Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Center: Ivalice

Destroyed Church

The two giant birds came out of nowhere like missiles aiming to punch through the massive dragons wings so they could give the other wizards a fighting chance to finish the dragon off.

Cinla quickly began to cast a spell"
Just as the stars are born they must die one day but as the protector i shall be reborn time and time again, and protect those have a greater purpose in life". Cinla repeated this spell two more times and then spirit armour and sword and shield began to quickly form on her so she could get up close and personal.

The spirit lions came in aiming to claw at lucian from different directions making it a little harder to pin them down, they would go to sink their teeth into him their attacks work.

After a couple of minutes cinla is ready and launches off the ground and aims to smash the women the women in the side with her shield then would follow a swift attack to the shoulder to weaken her even more.

@Mitchs98 @Mr Swiftshots swift @Colt556
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Sora Marvell - Malnia Town Center

As the dragon was pinned to the ground, Sora looked around for the person responsible for this, eyes slowly fixating on the emerging guildmaster of Sabertooth. She probably should've been as intimidated as it appeared Lloyd was, but she preferred to show respect over displaying a smidgen of fear; he was an ally after-all and their fight wasn't with him. The words he spoke did demand attention and it wasn't until her name fell out of his mouth did she pivot her body in his direction, though both eyes had been glued on his frame for the entirety of him becoming present. A compliment like that would usually had received a bashful or coy response, but from whom it was given, and the situation itself, she simply nodded and acknowledged him.

" I'm at your service, " She spoke up in a confident manner, the tone not matching her tiny size as a small
curtsy followed her words to show her deference. A few fluid steps lead her away from the rest of the group and beside Gilad and Lloyd. It seemed strange standing next to two guild masters whom towered over her, unlike Cece. Sora reached out for Nami, bringing her close and whispering to her to fly as far out of range of the attacks as possible before she released the exceed and watched her soar off in the opposite direction of the red dragon headed their way. Something fierce sparked into her eyes the moment Mylanth touched down on the ground and she couldn't help but feel the difference in power between the two dragons.

A magic circle danced at her feet, a
mist-like vibrant green aura flowing upwards as she chanted protective spells for herself and the two mages she was assigned to assist; armor, speed, strength, and easily doubled in effectiveness would suffice. " If I may, I'd like to be on the offense. " She spoke calmly, a wave of comfort and concentration enveloping her body and mind. She could easily still defend but they couldn't afford to be down in offense, she thought to herself, personally not wanting to underestimate Mylanth. Perhaps it was the fact of whom she had the honor of fighting alongside that helped ease her fears, one wouldn't know, but her demeanor was hard set into a serious one with the hot breath she felt tickling her skin once the dragon spoke.

@HuorSpinks @Colt556 @Mitchs98

@everyoneelse ( so tired can't name everyone )
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Masaki: Malnia Town Centre

Standing there, the red headed mage kept his gaze on the ice dragon and waited for whatever it would do next. In a matter of seconds, the beast charged up a seemingly very powerful attack and releashed it, the large beam of ice that he had created was sent streaming down towards them. Masaki knew that he could've created a crystal shield to at least take some of the damge off of the attack, but it wouldn't of stopped it since defensive was not by any means Masaki's strong point. However, in a flash, the attack was...gone? And the S-Class mage recognised a very familiar magic in the air. "Master Gilad..." He quietly muttered to himself. As the man made his entrance, and addressed the group as well as Masaki himself, the male let out a slight sigh. Gilad did have a point though, and Masaki knew that he'd have to fight with a bit more seriousness now more than ever.

With the mentioning of another dragon in the area, Masaki retained his calm posture. He was sure that Gilad, Lloyd and Sora would be more than capable of taking care of it. Leaving the rest of the mages to deal with Ivalice. With the dragon now downed (for the time being) The S-Class mage thought this to be a brilliant chance to attack. But this time, without shards... More or less, at least.

