cheek against Lloyd's and pulling Ferra to her side. In spite of everything that Grace survived, she almost suffocated in Millie's breasts.

When the Sabertooth members returned to the guild, they'd notice that it was a lot darker than normal, the faint smell of burnt food floating in the air. Mizuki emerged from the shadows and stared at the members fiercely, but soon smiled slightly. "Welcome back Gilad. I managed to keep the little one alive. I can assure you that I kept her well fed and safe." She explained in a raspy voice, waving her hand and returning light to the room. However, she did place a hex on Alica, one that was sure to get on her guild master's nerves.

Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

With the situation settled in Malnia he made his way back to Crocus, affairs needed attending and Guild Masters such as he couldn't afford to be away for too long. After a rather uneventful trip he found himself standing outside the guildhall, the structure was as large and impressive looking as ever. After taking a brief moment he pushed the doors open and made his way inside. A quick glance around the central room yielded the usual sight, a multitude of mages milling about or prepping for jobs, most of whom chimed in with some form of greeting as he entered. One such mage called out and got his attention, informing him that she had kept tabs on one of their youngest members. He gave a simple nod in response, ignoring the smell that assaulted his nose. Whoever let that woman behind the stove would be in for one hell of a time later. "Good work, Mizuki."

He had spent the trip home pondering whether he should talk to the woman about what transpired, after all she was directly related. He had finally reached a decision shortly before arriving at the guildhall and as such made his way over towards the black haired woman. "Mizuki, I have to speak with you later." He simply left it at that as he made his way towards his private section in the back of the guild. As he left the common area he couldn't help but think of the information he received shortly before leaving for Crocus. Fairy Tail's Guild Master had been murdered while they fought Grimoire Heart and the dragons. Despite her age she was still a powerful mage in her own right, and the fact that someone managed to murder her so brutally didn't sit right with him. It was just one more piece of a puzzle he couldn't figure out. One thing he did know was that it was no coincidence, the man he sought was surely connected with everything.

Soon enough he reached his office and made his way over to his desk, falling heavily into the chair behind it. Within moments a bright light encased his body before quickly vanishing, his armor being replaced with far more comfortable clothing. He let out a slow breath of air as he rubbed his tired eyes. Ever since the first dragon attacks he had been out searching for clues. This was the first time in weeks he had been back to the guild and been able to relax in any form. There was still much to be done regarding this matter, but for now it could wait. He was smart enough to know that tireless work yielded no results.

He spent the next two weeks staying close to home, using his resources and contacts to try and uncover the mysteries that still eluded him. However try as he might his searches consistently ended in failure. It seemed as if all the trails had gone cold. It certainly didn't help matters that the Council was being less than cooperative in regards to their prisoners. Nevertheless a sense of normalcy did return to him as the dead ends in his investigation forced him to return his attention to guild matters.
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Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Fairy Tail Guide Hall

Two weeks passed after the end of the mission and also the declaration of Master Cece's death, her body hung up by the handful of blades punctured into her small body in the Guide's Hall.. Who knew that after the short amount of time that Master Cece was their master that she'd get taken down so quickly. In the end Naomi wasn't able to find out what a dragon meat bun tasted like, her primary focus on the death of the master. Everyday that passed after her death like that was dark and gloomy, unlike how it normally would but who was to blame? An important member had just died. Some people had dropped out of the guide out of shock and other just wasted their days away drinking alcohol more than they normally did.

Naomi was also very much like everyone else in the sense of sadness, not even wanting to eat any meat buns or eat in general. When the young girl did eat, it seemed to be very minimal or simply playing with the food in the depressing manner. Today she was just sitting at the bar, her head resting on the cold wood table staying very quiet and gloomy. It seemed that she had a gloomy rain cloud hanging around her head most of the days, on other days she didn't bother showing up at all..

(Hopefully this new arc can be a restart to Naomi and I'll be more active..)
Kelica - Malina Desert - 2 weeks prior

Just before departing for their guild hall, Kelica pulled the tiny little seedling from her belt bag. She cupped it softly into her hands and kissed it before whispering gently.. "we live, we seed, we die, only to live again... " she crouched down to push the seed into the ground and brush the ground over the top covering it. She stood up then and closed her eyes.

It was a powerful spell, reaching her arms out, fingers splayed, a green circle not only around her but the seed as well. Her hair was floating with the sheer energy she was forcing into the magic. "Guardian of the Forest: Growth spell!" There was nothing for a moment then the ground shuddered, then cracked and split near the seed as a branch exploded outwards, followed soon by a huge tree trunk, strong and tall. The tree sprouted many branches and twigs before green seemed to explode all over it in a huge wave of leaves. As the tree grew, Kelicas necklace glowed brightly and her green eyes clouded over, becoming almost white. One tall tree, standing proud, at the centre of the town of Malina. Kelica smiled happily "It's not a forest but... in time... it...may be.. " shuddering then as her legs shook, and she collapsed with exhaustion.

