Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Sora Marvell - Malnia

Sora had waited, her whole body frigid and tense to spectate the final conclusion of this fight. As the debris cleared to give her a non-obscured view, she watched the dragon's body collapse and a huge smile crept onto her face in unison, relief radiating from it. Clair's laughter rang in her ears, the sound ultimately welcomed before she shifted her body, twisting sideways a bit to gaze at her friend. Thoughts of Nami trickled back to the surface, the girl silently hoping that she was in good hands because she doubted she'd be able to move much and actually track down her sidekick in this condition. Fatigue screamed in every muscle with each small movement, the pain from all the various cuts and scrapes starting to become more prominent. Both hands reached out to hover over the unconscious Clair, energy slowly being released in a soothing glow that healed and restored the other girl's energy, the red head's wounds beginning to disappear until they were just left with a smudge of dirt as a reminder.

" Thank you everyone... " Her words trailed off and were carried away in the wind as her eyes and hair returned to their normal colors, magic having been depleted to a dangerous level after taking care of Clair. A lifeless tone hazed over her hues before they fluttered shut, body going limp atop of her teammate as she fell forward. Her hair messily curtained her face, a weird sensation drowning her thoughts and weighing her down from the critical plight she'd put herself in. She probably wouldn't hear the end of it once the other girl realized Sora had used her little bit of residual magic to heal her, but it was something that wouldn't have sit well in her conscious if she hadn't repaid all the help Clair had given her in the end. But they had done it! The dragon was defeated and any other threats around them would be entrusted to the rest of the mages in the area, Sora fully confident in their abilities.

@Mr Swiftshots @whomever else
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Kelica - Malina Forest Edge

Kelica laid there on her side breathing softly, I mean for a C-class she had all but held her own against a dragon who had destroyed the forest and drowned two Guild Masters. Maybe she would be the next fairytale guild master! She laughed at that thought.

She patted at her bum bag belt with the seed snuggly inside. When this was all over she really had to replant it so that the forest could grow back to it's former glory. She was glad they fought here and not in a snowy mountain top, her powers were only useful near a forest.

She peaked an eye open and sat up slowly, she didn't sleep as such, just relaxed to get her powers up and running. She glanced down to Lloyd and his slumber, noticing his bow. "hmm... " continually peering at his face she wiggled her fingers under his grip and slowly peeled the bow from his grasp, making a phew noise when she got it free. She inspected it closely, the wood was old, and from a tree she couldn't recognise. She closed her eyes as her fingers coiled around it, her hand buzzing gently.

She worked like she had a moment ago, strenghtening, but adding a more bamboo flexibility into it. As she did, the wood grain changed to become more intricate. This would "upgrade" his bow so that it would house stronger arrows and give him much farther range. It was no trouble and relaxing to work around wood in this manner. She hoped he wouldn't mind her fiddling with it.

-=(John Star - Not Dead - Yet...?)=-

John hit the ground, thankfully someone was underneath him; breaking the fall. Who that was? No clue.

He felt his everything pop in protest to the drop; he was too tired to care. He fell into complete unconsciousness, everything swirled and spinned in the colours of nothingness.

He wings felt like lead, he couldn't see, he fell down and was bruised so much it wasn't funny
okay maybe a little.

John's life just might just be close to its end, but, he was kinda stubborn. It's hard to die when you have that fire that the world tries to extinguish, you just keep those flames flickering through the thickest blizzard.

Was this the point of life? To strive for the top, but, to fall down at the peak?

Does this mean one point in his life he'd reached the top, or, is he still climbing?

Life's a bit weird, you struggle to live; yet, living is struggling. Not many can find the perfect balance in between struggling and life. Some may have the short end of the stick, John could easily fit into that. But, some have so much good luck and zero struggles; they'd never feel complete, life would be to bland and easy. Something would always appear to be missing.


