Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Grace was surprised when Ferra had approached her and Masaki. She wasn't unhappy about the girl coming up to them, but she wanted some time with Masaki. "Hi Ferra, did you see us kill that dragon?" She asked with a proud grin, patting down on the ground beside her. "I haven't seen you around the town either. You've been sneaking around or something?"


Sarah Milkovich

"I've just been going around to different places, roaming around. I did see a dragon get killed but I didn't know you guys did it. That's awesome!" She says with a smile. She was wondering how long it was going to take for someone to figure out that she wasn't Ferra but she just kept up the scam for now. She kept munching on the food, keeping a smile on her face.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Malnia Forest
Ferra stood up a bit after Corra did, still not understanding how, as Corra put it, she was 'big again'. "I..see. Cool." She told her when she said she was taller than her now. "What exactlt is a Selkie though?" She asked, still heavily confused on how exactly she grew. Was it one of those 'just add water' situations, like for instant ramen, only..instant growth? She still couldn't get past the fact mere minutes ago she was smaller than her and was being held by her, and now she was bigger than her after turning into a seal.

- Somewhat explaining what the hell she is...

"Oh, Selkie is what Corra is!" She said, bringing her arms out and hugging Ferra successfully, "Yay Corra can hug Ferra-human properly!" She cried out in happiness.

"Selkie is fairy, see-see? We live in ocean, eat many fishes! Squid is Corra's favorite!" She giggled, "But reason for Corra get big is not cause Corra Selkie..." She let go of Ferra, putting her hands behind her back.

"Corra get big if scared or grr grr mad. Corra get small again in a while." She gently clapped her hands, "Ferra-human wanna see Corra's bubbles?"

She took a deep breath anyway, slowly breathing out which amazingly produced pretty rainbow colored bubbles that floated gently through the air.

"Yay bubbles!"
Momoki caught herself with her hands and flipped off the ground.She was a bit insulted at what Lucian said but he was right.As he tossed a ball a man appeared beside Momoki,"You can go for it Mr." Momoki said stepping back wondering what he'll do now.

@Salt Lord @Mitchs98
Kelica - Ground zero - Dragon fight

Kelica felt numbness wash over her. The overwhelming presence of the burnt forest and dead creatures waste making her chest hurt. Her eyes finally focused in on the red dragon and watched as something grasped it's leg and dragged it down. She threw her arms up infront of her face to protect from any debris and when it settled she spread her arms open to peek out.

She heard a very loud crash and crack near her, and turned slightly to look that way. Something had flow off the back of the dragon and tried to drag itself away, her eyes widened when she noticed it was that guild master from before, Lloyd. She watched him fire off those arrows towards the dragon before looking back as it howled and started spewing fire in all direction's. He was in no shape to move anywhere. She gulped down her fear and agony, whispering as she leapt off the ground and ran straight for him. "The forest, hear my plea, I am sorry I could not help you sooner, but I need your help now!" Her knecklace glowing brightly, as she raced she saw the red dragon take a huge breath in and aim straight towards Lloyd, not even knowing he was there without it's sight.

In her head time seemed to stand still even as she ran, the world quietened around her so all she could hear was her footsteps. And the whisper of the trees on the wind. "help us... use us... save us.." she skidded to a halt standing tall before the Guild Master, a green circle firing around them both. She crossed her arms before her face, clenching her eyes closed. "Guardian of the Forest: Tree Shield!" At first there was nothing, then a huge rumble in the ground, shaking the earth all around them even as far as the church. Then with a loud crack huge roots burst from the ground and encircled them both, intwining, tightening, gripping each other in a doom shape. It was constantly wriggling, strengthening. And a moment later a loud crash outside as the dragons fire hit it head on. Yes, fire burnt wood, but this wood was alive and continually growing and thickening, mending itself.

The girl gasped with the energy to hold it, dropping to one knee. Yes she was a C-class mage, but only because she had just joined Fairytale, and because she had yet to untap the majority of her powers.


@Mr Swiftshots





(tagging all at the dragon fight incase you missed it).
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@Salt Lord[/URL]

@Salt Lord

Lucian: West of Malnia Church

Lucian grimaced very briefly, not even a second, as Alfie disrupted his attack. By the time he'd turned to face him he was already smiling again. "Now, why exactly would I do that..? I don't have the time nor do I have to explain my motives to you." He replied. "I give you both two choices. Either, join Grimorìe Heart, or die." He added, forming two more balls of black fire in his palms. Of course, he wouldn't kill them. Not intentionally, oh no. They'd be hostages, after all their guilds would want them back at any cost.
-=(John Star - Malnia - ???)=-

'Did they ignore me, not hear me, or am I further away but can hear better...? I can totally hear voices now.' John just kinda shuffled forwards, he carefully managed to step over a root.

