Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Grace looked shocked when Sora came over to her injured arm, did some voodoo magic, and healed her up. She was extremely grateful for the girls help, and was about to praise her until she felt a hand upon her head. She hated it when people did that sort of thing to her, thinking that they were teasing her for her height. But then she realized, this girl was just as short as her! If someone taller than her patted her head, she took it as an insult. But of a fellow short person do that, it was more of a friendly thing. Her hand gently Patted Sora's "Thank you, you're a really big help. I'll never forget the kindness you showed to me." She said sincerely. With that she turned back to the dragon and began to fire more missiles. "He shouldn't be able to knock these back! They aren't a solid mass like those shards!" She told the group, not actually sure if that would work or not. But she was going to risk it. Three missiles were now locked on to the dragon, seeking it down with intensity.

@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Mitchs98 @Mr Swiftshots
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Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church

Rodwen raised her shield once she seen the girl cut her own flesh , if it wasn't for the red head's light she may have been burned severly from the vampires acidic blood.Rodwen raised her left hand into the air and a small orb of light formed in it "holy blade of the light god come forth and lend me your power : Excaliber"

Rodwen pulled her hand down and a sowrd of soild light formed from the orb , Rodwen smiled psychoticly as she pointed the sword towards Sera "i will leave no trace of you , your friend , any relitves , anyone you harbor feelings for i'll erase them all!"

Clair fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Malina town

Clair couldn't help but smirk when the shards were deflected by Sora , there was something comical about it. Clair waited for sora to finish healing the lamia scale member before making her advance , she sprinted quickly at the dragon cuting it several times with her burning blade as she scaled the dragon . Once on its back she dug the blade deep into the dragons back and braced for what ever it may throw at her.
Cinla watched and then said" Ah screw it as much as it's a pain in my ass if i didn't try and help it would damage my rep, if i die i'll come back as a greater spirit and make the spirit goddess my servant", Cinla quickly began to write in a long forgotten lang to most and a huge multi layered circle in the ground quickly starts to form in the same the same lang after about ten minutes or so several huge spirit beasts broke free from the circle and with great speed went to attack the three targets.
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Momoki Asada:Malnia Church

Momoki was behind them,but only because she had to adjust her cards a bit.It wasn't easy having to hold cards in every way if something happened,so Momo just wanted to be comfortable.Once she got to the town she heard commotion coming from the only place that was in tact.The church.When Momo got in there she was dumbfounded.She had miss so much of the battle.When she looked around she saw Lucian.He's the guy she was looking for.Mostly,"Hey Lucian I know I just got here,but everyone else looks pooped out.But guess what.YOU.FORGOT.ABOUT.Me!!" Momo yelled over Lucian taking out her card putting them in a powerful grasp that would kill someone if put around their neck."Lets do this" Momoki said hoping Lucian was up for the challenge. Finally Momoki was getting serious.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @Mr Swiftshots .
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Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Malnia Village - Outside of Church

More shards were thrown back that the growing group, Naomi getting both shallow and somewhat deep cuts in her arms and legs but a few scratches wouldn't lessen her blows. She would just need to regain some of her energy back by refraining from attacking for the time being. One of the drawbacks for being a gunner was that there wasn't any way of actually protecting yourself, you just had to dodge and be very quick most of the time, which luckily for Naomi, she was more than fast. Seeing as Grace shot more missiles out, Naomi got ready to repel them with her own just in case they were flung back.




@Mr Swiftshots


(Sorry, I just woke up)
HuorSpinks said:
Malnia - Town Centre
Lloyd had just been about to answer Ferra when a sudden gush of wind, followed by an icy cold blast, whirled in their general direction. Shivering despite his jacket, Lloyd spun around, only to gasp in shock as a dragon landed some distance from him. A great beast, it's crystal-white wings sending great gusts of icy cold throughout the region. It could only be an ice dragon. And it was supposed to be extinct. All the dragons were supposed to be extinct. Yet there was a dragon right there, before his very eyes. Lucian had been right after all. Yet, at the same time there was a great explosion to the northeast of the dragon, followed by a great light that practically incinerated the area of the explosion. Lloyd was too far away from the explosion to see exactly what caused it, plus the dragon blocking his way to the explosion, so he headed in the direction of the dragon.

