Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

-=(John Star - Malnia Village - ???)=-

John could hear something flying in the air, 'They weren't kidding, they are fighting. But with who?' He could here a familiar voice, 'That pink haired dude, who is now nicknamed Pinky.'

"I'm confused, who's fighting
who, are what're the sides...?" John rubbed the back of his neck, the sounds of a possible vortex whirled in the air. Being blind seemed kinda annoying.

John froze as the the world shook, with great force I might add. He stumbled and wobbled as it seemed the world had fallen off its pivot. Though, just as powerful as it had started; it ended.

His breaths came in rapid and short, "No way was that a dragon; that was a freaking planet colliding into ours!"

He was trembling like there was no tommorrow, which he now just realised might be true.
'Screw this-' His thoughts were very easily interrupted when a great force tore through so many things, that he couldn't even tell.

He could hear the dying screams of the villagers, tears pricked the corners of his eyes (which seemed to be happening more often than not, seriously though, toughen up).

Debris was raining upon them as the world was being torn to shreds; starting with Malnia.

John couldn't even
imagine what the scenery looked like, all he knew was that it was most likely inhabitable and a lot more dangerous than before.

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~{Alfie: Fairy Tail - Malnia: Woah explosions!


Alfie had wanted to inform the angel about who was fighting who, but it was kind of hard when the ground under you was shaking by the feet. In a very cartoonish fashion, the ground lowered and went back to normal repeatedly, causing the mage to constantly hang in the air. His bow had even been destroyed in the process. But just as soon as it it started, it stopped, and the A-Rank was finally able to gain his footing... with his face... again. When he pulled his miraculously clean head out of the soil, he found a new problem. Pieces of the town were raining down, and some were even crashing into each other mid flight. The sky was being suffocated with thick, silver smoke, and some of it was still on fire.

"It's Ragnarok all over again," Alfie mumbled as he was finally able to stand up with just his legs. "This would be so much easier if he had just listened to me." The bow had reformed in his hand and was perfectly fine. "I'd try to clear the sky of smoke, but..." he turned around to face Lucian, "We need to finish our little bout here first."

@Goldencurls @WoodenZebra @Mitchs98

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Mitchs98 said:
@Chara Angel of Death
Ferra: Wherever Masaki is-Malnia

Ferra couldn't help but grin at Corra's reaction, this was going to be
fun. Annnd then she ran out of the bushes with her arms in the air like a headless chicken. Ferra stood dumbfounded for a minute or so before realizing what had happened. Practically inhaling the meat bun in her hand she ran out after her, "Corra wait there's still a dragon and stuff out here!" She shouted frantically after her. When she arrived, however, Corra was already face down on the ground. Ferra arched a brow and walked over to her and poked her, ignoring Masaki momentarily. "You okay Corra?" She asked her before poking her again and turning to Masaki. "What happened? Also hi Masaki! Was the dragon fight fun? Corra fell asleep so I was making sure she wouldn't get hurt and pretty much toting her around for the past hour or so. Sucks that I didn't get to fight the other dragon...I wouldn't stand a chance against this one though..Oh! Where's Grace and Master Lloyd? Are they okay?" She asked him, one question turning into a full blown one sided conversation.

After she was done speaking she poked Corra again. "
Oh, this is Corra by the way. She just kinda uhh..grew. Spilt water on her and this happened. Guess 'Just add water' applied to her like instant ramen." She added before shrugging and poking Corra again.
Masaki: Malnia- Outside of Church

With a slight sigh of complete frustration, he watched as 'Ferra' took Grace into the bushes. He was about to follow them when Ferra appeared, this time, it was the real Ferra. Masaki could tell this almost instantly, plus she knew his name so that added to the certainty. At first, the girl didn't seem to notice Masaki's presence there, but when she did, she fired a whole load of questions his way. Masaki chuckled as he let the girl speak and then he too, spoke. Replying to all of her questions at once. "The dragon fight was... Frustrating. But we managed to defeat it in time. Another one has appeared, and a group are engaging it now." He paused for a moment before catching his breath and continuing, "Master Lloyd is helping with the dragon. And Grace... Well, that's where my concern lies." He looked over towards the bushes and said, "Someone approached us disguised as you, undoubtedly transformation magic. I managed to see through it, but Grace didn't believe me and went with her. So, we need to get to her before anything happens. I'm sure you'll want to save Grace and beat someone for using you as a disguise, so you can come too. Also... Hello Corra." With that, he quickly made his way into the forest and towards where Grace and the imposter were. Not paying attention as to whether Ferra and Corra were coming with him or not.

