Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Jaymes - Malnia Church

Jaymes grunted as he hit the floor was the woman shoved him off of her. As the girl burst into flames, Jaymes managed to sit up. He didn't know exactly what the girl was up too, but he wasn't out of the fight just yet. Placing his hands on the floor, he sent his magic power across the surface. Then just as the flaming girl was about to attack the crazy-strong bitch, Jaymes acted. "Ice Make: Imperial Shackles." Jaymes called out, and ice erupted out of the floor where he had sent his magic power. The ice raced up and enclosed around the woman's feet and wrists, binding her. Unlike his other ice, this ice was being maintained by his magic, and it should take a good amount of effort on the woman's part to destroy his ice. Hopefully enough time for whatever the flaming girl had in mind.

@Colt556 @Mr Swiftshots

Kayzo said:
Grace brought up her arms as if they would protect her from the dragons beam of icy death, but the sudden flash of purple flames melted the beam away. She slowly brought down her arms and glanced over at the new Mage who had saved her life. She gave Naomi a thankful smile before turning her full attention back to the dragon. Masaki had already launched his attack at the dragon, so she figured it was her turn. Lighting a purple flame in her hand, she summoned three magic missiles at Ivalice. The attacks were locked onto the dragon, and would follow it around until it connect with him. Unless of course he did some type of evasive maneuver to cause them to loose sight of its target. Once those three were off she began to prepare another batch.
@Defective Kitten @LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98

Ivalice: Malnia Town Center

Ivalice roared as the shards of crystal tore his wings slightly and the missles crashed into his sides, his gaze narrowed at the three mages now assembled as he landed. The missles had done decent damage, moreso than the mine traps, due to the fact two of three hit the same area. A visible gash was on the dragons side where they'd hit, once it noticed it growled lowly. "
So it would seem..Very well the humans, prove your might to me, Ivalice the Grand Ice Dragon." Ivalice replied before roaring and sending torrents of ice raining down upon the three.
Rodwen watched as the two stuggled to get on there feet , the red head was up first and charging her with a cloak of flames.Rodwen was about to counter when the man bound her in ice shackles "tch" , Rodwen braced herself for impact with the girl.

The girl came crashing down ontop of her smashing she sha kles as she did so, her flames got hotter by the second but that in turn ment she produced more light. Rodwen sucked in the light she was producing and then opened her mouth "boon of the light god"

Rodwen took some serious damage before managing to let off her attack but now she had rejuvenated alot of her lost magic. "You have gotten in some strong attacks but alas i can't play around with you two any longer" rodwens eyes began to glow brightly with her magic , a large white magic circle formed in the sky covering the entire church and its surronding areas. Shortly after smaller circles began to form above it until there were five in total.

@Colt556 @Arvis90
Grace saw the damage that her spell caused on the dragon, and it filled her with joy. If only Lloyd saw this, it's convince him that she wasn't some weak little B-class Mage. Unfortunately the short girl had no time to celebrate at the dragon began to attack them with deadly rain. She used her next spell, this time only one missile being shot up towards the shards. It broke up into smaller, less powerful missiles and began to break away at the ice. However, this one missile wasn't enough, and the icy rain continued to fall down.

@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @LeSoraAmari
Masaki Yamada: Malnia Town Centre

As the dragon practically challenged the trio and continued it's assault, Masaki quickly sent a shield of crystals to protect Grace from harm, It managed to block what was left of the attack but afterwards the shield broke apart instantly. Masaki managed to evade it on his part, but a stray piece of ice managed to cut across his arm. He took no mind to it though, as it wasn't that deep. Quickly turning to Grace he began to speak, "Try and combine some of your mines with my crystal, that should have more of an effect on Ivalice.." Gazing up at the dragon as it landed, Masaki clapped his hands together and then slammed them both onto the ground. "Crystal Formation: Hells Spikes!" With that, a path of rather large onyx spikes began to tear out of the ground and head towards Ivalice, the ground beneath the dragon began to break apart too and the spikes came from it, Masaki hoped that this attack would at least do some damage.

