Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

@Chara Angel of Death

Ferra: Malnia Outskirts

Ferra, seeing as she was actively paying attention to her surroundings for once, had heard Lucian and managed to shield hers and Corra's eyes from the blinding light. She blinked when they were fully transported there and frowned at the destruction, yet at the same time it was kinda cool, even better there was plenty of rubble for her to eat. "Stay close Corra, okay? I don't want you to get hurt." She told her before gently grabbing the girls hand and leading her around.

Almost immediately she noticed what looked like giant claw marks on a tree, although she guessed it could've been a big grizzly bear. "Huh." She spoke. "What do you think Corra?" She asked her, pointing to the tree.



Sera: Malnia Outskirts

Tch..I wish he would've told us to cover our eyes.." Sera muttered, sighing and rubbing her eyes briefly. She looked around at the destruction and whistled, "Daaamn. No one told me that Fairy Tail threw a party here, why wasn't I invited?" She spoke, loud enough for most people at the initial teleportation zone to hear. "Oh well..suppose I should get looking." She mumbled before walking around. Sera wasn't exactly the detective type, she was moreso the kick the monsters ass before it can move type. She was probably the worst person possible for this job, but nonetheless..


She went into the teleport. She covered her eyes once she saw the bright light. She found herself in a forest with the other people. She thought she could just help people with her archive magic. She sat just activated it. She found maps of the area and she could use telepathy so people could split up but still talk to each other. She downloaded to maps into people's heads, if they found something odd, it would make a mark on the map, even if they don't do anything. She started looking at dragons in the magic data bases, it said they were just myths but she didn't think that was the case.


Momoki Asada:Malnia Outskirts.

Momoki was wondering almost the same thing as everyone else,"What about Wyrvens they aren't exctint are they?" Momoki asked.After all she had heard stories from other mages about fighting Wyverens,but they were old.About the guild masters age and that's no joke.Momoki saw how Grace was snuggling against Masaki's arm and just shook her head.She knew Masaki for a while,but Grace seems to be closer.After grace was out of the way Momoki looked at everyone,"So should we check out the town?" Momoki said before she felt a weird feeling and a map appeared in her head.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
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-=(John Star - Malnia - Outskirts)=-

John's eyes certainly felt better, the blank white sight had disappeared; but now, it was replaced by an

eerie black canvas.

John sighed, he felt his face, the nerves on his face tingled with health. John smirked at the funny feeling,
'This is so cool. Wait- what if she did something to my face?!' But John still felt all his orficies in the right places.

"Well, all I see is
black now. I mean, it's no colour, but a lot better than white." John said sarcastically, he rolled his eyes; which felt weird, he couldn't even see how sassy he was being.

John gripped nervously at the hem of his purple shirt, small blades of grass floated to the ground; swivelling left and right before reaching the ground. His heart was racing rapidly,
'What if I never see again?' was repeated over and over again.

John shook his head, trying to clear the lack of sight; nothing. Literally, all he could see was

John could
feel the sun, it's warmth soothing him, he turned his head towards where he felt the rays; but he couldn't see the sun.

"Lovely day we're having, the sun is bright- Oh wait, never mind can't see that. The grass is green- Wait, wait. No, the grass is painful. Well, I mean there is always the birds-" John listened carefully, the only sound of nature was the wind. It was blowing through the trees, but it sounded weird.

His memories bubbled up from the depths of his distracted mind; 'Dragons. Malnia. Village destroyed.'

He knew it must've been bad, but not being able to hear nature? Now that's just extreme. The strange sound in the trees must've been caused from them lacking leaves... His discussion with Ferra earlier bubbled into his head, 'Find it, kill it, eat it.'