@Kayzo @Chara Angel of Death
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Mylanth - Malnia Town

Pain. Pain and rage. That was all Mylanth could feel at this point in time. Her eyes were, fortunately, starting to clear a little and she could see brief outlines of the scenery surrounding her. However, everything ached. She felt as if something had exploded in her chest and it was difficult to breathe. However, her sense of smell told her that some damage had occurred. The smell of burning, of ruins, of upturned soil and destroyed trees. This brought some life back to her sagging limbs and slowly, she climbed to her feet, arching her neck and shaking her head and tail to clear her brain. It was now time for her to pull her most powerful move out.

It was now time for her final crescendo. "Fire Dragon's Hell Memories!" She shrieked, and with that, the surroundings began to get much, much hotter. If anyone were to look at her, they would find her glowing red, red to the point that looking at her hurt their eyes due to her glow. It was like being next to a mini-sun. And it felt like being right next to an erupting volcano. Her skin turned as hot as lava and the remaining trees and grasses (if there were any left to begin with) caught fire and began burning. She gave another roar, this time, a self-satisfied one, She swirled her head slowly, in an effort to locate the dragon slayer as slowly, her body lost it's aches. Within enough time, she might even be able to fly again. And when she found her, she was going to launch herself right at the dragon slayer. Nobody would be able to survive at such great heat. Especially not non-fire dragons.

@Mitchs98\[/uSER \[uSER\=12719\]@Arvis90 @Kayzo @Chara Angel of Death @LeSoraAmari @Zuka @Goldencurls @Salt Lord @AnarchyReins @WoodenZebra[/uSER]
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Lloyd - Malnia Forest Ruins

Lloyd gave a self-satisfied smile. Apparently, the eyes were a weak point after all. The dragon spewed great blasts, about six in total and unfortunately, one seemed to be aimed in his direction. He whipped out an arrow and was just about to send it off with a flood spell when Kelica appeared right in front of him, as if out of nowhere. He had not even known she was in the vicinity, though he supposed on hindsight that he should have expected her to be in a forest somewhere. He watched as a green circle appeared around them, then a mass of vines rose from the ground, capturing them within it. The next thing he knew, there was a violent shudder as the vines caught the impact of the blast, and began burning and re-generating. Lloyd was very impressed. Either the blasts were not as strong as he had expected due to the dragon being distracted and blinded, or the girl was stronger than she appeared to be.

"Are you all right?" he asked, concerned as she collapsed, kneeling on the ground. Such a spell would surely have drained her of magical energy, if the blasts had been that strong. He was just about to slowly slide himself to the ground and somehow make his way over to her prone form, his facial expression tense and set, his teeth gritted, mentally prepared for the agony that the movement was certain to cause him when the vines died away. And apparently, other than that lone tree he was against, he... was no longer in a forest. There were small patches of burning material and small fires. He saw Clair lying a few feet from him, and worst of all, he saw Arcturus some distance away, also kneeling, as if spent. He swallowed. Arcturus must have done something with the other blasts and those had also spent him. Last he had checked, Arcturus had been located at the town square. Now... with all the scattered ruins and debris, he was not even sure what that area was originally supposed to be. This... was insane.