@Kayzo @Defective Kitten
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Grace nodded in agreement with Masaki's plans, summoning three rings around the back of the dragon. If Ivalice back up, he'd be hit by the explosions, and if he stayed then he'd be hit by the spikes. "Naomi, cover the air! Don't let him fly up!" She commanded, preparing some more missiles for the dragons pleasure. In her mind, the fight was going quite well! They had managed to do some damage against the beast and no one had gotten hurt yet. That's a win in her books!

@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @LeSoraAmari
Jaymes - Malnia Church

The evil woman just kept getting scarier. He didn't know what to do. He had his trump card, his two Dragon King spells, but using even one just once nearly depleted him of all his magic power. He couldn't risk that, but he was lost. When the Tanari unleashed a barrage against the woman, and she just seemed to shrug it off, Jaymes felt despair at their situation. Then he was the tell-tale signs of the woman preparing to use her breath attack again. Jaymes got to his feet, though he felt like he was moving slowly. He rushed in front of Tanari and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Ice exploded in front of him, acting as a weak shield. But that wasn't the point. Jaymes opened his mouth and consumed the light, even as it dealt him serious damage. Finally the breath attack ended, and Jaymes stood in the position he had been in during the attack. His body was smoking and the outer fringes of his armor glowed red hot. Heavily panting, Jaymes watched as the woman ascended into the air, and many magic circle drew themselves into existence. "Crap, if that don't look like a Grand Magic spell, I don't know what does." Jaymes said. He doubled over, holding his stomach as a huge pain blasted throughout his body. Then his magic power began to rise, even as an aura of Light God Slayer Magic enveloped his body. The pain receded, and Jaymes looked at the woman. "Your light tastes nasty, might want to work on that." Jaymes said, now completely in Light/Ice Dragon Mode.

@Colt556 @Mr Swiftshots

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Malnia Village - Outside of Church

"Naomi's got you!" She spoke, giving a thumbs up to Grace, summoning another firearm that would suit this particular situation.

"Equip; Magic Rocket!" The girl reequipping another firearm of sorts within an instant, having to get onto one of her knees as it was one of her more heavier firearms. Homing missals! How fun! Aiming the rockets to hit the dragon, or at least one of it's wings, Naomi shot out a large rocket that was followed by 3 medium sized rockets. It was a surprise that the recoil didn't knock her onto her back, especially for her size. She might've been a B-Ranked mage but that wouldn't stop her from doing as much damage as she pleased.


Malnia Village: Church

She grit her teeth as she continued to focus her magic, throwing everything she had into overpowering the girl. Her eyes widened in surprise as the girl opened her mouth and seemed to inhale the very light itself. She could do nothing but watch as her power was turned against her. The light that emanated from the girl's mouth pierced through her flames and engulfed her before sending her flying back with a scream of agony. Fortunately the onslaught was cut short as the ice mage intervened, seemingly absorbing the girl's attack. Although his intervention had spared her most of the damage, the brief exposure she did endure still took it's toll. She struggled weakly to at least sit up, looking up at the man as his magic power rose. It was as if he had combined both his and the girl's magic, maybe Fairy Tail wizards actually did deserve the reputation they got. She winced in pain as she dragged herself up to the wall, sitting back against it to recover. She wasn't completely out of the fight, not by a long shot. But it was only fair she let the ice mage have a turn, she couldn't hog all the fun to herself after all.

@Mr Swiftshots

Kayzo said:
Grace saw the damage that her spell caused on the dragon, and it filled her with joy. If only Lloyd saw this, it's convince him that she wasn't some weak little B-class Mage. Unfortunately the short girl had no time to celebrate at the dragon began to attack them with deadly rain. She used her next spell, this time only one missile being shot up towards the shards. It broke up into smaller, less powerful missiles and began to break away at the ice. However, this one missile wasn't enough, and the icy rain continued to fall down.
@Kayzo @Kayzo

@LeSoraAmari [/size]
Ivalice: Malnia Town Center

Ivalice roared, sending ice to block most of the shards, and blocking the rest with his left arm, damage was done, gashes littered it. The rockets slammed into his side after he managed to fold his wing out of the way of the big one. A chunk of flesh as blown away as Ivalice howled in pain. Ivalice then took to the sky a good twenty feet above them and roared a wide arcing beam of ice directly down on them, the smaller shards dealing cuts to the three.