If a dragon caused this level of destruction, John wouldn't mind eating the dragon. Now that John realized that he had other senses he could (somewhat) rely on, he smelt the breeze; like a bunch of burnt toast flew into the sun, then it rained and they got soggy but they still smelt burnt.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
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Malnia - Outskirts

Lloyd glanced around him. It seemed that everybody had either wandered off on their own or in groups, doing their own investigation. Lloyd himself had combed the entire area, glancing from surface to surface, though he had yet to make contact with the villages. Something told him that his intrusion would not be welcome if he were to ask them to recall what was probably an extremely traumatic experience for them. They had probably not gotten over the shock yet. Their faces still had that numb, disbelieving look, and until a face turned to either grief or rage, he would leave them alone for now. He felt extremely sorry though, that this was all he could do; get here two days latter and investigate when perhaps he could have come earlier to fend off the attack or something.

Until now, his investigation had been mostly superficial, but now it was time to go deeper. One again, he had to rely on his well-honed tracking skills. He stood still and focused on the magic in the area, the residue magic of the attack, and found that there was still quite a bit of magic in the air. Some of the magic came from his fellow mages, he did not bother to track down individual traces of magic from the other mages because that was not what he was here for. Instead, he focused on the residue magic left in the air. The conclusion this lead to surprised him. It had been a great source of magic, from about roughly five to six individuals; the magic signatures felt different. The signatures also corresponded to the elemental attacks, as if each individual had focused on a particular element.

He then moved closer to an area that he had filled in his head for further investigation. Already, Ferra (@Chara Angel of Death ) were in the area. It had been the area with the great beast tracks. He noted that Ferra and Corra were already in front of one, so he moved closer to them. "Found anything interesting?" he asked. He wanted to hear their opinions first before coming to his own conclusions. Perhaps they might have spotted something he missed.
Clair Fernandes :fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Malina outskirts , ruins

Clair looked around when she landed , she was starting to get the hang of this teleportation thing, she didn't feel as disoriantated as last time.Clair looked down at the ruins of Malina , the area was completly destroyed the villigers hurryed about trying to scavange and rebuild.Clair made her way down into the ruins asking several villigers for information but it was all for not , the villigers supplied her only with information she already knew. It was at this stage she realized Sora wasn't with her "dalm , now im going to have to listen to her lecture me". Clair quickly picked up her pace hopping she'd find Sora on her way.

Rodwen Kiernan : grimore heart

Malina church

Rodwen stood quietly reading through the texts that remained intact.Rodwen had already read each one before and was also in possesion of multiple copys of them.

Rodwen looked towards the burnt door when she heard it creak , a bald preist stood looking up at her with confusion clear on his face.Rodwen placed the book she was currently reading down on the pulpit and spook quietly tl the preist "good evening father"

"Good evening......"

"I was expecting you to be present when i arrived"

"I.i must appologise , its just with all thats going on i wasn't expecting anyone to be here today" the Preist entered the church fully and attempted to close the door behind him , unfortunaly the door fell of its hinges and hit the ground with a thud.The preist sighed before turning to view Rodwen once again "so tell me , what can i do for you ?"

Rodwen continued reading the book not once looking up at the preist or his actions "you can start by telling me why you didn't hold mass this morning or this evening actually"

"Again i haven't had time with everything thats been going on"

"Did you not give up your life to the gods when you became a preist?"

"Well of course i did , thats how it works"

"So then why was mass not held?"

"Is this some kind of sick joke ?" The preist asked quite angryly , taking the book from the pulpit.

Rodwen looked up at the preist and shook her head in dissaproval. Rodwenplaced her hand on the mans chest "paywitness to the power of the gods father"

The priest only manage to open his mouth before a hole was ripped clean through him , he fell to his knees and then to the ground. Rodwen stood looking down on him for a few seconds before turning her attention the the book he had taken , it lay in a growing puddle of blood "what a waste"
Jaymes Malnia Town

