Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Malnia: Forest / Town


She saw trees around her when she got out of the teleport. Her guard was automatically up looking around, nothing looked abnormal, it just looked like a forest. She saw the group and just started walking in the direction of the town. She didn't care if anyone followed her but she just felt anxious. She figured she would start in the town, ask the people. She just continues walking but she takes every step with care looking for anything abnormal. What seemed like burn marks were on a couple trees as she neared the town and then there was some what looked like frozen trees. This is really weird, she thought to herself. She sees the town in the distance and it was burned to the ground. There were people trying to re-build the town. She didn't go to the conclusion of dragons just yet. She decided to walk down to town to ask people what they saw and she would go from there.

@anyone that's there

Momoki just was teleported to trees.She couldn't really see much but it felt familiar.She decided to go to town and saw a girl as she was doing it.Since she didn't know much about this place she just followed her into town to find towns people trying to get the town back together,"Excuse me" Momoki said going up next to the girl,"But do you know anything about Malnia"

Malnia Village: Outskirts

The blinding light soon faded and she, with the other mages, found themselves among the trees on the outskirts of the village. "Sure wish I had this the other day, woulda saved me a days rent..." She let out a small sigh at the memory of how much money a carriage ride out here had cost her. While the other mages got their bearings she walked over to a tree and set her sack down, rummaging around inside of it until she found what she was looking for. A pair of gold-trimmed gauntlets and matching armored boots. While she could fight just fine without them due to her magic, she went out of her way to make sure she had them equipped when she knew there might be a fight. After spending a minute putting on her gear she turned her attention to the ruins of the village down the hill. Not much had changed since the other day, still just people slowly rebuilding.

She quickly tied her sack back up and slung it over her shoulder as she made her way into the village. "This is a good example of a wild goose chase. We don't even know what to look for." She wasn't the detective type so no matter how much she looked all she could see were burnt out ruins. There was nothing that she could find that might lead them to a culprit. It was probably just some arsonist getting their rocks off by burning everything to the ground, and if they used magic to do it there very likely wasn't any evidence to begin with. She knew from personal experience that torching a building while leaving nothing behind wasn't exactly hard so her hopes of finding anything of worth were rather low. "Hey, do we still get paid if we can't find anything?" The question wasn't aimed at anyone in specific, just something put out there for everyone to think about.
(Uh-oh. Grace is on his shit list.)

Malnia Outskirts

Grace let out a squeak of surprise as the foyer was filled with a sudden and bright light. Her hand quickly made its way up to her eyes, trying to protect it from the harsh spell. The next thing she knew was that she was at the outskirts of Malnia. Or at least what WAS Malnia. The place seemed to be in ruins, burn marks and scorched ruins lay around the place. Some buildings were still burning! "What happened here?" She asked out loud, looking around at the other mages.

Momoki turned around to see the girl Masaki sat next to at the banquot.She ran to at the quetion she asked,"No one know except for the townspeople.We could ask" Momoki said to her,"Oh yeah and are you a friend of Masaki's" Momoki whispered to the girl.She was just too curious not to know and noticed that she was acting like a kid for moment.



She hoped she could go alone but she was fine with someone following her. "I really don't" she says simply. She looks around at the village and somethings were frozen while others were burning and there seemed to be random ditches in the ground, like magic hit them. She sees the fires burning, if eye have been burning for a while her ice should be able to put it out if it was a dragon. She shot just enough of her magic to put the fire out but not leave ice trails. The people seemed to look at her when she did that. She walked towards the town. "Excuse me, can anyone tell me what exactly they saw and what happened?" She says loudly once she was in the town. She saw the townspeople look at her when she said that, since she put out a couple of the fires that were burning they probably figured out she was a wizard. She was still only able to do that since the fire was burning for a while.

Malnia Outskirts

Grace turned around to see that a girl she hadn't met come up to her. She seemed like a fairy tale type of girl, but she couldn't be too sure, seeing that the girl knew Masaki. Is that his girlfriend or something? She thought, eyeing the girl up and down. A small part of her really hoped that wasn't true, but there was nothing she could really do. "I guess we are friends. We have done some pretty exciting stuff together." She bragged, grinning slightly. "But whatever, I guess we could loom around...uh...whoever you are..."