Already, a group of mages were directly engaging with the dragon, and their combined strength seemed to be weakening the dragon. Amidst the various types of magic attacking the dragon, he recognized one particular type, the explosive kind that he usually associated with Grace. A smile crept to his lips. So Grace was at least getting some action, like she had hoped. Lloyd was not too worried, she seemed to be in good company. But still though, a fellow guild member was in some kind of battle and he hoped that he would make it in time to be of some aid, even if the dragon collapsed to its death the moment he reached the group...

Though it seemed that the dragon had launched some kind of counter attack. Great crystals few in the direction the assembled mages, and some even managed to find their way to Lloyd's location. He had to jump and twist sideways to avoid a few, fortunately managing to stay upright. He picked up his pace. He was near enough by now to pick out the individual mages within the battle. Sure enough, he recognized Grace, Masaki, and Clair, along with another individual that he did not recognise. He frowned, it seemed that Grace had been injured by the crystals. He barely stopped himself from rushing over to protect her. It would probably only embarrass her now. Though if things took a worse turn...

He would not join this battle. Not yet, at any rate, as the mages seemed to have weakened the dragon some. Unless, of course, things turned sour. He still unslung his bow though, just in case. He also kept an eye on the site of the explosion beyond the dragon, in case something else happened there. He kept himself poised for action, his bow at the ready in case anything new happened.

Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Malnia Town Center

Sora hadn't made an attempt to move to dodge the attack, it was almost as if she knew that Clair would make it in time, that's just how much trust she had in her teammate. They might go at it in the guild hall, or she might scold the red head at times as if she herself were a 'little verbal bully', but they worked great together; quite flawlessly at that. She enchanted Clair with a barrier spell before grinning from behind the taller girl. " Look who's on time for once! " She exclaimed in a carefree manner, seemingly not disheartened by this situation they were in. It was going to be fun, as Clair had said, everything was more amusing when they got to go all out. The crystals redirected at her and Clair were simply swept away by gusts of winds as if mere annoyances, like swatting a fly moving in slow motion. She tried not to think of the blind boy she'd left behind, he was protected by a barrier spell for the time being, he should be okay... should be. But with the luck he seemed to have revolving around him, he'd probably fall onto an anthill and get swarmed to death by them. She took a more defensive stance in response to Clair's offensive one, gladly changing roles to be in the back and support her, it was what she did best after-all. Grace's words did reach her though and she inhaled audibly before running over and kneeling down besides the wounded girl, keeping Clair within her peripheral vision. " Here, let me help.. " A glowing light emitted from her palms, remaining hovering over Grace's wound to heal it and ease the internal pain that would've been left behind after such a deep cut. It took a few moments and when she was finished she patted the girl on the head. " And for the record, I wouldn't blame him, it wasn't his fault. " She chipped in before grinning and hopping back up, only to skip off and re-position herself once again behind Clair.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Kayzo



@Mr Swiftshots


(Sorry, I just woke up)[/size]
Ivalice: Malnia Town Center

The dragon roared and destroyed two of the missiles, the third hitting him in the face causing negligble damage. The dragon roared as Clair began her assault, ultimately leaving her on his back. Multiple cuts and a stab wound from where the sword was lodged appeared, namely due to the fact it was fire against ice. Though, Ivalice was no idiot. Clair was in a perfect posistion to be crushed like a bug. Flying a little higher he looked around for something to ram her into. After some thought, he settled on the ground. Flying a little higher he posistioned himself above Masaki and Grace before turning over mid air and letting himself fall. If they didn't move, it'd either disable all three of them or heavily wound them.
Malnia Town Center