He could hear the crackling of fire, "Is this where the party's at?" 'I hope there's s'mores.' John's attire was still- Okay, no sugarcoating it. John looked like he wet himself (Partially because of melted ice, but there may be other reasons), had a bar fight with grass and he cuts his clothing for a living.

He strolled forwards, unsure of what's going on. "Hey, I can't seem to find anybody. I
think someone's died, but, uh, no guarantees?" John smiled awkwardly and shrugged.

"Soooo... What're you guys and/or gals doin'?" John buried his hands in his pockets, unfortunately those were wet too.

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @WoodenZebra

Alfie: Fairy Tail; Malnia: Vs. Lucian

"You can go for it, Mr.," the girl he had saved told him. She was really polite, but with his magic, going straight forward and attacking would spell his death. "No, I think you should go and fight him. I'll support you." Just as he was about to jump back up onto the rooftops and vanish from sight, Lucian spoke. He was right. He really didn't need to explain his motives to them... But he was surely bluffing when he said he would allow them to join Grimoire Heart. The Guild Master was a one man army, and any minions he might have called upon were distractions. But the thought of serving under someone so powerful, especially by the name of Lucian... "I don't know about this young lady right here, but I wouldn't mind serving someone as powerful as you. Especially when you have so much--" Alfie cut himself right off, and Lucian found himself being hit with barrage after barrage of the same golden arrows that stopped his black orb. They were flying out of seemingly nowhere and were even breaking the ground around him. "Isn't gold such a pretty color?" Alfie gave a slight smirk to Lucian before stopping the volley, but now the Guild Master found himself wrapped up in string after string of yellow, razory wire. It was Momoki's turn...

"So... what're you guys/gals doin'?" It was the angel from the dining room. Great.
"We're fighting. Would you please steer clear of the battle field...?"

@WoodenZebra @Mitchs98 @Goldencurls
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(@Burkschase you canjoin,but not in here.We're rping at the moment)

Momoki saw what the old man did and then looked at Lucian."My turn" Momoki whispered to herself.Momoki then Momoki threw a card on the ground,"Prayer's Fountin" Momoki shout right before huge sprouts of water sending back the ball of death and making a prison around Lucian.If he moved he would die.Or disable his magic.Those were the two things that happened when someone touches the water,but something else can happen.

@Salt Lord @Mitchs98
Goldencurls said:
-=(John Star - Malnia - ???)=-

'Did they ignore me, not hear me, or am I further away but can hear better...? I can totally hear voices now.' John just kinda shuffled forwards, he carefully managed to step over a root.

He could hear the crackling of fire, "Is this where the party's at?" 'I hope there's s'mores.' John's attire was still- Okay, no sugarcoating it. John looked like he wet himself (Partially because of melted ice, but there may be other reasons), had a bar fight with grass and he cuts his clothing for a living.

He strolled forwards, unsure of what's going on. "Hey, I can't seem to find anybody. I
think someone's died, but, uh, no guarantees?" John smiled awkwardly and shrugged.

"Soooo... What're you guys and/or gals doin'?" John buried his hands in his pockets, unfortunately those were wet too.

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @WoodenZebra
WoodenZebra said:
(@Burkschase you canjoin,but not in here.We're rping at the moment)
Momoki saw what the old man did and then looked at Lucian."My turn" Momoki whispered to herself.Momoki then Momoki threw a card on the ground,"Prayer's Fountin" Momoki shout right before huge sprouts of water sending back the ball of death and making a prison around Lucian.If he moved he would die.Or disable his magic.Those were the two things that happened when someone touches the water,but something else can happen.

@Salt Lord @Mitchs98
Lucian: West of Malnia Church

Lucian arched a brow at the man that had came up to them, did he not see them fighting, or was he just an idiot? "You..can see whats going on, right?" He asked him, absolutely bewildered at the mans statement. Suffice to say, neither of them took up his offer. Well, it was expected. Although he cut himself on the razor wire it wasn't exactly deep, but by the time Momoki had formed the ball of water around him he'd already made a portal under his feet.