Almost in an instant, Masaki made use of the hundreds of stray crystal shards that were in the vicinity and clapped his hands together as a purple light emanated from them and the crystal began to join together to form medium sized spikes. He then sent them raining down towards Ivalice in an omnidirectional assault. The spikes were sent into any existing wounds that had been inflicted onto the beast to cause more damage, moreso to ensure the damage too. The red head mage waited contently for the results of the attack, a small flurry of crystals beginning to form around his arms. Now, finally.... The mage was getting serious. And Gilad's words were probably what he needed in order to do so.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Mitchs98

@Mr Swiftshots
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Grace's blood began to boil as the Sabertooth Guild Master made his presence known in a rather rude way. He was telling Masaki that he didn't deserve the rank of S-class Mage, and though it wasn't directed at her, she felt offended. The red haired Mage has done so much to deserve the rank of S-class, and even if Gilad was his guild master, he didn't have the right to say such a thing. I oughta give him a talk right here. She thought angrily, but controlled her anger. No point in causing a scene at such an inappropriate time. Instead she walked to Masaki's side, watching him brutally attack the beast. "Good work." She said, charging up a missile of her own.
The two spirit bird speed causes the air to shift around them quickly closing the gap between them and the ice dragon it wouldn't be long before they reached their target at this rate. After a couple more minutes they got very close and dived down and then dipped and came out zig zagging making it much harder to hit them with a breath weapon.
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Malnia Village: Town Center

It seemed as if the mages took to his orders with neither question nor hesitation, something he was pleased with. He knew all too well the independent nature of mages and had briefly worried dealing with the mages from other guilds would prove to be a nuisance. Luckily his worries seemed to be unfounded as they all focused on the tasks at hand. Lamia Scale's Guild Master left a bit to be desired but then, if memory served, the man was still relatively new to the position. It ultimately mattered for little as long as the man could perform his duties as Guild Master. That question would be answered soon enough. His lips quivered ever so slightly as the dragon slayer came over to them, offering a small curtsy as she seemed to unintentionally choose the worst possible words. Nevertheless the battlefield was no place for such thoughts and fortunately he maintained his stern expression as he turned his attention back to the approaching red dragon.

He felt a bit of reassurance as the little dragon slayer asked to take the lead in the assault. He knew full well that normal magic wasn't very effective against dragons. As powerful as he and Lloyd were even they would struggle to deal damage to the behemoth. He rested his hand on the girl's shoulder as he spoke up, his voice a bit softer than it had been before. "Only Dragon Slayer magic is truly effective against these creatures, we will be counting on you to take it down." He gave the girl's shoulder a small pat before removing his hand and turning his attention to the other Guild Master. "Master Kirby will support you in offense while I will handle defense. Focus everything you have into bringing the beast down, both of you."

He looked up as the red dragon made it's final approach. With a grace that betrayed it's size it landed in front of them. He held his stern glare on the creature as he took several strides forward, placing himself between Sora and Lloyd and the dragon itself. He brought his axe down in front of him, resting it's head against the ground as he placed one hand atop the other on top of the axe's shaft. He looked directly at the red dragon, noting the sheer overwhelming confidence that seemed to emanate from the creature. "I do not know what it is you seek, but if it is combat you are after I'm afraid you will not be leaving here alive. For your sake I would suggest you take your leave." As if to further drive his words home he greatly increased his magic as he held his gaze firmly on the dragon. The sheer power he gave off caused cracks to form in the stone beneath him as debris began to slowly drift skyward. He was not one for games or subtlety and he made it a point to start off at full power. He wanted every single living thing anywhere near this town to feel the raw magic power pouring out from his being.


Clair fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Malina town

Clair watched as the wizard saint called on all his power , he was starting off at full power ! This man was crazy the power raidiating of him was definatly above her current level , she'd need to train intensly for another few years before she'd even stand a chance of beating him. This guy was truely amazing even more so than the storys said. Ok she was getting carried away now there was a battle at hand she could fan girl later. 'But that axe , oh my god that axe though !' No bad Clair .

Clair spun her spear in hand before blasting the dragon with ligntning , the quicker she took this dragon down the quicker she could move on to the next and fight along side the second saint.

Clair took off again and closed the distance between her and the downed dragon, she covered it with waterfrom her sword and zapped itagain with her spear.

@Mitchs98 @ everyone else in the area
@Kayzo @HuorSpinks

Ivalice: Malnia Town Center

Ivalice was, without a doubt, heavily confused when his breath attack simply dissapeared. So much so that he had no time to dodge, or even realize, the man coming straight for him. Ultimately it ended in the dragon dazed and confused at the bottom of a sizeable crater. It struggled to stand, only to be shot down by crystals from Masaki. Further, some weird bird creatures began gnawing at its wings and clawing it. And last but not least it was being electrocuted to death.