Crap. If Lloyd did not do something there was a high possibility that the dragon could seriously inure Grace and Masaki... and was that Clair on the dragon's back? He pulled an arrow out of his quiver and notched it, while the tip of the arrow glowed white, along with his hands. "Micro-Burst," he whispered, as he aimed the arrow underneath the dragon's wing. He hoped that the extremely strong gust of wind was strong enough to knock the dragon off course or at least slow it down so enough so that Grace and Masaki could get out of the way. He squinted, and then released it. For a second, nothing happened, and then a great gust of wind was generated, slamming into the dragon at full force.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @LeSoraAmari
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Clair fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Malina town

Clair hung upside down on the dragon cluthcing her sword with all her might , Sora's speed spell was still active and without it Clair would have been in major trouble. She caught a glipse of Lloyd's arrow tip and smilled "you devious. ....". When his arrow made contact with the dragon Clair forced all the speed enchantments powen to her left foot , she stomped it down on the dragon and shot off away from it like a rocket.

She landed and skid for a few feet before coming to a full stop , she smilled over at Sora and spoke casually "are you having fun yet?"

WoodenZebra said:
Momoki Asada:Malnia Church
Momoki was behind them,but only because she had to adjust her cards a bit.It wasn't easy having to hold cards in every way if something happened,so Momo just wanted to be comfortable.Once she got to the town she heard commotion coming from the only place that was in tact.The church.When Momo got in there she was dumbfounded.She had miss so much of the battle.When she looked around she saw Lucian.He's the guy she was looking for.Mostly,"Hey Lucian I know I just got here,but everyone else looks pooped out.But guess what.YOU.FORGOT.ABOUT.Me!!" Momo yelled over Lucian taking out her card putting them in a powerful grasp that would kill someone if put around their neck."Lets do this" Momoki said hoping Lucian was up for the challenge. Finally Momoki was getting serious.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @Mr Swiftshots .
Lucian: Outside Malnia Church

Lucian was simply outside enjoying the fight between Ivalice and the others, he trusted Rodwen to handle hersef now that the Dragon Slayer was out of the picture, and figured anyone that wanted to fight would come to him. Moments later after that thought Momoki ran up to him. He casually glanced over to her before looking back at the fight, clearly not intimidated by the young girl. "Mmm..very well. I don't intend on going easy on you just because you're so young either, so don't expect an easy fight kid." He told her, his ever-present smile gaining an eerie feel to it. "By all means, cast the first blow." He added, standing completely motionless aside from the rise and fall of his chest from his breathing.


@Mr Swiftshots

Sera: Malnia Destroyed Church

Sera grimaced as the blood was repelled, it'd burn her already damaged shield seeing as her normally completely safe blood had gained magical properties the second she attacked her. What Rodwen said next only proved to anger Sera more. "You can damn well try you pathetic fake saint. No one threatens my family and remains un-harmed! It will be you that will be destroyed, I'll enjoy beating that pretty little face of yours into a bloodied pulp." She shouted back at her before thrusting forward through the air with one powerful flap of her wings, slashing in a downward arc at her with her scythe.
Grace saw as Ivalice began to fall from the sky, and almost began to celebrate. She thought that the group had managed to kill the dragon and that their reward of one billion gems would be served up soon. However she quickly realized that this was not the case. Ivalice was in fact alive, and was currently trying to squish her, Masaki, and Clair. On top of that the dragon was falling at a scary rate. She was already on her way out of the smash zone, running right towards where Lloyd's arrow was shot, a large gust of wind smacking against the winged beast. She hoped that the blast was enough to blow the dragon back, hopefully flip him over too.
Masaki Yamada: Malnia Town Centre

Masaki watched as the beast began to descend at a very quick speed. Seemingly in an attempt to crush Grace, Clair, and of course, himself. Quickly darting out of the way, Masaki used his agility to quickly move from under the dragon and make his way over towards Grace. It was in that moment that it was struck by an arrow of great magical force. He recognised the energy to be Lloyds and he smiled slightly with relief. Masaki then quickly looked over to Grace before smiling, she was okay, and that was good. He then turned back to face Ivalice, and with a wave of his hand formed more orbs out of amethyst crystals to circle around his body. Preparing for whatever was next.