@Arvis90 @Colt556 @Mr Swiftshots

Lucian: Malnia Church

"Mmm..Rowden is taking an awful long time against those two...to be expected fighting a dragon slayer I suppose." He mused. "Ah well, they were bound to find out eventually." He added, sighing before creating a portal and stepping through, as he did a portal appeared in the church of which he ultimately appeared on the other side. "I must commend your efforts so far, however they stop now." He told them, pointing the tips of his fingers towards Jaymes. "Five Finger Black Fire Beam!" He shouted, a pinprick of light appearing on the tips of his fingers before ultimately firing five concentrated beams of black fire which converged as they reached Jaymes into a beam roughly the size of an egg, aimed directly for his stomach.
Mitchs98 said:
Ivalice: Malnia Town CenterIvalice roared, sending ice to block most of the shards, and blocking the rest with his left arm, damage was done, gashes littered it. The rockets slammed into his side after he managed to fold his wing out of the way of the big one. A chunk of flesh as blown away as Ivalice howled in pain. Ivalice then took to the sky a good twenty feet above them and roared a wide arcing beam of ice directly down on them, the smaller shards dealing cuts to the three.


@Arvis90 @Colt556 @Mr Swiftshots

Lucian: Malnia Church

"Mmm..Rowden is taking an awful long time against those two...to be expected fighting a dragon slayer I suppose." He mused. "Ah well, they were bound to find out eventually." He added, sighing before creating a portal and stepping through, as he did a portal appeared in the church of which he ultimately appeared on the other side. "I must commend your efforts so far, however they stop now." He told them, pointing the tips of his fingers towards Jaymes. "Five Finger Black Fire Beam!" He shouted, a pinprick of light appearing on the tips of his fingers before ultimately firing five concentrated beams of black fire which converged as they reached Jaymes into a beam roughly the size of an egg, aimed directly for his stomach.
Grace did a little fist bump as the chunk of flesh was blown away from the dragons body, and immediately began to prepare another one. These missiles were a gift from the heaven! She felt like an S-Class wizard right now, doing heavy damage to such a beast. Before she could fire another volley the dragon flew up into the air, firing down shards of ice upon the group. She had not enough time to get out of the blast, so instead she canceled her spell and covered her head with her coat. The ice fell onto her, slashing up her clothes and leaving cuts upon her skin, legs, and back. Pain seared through her body as she let out a mix of a whimper and a hiss. Her face managed to make it through the attack, and once it was over looked over to Masaki and Naomi to see how they fared the attack.

@LeSoraAmari @Defective Kitten
When lucian interviened Rodwen came down to earth and her magic circles vanished , she looked over at the dragon slyer and smilled menicingly "are you an idiot child ? , consuming my light will ultimatly lead to your death!" Rodwen spoke clearly and truthfully his body may have been able to absorb her magic for now but unless he got it out of his system soon it would destroy him from the inside , even more so considering light wasn't his element to bigin with. "I bet its alrwady starting to take its tool on you both mentally and physically! "@Arvis90 @Colt556 @Mitchs98

(Thats my final post for the night)
Jaymes - Malnia

Jaymes snickered at the woman, trying to seem more confident than he felt. He had emptied his magic power from his body in his defense of Tanari, which had allowed him to consume and internalize the God Slayer magic, but he was heavily injured in the process. He also knew what she said was true, the magic he had eaten would hurt him later, but he didn't care, they were in a desperate situation, so desperate actions had to be taken. That was when Lucian Gray appeared from a portal, and immediately blasted out a deadly looking beam of black fire. Jaymes jumped out of the air, as he did so, he called out. "I know there was something wrong about you!" When he landed, he breathed in and gathered his magic power. He wasn't strong enough anymore to use a Dragon King spell, but maybe a breath attack would work out. "Roaring Light of the Ice Dragon God!" Jaymes shouted, releasing the attack in an overpowering display of brute magic. The breath attack exploded outwards, destroying everything thing in its path, first more than half of the church, then near a hundred feet beyond, destroying many other houses and land in the process. Jaymes stood there, breathing so heavily he thought he might hyperventilate. Then he dropped to one knee, then the other was on the ground, then he was on all fours struggling to stay up. He had to pic someone to attack and so he had chosen Lucian. And he could only hope that his attack had been effective because he was out of magic power.