Ivalice roared loudly and clambered out of the crater, electricity still coursing through his body. It rushed directly for Clair, swiped its claws, and ultimately fell to the ground dead, its claws missing the mark entirely. Which was just as well, the false dragon had expended most if not all of its magic reserves with its Roar, and all for nothing.
Grace gasped in surprise as the dragon fell down dead in front of Clair. It seemed that they had finally slain the beast, and no doubt was she excited. The battle had been tough, a lot of her magical energy used up. She was exhausted, but extremely happy. So happy infact, that she wrapped her arms around Masaki in a tight hug. "We did it Masaki! One billion gems are coming our way!" She said happily, rubbing her cheek against his chest.

@LeSoraAmari (I have finals tomorrow. Kms)
@Leo Radomir

Sera: Malnia Destroyed Church

Sera couldn't help but grin as Cinla's summons ran into the fray after she'd knocked back Rodwen. Once she'd started attacking her again Sera didn't stick around this time. She took a few swings that were blocked and gained a few new cuts before opting to take to the sky. In reality, her only ranged magic was her Acidic Blood, so she wasn't cut out for a long drawn out fight.

Cutting her hand again she let blood pool up as much as possible before repeating what she'd done earlier and shouting "
Acidic Blood!" she shouldn't be able to dodge nor block all of it, especially with her shield destroyed.
Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church

Rodwen winced when yet another girl hit her in the side and followed up with an attack to the shoulder , Rodwen slid back before being hit by the vampires venomous blood attack. Rodwen screamed in pain she was badly burnt in sevral places and she still hadn't stopped bleeding. "i'll kill you all!" She screamed , when she screamed a sharp lazer shot out of her mouth disintergrating anything it came in contact with. The beam wasn't aimed at anything or anyone but it sure was doing a good gob of reducing the church to dust.
Clair fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Malina town

Clair requiped her armour to flame empress , she also called out her flame empress sword sending her other two back. "Alright one dragon down , one to go" Clair made her way behind the trio , and took a supportive position ready to back up sora if she needed it. No matter what happened her Clair would not let her guild's members fall. "Sora you better not fall on your face , you know considering youve got nothing to cushion your fall...." Clair knew this would agrivate the dragon slayer and thats exactly what Sora needed to forget about the fleeing exeed. @Kyuubey @Colt556 @everyone else present
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Malina Forest

Sarah Milkovich

She nodded to what the master told her and activated her invisibility rune again. She started making way to where most of the mages were gathered. She wouldn't attack but simply watch their skill. She would try to get one of them alone and pick them off one by one. She simply moved through the trees with ease. She sensed some heavy magic and it must have been a guild master. She knew she had to stay away from whoever that was. She finally got to near most of the guild members were located. She simply stayed far enough away so if anything or anyone became fairly alone she could attack. At just the right moment.

Winter Chanel

She turned when she heard the dragons come down. "I guess they are real" she says to herself. She saw an Ice Dragon fall to what looked like crystal magic so that was probably Masaki. She started making her way towards the dragons and where all the commotion was. The people in the town seemed to have fled. She passes through the the town when what looks like a fire dragon landed. She sensed great power and she could tell it was her guild master. She figured she would stay back sense she didn't know what her magic could do against a dragon. She figured there was no use in going over there when it seemed like there were enough mages already there.

Willow Costello

She started hearing a lot of commotion through the trees. She started seeing a couple dragons come from the sky. She was hoping nothing was going wrong. She saw one of them fall so that couldn't be a bad thing. She deactivated her archive magic and put her invisibility magic in use she started making her way over there rather quickly because she could move very fast in this state. She got over to where a couple of the guild masters are. She saw a girl that was obviously a dragon slayer. He I'll project invisibility onto anybody if they are about to get hit. She simply made herself appear. She waited not really wanting to get in anybody's way.​
Lloyd: Malnia Town Center

All the creature had done was speak three words, and Lloyd already hated it. He hated the sheer overconfidence of the creature, the mocking smile it seemed to hold on it's lips as it surveyed them. Destroying the creature would be one of the greatest pleasures ever, but it was a dragon, and even with all his power, there was not much he could do against it. All he could do, really, was act as a distraction to the dragon. The main damage would ultimately belong to the dragon slayer. If he was going to be a detraction though, it was going to be his pleasure to be the most irritating ant possible.

He watched as Arcturus approached the dragon and spoke to it. If the dragon at least balked under Arcturus' sheer power, it would certainly give them a chance. As he stared at the dragon, a plan formulated in his mind. In order to attempt his plan though, he was going to have to get on the dragon itself. Those plates would make it easier to hang on at least, and he only hoped that the small ridges along it's neck would be enough to help him scale onto the head.