Jaymes watched as the girl disregarded what he had said, apparently thinking he was crazy. He didn't really expect anything different, but she would change her turn when the dragons showed themselves. He had a bad feeling something really bad was gonna happen. Scoffing at the woman, Jaymes turned and headed down a street. There were no completely intact buildings, with most in very poor and unstable condition. Around him, people were milling about, crying or carrying what little remained of their lives before the attack. Jaymes wanted to stop and help, but he instinctively knew the danger wasn't gone yet. He was passing around what looked like the remains of a church when he felt a magical pressure press flow over him. It was short and very controlled, but it made his skin crawl. That stopped him dead, and Jaymes turned towards the church. Why would someone be in this ruined place? It looked like it might fall down at any moment. Jaymes turned to run down another street and hopefully find someone he knew, but an annoying urge told him to check out the church.

So he crept up the front stairs and looked into the main foyer, the front door was on the ground. He couldn't see much of concern but the nagging sensation in the back of his head didn't stop. So he moved further into the church, down the hall slightly and turned at the first door. There he saw a beautiful woman standing in the room, and Jaymes was about to say something when he saw the dead body at her feet. A large hole had been blown completely through his chest, killing him instantly. Jaymes flinched, disgusted at the sight. His analytical mind quickly deduced that the blood had not yet spread very far from the corpse, which indicated a fresh kill, and Jaymes would bet the mission reward money this woman was the murderer.

Jaymes tried to back out of the room silently when he stepped on a title that had fallen through the roof. The sound of breaking porcelain made Jaymes' heart skip a beat. @Mr Swiftshots

Dakota - High over the forest surrounding Malnia

Dakota beat wing, the ground passing by in a blur as the wind roared in his ears. He was getting very close when there was a flash of light and lightning arched just in front of him. Dakota killed his speed and swooped down to avoid the lightning. Wheeling around, he saw the lightning begin to take on a humanoid shape, then a couple seconds later, a winged man floated ten feet away from him. The man was beyond handsome, his visage so beautiful it almost hurt to look at him. His while mythril armor glowing faintly as his 4 pure white wings beat behind him. It was the same Archangel that had spared his life all those years ago and had taught him how to use his magic.

"You may go no further, child." The angel stated, his voice echoed with the sounds of many others speaking at the same time.

"What do you mean? Why can't I?" Dakota asked.

"You must not interfere with what is about to happen." The Archangel said simply.
Rodwen kiernan : Malina church

Rodwen turned towards the sound of breaking porcelain, the cause of the sound seemed to be a man who was slowly backing away from the church. Clair smiled at the man before turning back to the pulpit ,resting her hands on it, she watched the man carefully not once turning her attention elsewhere "tell me child have you come to confess your sins?".

Malnia Outskirts

Cilla summons a few spirit helpers and says" I need you lot to start scanning the other areas to see what kind of creature were dealing with i don't trust out employer he gave me a nasty vibe and my instincts aren't often wrong".

Spirit helpers: "Yes mistress covering a wider area would speed up things up but dam what's with this destruction, i very powerful half demon could do this but it one would be talking spirit bomb but it would have to be at least a class and how many demons are these days when one thinks about it".

Of they went after they made their view of what could happen known, cinla continues to look around the area feeling a mix of magics amongst the damage, her instincts drawing her towards it and on the way to sera"I'm picking up a strong energy signal from the church similar to mine we should go and check it out and see what the deal is"

Jaymes - Malnia Church

Jaymes continued to back up. He got in a defensive stance. What is she talking about? She just murdered a guy and asks if I want to repent? Jaymes said nothing at first, his muscles both tense and nimble, ready to react should the need arise. He was glad he had worn his armor. "So are you the one that destroyed the town? Why?" Jaymes asked. He knew dragons had played a part. But maybe they had tried to stop this crazy woman? He didn't know.