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Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church

Rodwens sheild finally had , had enough it slowly dispersed. The vampire continued to give input on what rodwen had said but she had no intention of listening to the impure words that left her mouth. The vampire attemted to hit clair from above with her syth clair blocked it and her smile grew larger. The girl was strong very strong which would make crushing her very satisfying. Rodwen took multiple slashs at the girl , her movements were unpredictable and had no pattern.

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[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church
Rodwens sheild finally had , had enough it slowly dispersed. The vampire continued to give input on what rodwen had said but she had no intention of listening to the impure words that left her mouth. The vampire attemted to hit clair from above with her syth clair blocked it and her smile grew larger. The girl was strong very strong which would make crushing her very satisfying. Rodwen took multiple slashs at the girl , her movements were unpredictable and had no pattern.

a couple of massive beasts are coming at you and the other 2 targets sorry for not mentioning people's names
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Momoki Asada:Malnia Church:

Momoki was dissapointed,"Sorry,but a first blow can be easily blocked so I'll just let you attack...." Momoki said before dissapearing behind Lucian for a elbow to the back.He may be strong,but he's old.Which means he works like muscular guy.Seems strong,but can be taken down just like everyone else.Momoki was ready for a counter which was a likely move from him.After all he can't get hit if he wants to keep fighting.

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Mylanth - The Great Fire Dragon

Location: Sky above Malnia

It was almost time for Mylanth to make her entrance. Ivalice had already made his, and was acting as a major distraction for the puny little humans on the surface. A cunning smile curled on Mylanth's lips. She was looking forward to this. Her great bulk; she was a third larger than Ivalice, and her skin was a lovely ruby-red. She stood on four great legs (though once in a while she reared up on two; it was a great intimidation tactic) with a tail that spanned the length of Malnia. A pair of wings adorned her back, and great plates ran the length of her spine, the largest on her back with the size decreasing along her lower back, down to the tip of her tail. The largest plate on her back stood twice the height of a tall human being. Her neck was half the length of her tail, and small knobby plates ran the length of it. Humans tended to be awed at first, by her mere appearance. And then the terror started they witnessed what she could unleash. It was a lovely feeling, that awe intermingled with terror at the sight of her.

The initial attack on Malnia was nothing compared to this. Those humans were boring; they died easily and they could not even spring up a decent fight. It was pathetically boring. This one though, promised to be far more fun. Her target this time were mages. Humans who could fight back, and the most powerful of these would be a challenge to combat. A challenge that she welcomed. What was life without challenges?

Mylanth's smile curled even wider. She was looking forward to this.

Sora Marvell - Malnia Town Center

Nami hovered next to Sora, tilting her head and watching curiously at all the happenings of the fight. The smile Clair flashed her was returned with her own normally childish one, eyes sliding off to the side as if to check on the others. Another mage had joined the fight, goody! More firepower. They had to take this dragon down soon, as there seemed to be other things going on around them that they were too distracted to notice, Sora simply not wanting them to get overwhelmed with another fight if one might present itself. " Clair, will you stop going easy on it? " A taunting tone dripped from her words, finger being waved about in a lecturing manner. She was doing her best to conserve her energy, eating the air when she found it appropriate to refuel herself, though the taste of it was nothing near enjoyably edible. She could really use some pastries about now... but it certainly wasn't a good time to whip out a blanket, sit down, and have a picnic. The enchants on Clair were starting to wear off so Sora threw a hand up, a magic circle appearing over her head as she quickly reapplied them, but doubling their power, hoping Clair would make full use of them. She was trying to refrain from using any sky dragon offensive skills from a ranged position, not wanting to put anyone into a jeopardizing situation, nor did she want to leave from being able to protect the others. It was safer to just support Clair who was melee.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Defective Kitten
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Clair fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Malina town