I regret nothing.
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Tanari Varos - Malnia Village: Church

She held her gaze firmly on the girl, hoping she would surrender peacefully. The girl was strong and even with three of them it would be a hassle, better to just end it here and now. However, things were never that easy and the sound of a large explosion rang through her ears. Within moments a massive shockwave slammed into the church, tearing down what remained of the structure. She was thrown to the side along with the rest of the debris, coming to rest against a pile of stone at what use to be the side of the church. As the chaos died down she let out a hiss of pain as she propped herself up, quickly looking around to take stock of the situation. She quickly took note of the red dragon in the distance. "Wasn't that thing blue before? And smaller?" Well regardless that wasn't her immediate concern. She turned her attention to those within the church as a bright light caught her eye.

The girl they had been fighting was bathed in light, as if the sun itself was streaming energy down towards her. Bright wings appeared on the girl's back, a halo hovering neatly over her head. She propped herself up and got to her feet, giving the girl a quick look-over as she did so. "I ain't gonna lie, that's pretty tacky looking." Honestly, when your 'super mode' makes you look like an angel you know you've taken your faith too far. As tacky as the appearance may have been, the magic power pouring from the girl made it painfully obvious that she was still as deadly as ever. A fact the girl spared no time in proving as she effortlessly sent the vampire flying. After removing one threat the girl seemed to turn her attention towards the remaining two mages. She took a step back, a nervous laugh flowing past her lips at the girl's remark on sinners and repenting.

"Look, I know you're really into your faith and all and that's cool. But I think you might be taking it a bit too far. If you'd like I can set you up with a nice therapist, guy works wonders. You'll be fit for society in no time." She gave a thumbs up and a reassuring smile, not believing for even one moment the girl would take her up on her offer. She cast a nervous glance over towards the glorious winged .. guy, hoping he might be able to offer some assistance. At the very least if he played the part of heal-slave she wasn't against blindly charging in until the girl grew tired. It depressed her that that, of all things, was the best idea she could come up with. But then as they say, desperate times call for desperate measures. The best she could hope for was the new guy was actually really strong and could take over the fight for her. However, with the way her luck's been lately she seriously doubted that was the case.

@Mr Swiftshots

Lloyd - Malnia Forest Ruins

Lloyd was not aware of how much time had passed while he had been sleeping. The sun was still in the same position in the sky when he finally opened his eyes. He felt so much better after that rest. His body felt like it was back to it's previous energy levels, though he still ached a little. He could move again. He gave a little contented sigh. Napping outdoors sure felt rejuvenating. He had done that lots of times when he was younger, and it was a treat to be able to do so again, especially since this was the first time he got to nap outdoors since being promoted to guild master.

He was content to lie still for a few more minutes, but he knew there were lots of things still to be done. First though, he had to check on Kelica's condition. He turned his head in her direction, only to blink in surprise as he spotted his bow in her hands. His first instinct was to jump up, grab his bow from her hands and demand to know what she was doing with it but he quickly quelled that urge. Despite knowing Kelica for a few days only, he trusted her. Plus, she had healed and protected him with great cost to herself, and he was not even in the same guild as her to begin with.

Instead, he simply pushed himself into a sitting position, drawing his knees together and resting his arms on them. It felt so good to be able to move his right leg like that with no pain. He never really got to thank her properly and he probably never would. "What are you doing with my bow?" he asked finally, in a curious tone of voice, a quizzical expression on his face.

The moment the bonds were broken Grace launched her attack. "Hellfire!" She called out, a flurry of small missile zooming straight at Sarah. Only moments after she fired the swarm she summoned an explosive ring behind the dark Mage. Even if Sarah managed to deflect her missiles like last time, there was still the ring to do quick damage. "Masaki, go!" She called out, charging up another spell as Masaki did his attack. Grace would've felt bad for this girl, seeing that she was getting attacked by two people, but at the same time didn't. This girl hurt her a lot, and now it was time to repay them.