@Mr Swiftshots

Sora Marvell - Malnia Outskirts

" Well at least that's some sort of improvement... " She trailed off and looked at Nami, slightly concerned. " I'm growing tiresome standing here, so we're all splitting up. I need to find Clair, and the love triangle can go off and explore a bit. I'll take the blind one. " Time to just take charge or nothing would get done. She sighed mentally before taking a step towards John and putting a gentle hand on his upper arm, trying not to startle him. " Nami's going to fly you around if that's okay. You really can't stand here oblivious and I need to find my teammate. " Sora didn't seem entirely pleased to have Nami touching someone else but this was one of those situations that couldn't be helped. And Clair disappearing was making her even more uneasy as she chewed on the inside of her cheek thoughtfully, already planning on giving Clair a stern talking to when she found her. Okay, Sora... cheer up! She self motivated herself and her eyes lit up a bit. " So you guys go on! " She tilted her head and gave them a kiddish grin before turning back to John. " Ready? " The map link would not show up in her head though, due to the barrier on her blocking incoming magic directed at her, so she had no idea there even was one.

-=(John Star - Malnia - Outskirts)=-

John's arm tingled in a different way than his face did when, presumably, Sora touched his arm. His breath hitched, having his sight impaired just made everything more sensitive.

John wasn't sure what to do, but he was glad that Sora was going to take him with her. Whether it was because she took pity on him, or that she'd feel guilty about leaving him here. Either way works for him.

'If Nami drops me, I could fly right? Maybe float down...' For the the first time in his life, John was scared to fly.

In his now more sensitive body, he could feel his heart beat fluttering in his chest; like a bird trapped in a cage. His face felt warm, so did his arm; right where Sora's fingers barely brushed his skin. He knew he was scared, but he didn't know he was
this scared of flying.

John nodded quickly, a nervous smile in the direction of Sora's voice.

Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church

Rodwen's smile dropped quickly leaving her face void of emotion , she stood up straight and slowly began to make her way towards the man. She held her hands behind her back politely as she walked. Once a she was a good distance from the man she stopped and spoke in monotone "i had no part in the act of destroying the villige, but i wouldn't say i played no part in the grand scheme of things" Rodwen stood silently tilting her head somewhat as she inspected the man. His armour seemed to be very thick and durable covering almost every part of his body , Rodwen found this to be quite amusing due to the fact the armour was hardly any use when a dragon could swallow you whole.


Sora Marvell - Malnia - Town

Sora wished deep down John could see her, just so that her reassuring smile didn't feel so invisible, but then again, she rarely touched anyone so perhaps that was enough of a comfort to him. " Nami, no flips and other stuff, otherwise you'll terrorize him and he might even puke on you.... We certainly don't want that. " Nami's eyes went wide at the thought of being vomited on and she shuddered immensely, eyes squeezing shut as she shook her head to push that thought back. The small exceed gripped onto John tightly and lifted him up into the air as Sora's hand dropped from his arm and rested by her side. " We're going to move rather fast, just trust in me, I won't let anything happen to you. " That probably wasn't as easily done as said, seeing as she'd panic if she couldn't see in his situation. Wind concentrated around her ankles as the energy lightly touched the ground in a caressing manner before she bent her knees a bit and took off. Her tiny frame literally 'wooshed' past Masaki and the two girls, leaving behind extreme gusts of wind that probably sent their hair and clothes into a wild fluttering frenzy. Nami was close behind, well above, as they headed off towards the destroyed remnants of the town. She began to circle the rubble, seeing other groups of people, but she refused to slow down until she found that red haired teammate of hers and gave her a mouthful.... of cake, yeah cake. " Clair, you're such a painnnnnnn. " Her words were lost due to the speed she was moving at, until she caught a glimpse of red. Red? Clair? Sora skidded to a stop, dust picking up in a cloud around her before it settled and she stomped over to Clair, hands cutely resting themselves onto her hips as if trying to be intimidating. Nami didn't seem to want to come down, seemingly getting too much enjoyment out of flying aimlessly around with John but still in view of Sora.