Clair sighed looking back and forth between Sora and the ice dragon , Clair requiped her armour (not her flame empress sword) into her black wing armour. Clair smiled brightly when she felt herself grow lighter with Sora's enchantments, Clair stood up firmly and did a few tricks with her sword before gripping it firmly hrr smile forming into a smirk. "Sora if i got serious the collateral damage would be devestating , you know that better than anyone." With that Clair took off into the air , once she was at the dragons eye level she taunted it. "But that doesn't mean i cant go a little harder on it"

Kayzo said:
Grace saw as Ivalice began to fall from the sky, and almost began to celebrate. She thought that the group had managed to kill the dragon and that their reward of one billion gems would be served up soon. However she quickly realized that this was not the case. Ivalice was in fact alive, and was currently trying to squish her, Masaki, and Clair. On top of that the dragon was falling at a scary rate. She was already on her way out of the smash zone, running right towards where Lloyd's arrow was shot, a large gust of wind smacking against the winged beast. She hoped that the blast was enough to blow the dragon back, hopefully flip him over too.
LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki Yamada: Malnia Town Centre
Masaki watched as the beast began to descend at a very quick speed. Seemingly in an attempt to crush Grace, Clair, and of course, himself. Quickly darting out of the way, Masaki used his agility to quickly move from under the dragon and make his way over towards Grace. It was in that moment that it was struck by an arrow of great magical force. He recognised the energy to be Lloyds and he smiled slightly with relief. Masaki then quickly looked over to Grace before smiling, she was okay, and that was good. He then turned back to face Ivalice, and with a wave of his hand formed more orbs out of amethyst crystals to circle around his body. Preparing for whatever was next.


@Kyuubey @Defective Kitten

Ivalice: Malnia Town Center

Coupled with the gust of wind to the wings and Clair kicking off of it Ivalice was thrown off course. Right before he hit the ground he managed to stabalize himself back into the air. That coupled with Clair taunting him tore it. He knew he couldn't use it more than a few times, but it had to be done. It was time to end things, or at-least try. Flying so he was above them all he got into posistion.

"It's been fun and you've fought well..but I'm afraid it's over now." Ivalice spoke in a low rumbling voice. "Grand Ice Dragons Roar!" It shouted, opening its massive maw, a beam of pure way, way below freezing ice, ice shards, and icebergs blowing directly towards the group. The beam itself was as wide was as about a third of Malnia, however with the right timing and magic it could be avoided.


WoodenZebra said:
Momoki Asada:Malnia Church:
Momoki was dissapointed,"Sorry,but a first blow can be easily blocked so I'll just let you attack...." Momoki said before dissapearing behind Lucian for a elbow to the back.He may be strong,but he's old.Which means he works like muscular guy.Seems strong,but can be taken down just like everyone else.Momoki was ready for a counter which was a likely move from him.After all he can't get hit if he wants to keep fighting.


Lucian: Malnia

There was, infact, a reason for Lucian not moving. He might be old, but he wasn't a fool. Surprise attacks and underhanded tactics was Fairy Tails specialty, after all. Before the elbow could connect Lucian turned sharply, grabbed the girls arm, and used the momentum from her own attack to toss her to the ground. "Mm. I can tell hand to hand isn't your fortè, Miss Momoki. Why don't we try using our magic, hm?" He told her, his smile gaining a more sadistic tone to it. "Black Fire Orb!" He shouted, forming a orb of pure black fire in his hand that would explode with a decent radius on impact with anything and tossing it at Momoki.