A few lacerations later and he was behind Alfie. "Never say I didn't give you a chance." He told him flatly, elbowing him in the middle of his back. "Black Fire Orb Barrage!" He shouted, five orbs of black fire forming behind him and two in his hands. As he threw the two the five behind him followed suit, aimed at Momoki, Alfie, and even John.
-=(John Star - Malnia - ???)=-

John blinked, "Mr. Gray, is that you?" John rubbed the back of his neck, he could hear stuff going on, but, he wasn't quite sure just what was going on.

John assumed that it was indeed Lucian, "Well, when you teleported us here I kinda got blinded. Hopefully not permanent, though!" John said, grinning and raising up two thumbs.

"Wait- what? Warn who about what? Was that an
attack?!" John shuffled, he tried to locate what Mr. Gray was fighting.

John extended his dark wings, his green eyes were narrowed; though on what, was undecided. He shuddered, unsure of what he was supposed to defend himself against.

'WHAT DO I DO?! I AM GONNA DIE A SLOW PAINFUL DEATH!!!' He internally screamed.

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @WoodenZebra

Alfie: Fairy Tail; Malnia: Vs. Lucian

Alfie skid across the ground on his face from the force of Lucian's elbow. Even with his high tolerance for pain, that really stung. However, a sting wouldn't stop Alfie, and he got back up as soon as he could... just to get sent sliding across the ground again, this time by a black ball of fire. His chest had been completely burnt, but with the power of determination, his clothes stayed just fine. "Lookin' good, me," the pink-clad mage remarked while standing up and dusting himself off. Well of course the thing hurt! He just ignored it! Especially now that the seemingly blind and seemingly "slow" angel was in immense danger. "Hmph." He shot another arrow, but this time, not even one lux of light came from the pitch black spell that would travel a bit and then implode, only to grow again into a black sphere. The Fire Orbs began to lose their power as their mass was slowly sucked into the hole in space, time, and... gravity. Magical gravity. "Before you ask, I don't know how it works."

@Mitchs98 @Goldencurls @WoodenZebra

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"Finally I made it out of that damned forest." Marcus said this as he saw all the guilds fighting the dragons. He also felt a distortion in the gravity. When he saw one of the mages get blasted back and get back up. Marcus ran to help, and fixed the gravity around the battle. "Well this fight just seemed to get interesting."

@Salt Lord
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Clair fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Malina town

Clair was thusting her spear deep into the dragons exposed skin when it began tk burn her feet. The dragon's body was heating rapidly beneath her , a tell tale sign it was about to attack. It was shortly after she came to this discovery when Llyod hit the dragon in the eyes making unleash it's attack. Six massive blasts of fire shot out in several differant directions which in turn made the dragon unbearably hot to stand upon. Clair lept off the dragon and as she fell she threw her spear , it began to glow a deep red before shooting of like a lazer towards the dragons heart. It altered it's course when it needed to avoid obsticals and hit its mark without fail , of course the dragon's tough armoured scales prevented the spear from actually hitting the heart but it definatly penitrated the scale somewhat.

Shortly after it hit a massive explosion took place where the spear had hit , the shock wave sent clair quickly to the ground. She hit her back off the burnt eath below her anf was quite shell shocked for a few moments. When the wave of shock had passed she stood firmly and raised her hand out and her spear darted back towards her landing perfictly in her hand , she then used it as a third leg to hold her up right.

She turned to see Llyod laying a few metres from her , she smiled to him and shouted over "whats our next move?"

@HuorSpinks @Colt556
Masaki: Outside of The Church

The red head smiled over to Grace, "I asked because I was curious, no need to worry. But yes... I do sense something.." He scratched his head, and it was at that moment that 'Ferra' appeared oh so conveniently out from amongst the bushes. Masaki was silent for the time being, but he knew right off that this was not Ferra. The S-Class mage had come to know the aura of her magic since back at the mansion, Ferra chomped into his crystal pillar. Masaki looked at the imposter contently before a calm, taunting smile formed on his face. "Nice try... Now tell us who you really are." A stern look formed on his face as he whispered into Grace's ear, "Don't you sense the different magic? That is not Ferra. I read it in a book, I think what's before us is someone skilled with transformation magic.." He sighed, Masaki was actually really impressed. The person had managed to mimic Ferra almost impeccably. All of the features were the same, she even sounded like the girl. But Masaki was smart, and he knew that this person was not their ally.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16
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Bizma///Outskirts of Magnolia///Fairy Tail//S Class

It had been three weeks since she had been home. She had been sent on a particularly hard mission for Fairy Tail to get rid of a gang of Dark Wizards. It had been hard, because she had to be especially sneaky. However, she had made it through with the help of her magic—and a lot of cunning. Now, here she was, covered in scratches, holding a bag full of books. She had taken the lesser-known roads to avoid getting seen. ".....Where is everyone....?"