Clair asked him something then, something about their next move. He shook his head and gave a pained shrug. With Arcturus down and Ms Marvell nowhere to be seen, the dragon seemed to have free reign over them. They would have to prepared for what the dragon had in store for them next. And sure enough, the dragon began to glow. Her glow was so bright that he had to turn his head away and shield his eyes from the great light. And it began to get very, very hot. So hot it felt like he was trapped and falling into a volcano. He could pretty much feel the sweat dripping from his body; he had no doubt that his flesh would begin burning next. The tree he was leaning against caught fire and he had to push himself away from it with his hands, giving a pained grunt as the sudden movement jarred his leg again and the sharp pain swept through it. He fell face forward on the ground, then rolled over on his back and slowly sat up. squeezing his eyes shut against the light.

The heat was getting unbearable and he feared that they would all perish right there and there. This prompted him to pull out an arrow from his quiver. He took a moment to stare at the arrow. This called for desperate measures and he feared that only his strongest spells would damage the dragon now. Yet this spell was extremely powerful, and highly destructive, like all his most powerful spells were. That was why he almost never used them; preferring instead to use his magic to to improve his archery in terms of aim, speed and strength and give his arrows elemental properties instead. However, if the dragon were to keep this heat up, they would all burn to death. He took a deep breath and, from his sitting position, notched the arrow to his bow, the end of his bow resting on the ground. He tensed, gathering his own energy and releasing it in at the same time as he released his arrow in the dragon's direction, falling back to the ground in a lying position, exhausted. He forced his head back up to see the effects of his spell.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then clouds began to swirl, the wind began to howl, and a massive tornado formed directly where the dragon was. An F5-class tornado, at least, stretching at least one kilometer in diameter. He could see nothing of the dragon except swirling dark gray, once in a while a great light shone through, accompanied by shrieks of rage from the dragon. Debris and ruins were caught up by the swirling winds, some were flung back out in all directions; Lloyd could only hope that they did not land on people, causing grievous injury to them. The tornado seemed to be moving backwards, away from them, finally dumping the dragon unceremoniously onto the ground three feet from it's original position. The dragon was still alive and moving weakly. Lloyd could only guess that the tornado had stunned the dragon. The oppressive heat lessened somewhat and the dragon did not seem to glow as bright as it once did as it no longer hurt for Lloyd to rest his eyes on the dragon. The tornado on the other hand, moved southerly from the dragon before either dying out or moving out of sight, Lloyd could not tell. He could only hope that no one else was hurt by the tornado.

Lloyd allowed his head to fall back onto the ground, covering his eyes with a sweat-covered hand. He and Arcturus could no longer do much, It was now time for Clair and Ms Marvell to finish off the dragon. He did not have dragon slayer powers; all he could do was stun the dragon and he did not think that the dragon was grievously inured. It was now time for the others to play their parts.

@Kayzo @Chara Angel of Death @LeSoraAmari @Zuka @Goldencurls @Salt Lord @AnarchyReins @WoodenZebra

Sora Marvell - Malnia

The sky dragon slayer had been out of view for now, concentrating on gathering enough strength to hopefully slay the powerful beast that had caused so much grief and tremendous destruction in its wake. Both eyes had slid to a close, Sora feeling the battle in the air, a small sound being let out before her eyes flashed open. " I'll make you proud, Grandma Wendy. " Her small hands clenched into fists before she took off, appearing and disappearing in different parts of the sky, trying to avoid all the flying debris from the attack Lloyd had so wonderfully executed. Small pieces scattered about tearing at her entire body as she focused on evading the bigger ones, not wanting to be removed from the battle before she could throw in everything she could muster up. Her face stung but it felt more like tingling, a cooler sensation easing her aches almost immediately as the cuts continued appearing along her exposed skin.

The battle was intense; nothing short of complete chaos but she pushed forward, not letting any doubts rise from the small part of her mind that harbored them. The heat emitting from the dragon was going to be an issue, not allowing her to close in on it. Sora would have to be somewhat in the vicinity to be able to do much. A disheartened look crossed her features, body halting midair as she hovered there, hesitating a bit as she gazed at the dragon. It happened to have the heat that was previously brilliantly burning dimmed down a bit, but would it be enough? It would have to be. She couldn't let the efforts of everyone be in vain, even if it did end up badly for her, though she was unsure of what would happen, one had to prepare for the worst in scenarios like these.