@Goldencurls @Mr Swiftshots
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Malnia Village: Church

After parting ways with the Fairy Tail wizard she continued her search through the town. No matter how much she searched she simply couldn't find anything of interest. This really wasn't the sort of job she was suited for and the more she walked the streets the more that began to dawn on her. As she worked her way around in a large circle her eyes fell upon the fairly intact remnants of the church. Her eyes lit up and she snapped her fingers before pointing towards the building. "That's it! If anyone can give me some information it'd be them!" She made her way towards the church, hope rekindled in her heart. Zentopia was the largest religion in Fiore and had followers and churches in virtually every city, town and village. After any disaster the church was always the first place to be flooded with victims as the priests tried to help them. There couldn't be a better source for information than the people who care for and talk with the victims.

As she neared the church she could hear the faint sounds of what seemed to be people talking. As she got closer she could begin to make out the voices, it seemed as if a man and woman were talking. She clicked her tongue as the thought that another mage might have had the same idea as her. Not about to be outdone she picked up her pace and hurried inside the remains of the church. As she rounded the corner she almost ran into the mage that had talked about dragons. "Hey, watch where you're standing!" It seemed her theory was right and he had gone to the church shortly after their encounter. Well at least it was only the one guy so she still had a chance to remain at the front of the pack.

She leaned to the side to look past the man, eyeing up the woman standing before them. She didn't exactly look like a Zentopian priest, but then maybe she was in her casual clothes? Her gaze quickly fell to the corpse behind her, noting the hole in the man's chest. "Eeesh, he's seen better days." She stepped out from behind Jaymes, growing tired of leaning to the side in order to get any sort of view. "So... what happened here? You don't really look like a priest to me so I doubt you're that guy's replacement." Given Jaymes' tension and the lady's apathy towards the dead priest it was fairly safe to assume she stumbled upon something that was up her alley more than any investigation was.

@Mr Swiftshots

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Clair fernandes :Fairytale /4th Wizard Saint

Malina town

Clair raised her hands in surrender when Sora landed infront of her , 'ah well i've lived a good life up to this point' Clair thought to herself mentally prepairing herself for the lecture she was more than likely about to get from the dragonslayer."Sora , listen we can talk about this....". Clair was always getting lectured by Sora , in fact Clair could swear Sora lectured her more than the master did , Clair of course knew she ment no harm by it and would never hold the lectures agaonst her but it didn't make listening to them any easyer.


Rodwen Fernandes : malina church

Rodwen turned to face the red haired girl whom had decided to join there conversation , she was dressed quite smartly appart from a pair of gauntlets and armoured boots. She took the death of the preist alot better than the man had which lead her to belive the red haired woman had killed before , the woman then asked rather cassually what had happened to which Rodwen replied simply "he was witness to the power of the light god , one of the gods he offered his life to". She then looked back at the body and then to the book "in other word's i killed him for his incompatince".

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Malnia Village: Church

She raised an eyebrow as the lady spoke. Witness to the power of the light god? Was that even part of Zentopian religion? She wasn't exactly a religious person and wasn't all too familiar with the intricacies of the faith so she let the comment slip. She offered a quick glance sideways towards Jaymes before turning her attention back on the woman. "So.. you're with the church then? It's pretty rare for Zentopia to kill one of their own." A plethora of theories swirled through her mind as she eyed the girl up. The most prominent being the possibility that the girl was an enforcer of the Church and that priest had done something deserving death. It did make a bit of sense. If that priest had been involved with what happened here Zentopia might be looking to cover it's tracks, which means she and the Fairy Tail mage at her side may very well be the girl's next targets.