Sera: Malnia Destroyed Church

Sera smirked to herself once she noticed the shield dissipate, things just got easier. The woman was skilled in melee combat, that was certain. As soon as Sera's feet touched the ground she immediately brought her scythe up to block most of the slashes, she gained several cuts, a few deep ones. The minor ones would heal easily enough. Eventually, once she was certain she was focused on stabbing her to little pieces, Sera slapped her with her wing to make her lose balanced before stabbing at her with the top of her scythe.
Cinla: Malnia Destroyed Church

Lucian: Malnia


Center: Ivalice

  • The two massive spirit lions go charging in at lucian and go to claw at him if that works, they were going to try and sink their teeth into him next to cause even more damage.
  • meanwhile two bears go come rushing from side to side towards,
  • Rodwen Kiernan aiming to take her legs out in the charge and then would go to claw at her to make even harder to get back up then to add to injury would sink their teeth into her shoulder to finish her off.

still working on it

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Malnia Village: Town Center

Just as the icy cyclone would have made impact it dissipated into nothingness. All trace's of the mighty dragons breath attack ceased to exist leaving only a baffled lizard in it's wake. Without giving the dragon time to recover a sudden force slammed the beast to the ground violently, a large dust cloud emanating from the crater the beast had created. The sudden disappearance of such a powerful attack coupled with the creature being pinned to the ground caused a confused calm to settle over the battlefield, the only sound that could be heard were the slow and heavy footsteps approaching the group. "Masaki..." A stern voice called out among the silence as a large armored man rounded the corner of the ruined buildings, his gaze falling squarely on the Sabertooth mage. The man came to a stop as his eyes slowly drifted over the assembled mages before making their way back to the redheaded kid.

"Perhaps it was too soon to entrust you with such a rank if you are having difficulty with an enemy such as this."
The man cast an almost disgusted look at the ice dragon that was struggling to move as he spoke. He then turned his attention skyward towards the colossal red dragon that approached the town. If these mages were having so much trouble with their current foe then they were all but guaranteed a quick death at the hands of the ruby red beast that closed in on them. There was only one among them that he had any faith in as he turned his attention from the sky-bound red dragon to the man with a bow a ways behind the group. "Master Lloyd Kirby. I assume your title isn't just for show, yes? If we want our members to get out of this alive you and I will have to work together to take down that red dragon." As he spoke to the guild master he slowly made his way in the man's direction, ultimately stopping a few feet in front of him. He turned to face the group of mages, raising his voice to ensure they could hear him clear as day.

"Ms. Sora Marvell, your talents are wasted on such a cheap imitation, you will be fighting alongside Master Kirby and myself." Out of the assembled group of mages the famous Fairy Tail dragon slayer would be the only one of any use in a real dragon fight. Given his commanding tone he very much doubted she would refuse his orders so he began to address the remainder of the group. "As for the rest of you..." His eyes squared directly on Masaki as he spoke, seemingly addressing him more than the others. "Prove your worth by defeating that thing." As if to punctuate his command the force holding the Ice Dragon to the ground was suddenly released. A very angry lizard rearing up as it pressed to resume it's onslaught.



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Lloyd: Malnia Town Center

Lloyd did not want to admit this, but in all honestly, he was a little intimidated by the Sabertooth Guild Master, Gilad Arcturus. Okay, not just a little intimidated. The man was far older than him, a wizarding saint, more powerful than he was, and held a far more commanding presence. Before him, Lloyd felt like a small child, not like a fellow Guild Master of the third most powerful Guild in Fiore. It was pretty much all he could to stand his ground and not back away as the Guild Master approached him. Yet, this he managed, remaining his position as the Guild Master stood right in front of him. His hand clenched his bow tighter, and he gave a short nod, not trusting his voice to retain its usual calmness; best that he not speak at all if he was going to sound shaky and nervous and end up embarrassing his guild. What red dragon though? All his attention had been focused on the ice dragon; he had not even noticed that there was a red dragon in the vicinity. He glanced around him, and upwards, moving his head as little as possible so as not to look like he had not been aware of his surroundings. And sure enough, there it was, a red speck the size of a sun that was slowly descending.