Sora Marvell - Malnia Outskirts

Everything happened pretty quickly, or at least it felt that way. " Oh, Nami is an exceed, or in a more simplistic term... a flying ca-- " She was cut off as Nami finally freed herself from Sora's grip and went flying towards Masaki's crystals in which the small girl of course went chasing after her. And then a random blinding light, seeing as she was too preoccupied to hear what Lucian had even said, left her running in a new surrounding. A green shining aura enveloped her body and disappeared instantaneously, causing her to be immune to any spells that might be directed at her in case of immediate danger. She might be focused on getting Nami back but she wasn't that gullible. At the sight of the flying exceed now next to Masaki, a loud sigh would be released in relief before she tripped and fell face first, hands sprawled out in front of her. Annnnnd not so graceful. She decided to lay there for a moment to bask in her embarrassment and shame, wishing now she knew some sort of magic that could make her invisible. Where was Clair when she needed her? Her cheeks puffed out in a childish manner before she tilted her head to the side to check her surroundings from her even lower viewpoint. Burnt trees? A town turned to rubble? This whole place felt off. Nami hovered in front of Masaki, unaware of the change of scenery. " Crystal thing, do the crystal thing! " She chanted over and over.

@Goldencurls @LeSoraAmari
-=(John Star - Malnia Outskirts)=-

John blinked, he watched the exceed- 'Like, majestic steed but tinier? And not horse-like?'- Dash away from Sora. But that was the last thing he saw.

Blinding light washed over the room, John was so mesmerised at
Nami that Mr. Gray's voice was but a whisper in raging winds.

All John could see was white, he blinked but it didn't even go dark then. John stilled when he heard Nami, "Sora? Sora where are-" John tripped over something- no, some
one, who was on the ground. John groaned, his vision still impaired.

He felt the ground, it most definitely wasn't the same floor. He clenched his hands into fists; dirt and grass collected beneath. John shifted his body weight, "Do you think you could get from underneath me? I'm trying to fall here."

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Jaymes - Malnia Outskirts

Jaymes was very disoriented by the transition that Mr. Gray did. He stumbled slightly and found himself leaning against a tree as his vision swam for a couple of moments. After a little while, his vision cleared and he no longer feared he was about to hurl his breakfast across the grass. Looking around, he saw he was in a forest like area, though it was cold. Wondering why it was cold, he started to walk, and came out of the forest rather quickly. Before him was Malnia, completely wrecked with large deposits of ice everywhere. He was some of the people he had been with wandering around already in the town and so he headed in that direction. When he came to a large deposit of ice that had destroyed a house, Jaymes leaned down and sucked, using his Dragon Slayer magic to consume some of the ice. He blanched, it was disgusting, but it had affirmed his suspicions. He could sense the now minute traces of dragon magic within the ice. With that knowledge, he ran off to find others and warn them that there could be an ice dragon near.

Manlia Outskirts:Momoki Asada.

"Oh I'm Momoki but you can call me Momo.What's your name" Momoki asked the girl.She didn't really seem like the type of person to be in the Sabbertooth guild but who knew.After all Masaki's somehow in it.But if she wasn't in the same guild as Masaki how did they meet.This could be Masaki's girlfriend,but Momoki didn't think so.After all Momoki was pretty sure Masaki didn't want to date.At least not at the moment.Momoki was way to curious and couldn't stop herself,"Are you Masaki's girlfriend" Momoki said outloud then she quickly covered her mouth still wondering if she would answer,'Damn my big mouth' Momoki thought.