@Colt556 @Mr Swiftshots @Mitchs98
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Sora Marvell - Malnia Town Center

Sora was about to say something to lecture Clair but the loud noises started to erupt around them, cutting through the eerie silence that had previously befallen the town. " Nami put him down! " She yelled up at the Exceed before Nami blinked, looking around, and dive bombed to the ground. John was deposited on the ground besides Sora, not as gently as Sora could've hoped for. A weird emotion flashed in her eyes as she looked up at Clair, simply nodding as if to verify it was time to fight. " John, until you can see, I'd stay here, unless you want to put yourself in danger. " She whispered a quick armor spell on John though, just for a small sense of not leaving him behind unprotected.

She didn't need to see the dragon to know it was there, the air emitted that fact quite naturally. " Elemental resistances rise! Physical abilities rise! Fast wind that run the heaven, vernier! Power of the stout arms that tears heaven, arms! " Various auras surrounded her body and Clair's, the last two chants being put upon the both of them, the first two for herself. " Let's go. " Sora jumped from the ground as Nami caught her flawlessly, the two soaring towards the dragon without a lick of fear in their eyes. A mental note was made of the damage the other mages had seemed to make on the dragon, and she felt a sense of pride in their abilities. The small exceed let go of Sora and the small girl landed on Ivalice's backside, before she curtsied. " Hello there, pleased to meet you. " Yeah she was a weird one, but formalities must always be made, it's only polite. Her cheeks puffed out, as she began to swallow the air around her, trying to get in as much as possible. " Roar of the sky dragon! " She called out, hands spreading out as a hurricane-like destructive blast erupted from her mouth directed at the back of the Dragon's neck. Sora flipped back, using the dragon for momentum before she brought her arms forward in a slashing manner. " Sky dragon, wing attack! " Two whirlwinds left her frame and went crashing into the wings, all of her power intensified by her previous chants. And she wasn't even done yet, what an overachiever. " Claw of the sky dragon! " Her leg swung down as a slashing wind tore through the dragons back, her leg only following up on this attack and collided into where she had hit to add more damage. All of her attacks had been made in such a quick unison, it would've been extremely hard to retaliate, and probably looked like a spectacle of glowing lights and wind combined to those from below. She jumped up and off Ivalice and spun through the air, hair dancing around her delicate body, before the free-fall ended with her touching down on one foot upon the ground, the other slowly following suit.

@Mr Swiftshots @Mitchs98 @Goldencurls

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-=(John Star - Malnia - Outskirts)=-

John just sat on the ground, unsure of what to do, his vision still being impaired. He grabbed handfuls of dirt and just kinda played with it, occasionally setting it on fire.

He could hear the sounds of battle,
'So, totally a dragon.' John said blankly in his head. John wobbly stood up, his rear feeling once again, quite bruised.

He reached out in front of him, slowly strolling towards the fight, deciding that he wanted to help.
'Though, I could probably nap...' John shook his head and continued, the distinct smell of frozen water chilling his lungs.

He then tripped on (presumably) a stone, he toppled head over heels down the hill. Making certain noises to show his displeasure; "Ow! Oof! Eep! Ah! #!$%!"

John laid on his stomach, with his rear in the air. He didn't want to move, his head spun like a tornado, which, coincidently, he could hear. But, he
really wanted to help. John stood up, he took a couple of steps before slipping on ice, thoroughly bruising his arms. If the dragon didn't kill him, the surroundings would.

He slid several metres forwards, the ice carrying him. He could feel the ground shake as the beast moved.
'Not a tiny gecko, I see- wait, no I don't see. I freaking feel!'

John grumbled, he sat up in the cold water, waiting for his head to clear and his stomach to untwist from its knots.