Sora gently touched down on the ruined and scorched ground, trying to maintain a safe distance from the heat but still within range for her attack to effectively work. The air was thick, hot, and almost unbearable to breathe. All the cuts upon her body reacted to the heat in such a negative manner, the burning intensifying the pain that was once a dull ache. You can do this... She assured herself, as both eyes locked onto the dragon, almost in a hateful manner. There was no sympathy to be had for such a vile beast, regardless of the beauty in its overwhelming strength, it was a monster and showed no remorse in all of its actions. Sora could only match the disregard that the dragon had, giving it the same respect it had shown her, which was absolutely none. The petite girl stood there before the dragon, pink hair flying about and obscuring her vision, the remains of charred buildings floating around her. " It's time. " She spoke in a whispered tone, barely audible, perhaps it wasn't meant to fall on anyone's ears.

" Clair, if you can hear me, I could use your strength. " She called out, choking on her words a bit from the mugginess and smoke that clung to the air, dampening her attire but not touching her fighting spirit.

@HuorSpinks @Colt556 @everyone else (sorry too many to tag)
Malnia Outskirts

Grace was nog liking the situation she was in. Ferra had been leading her through the woods of Malnia, or what was left of them, to go pee. Now this doesn't seem like a sketchy thing in itself, but they've been walking a long time. So long that she thought that they would leave the providence of Malnia soon. "Hey Ferra, why are we going out so far?" She asked, but was met with no answer. Now the short girl was on high alert, ready for Ferra to pull anything.

Soon they group of two reached a small clearing in the forest, and just as she thought Ferra was not really Ferra. Instead she was a tall, beautiful girl with sleek raven hair. The imposter did not seem like she'd be a friendly person...
"Who are you and what do you want?" She asked, a small purple flame sparking to life in her hand showing she was ready for combat. "Are you trying to beat me up because you won't. Don't even try me! I'll beat you to a pulp! I'll do it twice if you hurt Ferra."


Outskirts of Malina

Sarah Milkovich

"I never said anything about hurting Ferra" she says to the girl. She sees the purple flame spark to life in her hand. "An explosion wizard interesting" she says to no one in particular. The teal orb floated around her head. "I wish it didn't have to go down like this but you see, I really have no choice." She really didn't, if she disobeyed her master, things wouldn't go good for her at all. There was really no way out. She had a devilish smirk on her face. "Ill give you the first shot." She says simply not making a move to either attack or defend. She had her stele in her hand, behind her back. She was carefully drawing the runes for fireproof and deflect on her back. She didn't even have to look to know she was drawing them perfectly. She knew it was only a matter of time before the other wizard Masaki was going to interfere.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari (indirectly)
Clair held on tightly to her spear trying not to be blown away in the blast. The dragon truely was uunbelievably powerfull just like the storys said , it was only moments after when the dragon erupted into a beautiful yet terrifying ball of flames. Clair stood in awe of the dragons flames for quite a while before she realised her skin was starting to burn , she screamed quite sharply before quickly requiping into her normal attire. Any matalic armour set was now practically unwearable which ment Clair would have to deal with this dragon in either her flame empress armour or with her other magics.

Clair went over what would be best to use in this scenario several times in her head before deciding against her armour. Sora then called out to her and asked for help with her next attack , of course Clair was more than happy to help as her attacks alone were having little to no effect on the dragon. Clair quickly steadyed herself and took off towards Sora coming to a rough halt beside her "Sora , use all my power if you need to!"

Clair reached out her hand infront of herself and a dark purple orb began to form and condense into a small marble like object , the ground below her began to crack and break under the imense pressure her magic was emitting.