Mylanth: Malnia Village Center

As Mylanth slowly descended, looking for all the world like a great storm cloud, the beating of her wings stired up a great wind. The wind howled through the destroyed buildings and the dead standing trees, stirring up debris and swirling it around the assembled mages. A few trees uprooted, slamming themselves into buildings and mages not fast enough to get out of the way. Great clouds of dust and burnt grass stirred up from the ground, flung into the eyes of the assembled mages who were not careful enough to close them. As Mylanth descended, the onlookers witnessed what seemed like a giant sun slowly taking shape into a great winged beast, with a long, snake-like neck, an even longer snake-like tail, and a back on which plates ranged, the greatest standing at twice the height of a tall man. Perhaps, the most intimidating aspect of her was the huge smile she was wearing on her leathery face, all pointed teeth and smirking lips.

As Mylanth descended, she took stock of all the assembled mages below her. She spotted two in particular; a man in a suit of armour that covered him completely from the neck down wielding a great axe, and another man beside him, dressed in a thin jacket and wielding a longbow about a third his size. She landed directly behind them, in front of the assembled mages, with barely a sound; almost miraculous considering her great size. "Hello, my dears..." she cooed, lowering her head to meet the two Guild Masters at eye level, wearing a wide smile. The height of her head alone, where the back of her head met her neck, was the height of Arcturus.

@Kayzo @Colt556 @Kyuubey
Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church

Rodwen skid backward coughing somwhat from the blunt force of the attack , Rodwen was taken by supprise when the bears attacked her. One managed to force her to the ground but not before she had skewerd the otherone with her blade. Rodwen placed her palm on the bears chin pusing it up away from her face , the bear however still managed to wound her lower stomach which was now slowly bleeding. "Palm attack of the light god" Rodwen blasted the bears head into nothingness in less than an instant , she placed her right hand over her wound before getting up to face the vampire again. She took more slashs at the girl blocking her syth whenever it came close.

@Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir
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Alfie: Fairy Tail; Malnia

A brilliant golden flash of light lit up the battleground between Momoki and Lucian. The dark Guild Master's spell had seemingly vanished when the light finally dissipated, and Alfie could be seen a few meters away from their fight. He was standing firmly on the roof of a house, watching. "Mister Lucian! With all this money, you'd think you'd be able to afford better opponents! But to resort picking on someone half your strength?" The pink-clad mage coolly jumped off of the roof and landed beside Momoki. He stood proudly, but it took so much just to stop one of Lucian's attacks... Maybe I should deflect the next one.

@Mitchs98 @WoodenZebra
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Clair fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Malina town

Clair knew avoiding the attack would be close to imposible in her current armour but if she comboed her flame swords ability with her armors ability she'd have no problem cutting through it. She raised her sword high above her head and was about to bring it down when the incoming spell vanished , the sabertooth guild master seemed to have finnaly made an appearance. Infact it was quite a flashy one he had knocked the dragon clean out of the air and had him pinned to the ground .Clair had done alot of reserch on the saint he specialised in gravitational magic which was obviouse to most who seen him fight. Clair wanted nothing more than to fight this man for he not only specialised in gravitational magic but also requip magic and rumour had it that he was in possesion of one of the most powerfull axes in all of earth land.

Clair wasted no time getting back in the fight she flew quickly towards the downed dragon stabing him , deeply , in the stomach. Once the blade was inside the dragon she began pulling it along the dragons stomach making a wide searing cut form. The dragon was starting to lose alot of blood butRodwen fully expected him to get back up. It was for that reaso. Clair lept back from the dragon switching out her blade for her lightning empress spear , once requiped she shot a large bolt of lightning towards the cut she had just made.

Clair was upset when the saint didn't call her name , sure he was a higher rank in the wizards saint register but it was only by two places ! Clair was rank four and he was rank two ,and that wasn't much of a gap in power when it came to saints !

Clair landed when she seen the red dragon desend , she unnequiped her sword swapping it out for her sea empress sword and lighning empress spear. She didn't like the look of this dragon it seemed heavely armoured and dwarfed the previous one. That a side this dragon wss clearly a fire dragon which ment it would probobly pack a much bigger punch than the last.

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