Tsundere Commencing

Grace smiled slightly as the girl introduced herself. It was always nice to meet someone new, even if they were from Fairy Tale. However, before she could continue their conversation, and embarrassing question flew out of Momoki's mouth. Her smile faded away and a bright blush covered her face. Did she really just ask that? "G-girlfriend? No no no, I'm not his girlfriend! Why on earth would I be his girl friend? I don't like him that much! Besides, why on earth would I be with him. I'm 100 percent sure he doesn't feel that way about me anyways! We're just adventure friends!" Her voice sounded very flustered and she spoke fairly quickly. Grace didn't even feel that way about Masaki, at least not yet. Yes, she thought he was cute, but that's it. And it doesn't mean anything. "Are you his girlfriend?"

Masaki Yamada: Malnia Outskirts

@Kayzo @WoodenZebra @Kyuubey

In a flash a strange light enveloped the room and almost in an instant everyone had teleported to what seemed to be the outskirts of Malnia. They were here. Masaki sighed, he was perfectly fine playing around with his magic but now he'd have to get his hands dirty. He chuckled at the thought, he was actually quite excited. The mage knew that he'd be able to show what he is capable of, after all, he was only made an S-Class a few days ago and he wanted to show people why. Sighing slightly, he watched as the girl from before fell at his feet and... An exceed? began to chant "Do the crystal thing" to which Masaki didn't know how to react to. Scratching his head he let out an awkward smile before helping the girl up and continuing, directing his speech to the cat. "You do know that now is not the time, right?" He chuckled slightly, the smile changing into his usual warm and welcoming one. But, here you go." He chuckled slightly and with a wave of his hand formed an orb out of crystal for the Exceed. "You won't be able to do anything with it, but I hope you like it-"

He was interrupted by the sounds of bickering. Strange bickering. And he knew just exqctly who was involved. Sighing he quicklymade his way towards Grace and Momoki before saying. "Guys! Don't draw unnecessary attention to yourselves, enemies could be nearby!" He spoke rather loudly himself. Contradicting his entire speech. It was in that moment, that Masaki realised what the argument was about. And his face became red with blush. Quickly, he turned away hoping nobody would see the tomato like state he was in. Sighing again, he spoke quietly to himself. "I hope they aren't like this when we run into trouble... Which will most likely be soon.."
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Malnia Village: Outskirts

As she made her way through the ruins she couldn't help but notice some of the other mages were more preoccupied in friendly chatter than any sort of work. If it wasn't for mages literally falling all over each other it was mages figuratively falling all over each other. She took particular notice of the later as she overhead two girls speaking about being someone's girlfriend. She couldn't help but smirk at the girl's obviously flustered response. "Someone's in looove~" She made sure she was loud enough for the duo to hear, offering a smug snicker before turning her attention elsewhere. Prying into other people's love-lives wasn't exactly a hobby of hers, but such blatant displays demanded some sort of remark. Leaving the two to their business she turned her attention towards another mage making his way down the street. He seemed to be in an awful hurry and curiosity quickly overtook her as she stopped the man in his tracks.

"Whoa there cowboy, what's the rush? Did you find something?" If she could get some kind of information from this man before the others she might be able to slip ahead of the pack and secure the reward entirely for herself. If that didn't work then at least she'd find out something, as the man clearly knew something the rest of them didn't.


Manlia Outskirts: Momoki Asada.

Momoki shook her head quickly and got really embarresed for making a akward moment,"We've been just friends for a long time because his mom is on the same team as my parents in Fairy tail" Momoki said her face blushing like crazy.She couldn't belive she actually said that,'Well that's another mark on the akward moments list' Momoki thought to herself.Then a girl said someones in looove.Momoki couldn't help but smirk a little espcially how at the same time Masaki came by and was about to say something,but turned around.Momoki knew he did this when he was embarresed.So while trying to ignore the comment or at least not smile Momoki turned a bit serious trying to change the subject,"So do you guys think there are actually dragons here?That Lucian guy seemed a bit strange.He could be trying to kill us if there are real life dragons here" Momoki said to them.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
Malnia: Outskirts

Grace gasped loudly as another Mage overheard and pitched in her own stupid comment. She stared at the girl, her wide stare forming into a frown. "You shut up! You don't know anything! Stop spreading your lies and keep to yourself." She snapped, taking in a deep breath and letting it out. She was trying her best to calm herself down but she simply couldn't do it. There were so many people pitching in now that she felt attack from all sides. To make matters worse, Masaki was now listening in. "Masaki, don't listen to them! They're making up a bunch of lies!" She pleaded, grabbing his arm and shaking it gently. "You have to believe me!"