Grace eyes the girl taking note of her stance. She didn't know what type of magic she was dealing with, or even what class the other girl was. Hopefully it was even playing grounds, but you never know. When she said that the B-class Mage could have the first shot, she began to laugh. "Free hits? Who do you think I am, a kid?" She teased, grinning slightly as she did. "But I wont pass this up, just like free food." With that she got into fighting stance, the purple flame glowing bigger in her hand. "Hellfire swarm!" She called out, around 10 smaller projectiles flying out of the flame and sailing towards Sarah. They don't do much damage by themselves, but together they really pack a punch. "Have fun getting out of that!" Grace teased again, preparing to summon another spell. Despite being a mediocre rank, the girl was very confident in her skills and was ready to whoop this girls ass.


Sarah Milkovich

She simply activated the defect rune and they bounce off of her like they were bouncy balls. She knew that wasn't going to work every time so she was going to have to be careful. "Infinate Sphere" she says. The orb she has was sent towards the girls stomach. Multiple others just like it appeared in all directions. She would probably have to use her restore magic at some point but this attack wasn't to bad but she knew if she wanted to get this girl down before her friend comes, she would have to go a little faster.

@Goldencurls @Salt Lord @WoodenZebra

Lucian: West of Malnia Church

Lucian was partially stunned that an A-Class wizard possesed such interesting powers. Infact, he was about to ask how it worked when suddenly a massive earthquake followed by a shockwave of heat and debris ripped through the area. Shielding his face from dsbris he landed flat on his ass. Once everything stopped he removed his arm from his face. He glanced down at his suit, which was now in absolute tatters and singed on the edges. It further singed when Mylanth powered up her attack, effectively reducing it to singed tatters.

He'd murder the damned dragon for ruining his suit if it survived. Standing he brushed his pants off. In combination of needing to get cooler and the fact he was wearing a glorified loin cloth over his chest he ripped the remainder of his suit off and tossed it to the ground, underneath Lucian was actually quite muscular and sporting a broad shouldered build.

All across his body were various scars and markings from his fighting over the years. Luckily soon after the heat died down. As if ignoring the people he was fighting like they were mere servants he took a few moments to survey the destruction. Namely the forest, or should he say what forest? All that power, and the worthless dragon only served to destroy the forest and the rest of the townsfolk that remained near the blast.

Sighing heavily to himself he shook his head, "Worthless beast.." he muttered. And finally, he addressed Momoki, John, and Alfie. It became increasingly obvious that John was blind, a blind man was no worthy opponent nor was he fit to be a mage anymore, so therefore Lucian ignored him. "Ah, yes, lets continue, shall we?" He told Alfie. Dashing forward he aimed an uppercut to his gut, aiming to simply knock him out and end this quickly.
Grace was shocked when her missiles bounced off of her opponent with such ease. Not even one managed to hit her! Whoever she was fighting better not use that spell over and over or else she was in for a bad time. Suddenly the girls orb zipped forward towards her. She tried to jump back to evade it, but the attack managed to hit her. The initial blow knocked the wind out of her, making the girl bend over in surprise and stumble back a few steps. Suddenly more and more began to appear, hitting her from all directions and angles, brusing her body and damaging her clothes. The attack went on and on and Grace already felt defeated. Though that wouldn't stop her from trying. Through the chaos she managed to muster enough strength to set one explosive ring below Sarah before getting back into the Infinite Sphere attack. She heard the explosion moments after she set it down, but didn't know if it hit or not.

Masaki: Malnia- Forest

It seemed that the imposter had taken Grace quite deeply into the forest, as it took Masaki quite a while before he found them. He could sense Grace's magic however, so he knew he was nearby. "If only she listened to me, then this wouldn't have happened..." He sighed and kept up his pace, slowly bringing it into a run. Noticing the huge ash cloud in the sky, and things setting fire in the distance, he assumed this was work of the Fire Dragon, and assumed that the group combating her had won the duel. Or perhaps the dragon just went into a frenzy. He couldn't pinpoint what was happening, but right now he didn't care. He had to take care of the imposter. Eventually he managed to find the two mages who had apparently started to fight. With his presence currently unknown he thought he'd make a sudden entrance. "Crystal Formation: Hammering Fist!" In quick succession, a huge fist made out of crystal appeared above the imposter and slammed downwards, aiming to crush her. Masaki made the fist in sync with Grace's ring that she cast below the imposters feet. He knew she'd most likely dodge the attack, however. But that was okay. He hurriedly rushed over to Grace who was evidently very injured from the woman's attack. "Are you okay?" He let out a sigh as he realised how stupid that question was, before pulling himself together and saying with a stern tone of voice. "You can fight with me if you want... In fact, we can do this together. But if you need to sit out then that's fine.." He then stared over at the imposter, but directed his speech to Grace, "I think the real Ferra may be coming too..." With that, he focused purple magical energy in his hands and arms and got ready for the woman's next move.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16
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Sarah Milkovich