A smirk that matched the dragon's own appeared on his face. It would be a pleasure to match cunning with cunning. Cunning characterized his own fighting style, and while he definitely had the sheer power to back up his position as Guild Master, it was cunning that gave his own powers an edge. He strode forward, placing a hand on the Dragon Slayer's shoulder. "I'd like to see that mocking smile wiped off that dragon's face," he said, in a calm tone that did not betray his underlying excitement. "All the best. As for me, I've got a dragon to ride."

And with that, he gently took his hand off the girl's shoulder and disappeared. Well, not quite disappeared, but rather, disappeared from sight as he took the long way round towards the dragon's tail, using the damaged buildings as cover to keep him away from the dragon's sight. His plan depended on the dragon not noticing and underestimating him. It was fortunate that Arcturus had unleashed his full power then; the dragon would view Arcturus and the dragon slayer as the greater threats, while sparing little notice for the lithe man not even in armour.

This was his element. He was going to enjoy this fight.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16 @Kyuubey @Leo Radomir
Mylanth - Malnia Town Center

The dragon twisted her head back and regarded the armored man with an almost confused expression. This man was telling her to back down from a fight. Never. She had her pride as a dragon after all, and dragons never left fights, even those they could not win. Though as it turned out, the girl might be an even greater threat than she had imagined. The girl had dragon slayer magic, and only dragon-slayer magic could really harm a dragon. She would have to gauge the girl's strength first, draw her out into combat, before making an offensive move of her own. Play defensive for a bit. The other men were small fry. If she won this fight, it would be a major increase to her pride as a dragon and self esteem. If she lost, then... death would be the most deserving. There was no in between.

This she told herself as she instinctively backed away a few paces from the armoured man's power. This man was extremely powerful, yet even with all his power he could do little to really harm her. As it turned out, her backing away would only serve to lead others to underestimate her, which would give her the upper hand.

No, she was not backing down from this fight. She gave a mocking laugh, if anything her grin only grew wider. "Is it not a little premature to declare yourself the winner before the fight even starts?" She asked, cocking her head at the man. "Very well, little man, we shall soon see who walks away from this alive." And with that, she lifted herself off the ground, and threw a blast of fire right in the direction of the girl. It was not a powerful blast, but it would serve to drive those around her into combat. Already, she was bored of talking.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16 @Kyuubey @Leo Radomir
Malnia Village: Town Center

While he held his gaze firmly on the ruby dragon before him he could feel the magic holding the Ice dragon together dissipate. He closed his eyes as a small bout of disappointment washed over him. It seemed that his intervention altered the course of the fight too much, especially with Fairy Tails Saint capitalizing on the dragon's lack of mobility. All hope of Masaki being able to redeem himself fled the moment the reanimation magic wore off. He would have to ensure he ran the boy through the ringer after this event was settled. It was downright disgraceful that a Sabertooth S-class mage had such trouble with little more than a puppet. However such things would have to wait as they had an actual dragon to deal with.

As expected the dragon before him seemed to care little about his display of power. As it slowly backed away, preparing for the fight to come he again spoke up to address the now opponentless mages. "Ms. Clair Fernandes, if you are done playing around you shall help us. As for the rest of you, head to the church. You will only get in the way if you remain here." As he spoke he never once took his eyes off the dragon before him. This was not an opponent he could afford to underestimate after all, not that he was one to go easy regardless of his opponent's strength. Almost immediately after he finished giving his orders the dragon decided to make the first move.

With one last remark the beast opened it's titanic jaws and expelled a blast of flame. He was momentarily surprised the fire was not aimed at him but the small girl behind him. It would seem dragons had some way of detecting dragon slayers. That was rather unfortunate as he had hoped to use the dragon's ignorance against it. Nevertheless, like the Ice dragon's roar before, the blast of fire winked out of existence before it found it's mark. He would make good on his promise of playing defense, just as he expected Master Lloyd and Ms. Sora Marvell to make good on their dedication to offense. With the fire ceasing to be he once more spoke up, this time in a somewhat hurried tone. "Sora!" He put faith in the skill of the Fairy Tail mage, trusting that this was all he needed to do to signal her. As the battle seemed to officially begin he could only hope the dragon slayer lived up to the hype.