@ScarlettRose16 @LeSoraAmari
Momoki Asada:Malnia church(Or what's left of it)

Momoki was behind Lucian at a good enough length she could use plan B.Sleep card.Once positioned so that no one else will be effected Momoki did it,"Sleep card" Momo shouted and there.Lucian was asleep.Time for the unmentioned faze2.Momoki took out another card.The Dimension card,"Dimension card" Momo shouted.The shout was so loud it could be heard all the way into the forests of Malnia.As the card worked it started sucking in Lucian and the rest of his body at the same time in a bright light.Once finished Lucian was asleep inside the card,"Wait until he wakes up" Momo said.This battle was over,but the war?Far from it.

@Mitchs98 @Goldencurls @Salt Lord
Rodwen Kiernan : Malina

Rodwen smiled when the girl insulted her appearance and kept the expresion when she started blabbering on about a psychologist , for what ? Religion never hurt anybody right !

Rodwen hovered somewhat above the ground with her finger against her mouth as if pondering. "Works wonders hmm , can i get his info?" Rodwen was of course being sarcastic but due to her monotone and expresion it came out a being a serious question. She moved closer to the girl and smiled "you may be killed here today by me or my guildmembers but you will burn forever in purgatory"

Masaki Yamada: Malnia Forest

This was the moment. Grace had launched her attack in the form of multiple missiles accompanied by a magic explosive ring around each one, no doubt as an assurance that the attack will damage her. Even if the damage is only minimal. The boy smiled, a grin slowly forming on his face momentarily as Grace spoke, gesturing him to attack. Masaki slammed his hands together and called out his attack, "Crystal Formation: Shard Blizzard!" Pushing his palms in front of him, a purple glow began to form in his hands and then gradually got bigger and bigger until a large pulse of amethyst crystal shards was sent Sarah's way. Leaving a path of destruction in it's wake. Masaki's crystal magic illuminated the surrounding area vividly, so to those who could see, they would know a battle is occurring there. Since the opposition wasn't a dragon, Masaki was confident with his magic as he knew that it couldn't be used against him. Which meant he could finally go all out. Something he'd been wanted to do for a while. Masaki then stood there, his palms clasped together as purple magic flowed around his body in a calming way. He quickly looked over to Grace and sent a smile her way before turning back to gaze at Sarah sternly.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16
Jaymes - Town Center

The red dragon was dead thanks to the combined effort of so many powerful wizards. He had been able to assist here and there, but he hadn't been as effective as Sora or the other had been. Maybe it was his fight before with the God Slayer? Had he been shaken? He didn't know, but with that thought, he turned to see that the church had been completely demolished. Had they won? Or where they dead? He couldn't tell of this distance, so he ran towards the church's remains. He arrived just in time to see Sera thrown away from the God Slayer, severely injured, and the God Slayer apparently in her enhanced state. Seeing that, rage blossomed in his heart and his magic power quickly spiked, causing magic power to explode from his body. He had hadn't been strong enough to kill the dragon, and he couldn't stop this woman from hurting his friends and innocent people. His pupils shrank as his rage intensified. What good am I? Worthless coward! Jaymes mentally raged against himself. At that moment, he sprung forward, every step causing the ground and surrounding to freeze instantly due to his radiating magic power. "Hey bitch! You and I have some unfinished business." Jaymes shouted still running forward.

Dakota - Malnia Church Ruins

Dakota had been staying in the backgrounds, watching the fight. He wasn't about to fight without analyzing the woman's magic, and after some time, it was apparent the woman was incredibly strong. To weather the assaults of the three other wizards was a testament of her might. But it was also apparent that she was getting closer to the end of her rope, despite her show of overwhelming power, Dakota could sense it was slowly dropping. An idea blossomed in his mind, the woman could control and eat light in all of its forms. But the opposite of light was darkness. Light was able to destroy darkness of course, but darkness could also overpower and consume the light if it was strong enough. So he began to chant an incantation. It would be his only attack, as he had used most of his magic power restoring the two wizards from before. "The lonely man wander sightless in a sea of pain. Into the despair of abandonment, no mortal escapes unscathed. Frigid nightmares wait, their desire for purity unrelenting, as their time draws near. A drop of darkness in a pool of light, corruption eradicates the most righteous. Lend me the power of fear, so that I may devour those of pure tainted light." Dakota quietly chanted, his hands before his chest, the palms facing each other. A small orb of pure darkness appeared between his hands as the chanting continued.