She didn't notice the explosive ring. It exploded under her. Even with her fireproof rune, that stung. She quickly draws a healing runs just in case there were injuries she couldn't see. She looks at the girl getting attacked by her infinite sphere. For a second but just a second, an emotion flashed in her eyes that was that she felt bad for the girl and hate. Not hate for the girl but hate for her master, for having her do this stuff, she pushed it down before anyone could see it and her eyes went back to showing no emotion. She watched, her face stoic, not giving anything away. She pulls away the attack, her orb going back towards her. She holds it watching for the girls next move. She saw the girls clothes were torn up. She still had her guard up, not wanting to get another surprise attack. She felt saw the guy come before the thing completely crushed her, she activated her invisibility rune, barely saving her from being crushed.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
When Grace was released from the attack and Masaki rushed to her aid, the short girl fell into his body, her hands tightly gripping his shirt. She was ecstatic to see that he had come to her aid, and felt bad about not listening to him. If she had done what the higher ranking wizard said, none of this would be going on. Her body hurt like hell from the brutal beating she had just taken, but she wouldn't let that get her down. Especially in front of Masaki. Reaching up as high as she could, she gave his lips a quick kiss before releasing him and standing on her own. "Let's fight together..."

@LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16

(I saw the opportunity, I took it. Forgive me.)

Sarah Milkovich

She was surprised the two had kissed. They love eachother. Perfect. She used her transformation magic to turn into the girl. She places a body link on her wrist and it appeared on the real Grace's wrist. She transformed back to her self and then did the same thing but transformed into the guy. They she turns back to her normal self putting the body link on her wrist. They were all connected now. "Now, I know you want to hurt me but you can't hurt me without hurting eachother." She knew this was technically playing dirty but she did do it, she thought of it more of as using her reasources. She still felt bad but she didn't feel like feeling the masters wrath. 'Thank you aunt Meredy' she says in her head. She wasn't technically her aunt but it was who she thought of her as.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
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The earthquakes got Momo,but she just jumped a couple of time through them so she didn't end up like everyone else,but on the last one she face planted into the ground.This would bother her but she was fighting at the moment,so she quickly got up.Before Lucian got to Alfie Momoki took out three cards and waved them,"summoned lighting" Momoki said sending ten lightning bolts hitting Lucian.Then after that moment she felt like something in her love universe just broke.She wasn't sure about this,but Momoki felt like someone kissed Masaki.She would probably destroy whoever kissed him if they did.So Momoki took out her call card calling Masaki.

@LeSoraAmari @Salt Lord @Mitchs98
Masaki: Malnia Forest

She kissed him. It happened quite suddenly too. Masaki couldn't help but perk a smile, that was until his face bright red with blush. However that quickly dissipated when the kiss was broken and he turned his attention back to their opponent. Masaki watched carefully as the female mage before them began to deploy her next move. She managed to place some kind of link on both Grace and himself. The S-Class Mage observed the mark for a few seconds before managing to identify it. He had read about in a book. "Maguilty Sense..." He muttered, gritting his teeth as he did so. This meant that the two wouldn't be able to harm the woman without harming each other in the process. This didn't exactly make Masaki happy. In fact, it infuriated him. But he knew that even emotions could be shared through the link, and so he kept himself calm. For the first time ever, Masaki didn't know what to do. He looked over to Grace nervously and then sent a death like stare towards the woman before uttering the words, "I will make you pay for this." Sternly, and evidently with a tone of hate, clenching his fists as he did so.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16

Sarah Milkovich

She just smirked, they couldn't attack her but, she could attack them. "@Kayzo
@LeSoraAmari (if you want to see what the spell looks like just click on it.)