Kelica - Fairytail Guild Hall - 2 weeks later

Kelica slept for what felt like forever, spending most of the time recovering, eating, drinking and laughing. It waste only after some time she found out Cece had been murdered and that weighed heavily on her heart, like most of the guild. On this day she returned to the hall, her plant still wrapped nice and tight around her wrist as always. She wandered up to the bar, spotting two people mourning with heads low.

She sat on a stool between both, glancing from one to the other. "so..." wondering how to perk both up. "you know it's almost that time of the year for the festival yeah? " gesturing for a beer which appeared post haste. It was strange, seeing the lovely girl with a heart of gold hold a stein of beer to her lip's and drink merrily. She knew it was a dark time, but wallowing in sadness would not help things. It's certainly not what Cece would have wanted.

@Defective Kitten @Isune
Valken - Lamia Scale HQ

"Millie, you worry far far to much... Lloyd was on the case, and I doubt he would have let anything happen to them... " the voice sounded above them, and Valken was leaning rather casually against the second storey railing, looking down to the group that entered through the front door. He had that cheeky grin he always wore. "man you have no idea the hysterics she has been in.." rolling his eyes. For all his antics though he did give the Guild Master a two finger salute, showing him his own sign of respect.

@HuorSpinks (lloyd) @Kayzo (Millie and Grace)

@LeSoraAmari (Maya)
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Masaki Yamada: Sabertooth Guildhall

What Grace said back then made Masaki rather... Happy. It was evident that the two cared for each other, and it was only certified when she confessed her love for him. Masaki did in fact like her too, but for some odd and unknown reason he didn't say as such. As the boy sat in the guildhall, he saw Gilad talking to Mizuki as he himself sat at one of the many tables in the hall and began to read. The book was titled, "Lost Magics". After his fight with Sarah, his intrigue with Lost Magics had risen, and he wanted to study them. Not for any reason specific... He just liked to read, and study.


Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Guildhall

While the majority of the guild members were away in their mission, Maya herself had been making sure that everything was running smoothly in Lloyds absence. The thought of tidying up Lloyds hellhole of an office crossed her mind too, but she never did. Making her way down to the guild hall, she noticed that Millie had greeted everyone and that apparently, Grace was going to die due to suffocation from Millie's breasts. As the woman approached everyone she held a smile on her face as she laughed, which most definitely made her presence known, if it wasn't already known from the magic she radiated. "She has been stressing ever since you guys left. It was quite funny, actually." Standing next to Millie she spoke to everyone with a kind smile, and with slight relief in her tone. "But anyway, Thank God you're all alright, I got news that the Council themselves intervened. Were things really that bad?" She sighed for a moment as she then looked over to Millie briefly before turning her attention to Lloyd, "I apologise for not being there myself. I'm just glad that you are all okay."

Maya then stood there with an almost instant look of concern on her face as she approached Lloyd, her look probably intimidated him but she didn't mean to. After all, she was holding her smile. "How did Sora do?" She spoke clearly and with a happy smile on her face. She hadn't seen the girl in quite a while, probably a few years now. But she got wind of the Sky Dragon Slayers presence there, after all, she did slay a dragon.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo

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Winter Chanel

She saw Masaki sitting at one of the tables in the hall with a book in hand like he did most of the time. She was able to see the cover of the book and it seemed to be something on lost magic. She gets up and walks over to the table. She sits down across from him. "Hey" she says simply. She heard about the girl he likes, Grace was injured in fighting a Grimorè Heart member. She looks at him curiously. "How is she doing?" She honestly was just trying to create conversation. She didn't know what to really talk about. She was just bored for the moment. She rests her elbows on the table.

Momoki Asada:Sabertooth Guild(But actually Fairy tail)

Momoki wasn't actually at Fairy Tail.She was almost at Sabertooth when two guys who looked the same age as her came over,Hey babe came here to see us?" The guy on the left asked. Momoki rolled her eyes,"You better move before I make you" Momo said."Oh yeah then make us" The guy on the right stated.Momoki wasn't happy,"Fine hold my purse" she said taking it off and holding it out.The guy on the left took it and immediately fell face first into the ground making a hole in it.Momoki picked up her purse and tossed it in the air,"Problems?" Momoki said as she passed into the guild hall where she first saw Masaki's father.