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Grace frowned slightly when Masaki started being rude towards Ferra. The girl was only 14 and she didn't need to get attacked right now. "Lay off Masaki! That's the Ferra I know and love. I think." She said, walking over to the poser and pinching her cheeks gently. "She feels like Ferra. Eats like her too..." She said with a laugh, patting the girls head before wrapping an arm around her. "Don't listen to Masaki, he's just being mean."

@LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Malnia Forest
Ferra nodded slowly, tensing slightly from the unexpected hug but relaxing soon after. She was..still heavily confused and a bit shocked but things were starting to make sense at least. Kind of...not really. Pulling a meat bun out of her bag she nearly forgot to eat something in the excitement of it all. She watched in silence as she ate, watching Corra make bubbles. Bubble magic? Neat..but seemed useless. "
Oh. I see..so..kinda like a defense mechanism? Cool bubbles by the way, what do they do, exactly?" She eventually spoke.

Then she got an idea, why not freak everyone else that wasn't fighting out and show her 'big Corra'. A mischievious grin crept upon her face, "
Say, Corra. Wanna show the other humans big Corra? I bet they'd let you hug them." She asked her.


Sarah Milkovich

She giggles like a the girl she is. "I know how Sabertooth members can be, it's okay" she says with a smile. In her head she is thinking that these mages weren't to shabby at all. They weren't going to be easily deceived. "Hey Grace, can you come with me to find a bathroom, I don't want to go alone...I'm scared of the dragons" she says making her puppy eyes. She hears rustling in the bushes behind her and she just pulls Grace away quickly walking through the forest. "Thanks for coming with me" she says with a smile.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
Grace squeaked in surprise when Ferra pulled suddenly pulled her away to go find a bathroom. She wanted to hang out with Masaki some more, but if she didn't take the girl to find a bathroom it'd end up being a mess. Fortunately, she pulled her away just in time and poor Corra missed her shot. She caught up to the poser and glanced down at the girl with a smile. "Yeah, anytime! I don't want you to get eaten up by a dragon, though you probably wouldn't..."

@Chara Angel of Death

Ferra: Wherever Masaki is-Malnia

Ferra couldn't help but grin at Corra's reaction, this was going to be
fun. Annnd then she ran out of the bushes with her arms in the air like a headless chicken. Ferra stood dumbfounded for a minute or so before realizing what had happened. Practically inhaling the meat bun in her hand she ran out after her, "Corra wait there's still a dragon and stuff out here!" She shouted frantically after her. When she arrived, however, Corra was already face down on the ground. Ferra arched a brow and walked over to her and poked her, ignoring Masaki momentarily. "You okay Corra?" She asked her before poking her again and turning to Masaki. "What happened? Also hi Masaki! Was the dragon fight fun? Corra fell asleep so I was making sure she wouldn't get hurt and pretty much toting her around for the past hour or so. Sucks that I didn't get to fight the other dragon...I wouldn't stand a chance against this one though..Oh! Where's Grace and Master Lloyd? Are they okay?" She asked him, one question turning into a full blown one sided conversation.

After she was done speaking she poked Corra again. "
Oh, this is Corra by the way. She just kinda uhh..grew. Spilt water on her and this happened. Guess 'Just add water' applied to her like instant ramen." She added before shrugging and poking Corra again.
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- Crying for Ferra

Corra's attempt to hug... Miserably failed. Instead of her arms wrapping around Grace's body, she fell flat on the dirt, biting her tongue and hitting her jaw. She soon began to cry after Ferra's various pokes, both her jaw and her tongue seeming to swell up and bleed. In an instant, she was little again and sat up and cried.

"Fewwahh! Fewwah!" She spat blood on every syllabel, her running to Ferra and hugging her, crying her eyes out. Her mouth drooled and she bled, having a lot of dirt on her chin and cloak. The various twigs digging into the cloak even made it bleed out water that smelled of the sea.


Ferra: With Masaki and Corra-Malnia

Before Masaki could answer her an injured Corra got up back as her normal self and ran up hugging her and crying. "Its okay Corra, you'll be fine don't worry." She told her, hugging her back and gently stroking the girls head. It was roughly then she noticed that even her cloak itself was bleeding, of course at first she thought it had somehow stabbed all the way through to Corra and was cutting her.