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Grace looked down at the brace in shock. She's never seen something so strange as this magic. She felt a jolt of anger rush through her, but it soon went away into calmness. It seems that she was feeling what Masaki was feeling, something that would lead to an interesting fight. "Let's keep calm and figure out a wa-" she was cut off by her spell, immense pain rushing throughout her body. The girl let out a cry of pain and latched onto Masaki tightly. "We need to get away from her!"


Sarah Milkovich

"Getting away from me won't help you, I can just transform into one of you and read your thoughts to see where you are, you so t be able to escape from me." She thinks in her head that she had thought every possibility for what could happen. "You can get away from me." She doesnt notice her merciless rune start to wear off. If that ever happened during a fight then her emotions would start to cloud her common sense. She still continues the attack on the two. She just stood there calmly.

Masaki: Malnia Forest

Masaki winced in pain from the power of the attack, which was doubled up from the joint sense of pain he could feel from Grace. Masaki looked at Grace quickly and said, "The only thing we can do is defend ourselves from her attacks. Until somehow this link is broken. Or, someone comes to our aid..." He sighed and then continued, "This is tricky indeed... I wasn't expectingto find someone able to utilise both Arc of Time and Maguilty Sense... Interesting.." He said, speaking to himself but probably loud enough for Grace to hear. Quickly he clapped his hands together and said "Crystal Formation: Onyx Dome!" And a large circular dome surrounded both Grace and Masaki, it was durable enough to take a few hits, but with the Arc of Time magic to boot, the woman would probably be able to take care of the dome with ease. The red head gritted his teeth as he used this opportunity to talk to Grace more directly. "Attacking her is still an option, but we will hurt each other. Other than that. We won't be able to beat her unless somehow this link is discarded.." He sighed with a lot of frustration and kept pouring magic into the dome, as a reassurance. Masaki began to think deeply at just what the hell to do.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16

Sarah Milkovich

She made quick work of the dome. Everything that has been created, eventually withers away. She brought the crystal further in time until it was cut and it sprinkled down like rain. She saw the injuries on the two and they appeared that they weren't that good. With her merciless fine about gone, she couldn't help but feel guilty. She put a healing runs on herself and if she wanted to, she was able to heal some of their wounds she discretely did that. She knew her actions were erratic and not consistent but she drew her merciless rune back on quickly knowing if her master saw weakness that he would kill her.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
-=(John Star - Malnia Village - Or What's Left Of It)=-

John, being the being of stars he is, didn't mind the newly found heat. In fact, he welcomed it. The temperature was most definitely higher than normal, higher than what would be considered safe.

'Quite lovely weather we're having.' John thought, wishing he could see the sky; he could've commented on how they may or may not've looked like genitalia.

His biggest concerns were the fighting and debris. He had chips of wood and chunks of stone littered on him, needless to say, it was uncomfortable.

He flapped his wings out, a feather of two fell to the ground. He could hear
Pinky and Mr. Gray fighting, he'd met the pink haired mage; it was unlikely that he was the enemy. The others did have their doubts about Mr. Gray, maybe they were correct? But, he didn't have any proof. So, the next best thing would have to do.

He extended his hands out towards Mr. Gray and
Pinky. He then shouted, "Burning Stars!"

Dark purple starry fire was rapidly emmited from his hands, the flames were died down compared to usual; it was to prevent either getting burned. But, there was strong force behind this attack.

He could feel sweat trickle down the side of his neck, and it wasn't from the extreme temperature. He could feel the energy leaving his body, and quickly at that.

He jumped into the air and flew away- Or, that's what he wanted; instead, he got a face full of dirt and his consciousness leaving him. Nice, right?

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @WoodenZebra
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