That was when the man he had healed before can running in like an idiot. Hopefully he would distract her for a split second, enough time for his attack to land. "Hado Number 84: Return to Nothing!" Dakota shouted, and released a torrent of darkness towards the woman. The darkness wouldn't be easily countered, it was pure darkness in every sense of the word. Light all around it was absorbed into nothing, sustained and controlled by his own magic.

@Mr Swiftshots @Mitchs98 @Colt556
Kelica - Malina New Desert

Kelica hadn't even heard him awaken, her eyes so focused on fortifing his bow and concerntrating on feeding the wood her power, that when he spoke she literally squeeled, her face distraught as she looked to him. She immediately assumed he was angry with her even though his body language and voice pitch said anything but.

"aah.. aaah.. so, your bow is made from wood..I mean, obviously.. stupid kelica.. but I'm good with plants you see.. he knows that, obviously.. and, well, I wanted to take a closer look.. it's made from a tree I don't recognise at all... but even so, I thought I could use the same cell regeneration technique I used on you for the wood, see? So I ah...strengthened it but also increased the threads of wood inside the build to give it more elasticity...like bamboo? Anyway... not only does it look prettier, it will house stronger and more magically potent arrows, as well as increase your range to... you're welcome!! " taking a massive breath afterwards.

Scrunching her eyes and thrusting the bow back towards him nervously. She really should have waited for him to wake up before making the modifications. Though now it had some distinct green patterns over it, in strange symbols not unlike Celtic crosses. "
sorry... " she mumbled meekly at the end.


Sarah Milkovich

"Invisibility" she says running the stele over the rune. She still feels the hit of the explosives slightly but they pass right through her. Her left arm is left burned and there were cuts on her arms from the crystals. She knows that she could only use that defense at most one more time. The real orb was brought into the invisibility too. She activates her swiftness rune, she makes her way behind them. She multiplies the stele orb so now she has two. She becomes visible and sends both orbs at her opponents. "Flash Forward." This attack was a little easier to block. Multiple orbs appear around the opponents but instead of anything happening, they just are sent straight for them, this could be a devestating assault if the couldn't block it. She could feel her magic starting to drain but she could go on for a little while longer.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari (sry for the late reply!!)
Grace caught Masaki smiling at her, and she returned it with a quick grin. Every time she saw the Boy it have her another reason to fight, to keep on fighting. It was the first time she's felt this way about anyone, and it was a great feeling. Her attention shot back to Sarah, who seemed to have disappeared. The short girls jaw dropped to the floor. Where on earth could she have gone? Maybe invisibility magic was involved? "Come on out!" She challenged, only to be met with orbs surrounding her. The orbs began to close in fast, but Grace was prepared this time. She ducked down and rolled out of the orbs, getting onto her feet and firing another swarm of missiles at her.

@LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16
Lloyd - Malnia New Desert

Lloyd blinked, a surprised expression crossing his face. "You upgraded it?" He asked, reaching over and gently taking the bow from her. He grinned at her. "I should be thanking you then." He looked over the bow, running his hands over it, bending and testing both the string and the handle. Already he could feel a slight difference in the bow he had owned for pretty much most of his life. This bow had been with him since he was seven years old; he had crafted it himself the moment he learnt how to craft a bow, from the tribe he was from back in the West. It was his most prized possession. And because he knew his bow so intimately, he could already pick up on the changes from the upgrade Kelica had given it. It felt more bendy and elastic, yet stronger somehow, able to take more than it used to. The only thing he did not like though, were the little green patterns; he supposed that would take some getting used to. He was so used to his bow being a single dark brown, with wood grains.