Masaki Yamada: Malnia Town Centre

Yes! They had managed to cause damage to the beast, Masaki's plan had worked. Now all they had to do was keep it up. However, that small victory was short lived as Ivalice launched a flurry of ice shards their way. Masaki jumped back into a flip, quickly evading the attack, but his leg unfortunately got caught and was cut up from the attack. Wincing slightly, he quickly stood up straight and got ready to attack. That was when more help arrived, this time, it was Sora and co. Masaki couldn't help but smile in slight relief as he then got ready to attack again. A purple light enveloped Masakis hands in a small circle, and he clapped his hands together as spear like constructs out of crystals formed around and above him, leaping up into the air, he pushed his hands in front of him whilst saying "Crystal Formation: Piercing Spears!" And each spear accelerated towards Ivalice at a formidable speed. He sighed, "I need to concentrate... I need to focus my concentration levels and fight properly otherwise this beast will kill me. That is a fact." After landing, he got into a stance with both of his hands in front of him, palms facing towards Ivalice.

@Kayzo @Mitch98

@Defective Kitten @Kyuubey

@ The Others there (forgot who lmao)
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Arvis90 said:
Jaymes - Malnia
Jaymes snickered at the woman, trying to seem more confident than he felt. He had emptied his magic power from his body in his defense of Tanari, which had allowed him to consume and internalize the God Slayer magic, but he was heavily injured in the process. He also knew what she said was true, the magic he had eaten would hurt him later, but he didn't care, they were in a desperate situation, so desperate actions had to be taken. That was when Lucian Gray appeared from a portal, and immediately blasted out a deadly looking beam of black fire. Jaymes jumped out of the air, as he did so, he called out. "I know there was something wrong about you!" When he landed, he breathed in and gathered his magic power. He wasn't strong enough anymore to use a Dragon King spell, but maybe a breath attack would work out. "Roaring Light of the Ice Dragon God!" Jaymes shouted, releasing the attack in an overpowering display of brute magic. The breath attack exploded outwards, destroying everything thing in its path, first more than half of the church, then near a hundred feet beyond, destroying many other houses and land in the process. Jaymes stood there, breathing so heavily he thought he might hyperventilate. Then he dropped to one knee, then the other was on the ground, then he was on all fours struggling to stay up. He had to pic someone to attack and so he had chosen Lucian. And he could only hope that his attack had been effective because he was out of magic power.

@Kayzo @Chara Angel of Death @HuorSpinks

Ferra: Malnia Outskirts

Ferra more or less instantly got excited the second she saw a dragon, she would of immediately went to go fight it but of course she was currently toting around an unconcious Corra. She trusted Grace to not explode the dragon into tiny bits, after all she'd told her countless times she wanted to eat dragon meat. "Look Lloyd! Dragons are real!" She shouted excitedly, pointing at Ivalice with her free hand. She had of course, entirely neglected to mention Lucian was indeed bad and nearly killed Jaymes. But, ya kno', dragons first, creepy old dude later.
"Not more ice!" Grace wailed, stepping back rather quickly to get out of the way. Every movement she made stung like a bitch due to the prievious attack, but that wouldn't stop her from avoiding the storm. Managing to make it out just in time, she noticed that Ivalice was attacking Masaki and Sora with his meat hooker claws. She summoned a ring in front of Masaki to hopefully harm the arm, and fired off another missile. "Why can't you just die!?"

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Defective Kitten @Kyuubey
Clair fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Malina town

Clair quickly made her way toward the dragon , with the help of Sora's inchants sh made it just in time to sheild Sora. Clair jumped high into the air while quickly requiping into her adamantine armour , she the proceded to shelter Sora from the attack."a dragon huh , this is going to be fun" after Clair had successfully blocked the attack she fell down to the ground with the sheer weight of her armour. Once on the ground she requiped into her flame empress armour and took an offensive stance.


Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church

Rodwen nodded to Lucian when he gave her his orders , finishing off the red head would be easy enough considering the dragonslayer was now out of the picture. Rodwen raised her arm towards the girl and was about to attack when yet another nuisance arrived on the scene , this girl carryed a syth and was winged she also reaked of blood. This of course would lead anybody to belive she was a vampire , a vampire on holy land what an outrage! "Demon spawn do not belong on sacred ground no matter how corrupt that land may be ! I will erase you from this world." Rodwen turned her attack on the vampire "palm attack of the light god"

Masaki Yamada: Malnia Town Centre

The group of mages had managed to successfully wound the beast quite well, to which Masaki was please with. He was even happier when Clair arrived, that was definitely a good thing. As the dragon sent a stream of ice down towards the group, Masaki quickly whipped up a stream of crystals to counter the attack. He then managed to evade the claw attack of the dragon by mere inches from jumping back even more. The S-Class mage looked up at the dragon with an incredibly calm expression plastered on his face. He smiled at Grace for providing him with protection and then looked up at the huge beast. It was at that moment when Masaki generated a rather large amount of crystal shards out of the ground and from the air, and began to launch them towards Ivalice in small groups. Masaki, constantly on the move as he did this, called out to Grace. "If you can, place some of your mines onto my crystals. That should do some good!" He then continued, his gaze fully fixed on the beast. He was finally beginning to concentrate properly.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98

@Defective Kitten @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
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Kayzo said:
"Not more ice!" Grace wailed, stepping back rather quickly to get out of the way. Every movement she made stung like a bitch due to the prievious attack, but that wouldn't stop her from avoiding the storm. Managing to make it out just in time, she noticed that Ivalice was attacking Masaki and Sora with his meat hooker claws. She summoned a ring in front of Masaki to hopefully harm the arm, and fired off another missile. "Why can't you just die!?"
@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Defective Kitten @Kyuubey
@Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Defective Kitten

Ivalice: Malnia Town Center

Ivalice growled lowly at Clair, it knew it wouldn't win by its own attacks alone. His claws on his left arm were more or less non-exsistant after the second explosion by Graces' wings. It was then the dragon formulated a plan. It grinned as Masaki fired crystals at him, some of them met their marks piercing it in various locations on his chest as did the missles, but the rest of the crystals he deflected back at the group with several powerful flaps of its wings. "Yes, by all means human. Make the shards more deadly." He told them laughing lowly.

Sera: Malnia Destroyed Church

"You're implying I chose this life? You talk high and mighty for a murderer." She told her. Jumping up she flapped her wings and barely avoided the attck. "Ooh, you're strong. Means I can actually go all out." She told her, grinning evilly. Cutting her palm deeply with her scythe she pooled up a decent amount of blood before turning her hand swiftly and pushing out "Acidic Blood!" she shouted, the blood turning into tiny bullet shapes. If it hit, it'd cause light burns as well as begin making her feel tired. Of course, it would have to make skin contact, but it'd eventually burn through clothes too.
"Explosive crystals? That's the best idea I've heard all day!" Grace said with a grin, preparing to make three or four mine spells. He'd have to hold the crystals still while she sets them, but soon they'll be good to go! Masaki and her have been a really good duo the past few days with the whole break in situation and with the dragon they're fighting right now. They've been so cooperative that it's made such a difference in the fight. However, they still weren't the perfect duo. Grace stared up in horror and annoyance as Masaki's shards began to fire back at them with extreme speed. The Mage attempted to step back and roll out of the way, but the spread was too large as a few shards slashed up her left side. "What the hell Masaki!?" She snapped, getting to her knees and holding her arm. She didn't even take into consideration that he didn't know this would happen. "This hurts like hell..."

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98 @Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey
Malnia - Town Centre

Lloyd had just been about to answer Ferra when a sudden gush of wind, followed by an icy cold blast, whirled in their general direction. Shivering despite his jacket, Lloyd spun around, only to gasp in shock as a dragon landed some distance from him. A great beast, it's crystal-white wings sending great gusts of icy cold throughout the region. It could only be an ice dragon. And it was supposed to be extinct. All the dragons were supposed to be extinct. Yet there was a dragon right there, before his very eyes. Lucian had been right after all. Yet, at the same time there was a great explosion to the northeast of the dragon, followed by a great light that practically incinerated the area of the explosion. Lloyd was too far away from the explosion to see exactly what caused it, plus the dragon blocking his way to the explosion, so he headed in the direction of the dragon.