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Chris Lengheart-Guild Hall (Fairytail...well what's been rebuilt)

Chris continued to chug down mug after mug of alcohol. That was before a girl sat next to him and began to tell him about the festival. Chris pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to manifest words,"Oh yeah...that's right..." The alcohol was clearly taking its affect as Chris seemed to be slurring his words and looked like talking gave him a headache. However, Chris still looked like he could take someone out, that someone being anyone who got in his way...even that coat-hanger that has been giving him a funny look after his 3rd or 4th mug.



Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ

A small sigh had escaped Sora's lips as she stared at the oven, waiting for the next cake to finish baking, hand cupping a cheek to rest idly upon. " Everyone is so bummed, Nami.. " She muttered to the exceed, lips scrunching to the side as if thoughtfully troubled by this knowledge. She'd brought it upon herself to break in the new kitchen that she demanded be built right away and put herself on 'make yummy goods to lift people's spirits' duty, which only mildly seemed to be working but it was better then sitting around smelling the stench of booze that wafted through the guild hall. It wasn't as if she could blame them, the death of one considered family to everyone wasn't something to be expected to be taken lightly, Sora simply wanting to be able to alleviate everyone's sorrows if only by a bit. The cake finished baking, being pulled out carefully before being set down to cool and be frosted in a bit. The whole incident of being taken off for medical care after the dragon fight in Malnia seemed to be behind her, feeling pretty good as new, at least physically; the mental state weathered down slightly from the recent news. With a small smile she absentmindedly sliced the cake that she'd finished earlier into portions, some bigger due to knowing certain guild members considerable appetites, knife spinning after as she admired her work, clearly pleased.

And with that she trotted out, Nami and her both adorned in aprons and carrying quite an impressive amount of plates each, plopping them down in front of random guild members who were scattered about. She went wide eyed and tried to grab at Nami as she realized the exceed was not actually handing out the cake but trying to devour every piece and horde it for herself. " NAMI! YOU COME DOWN HERE! " She exclaimed, stomping a foot down as if to assert some sort of dominance as the cat flew up higher, but it only seemed to create more openings for blatant teasing as Nami flew in circles above her with a grinning face covered in icing and crumbs.

@everyone in the fairy tail guild hall

Zephyr - Sabertooth HQ

Zephyr had peeked his tousled head from around the corner into the hall, eyes fluidly taking everything and everyone in before they comfortably settled on the red head sitting down bent over a book, along with the Sabertooth girl whom he recalled was named Winter. A grin dared to tug at his lips but he quickly dismissed it and quickly strode past groups of people, not bothering to give them the time of day per usual as he came up behind Masaki and quite lovingly ruffled his hair up a bit, smirking as it became a splayed mess. Both eyes narrowed with the tilt of his head, eyes slipping to gaze at the reading material Masaki had seemed to become enticed with lately. " Are you trying to get to know me better? " He teased as he sat down on the other side of him, fluidly brushing a few pieces of hair from his vision before resting his chin on his palm, fingers tapping at his cheek nonchalantly. He made no notion to greet Winter, his whole attitude making it seem like she might as well be invisible, which to him she kind of was; most people were. His free hand slipped into his pocket to pull out a lollipop, the wrapper being plucked off with ease before he stuck it into his mouth and retrieved a book of his own interests. His light blue hues became fixated on the text before him though he was very aware of his surroundings, simply not caring for them. " How is who doing? " He spoke quietly and under his breath so only Masaki would hear it, as he picked up on the conversation beside him, still visibly focused on the book.

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Sera: Fairy Tail HQ Training Grounds

Sera probably took the death of Master Cece as hard, it not harder, than Jaymes. At first she contemplated leaving entirely, but then instead she simply accepted as many solo missions to stay away from the hall as possible. She couldn't stand to be in it any longer than she had to. She blamed herself more than anything, as soon as she found out Grimorìe Heart was involved she should've immediately went to check on Cece. But instead she didn't, and now she was dead. The one person she could trust the most with her past was murdered and strung up for display.

Currently she'd came back to the HQ after convincing from the other members seeing as the Fantasia Festival was soon. She also figured she might as well get to know the new Master as well. She couldn't bring herself to talk to anyone, not yet. Instead she was out back training by herself, which mostly consisted of punching test dummies and slashing at the massive tree with her scythe to improve her strength.