His brow furrowed a bit, as he rubbed at one of the green patterns, before turning to face Kelica. "Thank you," he said, a genuine smile crossing his face. "You healed my leg and upgraded my bow. I owe you twice now. I'll do my best to repay you for those." He was suitably impressed as he glanced at Kelica. Not only could she use nature and talk to animals, she could also heal humans and upgrade wooden weapons. She was probably a lot more powerful than she looked, much like the majority of the mages he had interacted with today.

He glanced away from her and towards the carcass of the dragon in the distance. Then slowly, carefully, he got to his feet. He raised his arms above his head, linking his fingers together, before slowly bringing them back down again. "We should check on the others who had also been fighting the dragon. I bet they're just as exhausted as we were." He shook his head. "That was truly a great dragon. It was an honor to even be able to fight it." He turned to Kelica. "I believe Clair and Ms Marvell are from your guild right? Would you like to accompany me to check on them?" He looked rather concerned then. "Are you able to stand?"

Kelica - Malnia - New Desert

Kelica took a deep breath outwards as he didn't seem too upset with her improvements. It was only fortunate the battle was near a forest and his equipment was wood so she could use her powers on it. Though with the frown on the symbols, she reached her hand forward gently to hover and slide over the bow and, unintentionally, his fingers. As her palm slide up it, the symbols slowly disappeared till she reached the tip and flicked her wrist, till it looked as normal. She glanced up to his face. "the symbols are only there to help guard the wood if you over extend it, they should only glow under intense pressure. You should test it out... " she placed her hands in her lap now and smiled.

"ahh, I'll definitely take up your offer when all this is over.. A helping hand to regrown this forest is always welcome."

At her heart she was a genuine soul, with no ill will or bad intentions and seemed to see the best in people regardless of their disposition. That's why the destruction from the dragon surprised her so.

She nodded with the talk of helping Sora and Clair though she blushed and scratched the back of her head. "um sure but.. you should know, I haven't joined Fairytale very long....literally a day before all this started up.. so I have yet to get to know anyone.. funny how the world works, when I am most acquainted with the Guild Master of another guild! " Laughing softly. At the mention of getting up, she waved him off. "of course I can-" lifting herself up only partially before she half collapsed to one knee. Her head was spinning erratically and she had close her eyes to try and steady her stomach. "ugh... maybe I pushed a little to hard... "

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Tanari Varos - Malnia Village: Church

She stared blankly back at the girl, genuinely surprised that she seemed willing to take up her offer. Sometimes all it takes is a good shrink it seems. She was about to speak up when the girl quickly moved in front of her. Her lips curled into a pouty frown at the girl's remark. "Well I don't really mind fire... I am a fire mage after all." Her frown was accompanied by a quizzical look as she stared at the girl before continuing. "But isn't purgatory the place with nothingness? How can I burn in nothingness? And don't sinners usually go to hell, not purgatory?" For someone who spouted off religious nonsense ad nauseam you'd think she'd know the difference between the two places.

It was at that moment that her face lightened up, appearing as if she had just discovered some great truth. This girl wasn't religious at all, she was just chuuni as hell. It didn't matter if what she said didn't make sense as long as it sounded cool. It all made sense. She reached out and rested her hand on the girl's shoulder, closing her eyes as she gave a reassuring nod. "I understand. I went through the same phase when I was younger." Of course when she went through that phase she was a kid, not a grown adult like the girl before her. Clearly nobody ever shamed her out of the phase like they were suppose to. She silently shook her head as she figured it was probably Lucian. Old guy probably has some kind of fetish for chuuni girls and encouraged her or something. After a few moments of silent contemplation she opened her eyes and looked at the girl.