Already, a group of mages were directly engaging with the dragon, and their combined strength seemed to be weakening the dragon. Amidst the various types of magic attacking the dragon, he recognized one particular type, the explosive kind that he usually associated with Grace. A smile crept to his lips. So Grace was at least getting some action, like she had hoped. Lloyd was not too worried, she seemed to be in good company. But still though, a fellow guild member was in some kind of battle and he hoped that he would make it in time to be of some aid, even if the dragon collapsed to its death the moment he reached the group...

Though it seemed that the dragon had launched some kind of counter attack. Great crystals few in the direction the assembled mages, and some even managed to find their way to Lloyd's location. He had to jump and twist sideways to avoid a few, fortunately managing to stay upright. He picked up his pace. He was near enough by now to pick out the individual mages within the battle. Sure enough, he recognized Grace, Masaki, and Clair, along with another individual that he did not recognise. He frowned, it seemed that Grace had been injured by the crystals. He barely stopped himself from rushing over to protect her. It would probably only embarrass her now. Though if things took a worse turn...

He would not join this battle. Not yet, at any rate, as the mages seemed to have weakened the dragon some. Unless, of course, things turned sour. He still unslung his bow though, just in case. He also kept an eye on the site of the explosion beyond the dragon, in case something else happened there. He kept himself poised for action, his bow at the ready in case anything new happened.

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Sora Marvell - Malnia Town Center

Sora hadn't made an attempt to move to dodge the attack, it was almost as if she knew that Clair would make it in time, that's just how much trust she had in her teammate. They might go at it in the guild hall, or she might scold the red head at times as if she herself were a 'little verbal bully', but they worked great together; quite flawlessly at that. She enchanted Clair with a barrier spell before grinning from behind the taller girl. " Look who's on time for once! " She exclaimed in a carefree manner, seemingly not disheartened by this situation they were in. It was going to be fun, as Clair had said, everything was more amusing when they got to go all out. The crystals redirected at her and Clair were simply swept away by gusts of winds as if mere annoyances, like swatting a fly moving in slow motion. She tried not to think of the blind boy she'd left behind, he was protected by a barrier spell for the time being, he should be okay... should be. But with the luck he seemed to have revolving around him, he'd probably fall onto an anthill and get swarmed to death by them. She took a more defensive stance in response to Clair's offensive one, gladly changing roles to be in the back and support her, it was what she did best after-all. Grace's words did reach her though and she inhaled audibly before running over and kneeling down besides the wounded girl, keeping Clair within her peripheral vision. " Here, let me help.. " A glowing light emitted from her palms, remaining hovering over Grace's wound to heal it and ease the internal pain that would've been left behind after such a deep cut. It took a few moments and when she was finished she patted the girl on the head. " And for the record, I wouldn't blame him, it wasn't his fault. " She chipped in before grinning and hopping back up, only to skip off and re-position herself once again behind Clair.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Mitchs98
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Masaki Yamada: Malnia Town Centre

"Tsk!" He hissed as the crystals were fired back towards the group with incredible ease. Masaki managed to stop the crystals coming close to him by placing a palm forward and shattering them in mid air. But even then he was annoyed, not only did his attack fail... But his own magic was used against him, and even Grace got hurt because of it. The red head huffed loudly and looked as if he was about to explode. Very out of character for him... And he needed to stay calm as getting angry over such a thing would get him no where. "What can I do now?..." He muttered quietly to himself, gritting his teeth slightly. "I'll have to refrain from using my shards now, since they'll easily be swept away... I don't know why I didn't expect this to happen sooner. Dammit! How unintelligent of me.." He spoke quietly to himself and sighed slightly. Getting into a defensive stance and thinking of just what the hell to do next. Masaki turned to Grace and said, "I'm sorry, that wasn't meant to happen." Stubbornly and quickly, he then stared at Ivalice and watched it's every move. "I guess I'll have to tey a different approach to things..." He said with a slight chuckle.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98

@Defective Kitten @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots

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