@LeSoraAmari @Colt556

Sora Marvell - Malnia Outskirts

Sora was fine until an unnecessary weight collapsed itself upon her small frame. Now usually, she'd have all sorts of laughs about it, but hey... they were in a random place, and it wasn't exactly like she could see who was on-top of her. The cheeks filled with air puffed out even more as they went from extremely pale to a bright red as she heard John's voice above her. A boy was on her... His words fell upon her ears and this only outraged her more, thoughts going into a blind rampage within her head. G-Get out from underneath him? Is he... Wind erupted into a tornado around them as her palms calmly planted on the ground. A scary smirk crossed onto her features and before John could react she sent him flying into the air and held him there, gusts of circling air keeping him afloat above her. She stood up and dusted her skirt and tights off in a nonchalant manner. " You don't just fall on people and demand they get out from underneath you. " She exclaimed in a small, adorable, yet taunting voice before she flicked her hand and the tornado keeping him up dissipated, causing him to fall. " And there's the fall you desired. " A loud hmph noise followed her words before she turned to Nami and Masaki and watched the spectacle, her whole persona changing to a sweeter one. " Thanks for amusing Nami, she likes things that... shine, I hope she didn't bother you. " Nami had floated back to her, clutching the orb as if for dear life, staring at it in almost a creepy way. " Also, are you aware your face is quite red, are you feverish? " She inquired before slipping her gaze at the two bickering girls. " If you like someone, you should just tell them, but I hardly think this is the time or place. " And out comes S-Class Sora, her focus clearly adjusted to the mission. " Or maybe you both should tell him how you feel now in case something bad happens to either one of you. " She teased before turning to answer Momoki's question, clearly not feeling like herself due to the weird taste in the air. " There certainly was a dragon here, Momo. I can smell it,... and taste it. " She scrunched her nose a bit clearly not pleased with this. The atmosphere was putting her into a more guarded persona, hence her faded smile and straight forward commentary.

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Jaymes - Malnia

Jaymes had passed deeper into the town, which was apparent there had been other factors of destruction, such as fire and other mayhem. When someone told him to slow down, he turned to look at the girl he had spoken to at breakfast earlier this morning. "Yes. When I got here, I was out in the forest area, and upon proper arrival in the town, I saw a building destroyed with large clusters of ice." Jaymes said, walking briskly towards her. "It appears that Lucian was correct in his original claim that dragons were, at least partly, at fault. The I ice I encountered had traces of dragon magic in it." Jaymes said matter-of-factly. He didn't really care if the girl didn't believe him. He knew dragon magic better than near anyone except other Dragon Slayers. "The thing is, dragon magic, like all magic erodes after a time. If I could sense that magic, it means the dragon was here...within the last few hours." Jaymes finished, hoping that the reality of the situation would be obvious. The dragon(s) responsible for the sad state of the town could be close by.

Malnia Village: Outskirts

She folded her arms under her chest as she listened to the man, a skeptical expression evident on her face. "Dragons, eh?" Dragons had long been extinct, everyone knew that. Unfortunately it seemed as if this man had taken to the old man's story about these being dragon attacks. As if to make it even more absurd he claimed dragons had been here mere hours before? She had personally been here the other day and there was nothing to suggest dragons then, and nothing to suggest them now. She let out a sigh as she had dared to hope the man had some decent information. With a small shake of her head she turned around to continue her search, idly waving her hand in a dismissive fashion as she went. "Right, right, dragons... If you say so..." With the love triangle over there, the dragon nut over here, the only thought going through her mind was chastising herself for her own lack of investigation skills. If she had even a trace of detective blood in her this job would be a cinch seeing as all her competitors were either crazy or distracted, or both.