She was about to speak up when a familiar voice called out angrily towards the girl. Seems Jaymes decided to grace them with his presence after running off and leaving her to fend for herself. Truly he was a man of integrity. As if to showcase what was residing in the Fairy Tail wizard's heart the area around the girl was suddenly plunged into darkness. She quickly lifted her hand off the girl's shoulder and took a step back, unable to see anything. "Next time can you avoid the friendly fire, please!?" She called out into the darkness, knowing full well that one of the other nearby mages was responsible for her sudden blindness. What they expected her to do now that she couldn't see anything was beyond her. Afraid of tripping over rubble she remained where she was, blinking rapidly and rubbing her eyes in a vain attempt to regain her vision.

@Mr Swiftshots

Lloyd - Malnia New Desert

Lloyd stared in amazement (and relief) when the green markings vanished. "That would be a great help," he had to admit, with a sheepish grin on his face. "I probably end up over-extending my bow without even knowing it. And in return I'd gladly help you with whatever you need to do to return this forest back to it's original state." His bond with nature was definitely not as strong as Kelica's by far, but he did have an appreciation for nature. He did not have any forest powers himself, but he loved nature in the sense that it was a peaceful retreat from the stresses of humanity and it was usually where he went in order to rejuvenate himself. He would gladly do all he could to aid Kelica in this task, as he too felt rather bad about the wanton destruction that the dragon had unleashed on the surroundings.

It was not just the forest though. It was the people and the buildings that suffered. He wondered if there were any survivors left after that blast. He would have to go and check soon. There had still been people living in the ruins when the red dragon attacked and what work they had done to resume their lives had probably been destroyed again. He shook his head, a sad sigh issuing from him. Dragons were truly disruptive creatures and he hoped that after this one, there would no more. Perhaps the other mages were already helping with the survivors; first and foremost, he had to check for Clair and Ms Marvell.

He turned to face Kelica, and had to chuckle as she mentioned not really knowing her own guild. "Well, now's a good time then, get to know some of your guild members. It is wise though, to get to know people from other guilds. You'll never know when you may need to call on them for aid. And it would be easier to ally together in times like these if you already have contact with them." Having contacts with people from other guilds were also extremely useful when one wanted to switch guilds, but he did not think it was right of him to mention that last point. Fortunately for him, he had yet need to switch guilds, and now as Guild Master it was pretty much set in stone that he would die as a Lamia Scale member.

His brow furrowed again, with concern as he watched Kelica try to stand, only to collapse on one knee. He immediately felt guilty, as he was probably a major factor that contributed to her being in this state. He crouched, kneeling on one knee beside her. "I'm sorry..." he mumbled. "If you like, I could carry you on my back. If you are all right with that, that is."

Masaki Yamada: Malnia Forest

She had vanished. Or at least, she couldn't be seen. Masaki could feel the magical aura of the woman and noticed that she was making her way behind both Grace and himself. Exactly where though, he couldn't determine. Masaki evaluated the area around them as he stood there, he appeared totally calm and didn't bat an eyelid. The magical aura that surrounded him still flowed and retained it's calming energy. The S-Class looked over towards Grace, checking to see if she was alright and by the looks of things, she was. It was in that moment that Sarah revealed herself once more and used her "Flash Forward" spell. Masaki would not be hit by that attack again. Using his agility and speed he quickly jumped up and avoided the attack, as the orbs hit the ground where he once stood. While in mid air, he parted his hands and pointed his palms towards Sarah. And upon uttering the words, "Crystal Formation: Spinning Pillar!" Two pillars of crystal came out of the ground and were sent towards Sarah, they began to rotate and would most definitely do a decent amount of damage if the attack hits. Masaki landed next to Grace and got ready for his next move.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16
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Sarah Milkovich