@Kayzo @HuorSpinks

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra was honestly glad to be home, the news of Master Cece's passing made her a bit sad but she didn't dwell on it seeing as she didn't really know her. She was sure everyone in Fairy Tail was having a hard time though. She laughed as Millie assaulted them as soon as they entered the building. Ferra of course hugged her back, "I missed you too Millie." She told her, smiling up at her. She then noticed she was kinda killing Grace with her boobs. "Millie you're killing Grace! Let go of her before she suffocates!" She told her half concerned, laughing.


@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16 @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey

Alicia: Sabertooth HQ

Alicia entered the room soon after Gilad left out and Mizuki said she kept her well fed. Well, well fed if you happen to like burned or undercooked food. She was glad everyone was back, and that there'd actually be someone that could cook decently. Not that she wasn't grateful Mizuki tried...she just felt that she could've done a better job tending to herself. Rather than go up to Mizuki, she opted to go over to Winter and Masaki. Though she did offer her a nervous smile, that was about it. The time they were gone was honestly torture. Sitting down at one of the chairs around the table she smiled at them, "Hi guys! Watcha' talking about?" She asked them. Zephyr arrived soon after, illiciting a giggle from Alicia for his actions. "You're too boring to want to know more about Zephy." She told him jokingly, an amused grin stretched across her lips.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks

Lamia Scale HQ:


She saw Grace, Millie, and Ferra in the guild hall they were laughing about something. It looked like Millie was about to kill Grace. She giggled slightly. She started walking over and practically tackled Ferra. "I've missed you Ferra!" She says hugging the small girl. She missed being at guild hall, it was always fun to be there. She let the girl go and just smiled. She didn't get to fight the dragon but she didn't really care. "How was the dragon hunting." She asks the two girls who went. She had just a smile on her face. "I still can't believe you guys went without me" she says not actually that mad about it.


@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @anyone else at Sabertooth

Sabertooth HQ:


She looked up to see Alicia. "Hey, have a seat" she says gesturing to a seat at the table. "And nothing much. Did you hear about the guild master of Fairytail?" She asks the two people that are sitting with her. She offers a small smile.
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Headquarters, second floor.

Lloyd could not help smiling to himself as he leaned over the second floor railing. He was bent slightly forward at the waist, his arms were crossed and resting on the railing, while one of his legs was slightly bent. His office was directly behind him, and it was too nice a day to remain cooped up in an office surrounded by paperwork. This was probably one of his favourite places in the Guild Hall, as it gave him a great view over the entire first floor, where the majority of the guild members hung out, interacted, and ate, or looked at jobs at the job board. The only issue with this place was that if his guild members were to look up, in the direction of his office, they would definitely see him, which was perhaps a good thing because a Guild Master had to interact with his guild once in a while. Fortunately, they were all wrapped up in their own conversations, so no one had bothered to look up and notice him. In particular, Isabelle, Ferra Millie and Grace seemed to be having quite a loud conversation; from his position he could hear pretty much everything

His smile faded slightly as he could not help recalling the chilling events that had befallen Fairy Tail. Their Guild Master, Cece Tutin, had been murdered. He did not really know her very well; he had not even interacted with her even once, not even during the Malnia mission in which both their guilds had been involved. It had been two weeks since the discovery of her murder, and during those two weeks, despite intensive investigation, no leads had been discovered. This chilled and frustrated him. Her murder was probably still at large and probably confident enough to make another move, and who knew who would be attacked next? In the end, all he could do was be extra cautious; he did not want to put his Guild through the same trauma that Fairy Tail was no doubt undergoing.

His guild... it had been good to see everyone again. It had been a pity that Millie, Maya, Valken, Isabelle and Lysander had been unable to join them for the Malnia mission. The mission would have probably been completed without the intervention of the Magic Council soldiers. Maya especially... he still wondered why the former Guild Master had named him as the successor and not her.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Zuka @ScarlettRose16
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Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Fairy Tail Guide Hall

Naomi's reaction to Kelica was rather slow and dull, opening her eyes after a few moments of her arrival as she spoke about the festival. This time of year was usual very happy and full of fights and meat buns but at the current situation it was nothing more than another day. Keeping her head still laid on the bar table, she just glanced up at the girl without much of response. Naomi wasn't old enough to drink alcohol yet, despite the guide most likely giving her one if she asked, so she didn't have anything to wallow in or suppress her feelings into. Her tummy lightly growled, clasping into her stomach region as if she tried to muffled the sound however it didn't really work like that. Thinking back, she hadn't eaten very much or maybe at all in the past few days but she didn't say much about hunger or respond in anyway to Kelica even when the drunk Chris responded. Naomi wasn't in the mood to eat, she just wasn't hungry most of the time despite it being obvious that her body was taking a toll because of it. So instead, she stared up at the girl with a blank expression.



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