@Defective Kitten
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Sora Marvell - Malnia Town Center

All of her surroundings seemed far away, their voices reaching her ears in slow motion as if travelling through a long tunnel, even the soft touches were left as a small tingle, almost numb to them. Their words didn't fall on deaf ears though, slow nods were given to each thing said to her, Clair's comment clearly striking a nerve. Both eyes came to a close, the dragon itself the only thing that had her full attention, as it rightfully should. A long inhale was noticed before her tiny frame vaulted into the air, flipping a few times while filling her lungs even more. " Roar of the sky dragon! " Sora used the momentum from her flips to send a powerful hurricane-like blast right back at the dragon, it clearly wider and more destructive than the one Mylanth had sent her way. The force of the blast sent her flying back, body twisting so both feet touched down on the ground, using the fall to the ground to send her off again. She appeared on top of the dragon, somewhere along its middle back, walking along it almost as if she were as light as air, probably not able to be felt.

Quickly scanning the beast she took note to ignore the plates along its spine, not going to expend energy focusing her attacks there. " Sky Dragon's crushing fang! " She exclaimed loudly, forcing more power into her hands, the enchants she had placed on them making every attack more effective against the dragon as she swiped repetitively at where one of the wings met its' massive body, jumping away once satisfied as she'd torn through the scales and wounded it. She positioned herself along the spine, both hands shooting out to hover at each side, her magic visually increasing before she summoned two tornadoes to come crashing down onto the dragon's wings. " Sky Dragon's Wave Wind" " The force of the dynamic winds crushing the wings down would aim to tear through the wings themselves, or at least render them useless; the weight itself abolishing them simultaneously was durable enough to fight off any retaliation.

She held her position, face showing no desire to stop the relentless attack that had commenced. They had put so much faith in her, words of encouragement, words of desire, words she couldn't ignore. The tiny girl began to suck up the air around her, keeping up with the magic she was outputting, as the wind itself picked up in unison, devastating enough to tear through the wings and shred them now. A growing sound left her throat and filled the air that sounded almost like a scream as her whole frame was enveloped in a blue light, hair flying as if wind was erupting directly from below her. More hurricanes picked up in the area, broken rubble and debris being lifted and sent flying into the concentrated wakes of destructive wind before being rammed into the beast from different angles. Sora's teeth were gritted, small fists clenching as she desperately fought to keep control over her magic, seeing as it was now an unleashed and wild destructive force that was tearing away at the dragon, crashing into it, butchering it, and heavily crippling it. Exhaustion slowly trickled into her arms as well as legs and she held her palms up as her small frame collapsed onto its knees, but she refused to let go of the numerous attacks beating down on the dragon.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @ScarlettRose16 @Leo Radomir @Defective Kitten
Lloyd: Mylanth's back

It was the moment that the dragon hoisted itself into the air that Lloyd himself took action. He had managed to make his way soundlessly towards the tail end of the dragon and hid himself behind a dead tree still managing to stand despite the strong winds that buffeted it earlier. And it was there that he waited for his chance. If he had been pumping with adrenaline earlier, now he was calm, cool, collected. He frowned, his grip on his bow firm as he quietly notched an arrow to his bow, taking aim behind the cover of the dead tree.

When the dragon hoisted itself upwards, expanding a blast of fire towards Marvell, he shot an arrow, this time to the ground below him. He did not need such a strong blast, it had to be just strong enough propel him through the air to grab onto the dragon's tail. A sudden, upward draft of wind buffeted his chest and legs as it lifted him clean off the ground, and into the air. While midair, he slung his bow behind him one again, and using two hands, he made a calculated grab at the dragon's tail, at one of the tiny plates that ranged along the dragon's tail. It was a success, and with both hands he pulled himself onto the dragon's tail. The thinnest part of the dragon's tail was about as thick as his mid-section and and he held on for dear life as plate by plate, he pulled himself along the tail and onto the back of the dragon. He darted along the spine of the dragon, between the plates, using both hands to grab at the plates to push himself forward at the same time. It was at the tallest plate on the dragon's back that he stopped. He took a deep breath, steadied himself with his back flat against the plate and drew his bow again, notching an arrow and aiming for the wings while he waited for Marvell to make her move. His plan was simple; a constant barrage of arrows to the dragon's weak points each time Marvell made a move, and each time the dragon made a move. If a success, he hoped that the dragon would be distracted by the itching sensation of the arrows (he was not even expecting the arrows make any damage; this was a dragon after all) and it's concentration would not be fully onto defending itself or charging up it's powers. If he had to hazard a guess, based on the fight with the ice dragon earlier, the wings were a possible weak point so for his first move, he would aim for that.