She saw them dodge her orbs. She sees the pillars spinning like drills coming towards them. She opens her palm, energy starts swirling around and a sword forms. This was useful in close combat. She knew the missiles were going to hit her no Matt we what but she could try to soften the the blow. She spins around cutting the pillars in half. She activates her Arc of Time and dismantles some of the missiles but she couldn't do all of them so some of them slammed inter her, tearing her clothes, burning her skin. She gives out a little whimper but she has endured worse. "Heal" she draws the rune quickly but it only heals the burning sensation, it would take a while to heal, she wasn't a werewolf. She still kept the sword in her hand, if it touched their skin it would leave burn. She starts walking towards them with the sword in hand.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
Grace scoffed when Sarah began to walk towards them with a sword. How did she plan on taking two wizards on, one of which was an S-class, with only a sword!? "Do you expect to win with that thing?" She teased, looking up at Masaki, who was standing right beside her. "We can just bombard her with magic and take a few steps back!" Unless Sarah had some crazy skills with that thing, the odds seemed in their favor! Casting three more rings, she placed one beneath her, one behind her and one in front of her. If Sarah was quick to dodge, she could make it out. When she finished casting the spell, Grace took a few steps back. She felt like she was getting much weaker, her magical energy on low. With the dragon and now this girl, it was putting a lot of stress on her body. However she wouldn't stop fighting, she couldn't. Not when Masaki was here.

@ScarlettRose16 @LeSoraAmari
Kelica - Malina New Desert

Kelica scrunched her eyes up as her stomach turned.."not again... I only just ate breakfast..." well it only felt like she had just eaten Mr Grays breakfast, with all the adrenaline recently she's had. As he knelt beside her she blinked and lifted her head slowly, her green eyes peering strangely into his. "ugh... a lift would be lovely.. I can't restore magic of the other mages, but I might be able to help physical injuries?" though even as she said it she trembled slightly. With no forest or trees to draw on she was a duck out of water. She gave him a warm smile however. "you know...I might be regretting joining Fairytale...I hear Lamia Scales Guild Master is pretty cool too..even if his office is a mess.. " winking heavily as him before laughing cutely. She always saw the light in things.

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Masaki Yamada: Malnia Forest

Masaki kept his gaze completely fixed on Sarah, he was observing her every move and watching carefully. The concentration in his being was phenomenal, and the whole situation was elating. Masaki chuckled slightly when Sarah cut through the pillars with ease using a strange magical sword, upon contact, the pillars shattered into dozens of tiny crystal shards and covered the area. This was good for the crystal mage. It put many opportunities on the table for him. Quickly, he looked over to Grace as she continued her assault. Masaki slammed both of his hands on the ground as huge spikes ripped through the earth and headed towards Sarah. He then clapped his hands together and materialised six onyx orbs that circled around his body. Masaki began to take deep breaths, he could feel his magic beginning to wane but he sure as hell had a lot left. And besides, he wouldn't stop fighting until Sarah was defeated. Masaki kept a calm expression on his face with a slight grin ever present. Usually, Masaki didn't like to fight. In fact, he hated it. But he had to admit that this was kinda fun.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16
Lloyd - Malnia New Desert

Lloyd turned quite red at Kelica referring to him as cool, and once again, his messy office. "I guess I really ought to get that cleared..." he mumbled to himself, a chastised look on his face. "Anyway, erm... would probably be best that you get to know your guild members before thinking of switching. A day is too early to get a feel of a guild. Not that I don't want you in my guild of course... but just get to know your guild members first." He shook his head. "No healing, especially not with you in such a condition. I don't want to have you collapsing because you overtaxed yourself again. I'm planning to simply check on the others. I'm thinking that they might have woken up by now."

With that, he gently guided Kelica onto his back, then grasped his bow and quiver with his right hand, drawing them both to his chest. Slowly, he pushed himself back up to a standing position with his free hand, taking a moment to steady his balance. It was a good thing Kelica was light enough for him to bear her weight with little difficulty, even if she was heavier than what he was used to carrying on his back. But he could manage that extra weight, as long as his movements were slower. And with that, he began to make his way towards the dragon. Once in a while, he had to reach out with his other hand to steady himself, but as he got used to walking again, it became easier to keep his balance on his slowly strengthening legs.