@Mr Swiftshots

Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church

Rodwen looked back to the red haired woman and shook her head "once upon a time maybe but not anymore , i realised the error of my ways and abandoned the corruption that was the church of Zentopia" Rodwen did not show any emotion when she spoke. "i am simply a messenger of the light god who is seeking the destruction of the church"
LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki Yamada: Malnia Outskirts
@Kayzo @WoodenZebra
Grace was relieved to hear that people were wanting to stop standing around and begin exploring. She really wanted to get away from everyone, afraid that they might continue to tease her. "Yeah, I guess we can group up." She mumbled, chasing after Masaki and leaving Momoki and the others behind. Her pace slowed down a little as the short girl fell into place beside Masaki. She felt a little guilty about what she said and did, and really hoped that he wasn't bar teased or mad. "Hey, Masaki. Sorry if I bartender you earlier. I just didn't know what to say..."
@HuorSpinks @Chara Angel of Death

Ferra: Malnia Outskirts

Ferra jumped slightly as Lloyd suddenly came up behind them. "Uhh, no not really. Just this claw mark." She told him, pointing to the tree. "Could be a bear though. Dunno. What about you, you find anything?" She asked him. She sighed as she noticed Corra falling asleep whilst leaning against her. She couldn't exactly leave her either, so she elected to carry her until she woke up. Ferra couldn't exactly blame the girl either, she was tired for some reason too. "Hope Grace and the rest are having better luck than we are. Wanna look around with us? Or, rather me?" She asked him.
Jaymes - Malnia Church

Jaymes didn't know what to do, the woman just admitted to her part in the destruction, even if she claimed not to be directly responsible. There was a strange apathy coming from her, kinda like a maniac laughter that was being forced back to appear sane to those around her. That was when he felt someone slam into him, and protest as if it was his own fault. He recognized the voice of the woman that he had spoken to a few minutes before finding the church. "A Light God?" Jaymes scoffed, then shrugged when the girl looked at him through her peripheral. "I've had enough of this nonsense. You just admitted to murder, and indirect destruction of the town. So its my...our job to take you in." Jaymes said, his hands began to glow a light blue as mist formed around his armored fingers. He had no doubt the woman would resist.

@Mr Swiftshots @Colt556
Rodwen kiernan : Malina church

Rodwen looked back to the man when she sensed magic emitting from his hands , he seemed to be an ice elemental but then again his armour made it obvious.Rodwen wasn't supposed to harm the wizards for another half hour but with the way things were currently going she'd have to act sooner rather than later. Rodwen's hands began to glow dimly with white light , a shade of black seemed to almost swim through the light."do you also wish to bare witness? If so i have no problem showing you" Rodwen raised her left hand towards the man , her palm in line with his chestplate.

Jaymes - Malnia Church

The magic power that the woman released was the same he had felt before he had passed the church. Any doubts he had were completely gone now. He knew this was bad, they were in an enclosed space, and that space was barely standing as is. A fight would likely bring the building down on top of them, killing them all. But then again, bringing down the building would be a good sign of where the danger was, and alert his guildmates. He was also fairly certain his armor would protect him decently from the woman's magic. It was made to protect him against dragons, but he couldn't be sure. Trying to think, Jaymes looked at the woman's hand and focused. His eyes glowed blue for a moment as he Ximic'd her magic, then began to covertly draw in his breath. Without warning or preamble, he lunged forward and released his magic. "Roar of the Ice Dragon!" Jaymes shouted, releasing a raging vortex of ice and snow with a great deal of force. The icy vortex screamed its way towards the woman, destroying the cement floor and all other things in its path. He wasn't sure if it hurt the woman, but it did catch her in its depths, then continued forwards, until it hit the far wall. The wall exploded outwards, leaving a huge whole in the wall, as well as glittering blue ice in the wake of the Roar.

@Mr Swiftshots @Colt556 @everyoneelselookingforaction
Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church

Rodwen was intrested by how his eye color changed but she only had time to inspect it briefly due to his incoming attack , she was quickly engulfed in the large attack.Rodwen moved her arms up defensivly producing a protective sheild of light infront of her , everything around her sheild was severly damaged and frozen over. Rodwen let down her sheild and arched her back opening her mouth wide "boon of the light god!" Rodwen let out a simular attack to the dragonslayer but on a much greater scale , the attack shot a beam of light straight at the two wizards destroying the entrace and swallowing the two.

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