Masaki Yamada: Malnia Outskirts

The red on his face began to fade away after a few moments and Masaki returned back to his original, incrdibly calm state. His unimaginably calm state. Looking down to Grace as she shook his arm, he smiled, "It's okay. I believe you." The mage chuckled slightly before turning to the other mage with the exceed. He watched in awe as she effortlessly lifted the guy that was on top of her up and into the air with a flick of her wrist. "She uses Sky Magic... That's pretty cool.." He kept a smile on his face as he saw the exceed identified as Nami gazing at the crystal ball he gave her. "The pleasure is mine, I'm glad it will keep her entertained. But anyway I really should get back to focusing on the mission. It wouldn't look good on Sabertooth if I didn't.." He let out a deep breath before continuing, "Speaking of... Where the hell are the other members?" He chuckled slightly before shrugging it off and turning back to Momoki. "I've read many books, and quite a few on dragons. This level of destruction cannot be caused by a human mage no matter how powerful... So it would be safe to assume that it was in fact a dragon that caused this." He scratched his head, dragons have been extint for centuries though. The whole thing was confusing, but that only made Masaki want to find out more.

@Kayzo @WoodenZebra
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-=(John Star - Malnia - Outskirts)=-

John hissed as his rear collided with the ground; the grass did nothing to cushion it. Tears pricked at the corners of John's eyes, he rubbed slightly at his eyes but instantly regretted it; the dirt and grass from before still were on his hands. His eyes burned.

'All I know is ouch.' John wobbily stood up, he rubbed his sore rear end. He blinked; still all he could see was white. He could hear some mages chatting, one of them including Sora.

'Why isn't this damned white-ness going away? Maybe I died and I'm a ghost. Sora heard me... And I can definitely feel my lower back.' To make a point John lightly stretched; his back popped in protest. His wings were stiff and sore, they had hardly been moving, 'I should fly around Malnia, I'd probably get to see something, plus a good view couldn't hurt.'

John rubbed his hands on his pants, grass stains marking the once clean clothing. His clothing looked like he went partying on St. Patrick's Day and got cursed by a leprechaun, for playing literal
Twister. Speaking of which, 'I am fairly sure Sora is an air elemental mage . . . Probably. My butt would agree.' John sighed, he stood still for a moment, waiting for the blank sight to go away. But it didn't.

still can't see anything!" John made his complaint quite vocal, anger edging into his voice. John was not smiling for once; the current ability of not being able to see would be making him see red, but, you know, he can't see squat. John crossed his arms; like a child being denied candy, he blew black strands of hair out of his face.

@Kayzo @WoodenZebra @LeSoraAmari

Sora Marvell - Malnia Outskirts

This level of destruction cannot be caused by a human mage no matter how powerful... Masaki's words trickled into her head, causing a silly smirk to accompany her thoughts. Oh my, he surely would take that back if he watched how my training sessions as a child went. A small tilt of her head left her wondering what would happen next. She knew dragons were real and she also knew how powerful they were, though she was deterred by the fact that she knew most of the other guild mages wouldn't even believe they existed in the first place. Too many people were quick to throw them into the 'just a children's story' pile. She wanted to remove herself from the awkward swoon fest over Masaki that the two other girls were having, Sora finding herself above that level of lovey dovey drama. A warm smile was thrown in their direction before she motioned to Nami and cautiously took the crystal ball from her to gently place it in her backpack. " It'll be safe in here, I promise. " She assured the displeased looking Nami. As they were about to take off and survey the area from above, John spoke up verbally letting them know of his predicament. She skipped over to him, tilting her head back and forth. A few hand motions were made in front of his face to confirm his eyes weren't following her movement. Unghhh, I hope that wasn't because of me... She whined to herself, suddenly feeling bad. Both hands hovered over his face as she closed her own eyes, preparing to heal/cure him, manipulating the air so a glowing aura emitted from them to focus onto his eyes. She probably shouldn't be wasting energy on this but she did feel partly responsible. After a few minutes of silence and concentration, hoping it actually worked, she'd take a step back and gaze at him curiously. " Anything? "

@LeSoraAmari @Goldencurls
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Masaki Yamada: Malnia Outskirts