Finally, he reached the area where Ms Marvell and Clair were located. They were still unconscious, but alive at least, and lying on top of each other. Slowly, he crouched again, dropping his bow and quiver and using both hands to lift Ms Marvell off from Clair's body, and laying her comfortably on the ground beside Clair. The dragon's carcass lay some distance away. What made him frown though, was the fact that there were two figures directly against the dragon's body, and one of the figures was streaked with red. He glanced down at Ms Marvell and Clair, took about two seconds to decide that the red-streaked figure seemed to be in worse condition, and hasted towards the two figures.

Lloyd - Near Dragon Carcass

As he neared them, he saw indeed that one of the figures looked to be in a horrible condition, while the other figure tried to help her. Both were women, but the white-haired one (or at least, he thought her hair was white; it was mainly red now due to the blood) had a Fairy Tail guild mark on her right cheek, indicating that she was from the same guild as Clair, Ms Marvell, and Kelica. He had met neither of the women before though."Erm... is everything all right," he asked finally. "Is there anything I can do to help?" The "I" rather than "we" was deliberate, as he was not quite sure if Kelica's energy levels had sufficiently recovered.

@Zuka @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
Kelica - Malina New Desert and Lloyds backpack

Kelica couldn't help but grin further as his face turned a deep red, he was so shy it was almost embarrassing and certainly not a thing you would expect of a Guild Master. But that just made it all the more easier to talk to him and not be intimidated. He could ask rather then tell his Guild members to do something, and she thought that was pretty impressive as a leader. It made his subjects all the more loyal. It reminded her of her Father, the Guardian of the Forest and how the creatures would come to his aid of he simply asked, not out of need but out of want.

As he moved around to allow her on his back, she slung her arms loosely around his neck, her legs tucked around his waist. The slow sway and rock of his steps causing her eyes to drift closed. Her head dangling down before resting quiet literally on his right shoulder. Her hair drifting gently against his arm. Her breathing settled then deepened as she had a quick nap as he wandered closer to the people. When he talked to..someone...she heard his voice rumble through his chest and shoulder which caused her to blink awake and peer over the top of it. She straightened slightly as her eyes narrowed in on the bloody woman. She recognised her as the S-class mage Sera, and there was something really important about her that she couldn't quiet remember. "That is Sera, she is an S-class wizard, so whatever caused this to her was head above a normal mage...." tensing up and trying to muster her strength. "whatever caused it will not be far.. " turning her head to look behind them for any signs of the enemy.

@HuorSpinks @Mitchs98 @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @Leo Radomir
-=(John Star - The Undead - Malnia - ???)=-

John just laid on his stomach, everything hurt; from his rear to his wings. Maybe some mental pain, too.

He could hear voices carried by the wind, he didn't care; the ground was the only thing that wasn't spinning. Besides, that it is spinning... Like, 24/7... Never mind. It was just spinning at a slower rate than his head.

He tried to move, but, something or everything, popped in protest. His body twitched, the ground wasn't as comfortable as it was earlier. His wings laid in the dirt, he could even bother to position them sitting on his back.

As far as he was concerned, the pain took up most of his thoughts. One hand propped up his aching head, the other idily messed with the corpse of a frog. His stomach rumbled, that was a
bad thing. It took him a while to figure out that he was playing with a toasted frog, but, you know you're hungry when you consider eating it.

"Stupid Loli Guilds..." He grumbled, he shouldn't have gotten caught in this mess.

Turns out Lucian
wasn't nice, dragons are real, and that pain is also very real. The frog's skin crumbled beneath his finger, the texture was odd. It was like a mixture in between toast and gelatine.

This is why he hadn't worked with Guilds before; getting mouthfuls of dirt and playing with crispy frogs.

Though, the experience was pretty nice up till now, now? Now, it just sucked.



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