Gently pulling out the twigs she tossed them aside. "
There there Corra, it'll be fine." She told her. "Let me see, okay?" She added before pushing her away gently, inspecting her face. It looked like she'd gotten punched in the face but she should otherwise be fine eventually. "It doesn't look that bad, I promise you'll be fine." She assured her before hugging her again.

Lamia Scale Headquarters

Isabelle Dragneel

She walked into the guild after she finished her previous job for some bandits that stole some money. It wasn't very hard to complete but it took longer to get back. She heard about the dragon thing but she just thought it was nothing. The guild seemed a little empty. She walked up to a guildmates that was just sitting at a table. "Where is everybody?" She asks curiously. "Oh they went on that mission to Malina for the dragon sightings" the person answers nonchalantly. "They went without me?" She says very loudly. She had a problem with being quiet. She practically ran out the guild doors. She instantly went to the train station but stops dead in her tracks when she has to get on the train. "Well crap." She gets in the train reluctantly. The train starts moving and she instantly feels nauseous. She curls up in a little ball and waited until the train stopped. She had to practically drag herself off the train.

Malina Forest

She walks around in the forest not knowing really what to do. She started to see what seemed like burned remains of a village. "What happened here?" She asks quietly to herself. She looks around and then sees a dragon that seemed to be a fire dragon. She saw how destructive e dragon was. She didn't know what to do. She has never seen a fire dragon before, like the one who taught her grandfather. Wait?! Where did that come from? She just starts moving in the general direction of where she sensed some of the mages were, there were some strong magic, it must be her guild master or another one. She felt her keys jingling at her waist and fire flowing through her veins. She finally cut through the tree line, seeing what looked like a small girl, the guild master of Sabertooth, and her guild master, who seemed to be hurt. The dragon was right there infront of her. "Master are you okay?!" She asks concerned. She really didn't know what to do in this situation. She looked from the dragon to her guild master and back to the dragon. For the first time in a long time, she had no clue of what to do.


Places in Malina

Winter Channel

She just stayed were she was for the time being. She really didn't think she was needed for the moment. She held the poor cat for the time being. She wouldn't ever admit it but she did have a soft side for animals and children. She just cradled the small cat, she didn't know what else to o for the time being and she really had now where to go. She started hearing crashing not coming from where the dragon was. She decided to check it out and she brought the cat with her, not wanting to leave the poor thing on the ground somewhere.Her devil hearing was telling her to go west of the Malina Church. She got to where she was hearing the crashing and magic energy was coming from. Before her was standing the master of Grimorè Heart and a couple other of her allies fighting him.



Willow Costello

She watches the fight between the dragons and the mages. She backs up a little bit going a little further and activating her Archive magic and looking through some more things. She was a complete book nerd and when she wanted to, she could find out all there is to know about something.

@anybody who wants to interact

Gilad Arcturus - Malnia Village: Town Center

As the dragon slammed into the ground he noted that many of the other combatants were quick to capitalize on the opening. A combination attack from Fairy Tail's dragon slayers, some well placed arrows from Lamia Scale's Guild Master, an assault by Ms. Clair Fernandes. The brutal onslaught overwhelmed much of the dragon's defenses, seemingly enraging it in the process. He could feel the telltale signs of the dragon preparing to unleash a spell. Magic was being pooled and channeled within the beast. Within moments the magic erupted forth from the creature's mouth in the form of six distinct blasts of fire headed for six separate locations.

He closed his eyes to help focus on the task at hand. One by one the balls of fire winked from existence as they careened through the sky. However the sheer power of each blast was taking it's toll and he was unable to negate all six of the blasts in time. One of the dragon's shots landed in the forest on the outskirts of the village, a massive explosion shaking the ground upon impact. A few moments later a shock-wave blew through the village, throwing rocks and debris and even people through the air as if they were made of paper. The sheer power of the blast demolished the standing ruins, flattening everything near the forest. He fell to a knee as his breath came in strained, ragged gasps. It was all he could do to use his gravity magic to keep from being swept away.

As the blast settled he surveyed his surroundings, noting that he now had an unobstructed view of the forest as all the ruins between it and him had been completely removed by the blast. From the forest a massive mushroom shaped plume of smoke slowly rose into the sky, every trace of plant-life bad been instantly vaporized for two solid miles. All the plants, save one single line down the middle that had been spared, a massive clump of roots and bark at the forefront where the blast had originated. The church at the opposite end of the village seemed to have been far enough away from the blast to be relatively unaffected, only flying debris assaulting those in that area. Those with an aerial view would find roughly half the village flattened along with the majority of the forest that resided outside the town.



@Chara Angel of Death




@Salt Lord


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