Standing there, Masaki waited for the group he seemed to have found himself in to set off. In all honesty, he was quite curious as to what the mages around him were capable of. He had seen Momoki in combat many times so already knew about her after all they used to train together, but Grace and Sora were definitely people he wanted to observe. Masaki loved learning about other people's magic after all, and what's better in doing so than to actually watch people use it? He smiled slightly, perhaps even the other guy present was skilled. Except he didn't know who he was, and he seemed to be blind at the moment. After a moment of silence, he realised that his earlier statement was entirely wrong. Human mages could cause such destruction, Master Gilad was a perfect example of that. Masaki frowned at the ignorance and miscalculation that he had succumbed to. He sighed, and believed that this was all because he hadn't been in a proper combat situation for a few days now. The red head scratched his head, he was eager to get moving. And hopefully that would happen sooner, rather than later.

@Kayzo @WoodenZebra @Kyuubey
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Malnia Outskirts

Grace let out a huge sigh of relief as Masaki said that he believed her. It would still be embarrassing if people teased her about it, but as long as he believed her then everything would be ok. "Thank you Masaki." She said softly, bringing his arm into a warm embrace. It was nice to hold something close like this, and she couldn't help it when a smile formed on her face. However a few seconds after hugging his arm she relaxed that this was just fuel to the fire, and quickly released his arm, crossing her own.

Malnia - Outskirts

Lloyd muttered to himself as the spell washed over him. It felt like being back at the portal all over again, except this time, it was slower, and far less painful to endure, much to his relief. A bright light washed over him again, leaving him blinded once again, as he squeezed his eyes shut and held a hand against his eyes to ineffectively shield them from the glare. Finally, the glare died down, leaving sparkles in his eyes. He had to wait until they cleared before he could open them again, only to squeeze them shut against the glare of the sun. "Urgh," he grumbled moodily to himself as once again his hand went to shield his apparently sensitive eyes so that he could take a look around him to see what was going on.

It... wasn't pretty. Burnt buildings, burnt ground, burnt trees. If there had been grass on the ground, well, they were burnt to a charred crisp to the point that he could not even recognize them as grass. Blackened trees devoid of leaves remained standing, looking like charred skeletons of their former selves. And beyond those sand remains, he saw remains of buildings, charred outlines where they had once stood. It was as if a great fire had wiped out the vibrant flesh of an area, leaving only skeletons. There were people moving about in the ruins, salvaging for the remains of family members or belongings, numbed looks on their faces. He sighed. It was a depressing scene. Yet there was nothing that convinced him that it was dragons at work. He would have to take a closer look. Or talk to these people, if he so dared.

Already, other mages were making their way through the ruins, he spied both familiar and unfamiliar faces. Grace and Masaki were off together again, followed by two other female mages whom he had yet to make their acquaintances. He smirked as he caught snatches of their conversation. Grace and Masaki seemed quite comfortable with each other by now. Ah, young love, what an invigorating sight. But it seemed that Grace was fine; in the company of these other mages, there was probably no need for him to keep an eye on her, much less follow her around. It seemed that Grace was going to be getting the independence she craved. Ferra, he had lost track off; she had run off somewhere, presumably to explore (like what he should be doing). He highly doubted any harm would come to any of them anyway; whatever it was that had destroyed the area had done a pretty effective job; there was no use in coming back again he presumed.

Yet, as he walked, he noticed something strange. In certain areas, trees and remains were completely uprooted, as if a great gust of wind had caught them, pulled them out of their roots and flung them great distances away. Other areas looked as if they had been flooded; he saw watermarks left on certain ruins. It was as if all the elements had combined to lay waste to the entire area, which was extremely strange. He recognized the signs; he himself knew them well as he made use of the elements in his own fighting style and he recognized the marks they left. This could not be the work of a natural disaster then. He could not think of a natural disaster that incorporated all the elements. Yet he did not want to blame dragons just yet; they were still extinct, and there were probably other causes, such as dark guilds at work. Well, he was here to find out just what it was.

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