When Marvell launched her attacks, so did he. At Roar of the Sky Dragon, he launched an arrow at the dragon's right wing. It was not even magically charged; it was a simple mundane arrow, though with all the force and aim of a master archer. At Sky Dragon's Crushing Fang, there was not much he could do as Marvell was attacking the wings, so he hung on to his plate for dear life, while the wind rushed in his ears, tearing his hair in all directions, buffeting his face, arms and body. He lowered his eyelids to a squint to protect his eyes from the wind. He would have to use magic to augment his attacks now, to ensure that his arrows actually met their target with all the wind that was blowing through.

At Sky Dragon's Wave Wind, he launched an arrow again, this time augmenting the arrow with a force hard enough to ensure that it hit the wing despite all the wind buffeting the creatures' wings, then flung his hands to either side of him, gripping the edges of the plate he was on for dear life, ready for whatever twists and turns the dragon would contort it's body through with all the attacks launched at it.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16 @Leo Radomir @Defective Kitten
Mylanth: Above Malnia Town Centre

Mylanth laughed merrily as she took off, not even noticing the man climbing on her back. It did irritate her that the man in armour vanished her fire in what seemed to be an offhand move, but she kind of expected that anyway, seeing that that blast was not even a tenth of her power. It was merely to get the fight started, after all, and it sure succeeded at least. What she did notice though, was the young girl's sheer power. Each move the girl made felt like she was being buffeted in wind, hardly able to make sense of anything but the howling of the wind, the small prinpicks of pain as she felt her flesh being sliced. Just as persistent were those small pinpricks of pain at her wings for some reason, as if something was poking at her wing with a stick. Twice, she felt it at her right wing, which was, unfortunately, a vulnerable part of her. They were nothing compared to the slicing of flesh that her body was experiencing, but the tickling sensation she felt there jarred her concentration. Her focus had not to be on offence otherwise she would surely loose this fight. She had to unleash her power now. Not all of it; she would save those for later, in a final crescendo that would surely destroy the the entire countryside and destroy all the people located in the area.

For now though, she swung her head and blasted a strong flame at the general direction underneath her; not meant directly injure, but rather to propel herself away from the buffeting winds and whatever was causing them. Her wings flapped, gaining momentum as she lifted herself out of the swirling wind and clouds. Her grating laugh echoed as those merely superficial wounds had hardly affected her, "Is that all you can do, dragon slayer?" She mocked. "I hardly even felt those."

And with that, she began twisting and turning her body, whirling through the air at breakneck speed in order to dislodge the dragon slayer from her body. She had a huge store of energy, seeing that she had barely made any attacks. She would have to, once she got the dragon slayer in her range. She continued to twist her body, sure that she would dislodge the dragon slayer due to the amount of energy that the dragon slayer had used in her previous attacks. And then her attack would begin.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16 @Leo Radomir @Defective Kitten
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church
Rodwen winced when yet another girl hit her in the side and followed up with an attack to the shoulder , Rodwen slid back before being hit by the vampires venomous blood attack. Rodwen screamed in pain she was badly burnt in sevral places and she still hadn't stopped bleeding. "i'll kill you all!" She screamed , when she screamed a sharp lazer shot out of her mouth disintergrating anything it came in contact with. The beam wasn't aimed at anything or anyone but it sure was doing a good job of reducing the church to dust.

(Changed it from destroyed to Disentegrated. LOL)

Sera: Malnia Disentegrated Church

Upon the blood slowly burning into Rodwens skin as it broke through and to her veins she'd begin feeling sluggish and slow, kind of like a hang-over after drinking enough booze to kill an elephant. The fact that the attack hit caused Sera to grin, all the better seeing as if she had to use it more she'd start suffering the effects of blood loss.
She's already bleeding..all I have to do is cut her a few times myself and use Bloodletting, then she'll pass out from blood loss.. Sera thought to herself, a confident smirk on her face.

Gaining a nice shiny burn on her side from Rodwens rage beam she hissed in pain but did little more than that. "
You really should calm down, we're just getting started after all." She told her, now flying directly above her. Her flight was cut short as she turned mid-air and shot downwards, elbow aimed directly for the top of her head.

Sora Marvell - Malnia ... in the sky!

Sora was lost in battle, the hurricanes dissipating as her hands dropped from above her to grasp onto the scales along the dragons back, clutching at them and refusing to let go. Her tiny frame hugged the gigantic beast, body remaining as close as possible to escape the winds that attempted to rip her off. A flicker of movement below them caught her eye, trying to make it out before Nami came into a clearer view through the heavy gusts ripping at her hair and clothes, eyes fighting to remain open and alert. She came back for me... No, please... don't...!! She screamed mentally, thoughts dripping with impending panic as a hand reached out to the approaching exceed, eyes widening. There was nothing she could do as she watched the dragon's massive body swerve at an angle that Nami wasn't fast enough to dodge, only for the exceed's wings to vanish as she was knocked unconscious and began to fall.

" Nami.... " Sora choked out, eyes brimmed with tears as they trickled down her cheeks, knowing deep down her friend only wanted to help even if she always failed to listen. She silently prayed someone would catch the small cat, thoughts starting to spiral out of control as Nami fell out of her
obscured vision. The emotional trigger was pulled it would seem as a series of pulses were felt in the air around them, emitting in a rhythmic manner, Sora's eyes drawing to a forced close, tears still flowing. " Tch. " The sound was made through a clenched jaw, hair erupting into a frenzy as her ponytails came undone and dark blue strands went splaying around, turning pink, eyes pertaining a softer pink to match. The attire she wore had altered as well; small wing-ish like ends portrayed at her wrists in the form of gloves, a set of smaller wings protruded from her back, and her heels had a pair to go along with it, almost seeming as if part of her skin.

The hand that was gripping the dragon no longer felt the desire to hold on, instead she'd begin crawling up the dragon's spine itself, quite effortlessly, those hardened scales being plucked, rather ripped, and thrown carelessly into the air they currently twirled through.
A satisfied uncharacteristic smiled tugged at her lips as she pushed herself off the dragon and appeared directly in front of its view for a moment before disappearing and hovering in the air quite a bit away vulnerably, but now in sight of the others. " Then stop dancing around and show me what you've got. " She motioned for the dragon with a taunting motion of her hand, fingers curling inwards. Hopefully that'd tick it off, that's what the dragon slayer was aiming for.

@HuorSpinks @Colt556 @Mr Swiftshots
Mylanth - Skies above Malnia

Mylanth screeched as she felt her scales being torn off, a loud, screeching, keening wail. Once again, those felt more like pinpricks of pain than anything else, but they did wretch at her concentration. Something had obviously happened to set off the dragon slayer, but she knew not what. In any case, however, the dragon slayer's aura seemed to have changed. She had become... darker, stronger, angrier, a greater threat than she had been earlier. And now, it seemed that things were starting to get interesting. Especially now that the girl was no longer on her back but in front of her, which mean she could now launch a full frontal attack on the girl without worrying about injuring her own body.

The girl's mocking hardly bothered her; it was a tactic she had used many times in the past to provoke her opponents. If possible, her smile grew even wider as she twisted three times midair, steadied herself, her wings flapping in the air, as she began to concentrate on building up her power. It was now time for her first offensive move.

Lloyd - Skies above Malnia

Throughout the screeching, howling of either the wind of the dragon, Lloyd was not sure, but somehow he was able to hold onto the dragon, gripping on both sides of the plate with both hands spread out on either side of him. His bow was jammed against the plate, hanging from his right arm, pressed the bow's lower limb against the plate. Due to the frenzied flipping of the dragon, the bow string cut into his right wrist as a sharp pain began to spread along his lower arm. The bow string cut into his right wrist, already becoming slick with his own blood. Somehow though, he managed to retain his grip on the plate. When the dragon righted itself, he opened his eyes cautiously, only to stare in horror as an exceed seemed to plummet down towards the ground. At this height, he was not sure whether the exceed would survive. Instinctively he launched an arrow towards the exceed, the arrow bouncing harmlessly off the exceed's paw, but vines began to grow from the arrow, covering the exceed in a gigantic ball of vines. The vines would cushion the impact of the exceed's fall, but he still hoped that someone on the surface would be able to catch the ball of vines in case the vines were not enough.

This done, he turned to look for Marvell, only to find her in front of the dragon's face, taunting the dragon. The dragon responded by doing three flips in the air, which once again he had to hang on for dear life. He was starting to get the hang of it though, and by the time the dragon righted itself, he was ready for action. The dragon tensed, and he sent a series of six arrows into the dragon's wingspan. He did not even bother to augment the arrows with magic; instead, he concentrated his power on each arrow, releasing them speeding at five times their usual speed and strength into the dragon's wing.

@Kyuubey @Colt556 @Mr Swiftshots
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Clair fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Malina town

Clair watched as the other two began there assalt , Sora was obviously doing alot more damage than Lloyd but then again Lloyd's arrows didn't seem to be using magic other than that one arrow he used to save nami . Clair covered her face when the dragon sped by, sheilding her eyes from the dust. The dragon Was speeding through the air , suprising considering its size and build , Clair watchdd it for a few seconds trying to see if it had a pattern of flight.

Of course it didn't in the end but it was always best to check first. Clair turned to look at the sabertooth guildmaster he had asked her if she was finished playing around some time ago and she felt she was now able to answer his question "i suppose so , but i wont just go all out yet".

An emense dark aura began to radiate from Clair and the ground below her began to crack and glow dark purple. Several spots around Clair and the sabertooth master began to crack open and glow the same dark purple "dark grab". Upon casting her spell several purple hands shot out of the cracks grabing the dragon's left hind leg. Of course some mised initially due to the dragons speed but after a few latched on the rest followed suit. The hands followed the movements of clairs free hand , and slowly but surley began pulling the beast back to earth.

Clair knew the dragon was bound to break her spell soon but for now she'd continue pulling it in the hopes that Sora could take it down quickly in her slayer form.


Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church

Rodwen opened her blood shot eyes and quickly grabed Sera's arm and tossed her towards the new comer with great force. Rodwen then followed it up with her palm attack hoping to take both out witb the one attack. " just getting started i think not , here is where you shall fall". Rodwen quickly became aware of the affter effects the blood was having on her , probobly shortly after her arm became heavy and her attact was cut short. "Tch!"

@Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir
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Cinla swiftly spun out of the way then move back and quickly began to chant a spell" In a the darkness there's a flicker of light that resides with the soul of all, i call forth that light and i shall blow away the darkness that resides with in your soul, now grant me the power to rip the darkness from all those that stand in the way of my path". Cincla's arms lit up with star energy and then she rushes and at her launching light fast punches making it much harder to block with one arm.
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Dakota - Forest Over Malnia/Malnia Church

Dakota didn't remained where he was, staring at the archangel. He could see the devastation from here, evidences by large plumes of debris in the sky. He could also feel an immense amount of magic power being released, evidence of the horrific struggle taking place. "I can't just stay here while people fight for their lives." Dakota finally said.

"You must not involve yourself with this matter. This fight is between mortals, however powerful they may be." The angel said, his voice sneering at the word powerful.

"Sorry, I am not gonna just stand on the sidelines when I can help. I did that once during the Dragon King Festival by your order. Not gonna happen again." Dakota shouted. He was about to move towards the town when the angel stopped him again.

"If you interfere with that is about to happen, I will no longer protect you from the wrath of my kin." The angel said simply.

Dakota stopped and thought about that for a moment. Then looked at the angel. "So be it."

Then the angel did something that shocked Dakota, he smiled. "Then I will give you two things." The angel said and moved in front of Dakota. He placed his thumb over Dakota's heart, and the other thumb on his forehead. The digits erupted in white light, and Dakota felt energy and knowledge flow into him. "Use them well.", and with that, the angel disappeared in a burst of lightning.

Dakota then turned towards the town and beat wing, flying fast he made it to the edge of the destroyed town quickly. He could see the damage now, and the dangers, there were many fights taking place, but he knew where he had to go. He shot over the town, towards the church. He was on the other side of the church and did not fear being noticed by the dragon, especially since the mortals seemed to have pretty well distracted. He saw the vampire there, fighting another woman, but he did not react to them. Instead, he landed near Jaymes and Tanari. The man was severally damaged, and in a comatose state, while the woman seemed moderately injured. Flaring his wings, he cast a spell: Bakudo 67: Argonis Barrier. A glowing dome of golden light encased the three, then disappeared from view, even though it was still active. He had to rely on the vampire to keep the woman busy while he did his work. He focused on the girl first, and held his hands over her. Green light appeared over his hands, and rather quickly, her superficial wounds disappeared. Her heavier wounds took more time, but those too disappeared. Lastly, Dakota restored her magic power at the cost of his own. "You're good to go." Dakota said turning to Jaymes without another word. The girl could fight now, all she had to do was get up and walk out of the barrier.

@Mr Swiftshots @Mitchs98 @Colt556
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